GM The Masked Ferret's 05-08 The Confirmation [2019-02] (Inactive)

Game Master The Masked Ferret

This is a run of PFS 05-08 The Confirmation. Please note that the dial has been turned up to 11 for this one.
Slide Deck

Sovereign Court

Male Ferret PF1e ***** SFS ***** PF2e **** GM

This is the Discussion thread for an upcoming run of PFS 05-08 The Confirmation

Grand Lodge

N male Halfling Mesmerist 2 | HP : 2/15 | AC/FF/T 12/11/12 | Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +5 | Init +1 | Tricks 5/6 | lvl 1 : 4 / 4


Sovereign Court

Male Ferret PF1e ***** SFS ***** PF2e **** GM

Started the ball rolling...

Dark Archive

Male CN Half-Elf Oozemorph 1 |HP13/13|AC13|T13|FF10|CMD 15|Fort +4|Ref +5|Will -2|Speed 30ft|Initiative +3|Pantomime Bluff +6|

For those wondering how I communicate with secret messages see the trait expressive pantomime:

Grand Lodge

N male Halfling Mesmerist 2 | HP : 2/15 | AC/FF/T 12/11/12 | Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +5 | Init +1 | Tricks 5/6 | lvl 1 : 4 / 4

Fair enough

Sovereign Court

Neutral Good Half Orc Shifter 3 Lorewarden Fighter 2| HP53/53 | AC10 T10 FF10| CMD 18 | Fort 8 Ref 4 Will 2 | Speed 30ft / Climb 10ft | Initiative +0| Perception: +7 DR 5/- and 4/Slashing Vim and Vigor: 6/6 (2d6) | Buffs/Debuffs:

I would like to thank figg for joining in on one of the most insane adventures ever and working really well with the idea.

Sovereign Court

Male Ferret PF1e ***** SFS ***** PF2e **** GM

This is going to be... interesting.

Sovereign Court

Male Ferret PF1e ***** SFS ***** PF2e **** GM

Does everything have everything they want to purchase?

Grand Lodge

N male Halfling Mesmerist 2 | HP : 2/15 | AC/FF/T 12/11/12 | Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +5 | Init +1 | Tricks 5/6 | lvl 1 : 4 / 4

Yup. Figg can carry some things if you blorp over.

Sovereign Court

Male Ferret PF1e ***** SFS ***** PF2e **** GM

Slide Deck is up.

Please put a token on slide #2

Sovereign Court

Male Ferret PF1e ***** SFS ***** PF2e **** GM

GAB! Initiative (+2): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
Oliver Initiative (+3): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Mukbud Initiative (+6): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
Borbert Initiative (+7): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Stuu Initiative (+1): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Figg Initiative (+1): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
large, horse like thing Initiative (+2): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
small, horse like thing Initiative (+4): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

Sovereign Court

Male Ferret PF1e ***** SFS ***** PF2e **** GM

I probably waited too long to post, but I was seeing if there was more RP you guys wanted to do before combat.

Grand Lodge

Male Wayang Shifter 1 | HP : 3/13 | AC: 15+3 FF:11+1 T:15+1 | Fort +4, Ref +6+1, Will +1 | Init +4+1

Hey, dropping a heads up. I'll be going to a convention over the weekend and it will involve a lot of volunteer GMing. My posting may slow down over the next few days.

If you need to bot Mukbud, he's about as simple as they come, full attacking with morphic weapons when needed while flanking when it's feasable.

Sovereign Court

Male Ferret PF1e ***** SFS ***** PF2e **** GM

Sounds good

So did the horse attack Oliver, or did it run AoO from Borbert amd GAB?

Sovereign Court

Male Ferret PF1e ***** SFS ***** PF2e **** GM

I’m on vacation with the family this weekend(and Presidents’ Day) and I will be posting slower. Last night we all were exhausted and went to bed.

Sovereign Court

Male Ferret PF1e ***** SFS ***** PF2e **** GM
Baittner wrote:
So did the horse attack Oliver, or did it run AoO from Borbert amd GAB?

Oliver. Sorry.

Dark Archive

Male CN Half-Elf Oozemorph 1 |HP13/13|AC13|T13|FF10|CMD 15|Fort +4|Ref +5|Will -2|Speed 30ft|Initiative +3|Pantomime Bluff +6|

I feel I should also point out that the pink one has not been moved into a position where it could have attacked me on the slide deck yet. I doubt it would change much, maybe GAB!s to hit but not much else.

Sovereign Court

Male Ferret PF1e ***** SFS ***** PF2e **** GM

Sorry, guys. I forget about this game, as I was working on a convention.

Grand Lodge

Male Wayang Shifter 1 | HP : 3/13 | AC: 15+3 FF:11+1 T:15+1 | Fort +4, Ref +6+1, Will +1 | Init +4+1

Happy to have you back!

Sovereign Court

Neutral Good Half Orc Shifter 3 Lorewarden Fighter 2| HP53/53 | AC10 T10 FF10| CMD 18 | Fort 8 Ref 4 Will 2 | Speed 30ft / Climb 10ft | Initiative +0| Perception: +7 DR 5/- and 4/Slashing Vim and Vigor: 6/6 (2d6) | Buffs/Debuffs:

Excellent, glad to have you back!

Sovereign Court

Male Ferret PF1e ***** SFS ***** PF2e **** GM

Are we waiting on me?

Sovereign Court

Male Ferret PF1e ***** SFS ***** PF2e **** GM

all, I have not been giving this game the attention it deserves. I will pe passing the GM hat on to Dennis, who is a great GM.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rusthenge || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

Hi everyone! I'm excited for some oozy goodness. I'll read through your thread and get things moving this afternoon/evening.

Grand Lodge

Rusthenge || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

Hey all, we haven't had much movement this week, so I want to confirm that you're still interested in continuing this game. I know you signed up to play with Masked Ferret, and I won't be offended by anyone that doesn't want to continue with me.

Grand Lodge

N male Halfling Mesmerist 2 | HP : 2/15 | AC/FF/T 12/11/12 | Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +5 | Init +1 | Tricks 5/6 | lvl 1 : 4 / 4

I do want to continue. the last fwe days have been full for me and it will continue into tomorrow/today for most of you.

Grand Lodge

Rusthenge || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

That's no problem, I just want to make sure everyone is still on board.

Grand Lodge

Male Wayang Shifter 1 | HP : 3/13 | AC: 15+3 FF:11+1 T:15+1 | Fort +4, Ref +6+1, Will +1 | Init +4+1

100% Still down to play! I'm having fun with Mukbud and all of the oozy bois.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Male Shifter 1, HP 18/18, AC 9, touch 9, flat-footed 9, cmb +6, cmd 15, Fort +6, ref +1, will - 2, speed 30, perception +2, initiative +1

Im still good to go

Sovereign Court

Neutral Good Half Orc Shifter 3 Lorewarden Fighter 2| HP53/53 | AC10 T10 FF10| CMD 18 | Fort 8 Ref 4 Will 2 | Speed 30ft / Climb 10ft | Initiative +0| Perception: +7 DR 5/- and 4/Slashing Vim and Vigor: 6/6 (2d6) | Buffs/Debuffs:

Ready to rock.

Sovereign Court

Neutral Good Half Orc Shifter 3 Lorewarden Fighter 2| HP53/53 | AC10 T10 FF10| CMD 18 | Fort 8 Ref 4 Will 2 | Speed 30ft / Climb 10ft | Initiative +0| Perception: +7 DR 5/- and 4/Slashing Vim and Vigor: 6/6 (2d6) | Buffs/Debuffs:

GAB! has no day job.

Grand Lodge

Rusthenge || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

That's the end! Congratulations, you made it through in one, oozy piece!

Looks like Masked Ferret didn't have you post reporting info here, so please do so now. I need the following for each of you:

1) Player name on chronicle:
2) Character name:
3) PFS#-Character#:
4) Faction:
5) Regular or slow advancement:
6) Day job check:

Sovereign Court

Neutral Good Half Orc Shifter 3 Lorewarden Fighter 2| HP53/53 | AC10 T10 FF10| CMD 18 | Fort 8 Ref 4 Will 2 | Speed 30ft / Climb 10ft | Initiative +0| Perception: +7 DR 5/- and 4/Slashing Vim and Vigor: 6/6 (2d6) | Buffs/Debuffs:

Player Name: Kyle "Worg" H
Character Name: GAB!
PFS #: 220424-30
Faction: Grand Lodge
Advancement: Normal
Day Job: None.

Grand Lodge

Human HP 13/13. AC 15 TAC 15 FAC 10 Fort 4 Ref 7 Will 0 Shifter 1 CMD 16. Speed 30 ft. Neutral. Initiative +7

Player name: Russell C
Character: Borbert
PFS#: 222693-14
Faction: Grand Lodge
Advancment: normal
Day job:craft: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

Dark Archive

Male CN Half-Elf Oozemorph 1 |HP13/13|AC13|T13|FF10|CMD 15|Fort +4|Ref +5|Will -2|Speed 30ft|Initiative +3|Pantomime Bluff +6|

1) Steven B
2) Guu Green
3) 220423-21
4) DA
5) Normal
6) Professional Pathfinder (No day job)

Sovereign Court

Neutral Good Half Orc Shifter 3 Lorewarden Fighter 2| HP53/53 | AC10 T10 FF10| CMD 18 | Fort 8 Ref 4 Will 2 | Speed 30ft / Climb 10ft | Initiative +0| Perception: +7 DR 5/- and 4/Slashing Vim and Vigor: 6/6 (2d6) | Buffs/Debuffs:

Stuu's Info is...

Player Name: Baittner
Character: Stuu
Faction: Grand Lodge
PFS #:222699-14
Advancement: Normal

Day Job: None.

Grand Lodge

Rusthenge || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

Alright folks, here are your chronicle sheets. Figg, please send me your reporting info and I'll add yours to the folder (I'll need that to report the game as well).

Grand Lodge

Male Wayang Shifter 1 | HP : 3/13 | AC: 15+3 FF:11+1 T:15+1 | Fort +4, Ref +6+1, Will +1 | Init +4+1

Thanks a ton for picking up the game, GM Dennis! It was greatly appreciated!

Grand Lodge

Rusthenge || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

You're welcome! This was a fun, weird game, and I definitely won't forget a game that included an ooze dance party.

The game has been reported. Let me know if you find any errors in the chronicles. I'll mark this game 'inactive' in a day or two; feel free to PM me after that if you need anything.

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