![]() |

"Boga left me too, and Quinlan, and Arc, a long time ago. I didn't think I would lose this many friends. And it isn't that they died in battle, they just... left. Got bored of me, maybe. It makes me sad. And my last friend is just spending all of his time obsessing over making the sex with all the women he can. Though I got a good view of Mwikali just now... have to say, don't blame him."
Still, Ihrin's talk helps a bit. Johann sighs loudly and goes back to reading his book.

Michael Johnson 66 |

"Boga left me too, and Quinlan, and Arc, a long time ago. I didn't think I would lose this many friends. And it isn't that they died in battle, they just... left. Got bored of me, maybe. It makes me sad. And my last friend is just spending all of his time obsessing over making the sex with all the women he can. Though I got a good view of Mwikali just now... have to say, don't blame him."
Still, Ihrin's talk helps a bit. Johann sighs loudly and goes back to reading his book.

Sultan Murad II |

The Sultan Murad II, alerted by the captain of his scouts spying on Kiev of the appearance of a colossal black pyramid in a clearing an hour's ride north of Kiev, has rode hard and fast to see this wondrous anomaly with his own eyes...
He is filled with awe and dread when he beholds the black pyramid looming above the snow-clad pines...
What is this thing!? A pyramid like those of the kings of Egypt? But black as the midnight sky, and covered with gleaming golden glyphs! What do they mean!? They are not Infernal...
The Sultan of the Turks dismounts and cautiously approaches the alien edifice, accompanied by twelve elite Jain bodyguards...
Suddenly, the giant pyramid vanishes, with an audible pop as the vacuum it occupied fills with air!
In Turkish: Allah preserve us! It is gone! Where did it go!?
Stunned, the sultan gapes at the empty clearing where the Black Pyramid of Kronos stood seconds ago...

Michael Johnson 66 |

The Champions plan their next move: rescue the Ogon Fox from his prison cell in the Ghost Tower of Hana-no Gosho, "Flower Palace", in Kyoto City...
The marvelous resources of the Black Pyramid of Kronos allow the adventurers to not only research the location revealed by Habiba's divination, but also to teleport there whenever the party is ready...
Once the party is ready to teleport in the Black Pyramid to Kyoto City in Japan...
Conditions in Kyoto City, the imperial capital of Japan, and location of the Flower Palace and its infamous Ghost Tower, are dire recently, owing to the devastating rampages of Gojira and Mosura, two colossal kaiju recently awakened from decades of torpor by a meteor. The meteor fell into the Sea of Japan at around dawn of 9th January, resulting in catastrophic tsunami tidal waves that devastated the coasts of Asia. Worse, the impact awakened Gojira, King of Kaiju, from centuries of undersea slumber!
Gojira went on a rampage, destroying Edo City and everything else in his path northward to the mountainous heart of Honshu Island, where Gojira awoke his old "playmate" Mosura, a moth-like kaiju, who'd been hibernating in her mountain cave for the past several decades...
After five continuous hours of titanic combat, Gojira reasserted his title as King of Kaiju, forcing Mosura to flee eastward for her life. Thereafter, by the grace of the gods, the two rampaging kaiju left Japan, crossing the Pacific Ocean to seek out a New World to destroy...

Michael Johnson 66 |

For the past twelve or thirteen days, Japan has been reeling from the storms and floods that accompanied the falling star and the return of Gojira and Mosura, especially Edo, which has been trampled and incinerated by Gojira's atomic breath!
Kyoto was spared the direct wrath of the rampaging King of Kaiju, but suffered flooding from tidal waves and tsunami. In the imperial capital, the Shogun Ashikaga Yoshinori claims that this recent catastrophic return of Gojira is a punishment from the gods for Japan's sins, and uses it as pretext to round up political rivals and criminals alike. These unfortunate victims suffer a gruesome fate at the hands of the corrupt Ashikaga Shogun. Boiled in a cauldron, burnt at the stake, flayed alive, or sawn in half... The atrocities are astonishing for a supposedly civilized nation, but it does seem to keep a sort of fearful order and discipline among the Shogun's subjects...

Ogon Fox GM bot |

Aa of Monday, 22nd January, at 9:00 in the morning, Ogon Fox remains at large, hiding in the fragrant gardens that give the Shogun's palace its name. His faithful familiar thrush, Orpheus, has been instrumental in keeping him one step ahead of the samurai and ninja hunting the Fox, by acting as aerial scout and directing Fox to evade capture... The little thrush has so far saved his master's life, but their luck is about to run out...

Jorogumo of the Palace Gardens |

In the fragrant gardens of the Shogun's palace dwells a jorogumo, or "woman-spider", a cunning and lethal shapeshifter... She spies the Ogon Fox as he hides in a cherry tree...
Delightful little morsel! This must be the kitsune my master seeks... Perhaps I can convince master to let me mate with this handsome Fox before we kill him...

Alexei Orlovsky |

Alexei does not immediately look up from his studies in the library when Johann and Ihrin enter. As they talk about Japan and their impending trip he pauses and offers, ”Be careful not to learn about the future- it could have terrible consequences if we change what might have been... It would be good for you to learn something about the past two weeks though- when we travel there we will go back to some point during that window. Nobody will suspect we’ve come to aid the Ogon Fox if we arrive before him.”
Are there spellbooks in the library?

Michael Johnson 66 |

Alexei does not immediately look up from his studies in the library when Johann and Ihrin enter. As they talk about Japan and their impending trip he pauses and offers, ”Be careful not to learn about the future- it could have terrible consequences if we change what might have been... It would be good for you to learn something about the past two weeks though- when we travel there we will go back to some point during that window. Nobody will suspect we’ve come to aid the Ogon Fox if we arrive before him.”
Are there spellbooks in the library?
Yes, but finding them will require some searching...

Algoral |

Algoral spends his time in the Library as well. Learning about this foreign land they are going to next and while he is there spending a little (ok a lot of time) time verifying some juicy rumors about the past dealings of the Seelie Court.

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul |

Ihrin looks up the local fashion and languages used and goes to study.
"I recommend we all brush up on the area and try to learn the language, laws, mannerisms and dress of this place, we don't know how long this will take or how easy we may offend those who could be allies." She says as she begins to study a variety of things to better prepare herself for infiltration and stealth.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Alexei does not immediately look up from his studies in the library when Johann and Ihrin enter. As they talk about Japan and their impending trip he pauses and offers, ”Be careful not to learn about the future- it could have terrible consequences if we change what might have been... It would be good for you to learn something about the past two weeks though- when we travel there we will go back to some point during that window. Nobody will suspect we’ve come to aid the Ogon Fox if we arrive before him.”
Are there spellbooks in the library?
Assuming that The Rabbi will take a couple hours to search through the lore crystals in the library...
The Rabbi finds some real gems among the lore crystals. One stores The Greater Key of Solomon, the most famed grimoire of western magical tradition, and another contains The Lesser Key of Solomon... In addition, he discovers a crystal storing The Emerald Tablets of Thoth!
Spells found in these three famous grimoires:
0 level cantrips: All;
1st level spells: All from Core Rulebook, all from Ultimate Magic;
2nd level spells: All from Core Rulebook, all from Ultimate Magic;
3rd level spells: All from Core Rulebook, all from Ultimate Magic;
4th level spells: dimensional anchor, stoneskin, dimension door, summon monster IV, charm monster, wall of fire, wall of ice, shadow conjuration, animate dead, bestow curse, fear, beast shape II, elemental body I, two 4th-level spells of Alexei's choice from any other Paizo publication besides CRB, and two 4th-level spells of Mwikali's choice from any other Paizo publication besides CRB;
5th level spells: break enchantment, dismissal, lesser planar binding, teleport, wall of stone, contact other plane, telepathic bond, dominate person, hold monster, cone of cold, wall of force, shadow evocation, magic jar, baleful polymorph, polymorph, permanency, one 5th-level spell of Alexei's choice from any Paizo publication besides CRB, and one 5th-level spell of Mwikali's choice from any Paizo publication besides CRB.
6th through 9th level spells will be unlocked and revealed when your spellcasters reach 11th and higher levels...

Habiba Al-Sahim |

"Boga left me too, and Quinlan, and Arc, a long time ago. I didn't think I would lose this many friends. And it isn't that they died in battle, they just... left. Got bored of me, maybe. It makes me sad. And my last friend is just spending all of his time obsessing over making the sex with all the women he can. Though I got a good view of Mwikali just now... have to say, don't blame him."
Still, Ihrin's talk helps a bit. Johann sighs loudly and goes back to reading his book.
"I am sorry to hear of your abandonment issues Johann, but i'm afraid i am not equipped to treat them."
"Perhaps it is best if we focus on the task at hand? The Ogon Fox needs his friend to come to his aid, no?"

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

Lord Perpireen McGibel's dream:
Lord Perpireen dreams that he is a star "space G-ball" player on a professional team in the space G-ball league, competing for the Galaxy Cup! Suddenly, the opposing team transforms into hideous oriental spirits--yokai, oni, bakemono, goblin spiders, fox women, etc.--and begin to try to eat the little Lord!
He awakens with a shout of fright and a Sylvan curse at around 8:00 AM, Monday 22nd January...
Lord P's eye open with a start, then he leans back, His little home in a bag warm and welcoming.
"Very interesting"
He says to himself after the dream fright.
"Something wants me to keep away, well we shall have to go now"
Then when other others tell him someone has gone.
"Him, O well he made up his mind, whats to say"
As they reserch.
Stealth 20+31+4=DC55
”Be careful not to learn about the future- it could have terrible consequences if we change what might have been...”
Lord P Stealthy dose the complete opposite and learns all he can about the future. He finds plans for an odd device that works with light, allowing him to copy all his books onto it. He slinks off with it and tells no one of what he learns. Hording the Knowledge as one would hording gems or gold.
Gaining the Technologist Feat
And Fabricates for himself a teeny-tiny PDA, from the 3d printers in the work shop, on which to place a copy of all his books.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Michael Johnson 66 wrote:Lord Perpireen McGibel's dream:
Lord Perpireen dreams that he is a star "space G-ball" player on a professional team in the space G-ball league, competing for the Galaxy Cup! Suddenly, the opposing team transforms into hideous oriental spirits--yokai, oni, bakemono, goblin spiders, fox women, etc.--and begin to try to eat the little Lord!
He awakens with a shout of fright and a Sylvan curse at around 8:00 AM, Monday 22nd January...
Lord P's eye open with a start, then he leans back, His little home in a bag warm and welcoming.
"Very interesting"
He says to himself after the dream fright.
"Something wants me to keep away, well we shall have to go now"
Then when other others tell him someone has gone.
"Him, O well he made up his mind, whats to say"
As they reserch.
** spoiler omitted **
Hehe! Just like a sneaky fey...

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

Over the next few days, Lord Ps clothing and look changes.
Lord Perpireen McGibel NEW LOOK HERE
As he studies the ways of the Technomancer.

Zagathoth |

you can't 20 on opposed stealth checks... and you don't have hide in plain sight so you can't stand in the library checking out glowing crystals 'in stealth' (because you'd need cover and/or concealment to even attempt the check).

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

Edit, I said stealth per say as he will do it when your not around, Say when your sleeping' with the new bad mate hehe, he has 'invisibility or will waits until your all asleep, he is sneaky like that
Lord P waits until the others are sleeping to do his reserch.
He will use stealth when others come in, Vanish say for a nice +20 making 10+32+20=62

Michael Johnson 66 |

Algoral spends his time in the Library as well. Learning about this foreign land they are going to next and while he is there spending a little (ok a lot of time) time verifying some juicy rumors about the past dealings of the Seelie Court.
Scandalous reports of Queen Titania having secret trysts with a certain sprite recently granted lordhood tittilate the nosey Algoral...
It seems her companion Lord Perpireen keeps many juicy secrets, and has been in many places he should not have been in!

Michael Johnson 66 |

Ihrin looks up the local fashion and languages used and goes to study.
"I recommend we all brush up on the area and try to learn the language, laws, mannerisms and dress of this place, we don't know how long this will take or how easy we may offend those who could be allies." She says as she begins to study a variety of things to better prepare herself for infiltration and stealth.
Regarding such matters, the Japanese apparently have clans dedicated to expertise in the art of invisibility, which they call ninjutsu, and the clan members are called shinobi, shadow warriors, or ninja, invisible ones...
The Iga clan, and the Koga clan, mountain-dwelling folk with villages along the Hattori River, trained in the arts of sabotage, assassination, and guerilla warfare, employing poisons, eggshell flash or smoke grenades, concealed weapons, caltrops, arson... These ninja sound like effective killers and saboteurs to Ihrin...

Antichrist Nero |

Monday, 22nd January, 9:15 AM:
In the streets of Rome, the town criers call out:
When this strange news reaches the Antichrist's ears, he is alarmed!
The Black Pyramid of Kronos! Someone has found it!? ... Who!? ... Is it the Anunnaki!? Have they returned!? ... Did some gray men find it!? What was it doing outside Rome!? ... I must commune... I MUST COMMUNE WITH FATHER!!
Running to a lava pit in his cavernous sanctum, he gazes into the red glow and sends his mind calling out to his father, Lucifer, the Devil...
Casts commune to ask the Devil questions about the Black Pyramid of Kronos...

Archdevil Lucifer |

Town crier wrote:Monday, 22nd January, 9:15 AM:
In the streets of Rome, the town criers call out:
When this strange news reaches the Antichrist's ears, he is alarmed!
The Black Pyramid of Kronos! Someone has found it!? ... Who!? ... Is it the Anunnaki!? Have they returned!? ... Did some gray men find it!? What was it doing outside Rome!? ... I must commune... I MUST COMMUNE WITH FATHER!!
** spoiler omitted **
Running to a lava pit in his cavernous sanctum, he gazes into the red glow and sends his mind calling out to his father, Lucifer, the Devil...
Casts commune to ask the Devil questions about the Black Pyramid of Kronos...
A black smoke rises from the lava pit and seems to take a devilish shape... The eyes burn like embers...
Ask, my son...

Antichrist Nero |

Antichrist Nero wrote:Town crier wrote:Monday, 22nd January, 9:15 AM:
In the streets of Rome, the town criers call out:
When this strange news reaches the Antichrist's ears, he is alarmed!
The Black Pyramid of Kronos! Someone has found it!? ... Who!? ... Is it the Anunnaki!? Have they returned!? ... Did some gray men find it!? What was it doing outside Rome!? ... I must commune... I MUST COMMUNE WITH FATHER!!
** spoiler omitted **
Running to a lava pit in his cavernous sanctum, he gazes into the red glow and sends his mind calling out to his father, Lucifer, the Devil...
Casts commune to ask the Devil questions about the Black Pyramid of Kronos...
A black smoke rises from the lava pit and seems to take a devilish shape... The eyes burn like embers...
Ask, my son...
In Infernal: Has the Black Pyramid of Kronos been found?

Archdevil Lucifer |

Archdevil Lucifer wrote:Has it been found by the pope's crusaders!?Antichrist Nero wrote:YES!!Archdevil Lucifer wrote:In Infernal: Has it been found by my enemies?"Antichrist Nero wrote:In Infernal: Has the Black Pyramid of Kronos been found?In Infernal: Yes!
What do YOU think, stupid? HAHAHAHAHA!!

Archdevil Lucifer |

Archdevil Lucifer wrote:Will you show me where these artifacts are, Father!?Antichrist Nero wrote:Are there artifacts of equal power that I might acquire to balance the war against them!?Of course, my son!
I will not! Use your own resources, boy! I won't spoon-feed you everything like HE does with HIS son!! Nay, Nero! I'll not coddle thee! Find them for yourself! Prove your worthy to be my spawn! If you should fail, I shall have thee tortured with me in the deepest pit for all eternity, and shall forget thy name, and shall sire a better Antichrist on some mortal trollop to replace thee!

Antichrist Nero |

Antichrist Nero wrote:I will not! Use your own resources, boy! I won't spoon-feed you everything like HE does with HIS son!! Nay, Nero! I'll not coddle thee! Find them for yourself! Prove your worthy to be my spawn! If you should fail, I shall have thee tortured with me in the deepest pit for all eternity, and shall forget thy name, and shall sire a better Antichrist on some mortal trollop to replace thee!Archdevil Lucifer wrote:Will you show me where these artifacts are, Father!?Antichrist Nero wrote:Are there artifacts of equal power that I might acquire to balance the war against them!?Of course, my son!
Nay!! NAY, I SAY!! I SHALL NOT FAIL THEE, MY FATHER!! I... I can find these artifacts with no help from THEE, OLD SCRATCH!!

Archdevil Lucifer |

Archdevil Lucifer wrote:Nay!! NAY, I SAY!! I SHALL NOT FAIL THEE, MY FATHER!! I... I can find these artifacts with no help from THEE, OLD SCRATCH!!Antichrist Nero wrote:I will not! Use your own resources, boy! I won't spoon-feed you everything like HE does with HIS son!! Nay, Nero! I'll not coddle thee! Find them for yourself! Prove your worthy to be my spawn! If you should fail, I shall have thee tortured with me in the deepest pit for all eternity, and shall forget thy name, and shall sire a better Antichrist on some mortal trollop to replace thee!Archdevil Lucifer wrote:Will you show me where these artifacts are, Father!?Antichrist Nero wrote:Are there artifacts of equal power that I might acquire to balance the war against them!?Of course, my son!
There's my evil lad! Go, then! Do it, don't jabber on like a priest about it!

Michael Johnson 66 |

Zagathoth grins a big toothy smile and drops his sheet as he rushes into the witch's chamber. He spends the next couple hours demonstrating everything he has learned about making sex from his woman in Rome and the harem in Marrakesh.
I don't know why it seems so amusing to me but for some reason I love the fact that despite having a lot of trouble learning information (due to his low Int) Zag is actually really easy to train physically (that seems to be the idea behind martial flexibilty)... so even though he probably couldn't name a single part of the female anatomy he has the muscle-memory to know what to do, lol.
*Sigh*... Okay, let's have Zagathoth and Mwikali roll opposed Fortitude saving throws. If Mwikali beats Zag, she gets her period at the usual time for changeling females... But if Zag beats Mwikali, a blue dragon-blooded half-orc-half-changeling is conceived!

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

Lord P can not help himself he has to find out who is in the locked cell. So he calls over Algoral.
In Galic
"Look I found some keys here, I think they open the cells here. Lets go open the locked one and see what is inside."
Sences motive DC 22 to know what they are up to

Michael Johnson 66 |

Lord P can not help himself he has to find out who is in the locked cell. So he calls over Algoral.
In Galic
"Look I found some keys here, I think they open the cells here. Lets go open the locked one and see what is inside."
Sences motive DC 22 to know what they are up to
LOL! Balls o' mithral...*Sigh!*... So, is Algoral going to be the voice of reason, or the gasoline on the fire? Lol...

Zagathoth |

oh man... at some point someone should really explain the birds and the bees to Zagathoth...
Fort: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
lol- ties go to the defender, right?

Mwikali |

LOL dodged a bullet this time!
Making those Items and working on my spells at the moment as I figured we will have time to work on some stuff while he work on how to infiltrate Kyoto

Mwikali |

Also for 4th and 5th level I only get like a couple of those spells listed. Was wondering if the Pyramid will unlock more later on in those areas,If not I understand as I will throw more money at scrolls in the future

Algoral |

A fey the voice of reason? seems very out of character!
Let us see what we can see, Lord P.
Do you wish me to scry inside first?
Or shall we just pop the cork and quench our thirst?

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

He nods,
"Yes good idea, see what's inside 1st, then open. Lets go to the empty cell and test to see which key can lock and open that. Then we will know the other key dose the other cell."
He heads off to the cells.