Times of Turning: Final Days (Inactive)

Game Master DarnChaCha

Initiative Order:


Skeletal Horde
Brunkk <=

Male Pig CR 1/3 Pig |

Still working things out, but please put character sheets and anything relevant in here. And any questions you might have.

Male Goblin Vivisectionist Trap Breaker 10


HP: 39/39| AC: 19 FF: 17 Touch: 11 CMD: 21| Init: +2|Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +3|Perception +7, Sense Motive +7| Darkvision, Low-Light Vision


Fiend Keeper 3 HP: 8/33|Influence: 3| AC: 20 FF: 18 Touch: 13 CMD: 19|Init: +2|Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +6 [+2 vs Charm/Compulsion]|Sense Motive +0, Perception +6, Low-Light Vision


Male Pig CR 1/3 Pig |

So how would you guys like to do Initive, I know there are several ways to do it, Is there a preference for you guys?

I actually prefer it if the GM just rolls Initiative for everybody at the start of a combat. Keeps things rolling.

Male Pig CR 1/3 Pig |

Yeah, but do you want turn by turn or group initiative?

Fiend Keeper 3 HP: 8/33|Influence: 3| AC: 20 FF: 18 Touch: 13 CMD: 19|Init: +2|Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +6 [+2 vs Charm/Compulsion]|Sense Motive +0, Perception +6, Low-Light Vision

Turn by turn is probably best for us since we'll likely be outnumbered the majority of the time and enemies getting 5 actions in a row is terrifying.

Male Pig CR 1/3 Pig |


Ah, yes.

For TRULY huge numbers of enemies (10+) batch Initiative still works, wher eyou split them up into 3-4 man groups. But for this? Yeah, 1 by 1.

Male Pig CR 1/3 Pig |

About Luck Rolls

I've seen luck rolls used before in other games to great success, I like them because I feel like they break up the slog of combat and keep it from being a back and forth slugfest. You know, A attacks B, B attacks A, Repeat a million times, it's lame so I'm trying this out.

Something about how I envision them.

1-25% = Bad Luck
26-50% = Neutral
50-99% = Good Luck
100% = Critical Luck the gods smile upon you.

These will be things that effect combat or actions you take that come with a deal of uncertainty, It's at my digression when to use these and they are not really something I plan 100% ahead of time. And are mostly for fun

About Bad luck. These may have some combat effects, for example the first bad luck roll resulted in the Skeleton picking up a Pickaxe rather than his Hatchet, giving him a slightly better weapon. The good luck roll in this case would of been the shelf tipping over on top of him and his friend.

Bad luck rolls will Never Destroy loot and infact my result in more in certain cases.

Bad luck rolls will Never Kill your character, Example there will never be a case where I make a badluck roll and POOF your character is dead. That is Unacceptable in my eyes.

Bad Luck rolls will hardly is ever cause direct damage. If I deem it reasonable there may be cases, but I will avoid them unless I can really justify it.

Bad Luck rolls may result in enemies with better items, Encounters with enemies, Terrain effects, and Cosmetic stuff I find funny

Bad Luck may not result in the death of a character directly, but it may happen indirectly. Like with any combat an enemy might get that crit they needed to slay you, or you may fail a critical save or skill check at a critical moment. And these may happen to be something that happened on the back of a bad luck roll, I can't control when the dice just are not in your favor, but I will try to avoid making it lame.

If the Luck rolls turn out to be a ball ache and unfun. I will just cut them, but for now I want to see how they work.

All feedback appreciated.

Just to clarify, luck isn't going to change the results of other rolls besides how ti already does, right?

Bad Luck may not result in the death of a character directly, but it may happen indirectly. Like with any combat an enemy might get that crit they needed to slay you, or you may fail a critical save or skill check at a critical moment. And these may happen to be something that happened on the back of a bad luck roll, I can't control when the dice just are not in your favor, but I will try to avoid making it lame.

This is the only part that really worries me. If Luck (good or bad) can turn a missed hit into a critical or vice versa, I'd rather not have that function. Even when it works in my favor, mind. That's one step too far into pure RNG for my taste.

Male Pig CR 1/3 Pig |

Nah, It will not effect any rolls.

Male Pig CR 1/3 Pig |

My 3rd and 1st person consistency is god awful in RP's that's always been a problem with me, I hope none of you care that much, because it will not be something I fix.

As a note BTW, Bites and Claws do Bludgeoning damage (Bites deal B/P/S, and Claws B/S).

Male Pig CR 1/3 Pig |

Claws do Bludgeoning? What do fists to piercing now? Very well, both boys are re-deaded then

I'm just saying, when my cat flaws my arm, It's not bludgeoning it, that's for sure. but it's not a big enough deal to care about.

It's actually one of the more sensible things based on realism in PF. When big cats and the like hunt, they don't just slash with their claws, they slap the ever-loving shit out of what they're hunting and happen to rake them with the claws on the way by.

The slappening is what does most of the damage and stuns the prey so they can just pounce, bite, and continue raking and shaking until it's dead.

Edit: That's because your cat isn't trying to kill you/is too small to do so. Watch your cat hunt a lizard or a mouse some time and you'll see what I'm talking about.

Male Pig CR 1/3 Pig |

My cat would run away from a mouse or lizard.

Male Pig CR 1/3 Pig |

Heads up, I know the last two battles have been pretty yawn inducing, making Combats is just is not something I'm too well versed at, but after watching some videos and re tweaking things a bit I think I got a better balance. I can't really solve the Brunkk question, so I just am gonna have to live with him hitting like a truck, cause if I jack up HD or AC too high that's no fun for anyone.

Brunkk actually hits about as hard as the average 3rd level Brawler, and is less accurate.

I didn't buy my Str too high, so it's only 20 (18-20 is the usual for this level), and he uses d8's instead of d6's, with a -1 size penalty to attack rolls (so +1 damage for -1 attack).

What you should do is either:

A.) Increase the NUMBER of enemies we fight, if they're all mooks.

B.) Make more monsters with unique special abilities (monsters that just attack will never be interesting, and nor will they ever be a challenge without boosting their attacks to supercharged levels).

C.) Incorporate special terrain or conditions (flying enemies, nearby lava dealing constant nonlethal dmaage, that kinda thing).

D.) Any combo of the above.

Male Pig CR 1/3 Pig |

I already got some ideas for all of those so it's fine

Male Goblin Vivisectionist Trap Breaker 10

Careful about making things too wild since we're pretty lowball flexibility wise.

Male Pig CR 1/3 Pig |

Don't worry, I don't plan on making anything you couldn't possibly beat.

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