Woodsmoke |

The Reign of Winter game for those I have invited. While I work on getting the adventure started proper, let's iron out everyone's characters and discuss the group in general. Here are a few guidelines for character creation:
The campaign will start in southern Taldor, but it won't stay there long. Obviously the campaign will deal in matters of winter, cold, ice, and snow, as well as witchcraft and planar magic.
Abilities: 18 point buy for stats, with no stats below 8 or higher than 18 after racial adjustments. You can reduce a score to 9 or 8 for extra points, but keep that deficit in mind for roleplaying purposes. This is a bit lower than the usual 20 point buy, but there are some things that happen at the end of the adventure that will make up for it. Depending on how characters are looking with the 18 buy, though, I might change my mind.
Classes: Any paizo class or archetype is fine except gunslinger. Feel free to try out the Advanced Class Guide playtest classes!
Races: Any core race is fine, and most of the uncommon races are okay as well. My campaigns tend to have less blanket alignments for races to allow for more playing individuals than stereotypes, so playing a goblin, hobgoblin, or orc might get you eyed suspiciously by NPCs, but not attacked on sight. (I also tend to keep more of a 3rd edition view of goblinoids rather than the degenerate, cannibalistic, fireworks and fire pathfinder versions). Aasimars and tieflings are fine if you choose an alternative racial trait to Clestial/Fiendish Resistance (same for Undine). Tengu, kobold, and ratfolk are also allowed.
For a final list: Core, Aasimar (sans resistances), Gnoll, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Ifrit, Kobold, Lizardfolk, Orc, Oread, Ratfolk, Sylph, Tengu, Tiefling (sans resistances), Undine (sans resistance). I might also allow the Skinwalker if anyone is interested in playing it.
Keep in mind that playing an obvious fire-kin like an Ifrit will likely draw the ire of many enemies that fear fire. People of Irrisen also tend to harbor a dislike of crows, so a Tengu might pose some social problems. Lizardfolk, being reptilian, are cold-blooded, which may affect survival.
For humans, any nationality is fine if you have a reason for being in Taldor (Ulfen, for example, travel south to serve as royal guards in the capital of Taldor).
Alignment: Good and neutral alignments only.
Traits: 2 traits, one of which can be from the Reign of Winter's player's guide.
Keep regional human languages in mind when choosing languages.
I'll fish CrazyHedgehog's other campaigns for a final player, or if any of you have someone that might want to play, feel free to invite them for the final spot.

Gerald |

Okay, early thoughts from the others are as an oracle to cover divine casting, and then a blood rager for melee and a splash of arcane.
I'd like to play something a little different, so I've been thinking of a strange combo. How would the rest of the group feel about an oread Sensei Quinggong monk? The monk would be super support based, with it's bardic advice abilities, and if we were to make it for a few levels, the Quinngong abilities it gets would be pretty helpful as well. It could handle most of the skill areas, except Disable Device, and I could come up with some way to get that through a Trait.
My other thought is a witch hunter inquisitor or ranger. It wouldn't be nearly as group friendly, but would be better ranged damage. It could also handle most of the skills area.
Does the group have a preference?

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No real preference for me. Play the monk if that sounds like fun!
I just need to finish up purchases. Are we using average starting gold?
Human (Kellid) Bloodrager 1
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +5
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
hp 19 (1d10+9)
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +1; +1 trait bonus vs. cold damage, +1 trait bonus vs. arcane spells
Speed 45 ft.
Melee bardiche +5 (1d10+6/19-20/×2)
Special Attacks bloodrage
Str 18, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 16
Feats Power Attack, Tribal Scars
Traits ice walker (kellid), superstitious (realm of the mammoth lords)
Skills Acrobatics +7 (+11 jump), Climb +8, Perception +5, Spellcraft +4, Survival +5
Languages Common, Hallit
SQ bloodlines (arcane), disruptive bloodrage, fast movement
Other Gear Bardiche, 137 GP
Special Abilities
Bloodrage (6 rounds/day) (Su) +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 to Will saves, -2 to AC when enraged.
Disruptive Bloodrage (Su) +2 to DC for enemy spellcasters in threatened area when raging.
Fast Movement +10 (Ex) +10 feet to speed, unless heavily loaded.
Ice Walker (Kellid) +1 bonus on saves against cold; ignore Acrobatics penalty for ice
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Superstitious (Realm of the Mammoth Lords) +1 trait bonus on all saving throws against arcane spells.

Woodsmoke |

Gerald, that monk idea sounds really neat. I think the sensei fits the oread well and the qiggong will make good use of the increased wisdom. I'm posting in the other threads for a fourth now, so we will see what the 4th and CH want to play as well.
Also, use maximum gold for 1st level.
The bloodrager looks really fun. You'll be giving the witches and such a tough time with that disruptive bloodrage + reach! It's also been fairly cold here, though not in the negatives yet. I think our high for tomorrow is 9 F.

Asgrid Hjalterskell |

CH here, gave it some thought - so many possibilities, so little time! - but have settled on a female dwarf oracle. She is from alpine climes and so will specialize in ice and divination magic. I think I will be multiclassing as well, but I think I want to keep the second class a surprise for now, and also get GM's approval too.
I like the character concepts here, this is going to be a really interesting party, I can tell. I'll post up game stats later, after I've had a chance to update my games.

Woodsmoke |

I like oracles a lot. The new Shaman from ACG looks really fun as well. The winter mystery is pointed out in the player's guide as a choice if you haven't looked at that yet, though all the mysteries are pretty cool.
I might open up a recruitment thread for the last slot. If anyone knows anyone that would want to play, let me know.

GM Tektite |

Justin L. Warren |

Hey, I saw one of Gerald's post about needing another person for your campaign. I'm interested (would probably want to play a Ranger), but I have played through part of the first book already for PFS credit. I can keep my knowledge separate from the character, but if you would prefer someone who isn't familiar with the AP at all then I completely understand.

Gerald |

Hey there, Justin! I certainly wouldn't have a problem with you having run some of the game.
A ranger would be perfect,if I may say so myself. In the first post, DM lays out the acceptable races, so if you want something slightly off the wall, it might be an option.
Dwarf Oracle
Human Bloodrager
? Ranger
and me.
With this party composition, I am thinking some sort of a witch, or alchemist would be best to work with this party. Sort of focusing on the witch right now, to be honest. Little debuffing, little arcane, and little divine. If anyone has a plan on hating witches, let me know now, so I can adjust, lol.

Woodsmoke |

No problem that you've played the first bit, Justin. I sometimes edit adventures to suit my ideas better anyway. As Gerald said refer to the first post for character creation.
Geraint, if you are interested in joining in I'm not against running with five PCs; just might need to edit some encounters here and there depending on how things go. Let me know.
A goblin winter witch has fun possibilities.
Also, I tend to like to give my games a character-based edge, so I might do side-things for your characters. Not entire quests or anything, but bones to be thrown here and there. So if there is anything you feel I should know about your character in that regard, such as in relation to backstory, feel free to say. Sometimes I like to give characters more than gold and xp.

Cara Shalandrael |

Justin here. I got my Ranger all written up except for the background and description. I'll get to that tomorrow. Thanks for inviting me to the game!
P.S., Please don't eat her ears!

Geedra Horsebiter |

I think Geedra is finished. She's on the run from her northern goblin tribe for stealing their valuable piece of jade. She is still deciding if she wants to eat her familiar fox or not.

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No problem that you've played the first bit, Justin. I sometimes edit adventures to suit my ideas better anyway. As Gerald said refer to the first post for character creation.
Geraint, if you are interested in joining in I'm not against running with five PCs; just might need to edit some encounters here and there depending on how things go. Let me know.
A goblin winter witch has fun possibilities.
Also, I tend to like to give my games a character-based edge, so I might do side-things for your characters. Not entire quests or anything, but bones to be thrown here and there. So if there is anything you feel I should know about your character in that regard, such as in relation to backstory, feel free to say. Sometimes I like to give characters more than gold and xp.
That sounds cool. I was thinking of exploiting what I know about the adventure
Otherwise, I might go for a gnome Druid.

Asgrid Hjalterskell |

A dwarf and goblin in the same party? This will be fun.
Almost finished with Asgrid, but too knackered now to finish the details. Should have them up tomorrow though. I was thinking of making Asgrid a winter witch who failed out of training (do they take dwarves?), but that doesn't have to be, and it could be where Asgrid and Geedra met and rose above their racial animosity...
GM, do we start play knowing each other?
And welcome to the new players! Looking forward to playing on this side of the GM screen with you!

Geedra Horsebiter |

The fox could have originally tried to bond with your dwarf, Asgrid, and for some reason it just didn't take. I'm looking at winter witch abilities as more of the gift from the animal, rather than from any official witch training, so to speak. For some reason, the fox can see something in Geedra. You might have your own name for the fox...Geedra would never name a possible future meal, so she just calls it 'fox.'

Woodsmoke |

@Asgrid; I think there is a RoW trait 'failed winter witch apprentice' or something along those lines. I don't see why they wouldn't take dwarves. If any characters would like to know each other first, that's fine. Also, if anyone wants to be living in the village of Heldren, where the campaign starts, that is also fine.

Cara Shalandrael |

Alrighty, I changed equipment up slightly with the max gold we're starting with, and wrote up a basic description and background. I'm pretty much good to go. I'm looking forward to the party interplay, it should be amusing.

Asgrid Hjalterskell |

Here are the stats for Asgrid Hjalterskell. Background to follow.
For this character, I feel like having fun with some of the random tables. The background generators in Ultimate Campaign look interesting: I've already decided on a lot of the details, but I might roll on a few to help flesh Asgrid out, I might just make a few rolls here.
Age - 3d6 + 40 ⇒ (3, 4, 5) + 40 = 52
Weight & Height - 2d4 ⇒ (4, 1) = 5
Asgrid's Parents - 1d100 ⇒ 98
Asgrid's Siblings - 1d100 ⇒ 54
Romantic Relationships (hey, why not?) - 1d20 ⇒ 17

Asgrid Hjalterskell |

I think Geedra is finished. She's on the run from her northern goblin tribe for stealing their valuable piece of jade. She is still deciding if she wants to eat her familiar fox or not.
I think it would work out well if Asgrid and Geedra travelled together to Taldor, as Asgrid is on the run as well. Perhaps she saw Fox in the woods, and the animal led her to Geedra. They also have in common involvement with the winter witches - Asgrid indeed took the failed winter witch trait. Now just need to work out how Asgrid relates to the rest of the group!

Woodsmoke |

If you guys want to know each other and have been traveling already that's fine by me. It would also give commoners and such a bit of a reason to be less on edge if the goblin is going 'round with a dwarf through town and what not. Also, Gerald is right about Blizzard having the 11th level requirement.
I work tomorrow, but if I have some time after work I might start things up and get some solo-ish stuff going for whoever is ready.

Asgrid Hjalterskell |

Ahh, had meant to go back and check that, thought it was too good to be true. No problem, was originally going to go with a different revelation anyway.
@Geedra and Woodsmoke - sounds good re background.