Woodsmoke's Reign of Winter

Game Master Woodsmoke

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Male Half-Elf Lunar Oracle 8 (Dual Cursed) | AC 23 (21 w/o Shield) (T 12, FF 20/18) | HP 49/70 | Spell Slots 1st: 5/7, 2nd: 3/7, 3rd: 4/5, 4th 2/3 | Gift o'Bite 4/6 | F+7 R+8 W+6 | Init +5 | Perc +7 | 20ft Armored Move

Merry Christmas team! Thanks for contributing to one of my most refreshed sites! Have a dang Happy New Year too!

Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

Yes! Hope everyone has a great holiday season!

I will be out this Thursday and Friday having an eye procedure done. Should be back strong by the weekend, per the doc.

Indeed, hope everyone's holidays have been going well. Hard to believe this campaign started just near 9 years ago now. Thanks everyone for sticking around, especially Geedra who is the last OG player, haha! I'm hopeful that we can make some good headway in 2023. I've been thinking about trying to put myself on a more regular schedule when it comes to posting to move things along - nothing strict as to dictate everyone posts or anything, but just so there can be some good DM momentum going on a regular basis to keep thing from falling into stasis for a week or whatever. I'll probably try and maintain at least 3 posts a week, and additionally be a bit quicker in moving combat along.

But anyway, thanks again, and happy almost new year.

And that doesn't sound fun, Geedra. Hopefully a routine procedure with no complications!

Male Half-Elf Lunar Oracle 8 (Dual Cursed) | AC 23 (21 w/o Shield) (T 12, FF 20/18) | HP 49/70 | Spell Slots 1st: 5/7, 2nd: 3/7, 3rd: 4/5, 4th 2/3 | Gift o'Bite 4/6 | F+7 R+8 W+6 | Init +5 | Perc +7 | 20ft Armored Move

Well it probably goes without saying at this point, but I uhh, got no bright ideas here, any thoughts?

Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

Yeah, I’m buffaloed here. Geedra’s usual direct approach would not be useful here to the best I can tell. Anyone else have any thoughts before we just wing it?

Rogue(Scout) 7 , hp 45/45, AC 20(T14/FF16) CMD 20, Init +7, Perc +10 (+12 traps). F+5/R+10/W+3 Vanish 5/5

I think from Krosh's hints, we're just supposed to engage with the apparition? Maybe follow it?

I don't think that we are supposed to be clever here, blunt confusion might be the order of the day.

Yeah, this is a weird encounter. I changed it some because it is exceptionally poorly designed in its original form. Mithas is on the right track. From Krosh's advice you need to play a part - go along with the maddened dream's twisted reality - as opposed to trying to explain things in a sensible way. Fortunately the first diplomacy check was good and prevented her from becoming hostile. You can make Bluff or Diplomacy checks moving forward - and from what the raven said, you only need to uncover this dream's desire, not necessarily help it find peace or anything.

Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

Hey as to the Aegis of Recovery from GM’s 12-28-22 post, it looks like Skane is wearing a natural armor amulet in his neck spot. Do one of the rest of you want to make a claim for the aegis? Someone needs to be wearing it.

Male Human (Ulfen) Vigamaðr-Lochlannach (Fighter - Vikingr) 8 | HP: 69/83 | AC: 29 T 12 FF 27 | Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5 | CMD: 26, CMB: +12 | Init: +3 | Perception +3| 20ft. Move | Rage 0/17

Slammed at work gang, will be mid-week before I'm likely clear of the madness and headaches of offshore oil.

Please bot Skane as necessity arises.

Male Human (Ulfen) Vigamaðr-Lochlannach (Fighter - Vikingr) 8 | HP: 69/83 | AC: 29 T 12 FF 27 | Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5 | CMD: 26, CMB: +12 | Init: +3 | Perception +3| 20ft. Move | Rage 0/17

Work continues to stymie me folks - be the weekend now before my decks are cleared and I'm mentally reset enough to resume.

Male Half-Elf Lunar Oracle 8 (Dual Cursed) | AC 23 (21 w/o Shield) (T 12, FF 20/18) | HP 49/70 | Spell Slots 1st: 5/7, 2nd: 3/7, 3rd: 4/5, 4th 2/3 | Gift o'Bite 4/6 | F+7 R+8 W+6 | Init +5 | Perc +7 | 20ft Armored Move

Quick question, for the PbP vets (I say a couple years in...), is there any recourse for an ally dropping a monster unbeknownst in the turn order/an open initiative, and the following poster/PC switches targets? I get its a bit convoluted with a companion.... but say I drop an enemy with the first post and the squad is up, is it (un)usual to retcon the attacks as posted to a 'non-dead' option (as though last person clearly nailed a 1hp narratively monster)?

Given my semi split init. would it make sense for me/or following PCs to switch targets (ready an action) or am I getting ahead of myself Woodsmoke?

Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

Most GMs allow the secondary attacker to redirect their attacks if the initial baddie falls before your turn in my experience.

Yeah, if there is another target in range I will just redirect, but you can also feel free to say in a follow up post if you'd like to do something else with the information that the target is down, or if there is a specific target you'd like to redirect to if multiple are in range. If there are no targets in range, I'll treat it as a readied action (as in the current post - can't waste that crit!). Obviously these situations will not always be seamless and there are a lot of variables but we will take them as they come.

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Male Half-Elf Lunar Oracle 8 (Dual Cursed) | AC 23 (21 w/o Shield) (T 12, FF 20/18) | HP 49/70 | Spell Slots 1st: 5/7, 2nd: 3/7, 3rd: 4/5, 4th 2/3 | Gift o'Bite 4/6 | F+7 R+8 W+6 | Init +5 | Perc +7 | 20ft Armored Move

Thanks team. I love the ability to ponder my actions but sometimes the vagaries of PbP make me miss the table too. Definjtely appreciate the readied crit though WS!

Uhhhh back to the hut team? Doesn't seem like we can outrun these guys and damn if we can survive many more half health swings... Guess we bring this one down then... Try Ratibor instead?

Male Human (Ulfen) Vigamaðr-Lochlannach (Fighter - Vikingr) 8 | HP: 69/83 | AC: 29 T 12 FF 27 | Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5 | CMD: 26, CMB: +12 | Init: +3 | Perception +3| 20ft. Move | Rage 0/17

Slammed at work folks - will likely be well into the weekend before I'm afforded some free time.

Please bot Skane as necessary.

Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

Skane hasn’t posted in over a month. Is he still with us?

Male Human (Ulfen) Vigamaðr-Lochlannach (Fighter - Vikingr) 8 | HP: 69/83 | AC: 29 T 12 FF 27 | Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5 | CMD: 26, CMB: +12 | Init: +3 | Perception +3| 20ft. Move | Rage 0/17

Apologies - time and RL has got the better of me, and I was convinced I'd posted... Still here and still game.

Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

Does everyone have a magic weapon? Geedra could use a cloak of protection +1, but other than that, I think she’s fine right now.

Rogue(Scout) 7 , hp 45/45, AC 20(T14/FF16) CMD 20, Init +7, Perc +10 (+12 traps). F+5/R+10/W+3 Vanish 5/5

I could use a magic bow of some sort, but its not really critical except for DR.

I have a +1 ghost touch mace that we could sell to raise capital as well.

Sorry, wasn't updating the discussion thread for me for some reason.

Korak Kaag's camp isn't too rich with magical goods to trade, as most of any gear or armaments are in use by the hunters, scouts, and warriors in the camp. Though the smith does have some things...I rolled randomly for a small settlement and he does happen to have a +1 composite shortbow - perhaps the centaur think it is a little too small for them?

In all, as far as magic goes, you could procure the following in the camp:

+1 composite shortbow (2,375 gp)
+2 lamellar cuirass (4,165 gp)
arcane scroll of invisibility sphere (750 gp)
wand of ghoul touch (17 charges) (1530 gp discounted)

You do learn, however, that the main Centaur settlement 15 miles to the south, Vurnirn, would have a fair bit more in the way of what you are looking for.

Male Half-Elf Lunar Oracle 8 (Dual Cursed) | AC 23 (21 w/o Shield) (T 12, FF 20/18) | HP 49/70 | Spell Slots 1st: 5/7, 2nd: 3/7, 3rd: 4/5, 4th 2/3 | Gift o'Bite 4/6 | F+7 R+8 W+6 | Init +5 | Perc +7 | 20ft Armored Move

Conversations seem a bit challenging in this format so uhhh, if it helps keep things moving Byakko will likely follow up the response (assuming its appropriate to do so and the swords not obviously cursed or something...) with an enquiry into any knowledge of the beast of Gelglast and offer the "crescents" in exchange for the crescent marked sword. I'm happy to RP it full on too, or pick it back up wherever down the trail ya care to take it WS.

Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

Mithas, do you want to trade the mace for the bow?

And Skane, are you interested in any magic items?

If no one speaks up, I’m going to get GM to ship Geedra down south and go shopping.

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Male Human (Ulfen) Vigamaðr-Lochlannach (Fighter - Vikingr) 8 | HP: 69/83 | AC: 29 T 12 FF 27 | Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5 | CMD: 26, CMB: +12 | Init: +3 | Perception +3| 20ft. Move | Rage 0/17

Nah - nothing of interest for me Geedra.

Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

GM, I’d like to get Geedra a +1 cloak of resistance and a +2 Headband of Intelligence.

Male Half-Elf Lunar Oracle 8 (Dual Cursed) | AC 23 (21 w/o Shield) (T 12, FF 20/18) | HP 49/70 | Spell Slots 1st: 5/7, 2nd: 3/7, 3rd: 4/5, 4th 2/3 | Gift o'Bite 4/6 | F+7 R+8 W+6 | Init +5 | Perc +7 | 20ft Armored Move

I'm ok for gear at the moment, I've somewhat pigeonholed myself with the family sword and will need an enchanter to up that ante; upgrades for Enii would be good but... they're all gonna be costly methinks.

>Ship Geedra down south...


Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision
Byakko Whiteclaw wrote:

I'm ok for gear at the moment, I've somewhat pigeonholed myself with the family sword and will need an enchanter to up that ante; upgrades for Enii would be good but... they're all gonna be costly methinks.

>Ship Geedra down south...


The GM said there is a “bigger” trader about 15 miles south to procure a bigger selection of magic items.

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Male Half-Elf Lunar Oracle 8 (Dual Cursed) | AC 23 (21 w/o Shield) (T 12, FF 20/18) | HP 49/70 | Spell Slots 1st: 5/7, 2nd: 3/7, 3rd: 4/5, 4th 2/3 | Gift o'Bite 4/6 | F+7 R+8 W+6 | Init +5 | Perc +7 | 20ft Armored Move

Woops, ty Geedra, totally missed that...

Male Half-Elf Lunar Oracle 8 (Dual Cursed) | AC 23 (21 w/o Shield) (T 12, FF 20/18) | HP 49/70 | Spell Slots 1st: 5/7, 2nd: 3/7, 3rd: 4/5, 4th 2/3 | Gift o'Bite 4/6 | F+7 R+8 W+6 | Init +5 | Perc +7 | 20ft Armored Move

Spoke too soon... Sooo Amulet of Mighty Fists is probably a must have for Enii eventually. Any objections to selling our elixir of fire breath and a trinket or two for it?

I also have seemed to have acquired an awful solid set of gear in a relatively short time, could sell the Hyperboreal Robe (7k) if anyone sees anything they really fancy...

Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

I’m fine with that. I only bought a 1k cloak and am willing to trade in that large magic weapon. I suspect that would cover most of the tab for the amulet you are fancying.

Rogue(Scout) 7 , hp 45/45, AC 20(T14/FF16) CMD 20, Init +7, Perc +10 (+12 traps). F+5/R+10/W+3 Vanish 5/5

Sorry for the radio silence, August has been busy. Should be more reliable going forward.

I'm going to sell/trade the + 1 ghost touched mace and cash out my reserve to pick up the bow and bracers of archery.

Male Half-Elf Lunar Oracle 8 (Dual Cursed) | AC 23 (21 w/o Shield) (T 12, FF 20/18) | HP 49/70 | Spell Slots 1st: 5/7, 2nd: 3/7, 3rd: 4/5, 4th 2/3 | Gift o'Bite 4/6 | F+7 R+8 W+6 | Init +5 | Perc +7 | 20ft Armored Move

Ahh man me too, this weekend and a couple days recovery holiday turned into a full week and then some. I'd like to snag that amulet for Enii but aside from that I don't have any other shopping atm. Do we need more trade in besides the scythe WS? I'll try and get a post for crafting and a story this weekend...

Male Human (Ulfen) Vigamaðr-Lochlannach (Fighter - Vikingr) 8 | HP: 69/83 | AC: 29 T 12 FF 27 | Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5 | CMD: 26, CMB: +12 | Init: +3 | Perception +3| 20ft. Move | Rage 0/17

Slammed at work at the moment gang - will be closer to end of the week before load lessens. Please bot Skane as required.

Male Half-Elf Lunar Oracle 8 (Dual Cursed) | AC 23 (21 w/o Shield) (T 12, FF 20/18) | HP 49/70 | Spell Slots 1st: 5/7, 2nd: 3/7, 3rd: 4/5, 4th 2/3 | Gift o'Bite 4/6 | F+7 R+8 W+6 | Init +5 | Perc +7 | 20ft Armored Move

That was my round 2 post so no need to wait on me. I believe it's kind of a busy time of year for Mithas, hoping he's just gettin into the swing.

Thanks, I had forgotten that. No worries, we all get hit by the real life. We'll keep trucking along :)

I'll ping the other two but if I don't hear back tomorrow I'll kick off the combat and DMPC them for now. Hope all is well and we see them return soon!

Male Human (Ulfen) Vigamaðr-Lochlannach (Fighter - Vikingr) 8 | HP: 69/83 | AC: 29 T 12 FF 27 | Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5 | CMD: 26, CMB: +12 | Init: +3 | Perception +3| 20ft. Move | Rage 0/17

Apologies gang - missed all these updates - getting them now.

Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

8th level winter witch

6 HP (4 + 1 Con + 1 FC)
+1 to Intelligence

+1 BAB
+1 Will
New hex: Evil Eye
+1 3rd and 4th level spells per day.
New Patron spell: Blessing of Fervor
Gains 2 4th level spells known: Black Tentacles and Ice Storm.

Know. Arcana
Know. Planes
Know. Local

Male Half-Elf Lunar Oracle 8 (Dual Cursed) | AC 23 (21 w/o Shield) (T 12, FF 20/18) | HP 49/70 | Spell Slots 1st: 5/7, 2nd: 3/7, 3rd: 4/5, 4th 2/3 | Gift o'Bite 4/6 | F+7 R+8 W+6 | Init +5 | Perc +7 | 20ft Armored Move

Oracle Lvl 8
HP: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 up to 70HP all day.
+1 Charisma
BAB +6/+1
+1 Will Save

Spells: +1 Orison known, +1 3rd Level known (FCB, +1 Slot Cha bonus), +1 4th lvl Spell known (+3 Slots)

Orison: Create Water
FCB Bonus Spell: Channel Vigor (3rd)
Mystery Spell: Moonstruck (4th)
Chosen Spell 4th: Aura of Doom

Diplomacy, Intimidate, Perception, Stealth


+1 BAB

+1 HD (7) = (7 x 4.5) + (7 x +3Con) = 52(.5) Hp total

Additional Feat: Improved Natural Attack: Claws (increase to d8)

Additional Skill: Intimidate

I'll get around to editing Byakko shortly and try to get a post up before xmas

Male Human (Ulfen) Vigamaðr-Lochlannach (Fighter - Vikingr) 8 | HP: 69/83 | AC: 29 T 12 FF 27 | Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5 | CMD: 26, CMB: +12 | Init: +3 | Perception +3| 20ft. Move | Rage 0/17

Skäne's Level Up of the 8th!

+1 BAB (+8/+3)
+6 HP (incl. Favoured Class)
+1 Skjǫldr Vǫrn (Shield Defence)
+1 Fort Save
+2 Skill Ranks: Sense Motive & Survival
+1 Fighter Feat: Greater Shield Focus (+1 AC using shield)

Will update my profile imminently :)

Hey guys, hope everyone's holidays were good. I actually didn't get any updates to any of these threads until I logged on to my laptop instead of phone or PC...weird. Regardless, I'm currently laid out by a fun bout of flu that my girlfriend's coworkers decided to send her home with for the new year, so I will get us moving here shortly, by the weekend at the latest.

Also, looks like Mithas may not be with us anymore...Byakko had mentioned to me that he hasn't posted in his other game he is GMing in a while and I didn't hear back from the PM I sent him, so we might have to set sights on a replacement player. Byakko said he had a possible person, so if that's still an option I'd be cool with it.

Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

Feel better, Woodsmoke. Take your time.

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Male Half-Elf Lunar Oracle 8 (Dual Cursed) | AC 23 (21 w/o Shield) (T 12, FF 20/18) | HP 49/70 | Spell Slots 1st: 5/7, 2nd: 3/7, 3rd: 4/5, 4th 2/3 | Gift o'Bite 4/6 | F+7 R+8 W+6 | Init +5 | Perc +7 | 20ft Armored Move

I feel that WS... My lady's uncles had us over on christmas eve and deigned not to tell us of their obvious sickness... Got away clean enough I suppose but what is with people doing things while sick? Hope you're recovering well!

Anyway, my buddy was down, I suspect he still is. Will take him a while to build a lvl 8 PC I imagine as PF isn't his favored system but he got up to lvl 3 or so in Mithas' campaign, should I tell him to build away?

Also thought I'd got a post up but... oh well, anyways... I'll fire one off.

Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

Tell him to start building! New blood is always good for a campaign!

Go ahead and invite him over to the discussion thread, Byakko, and we can start getting things together with character creation and all.

Male Half-Elf Lunar Oracle 8 (Dual Cursed) | AC 23 (21 w/o Shield) (T 12, FF 20/18) | HP 49/70 | Spell Slots 1st: 5/7, 2nd: 3/7, 3rd: 4/5, 4th 2/3 | Gift o'Bite 4/6 | F+7 R+8 W+6 | Init +5 | Perc +7 | 20ft Armored Move

He's a bit shy perhaps... Also still recovering from the holidays I think. I'll keep prodding him.

No worries. I'm finally recovered from the RSV or whatever I had and catching up on all my work I missed. I also cleared my cache/cookies and I finally get updates again on the threads. I'll find a spot to work him in. Might do the ol' prisoner angle.

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Hail, fellow adventurers! Apologies for my lengthy delay--I'm hoping all the holiday hubbub has finally slowed down a bit on my end. Just in the process of putting together a level 8 ranger. I'm assuming that'd be an ok fit for the party? Any special things I should be considering when making? Haven't really played many characters at this level, hah. Looking forward to slingin some dice and slayin some baddies!

Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

Welcome Chaunce!

A ranger would be fine with this group. We have a fighter, witch and oracle, so a ranger would be great. We also have another oracle in the background, helping with a bit of healing and buffing.

Figure out what kind of ranger you are interested in and I’m sure it would be a great boon to the group! Double points if you are good with a bow!

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Male Human (Ulfen) Vigamaðr-Lochlannach (Fighter - Vikingr) 8 | HP: 69/83 | AC: 29 T 12 FF 27 | Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5 | CMD: 26, CMB: +12 | Init: +3 | Perception +3| 20ft. Move | Rage 0/17

Welcome CL - agree with Geedra, Ranger is a perfect fit and even better if they can slay from a distance is an even bigger boon. Regardless - good to have you onboard :)

Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

Skane, be sure to update yourself to level eight if you haven’t done so.

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