Times of Turning: Final Days (Inactive)

Game Master DarnChaCha

Initiative Order:


Skeletal Horde
Brunkk <=

Were using Automatic Level Progression +2, Background Skill, As well as Lemmy's houserules minus the level progression.


This a Medium Fantasy and Tech setting with a divine influence that us present but disconnected.

This campaign takes place on the world of Domus, Domus is a world that has a long history of Divine intervention, In a time before time the world a Divine battleground like many other spheres. And Divine beings jockeyed for dominion over the planet often using their creations as the tools of their will. This time would come to an end when the hero, Domusias, through acts of bravery would be ascended to godhood, His first act would be to smash the tool of his ascension, And use his power to in effect, force the Divine beings off Domus and shield it from their direct influence.

This happened a long time ago, most of the facts have long faded into mist and legend, for Domus has changed. The setting begins in a time many are calling the Age of Invention. Technology is changing, In the east Armies more and more no longer fight with sword and axe but rather have taken up the Rifle. Cities that once stood unchallenged to all invaders since antiquity are falling to the Cannon. While more and more people speak of the a new land out eat, past the endless ocean there lies a lost continent inhabited by savage Beastfolk, A land untapped and unclaimed.

This is a Time of change, Many of the old way of the world are being rewritten, Maps are being redrawn just in the last few decades, To the long lived the world seems to have descended into madness.


Magic is not unknown but is difficult to manage and rare to manifest. There are schools dedicated to magical study and orders that hold great influence, But it's simply the fact that a vast majority of people could never learn a single cantrip even after years of study. Utility magic is rare, and only really something you see among wizards who are viewed as almost mythical by the average person. Any spell that interacts with things such a plane shifting or divination is difficult and the amount of effort it takes to shift between planes or communicate with another plane directly is so costly it tends to far out weight the cost put into it. Because of this Outsiders are rare as are their offspring, And the ones that do manage to make it through by this nature tend to be the most vicious or brilliant. Divine magic is still gifted but direct divine intervention is rare, and communication with Divine beings is even rarer. The difficulty to manifest divine power means that much like with Arcane, people so blessed to be able to call such powers are rare and viewed at with wonder.


Technology is becoming more advanced with every passing year, Gunpowder is becoming common out east, and spreads further west with each passing year, The Printing Press has also been invited out east, And even the infant signs of industrialization. That being said, Tech is not so utilitarian that the average person can easily own a gun, guns are still primitive and require a great deal of training to manage and are only really viable in large scale campaigns in wide open battlefields, Even out east people will still brandish swords and axes. Old ways die hard, and people are resisting these changes, but people wonder how long before these new ways spread to every corner of the map.