GM Itzi |
Welcome to the Jungle!
Yeah, it's been done before. I still had to say it.
Looking for a place to call home beyond the crowded cities, you've made your way to the Sargavan settlement of Eleder. But even this seemed too crowded, too crushing. So you listened to more gossip and paid for more rumors and that has led you to board the Kaava Cutter, bound for Pridon's Hearth. A small colony on the very edge of the untamed jungle. Yes, this is what you have been looking for and now you're almost there.
Hello all. Welcome to the recruitment for my very first attempt at GMing a PbP game. I've taken various forms of advice to heart and I'll be running Ire of the Storm. I'll be looking for 4-6 characters of 1st level to participate. Assuming we survive all the way through it, those characters will end at about 6th level. My goal is to finish before the end of the year.
Stop laughing!
I heavily favor character driven games, so some drama is always nice. I'd like to keep the game on the conservative side of an 'R' rating, so please keep that in mind.
Getting older, FtF groups were harder to find. So back in the late 90's and early oughts, I moved into a number of PbE (Play by Email) games which really fired my love for the anonymity of the written game. This eventually progressed to forum games, but I came to that late. I've only been playing in them for about a year and a half.
Be warned, I love the structure and detail that the Pathfinder rules provide, but I favor RAI rather than RAW. And I heavily favor story over rules. If I get a rule wrong, feel free to point out my mistake - I'll most likely correct it. But there may be times when the story plays better without correction.
I'm in California (GMT-0700) and I can typically make small posts from 6AM to 9PM during the week. I'll most likely be putting up a single larger post around 2PM. Weekends get much more chaotic but I'm usually near a keyboard both days.
I will probably reserve one slot to give a first timer a chance to get their foot in the door. Otherwise, I will be checking post histories.
Also note, that I will hope, expect?, wish?, that you will have read Painlord's Building a Better Doomed Hero. In fact, if you're wanting to get in on the 'first-timer' slot, I'll expect you to let me know that you have read it. There is invaluable information there.
The is my first run as a PbP GM, so I want to keep the twists, turns, and corner cases to a minimum. Core only.
Boo! Hiss! But I really want to run my Aasimar Unchained Summoner that'll dip into Investigator and then Mesmerist!
Sorry, not this game. This will be a 20 point buy. Races, Classes, Feats, etc., out of the Core Book only.
But that's boring!
I like to think that good RPers can make a viable, fun, and entertaining character out of anything.
The one non-core element we will be using will be Background Skills. Please don't ask for more exceptions - I thought long and hard before I added that one, and at my age that counts as exercise which I hate.
Starting funds will be average per class and no pre-crafting gear. Speaking of crafting; There will be a little downtime, but probably not enough to warrant a lot of investing in Craft feats.
Alignments. No evil please. That includes Neutrals that pretend they're neutral, but like to dance on the line. We want heroes.
Character backgrounds can be tied together if you wish. The adventure will begin on the boat prior to making landfall at Pridon's Hearth.
My only recommendations would be to avoid depending on a mount (it's a jungle after all), and it probably wouldn't be bad to have at least one character that speaks Polyglot. Given the above limitations, I think any class/race can have fun in this particular adventure.
Submissions deadline will be Saturday, March 23rd at 10PM (my TZ - see above) and I'll announce the final choices Monday morning.
Wandering Wastrel |
Interested - and definitely not laughing! It's good to get more DMs on the forum :)
Have to confess, though: my paper/hardback CRB went the way of all things some years ago and I never replaced it due to the d20pfsrd and archives of nethys coming online. I now cannot remember what is and isn't Core, so please gently point out any errors I may make.
For example, am I right in thinking that traits aren't Core?
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I had the exact same issue. I tried to remember what archetypes are core. I found my core rulebook. Core has no archetypes. Brutal... I know...
Core is the core classes in original form, and some prestige classes that you won't make anyway. There are the 8 original wizard schools, quite a few cleric domains, and the most iconic bloodlines.
Also... Not a lot of feats. Weapon specialisation was still a thing to actually pick.
I'll uhm... Think about if I can make a cool character.
Also... Could you explain R-rating to a European? I'm not 100% certain about the ways I can swear, yet
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![Blue Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/greyhawk-dragon-2.jpg)
I love the idea of a Core game. There are so many options...it can be overwhelming sometimes.
The Pathfinder wiki entry for Pridon's Hearth doesn't have much information about the colony. Is there any information in the module that you can share?
Also, how are you going to be handling maps for the game?
Nairb the Grey |
Might be interested. PFSRD is my primary resource, so not fantastic for building with any set other than all paizo.
That list from Viondar will likely help, and there are a few filters that allow you to limit by source.
Let me think what I want to add to the characters I am currently running. For the setting you described I imagine nature based social characters would be best...so maybe a druid or ranger.
GM Itzi |
As far as maps are concerned, rolld20.net is my first choice, but if people have trouble with that, I'll fall back to google docs.
I'll put up some information about Pridon's Hearth later this evening. There won't be a lot initially - all you really know is that it's a small colony on the coast right next to the jungle.
@Nairb, An outdoorsy type will fit right in on some of this.
GM Itzi |
Ok, the campaign tab has all the information that anyone that was curious could dig up about Pridon's Hearth. The village profile itself is full of unknowns that won't be filled in until you're actually there and do some wanderin' about and chatting with locals.
@Viondar An 'R' rating would be about equivalent to a UK rating of '15'. You can swear all you want and be violent all you want, but we'll keep any explicit sex scenes off-camera. Yeah, I'm American and people over here get all hot-n-bothered about sex stuff (and not in a good way).
@Kehh Sorry, I won't be doing any PFS chronicles for this. Primarily because I don't know anything about them. I don't know anything about the limitations/requirements.
Nikolaus de'Shade |
![Hand of the Inheritor](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Herald-of-Iomedae2.jpg)
Nikolaus de'Shade wrote:Not laughing, I swear! But 'on the conservative side'? From you? Really?!?You shush. This is the 'in charge' bossy me. Maturity and all that crap.
Still not laughing...
I'm going to bring along a half-orc Barbarian, he'll basically be BRIAN BLESSED, complete with the loud voice and everything.
(@Brainiac/Wastrel: Ashlion's back! ;)) [I'd keep his original cleric of Gorum idea but someone else is already thinking cleric!]
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(@Brainiac/Wastrel: Ashlion's back! ;)) [I'd keep his original cleric of Gorum idea but someone else is already thinking cleric!]
Don't hold back on my account. I'm thinking caster cleric with negative energy. Gorum cleric might be something entirely different. Also, there are only 12 classes and no archetypes. Uniqueness will be found in the background, not the class.
GM Itzi |
Doing any research on the area would indicate that possible enemies might include:
Giant Insects
Any of those could be useful.
And if you don't mind a little less surprise ...
*looks around to see if anyone's listening*
lizardmen - definitely lizardmen
Brainiac |
![Pallid Mask](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO90114-Pallid_500.jpeg)
Alright, here comes Tygrah*, Battle Bride of Ashlion! She's a dual-wielding half-orc ranger with a burning hatred of reptiles for reasons that will become clear once I figure them out. ;)
Waiting on Nik's character to finalize backstory details, but here is the crunch:
CN Medium humanoid (human, orc)
Senses: Perception +5; darkvision 60 ft.
Initiative +2
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +3 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 13 (1d10+3)
Fort +4; Ref +4; Will +1
Defensive Abilities orc ferocity
Speed 20 ft.
Melee scimitar +5 (1d6+4/18-20) or kukri +5 (1d4+4/18-20)
Ranged longbow +3 (1d8/x3)
Special Attacks favored enemy (reptilian humanoids +2)
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 7
BAB +1; CMB +4; CMD 17
Feats: Dodge
Adventuring Skills: Heal +5, Intimidate +0, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4, Knowledge (nature) +4, Perception +5, Stealth +3*, Survival +5 (+6 to follow tracks)
Background Skills: Handle Animal +2, Knowledge (geography) +4
Armor Check Penalty: -3
Languages: Common, Orc
SQ: Track +1, wild empathy -1
Gear: Hide armor, scimitar, kukri, longbow, 20 arrows, ranger's kit*, traveler's outfit, potion of cure light wounds, 2 gp
*Ranger's Kit: This includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, iron pot, mess kit, rope, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.
And some random rolls:
Age: 1d6 ⇒ 5 + 14 = 19
Height: 2d12 ⇒ (11, 4) = 15 + 53 = 68 inches = 5'8"
Weight: 2d12 ⇒ (5, 4) = 9 x 7 = 63 + 110 = 173 lbs.
*Name subject to change between now and game start.
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![Jask Derindi](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9037-Jask.jpg)
"Behold BRIAN BLESSED ASHLION OF VUDRA!" Mighty warrior, slayer of creatures and famed lover! He is here to lead your forces to glorious victory, drink your ale and impress the socks* off you!
Age: 1d4 ⇒ 4 + 14 = 18.
Height: 2d12 ⇒ (5, 2) = 7 + 4'10 = 5'5"
Weight: 2d12 ⇒ (2, 12) = 14*7 + 150 = 248lbs
Wealth: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 4) = 14 *10 = 140gp
(*But nothing else - Tygrah would object otherwise and he doesn't want to upset her!)
Nairb the Grey |
Pai Throphentomp is also quite tall. She is halfway to 4' for goodness sake!
My gnomish bard on a mission to find the newest and most interesting stories, songs, and music is ready for play.
I will build a full profile for her on the boards if she is accepted.
GM Itzi |
Dotting my interest. Thinking about a Song’o Halfling Druid. Background along the lines as a member of the tribe sent to keep tabs on the colony under the guise of helping them.
A halfling wouldn't be out of place, but I'd prefer not to have anyone native to the area.
@ Niko : You shorted yourself a background skill point.
@ Brainiac : Looks good so far.
@ Nairb : It looks like you transferred two regular skill points to background skills. Just checking to make sure you did that on purpose. The craft skill is very fitting for the character, but just letting you know that you might not get a lot of time to use it.
Buhayra Sarraf |
![Winter-Touched Sprite](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9067-Sprite_90.jpeg)
@ Nairb : It looks like you transferred two regular skill points to background skills. Just checking to make sure you did that on purpose. The craft skill is very fitting for the character, but just letting you know that you might not get a lot of time to use it.
That actually was intentional. It felt wrong to allow a Bard to take Perform as a background skill when it is so applicable to most standard bard builds. As such I made the decision for myself to remove Perform from the Background skill list for this build.
The knowledge (history) skill rank is sub-optimal, but I feel like that is what she would have studied...Ultimately I plan on having her take a single rank in every knowledge skill to get the most out of Bardic Knowledge.
Rory of the Tiger Eye Monastary |
![Sajan Gadadvara](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9056-Sajan_90.jpeg)
I'd like to throw my hat in the ring for this adventure. First, to answer your questions:
Tell me a little about yourself, your gaming history, your time zone and when you usually post.
Give me your character concept and background - preferrable in a spoiler to avoid walls'o'text. I don't need a thousand words, but a few paragraphs would be nice. Why is your character heading to the tiny, hot and humid corner of the world that is Pridon's Hearth?
Thanks for the consideration!
X1234567890 |
Hello! This seems like a fun adventure, and I would like to apply.
My time zone is PST/PDT, the same as yours. I can definitely commit to posting once a day, weekends or weekdays. I may be able to post more if things are more active, but unfortunately, that's not something I can guarantee. My schedule is a little sporadic, so I don't have a set time each day in which I can sit down and post, but I do have time each day to do so. I am and have always been a very consistent person when it comes to PBPs; barring unforeseen circumstances, I have nothing going on in my life that will take away my ability to post once a day, and if something does happen, I will make sure to let the group know as long as I am able.
His familiar is a black cat named Felix who behaves... more or less like a cat than a supposedly "intelligent" creature. (For example, if he fails a concentration check, I am going to flavor it as his cat getting in the way.)
Lucas hails from Magnimar, Varisia. The hustle and bustle of city life had been really tiring, and he wanted to go somewhere new and different. He came across an opportunity to head to Pridon's Hearth, and after careful consideration, decided it was logically the best course of action for his life. It's definitely out of his comfort zone, as he is 100% an indoors person, but he managed to suck it up, and now he's on his way to adventure!
Feel free to let me know if you have any questions!
Thank you for your consideration!
GM Itzi |
Yeah, I know the feeling, Wastrel. That means you'll have more time to fend off a pair of overly friendly dhampirs. ;)
@Rory I don't think I've seen a sorcerer themed up quite that way before. Question then; Does he believe it's actually ki rather than magic?
@CBie Yep, this will definitely be outside Lucas' comfort zone. And keep an eye on the cat - lot's o' hungry critters in the jungle.
Rory of the Tiger Eye Monastary |
![Sajan Gadadvara](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9056-Sajan_90.jpeg)
@Rory I don't think I've seen a sorcerer themed up quite that way before. Question then; Does he believe it's actually ki rather than magic?
@GM Itzi, I know, right? That's kind of the fun. Rory is a re-skin of a FtF PFS character I played who had more of a balance between the melee touch attacks (think shocking grasp and abberant bloodline for melee reach) and the magic shuriken. The PbP Rory will be more ranged, I am thinking.
Just between you and me (and everyone else on the forums), at level one he thinks that his magical ability is just a unique form of Ki, although he may suspect it is somehow related to magic. With no material components needed, he uses stylized martial arts moves for somatic and Ki focusing vocalizations as verbal for his spells (justify with Perform/Martial Arts and a pretty sizable Bluff bonus).
As he gains in levels and learns that he can focus his Ki through magic items such as scrolls and wands, he may be forced to admit the true source of his power...Then again, he may just stay in Monk robes, take still/silent spell metamagic and improved unarmed combat feats and pump up bluff while wielding magic wands or rods linked by a chain pretending they are nuchukau...I like giving my characters somewhere to develop based on their experiences, and he could go either way.
X1234567890 |
@CBie Yep, this will definitely be outside Lucas' comfort zone. And keep an eye on the cat - lot's o' hungry critters in the jungle.
I'm not sure how you handle familiars, but I was hoping to have the cat as strictly RP. I don't plan to use him in combat or for anything really - he's Lucas' only friend, and Lucas would never let him out of his sight. Plus, he's a familiar, so I'd assume he's intelligent enough to not randomly wander off.
Also, do you RP familiars, or do you let the player handle that?
Rory of the Tiger Eye Monastary |
![Sajan Gadadvara](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9056-Sajan_90.jpeg)
Pai Throphentomp is also quite tall. She is halfway to 4' for goodness sake!
My gnomish bard on a mission to find the newest and most interesting stories, songs, and music is ready for play.
I will build a full profile for her on the boards if she is accepted.
Pai, interested in linking backstories with Rory, at least a bit (if we both get selected, of course)? I can see Rory linking up with a charismatic gnome entertainer and performing in a few gigs together before getting run out of tow....I mean, moving on to more rustic opportunities via fast sailing ship...
GM Itzi |
Here's a summary of what I've got so far. There's still a couple of days before the deadline. There's been good stuff so far and I'm looking forward to see what else comes in.
Current Submissions
Brainiac - Tygrah (half-orc ranger)
Brother_Guiness - Rory of the Tiger Eye Monastary (human sorcerer)
CBie - Lucas Ironbriar (elf wizard)
Nairb the Grey - Pai Throphentomp (gnome bard)
Nikolaus de'Shade - Ashlion of Vudra (half-orc barbarian)
Players dotted in but no submission yet
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![Blue Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/greyhawk-dragon-2.jpg)
I've been gaming for quite a few years. I'm currently running Iron Gods for one of my home groups and playing in Kingmaker in another. I'm getting ready to start running Carrion Crown for my kids.
I'm also running Emerald Spire on the Paizo boards.
Link to game
I work in the IT industry too in Ohio. My timezone is EST (GMT-4). I usually post in the morning before I leave for work and/or in the evening. I'm pretty consistent with posting, so I'm sure I'll be able to keep up with whatever pace this game goes with as far as posting.
Yolar Sundigr stands on the deck of the Kaava Cutter. He takes a deep breath of the salty sea air and sighs, ”I'm going to miss the open sea once we arrive.” He looks around after realizing he spoke this aloud instead of in his head. He isn't used to being in such close quarters with people...even on a ship as small as the one...
Yolar is a tall, pale man with blue eyes and long blond, gray hair tied behind him. He also has a long gray beard that whips in the wind. He's spent quite a few years in the jungles of the Mwangi Expanse, but wanderlust has taken hold of him. He is not one to eschew all human contact, but this quiet colony might be a fresh start without the bustle of a big city.
Yolar is a Cleric of Gozreh. It shouldn't take too long to put the crunch together.