Baykok of Honshu Island |

Meikali shrugs off the arrows effects and gets close enough to unleash a torrent of flame from her outstretched fingers.Burning Hands Reflex DC 14
Reflex 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13 fails, takes full 8 fire damage...
The baykok twists in midair, trying to evade Mwikali's fan of flames, but is caught fully in the blast! YYEEOOOWWW!!

Michael Johnson 66 |

Ihrin turns and heads up the stairs after the others, daggers in hand as she feels better about unchaineding the woman. Looking at abe she speaks."Thank you, for healing and for aiding that woman. I hope if we finish here that you might wish to come with us, but first let us slay these beasts and free these people" she winks and continues confident in her skills.
Princess Dracula reaches the top of the stairs just as Mwikali scorches the baykok with a fan of witchfire...

Baykok of Honshu Island |

Baykok of Honshu Island wrote:The baykok snarls a threat at Mwikali in sepulchral Japanese: I will fill you with my arrows, witch, and devour your soul!Is sitting on its shoulder,
"Boo!"He then scoots down between its armor and the body.
Move optionThen fires colour spray at its backside.
will save DC16 or 5 or more HD: The creature is stunned for 1 round.
Light streams out from gaps in its armor.
As the Fey Lord appears on the baykok's shoulder and shouts, "Boo!", for a change, it is the baykok that is suddenly startled! GAH!! WHAT IS IT!? GET IT OFF OF ME!! AAAGH!!
When the sprite slides down under the baykok's bone breastplate, the undead monster shrieks in alarm! GGNNAAAAAA!! IT'S IN MY BREASTPLATE!! GET IT OUT!! GET IT OOOOUUUUTT!!
Then, rainbow-hued light bursts in the baykok's skull-like face!
Will 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24 succeeds... The baykok shakes off the Fey magic, but seems to be revolted by the wiggling fairy inside its breastplate! UUUGH!! IT'S STILL IN THERE! AAAAGH!!

Baykok of Honshu Island |

Undead are immune to mind-affecting. Thankfully, via the power of PLANTS Toshiro (not Abe...that's his surname) has something they're decidedly not immune to.
Toshiro, still red faced, attempts to act nonchalant. "It is my duty to aid those in need, and protect them from monsters like the former shogun. And this...creature." he says upon spotting the Baykok.
This spell may be a bit of a waste on a single creature, but who knows how many other undead we'll fight today, and Toshiro has his dander up.
Toshiro clasps his hands together as if in prayer, and closes his eyes for a moment.
"I am sorry, little plants," he says to the decorative vegetation around the palace interior "But I need your help removing this abomination, and laying its spirit to rest. Will you lend me that power?"[b] he asks, and waits a moment for the response.
Apparently, he gets it, because he nods his head sharply, and abruptly unleashes a blast of pure, white energy from between his now-outstretched palms, briefly illuminating the tower in its passing.
Casting Life Blast, a 150 ft. line that kills all vegetation within 45 feet of me and deals 9d6 Positive Energy damage to undead. It does NOT heal the living, but it DOES pass through walls, so if there are any other undead within 150 feet behind the Baykok in another room, they are also blasted.
Any plants within 45 feet of Toshiro wither and die as they willingly give their life energy to fuel the spell.
There are seven nearby plants--four bonsai trees on wooden shelves, and three potted bamboo plants--which willingly sacrifice their lives for honorable Toshiro Sensei to blast the abominable baykok!
As the plants shrivel and wither in Toshiro's divine light, the baykok screams in agony, smoking from the holy radiance that envelops it!
Will 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17 fails, takes full 35 damage!
Close to destruction, the baykok drops its skeletal bow and frantically tears off its bone breastplate (a human ribcage) to get the wiggling fey (Lord P) off of it... It then flies like a howling comet toward the south ricepaper wall, tearing through it in a panic normally seen in undead only when a powerful servant of a holy divinity turns them with positive energy...

Poisonous Performer Ninja |

To Johann in accented English: You and your friends are very formidable, Bear San... You made underworld imperial dragon disappear, so you have powerful fairy magic on your side... and I saw Ashikaga Yoshinori Shogun fly up through the floor from below, badly wounded... He awaits you higher up in the tower now, regenerating his wounds back to full health... I would not wish to be the next victim of your efficient and exceptional violence... I will stand aside and be no hindrance to your quest, whatever it may be, if you will kindly spare me, noble gaijin!
Full defense, dance-like and evasive...

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

Lord P hangs in the air as it feels from it.
"HAHHAAHA, 戻ってきて、私はあなたの白い肋骨氏の骨の上の曲を再生したい"
"HAHAHAHAHA, come back I want to play a tune on your white ribs Mr bones"
Then he flies over to Mwikali and drops his wand of CMW into her hand.
45 charges left, 2d8+10
"Well if he is healing then let us as well"
the he Looks at the Ninja,
"We are not evil black clothed one, if you will stand aside then I for one will not harm you. But I would like to know, how you walk with now sound. For even I would not hear you"
He says flying down to look at the Ninjas footware.

Poisonous Performer Ninja |

Lord P hangs in the air as it feels from it.
"HAHHAAHA, 戻ってきて、私はあなたの白い肋骨氏の骨の上の曲を再生したい"
** spoiler omitted **
Then he flies over to Mwikali and drops his wand of CMW into her hand.
45 charges left, 2d8+10"Well if he is healing then let us as well"
the he Looks at the Ninja,
"We are not evil black clothed one, if you will stand aside then I for one will not harm you. But I would like to know, how you walk with now sound. For even I would not hear you"
He says flying down to look at the Ninjas footware.
We are taught to walk like a cat, Fairy San.
Her footwear is black silken shoes with big toe enveloped.
Michael Johnson 66 |

Bypassing the poisonous kunoichi in the antechamber (N), the reunited party advances as one into the master bedchamber (O), opulent with a large canopy bed with silken canopy at the center, a dozen silk pillows piled on the bed.
Ten silken tapestries on the walls depict oni, yokai, and kami in wilderness scenes, or samurai battling ninja, or hunters cornering a tiger, etc.
The room is fresh and redolent of flowers...

Jorogumo of the Palace Gardens |

Hearing more distress cries echoing throughout the Ghost Tower, Jorogumo gets more and more nervous and irrate.
Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!... Can't a woman-spider get knocked up in peace in the bloody Shogun's flipping Ghost Tower!? What the hell!?...
I will go see what is the matter, my darling, don't worry at all... I will be right back to ki--iss you, after I take care of whatever these second rate samurai and new-fish ninja can't seem to handle... I told Yoshinori Shogun, you get what you pay for...
Turning to wink at the Ogon Fox, she reinforces her suggestion to stay right there with a suggestion spell-like ability... Will DC 19 or Fox stays where he is for the next few hours...

Michael Johnson 66 |

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

Lord P is not happy that he is still ill, and works to heal himself
Wand of CMW 2d8 + 10 ⇒ (5, 5) + 10 = 20
Heal 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Fort save 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Once he has done this he heads up to the rooms
Stealth 1d20 + 32 ⇒ (2) + 32 = 34
Bed room
Appraise DC 15 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (2) + 26 = 28 made
Perception DC 40 1d20 + 1d6 + 26 ⇒ (16) + (1) + 26 = 43inspiration used made, he whispers in the ears of the others that something is there.
Then the silk
Perception DC 20 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (5) + 26 = 31

Michael Johnson 66 |

Lord P is not happy that he is still ill, and works to heal himself
Wand of CMW 2d8+10
Heal 1d20+5
Fort save 1d20+3Once he has done this he heads up to the rooms
Stealth 1d20+32Bed room
Appraise DC 15 1d20+26 made
Perception DC 40 1d20+1d6+26inspiration used made, he whispers in the ears of the others that something is there.Then the silk
Perception DC 20 1d20+26
Lord Perpireen is highly perceptive!

Michael Johnson 66 |

PUSINBOOTS 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23
BONE DEVIL 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
DIRE BEAR JOHANN 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
OGRE MAGE YOSHINORI 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
LORD PERPIREEN MCGIBEL 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
THE OGON FOX 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
JOROGUMO 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
ALGORAL THE DRUMMER 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
IHRIN ARDLEAN DRACUL 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
ABE NO TOSHIRO 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
MWIKALI & KIKU 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Gojira, King of Kaiju |

Halfway around the world, in the arid desert that colonists will call Arizona, the King of Kaiju is finally able to awaken his old playmate/nemesis Anguirus...
After much stomping about the arid desert and blasting canyons in it with his atomic breath weapon: BREEEEAAAAAARRRRRKKK!!! BREEEEAAAAARRRKKKK!!!

Anguirus the spiky kaiju |

Halfway around the world, in the arid desert that colonists will call Arizona, the King of Kaiju is finally able to awaken his old playmate/nemesis Anguirus...
After much stomping about the arid desert and blasting canyons in it with his atomic breath weapon: BREEEEAAAAAARRRRRKKK!!! BREEEEAAAAARRRKKKK!!!
Unable to ignore the incessant and repetitive honking of his king any longer, Anguirus awakens with a grumpy roar! BOO-WOOOOMP!! BOO-WOOOOOMMPP!!
Burrowing up out of the desert sands, the great spiky kaiju Anguirus eyes Gojira angrily!

The Ogon Fox |

Will: 1d20 + 6 - 2 - 2 - 1 ⇒ (17) + 6 - 2 - 2 - 1 = 18
Still under the jorogumo's thrall, the Fox reclines on the bed obediently.

Signor Pusinboots |

A large, insect-like, skeletal devil suddenly appears in the bedchamber, next to the canopied bed, and hisses... SSSSSS-S-S-S-SSS
Fear aura 5 ft, DC 19, 1d6 rounds...
The Cat, detecting but immune to the devil's fear aura, scoffs: Votre ami osseux ne me fait pas peur, monsieur Shogun!

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

Lord P
Will save 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 8 + 2 = 21
From out of his magic bag a cannon ball drops, but dose not hit the ground, it moves up and at the face of the bone demon.
Telekinetic projectile Range 30'
A1: TH1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21
DMG 1d6 + 4 + 3d6 ⇒ (2) + 4 + (6, 6, 1) = 19
A2: TH1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18 Range 30'
DMG 1d6 + 4 + 3d6 ⇒ (4) + 4 + (6, 6, 1) = 21

Bound Bone Devil |

Lord P
Will save 1d20+8+2
From out of his magic bag a cannon ball drops, but dose not hit the ground, it moves up and at the face of the bone demon.
Telekinetic projectile Range 30'
A1: TH1d20+12
DMG 1d6+4+3d6
A2: TH1d20+7 Range 30'
DMG 1d6+4+3d6
The cannon ball thumps the osyluth twice, without seeming to harm it!

Algoral |

Algoral flies into the room sees the devil and plummets to the floor staying about 15' from it. As he impacts with the floor a cone of deafening sound leaps out at the devil.
thundering drums: 5d8 ⇒ (8, 6, 1, 3, 2) = 20 Sonic DC 18 fort for half

Mwikali |

Mwikali will cast trail of Acid and Fire on the invisible Shogun.
Fortitude DC16 for half(has to save every round), lasts 9 rounds deals 1d6 fire and 1d6 acid
Fire: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Acid: 1d6 ⇒ 4

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul |

Ihrin sees these things and curses under her breath in Romani. As she does she slips her daggers away and draws the Katana.
She then when in position takes a slash at the Devil.
+1 Keen Katana: 1d20 + 8 - 4 ⇒ (13) + 8 - 4 = 17
damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Bound Bone Devil |

Algoral flies into the room sees the devil and plummets to the floor staying about 15' from it. As he impacts with the floor a cone of deafening sound leaps out at the devil.
thundering drums sonic DC 18 fort for half
Algoral must beat the bone devil's SR 20 first... Assuming he does, Fort 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22... saves for half...

Bound Bone Devil |

Ihrin sees these things and curses under her breath in Romani. As she does she slips her daggers away and draws the Katana.
She then when in position takes a slash at the Devil.
[dice=+1 Keen Katana]1d20+8-4
As sharp as the samurai sword is, it isn't driven with the force necessary by Ihrin to cut the diabolical bone of this osyluth...

Orpheus Thrush |

Flying from the bedroom out a window and up to the penthouse love nest of jorogumo, Orpheus Thrush tweets earnestly to the Ogon Fox:
Oh, Mister Fox! Mister Fox! Do not go softly into that good night! Rage! Rage against the dying of the light! Your noble friends now seek to make wrongs right! So go not softly into that good night! But Rage! Rage against the dying of the light! Good Bear Sir Johann, more noble than any knight, dost dare to climb the Ghost Tower's dismal height! And fair witch Mwikali, and her birdy too, dost dare to risk the Tower's perils for you! And brave Toshiro, speaker with the spirits, won't let you die! I tell you, he won't hear it! Habiba, with her mind thrusts and ego whips, turns your persecutors into babbling sloppy-slips! Even the Dragon's Daughter joined the party, to see that Mister Fox stays hale and hardy! Algoral and Little Lord Perpireen are sure to soon make quite the scene! So do not go gently into that good night! Rage! Rage against the dying of the light!
Boon of the Former Familiar: Ogon Fox may attempt a new saving throw versus the suggestion that he stay with a +4 morale bonus...

Michael Johnson 66 |

Whose turn is it? I didn't see the baddies go, and they're up before most of us.
Jorogumo moves through the Castle, bone devil teleported in on his turn, ogre mage is trying to parley on his turn, asking questions, but holding any other actions... Johann is the only one I think, then round 2...

Signor Pusinboots |

The Cat is clearly grappling an invisible opponent two (or three) times his size, on the bed, causing silken pillows to fly off the bed as if on their own accord!
Unveil to zee ozers, or I pluck out your eyeballs, Monsieur le Shogun!
The Cat seems to know (or think he knows) where the invisible oni's eyes are, as he poises Cat's Paw menacingly...

The Ogon Fox |

Boon of the Former Familiar: Ogon Fox may attempt a new saving throw versus the suggestion that he stay with a +4 morale bonus...
Will: 1d20 + 6 - 2 - 2 - 1 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 6 - 2 - 2 - 1 + 4 = 18
Oh nooooo!!!The Fox's ears twitch slightly as he hears the voice of Orpheus...but his mind is still overcome. He waves away the thrush lazily, saying, "No, no, I am relaxing here, awaiting my love..."

![]() |

fear aura: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
Johann feels no fear, but instead bounds forward and tries to wrap the bound bone devil in a bear hug.
grapple: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (3) + 23 = 26
I am a little confused (per normal; at least recently, this series of fights has been crazy; you say the bone devil teleported, but I see his last action as getting hit by Ihrin

Michael Johnson 66 |

[dice=fear aura]d20+7
Johann feels no fear, but instead bounds forward and tries to wrap the bound bone devil in a bear hug.
I am a little confused (per normal; at least recently, this series of fights has been crazy; you say the bone devil teleported, but I see his last action as getting hit by Ihrin
Sorry for the confusion. He teleported from the room he was in next door into the room you are in now. Then Ihrin tried to strike him.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Orpheus Thrush wrote:Boon of the Former Familiar: Ogon Fox may attempt a new saving throw versus the suggestion that he stay with a +4 morale bonus...[dice=Will]1d20+6-2-2-1+4
Oh nooooo!!!
The Fox's ears twitch slightly as he hears the voice of Orpheus...but his mind is still overcome. He waves away the thrush lazily, saying, "No, no, I am relaxing here, awaiting my love..."
Lol! Bummer! I tried to throw Fox a bone but sometimes the dice say nope.

![]() |

In that case I will direct my grapple to the invisible Shogun, trying to help Pusinboots hold him down
invisible opponent?: 1d100 ⇒ 50

Mwikali |

My spell still works it isn't effected by SR see.Trial of Fire and Acid

Ogre Mage Oni Yoshinori |

In that case I will direct my grapple to the invisible Shogun, trying to help Pusinboots hold him down
[dice=0invisible opponent?] d100
Bear bears down on the invisible oni in the bed, helping PusInBoots pin him... He does not resist, for now, seeking a diplomatic parley...
What do you want!? Why do you assail me in my castle!?

Ogre Mage Oni Yoshinori |

My spell still works it isn't effected by SR see.Trial of Fire and Acid
Okay, noted...
The witch's spell causes the invisible oni to cry out in pain and alarm: My flesh burns!! AAAAAAIIEEE!! MAKE IT STOP!!

Bound Bone Devil |

Mwikali wrote:My spell still works it isn't effected by SR see.Trial of Fire and AcidOkay, noted...
The witch's spell causes the invisible oni to cry out in pain and alarm: My flesh burns!! AAAAAAIIEEE!! MAKE IT STOP!!
Disgusted by the Shogun's show of weakness, the bone devil snarls:
Silibaresim! Diuq oge, iuq ouqe ererem tnerebed; cis sumrifni tse airisim!?The bone devil attempts to summon another of its kind to help destroy the invaders! It chants evil words of infernal conjuring... 35% chance, 01-35 1d100 ⇒ 87 fails... Fortunately for the heroes, the osyluth's call goes unheeded...