Lady Rose |

Thankfully not.
I'm putting the finishing touches on Rose now. Equipment is almost done. Yay for being able to afford an Angelskin Armor Kilt. No Aura of Evil for this little lady, thank you very much.

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Hey, glad to be here. Ready to go.
Oops I do need to tally up my equipment costs. Mostly ready. :)

DM Aku |

So I'm assuming you will tie is in to the current story. How far back do we need to read or will a kind soul provide us with a summary of what has happened?
Don't need. I need to fill you guys with some information, give you some campaign item related and we need to provide you a ritual for joining the Nessian Knot.
But first things first!
1 - As AP rules, you all get a bonus of 2 skill points per level. If you did not calculate this when creating your char, please do now!
2 - Initial Gold is 2500gp. I don't mind if you expend 2300 in one weapon... :D
3 - We have some house rules, please read then. I like to keep the gameplay thread without as much dice rolling as possible. I don't like when a player limits what he does by rolling a dice. So, just a example from the rules: If you want to observe something, just say so. I'll roll for you and post the appropriate description.
Also... Thanks Nahia <3

Lady Rose |

Extra skill points! It's like my birthday!
Ok, I think I'm all set. Didn't spend my money on any big items other than my angelskin skirt. Mostly I just put money into trinkets masterwork tools and versatility items. I figure I'll just pick up better armor and weapons off people I kill.

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Ah, all equipment bought, and I even have a little left over. I think my character is ready to go. Thanks again for having me.
Edit: yay more skill points

DM Aku |

Okay, let's get things moving!
To not make a mess of our gameplay thread, and fill you in with all you need, I've created a temporary campaign.
If you would be so kind to report into the gameplay.
@Seren/Nahia You can dot to follow things if you want.
I want to be done with this before weekend, and I know I'm asking much, but I would appreciate if only this week, you are able to check about 2 times per day, so we can move things in a faster way.

Fausto |

Ok, will fix my character sheet later today. I should be able to check the gamethread post a couple of times a day.
I gave Fausto some equipment; do we assume that we have acquired it somehow or do we wait?
Thanks for having Fausto.

Nahia |

Ok, I decided to pull all our various Balentyne information into one document. It is here.
I'll also put it in my character sheet.

Sourat |

I roleplay Sourat's 'low' constitution of 10 by explaining it through his Goddess' 'blessing': disease and illness. Let it be clear that I/Sourat won't try to spread this to other players .. *laughs* and it might die down a little as we progress. Dark blessings always have a cost ;)

Nahia |

Don't worry. Play your character and we'll see how it goes. : )
And yes, dark blessings have a cost indeed...

Seren Little |

lol you have no idea...Thank Asmodeus for my pretty little circlet of disguise self.

Sourat |

Durp, I had been wanting to ask this before, but it completely evaded me until now. I have some bonus languages thanks to my int modifier, but other than common, celestial and infernal, what languages are there (that matter/would make sense to have)?

Nahia |

Durp, I had been wanting to ask this before, but it completely evaded me until now. I have some bonus languages thanks to my int modifier, but other than common, celestial and infernal, what languages are there (that matter/would make sense to have)?
Do you mean amongst the party or within the campaign?

Lady Rose |

Any "evil creature" language would probably work. The classics are goblin, Orc, giant and undercommon.

DM Aku |

@To all
Since we are getting into this stuff, I just want to mention that, In Talingard there's no condom! If you plan to have sex you may get pregnant or get someone else pregnant.
Talking about game mechanics, I’ll roll some percentage chance to that happen. How you deal with it, that’s something I really want to see :D
“The big evil lord and his small baby…”

Nahia |

@Nahia/Seren bed discussion:
Oh dang! I was about to say: You may kiss the bride!
Kiddin :D
Yeah, Nahia seems to have that effect on scenes. :D
@To all
Since we are getting into this stuff, I just want to mention that, In Talingard there's no condom! If you plan to have sex you may get pregnant or get someone else pregnant.
Talking about game mechanics, I’ll roll some percentage chance to that happen. How you deal with it, that’s something I really want to see :D
“The big evil lord and his small baby…”
Huh, any spells or alchemical items to adjust that chance up or down?

Nahia |

Nahia wrote:Huh, any spells or alchemical items to adjust that chance up or down?Not that I'm aware of but being a herbalist, alchemist and a witch. I'm sure you'll get a solution. :)
Eh, I know there is nothing in the default game for it.
There were a number of spells and items in some 3.x third party materials.
I seem to remember something in the 3.x Fearun campaign setting, which is the closest to an official material you'll. I'll see if I can track it down.
As far as Nahia developing something like that herself, the issue with that is the question of "how do you test it"?

Seren Little |

There actually is something... Bachelor Snuff from Adventurer's Armory (so official Paizo):
If inhaled through the nose, this sootysmelling golden powder renders humanoid males temporarily sterile without otherwise affecting their performance. A dose typically lasts 1–3 days. Long-term users of bachelor snuff tend to develop a slight, but still noticeable, gilded tinge to their teeth and nails.
Its under herbs and plants on that alchemy spreadsheet I gave you Nahia.

Nahia |

Yeah I'm at work and don't have the sheet available, but that is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks Seren!
That said, there is one for women in the Faerun books that is brewed into a tea and lasts a few weeks, or a root that is chewed by males and lasts a few days.
EDIT: Found them:
Cassil Herb - Men
Nararoot Herb - Women
The campaign setting book should have details about the random times they protect and prices. Not that it matters since the Adventurers Armory has something, but still listing it here for posterity.

Seren Little |

oh you mean Night Tea? Also in Adventurer's Armory (so official paizo yay!), thought it's less condom more birth control.
This frothy tea made from the bone-white, triangular leaves of the night tea plant renders a humanoid female sterile if drunk every day. In high doses, it may be able to end a pregnancy.

Nahia |

Yeah, I haven't looked through that book very much since ultimate equipment came out. And those two things are not in Ultimate Equipment.
Good to remember.
I don't find it surprising, but it would be nice to also have a method of increasing fertility. You know, noble family wants to have a kid so they consult the old midwife that lives in the shack in the woods who tells them that they need to find eggs laid by a red cardinal for her incantation.
That kind of thing.

Lady Rose |

Apply Touch of Corruption to belly...
Feel free to make the rolls though. Rose is the kind to occasionally use sex as a tool or weapon. She was raised by a Succubus after all. I'd imagine she knows pretty much all the ways to keep herself from getting pregnant.

Sourat |

Ha, a good thing you got a priest of gluttony and debauchery with you, eh? *chuckles* .. a negative energy channel followed by an application of death knell ..

Seren Little |

I know in Seren's case a baby wouldn't likely last long in her body to begin with. Though woe to the world if the baby does survive, that would be one seriously magic infused kid. Asmodeus would almost have to have a direct hand in it to keep the womb viable during the pregnancy...
Oh god, am I a horrible person for being intrigued by this now. We shall call this a late-level option.

Nahia |

Hmm, Nahia could very well help you in that. As DM Aku pointed out, I'm an alchemist, an herbalist, and a witch...

Lady Rose |

Lady Rose wrote:She was raised by a Succubus after all.Do you believe Tiadora is a Succubus? :D
Not at all. Tia is Rose's friend.
Rose's mother is a corrupted angel, who will be making an appearance as soon as she gets two more levels. :)

Seren Little |

was looking up ways witch could help....
On the witchy end, there are lots of fairytales where someone wants to conceive a child and they go to a witch who generally gives them a piece of fruit to eat or a flower to grow with the fruit leading to pregnancy or the flower having the child grow out of it in case the prospective mother decided she liked gardening better than that messy pregnancy business.
While it would certainly be possible to come up with a special hex to do this, as a GM, I'd just tell the witch to take the Cauldron hex, Steep Poison (to get the magic into the fruit), Cook People (to make a person into a yummy edible with magical powers), and Forced Reincarnation. Then you'd get a delicious fruit that would get the eater pregnant or a seed you could plant in the ground to grow your own cabbage patch kid, with the soul coming from the person you previously cooked in your cauldron.
was suitably horrified by this. obviously not RAW by any stretch, but just so wickedly horrible that I had to post it.

Nahia |

No, but that is still pretty awesome... And I did intend to take Cook People...
To be fair, you could throw some other twists at it.
Cook people lets you make a homunculus... which could be given to someone a temporary child, though not birthing it... *Take this and place it in a basket so that the first rays of the morning sun touch it* and some time later, after they get attached, it melts into goo.

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Aku Warashi wrote:Lady Rose wrote:She was raised by a Succubus after all.Do you believe Tiadora is a Succubus? :DNot at all. Tia is Rose's friend.
Rose's mother is a corrupted angel, who will be making an appearance as soon as she gets two more levels. :)
I'm a little confuzed
Aren't succubi demons. Don't devils kill them on sight. You lawful kill chaos type thing. Still story trumps canon, subject to the DM.
Nahia |

I'm a little confuzed
Aren't succubi demons. Don't devils kill them on sight. You lawful kill chaos type thing. Still story trumps canon, subject to the DM.
I'm not Lady Rose, but, personally, I've always been unsure of the whole Succubus / Erinyes dichotomy and have been of the opinion that they should be switched.
I mean, look at this line from the Erinyes fluff:
Yet despite their beauty, erinyes are not seducers—they lack the subtlety and patience required for such fine emotional manipulations, and instead vastly prefer to solve their problems with swift and excruciating violence.
How does that sound like a devil instead of a demon?
Not that the fluff for the succubus in Pathfinder gives much to go on, but most people give them roles as spies and advisers that try to corrupt key figures. You know, something that takes time and patience and a willingness to do things for the long run.
Now here is the description of demons as a collective:
Demons exist for one reason—to destroy. Where their more lawful counterparts, the devils of Hell, seek to twist mortal minds and values to remake and reshape them into reflections of their own evil, demons seek only to maim, ruin, and feed.
Yep, the succubus fits into that one real well. Well, into the devil part, at least...

Lady Rose |

What Nahia said. Succubi aren't represented very well mechanically. Also, Chastity isn't quite a succubus. It's just the closest, easiest description.
Rose's mother is a corupted angel (which is why Rose is an aasimar and not a tiefling) Chastity is somewhat unique. Eventually she'll manifest through Rose's Feindish Boon ability.

Lady Rose |

Before we get in too deep, lets nail down our cover-
Mysty is posing as Rose's cousin. It looks like Fausto is a bodyguard. How about you Sourat?
Are we using our own names?

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Call my character lucinder, or cinders as a short name, and family name as whatever lady rose is using.

Sourat |

Love-struck acquaintance who insisted on escorting her during her travels in the hope to get one step closer to being inside her pants.
.. because one should always stick close to the truth when lying .. ?

Lady Rose |

If only "sweating with fever" was some kind of aphrodisiac. :)