Khaosclaire's page
23 posts (89 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 aliases.
Is aristocrat a core class? Also dunno if he will allow the whole amateur gunslinger feat as it basically just makes you into a gunslinger and that's banned as it's not core class.
Hmmm, so I think I've settled on the front lines damage sink, IE Tanker; and will probably going with Barbarian if It's possible to work that into this adventure ( Some just aren't suited for them).
I am very interested in this, as for what AP we play I'm cool as I've only done home games. I've had a character rolling in my mind for some time, but it's only of those things I'd have to run by you first, and some DM's HATE that sort of thing so if your okay with something very out of the box, but not overly powered, then pm me and I'll explain further. If not still interested even if I would need to play a less wonky character.
It did T.T I don't want to keep fighting him cause it feels dirty fighting the same build over and over again; and I can imagine it must not be fun having the same things happen over and over and being unable to do anything unless you get super fantastic rolls.
Ready for another match if you want; that last one got too interrupted by real life for me to end it fast enough X.x
Ah, sorry, didn't man to just super over power you; My ac was 28 with all my buffs. My build can dish out some tanking damage, but I fear what happens they first time a barbarian nails me in the face. Anyways, all things considering you lasted way longer than my last fight; and dodged WAYYY more of my attacks. GF to you~ I hope you where able to have some fun, no matter how small or big.
True strike+ high roll is correct.; but if it was 48 it would have been a crit... which would have been awesome. As for my Ac, well my outfit is Enchanted armor that can look like normal clothing or armor as I wish. It's not that your severely under optimized; but you will be the second monk in a row I have just eaten for breakfast; Monks are a very under powered class low game levels.
I have a wonderful ideal if you would let me; for a delightfully unique character. Hear me out here- Harpy oracle of Flames raised by Humans with the Tongues curse(Rendering her Voice attack Worthless in combat to anything that doesn't understand her.). Would require some tweaking, but I could assure you she would be a unique addition to your party. She would most likely be a blaster type, with the ability to off heal after combat if needed. If you like this ideal I can get to developing her, then stating her with what ever rules you have.
They look rickety as well, so you might need to move at half speed to avoid breaking them or something.
Just noticed the new arenas up top; I have devilish ideals on that Bridge arena, but it depends how high up the bridge is, weather it touches the water, and if there are things in that water; Though making a pure water based fighter who only fights there would be a fun thing.
Ah, I see, so he can't take a AoO from my attack because he is grappling?
Another Oracle huh; Love how with the curses no to oracles are alike.
Hmm, We could use a tanker type
Yes, assume your animals are as trained as they can be to serve their roll; but remember, only classes with Animal Companions or Class Mounts can even have them.
Submit it, The more the merrier~ I also can't wait till lvl 4 so I can submit my Oracle that I premade~
I started to lean towards a Infiltrator using shadowy magic to slip in and out of places, using it to look like someone else, and causing havoc upon enemies if possible. I'm kinda staying away from the Evil killer, and more of the information gatherer, scout, and trickster, using her gifts to slip into places or steal the information directly from somebody's mind. The blood is her curse that basically numbs her body and screws with her coordination; but it's less Evil, and more Strange that a living creature has the Black blood; though she will probably do her best to hide it. Still her painfully cold blood makes for good counter attacks to not hurt her, or for interrogations if mental collection doesn't work.
Forgot to mention she would fit well into the religions setting, as since sh uses her black blood as a weapon it involves cutting herself, and was thinking of making her having Be in Service of Tiboros Family, so would it be viable that they would have their own personal spy, or infiltrator?
Question, how do you feel about a Really non-optomized character. It was a ideal that came to me while looking at the oracle mysteries, Dark Tapestry has some cool powers that would make a good face/ Assassin character with shape change and mind probe, using touch attacks and her own blood as a weapon, but A How well would a assassin/Spy fit into the campaign, B Would you want a 'Backstabber' without any backstabbing?
Race: 1d7 ⇒ 3
Class: 1d22 ⇒ 13
Alignment: 1d9 ⇒ 3
Str: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 5) + 6 = 13
Dex: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 1) + 6 = 13
Con: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 4) + 6 = 14
Int: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 6) + 6 = 13
Wis: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 5) + 6 = 12
Cha: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 4) + 6 = 15
Let's seeeeeeee So a Chaotic Lawful Gnome Cavalier.... Time to get out the ridding wolves~
Hmmm, This seems to be a FANTASTIC spot for My Black Blooded Oracle of Metal.
Green and scaly vs green and meany. Should be a fun fight, but I need a quick question answered. Splash weapons target Touch Ac, not normal correct?
Funfun~ It's Kobold time~ Only thing I don't see is the necessary character sheet layout, anyone have a copy they can mail me?
This looks interesting, are you still taking members?