Piece Together the Impossible - Shattered Star (Inactive)

Game Master Tierce

The Adventures of a group of Pathfinders as they try to piece together an ancient artifact.

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You found yourself in various parts of Magnimar, still carrying out your daily business when you come face to face with a messenger. Although he doesn't appear to be much of a messenger with his dusty leather armor, wide brimmed hat and light blonde stubble upon his face. He hands each of you a scroll before disappearing before your eyes.

The scroll is a rather thick piece of paper and as your unfurl it, the lettering is rather bold and curvy, as if the author tried to sculpt the letters upon the page.

It so reads:

Greetings Fellow Seeker of Adventure!

I am Sheila Heidmarch; Venture Captain of the newest Pathfinder Society lodge, and the only such lodge in Varisia at this time. You have come to my attention as someone who possesses a certain amount of skills and interests within the Society that make you an excellent addtion to a highly specialized team I'm putting together for a matter of grave import, not only to us in the Society, but to Varisia as a whole. Please report an hour before noon to Heidmarch Manor; you will be compensated for your visit, but that reward will pale in light of the riches that await you should we come to an agreement on my proposition. I look forward to meeting you soon!

Signed: Sheila Heidmarch

M Dwarf Fighter 1

Orik had a real banger of a hangover and the constant hammering of the blacksmith's hammer on the anvil only made the dull skullache sharpen. He was spending nearly the last of his coin on repairs to his once-shining scale mail which had been damaged in his last fight in Serpent's Run. "Verily, that is well said", he thought to himself in between hammer blows that felt like earthquakes in his head."Indeed, my career as a purveyor of battlefield prowess in the arena is terminated. Yon villains in the Sczarni have ensured my untimely departure from the only vocation I have embraced. My funds are depleted and my propects are at their nadir."

"Oy, careful wit dat damn hammer, fool! Yer bangin' is li'ble to send Gud King T'rgrick back un'ergroun'. Wha' in the name o' all tha' gud dae yae need tae make sae much noise fer?"

His harangue of the blacksmith was interrupted by the arrival of the youthful messenger, who ran up and handed Orik the scroll from the Venture-Captain. He read over the message, and harumphed making no motion to tip the fellow.

"'way with yae! There's nae tip from mae. I only got a few coins tae rub t'gether as it stan's and I ain't gunna waste 'em on yae. Now scram a'fore I stick my wee axe in yae."

"Probably I shouldn't have acted so forcefully with the youth," Orik thought ruefully. "Likely, he is only carrying out tasks for some other master, whoever this mysterious Heidmarch is. The promise of riches does intrigue me thoroughly especially considering my destitute condition. Perhaps I will attend this meeting and investigate this matter further, although I do not intend to commit myself without intense scrutiny and deep contemplation. Perhaps I can also learn more about the absconded Stonefist relics during our little tete-a-tete."

"Stones and bones, man. Leave oof th' bangin' for a momen't c'd yae? My wee noggin is sore enuf witoot yae beatin' time like a marchin' army, dae yae ken? Leave oof!"

Once his repairs were complete and his purse almost lightened considerably, he hoisted his pack, and despite the banging headache, set out for Heidmarch Manor.

Liberty's Edge

Male Goblin Alchmeist 1 (Grenadier)

OH OH A Mission, they have heard of my skills here. Good good good...." as Glogh goes happily bouncing the down the street.. Now where did they say that Manor was?

Seeing a passerby on the street, "You You there...yes you" pointing at the human. Can you tell me what part of the city Heid....mark...Manor is." Reading from his paper, and giving a big toothy grin

After a good nights sleep, Ethyria ventured out and into the Market District of Magnimar.

It was always the exotic and unusual items that drew her attention and looking for a new and stylish corset, the cute brunette decided to go shopping.

She passed many stalls and although not as exotic as what you'd likely find in Katapesh, there was still a good amount of variety in items and clothing for her to choose between.

Undecided on what to buy, Ethyria perused the goods a little more, before stumbling across an odd stall. There were a few onlookers but nobody seemed all that interested in what this male merchant had to offer. Well, apart from the beautiful Aasimar of course.

As strange and impractical as it was, the items the stall had to offer appeared quite fashionable. Full-Plate armour designed to make the wearer look like a living statue, Breastplate armour with metal wings attached to the back, and padded armour covered in sheep wool were just some of the items for sale, but what really caught Ethyria's eye was a stunningly white corset, with black stitching and detailing running along the seams and studs painted black decorating the sides. Oddly, the armour looked viable for combat, even if to only protect against light damage.

Paired with it were bracers, following in similar pattern.

Ethyria took a liking to the design and upon paying for her goods, was approached by a blonde haired man.

Ethyria Bellamyr? he said with uncertainty in his voice.

Ah...yea? You are? Ethyria's shy and innocent personality instantly became apparent, as she stood there, unsure as to how this man knew her name.

I have a letter for you. he said as he handed the scroll over to the beautiful woman, as her hair shone radiantly under the bright Sun.

Taking the letter from the messenger, the girl spoke politely; O...kay. Well thanks then, I guess. Have a good d-...

No sooner had she started speaking, it seemed the man was in a hurry however, and left before she could even finish speaking.

Reading over everything, things got a little more interesting for the girl.

I've been here a while now, but finally there's a chance for adventure? About time!

Ethyria smiled with an overly joyous expression, clenching both of her fists together out of excitement.

Maybe now I can find all manner of riches and fame? Ohhhh, this is going to be soooo exciting. My dreams are within my grasp and I get to finally go on a proper adventure!

Returning back to The Old Fang, she began packing her things, changing out of her dress and into something a little tighter to her body.

10 minutes passed, and now in tight black leather trousers, black thigh high boots and a white corset with black studded detailing, she tied back her light brown hair, fastening her Rapier and Sap to her belt, before heading downstairs to ask Ol' Mam Grottle if she'd ever heard of a placed called Heidmarch Manor.

Oh hello deary. Why yes, if I recall correctly it was somewhere up in the Alabaster District. I don't often go up there myself. Too many brutes compete and cause problems between here and there, in hope of being selected for The Serpent's Run. Apart from that, I think it's seen as a respectable and profitable district, with many Nobles and Aristocrats taking up residence there. I'm sure you'll get around okay though. You don't look as though you've just been dragged off the streets.

It seemed old Grottle lacked a lot of tact, but she did mean well, for she liked the young Half-Elven Angelic woman, even if low level insults were still present within the way she spoke.

Leave it to me! I'll get in fine and I'll find this place and begin my adventure! I'm sure a lot of excitement awaits, but thanks for the info Grottle. Take care!

Cheerfully, Ethyria left the Inn and headed up to the Manor an hour earlier than scheduled, apparently forgetting the time in her eagerness to leave.

Grand Lodge

Male Gnome Sorcerer (Arcane Bloodline) 1

After spending a few days attempting to get acquainted with the city, Quigly couldn't help but feel the rush of excitement at Magnimar's difference compared to Absalom. He marveled at each of its nine districts and eventually came to settle in the Capital District, rather curious with the nearby Golemworks. Staying at the Hammer and Stone, the gnome took regular strolls toward the Irespan, hoping to catch glimpses of the work being done within the warehouses. During the evening, he listened intently to any word the golem crafters spoke of their work day, down to the most minor detail. By the end of the week, Quigly had compiled a stack of notes that ranged on information from a new construct's behavior to what a senior member's favorite lunch was.

During a morning of perusing these notes, attempting to discern anything of worth, the aspiring tinker was surprised by the messenger. Scattering his parchment to the nines, Quigly regained a manner of composure before grinning up at the youth who simply confirmed his name before setting the scroll down and returning to the streets outside. Unfurling the contents, Quigly's eyes lit up after assessing message. With a cheer, he waved it above him in glee as the sparse inhabitants of the tavern eyed him warily.

Ah, my break at last! Not a moment too soon, may I also say. My dear projects have gone without sufficient parts for days! Hrm, I was worrying whether or not I could start a new one, he thought to himself, his indecisiveness always winning over any loyalty to a long-standing attempted craft.

Shrugging his shoulders, the absent-minded inventor left his scattered pages on the taproom's table and stepped out into the city's streets to discern where his destination might be. He asked around the markets, got distracted while passing by a monument, took a nap in the shade, then eventually found his answer from a patrolling guard. Full of vigor, Quigly ran most of the way to the Alabaster district, stopping only to gawk at the considerably posh residencies scattered around him. After some time spent admiring, he made his way to the Manor proper, all sorts of hopes and dreams (many no doubt absurd) playing in his head.

M Dwarf Fighter 1

Orik hurried at top dwarf speed (which isn't particularly fast to others), tottering through the Alabaster District as the clock began to approach the appointed hour, he headache had receded a little, and the thought of compensation just for showing up made his step quick and lively indeed.

"Oh mercy, I fear I will be tardy for my rendevous with the magnificent Pathfinders. PerhapsI had better increase my velocity somewhat? Oh look a diminutive gnome gentleman, could it be that our destinations coincide serendipitously?" Perhaps I shall inquire of him."

Orik yells at the gnome in front of him in a loud voice, "'ey yae! Wee tiny fella! Cain'tcha git the lead oot o' yer pan's an' moove oon a li'l faster? Nat all o' us 'ave th' time for lollygaggin' aroun' lookin' like we jus' got oof the boot, eh? Keep them tiny lil' feet movin', there's a lad! Nae, move alon' or moove aside!"

Liberty's Edge

Male Goblin Alchmeist 1 (Grenadier)

Glogh eventually recalling where to go, runs there in haste, as not to be late...I need to make a good impression

Grand Lodge

Bella was sitting on a stool next to the street on the edge of the Underbridge district with a small sign offering free healing for those in need when the messenger came for her. So far that morning she had treated a small boy's broken arm and healed a stab wound on a robbery victim. She'd been spending her time working there while she waited for the Society to have need of her. When the messenger handed her the scroll and then disappeared she immediately smiled with glee. This must be the Society at last! Her eyes devoured the writing on the scroll and she immediately packed up her things upon finishing the message. She made her way back to the inn where she'd been staying and retrieved the rest of her things, then settled her account. Too excited to do anything else Bella made her way to Heidmarch manor far earlier than needed, following the directions of locals questioned along the way.

While she waits for the sun to ascend to its zenith she crouches on her heels across the street from the manor, watching the people go by. When the proper time arrives, she approaches the gate and looks for a guard or porter.

You all arrive at the appointed time, in fact the doors won't even budge until you are all assembled. The door to the manor opens and you are once again greeted by the messenger, who still appears travel worn and dusty.

"Well come on in! Sheila had to meet with a last minute agent of hers on some Society business so she told me to entertain you for a bit!" You can hear a slight Taldane accident upon his tongue.

As you walk down the hall, he flourishes you with a bow, "Name is Tierce Vraie, Venture Captain. I apologize for my appearance, but I just got back from Sandpoint this morning. Looking to set up an outpost out there. They've been having some recent troubles with a Runelord, you may have heard about it in one of the Chronicles. Nasty business..."

He leads you into a large meeting room with a fully stocked bar to the north side, he heads right to the bar and pours himself a large glass of red wine. "Might I get the ladies anything to drink?" He says with a charming smile. "The Gentlemen are of course welcome to help themselves!"

Grand Lodge

"I'll have a glass of what you're drinking captain, thank you." Says the beautiful young brunette. Her accent is Vudrani, though her features have much of Varisia in them. She's tall and thin, standing just under six feet tall. Her raven black curly hair tumbles down just past her shoulders. Her large large almond eyes are the color of caramel. Her hands and wrists are tattooed with intricate designs of a Vudrani healer, and the necklace she's wearing ends in a wooden medallion with the open hand symbol of Irori carved on it. Her clothing is mixture of Vudrani and Varisian styles, but it is of high quality and fashionable for either place. She wears a good deal of gold jewelry as well. Over her dress she is wearing a suit of light leather lamellar armor and she carries a quarterstaff.

When the captain brings her the wine, she accepts it with a warm smile, saying "Thank you sir." She waits for the captain seat himself and then follows suit.

Tierce pours her a glass of the wine, "Chelish Red, Egorian, 4528. Wine from before the rise of the Thrune administration is difficult to obtain, but I think you will agree that the cost is more then justified."

Sandpoint? Isn't that just up the road from here?

Ethyria slightly shrugs before continuing conversation with the blonde haired man.

Tierce is your name? That's a nice name. I'm Ethyria as you know... laughs the girl gifted with beauty and I was hoping adventure would come along sooner or later! I left home for it, but all I've had instead is a load of boys staring at me....sometimes girls too, and a few jobs here and there that reward me well, but no real adventure.

I'm really excited for what today and the new future brings, and I'd absolutely love a glass of that wine you're drinking. Thank you very much for your hospitality!

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13

The angelic woman smiles with one hand on her hips, and the other twiddling through her hair.

Her clothes consist of Black tight, skinny trousers, black thigh high boots, a white corset with black detailing along the seam lines, featuring black painted studs running up the sides, and two bracers that follow the same design as the Corset, though running only two thirds of the way along her forearm from her wrist.

Grand Lodge

Male Gnome Sorcerer (Arcane Bloodline) 1

Quigly was quite overwhelmed when approached by the dwarf out on the road, his attention all but absorbed by his fanciful day dreams. The gnome stammered to respond before asking if the brusque fellow were destined for Heidmarch Manor as well. If such a response were to sound somewhat conclusive (not that the gnome understood anything he might have said) he would accompany the dwarf.

Upon arriving at the Pathfinder's headquarters and being welcomed inside, Quigly introduced himself, bowing as low as possible (for a gnome). During this interaction, the contents of his pouches and pockets spilled out, clattering to the floor in a heap. The poor, embarrassed little fellow smiled sheepishly as he stooped to pick up the assortment of cogs, gears, and clockwork pieces of varying description.

Righting himself, he cleared his throat, "My, my! You have my apologies! Say, you wouldn't happen to have any Taldan Fire-Brandy, would you?" he inquired, picking up on the man's speech. Quigly also hoped he would be able to display some air of civility despite his recent blunder.

Grand Lodge

Bella sips the wine, then replies to Tierce, "Yes, it's quite wonderful, thank you."

Turning towards the others who have also arrived, Bella says "Hello everyone, I'm Bella. It's a pleasure to meet you Quigly." She offers the awkward little gnome her hand for shaking.


Male Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner:Foresight) /1

Oops, never saw that this was up and running. It's late and I'm off to bed, will look this over tomorrow and get some responses in then. Sorry everyone.

Liberty's Edge

Male Goblin Alchmeist 1 (Grenadier)

Seeing others waiting outside the house he believed his destination. Glogh decided to try and be on his best behavior, tho he was so exited to meet his new boss, show him that he was a valuable team member, it made best behavior difficult. Seeing what he believed fellow pathfinder, he approached.. "Hi! Hi! I'm Glogh. Pleased to meet you all. Are you from a round here? have you been pathfinders long? oh yeah...what are your names?"
Then the door opened, Glogh bounced in barely containing his excitement. Hearing the offers of drinks. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Some ale ....Please." Almost forgetting to add the please at the end.

Turning to Ethriai Hi! Hi! Miss Ethyria!...Oh oh and hello to you too Bella." Bowing and grinning showing his huge toothy grin.

"Glogh Here reporting for service!!!" He say excitedly

Grand Lodge

"Hello Glogh, your common is very good! How did you ever get so cute?"


Male Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner:Foresight) /1

Nicolae was sitting at a table in a local tavern, a square of three rows of three cards each spread out before him. A small pile of coppers were also on the table near his elbow. So far it had been a slow morning and he'd only managed to get a few "readings" in so far and hadn't had to use his talent at all. A women who was worried about her husbands fidelity, or a man wondering about a forthcoming business arrangement, hardly anything worth working up a sweat over.
When the leather clad messenger called out his name Nicolae was worried that one of his clients had called the city watch on him. Looking up with a smile on his face he is shocked when the man reached into his satchel and produced a scroll. Unfurling the scroll Nicolae tosses a couple of copper across the table only to find that the man had already disappeared into the crowd "Crowd? What crowd? There's only a few dockworkers celebrating after their overnight shift and a few others nursing a drink over their problems. The man simply vanished while you weren't looking. Oh well, more coppers for me." he thinks as he rakes the coins back into his pile.
Reading the scroll he reminisces about his first meeting with the Heidmarches when they first arrived in Magnimar Seems like I made a good impression, then. Well a chance to earn some honest..." he looks around the common room "er, decent coin for a change." "I really need to work on that whole inner monologue thing"
Letting out a whistle, drawing the attention of everyone in the room, Nicolae waits for a few seconds when a small ferret like creature appears from the taverns shadows. The creature, like a weasel only smaller and stockier, runs across the room with a largish rat in his jaws. Nicolae smiles as the mongoose runs up to him and rears up on his hind legs, offer him the rodent. "No thank you, Tavi. I already ate. You go ahead and enjoy your breakfast." Putting words into action the little mongoose devours the rat before crawling into the leather satchel by Nicolae's chair, licking it's paws.
Picking up his bag and slinging it over his should he tosses a few copper on to the table to cover breakfast, before sliding one back in to his palm "That's for the pest control." he says to himself before heading out the door.

Tierce pours the good gnome a glass of Taldan Fire-Brandy and is about to pour an ale for the goblin when you hear a woman clear her voice from the entrance to the meeting room. You look over to see Sheila Heidmarch standing there in all her regal manner with a young elven maiden in boiled leader to her right.

"I apologize for the delay, as I must conclude my business with Pathfinder Azmeren before we meet. In the meantime, though, I thought you could help us with another minor issue. This stone coffer is an ancient Thassilonian puzzle, a cunning feat of magical engineering known as a paradox box. As you‘ll see from even a casual investigation, what appear to be seams of the sides are only shallow grooves-there's no obvious way to open the thing. Each paradox box has its own secret method of being opened. Essentially, a paradox box substitutes hidden catches and magical triggers for a lock. Given time, anyone clever enough could figure out how to open a paradox box, just as given time, a locksmith can open any lock. This particular box was among those items recovered by Koriah; the scrolls next to the box are her preliminary notes on possible triggers or methods of opening it, but she's not yet had a chance to sit down and properly investigate the thing. So... why don't you put your heads together and see if you can't do that for me?

"Even if the box is empty, as I suspect it probably is, knowing the method of opening it makes it a valuable find anyway. I'll return shortly, and I hope to see that box open! Think of this as an audition, if you will-because the actual task I want to speak to you about soon will require as much wit as it will brawn!"

She gestures to the elf maiden and they both head deeper in the house leaving you alone with the box and the notes upon the table.

Grand Lodge

"Oh my, a test already!" Bella says, seeming genuinely nervous. I hope I haven't had too much wine. Striding over to the box she mutters a brief prayer, then eyes glowing picks it up and examines it.

Knowledge (Whatever's Appropriate): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Spellcraft (if needed): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

The wine had apparently gotten the better of her already, she could see nothing here beyond a grooved box. She shrugs, sets the box back down, and picks up the notes, reading them aloud....

M Dwarf Fighter 1

My apologies for missing yesterday. Will try to get caught up without dragging you through the misery of Orik's tortured dialogue so posting by exposition for expediency.

Orik acknowledged the gnome fellow and agreed to accompany him the rest of the way to Heidmarch Manor, expounding on his views about longshanks, architecture, the Pathfinder society and a whole host of other interesting topics along the way.

When the door finally opened, Orik was ushered inside and offered a refreshing beverage. Helping himself as indicated by Tierce, he poured a fire-whisky with ale back and continued to fill his cups on a regular basis. A fierce belch escaped his person from time to time.

He made critical comments about the quality of the ale and the manliness of the host while waiting patiently for the show to begin. He most certainly made crude or off-color comments about the females in attendance. And likely spit his liquor all over the place when the goblin joined them.

All in all, he was his usual charming self.

M Dwarf Fighter 1

As the Venture-Captain appears, Orik straightens up nicely, brushing his long red braids from his shoulders:

Hearing that there's a test put before the group he thinks:"I was unaware there would be puzzles at this little soiree! I love puzzles! I wonder whatever could be inside such a device?"

He turns to the proper lady, a loud, smelly ale-belch escaping his lips, and says: "Nae, wait jus' a wee damn minute! Yer note sez ther'll bae comp'nsation for mae time an' promise o' riches tae cum. It don't say a thin' 'bout nae test or contrapion or th' like. 'Specially if'n the box is 'mpty, why'd we want tae open it fer yae, when yae'r 'posed tae bae offerin' us some comp'nsation? Wha' kin' o' damn fools dae yae thin' we are to ope' sum 'mpty box, jes cuz yae say tae, eh?"

Orik stands glowering at the woman, his arms crossed on his chest waiting for an answer.

Poor guy. thought Ethyria, as the Gnome stumbled in, dropping all of his things.

Picking up several of the cogs that rolled over to where she was standing, the strange breed of Aasimar strutted over to the little guy, and returned his cogs to him.

Hi, errr, you. You're missing these! She seemed a little awkward, not really knowing what to say to the guy.

About to walk away, it was at this moment she heard a high pitched and raspy, excited voice calling her name.

Hmm? Turning to her side, she saw a little Goblin bouncing around and calling her name.

Goblins? Who hired a Goblin? Every tale I read depicts them as vile, hurtful creatures who crave bloodlust and torture for fun. Well, he seems friendly enough!

The woman approaches the little green guy and crouches down in front of him. Hi there little one! You're not going to cause us any trouble are you?

Smiling pleasantly, she gently pats the little guy on the head and stands with elegance, glass of wine in hand, as the regally dressed woman enters the room.

First task of the day?

Listening to the instructions, the first thing Ethyria attempts is to open the lock herself.

Approaching Bella, she walks forwards and pinches two fingers over the box, but nothing appears to happen.

Disable Device: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10 +10 if a trap

Well it was worth a try! said the girl with a positive attitude, giving the instructions a once over before attempting to open it once more.

Now, let's see if I can't open it. With a press here and a twist there, something should happen. Well that's the theory anyway!

Disable Device: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16 +10 if a trap

Grand Lodge

Male Gnome Sorcerer (Arcane Bloodline) 1

Quigly blushed and was clearly enamored by the help provided with retrieving his valuables. Brushing himself off, he gladly accepted the drink, sipping at it occasionally. The little gnome winced at the strength of the spirit but bore it accordingly, hoping to regain a bit of his damaged pride and show himself capable in the eyes of the other Pathfinders.

Upon the goblin's entry, the confounded tinker nearly added to his previous blunder, narrowly avoiding dropping his drink. Swiftly correcting the action, a few drops lighted on his vest along with the splotches of grease and oils stains that were there. Much too absorbed by the presence of such an odd, and (oft reported) dangerous creature. He took point besides Orik just in case, knowing that their two cultures shared an enmity for the goblins once upon a time.

When, at last, the Venture Captain produced herself, Quigly's excitement sky-rocketed. It nearly reached its bursting limits when the puzzlebox was presented and spoken of.

Ancient Thassilonian puzzles! I knew I came here for a good reason. Oh, what wondrous things might be contained inside - but this is a prize in itself! I wonder if Captain Heidmarch would allow me to study its workings afterwards? My, wouldn't that be keen! The possibilities left the gnome giddy, to say the least.

He desperately awaited his turn to solve the box, leaning forward onto his toes and back again. Once it finally came into his possession, his eyes widened and Quigly took a moment to admire its construction before actually attempting to open it.

Know (History): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
Linguistics (If any Thassilonian or Runes): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
Use Magic Device: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

If his attempts come up fruitless, the gnome quietly advises, "Perhaps we could try opening it together? I mean, she did say use our heads...the plural implies more than one?" He smiled somewhat lamely at the rest of the group, hoping that his advice didn't clash with them.

Grand Lodge

If it's a disable device roll, and we have the time (2 minutes?) I believe, you should be able to take 20 Ethyria. In any case you can always take 10 outside combat. Once you get a +10 DD bonus that should cover most traps for the next few levels. They are usually DC 20. Guess we'll just have to see what the notes say.

Yea, I never use the take 10 or 20 and don't really know how much time we have. Quigly rolled amazingly well though!

With the esteemed assistance of Quigly, you are able to pierce together two Thassilonian runes upon the box. The first one, "wrath" is repeated several times, but the notes believe that it is merely a signature as to where the box is from. However the second word, "CRUEL" is a bit more important. While investigating the box, you notice that you are able to rearrange the letters of "CRUEL" to make other words.

Grand Lodge

Bella will arrange them to spell "lucre" to see if anything happens.

M Dwarf Fighter 1

Recieving no reply from the woman, Orik turns to the puzzle box that others are working on.

"Lucky fer yae, I brung mae wee box open'r wit mae. Nae stand back a bit there mae lov'lies and Uncle Orik'll open 'er right up, neat as yae please."

He pushes forward and unslings his axe meaning to chop the box.

Grand Lodge

"Wait just a moment please Mr. Orik. Brains before brawn. Chronologically that is."

M Dwarf Fighter 1

To Bella: "Aye, lassie, in mae 'xper'nce it comes doon to brawn, like as noot, ev'r time. I'll give ya jes' a moment ta try yer lil' tricks oot, but when yae ken it's th' 'nly wae, my axe an' I 'll be watchin' an' waitin' over there. Nae, gae oon an' try yer hocus-pocus an' I'll jes' 'njoy th' view."

He steps back from the table, crushing the poor gnome's toes in the process and leans against the wall, patting the flat of his axe into the palm of his other hand.

Bella, if that doesn't work, try Urcel! If words can be rearranged, that or Lucre seem most likely, and if nothing happens, we'll just have to play around with it a little longer!

Ethyria smiles.


Male Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner:Foresight) /1

Nicolae pours himself a glass of wine and plops down in an overstuffed chair to await Lady Heidmarch's arrival. Taking advantage of the time he surveys the group of people also in the sitting room. "Quite the menagerie we have here. A Dwarf, a Gnome, a Goblin for the god's sake, and two rather comely women, and of course myself." At Ethyria's comment Nicolae looks away somewhat uncomfortably.
Grateful for the Venture Captain's arrival Nicolae stands up as she enters the room with her guest. "Well that was brief. Hopefully there will be more information about this "important matter" later." Walking over to the table Nicolae will examine the box before handing it over to the others.
Perception check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
Once finished he will pick up the pile of notes and begin reading.
Since Quigley did such a bang up job on his rolls, Nicolae will do an "Aid Another" action to help him succeed."
Knowledge (history): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
Linguistics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
"I know a smattering of ancient Thassilonian, maybe I can be of help and if necessary I can call upon some magical aid to help decipher the runes? he tells the Gnome.

Grand Lodge

Male Gnome Sorcerer (Arcane Bloodline) 1

Quigly seemed genuinely smitten at being able to help. His pleasure, however, soon turned to pain as the dwarf crunched his digits under foot. "YOWWW! Oh-aaahhh! Mister Uhm..uh..Orik, was it? I regrettably inform you that you have contriturated my phalanges," he confessed timidly before turning to the Varisian man. "Oh, yes! I believe we should compile our conjectures should the ladies fail to solve it with what we have."

Liberty's Edge

Male Goblin Alchmeist 1 (Grenadier)

Glogh Excitedly Says to Ethyria "Me? NO NO NO....No trouble from me." as he hopes no unfortunate accidents happen this time

Glough Bows as the Venture captain walks in, Giving a big grin.

Then hearing of the puzzle, saddens a bit, not being very good at puzzles normally, but think some sees if his language training has paid off any, tho he doesn't know Thessalonian, many things sound or look similar.

Linguistics: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

But sees no patterns, Maybe I should have paid more attention in those classes.

Liberty's Edge

Male Goblin Alchmeist 1 (Grenadier)

Wanting to be helpful, Glogh sits there and thinks some as the others play with the box. Then his thought comes and says "Hey wait a minute, she said these were her preliminary notes, looking at the parchments next to the box, maybe they can help." And opens them up reads them.

Upon re-arranging the letters to spell "LUCRE", the box begins to glow slightly before opening on its own. Just as you begin to think your job is finished and you have succeeded, a nasty little creature peaks out of the box. He leers at you all before leaping upon the table, and he is quickly followed by a second creature.

Player Initiative 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Enemy Initiative 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

Here is the Map Link. Please place your name on the board and act in any order. Once all players are done, the enemy will go

Round 1, Player Turn, Go


Male Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner:Foresight) /1

Seeming to sense something was amiss even before the creatures appeared, Nicolae steps back from the table and begins casting a spell. As he finishes a coruscating wave of color emits from his hands and engulfs the little creratures.
Nicolae will take a 5' diagonal step (to where he is now) and cast Color Spray DC:14 Will save to resist.

Liberty's Edge

Male Goblin Alchmeist 1 (Grenadier)

Glough jumps back surprised as these creatures pop out of the box. Seeing no one next to them, he pulls out a bomb and throws it at one. "I'll get them!"

Glough will take a 5 foot step south(assuming down is south) and throw one of his bombs on creature marked p2. DC 12 Reflex save for spalsh damage. Splashes for 3 Damage in adjacent squares.

To hit(Touch AC): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Probably Missed
Miss Direction(1 = north then clockwise): 1d8 ⇒ 3

If applicable, I'll roll Dungeoneering to see if I can work out what these creatures are.

What are these creatures? I don't want to hurt them, but if they're hostile, as much as I dislike fighting I should at least try to subdue them.

Looking surprised and worrisome, not through fear but through a strong desire not to kill, Ethyria looks around the room for anything that could give her an advantage, while trying to weigh up what the creatures are.

Please.....don't hurt these creatures. It might not be their fault they're here! says the beautiful woman, before she stealthily approaches the creature closest to her, drawing her sap and using the smoke from Glogh's bomb to her advantage.

Stealth, moving at half speed: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27
Attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10 Possibly vs Flat-footed, misses probably
Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Sneak (if applicable): 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 the +1 is from trait

Knowledge Dungeoneering: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

Grand Lodge

Bella backs quickly away from the box with an "Ah!" as the creatures emerge, her mind whirling to identify them.

Withdrawing to over in the corner near Tierce.

Trying to identify the monsters. Not sure which knowledge is appropriate.
Knowledge (Nature or Religion): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
Knowledge (Anything else): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

M Dwarf Fighter 1

Seeing Bella retreat, Orik steps up to the table to take her place. In the same step movement, he shrugs his shield into place. Seeing the lady miss with her sap, and her announcement that he shouldn't just slay the creatures, Orik moves adjacent to her and covers her with his shield. He raises his eyebrow and mutters:"Aye, I'll hol' off mae attack fer nae, bu' once these foul beasties strike sumun, all bets are off, hear mae?"

5 ft step, Ready shield as Move Action, use Saving Shield as immediate action, Ethyria gains +2 to AC.

Saving Shield:
Saving Shield (Combat)
You deflect attacks that could mean your ally's death.

Prerequisite: Shield Proficiency.

Benefits: Whenever an adjacent ally is the target of an attack, you can, as an immediate action, grant that adjacent ally a +2 shield bonus to AC. You must be wielding a light shield, heavy shield, or tower shield to use this feat.

I'd rather it didn't come to that, but if it can't be avoided.... Ethyria says with a look of sadness in her face.

I wish so many things didn't have to die in this world. It makes me sad.

Grand Lodge

Male Gnome Sorcerer (Arcane Bloodline) 1

"Oh bother!" the gnome exclaimed, clambering to get away from the unexpected creatures. "It appears as if our curiosity has dealt us an ill-tempered jest."

Stumbling through the inner-workings of his jumbled brain, the cloud-headed inventor sought a spell. He forced the arcane potency in his blood forward to surge after the nearest monster, paying no heed to the woman's call for peace. A static jolt of electricity arced from his fingertips, much to his own surprise!

Move Action: 5 ft. step backwards. Attack: Cast Jolt @ Pugwampi 1.
Jolt, Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Damage: 1d3 ⇒ 1

Grand Lodge

Male Gnome Sorcerer (Arcane Bloodline) 1

Second Attack Roll: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Critical Confirmation(If Needed): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

Will Save #1 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Will Save #2 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24

Bella, your quite certain they are Gremlin's of the pugwampi variety.

Forgot to mention their unluck aura, so please roll twice next round and take the lowest.

The first Pugwampi on the table is hit with the jolt and appears to be slightly electrocuted. It looks at Quigly with hatred, but a large smelly dwarf is in its way, so it pulls a dagger from its belt and strikes at Orik.

Dagger attack on Orik: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18 1 non-lethal point

The dagger slips past the defenses but barely leaves more then a scratch.

The second pugwampi steps backwards and draws out his bow, looking at Ethyria with a sinister look.

Player Turn, Round 2


Male Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner:Foresight) /1

Did my spell have no effect?

Guess the roles got edited out when I copied from word. Should be good now


Male Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner:Foresight) /1

Seeing his spell have no effect on the little creatures Nicolae sighs and with a flick of his wrist a dagger suddenly appears in his hand. He throws the dagger at the Pugwampi that was hit by Quigly's energy bolt.
Attack roll: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
Attack roll: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
He grimaces in frustration as his throw is suddenly deflected off a here to for unseen crystal goblet sitting on the table.

Grand Lodge

"Gremlins! They have an unluck aura, this might take a while.."

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Celestial Gnome
Grand Lodge Quigly Dandellosen

Male Gnome Sorcerer (Arcane Bloodline) 1
(15 posts)



(45 posts)
Goblin with Beehive
Liberty's Edge Gholg

Male Goblin Alchmeist 1 (Grenadier)
(24 posts)

Vanulf Wulfson

Baron Galdur Vendikon
Sczarni Nicolae Lovari

Male Human (Varisian) Wizard (Diviner:Foresight) /1
(12 posts)