Mervyn the Scrivener |

Mervyn the Scrivener paced through the streets of Sandpoint, taking in the sights and sounds of the small town as it set about preparing for the Swallowtail Festival in order to inaugurate the new cathedral.
Mervyn was a bookmaker, but also an inquisitor of Magdh. She was one of the Eldest, a powerful fae who was a patron of knowledge. As a gnome, he felt a tie to the First World and had taken up her mantle two decades ago.
Since then, he had wandered around Golarion seeking out knowledge of all kinds. It was, in part, an attempt to stave off The Bleaching, the malady that affected many gnomes. It was also curiosity. Mervyn found the varied peoples of Golarion fascinating and could not but help to find out what drove them to do the things that they did.
And so, he found himself in the small coastal town of Sandpoint. He had only just arrived less than an hour ago and thought that the first order of business would be to locate both the local inn and the library.

Nicholae Szabo |

Lost in thoughts of his own, an armoured pilgrim wandered the festival. The new temple was impressive and while, a little regrettably, it was shared with Gods other than his Patron goddess Iomadae, it spoke well of this community that they would take such pains.
[i]My first pilgrimage on my own. I've come come a long way since I entered seminary... Still a long way to go before I have shown Iomadae the full measure of my devotion. Who knows, perhaps someday I'll take up pastoral duties in a place such as this.[/b]

ziltmilt |

Fellow aasimars Jubrayl and Nualia were fast friends for many years growing up in Sandpoint, finding respite in each other’s companionship from the queer looks and oddball questions lobbed from other townsfolk. Plus, they could spend time with Selia, a child destined to become a gifted seer said by many (as many still do!), who was drawn to the town chapel, manned by Nualia’s adopted father, Ezakien Tobyn. Another child acolyte, Nicholae, began to also adventure with this group as they tromped through Sandpoint’s streets. Dehrisan was welcomed to the troop as well, during his parents many trips into the town.
Other children were drawn to the group of misfits, including the bullied Hakak, teased often for his half-orc features, as well as young Ned, proficient at finding the best shortcuts to their favorite hideouts. A young gnome, Mervyn, who also helped Nualia’s father with his endless duties, served both as acolyte and as a mentor, despite townspeople confusing him as being younger.
For years, their friendships blossomed and matured. But, life has a way of pulling folks in all kinds of directions. Some left for training in the streets of distant Magnimar, others were pulled back to ancient homesteads in the country. You all heard news, of course, of the Late Unpleasantness several years ago. A wood-carver who murdered innocents on Chopper’s Isle, a nobleman’s wife found dead at the bottom of a cliff, but the worst was the news about Nualia and her father. Both perished in a terrible fire that consumed the town’s chapel, the White Deer Inn, and three homes.
After five long years, the chapel has been rebuilt, and Sandpoint is definitely on the mend from such awful tragedy. The new chapel is huge, and made of stone, and will stand for centuries hence. Today will start a truly wondrous Swallowtail Festival, as the new church will be dedicated and opened for the folks of Sandpoint.
It’s also an extra- special event for all of you. You’ve arranged a re-union with your friends at a spot right in front of the chapel, where you can watch Father Zantus’ speech. Nualia’s absence is of course, an indelible and painful reminder of the past, but, spying the new construction looming over its neighbors, you realize how much promise the future holds for this place.

ziltmilt |

[Sandpoint Swallowtail Festival, evening, Octrobin 15th, 4742]
As the sun begins to set, Father Zantus takes the central podium, holds aloft a thunderstone
and clears his throat as he prepares to recite the Prayer of First Dreaming. A sharp retort, like the crack of distant thunder, slices through the excited crowd as the sun’s setting rays paint the western sky. A stray dog that has crawled under a nearby wagon to sleep starts awake, and the buzz of two dozen conversations quickly hushes as all heads turn toward the central podium, where a beaming Father Zantus has taken the stage. He clears his throat, takes a breath to speak, and suddenly a woman’s scream slices through the air. A few moments later, another scream rises, then another. Beyond them, a sudden surge of strange new voices rises—high-pitched, tittering shrieks that sound not quite human. The crowd parts and something low to the ground races by, giggling with disturbing glee as the stray dog gives a pained yelp and then collapses with a gurgle, its throat cut open from ear to ear. As blood pools around its head, the raucous sound of a strange song begins, chanted from shrill, scratchy voices.
Hakak, Ned Rodan, Nicholae and Mervyn spot a sole goblin, licking the blood from its dogslicer as it looks excitedly at the crowd, seeking out a new target. Give me an Initiative check and you 4 can act in this surprise round.

Jubrayl Elhan |

Jubrayl stood in the chapel cemetery. It wasn't going to be dedicated for another few hours but he could already feel why the townspeople felt the way they did. Things had changed since he had last been in Sandpoint, between the rampage of Chopper and the fire that had killed Nualia and Father Tobyn it's no wonder that even the air itself felt different to Jubrayl as he stood inside the fenced-in yard around the chapel where he had spent so much of his childhood.
I suppose it's time I went to see the others. I guess I just had to come see you first.
He muttered. Jubrayl turned and walked out, nodding at anyone he saw walking by. Now, to see Nicholae and Selia. Where were we supposed to meet again?
At the first sound of screaming, Jubrayl immediately leapt up from where he was sitting and drew his axe. Looking around to find the source of the noise, he asked Hakak, do you see where that's coming from? Well, I suppose that answers that.
Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
If this gets resolveds before I get back, Jubrayl will charge and attack the goblins with his battleaxe as soon as he can, not using his smite evil ability

ziltmilt |

I'm going to ready my action.
I pull out my trusty greataxe Blood Bringer as a standard action then move my 40ft toward the goblin yelling "YOU B@#%&€$*!!!!!" as I run.
This is only a surprise round, Hakak, and I"m a little confused by your readying. You can either move or draw a weapon right now. You can also ready either one of these. But, if you're readying i need to know what will trigger your action.

Nicholae Szabo |

A common practice that speeds things up on other PbP is the GM roles all the initiatives and possibly batch events out. Ie. X and Y move then monster A then Z moves then monster B and C. Player X and Y up now
Initiative 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

Mervyn the Scrivener |

Mervyn had left Quill in the stables as he went to meet his friends. It had been some time since they had all spoken and Mervyn was looking forward to it.
They stood around and made small talk, catching up on the events of the past five years. Mervyn was mid-sentence when he heard the screams and pivoted on the spot to see the repugnant little goblin licking his dogslicer.
"To arms," Mervyn shouted at the top of his voice, before flicking a switch on his supposed cane to reveal that it was, in fact, a switchscythe. With a shrill battle cry, Mervyn ran towards the goblin.
Init: 1d20 ⇒ 6
In the interests of speed, I'll also post my first round of action as I might not get onto the net until late tomorrow. If this goblin is dead, Mervyn will attack any other visible opponents within range.
Mervyn will position himself to take advantage of flanking, if possible.
Attack (switchscythe): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Damage (switchscythe): 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Critical confirm: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Damage: 3d6 + 3 ⇒ (4, 6, 3) + 3 = 16

Nicholae Szabo |

Initiative = 16
Nicholae, acting swiftly thanks to his martial training, draws his sword and then moves towards the goblin disturbance (move to draw, Standard to move)

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Lost in her thoughts, Selia stood in front of the rebuilt chapel. Memories of days past cascaded through her mind; even before Cyprus' death, Nualia and her father were there for her during her troubled times. It seemed that everyone that helped her was paying a price for it and this nearly broke her. She still had Jubrayl though, and she sincerely hoped nothing would happen to him because of her curse.
A scream from the crowd snaps Selia from her reverie and she looks around frantically as more screams pierce her ears.
initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Selia will make sure she is in a safe spot and, while looking around for Jubrayl or any of the others, pulls out her crossbow

Nicholae Szabo |

Put the link for the map in the Campaign information tab or in the text about the game and it will be readily and easily found - easy for when its updated, you don't need to repost the link

ziltmilt |

[Sandpoint Swallowtail Festival, evening, Octrobin 15th, 4742]
Goblin Attack Surprise Results
Hakak: hefts his waraxe, his face grim, his glare promising violence.
Ned: quick as a blink, has an arrow singing towards the goblin, but it punctures a nearby cistern, which begins splashing water onto mud streaked cobblestones.
Mervyn: the crowd gasps at Mervyn’s suddenly revealed weapon, and the gnome rushes to engage the goblin.
Goblin Attack Regular Combat, Round 1
As the murderous goblin peers into the street, the crowds rush out of the square in a panic. You begin to hear crying and more screams from neighboring streets, as if the whole town were engulfed in violence. To your dismay, several more goblins rush into the square, joining his comrade in destructive mischief.
One goblin, directly opposite Father Zantus, has his enormous head stuck in something that looks like a diary jug, and he’s bumbling into the street, his clothes and skin stained white. Another goblin cartwheels in front of the first goblin, frolicking like a silly schoolboy on holiday. But, the horsechopper gripped in his teeth dispels any illusion of innocence.
[NOTE: go ahead and tell me your actions as soon as you can, and then I’ll resolve them Initiative order. It would also help, if you’re moving, if you reference the grid image and tell me which square you’re going to. I’ve added very crude grid numbers. If getting specific with your destination is a big obstacle, I’ll try coming up with something else.]
Hakak – 20
Jubrayl -20
Goblins – 17
Nicholae – 16
Ned – 9
Mervyn – 6
Selia – 5

Ned Rodan |

The friendly old stooped grandfather has somehow transformed to a much younger seeming version of himself. Standing tall and eyes flashing with anger he takes another shot with his bow before, shouting to attract the goblins attention to himself, moving to interpose himself between the invaders and the villagers.
bow: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
damage: 1d8 ⇒ 2
I'm not sure where the bulk of the villagers are but I'm guessing he'd move to somewhere around 10K. Feel free to drop him somewhere else if it would make more sense.

Jubrayl Elhan |

Jubrayl takes a double move as well, putting himself between the goblins and Father Zantus and his friends Selia and Nicholae.
Everyone! Into the chapel! MOVE! he yells, gesturing with his ax.
Somewhere around J13 or K13.

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Goblins, here?? Ohh... this is not happening now.
Selia will move to J16 and, as long as no one else moved into the way, take a shot with her crossbow at the southernmost goblin (M6).
Crossbow: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17
Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 6

ziltmilt |

Hakak charges to K6 yelling "YOU. B@#%&$€*" and attacks the goblin in K5.
[dice=Blood Bringer]1d20+6
I apologize. I should have said to tell me your actions, if you hadn't already. Cause some of you told me your full round actions beforehand. Sorry for any confusion. I'll get it all sorted out after work this evening. Thanks!

Mervyn the Scrivener |

Just as a quick note, I can't see any media sharing sites at work so when posting at lunch it'll be 'blind' so to speak. Mervyn will continue to the nearest goblin and attack, using the rolls from above.

ziltmilt |

[Sandpoint Swallowtail Festival, evening, Octrobin 15th, 4742]
Goblin Attack Regular Combat, Round 1 – results
Hakak: With a ferocious charge, Hakak aims his swing down at the goblin’s (Goblin2) massive bobbing head. However, the little bugger rolls out of the way, and the axe bites deep into caked mud on the street.
Jubrayl: Jubrayl plants himself between the goblins and Father Zantus and his friends Selia and Nicholae. Everyone! Into the chapel! MOVE! he yells, gesturing with his ax. Panicked townspeople begin running towards the chapel doors. Zantus steps back off the podium, but comes up behind the you all.
Goblin2: (adjacent to Hakak at M6) falls prone to the ground, and his greedy hands snatch at a fat sausage which just rolled out of a merchant’s cart.
Goblin1: (still has that milkjug on his head) crashes into a nearby building at full speed (F8)
Goblin6: spits his evil looking blade into his hand, and runs to Mervyn, greeting the gnome’s charge with one of his own (hits AC 16 for 5 hp dmg). An evil grin creeps across the goblin’s face.
Goblin3: (moves to L10) chases a pair of frightened screaming children, cackling with glee.
Nicholae: (I wasn’t sure quite how to handle this, and I think now I should change how we’re doing initiative. Since the goblins moved, Nicholae can definitely get to them, and it’s hard to imagine a LG cleric not acting to protect innocents being chased by evil goblins, so I’m assuming Nick would do a charge. It’s still a double move, but I went ahead and rolled an attack. Let me know if I’m out of bounds here.) Nicholae charges after the ‘Goblin3’ and brains the vermin with his sword.
Ned: Runs up and fires at Mervyn’s attacker, but misses again as his target screams a distracting yelp.
Mervyn: Distracted by Ned’s charge, Mervyn’s assailant is an easy target, and he pierces the little villain through the chest. The goblin’s grin turns to a wide-eyed look of surprise.
Selia: fires at Hakak’s quarry, but the massive half-orc gets in the way of her shot, and the bolt goes astray. “Since when did you master such weaponry, child?” chides Zantus. Your proficiency, despite missing, clearly has surprised him.

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Selia, seemingly in brighter spirits after watching her companions advance, looks over her shoulder at Zantus. A gift, from Cyprus, before he rejoined Nature's embrace. He taught me that the wind should not only frolic, she smiles mischievously, but sometimes that it should sting.

Jubrayl Elhan |

Jubrayl bellows as he streaks across the town square ax in hand, to strike at the Goblin furthest from combat, not wanting to let it sneak into someone's home or find more hamstrings in the crowd.
[ooc]charging to G9, attacking the goblin at F8. I don't think the AC penalty applies until the attack is made, so the AOOs the goblin at I10 gets should be vs AC 17 since I don't have my shield.
Also, rolls.
Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Mervyn the Scrivener |

Gritting his teeth through the pain, Mervyn leaves the switchscythe in the goblin's corpse and readies his shield against the new threat and concentrates on defending himself. As he drops into his protective stance, he pronounces judgment on his opponents granting himself the healing of Magdh. A pale light seems to suffuse his skin and the grievous wound dealt by the goblin begins to close.
"I shall write your death-scream on paper so your soul is trapped forever," Mervyn growls in Goblin.
Intimidate: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Free Action: Drop switchscythe
Move Action: Ready shield
Standard Action: Total Defense
Swift Action: Judgment of Healing (I've already incorporated this round's healing in the stats on my tagline. As I run it at home, healing occurs at the end of the player's turn; let me know if you want to run it differently.)

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With everyone else moving to block her view of the goblins, Selia sighs and mutters, "Fat lot of good I'm doing back here." She then shouts to the others, "I'll take care of any that get past you!"

ziltmilt |

Goblin Attack Regular Combat, Round 2 – results
Hakak: Your axe strikes true, and the goblin falls for his last time.
Jubrayl: It head still encased in a jug, your target spins a clumsy turn at the sound of your approaching voice (note: I wasn’t specific enough about Mervyn’s target .. he’s dead, so no AoO). Your blow shatters the both the jug and the creature’s skull, and the goblin is smashed up against the wall before thudding to the ground.
Ned: steps up and readies a swing, but his quarry is already dead, thanks to Mervyn.
Mervyn: Your threat inspires a last gasp from your quarry before death takes him. (for your roll of 4, was that healing?)
Selia: You're about to get really busy.
You can hear more commotion from surrounding streets, but the immediate threat has subsided. Father Zantus rushes to Mervyn’s side. “You’ve saved many lives, but at great risk to yourselves. Do you need my help? It’s the least I can do.”
Before Zantus can act, you all feel a flash of heat. A wagon forgotten in all the chaos blossoms in flame and emerging from behind, several more of the distinctive green heads come around from the wagon’s front, their faces burnished with an orange glow from torches they grip with delight. Once again, the air is filled with the peculiar screech of song which has so inspired the goblins.

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Is Selia able to use her readied action against this new group? If so:
Selia turns toward the new group, loosing the bolt from her crossbow at the first goblin in sight (Q18).
Attack: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16
Light Crossbow Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 8

ziltmilt |

Is Selia able to use her readied action against this new group? If so:
Selia turns toward the new group, loosing the bolt from her crossbow at the first goblin in sight (Q18).
[dice=Light Crossbow Damage]1d8
Sure, Selia. Everyone, the goblin at Q18 is now most sincerely dead.
And, Selia, go ahead and give me an action for this upcoming round (#3).