GM Baerlie |
I'd like to run the PFS sanctioned module "We be Goblins Too". The difference between the Goblin modules and usual pathfinder scenario is the following: the adventures do not assume that the PCs are members of the Pathfinder Society as scenarios do; in fact, We Be Goblins Too! assumes that the characters are members of a Varisian goblin tribe.
In short, these are the rules to apply credit to one of your PFS characters:
- The players must use one of the four pregenerated characters. Players who have a chronicle sheet allowing them to play a goblin character in PFS may play this character only if it is within the module's level range (2-4).
- you earn 1 XP and 1 PP for this scenario, you can apply the chronicle sheet to any 2nd, 3rd or 4th level character (decision of which character to apply credit to must be made when the chronicle sheet is signed)
- if your goblin dies in this adventure you must still resolve death and recovery when applying the chronicle sheet to one of your characters, you may recover your goblin from death completely (this includes both raise dead and the cost of removing permanent negative levels and any other conditions) for only 5 PP
If you are interested, please post here. The following goblins are available (first come first serve):
- Reta Bigbad
- Chuffy Lickwound
- Poog of Zarongel
- Mogmurch
Oniwaban |
I'd like to play! Dotting for Poog, if possible. I am new to the whole PFS deal, but I've been playing Pathfinder at home for about four years, and I've been gaming since the 80s (D&D, Shadowrun, GURPS, Call of Cthulhu, etc.)... I am going to go look over the forums, but if someone could give me a heads-up on what specifically I need to do to be included, I'd appreciate it.
GM Baerlie |
I'd like to play! Dotting for Poog, if possible. I am new to the whole PFS deal, but I've been playing Pathfinder at home for about four years, and I've been gaming since the 80s (D&D, Shadowrun, GURPS, Call of Cthulhu, etc.)... I am going to go look over the forums, but if someone could give me a heads-up on what specifically I need to do to be included, I'd appreciate it.
This is a scenario for level 2-4 PFS characters. If you want to add the credit to one of your characters it needs to be within this level range. But this is not a must, you can play with us without adding credit to a character, but you can't add the credit later to one of your characters. The character needs to be at least in level 2 when I fill out the chronicle sheets at the end of the scenario.
If you are new to PFS I assume you don't have a character yet? Every PFS character starts in level 1, to reach level 2 you need 3 XP (standard XP gained for each played scenario is 1, you earn it with every chronicle sheet) so you need to play 3 PFS games before reaching level 2. The rules regarding PFS and which races and classes are legal for play you can find here.
Broken Prince |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
You use a pregen goblin so you need to create an alias for your gobbo - I am sure you can find a 2nd level Poog's stats to copy and paste of the site. You apply the credit to a PFS character so essentially you get the gold and a third of a level for a different character.
You need a PFS number so the credit can be applied, you probably ought to create a PFS alias for a character to though you would not need to do an actual build or anything until you were ready to play.
PFS link follow the join link just under the welcome paragraph.
Poog and Dogfinder |
Okay, looking for level 2 Poog stats right now. I now have a PFS number, but since I have one level 1 character, I understand that I can't apply the credit for this game to him. That said, I'd still like to play just for the fun.
I am looking for a level 2 Poog right now. Assuming I don't find one, I do have the level 1 Poog handout... can he be used as is, or can he be leveled up? Or would that be part of the whole needing three games under my belt to level him to 2 bit? :D
Thanks for the help, by the way. It's greatly appreciated.