ziltmilt |

[Mid-Day, Lost Coast Road north of Sandpoint, Second Day After Goblin Raid]
Orik comes across as somewhat stoic, but not unfriendly, and as you travel, he reveals his occupation to be that of hired muscle, as his appearance would suggest, for an outpost further out in the Hinterlands.
Now that you’re not scouring the ground for tracks, the road back to town is shorter, and you arrive in Sandpoint in short order. As you step through the north gate, Orik nods and says “Thanks for the company. I’m off to the Red Dog, if any of you care to come along. No blacksmith in the area comes close to Korvut’s skill.”
Of course, he’s referring to Das Korvut, a mainstay in Sandpoint now for many years whose skill with hammering metal is only matched by his ill-temper. Now that Orik mentions it, Hakak, your weapon is looking a bit worse for wear.

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"Boys and their toys," Selia says with a grin, patting Hakak on the shoulder. "I think I will go and speak with the ranger. I've a feeling that she will be going to the authorities with her news." Selia, seemmingly bent on finding out what happened to Father Tobyn's body, makes her way to where she might find Sheriff Hemlock, not noticing whether any of the others follow her or not.

Lleidr |

Grumpy blacksmith or a sheriff? Sounds like a good time to make a third option... With a wave to his friends, Lleidr will head back towards the Dragon for a drink and some lunch.

ziltmilt |

[Early Afternoon, Sandpoint, Second Day After Goblin Raid]
“Oh, hi, Lleider,” Bethana Corwin says in her typical pleasant tone, as she scrubs the round top of a table clean. Several patrons are busy chowing down on the usual tasty fare, and the smells send your belly grumbling. “Here, have a seat. “
Huddled in a far corner on the western wall, you see a small group of fellows, sitting apart from other diners, laughing quietly amongst themselves, engaged in some secret business.
The mid-day crowds flood Sandpoint’s streets with rumbling carts, rowdy children, livestock, and merchant traffic. Soon, the line of Selia, Ned, Jubrayl, Mervyn and Nicholae is stretched out to the length of a whole block, as bustling people dart in, out, and in between. Street merchants try to block the flow with arms outstretched displaying all manner of goodies, trying to tempt you into distraction.
As the four march on, Nicholae’s path is blocked a slender, pale arm which gently wraps around his own. You recognize the lady immediately: Vin Vender’s younger daughter, Shayliss . She gives you a sly smile, and asks, ‘Master Nicholae, my poor daddy has been too distracted by my older sister’s shenanigans to tend to our store’s pest problem. I’m sure we’ve got giant rats in the basement. Just yesterday, I swear I saw one big as a goblin sneaking behind a barrel.
“Maybe you could come back to the store with me, and kill a few of these rats. There’s not many, I’m sure, certainly no need for anyone else but you to come take a look.”
Das Korvut glares at the two of you, grumbling as he inspects the wear on your weapons.
“I need a day,” he snaps. “I am very busy. Come back tomorrow for your blades.”
Orik nods and turns to you, Hakak. “My friend,” he bows, “it was a pleasure meeting you. I’m off to other business, but perhaps we shall find one another again in the Hinterlands.”

Lleidr |

"Good afternoon, Bethany! Hard at work , I see, and yet still as lovely as a spring flower."
While Lleidr waits for his meal, he'll look around for any familiar or friendly face. After all, there's gossip regarding the ranger and the slaughter of the goblins, not to mention the return of the priest's stolen corpse, and a good tale's often repaid with a good ale. But while moving around the room, his true purpose is to get a better look at the group sitting by themselves and maybe overhear what they're discussing.
Charisma: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21 to strike up a conversation with a patron
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8 to notice anything remarkable about the men
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18 to overhear the group's conversation

ziltmilt |

[Early Afternoon, Rusty Dragon, Second Day After Goblin Raid]
Lleidr immediately picks up on other patrons’ goblin talk, and by this point, the goblins raiding Sandpoint were spitting fireballs from atop chariots pulled by teams of gorgons. However, nobody is mentioning anything about a returning elven ranger or the old priest’s body coming back. Several folk whisper and point at the Halfling, nodding sagely and saying things like, “I ain’t afraid of goblins with them folk around!”
A sniggering trio of lank-haired fellows, these roustabouts were laughing about the Cougar Creek Mill, which was consumed by a fire a few weeks ago. Each man sits in front of a small pile of copper coins.
These are obviously low-life scum, risen from the filthiest alleys in Sandpoint. Drawn by your movement, the man in the middle turns to look at you. “Well, now, boys, I do believe we are in the presence of a proper hero.” Downing the remnants in his mug, he rises to a clumsy stand and takes an exaggerated bow.
“Shal Smiggens, at your service, little master. Our table has room for a fourth, if you’d care to join us.”
[Early Afternoon, Red Dog Smithy, Second Day After Goblin Raid]
Orik waves good-bye, and turns down Festival Street, travelling south-west, where he’s soon lost in the crowd.

Lleidr |

Damn Lleidr's low wisdom...
"I'm no one's master and hardly a hero, Mister Smiggens, but I appreciate your generous offer and will join you." Lleidr takes a seat and nods around to the scruffy fellows. "So, everyone else seems to still be talking about the goblin attack, but I believe I heard you...gentlemen...discussing the Cougar Creek Mill. I believe I remember hearing that it burned a few weeks ago?"

ziltmilt |

[Early Afternoon, Sandpoint Garrison, Second Day After Goblin Raid]
[NOTE – To answer Selia’s question, no, turns out I rolled a string of bad results for your PER checks, which means the crowd is so thick and raucous that you arrive at the garrison without realizing Nicholae has fallen out of the line. I’m going to use DM fiat and rule that Nicholae has agreed to help, shouting for you all to go ahead (which you don’t hear either over the bustle of the crowd). We’ll resolve his ‘situation’ when his player returns.]
A town guardsman snaps to attention as you approach the large stone fortress which serves as the town garrison. You’re immediately ushered into the darkened interior, past a yawning portcullis, and deep into the building’s interior. Smoldering fires in various flues and pits do little to dispel the damp chill of the place.
You soon cross paths with Sheriff Hemlock, who snaps his fingers when he sees you, as if reminding himself of something. “Been wanting to see you all. Come with me.”
He takes you across the street to the town hall, upstairs to a large but comfortable audience area with a roaring fire and rich, dark paneled walls. Mayor Deverin is there, along with a graceful female elf, whose stained and mud spattered cloak and boots betray a life mostly spent far from worldly comforts. Everyone takes a seat in a half-circle of upholstered chairs, arrayed in front of the warm fire.
The mayor smiles at each of you. “Hello, I’m Kendra Deverin, mayor of Sandpoint, as you all probably know. Thank you once more for your help in not only stopping the goblin raid, but also in trying to keep it from happening again.
“This is Shalelu, an unofficial member of the Sandpoint town guard. Shalelu, meet our newest crop of goblin slayers!”
Hemlock continues, “Shalelu has been a thorn in the side of the local goblin tribes for years, and very few folks know more about them than she does. Sandpoint is far from the only place with goblin problems. We’ve seen goblin activity increasing all along the Lost Coast Road, especially in the dale between Mosswood and Nettlewood. Just a few days ago, a farm south of Mosswood was burnt to the ground by a group of goblins. Fortunately, Shalelu was nearby, and even though the farm wasn’t saved, she did rescue the family and drive off the goblins.
“Why don’t you tell these folks what you just told me?”
Shalelu nods and says, “I’m formally a member of the Order of Black Arrows, but I’ve been stationed in this area for some time now. It’s nice to meet each of you. Belor’s told me of your work against the goblins— well done. I’ve dedicated the last several years of my life to keeping them from causing too much trouble around these parts, but they’re tenacious and fecund little runts. Like weeds that bite.
“There are five major goblin tribes in the region, and, traditionally, they’re pretty good at keeping each other in line with intertribal squabbles and the like. Yet from what I’ve been able to piece together, members of all five tribes were involved in the raid on Sandpoint. A fair number of the Mosswood goblins I dealt with yesterday were already pretty beat up, and there was a lot of chatter about the ‘longshanks’ who killed so many of them. Now that I’ve met you, it seems obvious from their descriptions who they were talking about. Seems like you’ve made an impression.
“In any event, the fact that the five tribes are working together disturbs me. Goblin tribes don’t get along unless they’ve got something big planned, and big plans require big bosses. I’m afraid that someone’s moved in on the goblins and organized them. And judging by these recent raids, what they’re organizing seems like bad news for all of us.”
Hemlock clears his throat and says, “I’m taking a few of my men south to Magnimar, to see if we can get some additional soldiers for a few weeks, at least until we can figure out the extent of this goblin threat. In the meantime, Shalelu is going to sniff around Shank’s Wood, Brinestump, Mosswood, and other places where goblins can be found, to see if she can figure out what’s going on. While she’s doing that, I need you folks to maintain a public presence here in Sandpoint. Just for a few days.
“The locals have taken a real shine to all of you, and seeing you around town will keep a lid on worries while I’m gone. I should be back in three or four days, tops. Any questions you folks have for me?”

ziltmilt |

[Early Afternoon, Rusty Dragon, Second Day After Goblin Raid]
Laughter breaks out among your lunch companions. “Haw haw heee, yeah, it just … burned down, just like that. “ The ruffian bends toward you ear, and utters a growling whisper. “Listen, my little friend, my business partners here saw you in action a couple of days ago, and they liked what they saw. They want what they saw, and they usually get what they want.
“You could make a mint, by taking up with company like us. We could find you some nice, mutually profitable work, real quick. It’s smart to be friends with the Sczarni, if you take my meaning. “
With his left hand, he brushes aside the edge of his cloak, so that the pommel of a wicked dagger, its scabbard strapped to his belt, is visible to you.

Jubrayl Elhan |

Could you tell where they were going with the body? I wonder what they could possibly want with a dead priest that they'd be willing to carry him miles away like that.

ziltmilt |

Could you tell where they were going with the body? I wonder what they could possibly want with a dead priest that they'd be willing to carry him miles away like that.
Shalelu: No idea, myself. But ... here's an idea. Why don't you all join me tonight at the Rusty Dragon? I"d like to hear more details from you directly about what happened during the raid, and I know a fair amount about the local goblins that I can tell you.

Ned Rodan |

As you’re scanning the highway, a rather tall, well-armed chap comes marching down the road.
“Good morning” he says, nodding without smiling. “Let me guess … you’re tracking those goblins that fell upon Sandpoint a couple of days ago? Don’t bother … they’re all dead. I got news last night that they’ve been slaughtered, somewhere in the midst of the Tors. And, the body of Nualia’s father was recovered as well. Some farmers or other are bringing it back into town as we speak.”
I thought this was the priest's body?
"That Orik chap told us. Although he had the news second hand."

ziltmilt |

I thought this was the priest's body?
"That Orik chap told us. Although he had the news second hand."
To answer your question, yes, Ezakien, the old priest, was Nualia's adopted father.
Shalelu: Orik? I've heard of a mercenary by the name who frequents town, but I don't know him. Sounds like he was either misinformed or knows of events in the Hinterlands which I do not. Not to boast, but I'm inclined towards the former rather than the latter.

Jubrayl Elhan |

A mercenary, huh? Jubrayl looks deep in thought.
If he simply works for whoever pays him, it's also possible he misled us on purpose in order to get us to quit the pursuit.

Nicholae Szabo |

lol - this is what I get for taking a break... :D
Ummm... sure. I'll be happy to help, mumbles Nicholae.
He calls out to his friends, thinking they heard him and turns to help the girl.
Lets see to those rats.
Rats in the Cellar - feels like every D&D game thats every been played online as a side mission :)

Lleidr |

Lleidr's normally congenial grin will fade as he finally figures out that the ruffians are implying that they in fact burned down the mill. While he is willing to overlook the first demeaning reference to his height, the second rankles him. And then to flash a weapon? Too much!
Lleidr will draw himself up with a scowl. "Now, hold on a bit. I think we're all about to step into deep sugndraeth. If you in fact saw me the other day, then you saw me and my friends working to help this community in a time of need, not taking advantage of it...or worse, if half of what I've heard about you hwliganiaid is true!
If these meager hoards--" Lleidr will gesture dismissively at the small piles of coppers on the table. "--make up a mint for you, then all I can say is that your employers got a bargain!"
Taking a quick breath, Lleidr will glance around, looking for an escape route through the unoccupied tables away from innocent bystanders, just in case. Letting his hand drift down to his own dagger, Lleidr will bring his focus back to Smiggens, looking him in the eye. "And, Smiggens, where I come from, an invitation delivered with a blade is called a threat."

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Selia looks down at her hands, not wanting the others to see her eyes."Yes, Ned, either Orik was misinformed or he lied to us." Selia turns to Kendra and asks, "Mayor Deverin, how familiar are you with this Orik fellow?"
After receiving her answer, Selia confers with the elven ranger,"Shalelu, I can only agree to come to the inn with you if you think you can help. We need to find Father Tobyn's body and stop whatever trouble has been brewing for Sandpoint."

ziltmilt |

[Early Afternoon, Main Street, Sandpoint, Second Day After Goblin Raid]
“I’m so grateful you will help me, Nicholae.” Shayliss purrs.
Shayliss takes Nicholae by the arm, and threads the both of them through the crowded bustle. The Vinders’ General Store is located at the south end of Main St., and Shayliss leads you inside the cramped, dim interior, lit only by a smoldering fire and crowded with all manner of supplies, dry goods, and necessities. A narrow stair of wood drops down into the cellar under the store. You two are apparently the only souls in the building.
“It’s just this way, my brave Nicholae.” She whispers and smiles at you. “We must be careful to tread softly, so as not to scare off the vermin.”
She lights a candlestick from some hot coals in the fireplace, and then guides you down the stairs. You arrive at the bottom, where the ceiling clears the top of your head by mere inches. She pulls you forward a few more steps, where a cot is pushed up against a stone wall. She slides off her bodice, and tries to slide her body into your embrace.

ziltmilt |

[Early Afternoon, Rusty Dragon, Second Day After Goblin Raid]
Smiggens scowls down at Lleidr. “Am I supposed to be scared of your pocket-knife, little halfing?”
Despite his sarcasm, he covers his weapon again with his cloak. His friends scoop their coins into patched leather purses and stand. Smiggens stands up as well. “Perhaps one day, we will have the opportunity to demonstrate to you the value of friendship with the Sczarni.” He bows, turns, and then runs smack into Hakak, returning from his errand.

ziltmilt |

[Early Afternoon, Sandpoint Town Hall, Second Day After Goblin Raid]
Mayor Deverin: “I know of no one by the name ‘Orik’, Selia.”
Shalelu: “I’m afraid I know only a little about an Orik, assuming this is the same person. I’ve heard he’s a swordsman-for-hire, and is originally from parts to the north, perhaps Riddleport.”
Mayor Deverin: “This mystery around Father Ezakien’s missing body is perplexing and it has to be resolved.”
Shalelu: “Agreed, and we know the direction the thieves took. Give me a few days to sniff around, and find a few more leads. In the meantime, I’ll share with our new goblin fighters what I know of the local tribes over dinner tonight, and when I get back to Sandpoint later in the week, I should have something solid for you to chase down, maybe even the specific tribe you need to infiltrate.
Sherriff Hemlock: “That should give me enough time to return from Magnimar with more guards. I’m depending on you heroes to keep the peace while I’m gone.”

Lleidr |

Lleidr will visibly relax at the sight of his barbarian comrade, and his grin, though not as affable as usual, is back in place. "Hakak! Wonderful timing! Smiggens here and I were just discussing friendship and fear. I think that our business, though, is concluded, wouldn't you agree, Smiggens?" Lleidr will give the trio of ruffians a much more confident, deliberate look.

Nicholae Szabo |

“It’s just this way, my brave Nicholae.” She whispers and smiles at you. “We must be careful to tread softly, so as not to scare off the vermin.”She lights a candlestick from some hot coals in the fireplace, and then guides you down the stairs. You arrive at the bottom, where the ceiling clears the top of your head by mere inches. She pulls you forward a few more steps, where a cot is pushed up against a stone wall. She slides off her bodice, and tries to slide her body into your embrace.
Nic was promised rats, not pussy
Nicolae gives a squeak as she slides off her bodice and then a yell of fright as she closes on him. Oh Iomadae, No! he gasps backing away, before tearing up the stairs as best he can in armour...
Not sure where the character stands on it - Iomadae isn't anti sex but she is a bit of a prude as gods go. I'm sure that the approach here has him on the back foot - the nuances of why I'll have to ponder for greater depth.

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I was just hoping that if Orik were a mercenary of repute, the mayor may have heard of them, what with her being in a position of authority :D
Selia whispers to Jubrayl, "No one knows much of this Orik fellow and we believe that someone in town may have been assisting the goblins with their attack. He seemed friendly enough, and I don't want to judge him right away, but I feel it is a lead we may need to follow."
"Shalelu, I will do what I can to help you. I want to get to the bottom of this mystery as much, if not more than anyone." Selia's eyes are stormy as she meets the ranger's gaze.

Jubrayl Elhan |

Jubrayl nods. He had been thinking the same thing, though he says nothing. Miscommunication or otherwise it's worth looking into.
In the meantime, if you feel we can best assist by staying in town for the next couple of days we would be more than happy to help, of course, but we would be most appreciative if you would tell us as soon as you know anything about the whereabouts of Ezakien's body. It's... Personally important to us, as I'm sure you already know.

ziltmilt |

[Early Afternoon, General Store, Second Day After Goblin Raid]
Shayliss’ face falls into a frown of confusion. As Nicholae rushes back towards the stairs, he sees and hears someone coming down the last few steps. Ven Vinder , the father of Shayliss, roars in rage upon spying her daughter in a state of undress with a stranger in his building.

ziltmilt |

[Early Afternoon, Rusty Dragon, Second Day After Goblin Raid]
Smiggens squeaks in a most undignified matter. “I protest this shameful treatment. I don’t know who you are, but you can rest assured, Sheriff Hemlock will hear about your roughhousing. Put me down at once! I’ll go so far as to file a complaint with the Lord Mayor of Magnimar!”
His companions bolt through the door and race away. You hear one of them say to the other as they run by you, “Told you we should have eaten at the Feedbag instead of here …”

Nicholae Szabo |

[Early Afternoon, General Store, Second Day After Goblin Raid]
Shayliss’ face falls into a frown of confusion. As Nicholae rushes back towards the stairs, he sees and hears someone coming down the last few steps. Ven Vinder , the father of Shayliss, roars in rage upon spying her daughter in a state of undress with a stranger in his building.
Oh Damn!
Seeing nothing else for it, he trusts in his armour and his God and shoves his way past the enraged father and makes his way to the front door as fast as his legs will take him.
First step is to get out of the damn building! I'll sort things after!.

Lleidr |

Lleidr huffs in contempt at the fleeing men before turning his attention back to Smiggens. "Something tells me your cowardly feet won't be taking you anywhere near the Sheriff, you cyf ddiwerth. But if you're so inclined, we can head over there. I think the rest of my friends are meeting with him right now."

ziltmilt |

[Dinner-time, Rusty Dragon, Second Day After Goblin Raid]
[NOTE: at this point, the group should all be back together now, enjoying another fine meal at the Rusty Dragon]
With customary smiles and platters of the usual delectable foods, Ameiko sets out another enormous meal for your group. Observing the crowded dining room and the joyous citizenry digging into their night-time feast, the weight of what you’re being asked to do begins to sink in.
Kendra Deverin was emphatic at the meeting earlier today in the Town Hall. “I want Father Tobyn’s remains as much as you, believe me. He was a dear friend to me, as his daughter, Nualia, was to all of you. Don’t worry. We’ll bring him back home.”
The Sheriff nodded. “Absolutely. Of that, I have no doubt, but we’re depending on you to keep an eye on things while I’m away. Keep Sandpoint safe, so that there’s a home for the old Father to return.”
The conversation at the table turns your attention back to the current meal. Shalelu’s clear, piercing glaze lands upon each of you, as she listens to your story about the original raid, nodding at your descriptions of both goblin brutality and stupidity. When you’re finished, she begins filling you in on everything she’s learned in her time ranging across these Hinterlands.
“As I mentioned earlier, there are five major goblin tribes in the region. The closest to Sandpoint are the Birdcruncher goblins, who live in caves along the western edge of the Devil’s Platter, although traditionally these goblins are the least aggressive of the five. To the south are the Licktoad goblins of the Brinestump Marsh, pests who are excellent swimmers. East are the Seven Tooth goblins of Shank’s Wood, goblins who’ve secured a place for themselves by raiding Sandpoint’s junkyard and rebuilding the stolen refuse into armor and weapons. Farther east are the Mosswood goblins, likely the largest tribe but one traditionally held back by feuding families within their own ranks. And finally, there are the Thistletop goblins, who live on the Nettlewood coast atop a small island.
“Usually, goblins live short, violent lives. It’s unusual for a single goblin to achieve any real measure of notoriety, but when one does, it’s well earned. Currently, six goblins in the region enjoy the status of ‘hero.’ These are the ones you’ll want to know all about.
“Big Gugmut is an unusually muscular and tall goblin from Mosswood who, it is said, had a hobgoblin for a mother and a wild boar for a father.
“Koruvus was a champion of the Seven Tooth tribe, as well known for his short temper as he was for his prized possession—a magic longsword sized for a human that the goblin stubbornly kept as his own, even though he couldn’t fight with it very well. Koruvus vanished several months ago after he supposedly discovered a secret hideout in a cave along the cliffs, but the Seven Tooth goblins remain convinced he’s out there still, a ghost or worse, waiting to murder any goblin who tries to discover his hideout.
“Vorka is a notorious goblin cannibal who lives in the Brinestump marsh, a ‘hero’ mostly to goblins other than the Licktoad tribe.
“Rendwattle Gutwad is the obese chieftain of the Brinestump goblins, a corpulent monster who, it is said, never leaves his throne.
“Ripnugget is the leader of the Thistletop goblins and controls what the five tribes agree is the best lair.
“And then there’s Bruthazmus, an infamous bugbear ranger who lives in northern Nettlewood and often visits the five tribes to trade things he’s stolen from caravans for alcohol, news, or magic arrows. Bruthazmus has a particular hatred of elves, and we have fought on several occasions. So far, neither of us has managed to land a killing blow, but by Mierasian’s bones, I won’t be the first to fall the next time we meet.”
Shalelu’s description is cut short by a pewter mug, suddenly overturned, its spilled contents racing across the table. Ameiko begins daubing up the mess with a rag.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to bump into the table. Here, let me get you another drink.”
Shalelu shakes a finger at the tavern-keeper. “Ameiko, you look exhausted. Why don’t you rest for a bit. I can get my own drink.”

ziltmilt |

[Early Afternoon, General Store, Second Day After Goblin Raid]
Shayliss cries out, “Father, no, leave him alone! I love him!”
Ven steps forward and starts swinging, but he’s too slow for the nimble Nicholae, who deftly steps away, and dashes up the staircase. In a flash, you’re back outside, on the street.

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Selia listens intently to Shalelu's accounting of the tribes. "None of that indicates why goblins would be party to a raid on a crypt. Perhaps the goblins were but a distraction?"
Selia is lost in her thoughts when she hears the sound of a mug hitting the table. She looks up as the liquid runs freely across the table. She places her arm on the table in front of her to keep the stuff from dripping into her lap.
"Ameiko, Shalelu is right. You have had a long couple of nights, rest now. We can handle ourselves."