[Table Shieldwall] Daughters of Fury (Inactive)

Game Master Nathan Hartshorn


Secret GM Knowledge:
Anthys - 5
Berato - 7
Elaril - 2
Marcus - 5
Vindlér - 4

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Grand Lodge

NG M Human Arcanist 8 - HP 58/58 - AC 16, T 12, FF 14 - F+6, R+6, W+8 - Init: +12 - Perc +10, SM +2 Spells (1) 6/6 (2) 6/6 (3) 6/6 (4) 4/4 - Arc Res 7/7, Ver Evo 11/11, Ele Man 8/8 - Active Conditions: Mage Armor

I’m not sure what I’m going to spend my 5th Level feat on. Too early to worry about metamagic. Maybe at 7th or 9th I’ll look at empower or similar but I don’t see much value in it now.

I know we are all about teamwork feats and I’m hoping to pick up lookout and / or shake it off at some point but 5th Level is the first level I get an arcane exploit (due to my archetype) so my plan had always been to take extra arcane exploit at L5. I also skip my exploit at 7th so I’m not getting another until 9th.

My preferred options are: (I get to pick 2 with my extra ae plan)
Potent magic
Dimensional step
Quick study

Quick study seems like the best utility option but the least interesting (to me). I’m thinking potent magic + one of the other 2. I love dimensional step (for no particular reason other than it seems cool) but I’ve also never had a familiar on any of my characters before (this being my only full arcane caster) so that would be interesting as well.

Does anyone have familiar folio? Am I remembering correctly that many of the options presented in that book made it into a hardback at some point? Or am I getting that all mixed up somehow?

What does everyone think?

Silver Crusade

M Human Fighter 10 (Drill Sergeant) | AC 29 T 14 FF 26 CMD 29 (plus Teamwork) | HP 94/94 | F+12 R+9 W+8 (plus Teamwork) | Init +3 | Per +11 | BB 5/5 | Tactician 2/3

A Valet familiar would share your teamwork feats (once you get some). It gives up a lot, though. The Figment familiar is very versatile and you don't have to worry about it dying.

Spell Specialization could be useful - take it for Scorching Ray and you could (with Potent Magic and Varisian Tattoo) have 3 rays at 6th level.

Dimensional Slide is a nice way to get out of trouble, though ideally we'd look to keep you from getting into trouble in the first place.

Quick Study is very useful but if it is not fun for you, then don't bother.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Dwarf Inquisitor 8 (HP 69/69) | AC:21 | T:12 | FF:19 | cmd:21 | Fort +9 | Ref +5 | Will +12 (+13) |Init. +6 | Perc:+14 (+15); Darkvision 60ft | Speed 20ft | Shield Wall bonus:+2 | Touch of Law: 7/7 | Bane: 8/8 | Status: Ability Mastery (+2 Wis), Flames of the Faithful | Found Gear:

Okay, so I'm thinking I am going to go with Ability Mastery for my lvl 5 feat, but that brings up the question of which item to buy to satisfy the requirements for the feat. I'm thinking about picking up a belt of giant strength +2, then using the feat to boost my Wisdom. That would make it a bit easier for me to boost my strength to contribute damage over time, as I can upgrade the belt to get it higher up there, and my Wisdom is less important, since, like Berato pointed out, I don't need to focus as much on my spell DCs.


Grand Lodge

NG M Human Arcanist 8 - HP 58/58 - AC 16, T 12, FF 14 - F+6, R+6, W+8 - Init: +12 - Perc +10, SM +2 Spells (1) 6/6 (2) 6/6 (3) 6/6 (4) 4/4 - Arc Res 7/7, Ver Evo 11/11, Ele Man 8/8 - Active Conditions: Mage Armor

Makes sense to me.

I'm halfway through my level up. Got to pick a couple of new L2 spells known, finalise my 5th feat & arcane exploit and potentially spend some money.

Anyone got any great ideas for L2 spells to learn or equipment I can buy ($7k available).

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human (Chelaxian) Cleric 10 (Torag) - Init +1, Senses: Normal Vision, Perception +25, AC 24/ touch 13/ ff 22; hp 34/73 (1/day converts bonus dmg from crit into nonlethal dmg), F+12, R+8, W+16, Speed 60 ft. CE 6/7; AoM 7/10; ToG 7/9; PT 1/1. Buffs: haste, shadowform(WillDC18),magic_vstmnt x2, bless, divine favor, 1 pt of STR dmg and 1 Fort20 save remains in 10 hours

I won't be able to finish level up until another 10 days due to travel and other work commitments. If you plan to start before then I will make diplomacy checks to use my wife's work computer - just let me know when you intend to start and I will adapt... ;)

Grand Lodge

NG M Human Arcanist 8 - HP 58/58 - AC 16, T 12, FF 14 - F+6, R+6, W+8 - Init: +12 - Perc +10, SM +2 Spells (1) 6/6 (2) 6/6 (3) 6/6 (4) 4/4 - Arc Res 7/7, Ver Evo 11/11, Ele Man 8/8 - Active Conditions: Mage Armor

Level up done. I went with Potent Magic & Extra Arcanist Exploit to get a Familiar. I'll look at picking up Quick Study and Dimensional Step later.

I'll spend the intervening time looking for items / equipment that perk my interest. Sing out if there are any spells you think I should learn.

Silver Crusade

M Human Fighter 10 (Drill Sergeant) | AC 29 T 14 FF 26 CMD 29 (plus Teamwork) | HP 94/94 | F+12 R+9 W+8 (plus Teamwork) | Init +3 | Per +11 | BB 5/5 | Tactician 2/3

Vindlér has used Tactical Acumen to good effect.
Bestow Insight, Darkvision, and Spider Climb are good utility spells.
Continual Flame is actually better for Berato to use (it is a 3rd-level spell for him and so will counter more things).
Gust of Wind is nice against cloud effects.
Pilfering Hand is very good.
Boneshaker is crazy good, maybe OP.

Grand Lodge

NG M Human Arcanist 8 - HP 58/58 - AC 16, T 12, FF 14 - F+6, R+6, W+8 - Init: +12 - Perc +10, SM +2 Spells (1) 6/6 (2) 6/6 (3) 6/6 (4) 4/4 - Arc Res 7/7, Ver Evo 11/11, Ele Man 8/8 - Active Conditions: Mage Armor

I'm not so interested in Necromancy & Enchantment effects as they are in my Opposition schools and take up two slots to prepare. Darkvision is one Im planning on getting a scroll for - both to add it to my spellbook and to have an extra copy or two on hand so I dont necessarily have to prepare it.

Grand Lodge

NG M Human Arcanist 8 - HP 58/58 - AC 16, T 12, FF 14 - F+6, R+6, W+8 - Init: +12 - Perc +10, SM +2 Spells (1) 6/6 (2) 6/6 (3) 6/6 (4) 4/4 - Arc Res 7/7, Ver Evo 11/11, Ele Man 8/8 - Active Conditions: Mage Armor

Do familiars get Skill Points / Ranks?

I see that they get class skills and that they share some skills with their master (which doesnt help my familiar much as most of the skills Elaril has don't transfer ie knowledge skills).

Silver Crusade

M Human Fighter 10 (Drill Sergeant) | AC 29 T 14 FF 26 CMD 29 (plus Teamwork) | HP 94/94 | F+12 R+9 W+8 (plus Teamwork) | Init +3 | Per +11 | BB 5/5 | Tactician 2/3

The Sage Familiar gets its own skill ranks and what is basically Bardic Knowledge.

Others just share their masters' skill ranks, though they might not get a class skill bonus - or they might get a class skill bonus where the master does not. I thought Knowledge skills did transfer but I don't use familiars.

Not really. Most familiars just use their master's skills because figuring out the skill ranks the familiar has is a case of reverse engineering. Sample. It can be done, but it is tedious and the familiar probably shouldn't be making that many skill checks in the first place. Though they'll get more skills once their Int goes up.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human (Chelaxian) Cleric 10 (Torag) - Init +1, Senses: Normal Vision, Perception +25, AC 24/ touch 13/ ff 22; hp 34/73 (1/day converts bonus dmg from crit into nonlethal dmg), F+12, R+8, W+16, Speed 60 ft. CE 6/7; AoM 7/10; ToG 7/9; PT 1/1. Buffs: haste, shadowform(WillDC18),magic_vstmnt x2, bless, divine favor, 1 pt of STR dmg and 1 Fort20 save remains in 10 hours

Level 5 tactical update:

Channel Energy: 3d6 3/day {2 uses already channeled into my sanctified shield and the MW consecrated alchemical silver warhammer carried by Anthys - next hit with warhammer will deal additional damage equal to HALF of 3d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 4) = 12}

Touch of Good: +2 sacred bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for 1 round. You can use this ability 8 times a day.

Cleric Spells (Caster Level 5th; Concentration +10)
Orisons (DC 15) - create water, detect magic, light, guidance
1st (DC 16) - divine favor (D), bless x2, divine favor, moment of greatness, stunning barrier
2nd (DC 17) - align weapon (D), ghostbane dirge, marching chant, protection from evil communal
3rd (DC 18) - prayer (D), delay poison communal, resist energy communal

Silver Crusade

Male LG Dwarf Inquisitor 8 (HP 69/69) | AC:21 | T:12 | FF:19 | cmd:21 | Fort +9 | Ref +5 | Will +12 (+13) |Init. +6 | Perc:+14 (+15); Darkvision 60ft | Speed 20ft | Shield Wall bonus:+2 | Touch of Law: 7/7 | Bane: 8/8 | Status: Ability Mastery (+2 Wis), Flames of the Faithful | Found Gear:

Level 5 update:

Abilities gained: Bane (5 rounds/day), Detect Lies (5 rounds/day), some Judgments improved

Feat: Ability Mastery

Inquisitor Spells (CL 5th)
At will: Detect chaos/evil/good/law
Rounds/day: Detect lies
0-level (DC 14): Guidance, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Sift, Acid Splash, Virtue
1-level (5/day, DC 15): Lend Judgment, Magic Weapon, Shield of Faith, Truestrike
2-level (3/day, DC 16): Flames of the Faithful, Hold Person, Tactical Acumen (UC)

Purchased equipment: Belt of Giant Strength +2

Putting my enhancement bonus from Ability Mastery and my belt toward Dexterity. I'll put adjustments from the enhanced Dex in parentheses in my header.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human (Chelaxian) Cleric 10 (Torag) - Init +1, Senses: Normal Vision, Perception +25, AC 24/ touch 13/ ff 22; hp 34/73 (1/day converts bonus dmg from crit into nonlethal dmg), F+12, R+8, W+16, Speed 60 ft. CE 6/7; AoM 7/10; ToG 7/9; PT 1/1. Buffs: haste, shadowform(WillDC18),magic_vstmnt x2, bless, divine favor, 1 pt of STR dmg and 1 Fort20 save remains in 10 hours

In addition to the stuff I bought at the beginning of scenario (warhammers and mithral shield), I also bought a Lesser Extend Metamagic Rod.

Anthys: don't forget you carry one of my MW consecrated alchemical silver warhammers. That one is charged with a channel and will yield an additional 6 pts. of dmg on the next successful hit.

Silver Crusade

M Human Fighter 10 (Drill Sergeant) | AC 29 T 14 FF 26 CMD 29 (plus Teamwork) | HP 94/94 | F+12 R+9 W+8 (plus Teamwork) | Init +3 | Per +11 | BB 5/5 | Tactician 2/3

Got it, Berato. Thanks!

As to your spells, can you prepare and cast a Continual Flame at some point? Since it is a 3rd-level spell for you it would counter Darkness should we run into that again.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human (Chelaxian) Cleric 10 (Torag) - Init +1, Senses: Normal Vision, Perception +25, AC 24/ touch 13/ ff 22; hp 34/73 (1/day converts bonus dmg from crit into nonlethal dmg), F+12, R+8, W+16, Speed 60 ft. CE 6/7; AoM 7/10; ToG 7/9; PT 1/1. Buffs: haste, shadowform(WillDC18),magic_vstmnt x2, bless, divine favor, 1 pt of STR dmg and 1 Fort20 save remains in 10 hours
Anthys wrote:
As to your spells, can you prepare and cast a Continual Flame at some point? Since it is a 3rd-level spell for you it would counter Darkness should we run into that again.

@GM: please confirm that you agree with Anthys' interpretation. As per the darkness spell wording, yes, continual flame being a 3rd level spell would increase the ambient light level within a darkness spell (from darkness to dim, dim to normal, and so on). However, the continual flame wording mentions that it 'glows like a regular torch' which could mean that it does nothing against darkness. I'll be happy with whatever interpretation you come up with. In the meantime I'll take a scary drive down the FAQ highway to see if there's something else on this. Illumination/light/darkness is in my opinion a failing of the Pathfinder RPG: they should have brought severe revisions to the flawed 3.5 wording instead of porting it over as is...

Silver Crusade

Male LG Dwarf Inquisitor 8 (HP 69/69) | AC:21 | T:12 | FF:19 | cmd:21 | Fort +9 | Ref +5 | Will +12 (+13) |Init. +6 | Perc:+14 (+15); Darkvision 60ft | Speed 20ft | Shield Wall bonus:+2 | Touch of Law: 7/7 | Bane: 8/8 | Status: Ability Mastery (+2 Wis), Flames of the Faithful | Found Gear:

I should also note I'm joining the silver hammer club and spending 2 prestige to buy a masterwork alchemical silver warhammer. Now I should be able to help out fighting the devils a bit easier.

Silver Crusade

M Human Fighter 10 (Drill Sergeant) | AC 29 T 14 FF 26 CMD 29 (plus Teamwork) | HP 94/94 | F+12 R+9 W+8 (plus Teamwork) | Init +3 | Per +11 | BB 5/5 | Tactician 2/3

When you have a confusing rules interaction, Mark Seifter is a pretty good guy to address it. Though he is not concise. He does so here.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human (Chelaxian) Cleric 10 (Torag) - Init +1, Senses: Normal Vision, Perception +25, AC 24/ touch 13/ ff 22; hp 34/73 (1/day converts bonus dmg from crit into nonlethal dmg), F+12, R+8, W+16, Speed 60 ft. CE 6/7; AoM 7/10; ToG 7/9; PT 1/1. Buffs: haste, shadowform(WillDC18),magic_vstmnt x2, bless, divine favor, 1 pt of STR dmg and 1 Fort20 save remains in 10 hours

Wow, you ninja'ed me! I was about to post that article here! :)

According to it, yes, continual flame defeats level 2 darkness spell, and even at a reach of 40 feet.

@GM: was there at least 1 day of downtime between the last quest and this one? if so, Berato will pay the 50gp to put continual flame on the head of his MW consecrated alchemical silver warhammer (no shine when sheated; perma-shine when unsheathed)

@Vindler: if you don't mind paying the additional 150gp to make it consecrated to Torag, I can place a channel into your weapon each day (it lasts 24 hours or until successful strike, whichever comes first).

PS: I will need to up my Cha at some point in order to get more channels... or take Extra Channel feat.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human (Chelaxian) Cleric 10 (Torag) - Init +1, Senses: Normal Vision, Perception +25, AC 24/ touch 13/ ff 22; hp 34/73 (1/day converts bonus dmg from crit into nonlethal dmg), F+12, R+8, W+16, Speed 60 ft. CE 6/7; AoM 7/10; ToG 7/9; PT 1/1. Buffs: haste, shadowform(WillDC18),magic_vstmnt x2, bless, divine favor, 1 pt of STR dmg and 1 Fort20 save remains in 10 hours

About consecrated weapon: this can be any type of weapon... does not have to be a warhammer. If you have feats like weapon focus in something else than warhammer, Vindler's consecrated weapon could be something else. Or I could change one of my warhammers to something else as I haven't finalized my chronicle yet..

[tongue-in-cheek]Since downtime belongs in the realm of Schrodinger, it was both longer than one day and less than one day between the 'last session' and 'this session'[/tongue-in-cheek]. Yes, you have time to cast the spell.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Dwarf Inquisitor 8 (HP 69/69) | AC:21 | T:12 | FF:19 | cmd:21 | Fort +9 | Ref +5 | Will +12 (+13) |Init. +6 | Perc:+14 (+15); Darkvision 60ft | Speed 20ft | Shield Wall bonus:+2 | Touch of Law: 7/7 | Bane: 8/8 | Status: Ability Mastery (+2 Wis), Flames of the Faithful | Found Gear:

Sorry for the ignorance, but where are the rules for making an item consecrated? I'm definitely willing to pay the gp for it, but would like to know where I can read up on it for my own edification.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human (Chelaxian) Cleric 10 (Torag) - Init +1, Senses: Normal Vision, Perception +25, AC 24/ touch 13/ ff 22; hp 34/73 (1/day converts bonus dmg from crit into nonlethal dmg), F+12, R+8, W+16, Speed 60 ft. CE 6/7; AoM 7/10; ToG 7/9; PT 1/1. Buffs: haste, shadowform(WillDC18),magic_vstmnt x2, bless, divine favor, 1 pt of STR dmg and 1 Fort20 save remains in 10 hours

Thanks GM: will remove 50gp for ruby dust next chronicle. Head of MWCAS warhammer now glowing with continual flame! :)

Anthys: you want something else than a warhammer? will still be MW and alchemical silver though, as I don't want to redo chronicle... so any bludgeoning weapon would be optimal (i.e. no loss of dmg due to alchemical silver when bludgeoning)

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human (Chelaxian) Cleric 10 (Torag) - Init +1, Senses: Normal Vision, Perception +25, AC 24/ touch 13/ ff 22; hp 34/73 (1/day converts bonus dmg from crit into nonlethal dmg), F+12, R+8, W+16, Speed 60 ft. CE 6/7; AoM 7/10; ToG 7/9; PT 1/1. Buffs: haste, shadowform(WillDC18),magic_vstmnt x2, bless, divine favor, 1 pt of STR dmg and 1 Fort20 save remains in 10 hours

Vindler: adventurer's armory, Channel Foci appendix at the end (the old adventurer's armory, not number 2)

Or here: Channel Foci - consecrated weapon

Silver Crusade

M Human Fighter 10 (Drill Sergeant) | AC 29 T 14 FF 26 CMD 29 (plus Teamwork) | HP 94/94 | F+12 R+9 W+8 (plus Teamwork) | Init +3 | Per +11 | BB 5/5 | Tactician 2/3
Berato Aquilinus wrote:
Anthys: you want something else than a warhammer? will still be MW and alchemical silver though, as I don't want to redo chronicle... so any bludgeoning weapon would be optimal (i.e. no loss of dmg due to alchemical silver when bludgeoning)

Warhammer is great. I was going to buy a silver warhammer anyway before this module started and you told me to hold off because you were doing this instead.


Silver Crusade

Male LG Human (Chelaxian) Cleric 10 (Torag) - Init +1, Senses: Normal Vision, Perception +25, AC 24/ touch 13/ ff 22; hp 34/73 (1/day converts bonus dmg from crit into nonlethal dmg), F+12, R+8, W+16, Speed 60 ft. CE 6/7; AoM 7/10; ToG 7/9; PT 1/1. Buffs: haste, shadowform(WillDC18),magic_vstmnt x2, bless, divine favor, 1 pt of STR dmg and 1 Fort20 save remains in 10 hours

i.e. though I'd ask because lucerne hammer is a fave for a lot of fighters/barbarians due to reach

Silver Crusade

Male LG Dwarf Inquisitor 8 (HP 69/69) | AC:21 | T:12 | FF:19 | cmd:21 | Fort +9 | Ref +5 | Will +12 (+13) |Init. +6 | Perc:+14 (+15); Darkvision 60ft | Speed 20ft | Shield Wall bonus:+2 | Touch of Law: 7/7 | Bane: 8/8 | Status: Ability Mastery (+2 Wis), Flames of the Faithful | Found Gear:

Good to know, thanks for the link, Berato! I'm glad we're able to use that book as a table, as that's another one that falls into the vast number of resources I don't own. Might have to pick it up someday for one of my own PFS clerics, though.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Human Fighter 10 (Drill Sergeant) | AC 29 T 14 FF 26 CMD 29 (plus Teamwork) | HP 94/94 | F+12 R+9 W+8 (plus Teamwork) | Init +3 | Per +11 | BB 5/5 | Tactician 2/3

So I just got an interesting boon.
It can be applied to any of my Standard PFS characters (since I earned it in Standard, I think it has to be applied to one of my Standard PCs and not Core).

They get full ranks in a skill, count it as a class skill, and can retrain any existing ranks in that skill for free.

I haven't noticed Anthys's lack of skills being a problem, but this is a potential option for him. Acrobatics, maybe? For moving across Grease or ice?

Silver Crusade

Male LG Dwarf Inquisitor 8 (HP 69/69) | AC:21 | T:12 | FF:19 | cmd:21 | Fort +9 | Ref +5 | Will +12 (+13) |Init. +6 | Perc:+14 (+15); Darkvision 60ft | Speed 20ft | Shield Wall bonus:+2 | Touch of Law: 7/7 | Bane: 8/8 | Status: Ability Mastery (+2 Wis), Flames of the Faithful | Found Gear:

Whoa! That sounds like a pretty handy boon!

Acrobatics seems like a good option. Otherwise, if you want to give Vindler a hand with Disable Device, he could certainly use the help. I haven't invested in it much, and it's not a class skill for inquisitors, so you would immediately outclass him in it.

Silver Crusade

M Human Fighter 10 (Drill Sergeant) | AC 29 T 14 FF 26 CMD 29 (plus Teamwork) | HP 94/94 | F+12 R+9 W+8 (plus Teamwork) | Init +3 | Per +11 | BB 5/5 | Tactician 2/3

Marcus is our Disable Device guy, since he has Trapfinding and can do magical traps.

I think I'll do the Acrobatics. +5 ranks, +2 Dex, +3 Class skill, -4 ACP = +6. Not great, but not bad for a fighter in full plate.

Dark Archive

M Male | Human (Chelaxian) | Investigator 3/Fighter 4/Cleric 1 | HP 55/55 | AC 23, FF 19, T 14 | CMB +7, CMD 21 | Init +5 | F +11, R +11, W +10 | Inspiration 2/3 Investigator 3/Fighter 4/Cleric 1

Acrobatics is great. I forget if you had 3 ranks before this, but the bonus to fighting defensively is also going to be situational, but big when it comes up. You're already so close to only being hit on a 20 even by bosses, that if we end up in a boss fight where you're the only one who can be targeted for one reason or another it can let you push the last little bit of AC you might need to get to that only hit on a 20 level.

Marcus is going to use that a lot, since he needs the total defense action to get his AC into the same range as Anthys to avoid being a weak link to attack, and he can still contribute with Aids now while doing that.

Grand Lodge

NG M Human Arcanist 8 - HP 58/58 - AC 16, T 12, FF 14 - F+6, R+6, W+8 - Init: +12 - Perc +10, SM +2 Spells (1) 6/6 (2) 6/6 (3) 6/6 (4) 4/4 - Arc Res 7/7, Ver Evo 11/11, Ele Man 8/8 - Active Conditions: Mage Armor

You guys don't mind that Elaril isn't burning through his spell slots right? I don't know how long our adventuring day is going to be and I don't want to come across a boss with nothing to do by Ray of Frost.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human (Chelaxian) Cleric 10 (Torag) - Init +1, Senses: Normal Vision, Perception +25, AC 24/ touch 13/ ff 22; hp 34/73 (1/day converts bonus dmg from crit into nonlethal dmg), F+12, R+8, W+16, Speed 60 ft. CE 6/7; AoM 7/10; ToG 7/9; PT 1/1. Buffs: haste, shadowform(WillDC18),magic_vstmnt x2, bless, divine favor, 1 pt of STR dmg and 1 Fort20 save remains in 10 hours

Don't mind at all. We should start coordinating our buffs at some point. That way cleric boy can haz hiz funz too!

Silver Crusade

Male LG Dwarf Inquisitor 8 (HP 69/69) | AC:21 | T:12 | FF:19 | cmd:21 | Fort +9 | Ref +5 | Will +12 (+13) |Init. +6 | Perc:+14 (+15); Darkvision 60ft | Speed 20ft | Shield Wall bonus:+2 | Touch of Law: 7/7 | Bane: 8/8 | Status: Ability Mastery (+2 Wis), Flames of the Faithful | Found Gear:

Yeah you don't need to throw away valuable spells on a buncha mooks!

Silver Crusade

M Human Fighter 10 (Drill Sergeant) | AC 29 T 14 FF 26 CMD 29 (plus Teamwork) | HP 94/94 | F+12 R+9 W+8 (plus Teamwork) | Init +3 | Per +11 | BB 5/5 | Tactician 2/3

No worries! We are doing fine here. I'm from the Red Box era so it is not my expectation that a wizard will throw a spell every round. And Anthys can do this all day.

Dark Archive

M Male | Human (Chelaxian) | Investigator 3/Fighter 4/Cleric 1 | HP 55/55 | AC 23, FF 19, T 14 | CMB +7, CMD 21 | Init +5 | F +11, R +11, W +10 | Inspiration 2/3 Investigator 3/Fighter 4/Cleric 1

Yeah, for fights where the opponents are primarily going to try stabbing us to death, you can definitely hold off on the spell slots. There are some types of fights where we're going to badly need those from you; things with AOE damage or control effects, or where we have to kill things quickly for some situation specific reason. This fight plays straight to our strengths, though, and we should be able to resolve it pretty safely without much in the way of resource expenditures.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human (Chelaxian) Cleric 10 (Torag) - Init +1, Senses: Normal Vision, Perception +25, AC 24/ touch 13/ ff 22; hp 34/73 (1/day converts bonus dmg from crit into nonlethal dmg), F+12, R+8, W+16, Speed 60 ft. CE 6/7; AoM 7/10; ToG 7/9; PT 1/1. Buffs: haste, shadowform(WillDC18),magic_vstmnt x2, bless, divine favor, 1 pt of STR dmg and 1 Fort20 save remains in 10 hours

Vindler: you posted too fast! Berato pulled you back up to your feet which provokes an AoO on BERATO from the red Hyena only. Therefore you can re-state your actions in the upright position.

Applicable rules here:

Can you pick up or manipulate an object in a square within your reach? Does this provoke an AoO? Does it provoke even if the foe can reach the object, but not your space?

The rules are a little hazy here, but to put it simply, you can affect objects and creatures within your reach. When picking up or manipulating objects, you generally provoke an attack of opportunity, but only against foes that can reach your space.

You do not provoke attacks of opportunity from foes that cannot reach you, no matter what action you are taking, even if it includes reaching into a threatened space. Although it might seem realistic to allow an attack in such a case, it would make the game far too complicated.


Manipulate an Item
Moving or manipulating an item is usually a move action.

This includes retrieving or putting away a stored item, picking up an item, moving a heavy object, and opening a door.

Move a Heavy Object

Silver Crusade

Male LG Dwarf Inquisitor 8 (HP 69/69) | AC:21 | T:12 | FF:19 | cmd:21 | Fort +9 | Ref +5 | Will +12 (+13) |Init. +6 | Perc:+14 (+15); Darkvision 60ft | Speed 20ft | Shield Wall bonus:+2 | Touch of Law: 7/7 | Bane: 8/8 | Status: Ability Mastery (+2 Wis), Flames of the Faithful | Found Gear:

Oh no! Well, hopefully the GM will let us retcon that a bit given the timing issues of PbP. Otherwise, I'm okay eating the AoO's.

Retcon approved.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Dwarf Inquisitor 8 (HP 69/69) | AC:21 | T:12 | FF:19 | cmd:21 | Fort +9 | Ref +5 | Will +12 (+13) |Init. +6 | Perc:+14 (+15); Darkvision 60ft | Speed 20ft | Shield Wall bonus:+2 | Touch of Law: 7/7 | Bane: 8/8 | Status: Ability Mastery (+2 Wis), Flames of the Faithful | Found Gear:

Hey there, folks! Just a quick heads up that I'll be out of town this weekend, through Sunday evening. If I'm holding things up by my absence, please feel free to bot me

Silver Crusade

M Human Fighter 10 (Drill Sergeant) | AC 29 T 14 FF 26 CMD 29 (plus Teamwork) | HP 94/94 | F+12 R+9 W+8 (plus Teamwork) | Init +3 | Per +11 | BB 5/5 | Tactician 2/3

We seem to have stalled a bit - I think we are waiting on Elaril as he is the best suited to deal with an invisible foe.

Also, I just saw this: Auspicious Birth, specifically the Conjunction sign.

Can you retrain your 1st-level feat into another feat that had to have been taken at 1st level?

Not that I really need it, but it's another way to boost Teamwork feats.

I'm not actually sure. The retraining rules have always been a bit wonky, and I don't think there are specific rules for feats that have to be taken at level 1. I'll have to look...

Grand Lodge

NG M Human Arcanist 8 - HP 58/58 - AC 16, T 12, FF 14 - F+6, R+6, W+8 - Init: +12 - Perc +10, SM +2 Spells (1) 6/6 (2) 6/6 (3) 6/6 (4) 4/4 - Arc Res 7/7, Ver Evo 11/11, Ele Man 8/8 - Active Conditions: Mage Armor

Can we actually see the other things on the map?

The map has a giant bush/tree in the way which seems to imply that we can't see them.

Are they calling out? Making aggressive noises? The other imp is currently visible? (assuming we can see past the terrain)

You've heard things on the other side of the stand of trees, but can't see them quite yet. They're on the map so I don't need a secondary map with positions. The imp is invisible except to Vindler.

Silver Crusade

M Human Fighter 10 (Drill Sergeant) | AC 29 T 14 FF 26 CMD 29 (plus Teamwork) | HP 94/94 | F+12 R+9 W+8 (plus Teamwork) | Init +3 | Per +11 | BB 5/5 | Tactician 2/3

The imp got Glitterdusted so it should be visible now. Is there another?

Silver Crusade

M Human Fighter 10 (Drill Sergeant) | AC 29 T 14 FF 26 CMD 29 (plus Teamwork) | HP 94/94 | F+12 R+9 W+8 (plus Teamwork) | Init +3 | Per +11 | BB 5/5 | Tactician 2/3

Nevermind, I see now. Red Imp is visible (and near dead) and Blue Imp is invisible and only Vindlér can see it.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human (Chelaxian) Cleric 10 (Torag) - Init +1, Senses: Normal Vision, Perception +25, AC 24/ touch 13/ ff 22; hp 34/73 (1/day converts bonus dmg from crit into nonlethal dmg), F+12, R+8, W+16, Speed 60 ft. CE 6/7; AoM 7/10; ToG 7/9; PT 1/1. Buffs: haste, shadowform(WillDC18),magic_vstmnt x2, bless, divine favor, 1 pt of STR dmg and 1 Fort20 save remains in 10 hours

Fellow adventurers... pretty serious medical procedure I'm going through on Monday and Tuesday... please bot me as I won't be available during those days... if you don't see me post by Wed or Thu, May 1 or 2... consider replacing me with someone else... wish me luck!

Silver Crusade

M Human Fighter 10 (Drill Sergeant) | AC 29 T 14 FF 26 CMD 29 (plus Teamwork) | HP 94/94 | F+12 R+9 W+8 (plus Teamwork) | Init +3 | Per +11 | BB 5/5 | Tactician 2/3

Good luck and best wishes!

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human (Chelaxian) Cleric 10 (Torag) - Init +1, Senses: Normal Vision, Perception +25, AC 24/ touch 13/ ff 22; hp 34/73 (1/day converts bonus dmg from crit into nonlethal dmg), F+12, R+8, W+16, Speed 60 ft. CE 6/7; AoM 7/10; ToG 7/9; PT 1/1. Buffs: haste, shadowform(WillDC18),magic_vstmnt x2, bless, divine favor, 1 pt of STR dmg and 1 Fort20 save remains in 10 hours

What was a routine procedure turned out to be a nightmare... eat your vegetables folks, and check your cholesterol. Do it early, and do it often. I'm still shaky, but no longer in negative HPs! you might want to bot me if I'm slowing you down in the next few days though...

Thank you Anthys for the wishes of good luck as they may have made the difference! Also send a thank you prayer for Mike: a guy who had wisely listened during his classes and maxed his ranks in Heal. Without his expert knowledge and his leadership with another half-dozen wide eyed professionals who had NOT maxed up their ranks in Heal (and had instead cross-trained in Performance: Drinking Games), I probably wouldn't be here today.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Dwarf Inquisitor 8 (HP 69/69) | AC:21 | T:12 | FF:19 | cmd:21 | Fort +9 | Ref +5 | Will +12 (+13) |Init. +6 | Perc:+14 (+15); Darkvision 60ft | Speed 20ft | Shield Wall bonus:+2 | Touch of Law: 7/7 | Bane: 8/8 | Status: Ability Mastery (+2 Wis), Flames of the Faithful | Found Gear:

Woof! Sounds pretty rough, Berato! Sorry to hear things went sideways for you there for a bit. We're all glad to hear things are moving in a positive direction! I hope you have a speedy recovery!

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