GM The Masked Ferret's 05-08 The Confirmation [2019-02] (Inactive)

Game Master The Masked Ferret

This is a run of PFS 05-08 The Confirmation. Please note that the dial has been turned up to 11 for this one.
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Grand Lodge

Rusthenge || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

Figg, I'm having trouble finding that Intimidating Glare ability to tell what the DC is (I only find a barbarian ability of that name). Can you link it to me?

Let's see if it matters:

Will, stare, jinxed: 1d20 + 5 - 1 - 2 ⇒ (7) + 5 - 1 - 2 = 9 It does not.

Grand Lodge

Janira tries again to disarm the minotaur.

disarm, mwk whip, IC, fatigue: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

The sticky goo coating the minotaur slows its reflexes, allowing Janira to nimbly pull the axe from its hands!

Grand Lodge

Rusthenge || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

Disarmed and befuddled, the minotaur leaves its axe lying on the ground and walks calmly toward Figg. Well that was a nice bit of synergy. The movement provokes AoOs from Mukbud, GAB!, and Oliver.


(End of round 3, beginning of round 4)

  • GAB! May take AoO
  • Figg
  • Mukbud -10hp, may take AoO
  • Borbert
  • Oliver May take AoO
  • Janira
  • Minotaur -1 hp. Jinxed, entangled (2/4), disarmed.
  • Stuu

    Whole party may act.

  • Dark Archive

    Male CN Half-Elf Oozemorph 1 |HP13/13|AC13|T13|FF10|CMD 15|Fort +4|Ref +5|Will -2|Speed 30ft|Initiative +3|Pantomime Bluff +6|

    Oliver, seeing his opportunity, strikes the minotaur with a mighty "BLRRPT!"

    Morphic Dagger: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 + 2 = 8 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

    Only to swing right where the minotaur was, missing.

    Grand Lodge

    Male Human Male Shifter 1, HP 18/18, AC 9, touch 9, flat-footed 9, cmb +6, cmd 15, Fort +6, ref +1, will - 2, speed 30, perception +2, initiative +1

    Stuu rushes towards the minotaur and bashes it with one of its tentacles.

    charge attack and provoking an AoO.

    tentacle: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 5 + 2 = 12

    damage (B): 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

    Grand Lodge

    Rusthenge || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

    AoO Gore, entangled: 1d20 + 4 - 2 ⇒ (5) + 4 - 2 = 7
    damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

    The minotaur takes wild swipe with its horns as Stuu approaches, but in its beffudled, entangled state it doesn't come particularly close to hitting. Oliver misses, but the glue that still covers the creature's body slows it down enough that it can't evade Stuu's glorpy attack! The creature nearly falls as blood oozes from its wounds, but still it stands, defiant!

    GAB!, Figg, Mukbud, and Borbert may act.

    Grand Lodge

    N male Halfling Mesmerist 2 | HP : 2/15 | AC/FF/T 12/11/12 | Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +5 | Init +1 | Tricks 5/6 | lvl 1 : 4 / 4

    It is a feat here.

    Concentration DC 17: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13 fail, 5ft step back

    Sovereign Court

    Neutral Good Half Orc Shifter 3 Lorewarden Fighter 2| HP53/53 | AC10 T10 FF10| CMD 18 | Fort 8 Ref 4 Will 2 | Speed 30ft / Climb 10ft | Initiative +0| Perception: +7 DR 5/- and 4/Slashing Vim and Vigor: 6/6 (2d6) | Buffs/Debuffs:

    GAB! swings with that attack of opportunity at the Minotaur.
    Blorp Attack!: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
    Tentacle Damage! (P): 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

    Then GAB! strides on up to the Minotuar and attacks again!
    DeDorp Attack!: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
    Tentacle Damage! (P): 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

    Grand Lodge

    Rusthenge || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

    GAB! takes advantage of the minotaur's stupor to land a vicious blow! The beast lets out a sorrowful wail as it falls to one knee, leaving it wide open to GAB!'s goopy followup, striking the monster down! Out of combat.

    Grand Lodge

    "Gods am I glad to see you oozes, and you too Figg!I thought I was a goner when I couldn't shake that beast in the forest. Are any of you hurt? Do you still have my wand?"

    Sovereign Court

    Neutral Good Half Orc Shifter 3 Lorewarden Fighter 2| HP53/53 | AC10 T10 FF10| CMD 18 | Fort 8 Ref 4 Will 2 | Speed 30ft / Climb 10ft | Initiative +0| Perception: +7 DR 5/- and 4/Slashing Vim and Vigor: 6/6 (2d6) | Buffs/Debuffs:

    "PBBBBBBBBBBBBBT!" GAB! tosses the wand at Jinera, then waves it's tentacle high in an attempt to show it needs healing.

    Grand Lodge

    "Oh!" Janira deftly catches the wand, then holds it out with two fingers, trying to shake some of the residual goo off of it. "Uh...wonderful, thanks. Here, let me heal you up."

    She uses the wand to heal GAB! and Mukbud (and anyone else that's injured). Once she's satisfied you're all healed then she turns the wand on herself, leaving a damp patch of goo on her arm where the gooey wand touched it.

    "Well, out with it! How was the cave? Did you complete your mission?"

    Grand Lodge

    "If you have more exploring to do, go ahead and do it, otherwise, let's start hiking back to Absalom. We can take it a little slower on the way back, though, and enjoy the natural beauty of the island."

    Let me know if you want to go back in and explore the other passage way, or if there's anything else you want to do. Otherwise we can head back to Absalom and wrap this up.

    Sovereign Court

    Neutral Good Half Orc Shifter 3 Lorewarden Fighter 2| HP53/53 | AC10 T10 FF10| CMD 18 | Fort 8 Ref 4 Will 2 | Speed 30ft / Climb 10ft | Initiative +0| Perception: +7 DR 5/- and 4/Slashing Vim and Vigor: 6/6 (2d6) | Buffs/Debuffs:

    "PBBBBT PBBBT PBT!" GAB! excitedly holds up a note of paper that looks like a crayon drawing of the cave and the Gillman. It also shows the little city. The paper is only slightly goopy.

    Grand Lodge

    Human HP 13/13. AC 15 TAC 15 FAC 10 Fort 4 Ref 7 Will 0 Shifter 1 CMD 16. Speed 30 ft. Neutral. Initiative +7

    After crossing the river Borbert chimes in
    "We discovered the Gilman was on a pilgrimage to the cave. there is also remnants of an old Aroden worship site in the cave."

    Grand Lodge

    "Oh, how fascinating! To think that such a remote cave could have such history, and for two faiths! Better not wait too long to start writing your report; you'll want to record everything while it's fresh in your mind." Janira picks up GAB!'s drawing and chuckles. "Here's a good start!" she says with a grin. "Anyway, ready to head out?"

    Sovereign Court

    Neutral Good Half Orc Shifter 3 Lorewarden Fighter 2| HP53/53 | AC10 T10 FF10| CMD 18 | Fort 8 Ref 4 Will 2 | Speed 30ft / Climb 10ft | Initiative +0| Perception: +7 DR 5/- and 4/Slashing Vim and Vigor: 6/6 (2d6) | Buffs/Debuffs:

    "PBT!" GAB! starts rolling in the direction it believes is home... Only to realize that was the wrong way, then comes back and goes the proper direction to return to the Lodge.

    Dark Archive

    Male CN Half-Elf Oozemorph 1 |HP13/13|AC13|T13|FF10|CMD 15|Fort +4|Ref +5|Will -2|Speed 30ft|Initiative +3|Pantomime Bluff +6|

    Oliver begins moving back to the cave, but noticeing GAB! follows after. He also give Janira a full report of the adventure on the way back.

    I'll put the simple message notes I wrote down... when I remember to have them at a computer.

    Grand Lodge

    Two is enough votes for me.

    After an uneventful journey back, you're greeted by an enthusiastic Kreighton Shaine."Oh my, that's wonderful! I'm glad to see you all back in one piece, though from what Janira has told me, that was a near thing. Wonderful job guiding and protecting them, Janira! I knew I could count on you."

    Shaine spends some time reading over your notes, pausing to ask questions and to theorize on the meaning and history of the things you've found.

    "Make sure to write up your report thoroughly..." he glances at the collection of oozes before him, "...somehow. After all, at this moment you are the world's foremost authority on those caves. It's only fitting, then, that you should name them! So, what shall we call the place?"

    Grand Lodge

    Rusthenge || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

    Three days later, the three deans of the Society, Master Shaine, Master Zey Westyr, and Master Farabellus confirm you as full Pathfinder field agents. As part of the ceremony, they give each of you a personalized wayfinder, to remind you that this is not only the symbol of the Pathfinder’s trade but also a reminder of the three principle duties: explore, report, and cooperate.

    If this is your first time playing the Confirmation, you get a free wayfinder. If you have already received a free wayfinder on another character, you may spend one prestige point to get one for this character, too (or you can buy one for 250gp).

    Dark Archive

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Male CN Half-Elf Oozemorph 1 |HP13/13|AC13|T13|FF10|CMD 15|Fort +4|Ref +5|Will -2|Speed 30ft|Initiative +3|Pantomime Bluff +6|

    Oliver's' account of the adventure is as follows:

    big hole by entrance
    had to cross hole
    Figg fell down hole
    board on far side
    board used to cross
    Stuu climbed down hole
    Figg and Stuu found cloak
    Stuu got Figg out
    found large cavern
    cavern lit by everburning torches
    found carvings in cavern
    only four carvings intact
    the soldier
    the craftsman
    the tailor
    and the shepard
    carvings are 12 guises of Aroden
    found gillman in pool
    gillman had similar cloak
    we gave cloak to gillman
    Figg spoke to gillman
    diorama in pool
    diorama is of Absolom
    water in pool is sacred to gillmen
    can perform rituals for diorama
    only found one
    Mukbud scared frogs
    ritual made diorama glow
    then we moved on
    down stinky tunnel
    attacked by zombies
    zombies hurt Stuu
    but we beat them
    found stuff
    also found dead corpse
    headed back to main area
    found hidden tunnel
    went down new tunnel
    there we found oozes
    made friends with oozes
    ooze dance party
    friend oozes leave
    we go back to gillman
    gillman heal injured
    then we continue
    ooze friends clear way
    they eat unknown creatures
    we start to hear you
    we found exit near you

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