Skäne Ingvârssonn |
Apologies on the tardy posting gang - fell down the rabbit hole that is post-festive-work-catch-up.
Will try and get updated and back into it proper o'er the weekend.
Skäne Ingvârssonn |
@Woodsmoke/All: Just a heads up that I'm under the hammer at work with a bunch of ongoing offshore operations (I'm in O&G here in Scotland) - couple that with the additional headache of an internal audit this week means my posting may be intermittent/on the fly/limited.
In short please bot me as necessary until normal service resumes towards the end of the week :)
Skäne Ingvârssonn |
Woodsmoke/All: Am thinking that with just 3 of us as PCs (+ a DMPC). I keep forgetting it is just the 3 of us, so have to remember to post after Katie and Geedra have done so.
Wondering if perhaps another Player (or two?) joining our saga would inject some new blood and keep things moving along? Don't want to give up on this one (nor am I even mulling it) - want to give Justin/Cara a decent legacy by seeing this one through to the end :)
Another PC or two might help with the heavy lifting and give us some impetus?
My 2 runes worth :)
Woodsmoke |
crickets Case in point...ha ha.
I think Skäne's point of bringing on others was that we could move things along more often after hearing from 3 people out of 5, say, rather than trying to wait for all three current existing people to all post every time. I could just do that now waiting for 1/3 of the group to post...but it feels kind of odd moving things forward with just one person's response to the activity.
Skäne Ingvârssonn |
Apologies Woodsmoke - my game's haven't been updating and had convinced myself that I'd posted.
You are correct tho' - recruiting some free blood would hopefully inject some renewed pace and allow for you to gauge a majority reaction and push things along accordingly.
Will get something up in the game thread pronto.
Skäne Ingvârssonn |
@All: Am thinking this scene might be a decent opportunity to bring in new blood? Perhaps members of the Herald's of Summer's Return?
Just a thought - however there may be better junctures upcoming?
Skäne Ingvârssonn |
Have a potential player for us - Fanguar who runs a passel of games in here on the boards.
He's mulling a divine character - will let him pitch something and thrash out details with Woodsmoke :)
Fanguar |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Hiya folk,
I hear from Skane that you need some fresh blood. I've been told that you're current divine character is a DMPC. I'm more than happy to roll up something to fill that void. I have an itch to play a life oracle, but if the party needs more DPS, I could build a warpriest or maybe a melee druid or something.
Before I get too in depth for any build. Is there any particular type of character or character background which would make it easier to insert a new PC into the party? I'm somewhat familiar with the basic premise and themes of Reign of Winter, but you seem a fair bit into it already.
Anywho, any suggestions or feedback would be appreciated.
Geedra Horsebiter |
Welcome, Fang! We’d love some new blood. Whatever strikes your fancy works for us.
In the last page of the game thread, you can see we’ve just arrived at a meeting in town where there are several representatives there. You could easily be one of those.
Woodsmoke |
Welcome aboard, Fang. We would be glad to have you.
The current healer is indeed an NPC - a half-orc Animist Shaman with the life spirit. I do intend to keep him as part of the group (he has become sort of the spiritual guide of party and is a useful way for me to inject information, lore, plot points, and character things into the game), but if you have an interest in filling that role, I don't mind retconning his spirit choice and what not to something that fits his whole "thing" better than the Life spirit. Up to you, though, play whatever you wish. Anything in the core, advanced player's, and advanced class guides are fine (except Magus...just haven't had good experiences with that class and its clunki-ness).
Start at level 5 with an 18 point buy (a bit lower than the standard 20 but something by the end of this book will compensate), with a starting gp of 8,000. Again, a little low for a 5th level character, but existing PCs aren't quite up to gear-wealth for their level, so it will put you in line with them.
As Geedra mentioned, the group is currently parleying with a resistance group called the Heralds of Summer's Return who works against the white witches within the city of Irrisen. You'll be a member of this organization who will join the party to bolster their numbers in the coming trials. The leader of the resistance is a priestess of the goddess Milani, and that deity is sort of the symbolic figurehead of the organization, but you do not need to be affiliated with that goddess personally.
Fanguar |
Thanks for the warm welcome.
Since the shaman is going to be hanging around, I don't think a pure divine is really needed. Currently, I'm leaning towards a melee Skald for thematic reasons. Some dps, buffing and healing.
Quick question, would you allow the Master performer (and its greater version) from the faction guide. I acknowledge that it's really good with the skald, but I thought I would ask. I hear this AP is kinda tough.
Woodsmoke |
We do have a melee bard in Katie, but I'm not sure if she is still with us at this point. I'll send a PM and see if there is a response. Regardless, I don't have any issues with the master performer.
I expect I'll go to recruitment to find an additional player if Katie isn't with us anymore, so we shall see.
Fanguar |
Ah gotcha. I forgot that arcane duelist were bards. Hmmm. Maybe no need to double up on bardy types if Katie is still playing. Though the buffs should stack.
What do you guys need/want? Wizard? Ranged DPS? I'm kind of flexible here. Any situations crop up where you went 'man I wish we had a ______"?
Skäne Ingvârssonn |
Rogue/Ranger/Hunter/Slayer might be darned useful? We're lacking that skill/stealth/ranged edge that any of those would bring. Can see "ins" for all of those classes potentially against the Jadwiga...
My 2 Runes worth :)
Woodsmoke |
Yes sir, unchained stuff is fine with me.
I've spoken with Katie, and our bard will still be with us - just having a time right now. So with that, I think we will be okay with moving forward with just Fanguar to bolster the ranks, unless you guys still would like to add another player?
Once that's figured out and Fang has his character readied, I'll introduce him in the next post. @Fang - I will PM you some information about the organization and other things that may be pertinent to your character.
Skäne Ingvârssonn |
Think with Katie, Geedra, Fang's new protagonist and Skane (bolstered by Krosh) should be enough to bring the Winter Witches to heel nei?
Skäne Ingvârssonn |
Think Katie did have a loot sheet at one point - have no idea/recollection on how up-to-date it is.
Would be useful to know what we have available for trade/sale before we dive into purchasing anything.
If I get time I'll troll back through the posts and nail down the last divvy of cash. I can pull together a basic loot sheet from there and track what we've collected to date... Might take me o'er the weekend so bear with.
Woodsmoke |
Here is Katie's loot sheet.
Looks like it is up to date by the time you entered the Fishcamps outside of Whitethrone. Since then, I'll lay out what else you've plundered.
From the guards-
6 mundane ogre hooks
6 mundane daggers
6 masterwork studded leather
A total of 123 gp
From the ogres-
2 mundane large ogre hooks
2 mundane large hide armor
From Marcian-
1 masterwork ogre hook
1 +1 rapier, a blue-tinted blade with a silver filigree basket hilt reminiscent of a wolf head
1 +1 studded leather (Skane mentions claiming this but not sure if he actually did)
1 masterwork light crossbow
10 bolts
1 ring of protection +1
1 dagger
1 gold necklace
1 key (opened a footlocker)
From Footlocker -
4 rubies
176 gp
silver mirror engraved with 2 figures embracing
wand of spider climb 17 charges
5 small short swords
5 small shortbows
2 small horsechoppers
75 arrows
1 small morningstar
5 suits of small studded leather
1 suit of masterwork small studded leather
3 potions of resist energy (cold)
1 potion of cure light wounds
1 potion of jump
2 liquid ice
1 alchemist formula book
42 gp
Geedra Horsebiter |
I say we sell everything that isn’t magical, and if no one wants the rapier, we sell it as well. If Skane wants the armor, he can have it. If not, let’s sell it unless someone else wants it. I’m sure someone can use the ring of protection.
Keep all the potions and alchemical items.
Skäne Ingvârssonn |
Was only looking to wear the armour when we couldn't gear up properly. Makes sense to sell anything unclaimed and get to shopping :)
Skäne Ingvârssonn |
Right - had a cursory look through the Loot sheet - there seems to be a bunch of items that we've not claimed (that would be highly useful) - I've been pretty remiss in noting down items I have (Rimepelt) and had (CLoak of Yeti) - latter is one I'll hand over to someone else.
Before Woodsmoke liquidates the swag we should all just skim over it all again and cherry pick.
I'll do that tonight for Skane (and for Katie as well)
Geedra Horsebiter |
I say we divvy up all the scrolls between Geedra, Katie (if she is still with us) and our oracle, depending on who can cast what. If none of us can cast them, then we sell them.
Skäne Ingvârssonn |
Loot/Equipment Notes:
Geedra should take the +1 Ring of Protection (Katie already has one). Does a Robe of Useful items re-size to its wearer? If so that might also be a shout?
For Katie I'll claim the Wand of Colour Spray (23 Charges) - gives her another option vs mooks.
Bag of Holding (Type II) would best be put in the hands of our Scout methinks?
Mithas Aran |
I'd rather not lug around the bag of holding. It weighs 25 lbs and that would bump me up to a medium load, which would affect my skill checks and AC.
Probably best to keep it on Skane, or someone else with a reasonable strength score.
Mithas Aran |
Would you like the ring of protection, Mithas? I assume you will be closer to melee than me, at least I hope so.
I could put it to use, if no one else needs it.
@Woodsmoke: No worries.
Woodsmoke |
Okay, took me longer than I thought to get this together, and it may not be entirely accurate, but liquidating all items not including scrolls, potions, and possibly to-be claimed magical items, adding to existing wealth, and converting everything to gold, you have:
14,176 GP
The following scrolls are unclaimed to the best of my knowledge:
2 Comprehend Languages
2 Cure Moderate Wounds
1 Dispel Magic
1 Irriseni Mirror Sight
1 Remove Disease
2 Remove Sickness
1 Threefold Aspect
1 Youthful Appearance
1 Goodberry
1 Resist Energy (cold)
1 Hold Person
The following potions are unclaimed to the best of my knowledge:
6 cure light wounds
1 cure moderate wounds
5 endure elements
1 protection from evil
2 undetectable alignment
2 reduce person
2 mask dweomer
4 feather step
The following magical items are unclaimed:
1 Robe of Useful Items
1 Ring of Protection +1 (Going to Mithas?)
1 Ring of Feather Fall
1 Feather Token Bird
1 Feather Token Tree
1 Bag of Holding Type II (Going to Skane?)
The following alchemical/magical items are unclaimed:
1 ice floe elixir
1 holy water
2 acid
2 alchemist's fire
2 flash powder
1 liquid ice
2 smokestick
1 sunrod
1 tanglefoot bag
2 thunderstone
3 cold iron weapon blanch
Can distribute the unclaimed items as you wish, or sell them. This should otherwise pretty much give is a hard restart on the loot list, and I'll do a better job at keeping track of it moving forward, haha.
Skäne Ingvârssonn |
@All: That Ice Floe elixir is damned handy. If no one else wants it I'll grab it for potential use down the line.
Bird token would be ideal to send word to Solveig and her forces when we successfully take the Hut?
Skäne will take the following:
1 x Sunrod
1 x Ice Floe Elixir
1 x Feather Step
Mithas Aran |
I guess I will take the ring of protection +1.
When it comes to this kind of stuff, I'm always of the opinion that any situationalluy useful items should probably be held onto, just in case. Especially since storage isn't really an issue.
Also, considering that we are going to fight a flying creature on top of a tower, someone might want to consider that ring of feather fall. Mithas, has boots of the cat in case of falls, so I'm good.
Woodsmoke |
Is there anything you guys want to purchase? Skane made some mention of it in the main thread. Remember, if you want anything specific that isn't listed there will still be a chance to acquire it. You have 14,000 gold available to you.
Sorry we haven't advanced yet - I wanted to get the inventory and purchasing settled before we foray into the clock tower so everyone is up to date.