Woodsmoke's Reign of Winter

Game Master Woodsmoke

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HP: 32/40 BP: 13/14, Spells Cast: */0/0 Init +1, AC/T/FF 19/12/18 (17/12/16) | F+4 R+6 W+4 | Perception +7

The ability to finally +1 up my own longsword. :D

Male Human (Ulfen) Vigamaðr-Lochlannach (Fighter - Vikingr) 8 | HP: 83/83 | AC: 29 T 12 FF 27 | Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5 | CMD: 26, CMB: +12 | Init: +3 | Perception +3| 20ft. Move | Rage 0/17

No worries Woodsmoke - pace is fine and your detailed posts more than make up for it :)

Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

Geedra didn’t think these creatures knew what papers actually were for some reason. She pulled the unused Unseen Servant scroll, and one of the magic weapon scrolls and handed them over. ”See? It am say Geedra a good trader.”

Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

Sorry for the last post. I put in in discussion instead of gameplay.

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No worries.

@ Skäne: thanks. I always feel like the posts are too rushed but I am glad they are coming off okay. I am actually a writer at heart so it is always too easy to convince myself that things aren't up to par and could be improved, ha ha.

HP: 32/40 BP: 13/14, Spells Cast: */0/0 Init +1, AC/T/FF 19/12/18 (17/12/16) | F+4 R+6 W+4 | Perception +7

Hey, just thought of this: Who's wearing the ring of feather falling right now?

F Elf Ranger 5 - HP 17/39 - AC 19/T: 15/FF: 14 - Perception +14, Low-light Vision - Fort: +6, Ref: +10, Will: +4 (+2 to enchantments, Immune magic sleep, +1 Cold) - CMB: +6, CMD: 21 - Speed: 30 - Init. +7 (-2 to Init and Perception when not Cold)

Level 5

+7 HP

+7 Skills
Handle Animal
K. Nature
K Local

+1 BaB, CMB, CMD

+1 Spell Slot

Favored Enemy
Fey +4
Human +2

Deadly Aim

+4 HP
+1 BaB
+1 Will Save


HP: 32/40 BP: 13/14, Spells Cast: */0/0 Init +1, AC/T/FF 19/12/18 (17/12/16) | F+4 R+6 W+4 | Perception +7

Level 5

+7 HP

+7 SP
Perform (Oratory)
Perform (Sing)
Use Magic Device
Craft (Drawings)

+1 1st SPD
+1 2nd SPD

+1 1st spell known (FCB) - Weaponwand
+1 2nd spell known - Heroism

+1 Feat - Dazzling Display (And don't you think for a SECOND I won't take Intimidating Prowess at 7th and Disheartening Display at 9th. I want to make whole crowds flee in terror when Katie hits level 13.)
Arcane Strike Damage +2

+2 Bardic Performance rounds
Inspire Courage is now a +2 bonus
Arcane Bond (Ex) At 5th level, an arcane duelist gains the arcane bond ability as a wizard, using a weapon as her bonded item. She may not choose a familiar or other type of bonded item. She may use the hand holding his bonded weapon for somatic components.--bonding her Longsword, so that she can start magicing it up at half cost like she had the craft feat. Also the bonus spell per day is nice.

Male Human (Ulfen) Vigamaðr-Lochlannach (Fighter - Vikingr) 8 | HP: 83/83 | AC: 29 T 12 FF 27 | Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5 | CMD: 26, CMB: +12 | Init: +3 | Perception +3| 20ft. Move | Rage 0/17

Up-Level 5


+9 HP

+3 Skill Ranks

- Climb
- Intimidate
- Swim


5th Level Advancement Feat: Power Attack

Favoured Class: +1 CMD vs Grapple & Trip attempts

Rage duration increases by 2 rounds to 9 rounds total

Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

I need a couple days to get leveled up. I might be able to get it done Sunday. It’s going to be a busy weekend.

Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

Level 5 witch

6 HP
Feat Extra Hex (Flight)
2 new spells: Gloomblind Bolts, Heroism
1 3rd level spell/day
Skills: KA, KG, KL, KP, SC, Stealth

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Looks good, everyone.


+1 Shaman (Animist) Level

+7 HP
+1 3rd level spell slot
+5 Skills
- +1 Diplomacy
- +1 Heal
- +1 Knowledge (Nature)
- +1 Knowledge (Planes)
- +1 Knowledge (Religion)

Spirit Magic Spell: Speak With Plants

Feat: Bless Equipment.

Here is Krosh's sheet, by the way.

Male Human (Ulfen) Vigamaðr-Lochlannach (Fighter - Vikingr) 8 | HP: 83/83 | AC: 29 T 12 FF 27 | Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5 | CMD: 26, CMB: +12 | Init: +3 | Perception +3| 20ft. Move | Rage 0/17

Skäne's claims:

The decorative filigree longsword scabbard.

Old Ulfen ring.

Half-Flask of apple-jack.

Medium silvered dagger with ebony hilt.

Decanter of Enlarge Person.

Potion of Cure Light Wounds (x2)

Mostly flavour items with some one shot potions.

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Male Human (Ulfen) Vigamaðr-Lochlannach (Fighter - Vikingr) 8 | HP: 83/83 | AC: 29 T 12 FF 27 | Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5 | CMD: 26, CMB: +12 | Init: +3 | Perception +3| 20ft. Move | Rage 0/17

FYI All - am heading off for the weekend (pit crewing for a bike racing mate of mine). Will be gone from this evening until Sunday evening w/ minimal chance to post.

Please bot me as required. Normal service'll resume late Sun/early Mon.



Going to be in another state in a place with no wifi for a week. Might be slow, might be able to post my usual rate, depends largely on cell reception. I'll let you guys know when I get back. Bot as needed.

No worries.

Conversely, I'm off for the next week, so I plan to move things forward regularly to take advantage of my time off and to make up for the slow pace as of late. Work has still bee hectic and stressful and there are many days throughout the week where I don't even manage to turn my computer on, let alone post or do anything else. I'm hoping to have a new job within the next few months, however,so hopefully that will change.

HP: 32/40 BP: 13/14, Spells Cast: */0/0 Init +1, AC/T/FF 19/12/18 (17/12/16) | F+4 R+6 W+4 | Perception +7


Also I am back.

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Male Human (Ulfen) Vigamaðr-Lochlannach (Fighter - Vikingr) 8 | HP: 83/83 | AC: 29 T 12 FF 27 | Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5 | CMD: 26, CMB: +12 | Init: +3 | Perception +3| 20ft. Move | Rage 0/17

Apologies on pushing the narrative in a Skäne-centrific fashion gang - figured the duel is the easiest way we can get one of the ogre's dropped, and potentially get Reingeirr back as part of the deal.

If Mercian reneges on the deal - we have an "honorific" reason to take him down. If he does honour it we get Reingeirr back :)

If the ogre wins and I'm imprisoned then you can mount a daring rescue lol...

Hope everyone doesn't mind me running without a consultation :)

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HP: 32/40 BP: 13/14, Spells Cast: */0/0 Init +1, AC/T/FF 19/12/18 (17/12/16) | F+4 R+6 W+4 | Perception +7

Katie is going to strangle you after this is over, Skane.

In a sisterly, concerned manner.

Male Human (Ulfen) Vigamaðr-Lochlannach (Fighter - Vikingr) 8 | HP: 83/83 | AC: 29 T 12 FF 27 | Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5 | CMD: 26, CMB: +12 | Init: +3 | Perception +3| 20ft. Move | Rage 0/17

Might be worth you lot (or some of you) trying to break out Reingeirr regardless of whether the duel goes our way...

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HP: 32/40 BP: 13/14, Spells Cast: */0/0 Init +1, AC/T/FF 19/12/18 (17/12/16) | F+4 R+6 W+4 | Perception +7

Katie can try fascinating the enemy if things go south.

...Wait, she can only fascinate two people.


Male Human (Ulfen) Vigamaðr-Lochlannach (Fighter - Vikingr) 8 | HP: 83/83 | AC: 29 T 12 FF 27 | Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5 | CMD: 26, CMB: +12 | Init: +3 | Perception +3| 20ft. Move | Rage 0/17

Fascinate the jailer and the other ogre whilst I divert attention by having my head caved in :)

F Elf Ranger 5 - HP 17/39 - AC 19/T: 15/FF: 14 - Perception +14, Low-light Vision - Fort: +6, Ref: +10, Will: +4 (+2 to enchantments, Immune magic sleep, +1 Cold) - CMB: +6, CMD: 21 - Speed: 30 - Init. +7 (-2 to Init and Perception when not Cold)

Cara will jump in if it becomes clear that Skäne is going to lose, otherwise she wants to see if the Fighter can win on his own.

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HP: 32/40 BP: 13/14, Spells Cast: */0/0 Init +1, AC/T/FF 19/12/18 (17/12/16) | F+4 R+6 W+4 | Perception +7

Is the board working again, now..?

Male Human (Ulfen) Vigamaðr-Lochlannach (Fighter - Vikingr) 8 | HP: 83/83 | AC: 29 T 12 FF 27 | Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5 | CMD: 26, CMB: +12 | Init: +3 | Perception +3| 20ft. Move | Rage 0/17

At the moment... am not holding my breath :(

HP: 32/40 BP: 13/14, Spells Cast: */0/0 Init +1, AC/T/FF 19/12/18 (17/12/16) | F+4 R+6 W+4 | Perception +7

I dunno if any of you guys are the twitch stream watching/following type, but if you are I am doing a thing in the near future.

HP: 32/40 BP: 13/14, Spells Cast: */0/0 Init +1, AC/T/FF 19/12/18 (17/12/16) | F+4 R+6 W+4 | Perception +7

Going to be evacuating for the hurricane. May be wonky. See you soon!

Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

Be careful! Thoughts are with you...

Male Human (Ulfen) Vigamaðr-Lochlannach (Fighter - Vikingr) 8 | HP: 83/83 | AC: 29 T 12 FF 27 | Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5 | CMD: 26, CMB: +12 | Init: +3 | Perception +3| 20ft. Move | Rage 0/17

Stay safe!

Male Human (Ulfen) Vigamaðr-Lochlannach (Fighter - Vikingr) 8 | HP: 83/83 | AC: 29 T 12 FF 27 | Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5 | CMD: 26, CMB: +12 | Init: +3 | Perception +3| 20ft. Move | Rage 0/17

@All: Slammed at work, busy phase of ops going on with skeleton crew (alas not the undead, ceaselessly working kind). Likely tail end of the week before I get some clear air - please bot me as necessary.

Male Human (Ulfen) Vigamaðr-Lochlannach (Fighter - Vikingr) 8 | HP: 83/83 | AC: 29 T 12 FF 27 | Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5 | CMD: 26, CMB: +12 | Init: +3 | Perception +3| 20ft. Move | Rage 0/17

Hei Gang - just a wee heads up that my last grandparent passed this morning :(

My Granny Connie was 97 and the matriarchal fulcrum of our pretty big extended family. I'm being pretty philosophical about it and the good life she led, but just a heads up that if I'm off beat over the next wee while please bear with.


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Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

Thoughts to you and yours, Skane....

Male Human (Ulfen) Vigamaðr-Lochlannach (Fighter - Vikingr) 8 | HP: 83/83 | AC: 29 T 12 FF 27 | Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5 | CMD: 26, CMB: +12 | Init: +3 | Perception +3| 20ft. Move | Rage 0/17

Thanks mate - much appreciated

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F Elf Ranger 5 - HP 17/39 - AC 19/T: 15/FF: 14 - Perception +14, Low-light Vision - Fort: +6, Ref: +10, Will: +4 (+2 to enchantments, Immune magic sleep, +1 Cold) - CMB: +6, CMD: 21 - Speed: 30 - Init. +7 (-2 to Init and Perception when not Cold)

My condolences for your loss, it's never easy to lose anyone.

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Sorry to hear, Skäne, take care and goof fortune to you. 97 is an impressive feat, certainly...may her soul rest well in Valöll.

HP: 32/40 BP: 13/14, Spells Cast: */0/0 Init +1, AC/T/FF 19/12/18 (17/12/16) | F+4 R+6 W+4 | Perception +7

That sucks! Sorry to hear about it.

Silver Crusade

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Hi, everyone. I've been asked (indirectly) by the family of the player of Cara to let you know that he is in a coma, not expected to recover.

Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

Oh no! That’s so awful. Thoughts to Justin, Cara’s player and family.

Male Human (Ulfen) Vigamaðr-Lochlannach (Fighter - Vikingr) 8 | HP: 83/83 | AC: 29 T 12 FF 27 | Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5 | CMD: 26, CMB: +12 | Init: +3 | Perception +3| 20ft. Move | Rage 0/17

Ah man - that's just terrible news. So sorry to hear this.

Heart and thoughts go out to Justin and his family.

oh jeez, that's awful...tragic to hear. My condolences. Here is to hoping the expectation of no recovery is not the reality.

As for everyone else, what's the plan? Do you wish to press on?

Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

Well, we do have a witch, a fighter, a bard, and a shaman. Theoretically, we have all the roles sort of covered. I’m fine with pressing on with Katie in the background, and if something wonderful were to happen, she could join back up.

Silver Crusade

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

I'm very sorry to have more bad news to share:
obituary notice

Male Human (Ulfen) Vigamaðr-Lochlannach (Fighter - Vikingr) 8 | HP: 83/83 | AC: 29 T 12 FF 27 | Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5 | CMD: 26, CMB: +12 | Init: +3 | Perception +3| 20ft. Move | Rage 0/17

So very, very sad to hear - a creative soul taken far too young.

Have posted my thoughts on his online memorial

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HP: 32/40 BP: 13/14, Spells Cast: */0/0 Init +1, AC/T/FF 19/12/18 (17/12/16) | F+4 R+6 W+4 | Perception +7

oh s@*@...

That sucks.

I'm for continuing, since in theory we should still be okay to continue, but...

This sucks! That can't be said loud enough.

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Male Human (Ulfen) Vigamaðr-Lochlannach (Fighter - Vikingr) 8 | HP: 83/83 | AC: 29 T 12 FF 27 | Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5 | CMD: 26, CMB: +12 | Init: +3 | Perception +3| 20ft. Move | Rage 0/17

Also I'd like to think Justin/Cara would want us to continue.

@Katie: Agree 100% totally sucks and is guttingly sad.

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Oh no...terrible..and so sudden, too :(

He was with us from the beginning here and it is so sad to see him go in every sense of it. Immeasurable condolences to his wife and other family.

Continue forth, we shall. Cara can be in the background for now - I'd like to think of a way to have her continue to be a part of the campaign, just short of being another NPC, instead of just unceremoniously writing her out.

Also, I'm slowing down at work now, so hopefully I should be able to move things along more often.

Male Human (Ulfen) Vigamaðr-Lochlannach (Fighter - Vikingr) 8 | HP: 83/83 | AC: 29 T 12 FF 27 | Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5 | CMD: 26, CMB: +12 | Init: +3 | Perception +3| 20ft. Move | Rage 0/17

Wee heads up to Woodsmoke et al - me and the missus are heading off to Dubai for our annual festive break with my brother-in-law and family from tomorrow.

I'm not back until the PM of 30th of Dec, and while I hope to post if/when I can, we may be pretty busy so presume it'll be sporadic at best.

I'll get some posting done throughout today, but likely tomorrow will be too busy and wanted to give everyone the heads up now.

- Woodsmoke please DMPC Skäne as necessary.

Regardless hope everyone has a good festive holiday when it comes everyone - looking forward to continuing our kald saga into the new year, and in doing so, honouring Justin in some small way.


Male Hairy Highlander Halfbreed (ThirdSwede) Barbarian 9/King O' The North 5/Staffy Dad 7

Apologies for jumping in here gang - as you all know losing Justin/Cara was both shocking and terribly sad.

I've set up this thread asking about the potential of an "In-Memoriam" section of the website where members of our community who have passed away can be remembered.

Not sure if this is something that strikes a cord with any of you, but if so - any support of this would be appreciated.

Cheers all.


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Huh, looks like either the discussion thread wasn't updating for me or I plain missed the past pair of posts.

No worries about being away, enjoy your holiday my friend. Safe travels. As there are some coming interactions I'd like all present for, I'd rather hold off on moving forward and DMPCing, but seeing as the festivities are presumably here for all of us, a week or so hiatus seems reasonable. We can pick up next week at the end of the month and press on.

Your suggestion post for the memorial is a wonderful sentiment, as well. I hope it is something that they follow through with.

As we pick back up, I will do my best to keep things rolling more regularly. I feel like I'm a broken record saying that, but consider it a new year' resolution to focus on it. I have a lot of motivation problems in general so it can be too easy for me to grow lackadaisical about things, so I hope I can be a better DM for you guys moving forward.

We have been at this for a while - well, Geedra is the only original player left in the group, so you longer than most! - and we're about halfway through book 2. I'm enjoying the group dynamic a lot though and I look forward to finishing this out with you all. Still very sad to see Cara/Justin go, and he was an original player, but as we have said, we can finish this out to honor our elven ranger.

Hope everyone has a great and safe week with whatever celebrations you choose. Good Yule to all.

HP: 32/40 BP: 13/14, Spells Cast: */0/0 Init +1, AC/T/FF 19/12/18 (17/12/16) | F+4 R+6 W+4 | Perception +7

I mean, to be fair I've fallen down an MMORPG hole at least once too, so it's not like you're the only one who's disappeared for a bit.

I'm really having fun here too, and happy whatever december holiday you guys are going with to all'yall.

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