World's Largest Dungeon Dive

Game Master Nairb the Grey

Delve into the World's Largest Dungeon

WLD Loot Tracker - Credit Zurne

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Nairb the Grey wrote:

Results of DM Audit: Sayarisha Khovihani

I know a conversation is going on regarding Slumber v cackle. Ultimately it is your decision, but I definetely think slumber should be on your list for some time down the road. It has great versatility and staying power.

If it were me I think I would go with Slumber and Evil eye and then pick up cackle at 2...or heck, you're human...drop Toughness for another Extra hex and pick up all 3 at level 1. Makes you more squishy, but between slumber and evil eye you will be able to avoid getting hit anyways.

I don't see the answers to the three questions requested for your background. Am I missing those and they are already up somewhere?

I also am a little lost on the int based stuff. So I see 11 skills selected. A witch gets 2+ int mod (5) and then the 2 background skills to take it to 9. Unless I am mistaken the FCB you took was +1 hp rather than +1 skill point based on the HP total.

Looks like equipment has not been purchased yet. I think I jumped the gun on the audit...looks like crunch and fluff are not quite done. That's okay, I'm sure you won't mind the early feedback.

Edit: Oh, I owe you an answer about hirelings. You can likely find a mercenary that will carry stuff for you and stand in front of you if the coin is good....

I'd like to thank everyone for their input so far, I have decided to drop Cackle and Toughness for now and take Extra Hex twice. So now her hexes are Evil Eye, Misfortune, and Slumber.

I apologize for not including the three background questions or her equipment at this point, I very much appreciate the early feedback and intend to use it well.

I think you might have forgotten about this Human Racial Trait.

Pathfinder Core Rules, Pg 27 wrote:
Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.

This gives us 1 + 2 + 5 (Int) + 2 Background Skills for a total of 10 points in skills. From her familiar she gets the Alertness Feat which in this case gives her a +2 bonus to Sense Motive which adds to her Wisdom bonus for a total Sense Motive of +3.

I'm still seriously considering having a hireling alone, thanks for letting me know what to possibly look forward to.

Now about that background and equipment...

BTW, anyone else coming in on a caravan? Sayarisha is likely to meet someone on the road to the same location she's going.

I stumbled across this tonight and I would like to try this for my first PbP. I would submit an Arcanist which would double as a knowledge monkey. however, for full disclosure, I have read Velcro Zipper's story hour for WLD. I am going to take a little bit and cobble together some stats and review the ABP rules then move on to background (although I have a working thread of some form of academic that is looking for a way to make a name for himself in order to submit an application to the Pathfinder Society). More to follow once I get started.

Sayarisha Khovihani wrote:
BTW, anyone else coming in on a caravan? Sayarisha is likely to meet someone on the road to the same location she's going.

Easy enough in the story line for you to be travelling with a merchant caravan. Probably on the way to Ravensmoor to sell goods and buy surplus produce from the harvest to take to market. Likely that would be how you would meet your hireling, you end up hiring away one of the caravan guards.

That lines up well with The Son of Atrau's background too, since he is surreptitiously following a caravan to town.

CucumberTree wrote:

hopefully this is a suitable replacement

Nimble Fingers, Keen Mind
You gain a +1 trait bonus on Disable Device checks, and Disable Device is a class skill for you.

Thanks for catching the campaign trait and finding an alternative...

Technically to take the Nimble Fingers, Keen Mind trait you have to be a worshipper of Brigh, but I am willing to handwave that. Frankly seems like a silly requirement to me. I can totally see that title speaking to how you and Cringe studied together and he found you to be an apt pupil when it came to creating and disabling various devices, locks, and ect. that he would bring to practice with, so it works story wise this way too.

Don't forget to pick up a set of thieves tools, they will come in handy for those disable device checks.

Thedmstrikes wrote:
I stumbled across this tonight and I would like to try this for my first PbP. I would submit an Arcanist which would double as a knowledge monkey. however, for full disclosure, I have read Velcro Zipper's story hour for WLD. I am going to take a little bit and cobble together some stats and review the ABP rules then move on to background (although I have a working thread of some form of academic that is looking for a way to make a name for himself in order to submit an application to the Pathfinder Society). More to follow once I get started.

I am fine with Player Knowledge so long as you keep it separate from character is something we all have to do anyways since we know random stats for many of the iconic monsters. You may know that a ghoul can paralyze you with a touch and make you sick with a bite, but to your character it is just a scary looking zombie.

If I get a hint that player knowledge is being used inappropriately I will do more rewriting of the dungeon and changing of the monsters to keep it interesting. I am a petty gm sometimes, so I can't promise that I won't punish that player's character. *Evil Grin*


Stuff for the GM:
Backpacks of all varieties hold 2 cubic feet of stuff. A handy converter tells me 2cu.ft.= 125 lbs. This seems about right - I know I can fit 125 pounds on the inside of my external frame pack. Saddlebags hold 20lbs to a side - so in total they're 1/3 the size of a backpack, with 1/6 on each side. It makes sense, as saddlebags are just meant to hold some of the rider's belongings, not a load of gear - that's what pack saddles are for.

A weapon rack backpack can hold 4 weapons. "Allies adjacent to you can retrieve a weapon from the rack as a move action without provoking attacks of opportunity, as if they were simply drawing a weapon." This also fits with what you said earlier, though the specifics of whether it provokes an AoO or not were left unstated. If you'd rule that it did not, provided, as you said, I kept it organized, then I'll just "attach" them to the outside of a pack saddle. If it would provoke, as retrieving a stored item typically would, then I'd propose:
Weapon Rack Saddlebags
14 lbs | 34 gp
Instead of normal saddlebags, these straps have small racks capable of holding two weapons per side of an animal; these may be retrieved by adjacent creatures as a Move Action that does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity.

A weapon rack backpack is 2.5 times the weight of a standard one, and is 12.5x more expensive. I duplicated this in the cost/weight above - I then took away 1/3 of these values from losing the storage space, rounded down.


I envision a normal backpack as being akin to the larger ones I used to carry to school as a kid (which I think they banned because they hurt our backs? Something like that). They get stuffed full of things, and just loop around your shoulders without distributing any weight. A masterwork backpack, on the other hand, I picture as a typical external frame hiking backpack. There are the two shoulder straps, but also one that goes around the chest and another about the waist. These straps (especially the chest) pull the pack to the carrier's body, better distributing the weight. And they can get heavy - I had a 1/4" zip tie attached to mine for hanging in the garage, and it snapped on me one night camping, as I had used it to hang my full pack from one of those lantern hooks. Scared the bejesezus out of me, and made me realize just how heavy it had to be.

Whereas it's a free action to simply drop something, like sliding a book bag off of one's shoulder, it does not make sense for one to be able to undo several buckles (today, sure, since they're plastic clips, but in Pathfinder, they'd be old-school buckles on very thick leather so as not to snap) in essentially fractions of a second. However, once you used both hands to undo the belt strap, it would be a fairly simple affair to undo the chest strap with a single hand while using the other to guide the bag off your shoulders - that sounds like a Move Action amount of time to me, if you can flip your pack around and pull something out from the stuffed mess in that amount of time.

Condensed: Would Move be the appropriate action for dropping a Masterwork Backpack?

I haven't done the produce yet, but I can already tell I'm running out of gold - I'll be un-special-ing some of the more expensive weapons (like that glaive-guisarme) to pick up a bit more money, particularly if we use the new item above.

E: Oh, also - do you count the weight of worn clothing against a character's capacity? Some people don't - I personally do. I know you said you weren't going to be restrictive on carrying capacity, but, well, you see me and how...specific I'm getting - I might need those 8 lbs to not count officially for my own sanity ;)

So, I have a file with the data all parsed, but Grint Smach is a half-orc born from the union of a human male and orc female. Initially raised by orcs in caves, bullied while young, he was identified as mystical and turned over to the tribal shaman for "training" as a young teenager. While in his care, Grint found a way to escape the tribe and wandered the countryside until he found a small civilization. While on the outskirts, he trued to use his talent with language to communicate his need for basic help. He was marginally successful with other children, who were impressed more with his magical knack than his communication abilities. Grint was able to parlay these meetings into formal care and eventual magical tutoring (although he was too unconventional for standard wizard studies). Grint also developed a talent for cartography and supplemented his meager income as he completed his studies and desired acceptance into the fabled halls of the pathfinder society. It is at this point in his life that Grint learns of the devastation striking the small town of Ravensmoor, and he hurriedly outfits himself for the short journey to make his mark as an explorer and cataloger of the unknown.

Background is open to all, just lots of text. He is a CG Arcanist with no archetype who will mainly use his feats to increase his exploit abilities and then delve into metamagic. He has goals to increase his INT to become a better spellcaster and increase his skill points (to increase his knowledge skills). His highest ability score is an 18 (with racial bonus) in INT and 14 in CHA. Lowest score is a 10 in CON. I still need to select spells and gear. Exploits are Potent Magic (cause 2 missiles for magic missile at first level, yeah!) and Quick study which I expect to be useful in a lock in environment with limited spell choices for a while.
Questions for future consideration, any chance this adventure may go mythic? Is Deep Magic an eligible source for spells? Using ABP, can I use bracers as my armor advancement? It is the only way I can get an armor bonus without sacrificing a lot of spells (in more ways than one). Will we be ignoring the masterwork rule for magic items under ABP or will that work itself out?

Thedmstrikes wrote:
Using ABP, can I use bracers as my armor advancement?
d20pfsrd wrote:
The character can attune herself to one suit of armor or one shield in her possession; she can change that attunement once per day. If she selects a normal set of clothing as her armor, it counts as having a starting enhancement bonus of +0. The attuned suit of armor gains a +1 enhancement bonus at 4th level.

See also Bracers of Armor.


Thedmstrikes wrote:
Will we be ignoring the masterwork rule for magic items under ABP or will that work itself out?
d20pfsrd wrote:
The character can attune herself to any one weapon in her possession

Emphasis mine. I've used ABP a lot - I apologize if I'm stepping on toes by answering here, but I've asked many of these questions myself. Also, answering "yes" to above automatically makes it a "yes" here, since you can't have masterwork clothing.

Warpriest Fun:
Since y'all had some fun revelations about the class, let me share another one. Dwarf Warpriest with the Ancestral Weapon Mastery feat.
That Feat wrote:
You’re proficient with all of your race’s racial weapons. If you’re already proficient with any of those weapons, you instead gain Weapon Focus for one of those weapons as a bonus feat. Furthermore, if you gain Weapon Focus as a bonus feat with one of your racial weapons as a result of this feat, you can change which racial weapon your bonus Weapon Focus feat applies to by engaging in 10 minutes of practice with the new weapon. The benefits of this bonus Weapon Focus feat last until you choose to practice and apply it to a different racial weapon.

Emphasis mine again. So now with 10 minutes (something you could easily finagle in the middle of a dungeon with some creative RP), you can gain the benefits of Sacred Weapon with that gigantic list of racial Dwarf weapons and have the sneaky rogue tell you which one you should use against whatever is in the next room.

They do have coffee beans and potatos on a table - The Monolith only knows what I had to make up before, but it was some kind of food thing, just literally none of the ones I mentioned. Since that's the case, the only thing I'd need GM ruling on (so far anyway) would be the Weapon Rack Saddlebags in my last post. Also, I did replace Alchemical Silver with Cold Iron on the glaive-guisarme; needed that extra loot for the pony.

E: Also, for anyone who's having trouble grasping the point of ABP, maybe this will help.

The Big Six:
So there are six basic types of magic items that it's expected mechanically for players to acquire (or spend magical resources to replicate, which are then replaced by other magic expenses like Staves) as they level - the wealth system is as much of a power curve as class abilites and feats, and taking away magic items throws off the game's balance a lot. These items - their ABP replacements - and what they provide, are:
1: Magic Weapon - Weapon Attunement - Hit and damage and special abilities
2: Magic Armor - Armor Attunement - Armor to AC and special abilities
3: Cloak of Resistance - Resistance - Save increases
4: Headbands and Belts - Mental and Physical Prowess - Ability increases
5: Ring of Protection - Deflection - Deflection to AC
6: Amulet of Natural Armor - Toughening - Natural Armor to AC

They're identical in what they provide - ABP is just more rigid in what you get than traditional loot tables, but so can be a realistic GM who won't let you visit MagicMart while you're fighting pirates in the middle of the ocean.

With simple splitting modifications like discussed (giving a bonus to an animal companion/eidolon, or dual-wielding), you can replicate a lot of the standard buys. This dungeon is odd in-and-of-itself, but the way it's designed make sense for ABP - however, the system is typically for low magic campaigns, so your party can still keep up with the monsters without needing to buy the Big Six.

Okay this time for sure. She has been updated with some equipment and a complete background as requested.

I believe she is ready for the GM audit except that she doesn't quite have all of her equipment including her fighting hireling.

As always, any comments, suggestions, etc are welcome and appreciated.

Updated Sheet:

Class: Inquisitor(Santified Slayer)
Alignment: N
Hitpoints: 9
Str: 12
Dex: 17 (+2 Racial)
Con: 12
Int: 13
Wis: 16
Cha: 7

Init: +5(+7 If PC can act during surprise Round)

Fort: +3
Ref: +3
Will: +5

Speed 40'
Darkvision 60'
AC 16 Touch 13, Flat-footed 13 (+3 Dex, +3 Armor)
CMD 14
CMB +1
Base Attack Bonus +0
Longbow +4[+5] 1d8[+1] x3
Longspear +1 1d8+1 x3

Starting cash: 240 gp

Longbow 75 gp
Studded leather 25 gp
20x arrows 1 gp
Longspear 5 gp
Kit, Pathfinder’s Price 12 gp
This kit consists of a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a clay mug, a dagger, two fishhooks, a flint and steel, a sewing needle, a signal whistle, 50 feet of string, 50 feet of thread, a waterskin, a week’s worth of trail rations, and a whetstone.
Tools, Thieves’ Masterwork 100 gp
This kit contains extra tools and tools of better make, which grant a +2 circumstance bonus on Disable Device checks.
Tools, Artisan’s (Bow) Common 5 gp
These special tools include the items needed to pursue any single craft. Without them, you have to use improvised tools (–2 penalty on Craft checks), if you can do the job at all.

Race: Human

Racial Traits:

Dimdweller: Whenever characters with this trait benefit from concealment or full concealment due to darkness or dim light, they gain a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate, Perception, and Stealth checks. Humans can take this trait in place of the skilled trait, also gaining darkvision to a range of 60 feet.

Languages: Common, Draconic


+2 to init

Fate’s Favored

Benefit: Whenever you are under the effect of a luck bonus of any kind, that bonus increases by 1.

Nimble Fingers, Keen Mind

You gain a +1 trait bonus on Disable Device checks, and Disable Device is a class skill for you.



Something from your past—or a dark secret you presently hold—makes it difficult for you to ever be at peace, and your chronic worry that you might fall to evil influence has become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Effect You take a –2 penalty on saves against spells with the evil descriptor.


Point-Blank Shot (Combat)

You are especially accurate when making ranged attacks against close targets.
Benefit: You get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet.

Precise Shot (Combat)

You are adept at firing ranged attacks into melee.
Prerequisite: Point-Blank Shot.
Benefit: You can shoot or throw ranged weapons at an opponent engaged in melee without taking the standard –4 penalty on your attack roll.

Class Skills (6 Ranks + 1 Stat Ranks + 1 FCB = 8 Ranks)

Perception: 7(9) = +1 rank, +3 Class, +3 Stat (+2 Racial in darkness concealment)
Survival: 7 = +1 rank, +3 Class, +3 Stat
Sense Motive: 8 = +1 rank, +3 Class, +3 Stat, +1 Morale
Stealth: 7(9) = +1 rank, +3 Class, +3 Stat (+2 Racial in darkness concealment)
Disable Device 10 = +1 rank, +3 Class, +3 Stat, +1 trait, +2 Tools
Knowledge (Arcana): 8 = +1 rank, +3 Class, +1 Stat, +3 Stat
Knowledge (dungeoneering) 8 = +1 rank, +3 Class, +1 Stat, +3 Stat
Knowledge (nature) 8 = +1 rank, +3 Class, +1 Stat, +3 Stat

Background Skills (2 Ranks)

Craft(Bows) 5 = +1 rank, +3 Class, +1 Stat
Sleight Of Hand 4 = +1 rank, +3 Stat


*Create Water
*Detect Magic
*Read Magic

1st level (2 slots)
*Divine Favor
*Shield of Faith

Class Features

Sanctified Slayer Archtype

Studied Target (Ex)

A slayer can study an opponent he can see as a move action. The slayer then gains a +1 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks attempted against that opponent, and a +1 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against it. The DCs of slayer class abilities against that opponent increase by 1. A slayer can only maintain these bonuses against one opponent at a time; these bonuses remain in effect until either the opponent is dead or the slayer studies a new target.

If a slayer deals sneak attack damage to a target, he can study that target as an immediate action, allowing him to apply his studied target bonuses against that target (including to the normal weapon damage roll).

At 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th levels, the bonuses on weapon attack rolls, damage rolls, and skill checks and to slayer DCs against a studied target increase by 1. In addition, at each such interval, the slayer is able to maintain these bonuses against an additional studied target at the same time. The slayer may discard this connection to a studied target as a free action, allowing him to study another target in its place.

At 7th level, a slayer can study an opponent as a move or swift action.

Travel Domain

You are an explorer and find enlightenment in the simple joy of travel, be it by foot or conveyance or magic. Increase your base speed by 10 feet.

Granted Powers
Agile Feet (Su): As a free action, you can gain increased mobility for 1 round. For the next round, you ignore all difficult terrain and do not take any penalties for moving through it. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Dimensional Hop (Sp): At 8th level, you can teleport up to 10 feet per cleric level per day as a move action. This teleportation must be used in 5-foot increments and such movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You must have line of sight to your destination to use this ability. You can bring other willing creatures with you, but you must expend an equal amount of distance for each creature brought.

Monster Lore (Ex)
The inquisitor adds her Wisdom modifier on Knowledge skill checks in addition to her Intelligence modifier, when making skill checks to identify the abilities and weaknesses of creatures.

Stern Gaze (Ex)
Inquisitors are skilled at sensing deception and intimidating their foes. An inquisitor receives a morale bonus on all Intimidate and Sense Motive checks equal to 1/2 her inquisitor level (minimum +1).

Cunning Initiative (Ex)
At 2nd level, an inquisitor adds her Wisdom modifier on initiative checks, in addition to her Dexterity modifier.

Detect Alignment (Sp)
At 2nd level, at will, an inquisitor can use detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, or detect law. She can only use one of these at any given time.

Track (Ex)
At 2nd level, an inquisitor adds half her level on Survival skill checks made to follow or identify tracks.

Solo Tactics (Ex)
At 3rd level, all of the inquisitor’s allies are treated as if they possessed the same teamwork feats as the inquisitor for the purpose of determining whether the inquisitor receives a bonus from her teamwork feats. Her allies do not receive any bonuses from these feats unless they actually possess the feats themselves. The allies’ positioning and actions must still meet the prerequisites listed in the teamwork feat for the inquisitor to receive the listed bonus.

Teamwork Feat
At 3rd level, and every three levels thereafter, the inquisitor gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement. These bonus feats must be selected from those listed as teamwork feats. The inquisitor must meet the prerequisites of the selected bonus feat.

As a standard action, the inquisitor can choose to learn a new bonus teamwork feat in place of the most recent bonus teamwork feat she has already learned. In effect, the inquisitor loses the bonus feat in exchange for the new one. She can only change the most recent teamwork feat gained. Whenever she gains a new teamwork feat, the previous teamwork feat becomes set and cannot be changed again. An inquisitor can change her most recent teamwork feat a number of times per day equal to her Wisdom modifier.

Sneak Attack (Ex)

At 4th level, if a sanctified slayer catches an opponent unable to defend itself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot to deal extra damage. The sanctified slayer’s attack deals additional damage anytime her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether or not the target actually has a Dexterity bonus), or when the sanctified slayer flanks her target. This additional damage is 1d6 at 4th level, and increases by 1d6 every 3 levels thereafter. Should a sanctified slayer score a critical hit with the sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet. With a weapon that deals nonlethal damage (such as a sap, whip, or an unarmed strike), a sanctified slayer can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, even with the usual –4 penalty.
A sanctified slayer must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A sanctified slayer cannot use sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment.
This ability replaces the later iterations of the judgment ability.

Bane (Su)
At 5th level, an inquisitor can imbue one of her weapons with the bane weapon special ability as a swift action. She must select one creature type when she uses this ability (and a subtype if the creature type selected is humanoid or outsider). Once selected, the type can be changed as a swift action. This ability only functions while the inquisitor wields the weapon. If dropped or taken, the weapon resumes granting this ability if it is returned to the inquisitor before the duration expires. This ability lasts for a number of rounds per day equal to the inquisitor’s level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.

Discern Lies (Sp)
At 5th level, an inquisitor can discern lies, as per the spell, for a number of rounds per day equal to her inquisitor level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. Activating this ability is an immediate action.

Talented Slayer (Ex)

At 8th, 16th, 17th, and 20th levels, a sanctified slayer can gain a single slayer talent, including those from the list of rogue talents that a slayer can take, but not an advanced slayer talent.
This ability replaces second judgment, third judgment, slayer, and true judgment.

Stalwart (Ex)
At 11th level, an inquisitor can use mental and physical resiliency to avoid certain attacks. If she makes a Fortitude or Will saving throw against an attack that has a reduced effect on a successful save, she instead avoids the effect entirely. This ability can only be used if the inquisitor is wearing light armor, medium armor, or no armor. A helpless inquisitor does not gain the benefit of the stalwart ability.

Greater Bane (Su)
At 12th level, whenever an inquisitor uses her bane ability, the amount of bonus damage dealt by the weapon against creatures of the selected type increases to 4d6.

Exploit Weakness (Ex)
At 14th level, the inquisitor learns to take advantage of any opportunity that presents itself. Whenever the inquisitor scores a critical hit, she ignores any damage reduction the target might have. In addition, if the target has regeneration, the creature loses regeneration on the round following the critical hit and can die normally during that round. Creatures whose regeneration always functions are immune to this ability. Finally, if the inquisitor deals energy damage to a creature with vulnerability to that energy type, she deals +1 point of damage per die rolled.

Wow. Lots of conversation since yesterday. Let's see if I can get caught up real quick.


Weaponrack saddlebag:
I am good with the idea of weapon rack saddle bags, but not sure about the math you used to get there. Instead of using multipliers I think it would make more sense to look at the additive difference.

A backpack is 2 gold and weighs 2 lbs. A weapon rack backpack has the same carrying capacity, but includes a small weapon rack. This changes the cost to 25 gold and the weight to 5 lbs. This gives us an idea for how much the small weapon rack costs on its own (23 gold and 3 lbs).

I would use that same differential for the saddle bags.

Basic saddlebags cost 4 gold and weigh 8 lbs. Since the capacity of the weaponrack is the same it is reasonable to believe that there is approximately the same cost to create it. So let's add the 23 gold and 3lbs to say that a weapon rack saddle bag is 27 gold and 11 lbs. There will be some fudging involved because it is not exactly the same, so that gives us justification to fudge the numbers to make them round. A good weaponrack saddle bag will run you 30 gold and 10 lbs of the pony's carrying capacity. About the same as your math, but to me this method makes a lot more sense.

Dropping EQ:

I would agree. Anything easily to hand (including a standard backpack) is pretty easy to drop and shrug off. A Masterwork backpack though has more fiddley-bits. Move action seems fair.

Official word on carrying capacity:

For me carrying capacity just isn't fun. Also, as I mentioned before, the threshold method way that it is handled kind of breaks suspension of disbelief for me.

As such I generally handwave stuff unless it doesn't make sense. When it doesn't make sense I don't like it even if it is allowed with RAW (for example someone carrying around 100 lbs of weapons of various shapes and sizes. You might physically be able to lift that, but no matter how you arrange it it will be an awkward load.

I generally don't pay attention to the weight of clothing. Unless it is designed to be bulky and restrictive (like armor, or a swarmsuit) it shouldn't really be a big deal. So, feel free to take that 8 lbs back. Honestly, if you didn't ask I probably wouldn't notice.

I really like the basic framework of your build that you provided us, and the character backstory works really well for the adventure.

Will we go mythic? The mythic ruleset would seriously break this game. The adventure path is intended for level 1 - 20 in the DnD 3.0 environment. Pathfinder by itself is already a significant power bump above that and pretty much all levels, which I will be having to constantly tweak and adjust for. Trying to add in the powerbump from mythic would probably drive me insane. So on that question I am going to have to say hard no.

Is deep magic available? I don't like saying this, Like I said, as a DM I prefer to find ways to say "Yes and". In this case though I am going to have to rule no for 2 reasons. 1) It is 3pp, which I did say at the outset was not allowed, and more importantly 2)I have never read and do not have access to Deep Magic. I just will not have time to review it and verify its power level and validity before the game starts.

ABP and Bracers of armor As mentioned by Mystic, bracers of armor don't exist in ABP, but in the ruleset you can enhance your clothing as your as you start getting ac bonuses you essentially put those on your clothes. it is a pretty elegant solution, but honestly mage armor and shield still provide better mileage over the long term.

Sayarisha Khovihani and CucumberTree
I took a quick look over both of your updated submissions and nothing jumped out at me as being concerning. I won't be doing another full GM audit, but from here it looks like you are good to go. I will be marking your submissions as completed in the next Interest Update later today.

Okay, I end my concentration on my Wall of Text spell, and the effect dissipates.

Nairb the Grey wrote:
Sayarisha Khovihani wrote:
BTW, anyone else coming in on a caravan? Sayarisha is likely to meet someone on the road to the same location she's going.

Easy enough in the story line for you to be travelling with a merchant caravan. Probably on the way to Ravensmoor to sell goods and buy surplus produce from the harvest to take to market. Likely that would be how you would meet your hireling, you end up hiring away one of the caravan guards.

That lines up well with The Son of Atrau's background too, since he is surreptitiously following a caravan to town.

Zurne would happily hop on a caravan. He'd probably be heading to Galduria up the Yondabakari and then to Ravenmoor, so wherever the caravan was, he'd join. He's more of a city Varisian, but he's happy and excited to travel with the wandering ones.

Oh, and regarding your hireling, Savarisha--have you considered a donkey? It's a Medium animal, size of a pony, goes into dungeons, and carries a lot of weight.

Cool, then I have 8 more lbs of gear I can bring as well! Time to figure out what I was leaving on the inn floor that I can now bring with me

Nairb the Grey wrote:
A good weaponrack saddle bag will run you 30 gold and 10 lbs

Awesome - cheaper and lighter, I'll take it!

Many words makes screen long:
Honestly I stop being this particular about it after creation - I'll pocket the 12 potions when I only have 1 lb of carry cap. left even though I still run with the old " '-' actually means 1/10th of a pound and 50 coins is also a pound," only really checking if the party tries to gather mad loots or carry a throne or something similar. It just bugs me - I also get bothered by the standard game mechanic of "pick up a feather and your speed drops to nothing," same as you, but there's just something...wrong about not fitting into the guidelines before the game even starts. Especially in a case like mine, where unless someone else took a similar trait I have 6x the amount of cash as the highest possible other start.

If you want to get real weird with it - look at the Masterwork Backpack. You treat your Str as 1 higher for carry weight, but shouldn't that only apply to the poundage in the pack? It's not helping your armor weigh less, after all...And why are saddlebags given a capacity in pounds, when a pack is cubic feet? And if they can attach cages for familiars, water bladders, and weapon racks, why didn't they make the holding area larger?

Here There Be Weapons:
How would someone even strap a giant hammer or a battleaxe to them? I've imagined wire hammer-sheathes before that hold the head, especially on the big ones - but I really can't picture how it would ever be possible - a simple string loop would work on smaller weapons, but not at all on the large. Maybe that's one of the reason behind the "fighter making sneak attack" jokes - not only is his armor noisy, he gongs with each step as his hammer mallets into his back.

I broke her sheet up by weapon location in both the stat box and in the equipment box. And I'll do it again here, too!

Armor, helm and gauntlets are "intrinsic" weapons - she is always wearing them (and will probably never use them anyway).

She carries the shield - it's more efficient to drop it and pick it up again than to try to store it and redraw it, provided you don't move too far away from the square you left it in.

The longbow and Lucerne Hammer are on her back - again, not sure how you casually slide a two-handed hammer-pick on your back, but I don't have much choice but to suspend disbelief to that end.

On the left half of her belt, I put the gandasa, the warhammer, and a beltpouch. I see the pouch (which would only weigh 1lb if I hadn't stuffed six Sunrods for her shield in there) as going down the front of her leg, the warhammer's head sitting on her hip, and the gandasa's head at a slight diagonal just before her buttocks. I was going to put the machete there, but I read the gandasa's description - it's a dagger on a two-foot stick, it would take up no horizontal space, only slapping into her leg occasionally with the vertical stick. She would draw the warhammer with her right hand, and drop the shield to draw the gandasa from behind the blade with her left.

On the right half of her belt, I put the quivver slung similar to the gandasa, and the loop for the heavy pick - this and the shield are her primary hand items for a while.

I found the bandolier after you brought up daggers, and it gave me another idea. I see that as 4 slots above where they will cross, and 4 below, for both sides - 16 daggers in total. These use the same action as getting an object from your back, so they're ostensibly tied or something - it takes a provoking move action to get one.

So on the bandolier going from her left shoulder to her right hip, I put the light hammer and light pick. This is a 3lb hammer, and this is a 2lb...well brick hammer, but it looks like their version of battle picks. Swap the densities around a bit and they're the weapons. I can stick them on the outside of the pack just as easily, but since I "used" 5/8 slots (based on poundage), I figured it might be okay.

On the bandolier from her right shoulder to left hip, I put the machete (it's just a big dagger anyway), and six more Sunrods. Says they're a foot long and weigh a pound, so I picture them as small pieces of rebar - they're bunched together and just tied to the loops. Changing the Sunrod in the shield boss would take two full rounds, so it isn't anything about hurrying and more about a convenient spot in-universe.

The greatsword, glaive-guisarme, earthbreaker, and pickaxe are on the new saddlebags.

Axolotl wrote:

Zurne would happily hop on a caravan. He'd probably be heading to Galduria up the Yondabakari and then to Ravenmoor, so wherever the caravan was, he'd join. He's more of a city Varisian, but he's happy and excited to travel with the wandering ones.

The caravan probably starts in Magnimar or Sandpoint before heading up to Galduria, Wolf's Ear, and Ravenmoor and then cutting across to Riddleport. I know so little about the inworld universe that that may just be a terrible idea...but I have a map and city names, so let's go with it.

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Alright, we definetely have more than enough interest to run this game...Which is awesome, although I pity the poor slob that has to pick which characters to take.

What? What do you mean that's me? How is that fair?! *Sigh* Fine

We will officially be closing recruitment to new interest dots at Noon CST (-6 UTC) tomorrow. I will be giving the weekend to any final submissions that need to be completed. (Looking at you Sven, Gummy Bear, and Rabscuttle.) If you want in on this epic adventure submission must be completed by Noon CST on Sunday. I actually will be at church from 11 to 1, so if you submit in the early afternoon that won't be a big deal, but once I post Sunday afternoon that recruiting is closed you officially fall in the "Tough Luck Chuck" category.

I will then, somehow, make a decision on Monday by Noon which 6 applicants will be coming on this adventure. I will say right now, and likely say again on Monday, that if you are not picked that is not a negative reflection on your creation. There are way more than 6 awesome builds here, so sadly several someones that deserve a chance will not be getting one. It's the nature of the game, but it is no fun being the bad guy that has to deliver that news.

Here in a few moments I will be posting an updated interest tracker. If I am not at the same understanding as you on where your submission is at you need to let me know.

Here is the update to the interest tracker. Like I said, if we aren't on the same page let me know!

::Helikon - Unbuegasm dwarven Fighter - Submission Completed
::Oceanshieldwolf - Taanimohka Elven Monk (Harrow Warden) - Submission completed
::Atlas2112 - Brother Aterro - Human Warpriest of Torm - Submission Completed
::Mystic Ankh - Malphite, Shard of the Monolith - Oread Female Unbreakable Fighter - Submission Completed

Cucumber Tree - The Boy - archer focused inquisitor - Submission Completed
Xazil - Grimmir Ironbreaker - Dwarven Trapfinder / Melee - Submission Completed
DMoogle - Zordlon, Elvish Locksmith of Pharasma - Submission Completed

::Sbodd - Tamrel - Human Summoner w/ Ancestor Eidolon, Support Caster w/ Melee ally - Submission Completed
::Barrier - Sayarisha Khovihani - CG Witch - Submission Completed
::thedmstrikes - Half-orc Arcanist / knowledge monkey - background done, working on crunch Please finish this. I would really like for it to be one of the ones I am allowed to consider. [Disclaimer] Statement should only be interpreted as GM's admiration of a cool build and not any promise of the build being selected.[/Disclaimer]

::Warsor - Byung-He Human Oracle Pei Zin Practictioner - Submission Completed
::Axolotl - Zurne Human Cave Druid - Submission Completed
::Skelatox - Sheth Mauck Kobold Druid (Elemental Ally) - Working on crunch and background - Please finish this. I would really like for it to be one of the ones I am allowed to consider. [Disclaimer] Statement should only be interpreted as GM's admiration of a cool build and not any promise of the build being selected.[/Disclaimer]

General Interest:
::Gummy Bear
Are you guys still interested and working on submissions?

I know I've been quiet but I check this thread multiple times a day and have been counting the days until selection. I hope to play but completely understand if I don't get in. Looking forward to next week no matter what and following along in the adventure!

Hello, this is Rabscuttle's submission.

Stigmar is a Dwarven Wizard with the scrying subschool. He was a scout for his clan, so he is also quite sneaky.

Final few points - I'll have nothing left to add after this other than to say "I'm finished shopping" so hopefully this'll be my final post before you make your decision.

Not Really Spoilers:
I enjoy having a theme song for my characters - it helps me to refine their personalities if I can find a song to focus my thoughts that also fits the character. Initially I had selected FFVIII OST - The Landing(at Dollet) - I was looking for heavy drums and "unstoppable" feelings. The more I thought about it, though, that song was a bit too fast-paced for Malphite - in that scene of the game, they're launching an amphibious assault on an island, and while we're certainly about to have way, way more than our share of battles, it's not "impending doom" urgent, nor does Malphite's existence at all cry of "rushing." As such, I've opted instead for Boléro composed by Maurice Ravel. Folk legend has it that, at one performance of the piece, a woman in the audience was sent into a fit, crying that Ravel was a "madman" and abruptly and loudly leaving the concert hall. If you aren't familiar with it, I'd recommend giving it a listen; it's often said to have a sound evoking a loping camel ride through the desert at night, but in any event, I do believe it perfectly reflects the personality and history of Malphite (at least, this particular incarnation of the Shard). Constant, repeating, changing only slightly, while persisting ever on.

I'm down to something like 70 gold, and buying food. I believe I will in fact purchase a mule, but for far less altruistic reasons than the pony - it is going to carry the large* sacks of food until the supply runs low enough to not overburden Murfey, and then we're going to butcher and eat it (provided the monsters don't beat us to the punch!). I may also have chickens in two Small** cages depending on how much weight the mule will have left.

*So, donkeys, mules, and ponies are Medium, and since Medium races are the typical choice and Med. can't ride Med., it makes sense that a "day's" worth of feed would be geared to the Large horse. Can I feed a Medium animal half of a bag/day? Realistically, even for a draft horse, 10lbs of oats is quite a lot of food.

If it is only possible to feed one time per day, you should NEVER exceed 5 lbs. per meal for a 1350 lb horse, or 4 lbs per meal for smaller horses. Feeding more per meal than this can lead to undigested starch passing though to the large intestine and disrupting the digestive system (gas, colic, acid feces).

The amount they recommend for a fattish, lazy horse is 3.3 - 4.4 lbs per day, with an up to 50% increase for high activity animals. And we're not talking about horses, we're talking about a pony.

**Mechanically, PCs are either Small or Medium, and they're built with very minimal differences in relative size compared to the other categorical steps. A Small/Medium cage is 60lbs, but note that "(o)ne cage holds one animal of that size, or five animals of a smaller size" - and this is not true of the Small<->Medium relationship. Again, from the perspective of game balance and PCs, I get why they're the same size, but they shouldn't be. I don't want to stick two Human-sized cages on the sides of a mule, but I wouldn't mind sticking two cages half of that size on there. Can I buy a "true Small" cage that weighs 30 pounds? It's for chickens, not for people, and I wouldn't even mind paying the full 15gp price of the book version for it.

I chose to un-Agile the breastplate rather than remove the silver from the gandasa- Malphite would have to practically strip to fall to a light load, and the Agile quality of the armor doesn't mitigate the medium load ACP, so it seemed senseless (although on another point of "I get it but I don't like it," requiring Dex 15 for TWF makes her far more nimble and flexible than I want her to be - for balance, it makes sense, but on a 4'7" 203lb half-rockmonster with 18 Str, that puts the character firmly in the "Superhuman" camp, which I don't enjoy). I may however also get the refund on the alchemical silver - which would then leave me with just two: a gauntlet and a machete. Everything else but the greatsword is Cold Iron, however, but it's cheaper to do, and if you're worried about it for balance-breaking issues, I have no qualms stripping it from the majority of the weapons and shopping some more! I do assure you that I have no knowledge of this thing but what you've given us, and am not trying to meta-game by bringing all of this cold iron - it just makes me feel better about having all the money if I make it a bit wasteful.

I am not feeling particularly inspired at the moment, but I may write up a small vignette in-lieu of expounding on her backstory more. I have no history on these boards - though I have been playing Pathfinder since the beta PHB, it was largely with the same group of friends, until about four years ago when I moved and my family responsibilities changed. I have been in a free-form WoW RP on a forum for about 8 years now, so I understand the format, and the crawl of time. If selected, I would not be opposed to two posts/day during the times of intense combat (so probably most of them), with one/day to none on the weekends and greater time allowed during the roleplay moments. This obviously only would work if everyone's time zones and general availability to post are roughly the same (we've tried to have real-time events on the Warcraft board a few times now, rarely to great success - it's not easy to schedule people spread across the world with actual lives to deal with, too) - just noting that, if I don't have to take the time to draft up RP and it's mostly just descriptive action and rolls, I could probably make a morning and an evening action.

Thank you for your consideration! And best of luck to us all!

Edit: I Forgot Something Important:
I will highlight this more in the vignette if I can, but I'm also going to swap her background skill in Know:Engi to Linguistics - and give her Ancient Azlanti as a language. Since this is from 3.5, there's no chance to have to use that language, and I've already justified why she would know it with her background - which, honestly, was an easier way to do it than any I can think of now if I wanted to have a "normal" character history on Golarion. I also only took Engineering because of a lack of anything more fitting to her character, until I thought of this earlier today. Let me know if it'll be a problem for any reason.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This thread will close to new dots of interest in just over 2 hours. If you have been lurking but think you might be interested now is the time to botch your stealth roll and come out of the shadows.

Yay! Desna’s fortune upon us all!

Stigmar Stonefoot wrote:

Hello, this is Rabscuttle's submission.

Stigmar is a Dwarven Wizard with the scrying subschool. He was a scout for his clan, so he is also quite sneaky.

GM Audit Results: Stigmar Stonefoot

This is a nice character. I really like that dwarven wizards go against the standard fantasy trope. I do wish the rulesset had some more options to make them attractive though. There are a lot of racial features in there that while generally handy will be less useful for an Arcane Dwarf than your standard melee basher. In particular Slow and Steady, Defensive Training, Stability, and Weapon Familiarity seem like such a waste. There aren't a whole lot of alternate racial traits that come in handy though.

I do however see a few that might be useful to consider...

-Fey Magic - Not sure how I feel about allowing alternative racial traits that have a racial point bump in them, but I would be willing to discuss if you are interested. Underground would probably be the favored terrain to go with there (unnecessary hint). - You would need a bump in Charisma to make this worth while though.

-Fey Thoughts- This can also get you stealth as a skill which would free up one of your traits, and something else fun too possibly.

-Shadow Play - a bonus to caster level on spells is always nice.

-Stonesinger - a bonus to caster level on spells is always nice. is there an echo in this cave?

None are required, just the min-max part of me wanting to be helpful.

Other than that I see a very solid build and no glaring issues jump out at me.

I see 8 skill ranks, so I am assuming that is 2 class, 3 ability, 2 background and 1 favored class bonus right? You either took the FCB for skill or the item creation boost.

I don't see your spell book in your equipment list. Don't forget to list that. I am not the DM to cripple a wizard for a long time by taking away their spell book, but especially in a low resource game like this keeping track of your book and how many empty pages are left and all that jazz is important.

@Mystic Ankh - You quoted an article with the words acid feces in it! Now that's a spell that draws some aggro.

Okay, down to business.

I am okay with half a bag per day for ponies and mules.

On the cages, I am not seeing how many chickens you are wanting. I also need to know how mad you are expecting PETA to get at you. If you are a horrible monster stuffing birds in a cage until they can't move then you will need less space than if you are a modern day liberal giving your cooped chickens the recommended 10 square feet per bird.

I am okay with 1 bird per small cage. If you are throwing 5 full size chickens in a small cage there are going to be crowding issues, and when chickens are crowded things get ugly real quick. Somewhere between 1 and 5 is a happy medium that might work.

Also be aware ahead of time, if you take live chickens into a dungeon I will be giving you an additional automatic penalty on any stealth check. You can't shush a chicken.

I am okay with you picking up Ancient Azlanti. You are right that you won't be encountering anyone in the dungeon that speaks it, so it is more of a flavor thing than anything else. Maybe you mutter in it unconsciously when doing something that requires your someone that sticks their tongue out when really into a video game.

Nairb the Grey wrote:
@Mystic Ankh - You quoted an article with the words acid feces in it! Now that's a spell that draws some aggro.

Doesn't that just sound nasty? Both in real life and as a spell, it's not something I think I would ever like to see.

Nairb the Grey wrote:

I also need to know how mad you are expecting PETA to get at you. (...) Somewhere between 1 and 5 is a happy medium that might work.

Also be aware ahead of time, if you take live chickens into a dungeon I will be giving you an additional automatic penalty on any stealth check.

All very fair. I was in fact going to be a terrible monster and overcrowd them - I hadn't really given consideration to their living conditions, as I figured with 6 people I'd use two chickens per meal, with maybe two days between. Thought about saving 4 until Mid-Month's Dinner (which is what I've named the mule OOC - she isn't going to be caring for it like Murfey, and probably won't ever bother to call it anything in-character) serves his purpose for the occasional egg, but that's okay. I'll go with 3 per cage for a middle balance.

Nairb the Grey wrote:
You can't shush a chicken.

The finale of M.A.S.H. would disagree with you.

Probably shouldn't look that up if you don't already know it though.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have seen the finale of M.A.S.H. That was some HEAVY television.

Okay. Horrible monster it is. I will make your local chapter of PETA aware. :P

I am good with your plans for Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, and Two Week's from Now.

Thedmstrikes wrote:
That email I received that no-one else has seen

Yay, submissions come in any which way. I am going to post your sheet here in a format like unto others so that everyone else can see it too.

Stigmar, I am stealing your profile formatting.

About Grint Smach - CG Half-Orc Arcanist - Submitted by Thedmstrikes


STR: 12 = Base: 12
DEX: 12 = Base: 12
CON: 10 = Base: 10
INT: 16 = Base: 16; Racial: (+2) Adaptable
WIS: 11 = Base: 11
CHA: 14 = Base: 14

Fort: 1 = Base: +0; CON: +0; Sacred Tatoo: +1
Ref: 2 = Base: +0; DEX: +1; Sacred Tatoo: +1
Will: 3 = Base: +2; WIS: +0; Sacred Tatoo: +1

AC: 11 = Base: (+10); Dexterity: (+1)
Touch: 11
FF: 10

BAB: 0
CMB: 1 = BAB: (+0); Strength: (+1)
CMD: 12 = Base: (+10); BAB: (+0); Strength: (+1); Dexterity: (+1)


TBD: No Equipment Yet


Acrobatics: 1 = +1 DEX
Appraise: 4 = +4 INT;
Knowledge (arcana): 8 = +1 rank; +4 INT; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Knowledge (dungeoneering): 10 = +1 rank; +4 INT; Misc: (+3) Class Skill; +2 Cavewight
Knowledge (history): 8 = +1 rank; +4 INT; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Knowledge (local): 10 = +1 rank; +4 INT; Misc: (+3) Class Skill; +2 Cityraised
Knowledge (planes): 8 = +1 rank; +4 INT; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Knowledge (religion): 8 = +1 rank; +4 INT; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Linguistics: 8 = +1 rank; +4 INT; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Profession (Cartographer): 4 = +1 rank; +0 WIS; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Spellcraft: 8 = +1 rank; +4 INT; Misc: (+3) Class Skill

Race Features:

Cavewight:Some half-orcs live far below the surface, seeking freedom in winding cave complexes. Half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +1 racial bonus on Knowledge (dungeoneering) and Survival checks made underground. This racial trait replaces the intimidating racial trait.
Half-orcs with this trait know little of their orc ancestry and were raised among humans and other half-orcs in a large city. City-raised half-orcs are proficient with whips and longswords, and receive a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (local) checks. This racial trait replaces weapon familiarity.
Darkvision: Half-orcs can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Orc Blood: Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.
Sacred Tattoo: Many half-orcs decorate themselves with tattoos, piercings, and ritual scarification, which they consider sacred markings. Half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +1 luck bonus on all saving throws. This racial trait replaces orc ferocity.

Class Features::

Arcane Reservoir - Pool of points to power exploits = 3+level, with 3+ half level start each day - 3/4
Arcane Exploit - Potent Magic - Whenever the arcanist expends 1 point from her arcane reservoir to increase the caster level of a spell, the caster level increases by 2 instead of 1. Whenever she expends 1 point from her arcane reservoir to increase the spell’s DC, it increases by 2 instead of 1.
Consume Spells - May convert a spell slot to an equivalent number of reservoir points as a move action


Magical Lineage - Pick one spell (magic missile) when you choose this trait. When you apply metamagic feats to this spell that add at least 1 level to the spell, treat its actual level as 1 lower for determining the spell’s final adjusted level.
Reactionary - You were bullied often as a child, but never quite developed an offensive response. Instead, you became adept at anticipating sudden attacks and reacting to danger quickly. Benefit: You gain a +2 trait bonus on initiative checks.


Extra Exploit - Potent Magic


TBD - Equipment not Purchased yet

Cash: 120 gp


Arcanist (Spellbook)
0th (DC 14): Read magic, detect magic, light, acid splash, mage hand, mending, open/close, spark, drench
1st (DC 15): Magic Missile, Mage Armor, Ear Piercing Scream, Snoball, Floating Disk, Enlarge Person, Charm Person
Arcanist Prepared
0th (DC 14): Detect Magic, Light, Acid Splash, Open/Close
1st (DC 15): Mage Amor, Ear Piercing Scream

Description and Background:

Grint Smach is a half-orc born from the union of a human male and orc female. Initially raised by orcs in caves, bullied while young, he was identified as mystical and turned over to the tribal shaman for "training" as a young teenager. While in his care, Grint found a way to escape the tribe and wandered the countryside until he found a small civilization. While on the outskirts, he trued to use his talent with language to communicate his need for basic help. He was marginally successful with other children, who were impressed more with his magical knack than his communication abilities. Grint was able to parlay these meetings into formal care and eventual magical tutoring (although he was too unconventional for standard wizard studies). Grint also developed a talent for cartography and supplemented his meager income as he completed his studies and desired acceptance into the fabled halls of the pathfinder society. It is at this point in his life that Grint learns of the devastation striking the small town of Ravensmoor, and he hurriedly outfits himself for the short journey to make his mark as an explorer and cataloger of the unknown.

Transcribing your character sheet that way was a good way to run a quick audit. Only 1 thing jumped out at be (beside the obvious missing equipment). You are missing an arcane exploit. You used your lvl 1 feat to pick up Potent Magic, but you don't yet have your lvl 1 arcanist arcane exploit from class levels.

Other than that everything looks good so far.

We are completed.
In the rough sense, anyway. I'm still not quite sure what I want to do with their individual personalities, so I'm going to let them flesh themselves out organically as I RP them.

With this, all of my mechanical crunch should be done. Sheth's standard spells for a normal day will be in his profile soon. Though, those will probably change drastically as he gets into the dungeon.

Also, apologies for the radio silence over the past few days. Between fighting writer's block for Part 3 of Sheth's backstory, and (exciting) RL stuff happening, I've not stopped by the thread for a bit.

Nairb the Grey wrote:

Transcribing your character sheet that way was a good way to run a quick audit. Only 1 thing jumped out at be (beside the obvious missing equipment). You are missing an arcane exploit. You used your lvl 1 feat to pick up Potent Magic, but you don't yet have your lvl 1 arcanist arcane exploit from class levels.

Other than that everything looks good so far.

Thanks for the help with that, the second exploit is Quick Study.

I has equipment too::

  • Longsword
  • Whip
  • Scholar's Outfit
  • Masterwork backpack (found the real thing in Ultimate Equipment)
  • Spell Component Pouch
  • Spellbook (freebie from class)
  • Mapmaker's Kit
  • Grooming Kit
  • Belt Pouch
  • Bedroll[1]Ink and Inkpen
  • Soap
  • Messkit
  • Waterskin
  • Trail Rations (10)
  • Journal
  • Waterproof bag
  • Marbles
  • Magnet (so I can pick them up when the coast is clear)
  • Compass
  • 10' Pole
  • Vermin Repellent

Total weight: 54.5 (-6 if not counting the clothes on your back)
Total Cost: 119 Gold and some silvers
After I had selected all of his gear, I was loath to let anything go in order to purchase an explorer's outfit. Would fit his background better at the beginning of the adventure, but I am about five gold short to trade the scholar's outfit in for it. Yes, he has the stetson regardless.

Background update::
Grint Smach, named by the tribe, which roughly translates to common as runt, smash. He was born the union of a male human and a female orc. His father hailed from a raiding tribe and his mother was a survivor. Born with almost nonexistent tusks and pale grey skin, Grint was immediately ostracized and bullied by the cave dwelling clan. An easy target until he manifested rudimentary magic, he was then taken from his mother and placed in the hands of the tribal shaman for training of his talents. All the shaman succeeded in doing was branding Grint with a sacred tattoo and driving him away as he eventually made his escape. At the young age of 13, he traveled toward human lands hoping to get a better reception from his other heritage, but alas, half orcs are equally despised on both sides of the fence. He observed the children of man for quite a while learning their speech and and formulating the best opportunity to show himself so as to reduce the fright he was sure to engender. Successful with first contact, little else went his way as the older humans drove him off, not able to see past his obvious orc heritage, despite his efforts. He eventually encountered another group of humans, this time outfitted for travel, and once again made an approach. He received a much better reception as the group's wizard saw through the heritage to the obvious intelligence beneath and brought Grint into his household. There, Grint studied relentlessly, for on the few occasions he was able to leave the compound, his heritage sought to crush his hopes.
His hard work paid off, for he was eventually accepted into a wizard's academy based in no small part by the recommendation of his mentor. Grint excelled in his studies through his natural talent and formidable study habits. While there, the curriculum at this particular academy included sword and whip, weapons Grint adapted as for his personal defense and formal language training. When his studies were complete, he left the academy to learn that his mentor was lost to one of his expeditions. Grint paid his respects to the surviving family, only to be once again spurned for his heritage. Seeing no solace in their company, he left the city to find his own fortune by using his talents to learn something new and present it to the Pathfinder Society, so that one day, they would accept him among their ranks as a worthy replacement for his mentor. News of the earthquake is exactly what he has been searching for...

Wow that is some serious competition, for sure!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Methodology post:

Update regarding selection methodology. I will be manually picking one player from each archetypical category (melee/skill/arcane/divine) focusing on creating good party balance and synergy. Then, to ensure everyone gets a fair shot, every other completed submission will be eligible for one of two wild card slots. Those participants will be selected at random by the dice roller by rolling 1d10 and 1d9 (to be adjusted if additional completed submissions are in by the deadline).

May the odds forever be in your favor.

I will be at work for the next...roughly 12 hours, and then a family thing and work again tomorrow as I wake up. I haven't finished her equipment - but the tabs I have open include maple syrup and powdered milk - so it's really just down to me figuring out the most efficient way to stock with the space I have left.

I Talk A Lot:
As a note about the food-mule, I don't want to imply that Malphite knows she's going to eat it - but she does know that she may just have to. Consciously she knows she has very little memory, but she has been wandering around for at least a few months, all the way from the border of Irrisen. Subconsciously, she knows she's actually been wandering around extreme arctic conditions for years, since she didn't actually die after being in Russia, Baba Yaga just mystically reset her XP bar and wiped her memories. I may have her start to get some back - depends on how much the party interacts with each other as we do this.

And a note to the players, should I be selected: Malphite isn't going to just decide to eat you...casually, anyway...just because the supply runs out. Nor is she some barbarian demihuman who'll just (though again, casually - if it gets bad enough, sure) eat the corpse of whatever we just killed. But, like above, she knows she is going to explore danger somewhere not really close, and the GM gods only know for how long. I like having a bunch of equipment and supplies and stuff, she is just getting prepared for anything.

I looked up her mental stats after the sociopath note. Int 10 - "Knows what they need to know to get by." Wis 10 - "Capable of planning and makes reasoned decisions most of the time." Cha 8 - "Something of a bore or makes people mildly uncomfortable." I think that all fits. She might need someone with some Int to tell her that a particular beast's flesh is toxic, but she knows enough to chunk it off and overcook it to avoid modern-knowledge bad stuff (parasites, bacteria etc) - and wouldn't have qualms with doing so to stay alive.

Best of luck to everyone! Hope to see some of you in discussion, and any of you in other games!

Sheth's Eidolons wrote:

We are completed.

In the rough sense, anyway. I'm still not quite sure what I want to do with their individual personalities, so I'm going to let them flesh themselves out organically as I RP them.

With this, all of my mechanical crunch should be done. Sheth's standard spells for a normal day will be in his profile soon. Though, those will probably change drastically as he gets into the dungeon.

Also, apologies for the radio silence over the past few days. Between fighting writer's block for Part 3 of Sheth's backstory, and (exciting) RL stuff happening, I've not stopped by the thread for a bit.

Looks like there are a few fill in the blank areas left at the top of your water aberration's stat block. Nothing super impactful, but initiative and perception are good to know.

Nairb the Grey wrote:

Looks like there are a few fill in the blank areas left at the top of your water aberration's stat block. Nothing super impactful, but initiative and perception are good to know.

Whoops, fixed. Also, Sheth's backstory is finally complete! Turns out taking a break to write the backstory for another character (a Battleship Captain for a friend's homebrew 2d6 Gundam tabletop) was exactly the refresher I needed to crank out the tail end of the kobold's tale.

Nairb the Grey wrote:

GM Audit Results: Stigmar Stonefoot

-Shadow Play - a bonus to caster level on spells is always nice.

I see 8 skill ranks, so I am assuming that is 2 class, 3 ability, 2 background and 1 favored class bonus right? You either took the FCB for skill or the item creation boost.

I don't see your spell book in your equipment list. Don't forget to list that. I am not the DM to cripple a wizard for a long time by taking away their spell book, but especially in a low resource game like this keeping track of...

I was considering Shadowplay, as it seemed to fit in thematically. I forget why I didn't do it (probably just forgot) - I've updated to take it.

Yes, FCB choice is for skill ranks.

I've added the Spellbook to equipment.

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Nairb the Grey wrote:

Methodology post:

Update regarding selection methodology. I will be manually picking one player from each archetypical category (melee/skill/arcane/divine) focusing on creating good party balance and synergy. Then, to ensure everyone gets a fair shot, every other completed submission will be eligible for one of two wild card slots. Those participants will be selected at random by the dice roller by rolling 1d10 and 1d9 (to be adjusted if additional completed submissions are in by the deadline).

May the odds forever be in your favor.

Thinking about this a little bit more, I don't want to end up with 3 players in the same archetype...might be less fun for them and cause some balance issues as well.

Here's how I decided to solve that. After the first roll for one of the two wild card slots, anyone not selected from the selected archetype will no longer be eligible for selection.

Characters A, B, and C are all left in the melee slot, and character A gets selected by the roll of the dice; characters B and C are not eligible to be selected on the second roll, which will force the second roll to go to a skilled, divine, or arcane instead.

GM Audit Results - Sheth Mauck

Okay, finally glad.

Looking through, I really like the concept and where you ended his background. Will line up perfectly with the story while not directly responding to the call.

Looking over the crunch of the sheet, the only concern I see is the ability scores. It looks like you are at 22 point buy instead of 20. Kobolds have +2 dex and -4 str and -2 con. That means before racial adjustment your array would have been. Str 13, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 14. My calculator says that is 22..

Other than the ability scores though everything else checks out as is.

One thing I do want to add to the character (really the pets) because it seems so strange to me that it would not be given for free. By GM decree, each of your eidolon's can speak the elemental language of their type. Rock snake can speak terran, fire horse can speak ignan, so on and so forth. You can't speak any of them...but they can, so that gives a nice bump of knowledge if you have the right elemental summoned at the right time.

Shoot. I know exactly how that happened, too: I thought Kobolds got a +4 to Dex, not +2. It has been corrected by subtracting a point each from Constitution and Strength.
This is what I get for cranking out characters on my phone, during backshifts. Mistakes, and missed information.
(Also, thanks for the free Eidolanguages. Not sure how much use they'll be, but they are appreciated nonetheless.)

Tweaked out Glory of Old for Fatal Trapper and rewrote Grimmir’s background to be a bit darker to suit. Some minor skill and gear tweaks. Small amount more disable at level on. As priorly noted at level 2 he will gain it as a class skill.

After completing my own audit of Taanimohka's equipment I somehow spent 71 gp out of 60. Didn't want to toss silk rope (indispensible for mission) ink vial (indispensible for mission) or dulcimer (indispensible for soul) so dropped the starknife (dispensible for an unarmed combatant and super expensive at 26 gp...). Given a few other miscalculations and the purchase of a third javelin I have about 11 gp to spend, but only 3.5 lbs left to stay at light encumbrance...

Axolotl wrote:
Oh, and regarding your hireling, Savarisha--have you considered a donkey? It's a Medium animal, size of a pony, goes into dungeons, and carries a lot of weight.

Given that we will likely have a very very full party of folks with plenty of offense, I'm reconsidering the hireling idea especially if the GM would rather not.

So....the donkey and/or mule alternative is acceptable if the GM approves or I might go with both (again based upon GM approval). I expect however that we might lose one to any number of traps, etc. so if it is decided to go that route instead of the hireling, I would likely get two.

Thanks for the suggestion, Axolotl and I hope both of our characters find their way into the dungeon.

Sayarisha Khovihani wrote:
Axolotl wrote:
Oh, and regarding your hireling, Savarisha--have you considered a donkey? It's a Medium animal, size of a pony, goes into dungeons, and carries a lot of weight.

Given that we will likely have a very very full party of folks with plenty of offense, I'm reconsidering the hireling idea especially if the GM would rather not.

So....the donkey and/or mule alternative is acceptable if the GM approves or I might go with both (again based upon GM approval). I expect however that we might lose one to any number of traps, etc. so if it is decided to go that route instead of the hireling, I would likely get two.

Thanks for the suggestion, Axolotl and I hope both of our characters find their way into the dungeon.

I think a scribe/mule would be great thematically...someone to record your glorious deeds :)

CucumberTree wrote:
Sayarisha Khovihani wrote:
Axolotl wrote:
Oh, and regarding your hireling, Savarisha--have you considered a donkey? It's a Medium animal, size of a pony, goes into dungeons, and carries a lot of weight.

Given that we will likely have a very very full party of folks with plenty of offense, I'm reconsidering the hireling idea especially if the GM would rather not.

So....the donkey and/or mule alternative is acceptable if the GM approves or I might go with both (again based upon GM approval). I expect however that we might lose one to any number of traps, etc. so if it is decided to go that route instead of the hireling, I would likely get two.

Thanks for the suggestion, Axolotl and I hope both of our characters find their way into the dungeon.

I think a scribe/mule would be great thematically...someone to record your glorious deeds :)

If selected, my character will fill the scribe roll...

If Sheth can make it in, and reaches level 3, he can do away with any concerns relating to mule transport and safety (and feeding).

Eagerly awaiting the selection.

Shopping-Fu, indeed. Finished everything up, with all of 5.5lbs of capacity left between everyone, and 4.25 gp.

Should Malphite be selected, the party can look forward to the following delicious meals:
60 Bird Feed, 15 Animal Feed, 15 Jars Travel Cake Mix, 30 Wandermeals, 10 Powdered Milks, 30 Trail Rations, 10lbs Flour, 4 Jars Maple Syrup, 5 Jars Honey, 1lb Allspice, 10lbs Beans, 5lbs Citrus, 10lbs Coffee Beans, 6lbs Garlic, 5lbs Tea Leaves, 10lbs Salt, 30lbs Potatos, 30lbs Turnips
I did have to fudge the tea leaves - they aren't in fact listed. But a cup of tea is twice as expensive as a cup of coffee, so I charged twice as much for the pounds of leaves.
She also has a coffee pot, tea kettle, and a waffle iron. Hope someone has Profession: Cook!

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Long day...alright, let me update the interest tracker to the final version. That will give me a good springboard to a final review for myself of all the submissions. I might have the selection up tonight, but if not definitely by tomorrow at noon as promised.

::Helikon - Unbuegasm dwarven Fighter
::Oceanshieldwolf - Taanimohka Elven Monk (Harrow Warden)
::Atlas2112 - Brother Aterro - Human Warpriest of Torm
::Mystic Ankh - Malphite, Shard of the Monolith - Oread Female Unbreakable Fighter

Cucumber Tree - The Boy - archer focused inquisitor
Xazil - Grimmir Ironbreaker - Dwarven Trapfinder / Melee
DMoogle - Zordlon, Elvish Locksmith of Pharasma

::Sbodd - Tamrel - Human Summoner w/ Ancestor Eidolon, Support Caster w/ Melee ally
::Barrier - Sayarisha Khovihani - CG Witch
::thedmstrikes - Grint Smach Half-orc Arcanist / knowledge monkey
::Rabscuttle - Stigmar Stonefoot - Dwarven Scrying mage

::Warsor - Byung-He Human Oracle Pei Zin Practictioner
::Axolotl - Zurne Human Cave Druid
::Skelatox - Sheth Mauck Kobold Druid (Elemental Ally)

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Wild card 1: 1d10 ⇒ 1
Wild card 2: 1d7 ⇒ 1
The trend of the dice roller hating me continues I see...good.

Alright, that settles it.

I would like to again express appreciation to all applicants. I was seriously tempted to take more than 6, which is saying something because I hate DMing for large groups (7+ by my definition) in person or in pbp. If we have anyone drop I hope I can reach out to you as alternates. If that is something you would be interested in please let me know before you unsub from the thread.

SO, without further adieu...

GM picks for this game are:
Taanimohka the Elven Harrow Warden
Zordlon - Elvish Locksmith of Pharasma
Sayarisha Khovihani - the Human Witch
Sheth Mauck - The Kobold Druid with Elemental Allies

And the Wildcard picks for the game are:
Unbuegasm - The Dwarven Fighter
The Boy - the Human Inquisitor

Congratulations to those accepted. Please report to the discussion thread for some housekeeping before we begin.

Congrats you folks! Best of luck in the Dungeon of Doom!

I would love to be contacted in the event an alternate is needed.

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