Woodsmoke's Reign of Winter

Game Master Woodsmoke

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Acrobatics +8, Climb +8, Intimidate +3, Linguistics +1, Perception +7, Spellcraft +5, Survival +7, Swim +8
HP 35/35, AC 15 T 11 FF 14, Per +7 Init +1, F +5 R +2 W +2, CMB +7, CMD 19, Speed 45

I'll wait and see what Asgrid thinks, then we can decide. Splitting the gold evenly works for me. If down the road we start to see someone way out of whack from a WBL standpoint, we can make corrections (unless someone wants to keep a more detailed accounting).

Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

Divvying up the gold evenly is perfect for me.

I don't usually suggest making someone pay for their magic items. Common sense item distribution works for me. If you can use it, and need it, take it. Enough role specific items will drop over time to even it out.

female Dwarf Oracle 2 / Summoner 2 AC14 (18 with ice armor, 20 in cold environs); HP 30; Percept +2, darkvision; Init +0

I think Kronek should take the yeti cloak. Mechanically and character-wise I think our bloodrager's the best choice to use it. Besides, I think Asgrid would feel weird wearing it - it'd be like someone had skinned Grugkt!

I'm fine with the plans for divvying up the loot and selling for gold. I hadn't realized we'd found so much loot!

Acrobatics +8, Climb +8, Intimidate +3, Linguistics +1, Perception +7, Spellcraft +5, Survival +7, Swim +8
HP 35/35, AC 15 T 11 FF 14, Per +7 Init +1, F +5 R +2 W +2, CMB +7, CMD 19, Speed 45

Cool, thanks Asgrid. I think that cloak will be fun for Kronek and I can envision he and Grugkt wreaking havoc as a pair of yetis. Think Kronek can find a masterwork cold iron greataxe or similar in town?

F Elf Ranger 5 - HP 17/39 - AC 19/T: 15/FF: 14 - Perception +14, Low-light Vision - Fort: +6, Ref: +10, Will: +4 (+2 to enchantments, Immune magic sleep, +1 Cold) - CMB: +6, CMD: 21 - Speed: 30 - Init. +7 (-2 to Init and Perception when not Cold)

Yeah, I agree on not paying out of the gold split for specific items as long as their continues to be some parity in the magical items we pick up.

With the gold split evenly, I have a question for the GM: Is there a masterwork chain shirt for sell in Heldren?

Unfortunately, the only other remarkable item in Isker's inventory is a suit of masterwork banded mail. He exhausted his small supply of cold iron crafting the dagger and arrowheads, and he does not have any other already-forged cold iron weapons around, nor any impeccably crafted armor. He could forge a suit of MW chain shirt, but it would take days that you may not have to spare.

Acrobatics +8, Climb +8, Intimidate +3, Linguistics +1, Perception +7, Spellcraft +5, Survival +7, Swim +8
HP 35/35, AC 15 T 11 FF 14, Per +7 Init +1, F +5 R +2 W +2, CMB +7, CMD 19, Speed 45

Ah well. I'll hang onto the gold and hope eventually we find a place to buy things.

F Elf Ranger 5 - HP 17/39 - AC 19/T: 15/FF: 14 - Perception +14, Low-light Vision - Fort: +6, Ref: +10, Will: +4 (+2 to enchantments, Immune magic sleep, +1 Cold) - CMB: +6, CMD: 21 - Speed: 30 - Init. +7 (-2 to Init and Perception when not Cold)

Yeah, same here. I'm sure we'll run into more helpful items soon enough.

Post coming tomorrow guys. Just moved this weekend and internet won't be hooked up til then

Acrobatics +8, Climb +8, Intimidate +3, Linguistics +1, Perception +7, Spellcraft +5, Survival +7, Swim +8
HP 35/35, AC 15 T 11 FF 14, Per +7 Init +1, F +5 R +2 W +2, CMB +7, CMD 19, Speed 45

No worries. Good luck with the rest of the move.

female Dwarf Oracle 2 / Summoner 2 AC14 (18 with ice armor, 20 in cold environs); HP 30; Percept +2, darkvision; Init +0

Hi all sorry for my absence. You might have seen from my other games that I'll need to take a temporary break from GMing for a few weeks until everything at work and home settle down. If I get the opportunity I'll try to keep up with posts on this game, as the player posts aren't nearly as time intensive. But, if need be please do NPC Asgrid and Grugkt as needed, I don't want to hold up the game. After April I'm expecting I can post regularly again.

BTW I hear tell it was international GM's day - so thank you for the game! I've really been enjoying it.

No worries Asgrid, real life happens. Fortunately picking a PBP game back up is easier than offline games. I' glad you've been enjoying the adventure. I've actually been wanting to get everyone's thoughts on the adventure thus far. I find it to be quite linear, but I'm also used to running pretty much exclusively homebrew adventures and campaigns, so it may just be me feeling constrained by the book. In regards to that, I've actually been debating if I truly want to keep this path going through the books. I'm not sure what you guys know about the AP in general, but in later books it takes some weird turns that I am not sure I am keen on. Let's just say it deals with some time/space elements that I usually do not include in my games. Would you guys be opposed to be tapering the plot of the books off at some point and supplying my own adventures, or do you want to commit to the path until the end? Ultimately it should be a group call, so I wanted everyone's input.

I'm fine with however you want to proceed, DM. I wasn't a huge fan of some of the twists and time/space issues that you are talking about, either. I'm more old school when it comes to my adventures, to be honest.

Acrobatics +8, Climb +8, Intimidate +3, Linguistics +1, Perception +7, Spellcraft +5, Survival +7, Swim +8
HP 35/35, AC 15 T 11 FF 14, Per +7 Init +1, F +5 R +2 W +2, CMB +7, CMD 19, Speed 45

I'd love to play the AP through as designed one of these days, but this doesn't have to be that run. I'd rather have you running something you enjoy than bulling your way through something you're not sure about. I have GMed the 1st three parts for PFS and will probably eventually run the last three too.

F Elf Ranger 5 - HP 17/39 - AC 19/T: 15/FF: 14 - Perception +14, Low-light Vision - Fort: +6, Ref: +10, Will: +4 (+2 to enchantments, Immune magic sleep, +1 Cold) - CMB: +6, CMD: 21 - Speed: 30 - Init. +7 (-2 to Init and Perception when not Cold)

Sorry, for some reason my campaign tab stopped giving me updates on new posts on this discussion thread so this is the first time I'm seeing anything posted in March.

I'd prefer to stick with the AP as written, as I find those time/space aspect interesting, but if, as a GM, you don't think you'd be interested in running that, then I'm fine with moving the characters to your own homebrew version. If you want to do that, I'd much rather start down that path sooner than later so I can play the book version elsewhere.

Also, I think a faster pace would be good, but I know that might be tough with Asgrid mostly out of commission through the next month.

I'm not really decided one way or the other. I think some of it has to do with the fact that I'm just a bit hungry to run some homebrew since I haven't really gotten to sink my teeth into that for a while. I haven't actually read through the books in question yet, so my apprehension isn't 100% founded yet, and if the majority wants to play out the books as is, I'm fine with that.

F Elf Ranger 5 - HP 17/39 - AC 19/T: 15/FF: 14 - Perception +14, Low-light Vision - Fort: +6, Ref: +10, Will: +4 (+2 to enchantments, Immune magic sleep, +1 Cold) - CMB: +6, CMD: 21 - Speed: 30 - Init. +7 (-2 to Init and Perception when not Cold)

Perhaps Geedra should pick up a wand of Mount just to set off traps and ambushes!

Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

That's not a bad idea. Since we have no dedicated trap springer, that would probably be a good investment.

The Exchange

Has anyone come across the film "Rise of the Fellowship"? Not sure if I'd recommend it, but it did have some good inside jokes about gamers and Lord of the Rings.

Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

I have not, unfortunately.

Acrobatics +8, Climb +8, Intimidate +3, Linguistics +1, Perception +7, Spellcraft +5, Survival +7, Swim +8
HP 35/35, AC 15 T 11 FF 14, Per +7 Init +1, F +5 R +2 W +2, CMB +7, CMD 19, Speed 45

Nope, I haven't see it either.

F Elf Ranger 5 - HP 17/39 - AC 19/T: 15/FF: 14 - Perception +14, Low-light Vision - Fort: +6, Ref: +10, Will: +4 (+2 to enchantments, Immune magic sleep, +1 Cold) - CMB: +6, CMD: 21 - Speed: 30 - Init. +7 (-2 to Init and Perception when not Cold)

Due to company coming up for the holiday in the U.S., my posting will be spotty in the next two days. I should be back to regular posting on Sunday.

Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

Have a good holiday everyone!

Acrobatics +8, Climb +8, Intimidate +3, Linguistics +1, Perception +7, Spellcraft +5, Survival +7, Swim +8
HP 35/35, AC 15 T 11 FF 14, Per +7 Init +1, F +5 R +2 W +2, CMB +7, CMD 19, Speed 45

Yeah! Enjoy everyone!

The Exchange

Will be out of town this weekend, for PaizoCon UK. NPC Asgrid and Grugkt as needed, and will catch up early next week after I get back.

Acrobatics +8, Climb +8, Intimidate +3, Linguistics +1, Perception +7, Spellcraft +5, Survival +7, Swim +8
HP 35/35, AC 15 T 11 FF 14, Per +7 Init +1, F +5 R +2 W +2, CMB +7, CMD 19, Speed 45

May as well take this as the opportunity to mention that this is Gen Con week. I'll be out of the picture from sometime on Wednesday until late Sunday or possibly Monday. Feel free to bot me as needed to keep things moving.

female Dwarf Oracle 2 / Summoner 2 AC14 (18 with ice armor, 20 in cold environs); HP 30; Percept +2, darkvision; Init +0

Anyone know of any magic items like snowshoes that negate the movement penalties for snow? Dwarves and snow don't seem to mix well.

Kronek I never asked, how was Gen Con?

Acrobatics +8, Climb +8, Intimidate +3, Linguistics +1, Perception +7, Spellcraft +5, Survival +7, Swim +8
HP 35/35, AC 15 T 11 FF 14, Per +7 Init +1, F +5 R +2 W +2, CMB +7, CMD 19, Speed 45

Quite excellent. Had a great time!

female Dwarf Oracle 2 / Summoner 2 AC14 (18 with ice armor, 20 in cold environs); HP 30; Percept +2, darkvision; Init +0

Kronek wrote:
"That's funny. Kronek is so used to Geedra now I find him thinking why wouldn't Geedra make a good impression."

It's true, hilarious. I've just finished reading David Ewalt's "Of Dice and Men" about the history of D&D, it's fantastic. There's a chapter where he compares the real world with the campaign world where often parties of disparate races, backgrounds, and social standing are quite happy to travel together, and I kept thinking about this group in particular. We're rolling back social barriers!

Glad Gen Con was so much fun, I really need to get over there some time. In the book above it mentions Gary Con in Lake Geneva, that sounded like fun as well.

Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

Level 3

4 HP
+1 Fort and Ref
6 skills: stealth, UMD, heal, Spellcraft, Know. Arc and Know. Planes
Feat: extra Hex (Fortune)
New spells known: Aggressive Thunderoud, Vomit Swarm

Acrobatics +8, Climb +8, Intimidate +3, Linguistics +1, Perception +7, Spellcraft +5, Survival +7, Swim +8
HP 35/35, AC 15 T 11 FF 14, Per +7 Init +1, F +5 R +2 W +2, CMB +7, CMD 19, Speed 45

I have got to make Gary Con one of these days. Its only a couple hours up the road and I hear such good things!

Level 3
+8 hp
Favored class bonus: +1 rage round/day
Skills: +1 Acrobatics, +1 Intimidate, +1 Linguistics, +1 Perception, +1 Survival
Languages: Skald
Feat: Step Up

F Elf Ranger 5 - HP 17/39 - AC 19/T: 15/FF: 14 - Perception +14, Low-light Vision - Fort: +6, Ref: +10, Will: +4 (+2 to enchantments, Immune magic sleep, +1 Cold) - CMB: +6, CMD: 21 - Speed: 30 - Init. +7 (-2 to Init and Perception when not Cold)

Level 3

+7 HP
+1 BaB
+1 Will save
Skills: Knowledge (nature), Perception, Survival, Handle Animal, Stealth, Knowledge (local), Knowledge (geography)
Feats: Rapid Shot, Endurance (free to Rangers at 3rd level)
Favored Terrain: Cold. (Please note that in cold environments gives a +2 to initiative, Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks and Cara leaves no trace of her passing unless she wants to)

Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

Asgrid, just wondering what class are you taking this level? If you plan on going summoner, I will swap out one of my spells and learn CMW as a second level spell.

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female Dwarf Oracle 2 / Summoner 2 AC14 (18 with ice armor, 20 in cold environs); HP 30; Percept +2, darkvision; Init +0

I'll level up Asgrid soon. She'll be taking another level in oracle, which by the way is her favoured class. I noticed it wasn't in my character stats, but have added it, under dwarf traits.

Geedra: can't wait to see you use those new spells in action, they sound purpose made for her.

Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

As a creepy goblin witch, I love Vomit Swarm for her.

If we live to level again, I'll take CMW and some other thematic nasty type spell for her!

Acrobatics +8, Climb +8, Intimidate +3, Linguistics +1, Perception +7, Spellcraft +5, Survival +7, Swim +8
HP 35/35, AC 15 T 11 FF 14, Per +7 Init +1, F +5 R +2 W +2, CMB +7, CMD 19, Speed 45

Vomit swarm is a wonderfully flavorful spell. Sadly, my only witch is a rather delicate Samsaran cartomancer and it really wouldn't fit her character.

@ Kronek; Step up with a reach weapon will be a nasty surprise for the arcane casters you will inevitably fight this campaign. Hope they'll have some good concentration rolls!

@ Cara; from this point on, you may just want to include those favored terrain bonuses in all of your total modifiers. It will probably be easier to just point out when you aren't receiving them rather than when you are. Winter has only just begun.

Vomit Swarm is one of those phrases where enunciation is really important... by name alone it reads as you either vomit a swarm or you summon a swarm of vomit. I think I'd rather deal with spiders and wasps than a vomit ooze, ha.

Now that you guys have met some people who aren't out to immediately murder you, I'm really going to try to inject more roleplaying interaction and opportunities. I sometimes find that a little bit of a challenge with these published adventures; I think I've mentioned before that I rarely run anything written by someone else or in an established world, so I guess sometimes I can get constricted by the confines of the adventure. Of course, it's all at our liberty to ad lib as we will, but generally I'm much better at providing roleplaying opportunities and such when I am left to my own devices. (PC-NPC roleplaying interaction is my favorite part of DMing most of the time, more so than combat and what not). My DM style is usually to let the players/characters dictate the direction and the story through their actions and interactions, so I'm still adjusting to having an actual plot to follow. But I am going to do my best to give all of these background characters a voice and a purpose other than to be stock villagers or whatever, so please endeavor in any interactions you may want to have. On the other hand, I know that sort of thing can slow the game down progression-wise, so if you guys would rather stick to the nitty-gritty of it all, I get that as well.

I any event, I am committing more time to posting, so barring anything extraneous you can expect more posts from me. Maybe sometime soon I will have to get something homebrew up and running as well, time permitting.

F Elf Ranger 5 - HP 17/39 - AC 19/T: 15/FF: 14 - Perception +14, Low-light Vision - Fort: +6, Ref: +10, Will: +4 (+2 to enchantments, Immune magic sleep, +1 Cold) - CMB: +6, CMD: 21 - Speed: 30 - Init. +7 (-2 to Init and Perception when not Cold)

GM, no problem, I'll change the information in her status line to take those bonuses into account.

I do enjoy PC-NPC roleplay, as long as it doesn't bog things down. By this mean I'd prefer to focus on the story then have things slow down for weeks while we talk to some merchant about his family troubles that have nothing to do with our current or future objectives.

Acrobatics +8, Climb +8, Intimidate +3, Linguistics +1, Perception +7, Spellcraft +5, Survival +7, Swim +8
HP 35/35, AC 15 T 11 FF 14, Per +7 Init +1, F +5 R +2 W +2, CMB +7, CMD 19, Speed 45
Woodsmoke wrote:
@ Kronek; Step up with a reach weapon will be a nasty surprise for the arcane casters you will inevitably fight this campaign. Hope they'll have some good concentration rolls!

And don't forget the disruptive bloodrage that stacks with the Disruptive feat!

I like the interactions too and share Cara's thoughts that as long as they don't get too bogged down, its a great way to worldbuild and add character.

female Dwarf Oracle 2 / Summoner 2 AC14 (18 with ice armor, 20 in cold environs); HP 30; Percept +2, darkvision; Init +0

Updated Asgrid. Here's a summary of changes:

Oracle level 2
+6 hp (d8 average +1 Con)
+5 skill points - Heal, Knowledge (arcana), Sense Motive x2, Spellcraft
BA +1
Will +1
Favored class +1 hit point
Feat - Endurance

F Elf Ranger 5 - HP 17/39 - AC 19/T: 15/FF: 14 - Perception +14, Low-light Vision - Fort: +6, Ref: +10, Will: +4 (+2 to enchantments, Immune magic sleep, +1 Cold) - CMB: +6, CMD: 21 - Speed: 30 - Init. +7 (-2 to Init and Perception when not Cold)

Would it be possible to set up a list of the loot we've picked up so far? I'm not sure what we're working with here, and I fear we'll quickly fall behind wealth by level guidelines if no one is keeping up with it.

I believe this is everything you've accumulated since setting out from Heldren the second time:

Pewter Mirror
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds
Divine Scroll of Remove Curse
Divine Scroll of Resist Energy (Fire)
2x Vial of Liquid Ice
2x Thunderstone
Diminutive Sickle
Diminutive Sling
4x Diminutive Shortbows
4x Diminutive Short Swords
4x Diminutive Leather Armor
58x Diminutive Arrows
4x Potion of Feather Step
5x Blue Quartz (100 go each)
Silver Diadem (300 gP)
Diamond Necklace (500 gp)
Jeweled Necklace (400 gp)
Painting of a White City (Value uncertain)
3x Sapphire Rings (75 gp each)
Filigreed Longsword Scabbard (125 gp)
Scrimshaw Sculpture (50 gp)

Spear of Manhunting (Kronek)

2569 gp
3313 sp
1760 cp

Acrobatics +8, Climb +8, Intimidate +3, Linguistics +1, Perception +7, Spellcraft +5, Survival +7, Swim +8
HP 35/35, AC 15 T 11 FF 14, Per +7 Init +1, F +5 R +2 W +2, CMB +7, CMD 19, Speed 45

Want to try to sell off what we can here in town (if that is possible)? There is nothing on that list other than the potions of feather step and the spear that Kronek would advocate keeping.

Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

Give Asgrid the divine scrolls as well. Keep the potion of Cure Moderate, and give that to Kronek as well, I think. I'd suggest keeping the thunderstknes and the liquid ice, as well. But other than what Kronek listed and these items, I say we get rid of everything else!

I've been mentally wrestling with how to go about selling stuff in Waldsby. By the book, it has a 2500 gp purchase limit, that the town can afford to buy single items worth up to 2500 gold...but it just doesn't make sense to me, I guess. This is an oppressed village in the middle of nowhere that gets no outsiders or traders where a lot of stuff is "commandeered" by the local overlord. With the explanations of the village and its locations in the book, other than the few magical items a few of the shopkeeps have to sell, it doesn't even sound like any given person in Waldsby could scrounge up 50 gold pieces to their name, let alone 2,5000. That's why I am more incline to have you guys see about bartering items for stuff they have along with your own coins. A backwoods peasant might not have much use for a diamond or a jeweled necklace, but those are things that they would see as valuable treasures worth having over magical armor or potions or what have you. The adventure doesn't really have many opportunities for real buying/selling, so I don't mind you getting some stuff at kind of a discount if it works out that way.

How is a level 2 commoner who has never left their oppressed settlement of 150 people going to know how much a magical belt is worth anyway?

Acrobatics +8, Climb +8, Intimidate +3, Linguistics +1, Perception +7, Spellcraft +5, Survival +7, Swim +8
HP 35/35, AC 15 T 11 FF 14, Per +7 Init +1, F +5 R +2 W +2, CMB +7, CMD 19, Speed 45

I'm fine with Geedra's suggestions and the way you want to play out Waldsby Woodsmoke.

F Elf Ranger 5 - HP 17/39 - AC 19/T: 15/FF: 14 - Perception +14, Low-light Vision - Fort: +6, Ref: +10, Will: +4 (+2 to enchantments, Immune magic sleep, +1 Cold) - CMB: +6, CMD: 21 - Speed: 30 - Init. +7 (-2 to Init and Perception when not Cold)

I agree with Geedra's assessment, although I think it's prudent to keep the scroll of Remove Curse as well until if/when someone in the group can cast it.

Acrobatics +8, Climb +8, Intimidate +3, Linguistics +1, Perception +7, Spellcraft +5, Survival +7, Swim +8
HP 35/35, AC 15 T 11 FF 14, Per +7 Init +1, F +5 R +2 W +2, CMB +7, CMD 19, Speed 45

I think that one falls within the divine scrolls she's advocating keeping so I think we're all in agreement.

Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (Kronek)
Divine Scroll of Remove Curse (Asgrid)
Divine Scroll of Resist Energy (Fire) (Asgrid)
2x Vial of Liquid Ice (Geedra?)
2x Thunderstone (Geedra?)
4x Potion of Feather Step (Spread these around I think, 1 each?)
Spear of Manhunting (Kronek)
2569 gp
3313 sp
1760 cp

Available for barter
Pewter Mirror
Diminutive Sickle
Diminutive Sling
4x Diminutive Shortbows
4x Diminutive Short Swords
4x Diminutive Leather Armor
58x Diminutive Arrows
5x Blue Quartz (100 go each)
Silver Diadem (300 gP)
Diamond Necklace (500 gp)
Jeweled Necklace (400 gp)
Painting of a White City (Value uncertain)
3x Sapphire Rings (75 gp each)
Filigreed Longsword Scabbard (125 gp)
Scrimshaw Sculpture (50 gp)

Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

Kronek has the plan, I think.

Geedra is happy to check the items for magic in the store and to try to identify them. I agree the magical belt should be investigated and possibly purchased first. If its Strength, let's get it for Kronek. If it's Dex, let's get it for Cara and go from there n

F Elf Ranger 5 - HP 17/39 - AC 19/T: 15/FF: 14 - Perception +14, Low-light Vision - Fort: +6, Ref: +10, Will: +4 (+2 to enchantments, Immune magic sleep, +1 Cold) - CMB: +6, CMD: 21 - Speed: 30 - Init. +7 (-2 to Init and Perception when not Cold)

That looks fine to me.

I believe we've already divided the feather step potions out already, at least Cara already has one in her equipment list.

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