[Outpost II] GM MattMorris Reaver's Roar
Game Master
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Dwarf Ftr1/Inq 7, HP:69/69, AC:27, Touch:11, Flat Footed:26, F:+12, R:+5, W:+9 (+2 vs. psn, spells, and spl abilities; +2 res vs. evil), Init:+3, Perc:+13
The avatar info is way out of date.
I will bring it current before gameplay starts.
I might get one more chronicle sheet tomorrow.
“Tholgrin Stonebeard” | Male LG Medium Dwarf Figher 1/Investigator (Psychic Detective) 6 | HP 82+16/82 | AC 26 / 12 T / 25FF | CMD +10 CMD 22 | F +9, R +8, W +6 | Init +9 | Perc +5 (+8 traps) SM +3 |Speed 50 ft | Spells 1st: 2/5, 2nd: 4/4; Phrenic Pool 3/3; Inspiration 5/6; Mythic 5/9| Active Conditions: Expeditious Retreat, shield, reroll used
I'm very much looking forward to this, thanks for running!
Tholgrin is currently level 6 but he'll be 7 by March 11th, I'm going to GM credit him up.
God Falls Dacilane Prey for Death
No problem, folks! I think it will be a fun one.
Male Dwarf Druid 8 (menhir savant) | HP 62/62 | AC 23/10/22 | F+9 R+4 W+12 | CMD 23 | Init +1 | Perc +17| Active Conditions: Resist Acid 10, Barkskin, GMF, Heightened Awareness, Wild Shape (DR 5/evil)
Hi GM, you get a Grel rerun :)
Other folks, i'm a dusty Menhir Savant Druid Dwarf. Sort of toolboxy with the casting and ok in melee. Looking forward to it.
“Tholgrin Stonebeard” | Male LG Medium Dwarf Figher 1/Investigator (Psychic Detective) 6 | HP 82+16/82 | AC 26 / 12 T / 25FF | CMD +10 CMD 22 | F +9, R +8, W +6 | Init +9 | Perc +5 (+8 traps) SM +3 |Speed 50 ft | Spells 1st: 2/5, 2nd: 4/4; Phrenic Pool 3/3; Inspiration 5/6; Mythic 5/9| Active Conditions: Expeditious Retreat, shield, reroll used
I think that makes three dwarves so far with a bit of magic and ok in melee! If we get three more this might be the greatest team ever :)
CN Male Ifrit Tattooed Sorcerer 12 | HP 86/86 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMB +4, CMD 17 | F: +13, R: +13, W: +15 | Init: +8 | Perc: +25 SM: +2 Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 8/8 2nd 8/8 3rd 8/8 4th 8/8 5th 6/6 6th 4/4 | Active conditions: None
C-c-c-c-combo breaker!
Kije's a fire sorcerer who loves his fireball, though he's picked up a fair number of new tricks since he and Grel adventured together last. Spells for days, with a mix of damage (fireball), buff (haste), and debuff (glitterdust) options.
Active: Elf Occultist 9 / HP 66/66, CMD 24, Init +10, Perc +15 (+2 magic traps), AC 25/15/20, Fort +9 Ref +12 Will +9 (+2 vs ench.) / Spells 1st 6/6, 2d 5/5, 3d 4/4 / Implements: Transmutation 6/6, Evocation 9/9;
Hello, I'm also back. This time not with Yasuka but with my occultist. An archer who also casts fireball and haste.
Male Dwarf Druid 8 (menhir savant) | HP 62/62 | AC 23/10/22 | F+9 R+4 W+12 | CMD 23 | Init +1 | Perc +17| Active Conditions: Resist Acid 10, Barkskin, GMF, Heightened Awareness, Wild Shape (DR 5/evil)
updated for lvl 7. ready to go :)
God Falls Dacilane Prey for Death
Hey everyone! We're getting close. If you wouldn't mind, could you fill in your information on THIS SLIDE?
Thanks! If you make a token for yourself and throw it on there, all the better.
Male Dwarf Druid 8 (menhir savant) | HP 62/62 | AC 23/10/22 | F+9 R+4 W+12 | CMD 23 | Init +1 | Perc +17| Active Conditions: Resist Acid 10, Barkskin, GMF, Heightened Awareness, Wild Shape (DR 5/evil)
editing permissions, please.
God Falls Dacilane Prey for Death
Grel Veldgott wrote: editing permissions, please. Fixed. Should be good to go.
Dwarf Ftr1/Inq 7, HP:69/69, AC:27, Touch:11, Flat Footed:26, F:+12, R:+5, W:+9 (+2 vs. psn, spells, and spl abilities; +2 res vs. evil), Init:+3, Perc:+13
Male Dwarf Druid 8 (menhir savant) | HP 62/62 | AC 23/10/22 | F+9 R+4 W+12 | CMD 23 | Init +1 | Perc +17| Active Conditions: Resist Acid 10, Barkskin, GMF, Heightened Awareness, Wild Shape (DR 5/evil)
Boarding a long haul flight. Might be till Saturday for a post.
Dwarf Ftr1/Inq 7, HP:69/69, AC:27, Touch:11, Flat Footed:26, F:+12, R:+5, W:+9 (+2 vs. psn, spells, and spl abilities; +2 res vs. evil), Init:+3, Perc:+13
GM, got a few questions about the mechanics of this chase scene.
Would drinking a potion of fly get me past one/several/most of the obstacles? If it only gives me a +2, it's not worth the cost.
Do I think a vial of alchemical grease would help me not get tangled up in the netting? Or would the time to apply offset any potential gains?
God Falls Dacilane Prey for Death
Morrolan de'Morcaine wrote: GM, got a few questions about the mechanics of this chase scene.
Would drinking a potion of fly get me past one/several/most of the obstacles? If it only gives me a +2, it's not worth the cost.
Do I think a vial of alchemical grease would help me not get tangled up in the netting? Or would the time to apply offset any potential gains?
Spells are only going to give you a +2, so it's probably not going to help. I'd be inclined to say the same about appropriate alchemical items.(I wouldn't worry too much about the current challenge, as you guys will succeed on it based on Kije's roll. I'll advance the chase this afternoon.
God Falls Dacilane Prey for Death
I'm at PAX, folks. So, I'll move this forward tomorrow night on my way home.
God Falls Dacilane Prey for Death
We're wrapping up, so could I get boon rolls from everyone?
Roll 1d20, if you get a 19 or 20, roll 1d4 to see which boon you get.
Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 5
Could you also do your rolls for your Day Job and let me know if you are doing slow track or anything unusual?
Dwarf Ftr1/Inq 7, HP:69/69, AC:27, Touch:11, Flat Footed:26, F:+12, R:+5, W:+9 (+2 vs. psn, spells, and spl abilities; +2 res vs. evil), Init:+3, Perc:+13
Thanks for GM'ing. This was an interesting one.
boon: 1d20 ⇒ 5
day job intimidate: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (10) + 18 = 28
Can I use my reroll for the boon?
God Falls Dacilane Prey for Death
You sure can use your reroll.
Sorry if the last fight was a little anti-climactic. It's a fine line between you guys dominating and the reaver killing you all!
Male Dwarf Druid 8 (menhir savant) | HP 62/62 | AC 23/10/22 | F+9 R+4 W+12 | CMD 23 | Init +1 | Perc +17| Active Conditions: Resist Acid 10, Barkskin, GMF, Heightened Awareness, Wild Shape (DR 5/evil)
Thanks for running! For me, I'm pretty happy to not have died :)
boon: 1d20 ⇒ 18
craft pottery: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28
Active: Elf Occultist 9 / HP 66/66, CMD 24, Init +10, Perc +15 (+2 magic traps), AC 25/15/20, Fort +9 Ref +12 Will +9 (+2 vs ench.) / Spells 1st 6/6, 2d 5/5, 3d 4/4 / Implements: Transmutation 6/6, Evocation 9/9;
Yes, so we have a pretty good story to tell to the people will will meet in the future.
Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 1
Craft books: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
Thank you, GM
“Tholgrin Stonebeard” | Male LG Medium Dwarf Figher 1/Investigator (Psychic Detective) 6 | HP 82+16/82 | AC 26 / 12 T / 25FF | CMD +10 CMD 22 | F +9, R +8, W +6 | Init +9 | Perc +5 (+8 traps) SM +3 |Speed 50 ft | Spells 1st: 2/5, 2nd: 4/4; Phrenic Pool 3/3; Inspiration 5/6; Mythic 5/9| Active Conditions: Expeditious Retreat, shield, reroll used
Thanks again. I posted my day job roll to the gameplay thread (it was a 27).
boon: 1d20 ⇒ 4
I very much sympathize about the nature of the ending. I recently had a run of Mysteries under Moonlight just destroyed by a CHA 24 sorcerer with greater spell focus conjuration and glitter dust. I enjoyed this battle though, was glad I got a hit in and survived, thanks again
CN Male Ifrit Tattooed Sorcerer 12 | HP 86/86 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | CMB +4, CMD 17 | F: +13, R: +13, W: +15 | Init: +8 | Perc: +25 SM: +2 Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 8/8 2nd 8/8 3rd 8/8 4th 8/8 5th 6/6 6th 4/4 | Active conditions: None
Boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 2
Same thing happened when I ran this scenario - a gunslinger made very quick work against a huge creature's touch AC. Still lots of fun, and glad nobody lost a limb (for long)!
Female NG Cartomancer Witch 8 | * Mage Armor, False Life | hp 72*/57 | AC 16* T 12 FF 14 | CMB +4, CMD 16 | F: +8, R +8, W +11 | Init: +4 | Perc: +5, SM: +9, Concentration +14/+16 | Speed 30 ft | |Spells: 1st 5/6, 2nd 5/5, 3rd 3/5, 4th 3/3 | Conditions: None
Dwarf Ftr1/Inq 7, HP:69/69, AC:27, Touch:11, Flat Footed:26, F:+12, R:+5, W:+9 (+2 vs. psn, spells, and spl abilities; +2 res vs. evil), Init:+3, Perc:+13
boon re-roll: 1d20 ⇒ 20
which boon: 1d4 ⇒ 2
God Falls Dacilane Prey for Death
Chronicle Sheets!
(Let me know if they are wrong.)
I'll get this reported tonight.
God Falls Dacilane Prey for Death
Morrolan, could you PM me your email for the boon, please?
Active: Elf Occultist 9 / HP 66/66, CMD 24, Init +10, Perc +15 (+2 magic traps), AC 25/15/20, Fort +9 Ref +12 Will +9 (+2 vs ench.) / Spells 1st 6/6, 2d 5/5, 3d 4/4 / Implements: Transmutation 6/6, Evocation 9/9;
Euh, excuse me but Styfis is my second character: 212081-2
(instead of 4)
God Falls Dacilane Prey for Death
Styfis wrote: Euh, excuse me but Styfis is my second character: 212081-2
(instead of 4)
Should be fixed now. Sorry about that!
Active: Elf Occultist 9 / HP 66/66, CMD 24, Init +10, Perc +15 (+2 magic traps), AC 25/15/20, Fort +9 Ref +12 Will +9 (+2 vs ench.) / Spells 1st 6/6, 2d 5/5, 3d 4/4 / Implements: Transmutation 6/6, Evocation 9/9;
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