Heroes of Iblydos: A Tale of Gods and Men

Game Master Isora of Solaria

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If one were a paladin with the Monstrous Mount feat, might one reflavor the hippogriff as a pegasus?

@Gosor: Ah, another Teamwork-Feat user! Awesome. If we both get selected, we should compare and coordinate which feats to take. I should be able to share one feat all-day-long with allies plus get several more over time (plus can switch the shared feat as a swift action).
Your defence looks a bit low, but wow that offence is scary.

@Swordwhale, yeah, teamwork feats can be great! I've actually got flexibility in the teamwork feat that I start with and get another at level 9, so I'm happy to coordinate! The defense is dicey, but magic vestment helps shore that up at least a little if I can use it (with +8 AC for up to 8 hours a day for now.) The saves aren't too awful and I've got some HP to take a hit or two, so I hope I'm not quite glass cannon territory.

How many characters do you intend to pick? I kinda want to try making a Rajah, but (much like Skalds), they're somewhat dependant on party comp to function well.

Alternatively, is the Kineticists of Porphyria/Legendary Kineticists stuff allowed? Here: http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/other-options

I think I'm leaning towards the catfolk option.

I know you haven't had a chance to get back to my further dragonrider inquires, but I'm continuing to brainstorm ideas and seem to be stuck between choosing sorcerer or oracle as his second class. The question is do I want him to be connected to the divine, possibly serving of the the hero-gods? Also it would be cool to pick up the lame oracle curse which would work well with the crippled dragon idea.

@Gosor: I have the feeling that I am on the other camp with #Groot. My AC will usually be in the area of 36 with only mage armor up and a total of 172hp, while my attacks hit with +17ish for 2d6/1d8 +12.
Basically, fighting myself would take forever, because I can only hit myself on a 19/20 *lol*
--> Being that tanky, I guess I#ll aim for Broken Wing Gambit Teamwork feat, which gives enemies boni to hit me ... which 'generates' AoO from everyone with that feat. I can certainly take the hits, but can the enemy take potentially multiple AoOs? *like it*

I'm going to have AoOs out the wazoo, I'm all for it! And yay fauchards, who doesn't love the crit range?

GM: With the comment on unlimited flight being problematic, does that extend to the half-speed flight granted by Sparrow's Path? At 8th level it becomes permanent, and I'd love to take it to go with my little tiefling wings.

Interested...will adjust soon.

So many prospective godlings... When did Zdokirae die originally? It is quite important for my backstory...

My character won't be a gish exactly, they'll be mostly focused on casting. There doesn't seem to be many focused in that direction yet. Though the Dark Messenger animal companion will be doing martial stuff of course.

Very very interested in this... I have a Half Orc Inquisitor I have built up that I theoried out Gestalt/Mythic options for. Thinking a Half-Orc Inquisitor / Bloodrager with an animal companion. Main roles are dealing damage, debuffing via fear effects, and sharing teamwork feats with party members. Secondary role would be skills and status removals, and healing via the new Healers Hands feat.

EDIT: Will adjust my character and plan a little ahead this weekend, and throw it up for consideration. Need to read the background lore more thoroughly first and make sure I'm playing nice, RP wise.

Here's roughly what I'm thinking of for my character:

Ktinos’s memories are always suspect--that happens when four other beings, none of whom like you, are sharing your mind. Even the name he gives is not truly his own--they were simply two of the words the natives of Iblydos would use when talking to him. Only later would he learn that he was literally calling himself “Beast Defender”.

From what he’s managed to piece together of the memories he’s fairly certain are his own, Ktinos grew up somewhere far from the islands, in a great jungle. He thinks the Mwangi is most likely, but fears he shall never know for certain. Even less certain is how he came to Iblydos, for here memories of washing ashore on rocky shores mingle with ancient recollections of prowling through ruined temples and furious battles on mountain slopes.

What is certain is that sometime, somehow, Ktinos became the vessel of four wrathful spirits of ancient monsters slain by Iblydos’s hero-gods: a Sphinx, a Chimera, a Lion, and a Griffon. These four spirits constantly struggle for control of his mind and body, and he fears they only fail because they fight amongst themselves as much as against him. Even so his life is a constant struggle to remain himself.

He has had some small success in turning the power of these spirits against others of the monsters that threaten civilization in Iblydos, though in doing so he fears he risks even more of himself. But in doing so he also hopes to someday find some way to be free of the spirits or someone who can help him.

Ktinos is afflicted by four spirits, each with their own motives and desires.

Alignment: ????
Spirit Type: Trickster
Goals: Enigmatic
Personality: The Sphinx spirit delights in riddles and outright lies, seeming to take special delight in keeping Ktinos guessing as to her true identity and motivations. She’s hinted at being killed by no less than five different hero-gods at different times, and alternately proclaimed a desire for vengeance on and protection for various cities of Iblydos. She mostly holds herself aloof from the squabbling of the other spirits, waiting for opportunities when they are distracted by their infighting to make her own attempts to influence or control Ktinos. Her actions while influencing Ktinos are likewise enigmatic, having no clear end goal.

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Spirit Type: Champion
Goals: Destruction of humanoid cities, gluttony
Personality: The Chimera is a creature of wrath, swearing her vengeance on all civilization for her death. She rages constantly against Ktinos and humanoids in general, urging him to random acts of destruction and violence. The only thing that calms her rage for a moment is gorging herself on fresh meat, and impulse she tries to impart on her unwilling host whenever he makes a kill of something that looks at least vaguely edible. She seems to have a particular target to her rage, but who it is she will not reveal.

Lion (Nemean Lion)
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Spirit Type: Guardian
Goals: Torment humanoid civilization
Personality: The Lion seems far older than the other spirits. He also hungers for revenge, but his is a more gradual, more sadistic anger. All of the direct targets of his vengeance are long-dead, and so he instead wishes to torment humanoid civilization in general, sowing misery and poverty instead of death. While he calls himself a Lion, it is clear from his speech that he was far more than an ordinary animal in life, for he boasts of his impenetrable hide and razor-sharp claws and fangs. He refuses to speak of how he was slain if his hide could not be pierced.

Alignment: Lawful Evil
Spirit Type: Marshal
Goals: Subjugate others, amass wealth
Personality: All of the spirits are proud, but the Griffon exceeds them all in arrogance. He desires revenge on the world by subjugating them to his will and hoarding their wealth, especially gold. Certain treasures seem to particularly attract his attention, though he will not explain why.

I’m thinking something Darkness/shadow focused. Like a Fetchling who combines gloomblade fighter with shadow oracle, or something like that. With Psychic classes on the table, a soulknife/aegis reflavored to derive its weapons and armor from the Plane of Shadow rather than psychic power might work as well. Just not sure what mythic paths I’d take. Champion probably, but what else?

Eldritch Godling gains access to domains and their spells. How does that work? Does it mean you don't learn it automatically, but can add them as spell known when you can learn a new one or do you add them directly to spells known or perhaps you get a domain slot where you can prepare one of your domain spells? I think the most reasonable interpretation is that they get them as spells known, but I've seen both of the others suggested.

Edit: Found the answer and since more people probably are interested I'll post it here: http://paizo.com/products/btpy8fcq/discuss?The-Genius-Guide-to-the-Mystic-G odling-GiantSized-Edition#42

Question on Animal Companions... Do they also get 1 feat per HD?

Grand Lodge

question....do you allow the rondelero swashbuckler?

Did we scare the GM off? It is a new account....

How to do we flavor the Jotun in the color of the cyclops? There are a number of Aspect of (Element) feats for the Jotun that make you choose a type of giant that the jotun favors physically but Cyclops is not one of them. In mythology cyclops were associated with all parts of nature from the bottom of the ocean to the caldera of an erupting volcano. My idea is Aspect of Water (Troll) but instead of brutish appearance with tusks he gains green/blue skin and green or white hair. Would he be a young cyclops associated with the ocean or just a blue/green skinned Jotun raised on an island nation?

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Today was a bit of a busy day, but I am still here.

@CampinCarl9127:That seems like a fair compromise with the Dragonrider.

@Daedalus: I would say that most feats that support the third-party classes that I said were allowed are also allowed. I will not say all because there are some broken feats in a few publications. Just list which ones are from third-party books that you plan on taking.

Which Legendary Talents are you looking at taking?

@Oyzar: The setting is Golarion, so guns are in the setting, but are very rare and expensive.

Rage Prophet would work with Bloodrager since Rage and Bloodrage are treated as identical effects for many rules interactions.

You may select martial traditions in leiu of martial weapon proficiency as a Spheres character, yes.

Zdokirae died confronting Oumarikos, like most of the other slain Hero-Gods.

@Monkeygod: No skill unlocks.

Fighters get Stamina for free.

You can take unchained classes, because they fall under the "All Paizo" stipulation.

No templates.

@Rednal: Nerita definitely seems interesting. She fits the Grecian story trope of the seeming force of nature bound within a mortal form trope like you see in some myths.

Just curious: do you have an idea on her secret background that you would be willing to share either here or through a private message? Or are you still working on that?

@Swordwhale: Animal Companion rules only apply to animal companions. Familiars are a lesser feature and so do not warrant the consideration. Eidolons are already powerful on their own, especially with support from the Summoner, and therefore do not need any boosts. Only Animal Companions really have an issue scaling in usefulness in high power games.

The general consensus is that 10th-11th level is when perma-flying is acquired, if you look at the overall trend in class features and racial feats. So I would appreciate holding off on that until then. Short term flying isn't as big of an issue.

Putting your own spin on fluff by using leitmotifs is perfectly acceptable.

#Gosor Proudhoof: Rite Publishing's Taurian is what I meant, yes.

Magic Vestment specifically applies to clothing, whereas Air Barrier is an invisible shell of air, so it does not apply. It would apply to a tunic or toga, however.

@Slyness: A hippogriff isn't comparable to a pegasus, but I believe there are ways to get a pegasus mount. Would you like me to try and find a way for you?

@ChrisAsmandi: I am looking for a team of five PCs.

Most third-party Kineticist supplements are fine.

@Zefig: I would prefer for PCs to keep unlimited flight down until 10th level at least. Aerial combat builds can be troublesome until that time.

@Almonihah: I really like the idea behind those spirits. Those are really neat.

@River of Sticks: Animal Companions do not get more feats.

@Grimdog73: Rondelero Swashbuckler is allowed.

@Shady_Motives: You have the right of it on how to reflavor a Jotun as a Cyclops.

The character would be a Cyclops. Jotun do not exist in Golarion and I used the race/class just because it allows people to build something resembling a cyclops in terms of size, power, and mythological accuracy.

@GM: Rather than working on it, it's something I deliberately left vague so you can use it in whatever form you want. ^^ Having plot hooks is important! Maybe she's an avatar of Gozreh. Maybe she's the child of some other heroes. Maybe people were believing in heroes so strongly in the area that the powerful magics in the area physically manifested. Could be something else entirely! Journeys of discovery are good for myths, too - and it's not rare to have a hero find out their true origin towards the end of their tale. If I don't know what it is, it'll be just as much of a surprise to me as everyone else - and it might be more fun for you, too. XD

As for flight... Nerita's capable of that through the Alteration sphere, but it's not permanent. And trust me, I'm not planning on aerial combat. XD I have some rather more fun things in mind.

Would it be possible to play as an actual child of a hero god that died fighting Oumarikos, or is that not possible, since I think that battle took place over a hundred years ago?

If so, could we re-flavor the Azlanti human race to mimic the power a god's child would have or would you rather we use Aasmiar?

Cool. For the flavor aspect of mythologically epic cyclops was thinking Jotun Paragon/Bloodrager with the Destined bloodline. With the Aspect of Water I can take Regeneration at 6th level and have normal regenerate 5 while not raging and regenerate 7 when raging. That coupled with Fated Bloodrager and the shield spell will give him over a 30 AC while he is wielding a huge battleaxe with a 28 STR.

Obviously my theme for this character was Hercules. XD

Grand Lodge

definite dot, this kind of setting is just begging for some folk lore heroes. i'm thinking of Irish Heracles - I.E Cu Chulainn. Maybe even Gilgamesh from the Mesopotamian Epic.

Minotaur sounds awesome too, maybe something like the Minotaur of King Mino's...obviously he wouldn't be a king though.

Only thing I have decide is if I want to take Jotun Paragon all the way to 20th. If I do i get massive boosts to strength and con and end up at colossal which will make my weapon hit like a nuke but also make me very easy to hit.

Well, Nerita has pretty good healing. XD

Yeah decided I'm not going to worry about it, bloodrager/barbarian are supposed to be meatshields not tanks. Just need to trust the massive Con bonuses and Regenerate 5/7 I get for Jotun Paragon.

Yes, given the setting, a pegasus seems like a cool thing to strive for. I thought that using the hippogriff would be easier for you since it's a slightly scaled down version statistically, but I'm open to other ideas. =)

The next question, of course is... clockwork owl familiar or not?

Hey hey! Thanks GM! Sorry for doubting you. I've just had too many awesome-sounding games dry up really fast because the GM vanished or gave up, and having a new account didn't help dissuade my concerns.

I was thinking about taking Sparrow's Flight (though I understand your concerns about long-term flight- maybe extend the skill requirement to 10 ranks before it becomes permanent?), and possibly Perfect Redirection and Soul Shield, maybe more later on, those were just the ones that might fit so far. As far as feats go, I'm mainly looking at stuff like Great Focus and similar, at least currently (I had others that I later crossed off when I asked before).

Then, new questions!

Oooh.... Would Azlanti be allowed? I currently have her as an elf (descended from a long line of warriors inspired by Diaphorae), as it made as much sense as I could make it (it would help that only a few generations had passed since the hero-goddess' passing), in a vein similar to the amazons/ as an honor guard for what little remains of the religion, but Azlanti would fit that flavor just as good, if not better. I'd lose out on a couple of nice bonuses (like the elf's FCB) but it would be offset by having better CON, so it's something I'd be interested in if given the thumbs-up.

Also: I'm trying really, really hard to have an owl companion. Having it as an animal companion just... didn't work, as much for investment as flavor. And my familiar is a Cassisian angel (I love the idea of wearing it as a helmet). So, my question is this: could I have one of the angel's alternate forms be, instead of a dove, an owl instead? It's really annoying choosing between the helmet and the bird, so it would be nice to not have to completely choose between angelic helm and magical pet.

Then, last question for now: the Magus VMC grants a number of Magus Arcana, but not spell combat (and spellstrike comes later). Would the Broad Study Arcana (you may use spell combat and spellstrike with spells from a different class) enable me to use spell combat with my wizard spells? I figure probably not, but it never hurts to check.

does VMC Fighter count as having class levels in Fighter for feat prereqs?

So raven is in Greek mythology associated with Appolo the god of prophecy. Harbringer (Ravenlord) gets a raven companion so that fits quite well with Zdokirae (The Harbringer) that is a hero god of prophecy. The prophecy domain you mentioned for Zdokirae, is that the one from Kobold press?

Like monkeygod I'm wondering if it would be possible to be the child of God that died confronting Oumarikos. If that happened hundreds of years ago I'll just have my character be a further descendant instead as I kinda want my character to be human.

Breath of the Gods the work you put in up front is very refreshing. I do apricate it as does everyone else it seems. I love the idea of this campaign.

It's a lot to take in but I really want to try and get something together for this. I can see this being a game to watch even if you don't get in.

I don't have an idea just yet, but when I read over it I had the idea of a dragon rider saw someone else want to go for that so I'll leave them run with it. But reading through the hero-gods and Spalkis seems really interesting, so I might go for a rogue so worships Spalkis. (Slayer/alchemist maybe..)

But overall love what you have done so far and I'm excited to make something for you to read.


Although I had a small idea that my character would want to find Spalkis, or some idea of what could have happened to him. Not sure if this is in the scope of the adventure but its just an idea.

Awesome! So do you have a preference for how exactly that's going to work? Cursed by a god? Injured? Birth deformity? I want to make sure I pick something that you find interesting and want to work with.

Dotting. I read the intro, skipped to make sure recruitment wasn't closed, and am now gonna go read all the entries to give you an idea that's right, proper and formulated to fit perfect. I have a feeling this is gonna be a huge one. :-)

(If you wanna see my PbP experience in the meantime, I used to use the handle thegreenteagamer here and have a ton of aliases on there for my old PbPs I ran and played in.)

I have an idea apinning in my head...

An aasimar, thinking cleric/empyreal sorcerer (or oracle and another holy themed sorcerer) with a real angel/light/goodness theme.

Here's the catch: he hates it. He hates the halo. He hates the wings. He is introverted and is a reluctant messenger of the gods. His grandfather is an arch solar, and he's terrified of angering his grandfather, so he towes the family line and does heroics, etc, but really just wants to be left alone.

So when there's a job to be done, he's among the first to sign up, but he's b$!+$ing about it quietly. "Stupid princess can't stay in her damn tower and now I have to fight a f*@!ing dragon cause my grandma likes angel dick and some royal t!#& gets a bee in her bonnet that she likes long walks by volcano-side. Yes, yes, I'm on board. Let me get my staff. God I hate all of you. Here's your healing spell, give me a minute, you needy pricks. Yes it's free. Because I'm better than you, that's why. Now let's move on to the next town before...oh great, a blind guy. There goes my nice dinner. No. No you take the gold. Shut up, you eye-poked cyclops of a man, before I change my mind. Ugh. I need a drink."

So he IS neutral good, but he's not happy about it.

I have a pure combat idea.

Shifter (Tiger primary combat form)/Unchained Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager)

Other than needing to replace Danger Sense (which is the better feature) instead of Trap Sense, Unchained Barbarian has the class features Invulnerable Rager swaps out.

Shifter gets 1 better save. Barbarian gets better Hit Points. The Class Features seem very complementary and don't directly overlap. I'm sure there are more powerful combinations available, but this one seems to offer no action efficiency conflicts . . ..

A large, pouncing, raging, fast-moving combatant with 3 full bonus attacks, each with the grab feature, is pretty significant. But in a high-powered campaign it should be far more reasonable than in a standard group.

I'm thinking a descendant of pre-ascension Psomeira, if she had children before then. That would make the character the 5th or 6th generation after the destruction of Liachora. If I need to aim at post-ascension Psomeira, then I will probably set the relationship at only 2nd or 3rd generation.

The character is trying to follow in his ancestor's footsteps, not as a hero-god, but as a protect of the people. A warrior who takes risks and does things he doesn't think anyone should have to, so that they aren't forced on others. Yes, that's more Good than Neutral.

Still early in the concept thought. Feedback? Anybody?

Do we have to be connected to the Hero Gods? I was thinking my character might be descended from Count Ranalc.

Also. Does anyone know how to get the Godling classes in HeroLab?

Best way to do Godlings in Hero Lab is to make your character as an NPC, then add custom "racial" abilities reflecting your class, adjusting things manually as necessary for saving throw speeds and whatnot. They really should enable that for PCs. XD Be a bit easier.

Question for the GM... How far is the campaign expected to run? Would we see 15th level, 20th?

Rednal wrote:
Best way to do Godlings in Hero Lab is to make your character as an NPC, then add custom "racial" abilities reflecting your class, adjusting things manually as necessary for saving throw speeds and whatnot. They really should enable that for PCs. XD Be a bit easier.

Hmm. I might go ahead and do The Gloomblade Fighter/Oracle or Soulknife/Aegis thing, then. I don’t like having to fiddle with a lot of fiddling with HeroLab. I just worry that I’d be rather underpowered compared to all the Godlings wandering around.

Grand Lodge

going with rondelero/bladebound magus...because why not...

Ouachitonian wrote:
Rednal wrote:
Best way to do Godlings in Hero Lab is to make your character as an NPC, then add custom "racial" abilities reflecting your class, adjusting things manually as necessary for saving throw speeds and whatnot. They really should enable that for PCs. XD Be a bit easier.
Hmm. I might go ahead and do The Gloomblade Fighter/Oracle or Soulknife/Aegis thing, then. I don’t like having to fiddle with a lot of fiddling with HeroLab. I just worry that I’d be rather underpowered compared to all the Godlings wandering around.

Maybe I'm just missing something obvious, but... what's so overpowered about Godlings? Looking at their abilities, they seem... like a decently powerful prestige class, but besides the ability to dump a couple stats easier than most classes, I fail to see what's so amazing about them? Sure, they have a few broadly-powerful abilities, but don't seem to be off the power curve by much, if at all.

There's also the four base classes. Gestalting those can lead to interesting results. XD

....Ah. That would be what I am missing.

....Dang, those are powerful. Still, I'm not convinced they're that power-curve defining (compared, at least, to optimized characters), but maybe I just didn't look at all the options long enough.

They're strong, but not as ridiculous as what they could be.

What's really important in a game like this isn't the level of power, but the relative power between the characters. If one player is hit when the enemy rolls a 3 while someone else is only hit on a 20 - or worse, that's how their Saving Throws work - things can get really out of whack, really fast. The players really aren't in the same game anymore. XD It's not necessarily a bad idea to put a cap on things and say that no matter what abilities you have, they can't go above X (a generously high and heroic value, but not completely in min-maxing range).

Okay, I *think* I have Ktinos all put together here, at least mechanically. I'm debating on asking about some tweaks to represent his unusual situation, but maybe I'll just wait and see if he's selected before asking those kinds of questions.

The basic idea behind him is that, instead of the normal four spirits a Prowler at World's End Bloodrager gets, he's afflicted with the vengeful spirits of four mythic monsters slain by some of the hero-gods of Iblydos. Why they chose him as a vessel for their wrath he doesn't know... though it may have something to do with his low wisdom. :D

His memories have been kind of scrambled by being blended with the memories of ancient monsters--hence his unusual language selection and his odd Lore skill. Hence he has little idea why he's in Aelyosos--maybe he wanted to consult the oracles on how he could be rid of these spirits? Or maybe he already did only for the spirits to rob him of the memory?

Mechanically, he's a Bloodrager (Prowler at World's End)/Shifter. My thought is that every day a different spirit will be dominant in influencing him (the one he channels for his class ability), but he'll be able to draw on their powers to assume portions of their forms (his Shifter/Spherecasting powers) and channel their rage in battle (his Bloodrager powers). He's a bit nervous about leveling up because drawing more on their powers may be corrupting him more and more.

Some of my thoughts about possiblities include having his alignment drift throughout the day if he starts racking up spirit influence, and maybe playing some with the spirit influence mechanics to better represent having four spirits fighting over control over him. Anyway, I've probably worked enough on him for now. XD Let me know if there are questions.

With so many people creating melee oriented characters I decided to scrap my cyclops and create a pure caster. Probably going to go wizard/sage sorcerer for the sheer versatility and firepower. Or maybe diviner wizard/witch to pull off creepy oracle. Plenty of those in greek mythology.

Well into creating my dragonrider now. Decided to go the sorcerer route for the bloodline story tie-in, and because I found a neat trick to basically cast dragon breath through my dragon.

Also, fun fact, did you know a huge quadruped with a legendary strength score has a light load of 4 tons?

Do we have anyone creating something that could be a face?

Nerita's not a true face, but she has +9 in Diplomacy and +17 in Perform (Sing). Plus any circumstance bonuses from healing people, I suppose. If somebody else wants to make a proper face, she'd probably fall into supporting their efforts rather than trying to take the lead.

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