World's Largest Dungeon Dive

Game Master Nairb the Grey

Delve into the World's Largest Dungeon

WLD Loot Tracker - Credit Zurne

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Within the Nation of Varisia lies the small community of Ravenmoor. Situated just east of the Churlwood's northernmost stretch, along the crooked run of the Lampblack River, Ravenmoor is an isolated settlement that sees few visitors. Named for the flocks of ravens that call the surrounding moors home, the village is small, with less than a dozen buildings serving as the town’s center, its businesses serving a population largely confined to outlying ramshackle farmhouses.

A month ago a series of earthquakes shook the town, destroying many of the buildings. The local hedgewitch and harrower says the earthquakes are a portent of death coming from beneath the Storval Stairs to the north.

A call has gone out to anyone brave enough to go and investigate this great evil that is foreseen, and if possible find a way to stop its coming.


Welcome. This will be a homebrew adaptation of The World's Largest Dungeon. I am updating things to Pathfinder from 3.0 because I have never gotten to run it and gosh darnit I want to.

Creation rules:
Any paizo material is allowed with exception of guns and occult. Summoners must be unchained, other chained classes can be unchained if you choose.
20 point buy stats
Race any core or standard races (rp 10 or lower) no advanced races. Sorry aasimar lovers.
Level 1 characters
2 traits, but no campaign traits since those weren't a thing in 3.0
A third trait is accessible by taking a flaw
Max gold for your class type
Hp max to start and then half+1 going forward, or I can roll for you on request. Sorry, no rolling your own hp, not that I don't trust you, just that I don't trust you.
We will be using background skills.
We will not be using the alternate feat tax rules.
I won't be a super stickler about encumberment, but your 9 str wizard better not be carrying around a whole house.

Creation Suggestions:
Your characters are heading into the unknown. Your fortunately have the meta knowledge of knowing that they are going into the darkness and not coming out for a long time. Make them as self sufficient as possible. There will be areas of literal darkness and low light, so bring darkvisiom or a light source, or both. There won't be any cities and few resupply points, you will have some opportunities, but they won't be as frequent as they are in many campaigns. This is why you are getting max gold to start. Use it wisely.

A well balanced party is strongly encouraged. I hope to recruit 6 for this expedition. I would recommend that at least four fit the standard roles: melee/tank, arcane/knowledge, divine/heal, sneak/disable.

Having someone in the party to help with supply issues (like food & water) would probably help lighten your loads of rations.

Keep in mind if you choose a class with a companion, specifically a mount, there may be areas that you won't be able to ride through. It is a dungeon after all.

I undoubtedly have missed something. If you have questions don't hesitate to ask.

Depending on interest levels I hope to close recruiting by Friday the 7th.

I'm interested. Got a rogue or an unchained summoner rolled up who never got a chance to see play. What kind of posting rate are you looking for?

Sure, I’m game.

I’ll make a Panolpy Savant Occultist with the Trappings of the Warrior VMC Magus

Full BaB with spellcasting up to lvl6 Spells.


Elven Adventurer

Str (12) Dex (18) Con (12) Int (16) Wis (10) Cha (8)
Feat: Weapon Finesse

Feat Plan
Lvl 3: Arcane Pool
Lvl 5: Dervish Dance (Dex to Damage)
Lvl 7: Flamboyant Arcana
Lvl 9: Precision! (Lvl to damage)
Lvl 11: Spellstrike!
Lvl 13: Extra Traits (double Shocking Grasp damage)

A low HP elven warrior-wizard. Starts off slow and picks up later. The opposite warrior when compared to Sven

And poor reading comprehension rears it’s ugly head. Missed no occult. Back to the drawing board!

dotting for interest. My Empiricist's kingmaker campaign died quicly, so he's still lvl 1. He'd be skills guy.

Dot. Thinking of an Elven Monk. With Survival as one of my Background Skills...

@Nairb the Grey - is the Harrow Warden monk archetype acceptable?

I would offer my services with a dwarven melee/tank. Maybe Fighter, maybe Paladin (Stonelord).

The campaign info tab currently holds the recruitment/creation guidelines as I have them posted in the first post. As I answer questions and provide clarifications I will add to the info there.

Two things added this morning that I did not think about last night:

Background: Your character's background up to this point in their life will not have much impact on the story since we will mostly be running it as written. However, it could have an impact on how your character acts in the story. As such we will not need a full 10 minute background as such, but please provide:
- General Personality & Physical Description
- What your character was doing when they heard the call for adventurers from Ravensmoor.
- Why your character would be interested in responding to this call.

Alignment: We will be using the tried and true don't be a d*** rules when it comes to other players. Because of this CE might be difficult, but I am truly open to all alignments so long as you can find a motivation to play nice with your fellow players.

Answers to DM directed questions will be coming soon.

Sbodd wrote:
...What kind of posting rate are you looking for?

See, always missing something important. I find that a minimum of once per day M-F is reasonable. If you won't be able to meet that for a short period of time I ask that you PM me so we can work out a plan so it doesn't bog everything else down.

I am around at least once per day every day of the week, so if people are available for posts on Saturday and Sunday too I am open to that, but not necessary the way M-F is.

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
is the Harrow Warden monk archetype acceptable?

I looked over it, has some cool flavor and mechanics without going too I am game.

I am interested and since no one has shown interest I will offer up a divine/healer type once I can crack open my character builder when I get home.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Last Post of the Triple...Sorry for the Spam.

Going to start the interest tracker now since that will make it easier to keep track of. This will also be posted in the campaign info. I will be updating it every one to two days during recruiting.

Helikon - dwarven melee/tank. Maybe Fighter, maybe Paladin (Stonelord) - Working on crunch and background
Oceanshieldwolf - Elven Monk (Harrow Warden)? - Working on crunch and background

Ellioti - Empiricist - Working on crunch and background



General Interest:

Alright, this is Sbodd's summoner. I'll need to do some updates (crunch is from a previous game that died almost immediately).

The basic crunchy goal is for the Eidolon to be a weapon user, focusing on Vital Strike, while Tamrel is a support caster.

Basic backstory/motivation is that he was a local of Ravenmoor. The Eidolon manifested shortly after the quakes, and has made it clear to Tamrel that he needs to go with the investigators.

Tamrel, I am not finding the subtype for your I just missing it?

Based on the story of WLD and the background you are providing that the Eidolon began manifesting after the quakes here are the possible subtypes that probably fit best.


Your Eidolon really does want you to investigate and help


Your Eidolon is appearing to you under false pretenses. It actually wants you to investigate to forward some nefarious scheme.
Genie (specifically Lawful evil or Neutral evil variety)

Ah, whoops. I'll add that. It's an Ancestor Eidolon... I'm thinking the spirit of a great-to-the-nth grandparent who fought against whatever our evil force is the last time it made an appearance.

This is actually the first time in recorded mortal history the WLD has opened. Ancestor Eidolon still works though, back from the otherside due to the portents of death and destruction. Sent by the forces of good to guide you in defending the world (or sent by the forces of evil to guide you in destroying it another possibility).

Ancestor would work on either of the lists I provided above.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hi there! =)

This is Atlas2112's character submission.

Although the WarPriest is "technically" a divine class, one might consider thinking of this in the "tank" slot. I've a theory (and it's been borne out so far) that the WarPriest can be just as good, if not better, than a fighter in the front line, if you use them right.

Tally ho! =D

Hmmm... Looks like you are a little low on Arcane types. So I'm looking to submit a CG Witch or Wizard.

I'm working on an Occultist Arcanist...a lot of Summon Monster, and some face stuff too.

@Attero: I agree, warpriest is definitely built to be more fight-ey than normal clerics, and normal clerics are already no slobs at being on the frontlines. If you plan on making your character melee first and divine second then I will mental headspace it the same as a paladin. Looking over your character sheet all looks good, although I do wonder about one of your spell selections. Since Warpriests have spontaneous casting of Cure X Wounds spells I am not sure why you would select a CLW as one of your prepared Lv1 spells. Wouldn't it make more sense to prepare something else, but then dump it for a CLW if the need arises?

Edit to add: I like the short vignette you gave for background, but it does not answer questions 2 or 3:
- What your character was doing when they heard the call for adventurers from Ravensmoor.
- Why your character would be interested in responding to this call.

Reading between the lines it seems like maybe one of the foretold events in the prophecy mentioned in your background is the WLD opening? I am good with that if it is, just wasn't sure if that was the connection you were expecting me to draw.

@Barrier & Axolotl: Sounds good, I look forward to looking over the submissions.

Updated interest list since I have time. Completed submissions bolded

::Helikon - dwarven melee/tank. Maybe Fighter, maybe Paladin (Stonelord) - Working on crunch and background
::Oceanshieldwolf - Elven Monk (Harrow Warden)? - Working on crunch and background
::Atlas2112 - Brother Aterro - Human Warpriest of Torm (Good and War Blessings), FL Fighter with some healing ability - Crunch done, background mostly done

Ellioti - Empiricist - Working on crunch and background

::Sbodd - Tamrel - Human Summoner w/ Ancestor Eidolon, Support Caster w/ Melee ally - Crunch done, working on background. See background needs in character creation guidelines on campaign info tab
::Barrier - CG Witch or Wizard - Working on crunch and background
::Axolotl - Arcanist with Occultist Archetype (lots of Summon Monster) - Working on crunch and background

::Warsor - Working on crunch and background

General Interest:

Hi. This is the Empiricist that Ellioti proposed. I haven't adapted it to your creation rules yet. Same for the background, but this way you get a first idea.

Hold up. I made the Arcanist and then thought about the party and the dungeon. I think I may submit a Cave-Caves Druid. (Cave Druid Archetype with Caves Domain). Lots of Create Water and Goodberry and Survival needed, and lots of dungeoneering needed. Secondary healer as well. At least--I think Survival is needed? :D

This is OSW's submission, Taanimohka Erissien, Elven Monk (Harrowed Monk). Still need to finalise purchases (not much there, only 60 gp to spend!) and traits I think...

General Personality & Physical Description:
Taanimohka is Lawful Good, but not Lawful Stupid. She knows her own capabilities, and where they end - as a trained agent of the Kyonin elves she holds herself to a high standard. Generally Taanimohka is kind and generous with her thoughts and care, but she can become frustrated or annoyed if others are too lax or disloyal to a team's efforts. She suffers no fools, but is lighthearted enough to join in mirth and festivity where it presents itself.

Taanimohka takes pride in her deportment and appearance - her Kyonin apparel apes martial uniforms in cut and weave leaving her look like a soldier rather than a travelling agent. Her hair is impeccably braided and her hygiene spotless. The living embodiment of elven cleanliness and diligence. With a smile.

What your character was doing when they heard the call for adventurers from Ravensmoor.:
Taanimohka was already on her way to Ravensmoor from Kyonin, having been sent to the area by Elven prophets. Though they did not tell her what her mission was, she suspects they knew something was afoot before many others did.

Why your character would be interested in responding to this call:
For Taanimohka, duty is all - she is tasked by her superiors to respond to the call for "adventurers", embed herself in one such group and find out as much as she can; specifically her mission is to protect the interests of the Kyonin, defend them from diabolism and deviltry and obtain any powerful magicks that she can for her people. This last is more an afterthought, and she must not gain anything by deception or guile, nor leave any others more needy than the Kyonin at a disadvantage. Which is of course, open to interpretaiton.

Interested! Not sure what exactly I'll be bringing yet.

Will there be any use for social skills?

Would it be possible for low str characters to ask other characters to carry their stuff?

@Taanimohka Essirien, would you be open to a shared background?

@Shontar: sure.

Reading Shontar's background, I could see Shontar being interested in the quest for exploration and investigation in and of itself, while Taanimohka would be more stuffy operative/agent, and find the more interesting aspects little more than diverting minutiae of her "mission". Which could be an interesting dynamic - Taanimohka is a stickler for honor and strict interpretation of her mandate, where perhaps Shontar is more...elastic?

Perhaps the Kyonin have reached out to Shontar's family and put these two together, an Odd-couple set up at first...I'm happy to be cousins or more distantly related...

Interested, maybe a archer focused inquisitor

Answers to questions and random things that I thought of to share: Spoilers to help avoid wall of text, feel free to read through all of them though.

Gummy Bear:

Gummy Bear wrote:

Interested! Not sure what exactly I'll be bringing yet.

Will there be any use for social skills?

Would it be possible for low str characters to ask other characters to carry their stuff?

The adventure path as written does focus a lot more on hack and slash than it does on roleplaying...the most roleplaying intensive reagon of the dungeon is slated for character levels between 11 and 13, so you guys could certainly make it through about the first half or so without a traditional party face. However, as a GM I tend to be generous when it comes to creatively finding non-combat if you decide to roleplay instead of roll-play there will definetely be areas where that is possible. With the right words in the right places and the right rolls in others, you could be running some of the areas of the dungeon by the time you are done.

As for other characters carrying your stuff for them that is entirely up to them. I have no problems with it. Just remember if they get seperated (never split the party!) then the gear they were carrying for you goes with them.


Shontar Hadove wrote:
@Taanimohka Essirien, would you be open to a shared background?

I have no issues with interwoven backgrounds, but don't make them inextricably so. I cannot guarantee that both will be selected just because an interwoven background has been written, so have an idea of what your background might be like without that weaving as well, just in case some adjustments need to happen after selection.

Shontar again:

Shontar Hadove wrote:
Hi. This is the Empiricist that Ellioti proposed. I haven't adapted it to your creation rules yet. Same for the background, but this way you get a first idea.

I have glanced over the build and it looks good in principal. I will do a deeper dive and provide any feedback once you finish your adaptations to the creation rules.


Axolotl wrote:
Hold up. I made the Arcanist and then thought about the party and the dungeon. I think I may submit a Cave-Caves Druid. (Cave Druid Archetype with Caves Domain). Lots of Create Water and Goodberry and Survival needed, and lots of dungeoneering needed. Secondary healer as well. At least--I think Survival is needed? :D

Dungeoneering and food/water resources will serve you well. Survival will have some uses as we go along, but will have limited utility in the beginning. Definetely good for someone in the party to have it, but it would not be a tippy-top priority.

General GM Ramblings that might be helpful:

1) How will summoned monsters work in WLD?
If you have played this adventure before then you know as written the dungeon is planar locked, which means interplannar travel (and summoning) is not possible RAW. It is this way to keep monsters that could normally bamph from just leaving the dungeon whenever they please. I don't like that since it is very limiting to character options, so instead I tweaking the rules abit. You are able to bamph into the WLD, and as such summoned monsters can be brought. You cannot however bamph. This means the monsters in the dungeon (and you incidentally) are there to stay unless someone finds an exit. When a summoned monster dies it magically decomposes instead of bamphing out of existance...mechanically the same result, nothing left but dust. When a magical pet (like a familiar or eidolon) are dismissed they go into a bubble dimension adjacent to WLD and the only place they can go from there is back into the WLD. This is also how interdimensional containers (like the bag of holding) work inside the WLD.

All of that to say, summoned monsters and eidolons and the like are kosher, but their mechanics are getting slightly adjusted. In the same way, you will be able to use travel options like dimension door, earth glide, etc, but it may need to be tweaked a little for the setting. We can talk more about that as it comes up.

2) How will leveling work? In order to meet the marketing requirements of having "1 of every type of monster" in the WLD, specifically advises the DM to scale down XP gain. Here's what they say:

Alderac Entertainment wrote:

Most DMs and PCs aren't going to like this, but it was inevitable. If the PCs earn XP at the "normal" rate, they'll be 8th level before they leave the first map. In order to keep this adventure challenging, we had to ignore that.

It is our intention that PCs advance only twice per map. The progression allows them to reach 20th level or so by the time they reach the end of the Dungeon and provides enough challenges to keep things interesting.

Alderac goes on to talk about different ways of handling this in game, but I personally will be using the Milestone leveling process that we see Matthew Mercer use on Critical Role. When you guys hit specific story beats and milestones within the adventure you will level appropriately. This may mean that you kill more than your normal number of monsters before leveling, but you will stay at an appropriate level for the dangers you are encountering instead of powerleveling over them and steamrolling through the dungeon, which would be boring.

3)One of every monster? how is that possible? How did AEG fit one of everything in here? Well, going back to them:

Alderac Entertainment wrote:

We didn't. Everything is in here, but not the way you're thinking. For instance, we have chromatic dragons and a metallic dragon, but not a blue or white dragon. We have a sphinx, but not every variety of sphinx. We have most of the dire animals, but not all of them. Where we could, we used every part of the buffalo, so to speak.

You'll also notice the lack of animals and vermin. Animals and vermin are not monsters. While a crow could certainly find its way into the dungeon to eat a dead rat, and each corpse attracts its swarm of ants, they do not belong in a dungeon.

In the end, we wanted to give you something you'd never seen before, but we also wanted it to be useful. Fanatic completism took a backseat to making the Dungeon fun and useful.

Of course, I always intended an interwoven background to be optional. It would be flashed out once by conicidence both people are accepted.

With the dungeon being so super huge. How long do you expect it to take? In years speaking :)

Update on the Interest tracker!

::Helikon - dwarven melee/tank. Maybe Fighter, maybe Paladin (Stonelord) - Working on crunch and background
::Oceanshieldwolf - Taanimohka Elven Monk (Harrow Warden) - Submission completed: Waiting for DM Audit
::Atlas2112 - Brother Aterro - Human Warpriest of Torm (Good and War Blessings), FL Fighter with some healing ability - Crunch done, background mostly done

Ellioti - Shontar Hadove - Elven Empiricist - Working on crunch and background

::Sbodd - Tamrel - Human Summoner w/ Ancestor Eidolon, Support Caster w/ Melee ally - Crunch done, working on background.
::Barrier - CG Witch or Wizard - Working on crunch and background
::Axolotl - Possibly Arcanist with Occultist Archetype (lots of Summon Monster) - Working on crunch and background

::Warsor - Working on crunch and background
::Axolotl - Possibly Cave Druid - Working on crunch and background

General Interest:

Shontar Hadove wrote:

Of course, I always intended an interwoven background to be optional. It would be flashed out once by coincidence both people are accepted.

With the dungeon being so super huge. How long do you expect it to take? In years speaking :)

The book makes a point of saying that a group could take years to get through it as a regular face to face table top. I mean, the book itself is 857 pages long, so yeah.

As a play by post I honestly have no idea what to expect. I see it as a standard 1-20 adventure path, just with more room to play. How long you guys take in each area is kind of up to you. But yes...if we make it all the way through I definitely think it could be a several year endeavor. I imagine during the course of that we may have players drop in and drop out. So long as we still have people having fun with it though I will stick with it.

Alright, updated crunch for this campaign, and backstory answers are below. Still have a little bit of gold to spend, but otherwise I'm all set.

Will loot be tuned for the party, or would it be a risky choice to, say, invest feats in a particular weapon type?
Is crafting allowed, and will there be enough downtime for it to be useful?

Personality and Description: Tamrel is an unlikely pick for an adventurer. He's average height for a human, but fairly scrawny, and usually has a vaguely startled look about him. His dark hair is kept fairly short, but rarely neat. Deeply insecure, he's always wished for a chance to Make A Difference like a hero in a story, but now that that opportunity seems like it's staring him in the face, he's swinging between giddy enthusiasm and total panic. When not overwhelmed by the task before him, he's bookish, quiet, and considerate.

Oh, and there's a glowing rune on his forehead now, at least when Derna's around. That's new.

What your character was doing when they heard the call for adventurers from Ravensmoor:
Helping rebuild Ravensmoor. More accurately, Derna was helping to rebuild; Tamrel's frail build left him unsuitable for most of the manual labor involved, but he could direct the eidolon and contribute that way. He knew the call was coming.

Why your character would be interested in responding to this call:
Tamrel always loved the heroic stories growing up, but never thought he could be one. When the quakes struck, and Derna appeared and made it clear he needed to go, he knew this was his Big Chance.

The book as written is pretty low on loot. I think it is left up to the GM to create appropriate loot for the party as they go along.

As such I will be open to PMs of requests, but I won't be able to promise all of the requests will be fulfilled obviously. I will be trying to keep you guys within a decent range of the wealth average per level on hard goods (like equipment and stuff). Maybe like +/- 10% or so.

You will also be coming across some amounts of consumables along the way, if the bad guys don't drink and read all of it.

Crafting is allowed if you guys have time for it, but there aren't really many "safe" zones in the lower leveled areas of the map where you could box up for a long period of downtime to do heavy crafting. Roaming mobs would make that a challenge. I would imagine small quick craft things that take a day or two might be possible, but the larger craft jobs that require weeks of dedicated labor is going to be hard to come least for the first bit.

As you roleplay through the scenarios though who knows, maybe you will be able to carve out an alliance or something to give you the time and space you need. The book provides me a basic framework, but I'm not afraid to go off the rails if that is where your guys' play takes us.

Taanimohka Essirien wrote:
This is OSW's submission, Taanimohka Erissien, Elven Monk (Harrowed Monk). Still need to finalise purchases (not much there, only 60 gp to spend!) and traits I think...

I looked through the crunch and fluff that you have. I like the personality and background that you have built.

I only noticed 3 things auditing the crunch, two of which are errors in your favor, so fixing them is good for you and one is just a proofreading thing.

1) Intelligence: It should say 12(+1)(+2 Elf) Right now it says +1 elf. Just a nitpicky proofreading thing.

2) Alternate Racial Traits: Unless you have plans to multiclass I feel like the Elven Magic and Weapon Familiarity racial traits are not going to give you much mileage. Consider swapping them out for one or two Alternate Racial Traits that might fit your character better. You don't have to, but just saying you can.

I put together a list of ARTs that look like they might be a good fit for your character/the campaign or both:

Devoted Companion
Disinterested Observer
Eternal Grudge
Human Raised
Light Against Darkness
Light Bringer
Memories Beyond Death
Silent Hunter

3) Since you have a +1 intelligence modifier you get a bonus language that you have not yet selected. Don't forget that, it could come in handy. I guarantee whatever language you choose will be spoken somewhere in the dungeon.

Just checking in I'm still here. I have a unsatifactory crunch Life Oracle atm that I am working on possibly with the Pei Zin Practitioner archetype from healer's handbook.

Continued Ramblings that may be helpful as you build - I am copying this straight from the book, so some of the rules info is still in 3.0 format, but we all know enough to know how to convert that into 3.PF.

AEG wrote:

Skills: Here are a list of skills that we generallyy believe you'll need high marks in to survive this dungeon. Balance, Concentration (if you're a spellcaster), Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disable Device (easily the most important skill), Heal, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock (the second most important skill), Search, Speak Language (Undercommon, Goblin, Draconic, and Celestial are a good start), Spell Craft, Spot, Survival, Swim (depending on the route you take), Tumble, and Use Rope Obviously adjust out of 3.0 and into 3.p where needed

The following skills should help the PCs (in general), survive the Dungeon in Style.
Craft (blacksmith, etc.), Handle Animal, Sense Motive, Use Magic Device.

Skills like Disguise, Forgery, Gather Information, Perform, Profession, Ride, and Sleight of Hand are [less useful] Encourage new PCs to avoid wasting points in these.

They also say quite a bit about spellbooks, but let me TL;DR that part. Spell books are hard in WLD because there is no good place to research new spells. As such, for spellbook based casters I will be asking you to PM me the spells you want to add to your book so that scrolls of those spells can be found with other loot. I will be handwaving the cost of writing additional spells in your spellbook because I want wizard and alchemist and the rest to be an option. Because I am handwaving that though don't expect too many scrolls laying around that are not part of your standard level up spell knowledge. There will be some, but you are in a dungeon, supplies are limited.

Silver Crusade


Yeah, I've been out of gaming for a bit so I'm still a bit rusty on the finer details. ^_^ Yes, he should carry 2 Divines.

I've added Chapter 2 to his backstory to round out his more recent history. (I'll include it now for convenience. =)

Chapter 2:

Chapter 2

The Sweet Doomed Angel was a place for telling secrets.

The low guttering candles cast ill shadows across mud brick walls that had seen more than their share of spilled drinks and spilled blood. The hour was still reasonable, so the roistering had not started in earnest and only a sparse crowd was in attendance. In the corner a pair of sailors still slept off last nights debauchery. Against the wall the tavern's bard ate a sparse breakfast and composed the night's scores. And at a far table two figures held close talks over an odd work of art.

"You are certain, Aterro?" This speaker was shrouded in a dull cloak of homespun wool that shrouded his whole figure. This was needed as it would not do for General Charles Martel, leader of the military arm of the Order of the White Angel, to be seen out of cloister.

"Aye, lord," said his companion, a heavily-muscled youth who once was Martel's most promising acolyte. He took a fortifying draught of his foaming ale before going on. "Good coin have I paid to more than one sage, and they all confirm. Eighty nine have come to pass exactly as told. But number ninety seems unlikely indeed."

They both looked once again at the odd painting, the painting that forced Brother Aterro out of the order and on to the road. The ninetieth line read: 'The hammer of the gods shall split the black bird asunder. The new will be crushed as the old is opened unto the bosom of the world.'

"Surely this will be our bulwark. Surely this can not come to pass," Aterro said to his old commander.

The General sat back in his chair, musing on the prophecy. "Regrettably, we are both too late for that. A great quake has rent loose the town of Ravenmoor. All tongues are waging at it's portent, and the Order debates sending someone to investigate."

They both sat in silence, digesting the news, and reading the Ninety-first line: 'In the heart of the cleft will Bane's right hand move. Power draws to it as flies to dung. When it tastes the sun, doom surely shall follow.'

Brother Aterro's eyes went wide. "I must go, sir! Now! Will the Order join me?"

"I will tell the Order that you are going," the General said. "I can not help you, for even still the Council of Highfathers spits on your name, but they will be pleased that one of Torm's chosen will look upon this new mystery. We can spare no more due to the greenskin uprising in the North, but know that our prayers go with you. And that you stand high in the sight of Torm, Guardian of the Breech, Emperor of Mankind."

Aterro stood and clamped his helm on head, shaking the General's hand for the last time.

"The Emperor protects."

Silver Crusade

Nairb the Grey wrote:
The book as written is pretty low on loot. I think it is left up to the GM to create appropriate loot for the party as they go along.

Just to toss out an idea, have you thought about doing ABP? It seems appropriate, and it would make it easier on you since you wouldn't need to leaven the treasure constantly.

Jus' sayin'. =)

Ok, here's a Cave Druid. Haven't outfitted him entirely. :)


Male human (Varisian) druid (cave druid) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 99)
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +8 (+10 in dim light)
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +6
Speed 30 ft.
Melee cutlass +1 (1d6+1/18-20)
Ranged sling +2 (1d4+1)
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . 7/day—acid dart (1d6 acid)
Druid (Cave Druid) Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . 1st—cure light wounds, goodberry, magic stone[D]
. . 0 (at will)—create water, light, purify food and drink (DC 14)
. . D Domain spell; Domain Earth (Caves domain[APG] subdomain)
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats Combat Casting, Underworld Connections
Traits outcast's intuition, underbridge dweller (magnimar)
Skills Heal +8, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +6 (+8 while underground or in urban terrain), Knowledge (nature) +4, Perception +8 (+10 in dim light), Sense Motive +9, Survival +10 (+12 while underground or in urban terrain)
Languages Common, Druidic, Varisian
SQ nature bond (Caves domain[APG]), wild empathy +1
Other Gear hide shirt, cutlass, sling, sling bullets (10), animal call (bat)[ACG], animal call (frog)[ACG], animal call (rat)[ACG], chalk, 84 gp, 5 sp, 9 cp
Special Abilities
Acid Dart 1d6 acid (7/day) (Sp) As a standard action, ranged touch attack deals acid dam to foe in 30 ft.
Combat Casting +4 to Concentration checks to cast while on the defensive.
Druid (Cave Druid) Domain (Caves)
Underworld Connections +2 to survival underground, +4 to rolls mod by city corr/crime/econ (if fail, seen breaking law).
Wild Empathy +1 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.
Description and Personality:

Zurne is a quiet and intense Varisian youth, whose tan looks just a little sallow from too much time spent in shade. He wears well-worn, utilitarian blacks and greys. His eyes are a startling violet, focusing in when someone speaks. Nothing about his demeanor reveals his talents as a druid, especially not the slightly battered but well cared for cutlass at his belt that speaks more of piracy than the wilderness.


Zurne is a Varisian foundling who has only the vaguest memory of his biological parents. Like so many poor children beneath the Irespan, he had the misfortune of being carried off by the Creepers as a toddler, and taken to work in the dim tunnels stretching into the depths past Underbridge in Magnimar. There, save for his own canniness and fortitude, he would have probably died in a cave-in or gotten snatched by derro, if it had not been for two Magnimarian crusaders, the former pirate Veshela and her cleric husband, Bahram, a Keleshite and sworn of Sarenrae. Veshela and Bahram smashed much of the Creepers’ organization and rescued many children, and Zurne was adopted by the two. For the first time, his life was not a shadowy nightmare.

It took a while for the boy to shake off the horrors he had been through, and when he began to manifest something like primal magic, Veshela and Bahram sought out Luma Derexhi to tutor Zurne in the ways of druidism. Zurne and Luma studied the songs of the city, and Zurne found that his time in Underbridge had given him an affinity for shadows and the below-places of Magnimar, which Luma encouraged—mastery over places which gave you fear, she said.

Veshela and Bahram continued their plans to clean up Underbridge and, audaciously, restore a Temple of Sarenrae beneath the Irespan once more—an arduous task.

Their work soon drew the attention of multiple antagonists—the Sczarni, and worse. Ancient guardians and recent houses of criminals fought back against the duo, to the point where they had to move to the outskirts of Magnimar. Zurne, now a teenager, depaired to see his adopted parents so beaten down and defeated. He longed to help them in some way, and when he heard of their discussions of raising money—to pay off Sczarni debtors, and hire a crew to drive out monsters from within the Irespan—he started thinking about how to obtain funds to help them. He had never cared for money before.

When the news broke that adventurers were travelling to Ravenmoor to explore ill portents, Zurne had his answer: go, and seek his fortune, to aid his parents, who had saved his life as a child.

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So you can see what I'm looking at currently, background still in works.

Male human oracle (pei zin practitioner) 1 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Healer's Handbook 20, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 42)
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +7; Senses darkvision 30 ft.; Perception +5
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 11 (1d8+3)
Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +2; +2 vs. death
Weaknesses light blindness
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Ranged heavy crossbow -3 (1d10/19-20)
Oracle (Pei Zin Practitioner) Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +6)
. . 1st (5/day)—cure light wounds, dream feast, murderous command[UM] (DC 16)
. . 0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, guidance, light
. . Mystery Life
Str 7, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 20
Base Atk +0; CMB -2; CMD 9
Feats Fey Foundling[ISWG], Noble Scion of War[ISWG]
Traits blessed touch, reactionary, seeker
Skills Acrobatics -3 (-7 to jump), Diplomacy +9, Heal +4, Knowledge (religion) +4, Linguistics +1, Perception +5, Profession (herbalist) +10, Sense Motive +4, Survival +0 (+2 to avoid becoming lost when using a Mapmaker's Kit as you travel)
Languages Common, Draconic
SQ arcane malignancy (20-22), healer's way (1d6+1), master herbalist, oracle's curse (shadowbound)
Other Gear lamellar (horn) armor[UC], crossbow bolts (20), heavy crossbow, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, candle (5), flint and steel, mapmaker's kit[APG], soap, torch (5), trail rations (5), 12 gp, 1 sp
Special Abilities
Arcane Malignancy (20-22) Exposure to direct sunlight for more than 1 hour at a time makes you sickened for 24 hours.
Darkvision (30 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Fey Foundling Magical healing works better on you
Healer's Way (1d6+1 hit points, 6/day) (Su) As a standard action (swift on self), touch channels positive energy to heal.
Light Blindness (Ex) Bright light blinds for 1 rd, then dazzled as long as remain in it.
Master Herbalist (Su) Can ID potions using Profession (herbalist) and in 1 rd.
Noble Scion of War You are a member of a proud noble family.
Shadowbound Sensitive to light, blinded 1 round in normal or bright light, then dazzled. Gain darkvision 30 ft.

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Brother Aterro wrote:
Nairb the Grey wrote:
The book as written is pretty low on loot. I think it is left up to the GM to create appropriate loot for the party as they go along.

Just to toss out an idea, have you thought about doing ABP? It seems appropriate, and it would make it easier on you since you wouldn't need to leaven the treasure constantly.

Jus' sayin'. =)

I actually hadn't thought about it. That could solve some problems. Let me ponder on it over the weekend and I will give a yes no on Monday. Won't impact anyone until lv 3 anyways.

Also, character is approved with the submitted fluff. You are welcome to make adjustments over the next week if you think of anything, but if not your submission is good to go for consideration.

Axolotl wrote:

Ok, here's a Cave Druid. Haven't outfitted him entirely. :)

** spoiler omitted **...

Looks good. I don't see anything that needs feedback or thoughts. I enjoyed your background info.

Submission looks good to go, like I said to Aterro, if you think of anything that you want to tweak (obviously you will be adding some eq) that's fine.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Warsor wrote:

So you can see what I'm looking at currently, background still in works.

** spoiler omitted **...

Everything looks good here too...although your -3 to hit on the heavy crossbow confused me for a while until I figured out that you were assuming you would be firing it one handed...

So I would say crunch is good to go. I look forward to looking at the personality and background details...seems like there would be an interesting story to go along with these character choices.

Time for an interest update.

::Helikon - dwarven melee/tank. Maybe Fighter, maybe Paladin (Stonelord) - Working on crunch and background
::Oceanshieldwolf - Taanimohka Elven Monk (Harrow Warden) - Submission completed
::Atlas2112 - Brother Aterro - Human Warpriest of Torm (Good and War Blessings), FL Fighter with some healing ability - Submission completed

Ellioti - Shontar Hadove - Elven Empiricist - Working on crunch and background
Cucumber Tree - archer focused inquisitor - Working on crunch and background

::Sbodd - Tamrel - Human Summoner w/ Ancestor Eidolon, Support Caster w/ Melee ally - Submission Completed
::Barrier - CG Witch or Wizard - Working on crunch and background

::Warsor - Byung-He Human Oracle Pei Zin Practictioner - Crunch completed, working on background
::Axolotl - Zurne Human Cave Druid - Submission Completed

General Interest:
::Gummy Bear

I think this is everyone so far...if I have missed updating you or you aren't on the list please let me know.

@Nairb the Grey:
Thanks for the lookover -

1: Yup, fixed to (+2 Elf)
2: Chose Draconic as extra language
3: Definitely a good idea, those won't really fit with Monk - chose Envoy and Silent Hunter

Someone should really make a Lamplighter Investigator. :)

This is Helikon´s application, the dwarfen fighter Unbeugsam.

Dotting in with a dwarven slayer trapfinder / melee. Partially complete.

Unbeugsam wrote:

This is Helikon´s application, the dwarfen fighter Unbeugsam.


I am confused by your character's AC. I am not sure how you get an ac of 25 at level 1.

I see 10 + 6 from Chain Mail + 2 from Heavy Shield +1 from Dex + 1 from Defender of Society...So, that should be 20 right? Where is the extra 5 coming from?

If I am reading it right then your touch AC should be 12 (dex and DoS) and your FF should be 19 (Armor, Shield, and DoS). I am not sure how I feel about DoS going to both, but that is what the concensus from the rules forum seems to be, so I will go with it.

Also, what does the H:42/42 represent in the spoiler? Is that hitpoints? Because it does not match up with the hitpoints in your character description of 14.

Finally in your profile under special qualities it says Bravery +1, you don't pick this up until second level.

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