Staunton Vhane

Grimmir Ironbreaker's page

7 posts. Alias of Xazil.

Full Name

Grimmir Ironbreaker




Slayer 1












Common, Dwarven

Strength 16
Dexterity 15
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 7

About Grimmir Ironbreaker

AC 18 (16FF, 12Tch), CMD 17, HP 13
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +2
(+2 Saves versus Spells, Spell Like Affects and Poison)
Melee: Dwarf Waraxe +4 hit, 1d10+3 damage
Secondary: Dwarven boulder helmet +2 1d4+1
Throw: Javelin +3 hit, 1d6+3 damage

Appearance and habits:

A very short dwarf he barely tops three and a half feet, but is as broad and almost as thick. A broad nose sticks above the dark beard which is contained in braids with clasps. His dark eyes almost unseen beneath his thick helm.

Grimmir will often play with the metal beard clasps when bored and tends to chuckle darkly at misfortune.

Background and personality:

From the Larrad, amongst the oldest of the Five Kings Mountain holds, his family lineage is one that is cursed and shunned. Grimmir did little to improve it. He showed little promise as a weapon smith apprenticeship that family politics put him into as a youngster. But his mind did turn well to devices and his humour was always grim on the results of accidents. This was unsubtle enough that he was shunned outside of clan.

So instead Grimmir was pushed into protecting the deep tunnels. Learning the ways of axe and shield. He served his due to his nation for thirty years, forging his body in the depths. His demeanour again unliked and he was often called to work alone and independently, hiding and acting as forward scout. His mentor, Rugedde, a fellow dwarf of even fouler heart who trained Grimmir further in the ways of the scout and also whispered the ways of Zyphus into his ear.

Not wishing to fall back to his clan Grimmir instead gathered the money from his service to the dwarven nations to travel. First into Janderhoff, but a few small missions of being a mercenary only whetted his appetite for risks and rewards, always with a chuckle if he somehow helped someone have an unpleasant outcome.

So graduatedå into the profession that offered even more risks and huge rewards; Grimmir turns now to be an adventurer. To join a group to which he feels he can belong as in the dwarven mine defenders. To leverage skills by deed. To bring forth treasures and glory.


Acrobatics +3 (1 rank, 3 class, 2 dex, -3 ACP)
Craft (Traps) +5[+7] (1 rank, 3 class, 1 trait [2 metal])
Disable device +6 (1 rank, 0 class, 2 dex, 1 trait, 2 tools)
Knowledge Dungeoneering +4 (1 rank, 3 class)
Knowledge local +4 (1 rank, 3 class)
Profession (Soldier) +6 (1 rank, 3 class, 2 wis)
Perception +6, [+8 Stonework] (1 rank, 3 class, 2 wis [2 race])
Stealth +3 (1 rank, 3 class, 2 dex, -3 ACP)

Tracking +1
Stonecunning +2
At level 2 Disable will become a class skill and also the trapfinding ability
Shield and Armored Coat can be taken off easily to improve ACP.

Racial traits:

Defensive Training
Slow and Steady
Weapon Familiarity


Studied target
Favored Class Bonus - HP x1

Feats and traits:

Two Weapon Fighting
Armor Training
Fatal Trapper

Worn Gear:

Head.....Boulder helmet
Body.....Armoured coat, Explorers Clothes, bandolier x2
Left Arm.. Heavy wooden shield
Back.....Backpack, Cold iron javelin with amentum x3, cold iron shortspear
Waist....Dwarven Waraxe, belt pouch

Bandoliers, Backpack and Belt Pouch:

Lamp oil x6, vermin repellant, flask of acid
Mess kit, Grooming Kit
Trap Smithing Tools, Hammer, Piton x3
Hempen Rope 50', Grappling Hook, String 50'
Scriveners Kit, Ink Vial, Journal
Torch x3, skin of whiskey
Dwarf Trail Rations x10, Waterskin, Skin of Dwarven Stout x2
Bedroll, Soap
Soldiers Uniform, Artisans Clothing
Whetstone, mwk thieves tools, Flint & Steel, piece of chalk, mirror

2 GP, 7 SP, 8 CP