We Be Goblins Too!
Game Master
The heroes of the Licktoad goblins return home to find
their tribe destroyed by human adventurers. Homeless,
the goblins make for the closest goblin-friendly region:
Ravenroost, which is occupied by the Birdcrunchers. The
goblins arrive only to discover the Birdcrunchers are in
trouble-fire-breathing pigs, an ogre, and a shortage of
chiefs have left the tribe in peril.
After enduring a number of trials to prove themselves,
the goblin heroes set out to defeat the ogre and his
magical boars. They confront Pa Munchmeat and his
monstrous minions on his small farm, and if they can
defeat him, the goblins can return to the Birdcrunchers
not only as heroes, but as chieftains themselves!
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Female Goblin Fighter 6
How do we get characters?
M Goblin Cleric 3
Greta Bigbadevil wrote: How do we get characters? If you download the module "We Be Goblins, Too" (free) from the store, the character sheets are in the back. I copied my stats directly from there.
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Poog is right, here is the complete list of free modules:
Free Modules
Female Goblin Fighter 6
Am ready. Will update the char as soon as WaG is finished. ;-)
HP 23/23 | AC 20, Touch 17, Flatfooted 15 | Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +0 +2 vs Poison | Init +4 | Perception +5 | Bombs 5/5
Checking in, I've got 3rd level Mogmurch done in herolab so I'll swap in stats once the first game finishes.
Female Goblin Fighter 6
After checking greta I can understand why people think fighters are for the birds. Greta does NO DAMAGE. I mean sorry 1d4+1 tops. Thats hilarious!
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Less damage, but +8 on attack rolls is a lot. And she has a high AC value.
HP 23/23 | AC 20, Touch 17, Flatfooted 15 | Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +0 +2 vs Poison | Init +4 | Perception +5 | Bombs 5/5
GM are we able to rest before setting off so Mogmurch can recover his bombs? Would rather have them, but can manage if its not possible for some reason.
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Sure! You have one night between the dares and the journey to Pa Munchmeat's house. You restore your bombs and your HP.
HP 23/23 | AC 20, Touch 17, Flatfooted 15 | Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +0 +2 vs Poison | Init +4 | Perception +5 | Bombs 5/5
GM Baerlie is it possible to switch the character I am getting credit applied to? I need to get a character up to 3rd in order to play the third part of Destiny of Sands with the same group and that 1 XP would get me there.
If it is the character I would like the credit to be awarded to is Marianne Bennette PFS 113331-8.
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Mogmurch Boom'n'bang wrote: GM Baerlie is it possible to switch the character I am getting credit applied to? I need to get a character up to 3rd in order to play the third part of Destiny of Sands with the same group and that 1 XP would get me there.
If it is the character I would like the credit to be awarded to is Marianne Bennette PFS 113331-8.
Sure, I need the number latest when I fill the chronicles.
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As we are close to the end, please fill out this form:
so I have the chronicles ready when we finishe this scenario.
HP 23/23 | AC 20, Touch 17, Flatfooted 15 | Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +0 +2 vs Poison | Init +4 | Perception +5 | Bombs 5/5
Thanks for the game GM Baerlie, great fun :)
I have to agree. It was great fun.
I can´t wait to start the next one. But just... please give me time to finish the in service to lore situation!
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Always doing my best to entertain you :)
Was fun to GM for you!
Male Goblin Roque 3
I must concur. I personally think PBP is the best for these PFS games because you can RP alot more and actually roleplay and not just rollplay.
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Yep, that's true. You can take more time to think about what you say in a dialog (at least for me as a non-native-speaker it's easier) :D
M Goblin Cleric 3
Yeah, this was my first PbP, and it was great fun. Thanks for running it!
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You all got your chronicles? I already reported the game here on paizo.
Yep... and now I am sad. I could have gotten an owlbear cup.
HP 23/23 | AC 20, Touch 17, Flatfooted 15 | Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +0 +2 vs Poison | Init +4 | Perception +5 | Bombs 5/5
Got mine, thanks muchly :)
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Yes, I'm afraid only druids can grow owlbears :(
HP 23/23 | AC 20, Touch 17, Flatfooted 15 | Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +0 +2 vs Poison | Init +4 | Perception +5 | Bombs 5/5
Some archetypes to, Sylvan Sorcerers for example, couple of Oracle Mysteries, sadly I do not think the feat chain that gets you an animal companion would qualify you for boon as it has to be a class feature.
Female Goblin Fighter 6
Also... Cavaliers of the beastrider archetype
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