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We've recently had our GM bail out on us and I've agreed to take over running the AP. We just started and are currently at the Pugwampi encounter. I'm looking for two players to take over for our Cleric who also left and for my character.
Although my character as a Wizard, seeing how we have an Alchemist and a Sorcerer already in the party I'm looking for a more Martial character to take over my spot.
So in short I'm looking for two characters, one divine and one martial oriented, to replace the missing characters.
Since this is a game in progress the window for submission is going to be narrow. I will pick the replacement players on Friday, June 28th by 9:00 pm CDT with the hope to start them on Saturday.
Here are the character creation rules from the original recruitment thread:
Crunch - Follow Society Rules for Character Creation
HP: Full at level 1, average every level after
Stats: 20 point buy
Traits: 2, one of which must be from the Shatter Star Player's guide
Equipment: 150 gold
Classes: All Society Legal
Races: All Society Legal including ones you would need a boon for (Goblin, kitsune, etc...)
For Society legal play, check out Additional Resources
For Player's Guide, check out Link
Also, please indicate which Society faction your character would be affiliated with somewhere in your submission.
Thank you.

Saronian |
You mentioned Society Legal. Does that mean using the Society rules for the classes or do use the classes as is?
Is this being ran under Pathfinder Society? Will our characters be generating experience, gear, and prestige/fame through the on line community?
Also, how do you feel about a fifth character/Player?

Saronian |
@Saronian- Make sure all Feats and traits are Society legal. Otherwise classes are as is. I'm not sure exactly what you mean? There are currently four players and I'm looking for a Fifth and Sixth.
@RainyDayNinja- Yes the party is 1st level. They are at the first encounter now.
Um, ok. I'm Tracking for the party
Cleric (Player Left)
Wizard (Player taking over DM/GM spot)
You are seeking a replacement for the Cleric and the Wizard, prefeably divine caster and a melee fighter. Is this accurate?
I am asking about having a fifth or more players/characters coming in (Alchemist, Sorceror, Divine Caster, Melee Fighter, and fifth/sixth wheel).
What I am asking, in regards to PFS, is if the results of the campaign sessions going to be reported to PFS (isn't Shattered Star a legal Pathfinder Society campaign)?
Am I making sense now?

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Applying for Melee with
Rowald LionHeart
Grand Lodge
Aasimar Scion of Humanity (angel-kin)Male Paladin 1 (Divine Defender, Hospitalier)
Init +1; Senses Perception -1, Darkvision 60 ft
AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 19 (+6 armor, +2 shield, +1 dex)
hp 11 (1d10)
SR 0 ; ER Acid 5, Cold 5, Electricity 5
Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +1
Armor Steel Lamellar, Medium
Shield Heavy Steel Shield
Defensive Abilities Aasimar Resistances (PFBty 7)
Spd 20 ft/x4
Melee Longsword +5 (1d8+4) 19-20/x2
Str 18, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 18
BAB +1, CMB +5, CMD +17
Feats Armor Proficiency (LIGHT / MEDIUM / HEAVY) (PFCR 118), Fey Foundling (PFCaS: ISWG 286), Shield Proficiency (PFCR 133)
Skills Diplomacy +8, Knowledge (religion) +4
SQ Aura of Good (PFCR 60), Detect Evil (PFCR 60)
SU Smite Evil [1] (PFAPG 116)
MC Code of Conduct (PFCR 63-64)
Traits Defender of the Society (Combat) (PFCh: FcGd 62), Magical Knack (Paladin) (PFAPG 329)
Languages Common, Elven, Sylvan
About me i post multiple times a day and i even DM a game here

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The party Currently consist of:
Aasimar Rogue (Burglar)
Dwarf Fighter (Shielded Fighter)
Gnome Sorcerer (Arcane bloodline)
Goblin Alchemist (Grenadier)
We are currently looking for replacements for:
Human Cleric (Cloistered Cleric/Merciful Healer)
Human Wizard (Diviner: Foresight SubSchool)
No, although the campaign is PFS legal the campaign will NOT be reported.
The PFS legal requirement is ONLY for character creation. Afterwards all Paizo products can be used.

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Fern Feste
CG Human Female Cleric 1
Init +1; Senses Perception +3
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +1 dex, +1 shield)
hp 10 (1d8+1+1FC)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +5
Spd 40'
Melee club +1 (1d6+1) or melee touch +1
Ranged starknife +1 (1d4+1/x3)
Space 5'; Reach 5'
Str 12, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 14
BAB +0; CMB +1; CMD 12
Feats (2) combat casting, extra channel
Skills (4 skill) Diplomacy +6 (+7 in Magnimar), Heal +7, Knowledge Religion +5, Sense Motive +7
Spells/Day (3/2+1, DC 13+level, concentration +8)
0th level: create water, guidance, resistance
1st level: expeditious retreat*, bless, magic weapon
Special Abilities: channel energy 1d6 (8/day, DC 13), domains (exploration and chaos), door sight 6/day, touch of chaos 6/day),
Traits: alabaster outcast (Feste), exalted of the society
Languages: Common, Varisian, Celestial
Possessions (x gp) studded leather (25 gp), buckler (5 gp), starknife (24 gp), club, nobles' outfit, signet ring, silver compartment holy symbol, cleric's kit (16 gp),5 sunrods (10 gp), 1 clw potion (50 gp), 20 gp
Stat Math:
Str 12 (2 points)
Dex 13 (3 points)
Con 12 (2 points)
Int 13 (3 points)
Wis 16 (5 points +2 racial)
Cha 14 (5 points)
Ferndianna Maria Feste was born to a noble family of Magnimar. Unfortunately she was born to a cash-poor noble family of Magnimar. When she was 13 and her family was desperate for wealth, a deal was made to marry her off to a 63 year old merchant with a rumored penchant for young girls and way too much wealth. When Fern caught wind of this from her nurse, she panicked. She didn't know what to do, where to go or who to trust. In her panicked state, she had a vision. In the vision a beautiful butterfly flew down from the sky and told her to take the silver butterfly pendant from the chapel and head to the docks, and to show the pendant to the first person to speak to her. When she awoke, she headed to the chapel, stole the silver butterfly pendant, and with the clothes on her back, headed to the docks.
Once there she was hooted at by dock workers, until a young elven woman took pity on her and asked her what she was doing in such a place. Trembling, Fern showed her the pendant. The elven woman, Cyriella Ollivier, was a Pathfinder and a cleric of Desna, though her faith was not openly displayed. Once Fern told her the story of how she came there, Cyriella booked them passage on the first ship out, a ship headed to Absalom. On the voyage Fern learned of the fatih of Desna and committed herself to the worship of her savior, and to becoming a Pathfinder.
That was seven years ago. Now Fern is a newly minted Pathfinder, no longer naive and no longer afraid of her overbearing family. She has returned to Magnimar in defiance of them and seeks to prove to them that she was worth so much more than an underage marriage to a lecherous old man.
Physically Fern is slight and pretty, with a boyish haircut and laughing eyes. She follows the aspects of Desna that promote self-exploration and freedom and she is looking to make a name for herself in the Pathfinders. She dresses in a Varisian style, wearing trousers and a flowing shirt. Her silver butterfly pendant rests outside her shirt, displayed in defiance to the world.
Note: her butterfly pendant has a secret compartment, but Fern does not know this, nor does she have any idea what's inside. I leave that up to the DM!
Fern would be a member of the Silver Crusade faction, believing that the Society can be a true force for good in the world, even while seeking out new explorations and treasure.

Meridius Baryn |

Human (Varisian) Monk
Seeks perfection both in mind and body
Worshiper of Irori.
About me
Posts multiple times a day if able.
Currently playing two other campaigns, but I am eager and enjoy roleplaying too much to not submit for more.
English is not my native language, so some errors are bound to occur.
Meridius Baryn, youngest of the Baryn brothers - was born in Varisia like his brethren. Though not as hardy as Melior, nor as adept at the arcane or druidic arts as Talius and Niveus - his parents soon came to realize that Meridius liked doing things with his hands. Not exactly favoring to use his skill for crafting, Meridius would rather wrestle and throw punches too early for his age.
Boreas, his father, decided that his son's abilities and lust for combat where a blessing - and sent him away with an old companion of his, far away. Yorud Bone-Breaker, a now old and venerated Barbarian of the Sklar-Quah, brought Meridius to the Cinderlands and thought him everything he knew. From how to take a punch, and give one right back - to fending for oneself in the wilderness - Meridius seemingly absorbed everything Yorud had to teach him.
Unfortunately, while Meridius was barely 8 years old, Yorud fell ill and died shortly thereafter. Having sired no children of his own, he left what little valuables he had found during his travels to Meridius. The young man sold the artifacts and returned home to Magnimar. There he met an adventurer from Jalmeray, a monk faithful to Irori.
The monk spoke well of his homeland, and the young boy was baffled by the man's skill at the martial arts. Before long, Meridius found himself on a merchant vessel headed for Jalmeray.
Marching straight for the Monastery of Untwisting Iron, the poor boy was easily bested by a Shaitan - unable to even flinch before the wrestling trial had ended. The monk of Irori felt pity for the boy, and allowed him to join one of the lesser orders - teaching the boy the path of perfection and thought him much of Irori.
Many years have passed since then, Meridius is now a grown man and has ended his training at the monastery. It was time he joined the pathfinder lodge in Niswan, where he had spent most of his time while in Jalmeray, and put his skill to the test. Now he has been ordered to leave his new homeland behind, and return to Varisia - to learn more of the frontier first hand.
Upon his return, his brothers had left on journeys of their own and Meridius has now reported to the Magnimar lodge and placed his expertice at the venture-captain's disposal. Eager and willing, Meridius is determined to aid the lodge how ever he can.

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Please remember that these are not my recruitment options but those of the original GM. I'm just trying to make sure everyone starts on an even footing.
Here are the links to the original threads:
Perhaps some of your questions can be answered there.

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Marik you said:
Although my character as a Wizard, seeing how we have an Alchemist and a Sorcerer already in the party I'm looking for a more Martial character to take over my spot.
So in short I'm looking for two characters, one divine and one martial oriented, to replace the missing characters.
seeing that there were a few submission with full divine character i made a paladin to help you party as per your instructions.

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Work has been kind of hectic this week and I have not one, but two family reunions to go to this weekend I'm not going to be able to restart things until Monday. So given my schedule i'm going to hold open recruitment until Sunday night.
So if you've dotted for interest or have already made a concept please take the weekend to flesh out a submission.
Everyone else is free to make a pitch until 9:00 pm CDT Sunday night.

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My apologies everyone but we've had another player drop out due to RL concerns so I've decided to go ahead and cancel the recruitment. I thank you all for your interest and maybe in a few weeks I'll just start the whole recruitment process over again from scratch.
Until then Good luck and good gaming.