Alexei Orlovsky |

MJ- I think you may have missed one of posts (in discussion last night). How aware are others of what the pyramid can do if I don’t tell them? I’m guessing/assuming I know because I’ve become the helmsman but does anyone else in the part know anything yet?
I don’t want to cause any trouble but with 26 Int I’m smart enough to understand how much trouble we could cause with this, and how much attention we could attract... I’d like to be fairly closed lipped about what it can do...

Michael Johnson 66 |

MJ- I think you may have missed one of posts (in discussion last night). How aware are others of what the pyramid can do if I don’t tell them? I’m guessing/assuming I know because I’ve become the helmsman but does anyone else in the part know anything yet?
I don’t want to cause any trouble but with 26 Int I’m smart enough to understand how much trouble we could cause with this, and how much attention we could attract... I’d like to be fairly closed lipped about what it can do...
A knowledge (arcana) check DC 30 is required to even know what the Pyramid is. I assume most of the party is ignorant of the artifact...
That said, Habiba and the fey characters may have some idea of what the Pyramid is...

Alexei Orlovsky |

yeah- I just got into gameplay and saw that there are like 10-12 posts where everyone knows what it is... probably too late to try to retcon all that. we can just assume that Al made his knowledge check before he let the cat out of the bag.

Alexei Orlovsky |

BTW, should you eventually conclude that the pyramid must be destroyed, the only means by which this can be done is to pilot the pyramid into the heart of the sun...
Well, that's definitely going to have to wait at least until I learn simulacrum... maybe clone, depending on how hard it would be to do...

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BTW, should you eventually conclude that the pyramid must be destroyed, the only means by which this can be done is to pilot the pyramid into the heart of the sun...
no!! I want to watch an episode of Bear and Fox first, in the future.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Michael Johnson 66 wrote:BTW, should you eventually conclude that the pyramid must be destroyed, the only means by which this can be done is to pilot the pyramid into the heart of the sun...no!! I want to watch an episode of Bear and Fox first, in the future.

Michael Johnson 66 |

I'm almost speechless... I hope you guys don't object to me using your dialogs verbatim when I turn this into the greatest historic fantasy novel of the century lol...
The RP XP that you guys are racking up right now, along with the XP for your encounters in Atlantis, have each Pc's current total at 40,000 XP. You need as a party about 90k more for 9th level.
As awesome as this party conflict over the pyramid is for RP and story, Cardinal Lucius has expressed concern to me in PM that I feel he should express here so we can all be on the same page on the future direction of the campaign. He is doing an excellent job of portraying a 15th century cleric, which puts him in a bad spot with a more progressive, less religious band of fellow adventurers.
We are considering a couple options so our good friend can continue to play with us without compromising Lucius' character, and without bringing things to a gridlock.
1.) Lucius becomes a beloved antagonist trying to destroy the artifact, and the player brings in a more freewheeling PC to join the party.
2.) One side gives in and we continue with Lucius a party member (in a likely more strained, conflicted, realistic party)...

Michael Johnson 66 |

It wouldn't be my intention to push Lucius out of the game; I figured we'd just have it out for a while and come to a compromise that would leave everyone involved feeling unsatisfied and mildly resentful of each other, like all true compromises should.
Option 2 lol...

Michael Johnson 66 |

BTW, it may interest you all to know that I totaled the gameplay posts for tables 1 and 2 before they closed and it comes to 5,236 posts prior to the combined table (table 3). Added to the 414 posts on this table, we are at 5,650 gameplay posts in this saga... In about 7 or 8 months real time! Impressive to keep a PbP alive and active at this pace for so long. Thank you all for your dedication! It shall be rewarded with an unforgettable epic story and the eventual deification of your PCs in my Fairytale Earth setting!

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Would the Cardinal--or any of our characters-- really know all of the time-traveling conundrums and paradoxes? I think the group is metagaming this too much with your own sci-fi understanding of time travel.
I think we need to experience it ourselves, and experience something going terribly wrong, before any of us could really grasp what a bad idea time travel is.
Cmon folks, we have a time travel machine! We have to time travel at least once. Please relent a little, Lucius, until Lucius can really see it for himself.

Storm Dragon |

Whoops, I goofed Re: Pope is evil thing. It's Nero that's the Antichrist. Amend argument slightly; Habiba is not meaning to attack the Church for the sole purpose of attacking it.
The main point still kind of stands; the ultimate evil sits not far from the halls of the most holy, with most apparently none the wiser.

Mwikali |

Lucius is a great character. And I can see him having an ethical dilemma. he has yet to go to God. I mean I even stated that if the two can't come to a compromise that they would be left out of the decision.
Still, though I do think that it would be interesting to see us having to fight the Cardinal. in the long run that would hurt the campaign. However, his distrust of such power could spin off a cool side story...Say a secret Order devoted to keeping the timeline pure. Or in the end the Fey could take it to the Faerie Realm with them.

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I don't see the Cardinal leaving as a option. Though it would be up to Lucius. Johann (and though I can't speak for him, probably Zag) would have to go with him. The rest of you don't have our history, but all of the Crusaders from Rome have followed his lead from day 1.
Once again, and I would really like some feedback on this, I don't think our PCs should have ANY clue as to how messed up time travel is. They have NOT seen Back to the Future.

Zagathoth |

Always obey priests, it’s one of the rules.
Also, I think it makes sense for anyone who’s Int is like 24 or higher (which is probably smarter than any living human) to have some sense of the potential dangers but I agree that most of us probably shouldn’t at all.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Going back to the Paleolithic or Jurassic era to kill some dinosaurs and romance some cave people is likely to leave some interesting anomalies for future scientists to discover... maybe... Or it could have unforeseen ripple effects that make things totally wonky lol...
A trip to the 1980s would likely result in hilarity and inspire a film adaptation of the resulting misadventures lol...

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I love the Rabbi's ideas of going back in time to find missing artifacts. With the purpose of gaining power to help us defeat Nero!
For example... The Grail! It went missing because we took it! I love it.

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Hey everyone.
I tossed this at MJ via pm because I don't want to tear the party apart. You're all right, Lucius doesn't have the power to deal with time paradoxes, which is why his concerns (as stated) are over the potential for misuse of this thing, which is vast. If people find put about can you imagine any self respecting Lord with more than 10 men at his command not wanting to seize the thing? It's sheer potential is terrifying, and as a cardinal whose first goal is to defeat Nero and save rome this is a terribly dangerous side show... Time travel aside, in a world where teleportation is difficult and expensive the ability to laid your army inside a nearly indestructible artefact and then teleport in, land on your opponents head and disgorfe your army to alaugtet his remains makes the pyramid the most lethal weapon on the planet.
Lucius is scared, and I think he has reason to be!
Obviously as a player I don't want to split the party, so I want to find a way to resolve this without Lucius forcing Johann and Zag to make the choice, on the other hand (and I may have thought myself into a corner here) I really don't see how, short of divine intervention Lucius will be able to reconcile the dangers the pyramid poses to any good that the group might be able to do with it...
If Johann and Zag want to join up to a new secret society dedicated to the destruction of dangerous artefacts however... ;)
On the up side, going back in time to find the frail would give me a great chance to play Galahad as a new PC :)

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I'm a little frustrated as to why Lucius can't just go with it for a least a little. If you need an excuse, it's because he simply doesn't understand the ramifications yet! That take on things provides more opportunities for character growth! When you do improv , you don't say No. You say, Yes, and.... or Yes, but....

Alexei Orlovsky |

I love the Rabbi's ideas of going back in time to find missing artifacts. With the purpose of gaining power to help us defeat Nero!
For example... The Grail! It went missing because we took it! I love it.
Yeshua is the Hebrew name for Jesus, so when I said “the famed cup of your Rabbi Yeshua” I was suggesting the grail (which it makes total sense for Johann to miss but I expect Lucius would recognize the reference.
I (Alexei, in character) am pretty convinced that recovering artifacts that went missing is a solid plan... I’m/he’s not a stubborn man, so if someone can make a convincing argument to the contrary that might change but my/his plan right now is to start gathering. Some examples of targets I’d like to consider (just off the top of my head)...
The ark of the covenant [Jerusalem, 597 BCE]
Scrolls from the Great Library [Alexandria Egypt, 48 BCE]
The Holy Grail and/or Spear of Longinus [Jerusalem, 28 CE]
Legendary Weapons: Excalibur, Hrunting (Beowulf), Gáe Bulg (Cúchulainn)
Legendary Armor: Armor of Achilles, Golden Chainmail (Sigurd)
The legendary ones aren’t necessarily thought of as ‘missing’ in the real world (because they’re assumed not to have really existed), but they generally don’t show up anywhere else after the one legend. There’s tons more stuff like that too... Tarnhelm was a magic helmet that could make you invisible or shapechange in a German legend; the Seal of Solomon was a ring that could imprison demons; the Book of Thoth was reported to be a vast collection of magical knowledge (from Egypt)...

Alexei Orlovsky |

Edit (sort of)
My last post got ninja’d by a pretty big one from Lucius...
Lucius did you read my gameplay post at all? I understand your practical concerns about how the pyramid could alter the shape of war, but I really do think that any churchman worth his salt (particularly one who’s mystic connection to God is of sufficient strength to cast spells) should at least consider the possibility that we have been divinely charged with safeguarding and putting to good use this potent tool?
I mean... shouldn’t you at least be casting some spells to discern what’s right? I guess Commune isn’t available until next level but how about an augry or a divination or something?

Zagathoth |

I’m not sure its a great idea for me to be in secret society... let me rephrase that: I’m not sure it’s a good idea for me to know that I’m in a secret society, lol. I’ll be a great asset to the society as long as I don’t know anything about it to accidentally reveal!

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The above post was without reading the gameplay thread so my apologies Alexei. I've done a gameplay post which partially addresses your concerns, although not well as Lucius and I are both very tired right now!

Algoral |

I too am enjoying the tension caused by the joining of the two parties, one servants of the church and the other freedom fighters. Not always going to agree on a course of action given the two party characters.

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

'Haha so you are and you still ow me three shekels for that last fish supper. But I will for-go it for another of your wonderful stories!'

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

"Next time we meet then, you bring the wine, I'll bring the fish, I have something called Scottish salmon, your going to love it, haha"

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
Thanks, I appreciate the offer, but my new schedule is killing my gaming time. I used to work at night and have five or six hours a shift to post. Now, with the new job, I work daytime hours and try and squeeze a few posts in before bed. On the weekends I read up on a couple of games I was in, thus the interjection. But like I said, you folks are killing it, it's been a hoot to read.

Michael Johnson 66 |

I had started to conceive of a solo adventure for one of the old Lusty Fools, Hisao the ninja, but his player's busy RL responsibilities forgo any online goofing off lately lol... The mission: rescue the Ogon Fox from his prison cell in the Ghost Tower of Edo, where he awaits execution after a lengthy period of languishing and maltreatment at the hands of hopping vampires, hungry ghosts, oni and other oriental horrors...
But now I'm going to prep it as a side quest for this campaign lol...

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Thanks for helping with the Fox. He's been a major part of Johanns experience in this game. If the other players would support this quest, I would like to rescue him and keep him around as a cohort with the leadership feat.
We are facing a bit of crisis of priorities here. What is our number one goal right now? Do we pursue it with focus or is there leeway of doing things like this on the side?