John Falter |
I have an issue with how vague the class description is about the summoner's acquisition of an Eidolon. Now, I'm asking you: how did your summoner manage to get a being beyond their own power into doing their bidding?
Thus far, my concept's have usually been along the lines of an arcanist who made a deal with a powerful outsider, like a devil, to bind an Eidolon to them.
Petrus222 |
![Headhunter Wayfinder](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9435-Wayfinder2_90.jpeg)
I have an issue with how vague the class description is about the summoner's acquisition of an Eidolon. Now, I'm asking you: how did your summoner manage to get a being beyond their own power into doing their bidding?
Thus far, my concept's have usually been along the lines of an arcanist who made a deal with a powerful outsider, like a devil, to bind an Eidolon to them.
Maybe the eidolon crystallized out of a dying gods thoughts into the dark aether of astral space at the edge of time. Through planar exploration and arcane research, the summoners eventually discovered where these bits of conciousness were left and have been mining them ever since like we imagine doing to the asteroid belts.
(Actually that would make for an interesting campaign... what happens when enough of the god's conciousness is back on the prime material and all the eidolons stop listening to their master and act in concert on their own... maybe even converting the summoners to the clergy of the newly reformed pseudo god or killing the clergy of the gods who killed him in the first place.)
Or maybe Fictor Von Vrankenstein painstakingly sewed together the corpses of a dozen goblins before enacting a ritual powered by a lighting elemental to give an other worldly dream being a physical body. Sort of an extra planar safari if you will.
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My family have had one person in each generation take up the mantle of summoner for years. When one retires or passes on, the Eidolon is bequeathed the next summoner. The actual story is lost, but father says that out ancester found and cared for this dying outsider, helped to return it home. Eidolons, you see, they have families too. They were greatful for our kindness. Since that day their family and ours have been linked. They watch over us, and we watch over them.
xlapus |
I view Eidolon as something like psicrystals, being fragments of the Summoner's personality given physical form through sher force of the summoner's will.
In a game where elves are the dominant race, with humans being little more than slaves in the best of cases, my human summoner was able to finally escape captivity when a mysterious being suddenly appeared next to him as he was fighting his way past a group of guards, just as he's about to be killed, and gets him out safely. From there you get life on the run, learning how to voluntarily call the eidolon again, along with learning other ways to summon helpers and other spells.
QOShea |
The kobold summoner I'm going to be playing this Saturday firmly believes that he was given the knowledge of how to summon a draconic spirit into semi-mortal form by Bahaumat himself.
Lawful Neutral, firmly believes that the draconic races are superior, kobolds superior to all but dragons. Eventually (depending on the playtest and everything), he's going to get Leadership and his followers will be those he is teaching to be Summoners.
His Eidolon appears to be a green dragon, but has not yet formed fully enough in this plane to use its breath weapon, though its bite causes acid burns.
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I have an issue with how vague the class description is about the summoner's acquisition of an Eidolon. Now, I'm asking you: how did your summoner manage to get a being beyond their own power into doing their bidding?
Thus far, my concept's have usually been along the lines of an arcanist who made a deal with a powerful outsider, like a devil, to bind an Eidolon to them.
Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked my summoner's pet from the real world... it landed in Golarion...
I am working a celestial angle on one, with an outsider that is from the upper planes.
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I always wanted to fly. So I tried to join the Mages Guild Conjurers the instant I was old enough to try(8 years old for halflings), in order to learn how to conjur something large enough to carry me through the skies. I failed the test and ran home. That night, after locking myself in my room and crying myself to sleep, a silver serpent crept through my dreams and offered to be my friend and one day fly above all others.
When I woke up, I went to the Mages Guild and challenged a Conjurer novice to a Summons Duel. The entire guild burst out laughing. They shouldn't have done that, because once I called for Silver, the apprentice lost quickly. I left and never looked back.
Thelgun Hammerson |
As a member of an obscure and reclusive mountain, I practice an obscure form of magic that allows me to summon forth the spirits of my ancestors from the forges of the afterlife. My bond is strongest with immediate relatives, and my eidolon is the spirit of my departed father. My art allows him to continue to serve the clan even after his death, and I gain the benefit of his wisdom and his connection to more ancient ancestors.
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![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9093-RedDragon_500.jpeg)
My summoner is in a PF/Spelljammer game starting up in a few days.
I'm torn between the eidolon being a golem that she built from used Spelljammer ship parts, or it being a type of quasi-elemental like the ones used to power Spelljammers.
Perhaps you should make it a construct powered by the quasi-elementals?
Ruyovo Eturaineo |
I come from a family of summoners, with a long tradition of making pacts with outsiders from various elemental planes. I learned how to summon my eidolon by studying the secrets writings of my ancestors, finally traveling to the elemental plane of air to sign my name in blood in a pact with the air spirit Garuda. In accordance with the ancient pacts, I can now summon Garuda to the material plane. This is not to say that Garuda is my servant. It is a partnership of equals - an alliance between my house and the eidolons who allow us to summon them. Likewise, Garuda and I are equal partners in our travels together. Indeed, Garuda has many skills that I lack, but it my skill as a summoner that even allows her to be present on this plane. The eidolons have their own goals, of course. Just as my house is empowered by their presence, they gain an ability to affect the material plane that most do not have. The patriarchs and matriarchs of my house are as welcome in the courts of the outsider nobles as those same outsiders are welcome in ours.
Kjob |
![Venster Arabasti](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A17_Vensters_Ghost_HIGHRES.jpg)
As a young Gnome I had an imaginary friend, often we'd pull pranks on people, play games together, or just generally provide mutual entertainment. Through some innate spark and pure force of desire, I actually summoned and sculpted an Eidolon that matched my friend perfectly. I didn't even realize this was happening until the Eidolon manifested and interacted with the physical world directly in an effort to save my life when I had been ambushed by a small pack of goblins while playing outside once.
Or some such.
Kjell Frostbeard |
"So, there I was, facing off against a devil with just a plain iron axe, duty-sworn to protect my cruel master. The best I could pray for was a quick death, but this it's a devil we're talking about. I figured it was my penance for having worked for that Jeggare bastard all those years.
"I tightened my grip on my axe as the fiend prepared to strike. 'Oh Lord Erastil, forgive me for my foolishness', I prayed. Then, much to my surprise, a mound of white fur shot out of the closing portal and tore into the devil from behind! I don't think any of us there knew what to think, but I knew that I couldn't leave anyone else in the room alive if I wanted to survive; I buried my axe in that traitorous wizard and then turned on the Lord Jeggare.
"So, that's how I met Neifelbjorn. I still don't know where, precisely, he came from, and he's always been bearish -- haha! -- about filling me in. We work well together, though, so it's no skin off my back."
John Falter |
I have also seen the approach that it is a construct of pure magic created and held together by the will of the summoner, and that it is a summoned being of incredible might that requires a major portion of the summoners would be considerable power to hold in check.
I like this perspective a little more.
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I may have done a 'family' origin but keep in mind, I still do 'summon' the eidolon.
The big difference between a regular summon and the Eidolon summon is that you are summoning an aspect of a specific creature instead of the aspect of a general creature.
To this means that the summoner needs to be in some way familiar with the actual outsider.
Malagfein |
Being a half elf, and never fitting in anywhere when he summoned his eidolon, it ended up a cross between Gmork and American McGee's Alice's Cheshire Cat - dark and crazy, smart, and his manifestation of his inherent madness that plagues many half-elves and their solitary nature, with all the snark.
Spite (the eidolon's name) keeps him sane, by letting out his frustrations and own insane thoughts at times, as well as protecting him from those around him that would hurt him, physically or mentally.
After all, you can't make crazy more crazy.
The Weave05 |
Poor, picked on abused little halfling only ever had an imaginary friend to talk to and hang out with..
all the other halflings would pick on him and call him names, berating him for his foolish fantasies.. until the day his imaginary friend picked back.
Because my world is largely based off of a Jungian stylized dream, I also use this explanation.
Eidolons are imaginary friends that never really left. Sometimes they're the physical memory of a long forgotten creature, sometimes they're the product of a psychotic mind that finds its way to the outer world. Sometimes, they're the shadow of the person's ideal self, crafted to embody the features the summoner wishes he/she had.
Its this kind of thought that can really get my gears working for campaigns...
QOShea |
Because my world is largely based off of a Jungian stylized dream, I also use this explanation.
Eidolons are imaginary friends that never really left. Sometimes they're the physical memory of a long forgotten creature, sometimes they're the product of a psychotic mind that finds its way to the outer world. Sometimes, they're the shadow of the person's ideal self, crafted to embody the features the summoner wishes he/she had.
Its this kind of thought that can really get my gears working for campaigns...
This is the world of Calvin and Hobbes LOL.
MaverickWolf |
![Hoary Muntjac](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/9HoarynMuntjac.jpg)
How did I find my partner? Ha....You misunderstand this relationship. I didn't find him. He found me, and taught me things I might never have no otherwise.
Do I find it a little strange? Miss, when a creature of such pure good and law offers an orphan a chance to be somebody special, the orphan doesn't question it.
No, I don't run around with an angel. He allows me to draw on his power to form a guardian and friend. He has more important things to be doing that don't involve mortals. But he warned that if I abused this power, I would pay dearly for my mistakes, and I believe him.
The Weave05 |
The Weave05 wrote:This is the world of Calvin and Hobbes LOL.Because my world is largely based off of a Jungian stylized dream, I also use this explanation.
Eidolons are imaginary friends that never really left. Sometimes they're the physical memory of a long forgotten creature, sometimes they're the product of a psychotic mind that finds its way to the outer world. Sometimes, they're the shadow of the person's ideal self, crafted to embody the features the summoner wishes he/she had.
Its this kind of thought that can really get my gears working for campaigns...
I WILL make a summoner named Calvin now. :]
SanguineRooster |
![Cinder Wolf](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PJ4.-Hellhound.jpg)
My summoner is a very angry man, and his anger often gets in the way of getting anything done. My Eidolon was developed out of necessity. Somewhat along the lines of the "imaginary friend" concept, except he would only appear and speak to the summoner during moments of great hatred. He is cool-headed and somewhat sinister, but with ultimately altruistic motives. He is there to offset my summoner's personal anger problems and keep him logical and calm.