Way of the Wicked (Inactive)

Game Master Aku Warashi

Dramatis Personae; Loot Log; map;

Balentyne Info; Planning; Dwarven Map

Party Health

501 to 550 of 2,188 << first < prev | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | next > last >>

Female Aasimar (Angel-Blooded) Oracle 6 | HP 46/46 | AC 20 | T 10 | FF 20 | CMB+6 | CMD 16 | Fort +6(+10 vs. Disease) | Ref +3 | Will +5 | Init +0 | Perc +4 | SM +4 | Bluff +10
8/8 1st level; 7/7 2nd level; 4/4 3rd level; 9/9 Death's Touch

no question we are slightly advantaged over a regular group... +2 skills/level, but I can't imagine picking up jack gained us more then losing both Marsella and Lyza.

I'm actually really happy with the encounters so far, we're fledgling villians, It wouldn't do well for our egos if we were walking through all the encounters. I've found the difficulty really good; hard enough that wands and spell are getting used in most fights, but not too difficult that the fights are unwinnable.

aka Alina | Female Changeling Witch 7 [HP 43/43 | Bust: 32C | AC:17 | T:15 | FF:16 | CMD:13 | Fort:+4 | Ref:+5 | Will:+8 | Init:+2 | Per:+9 | Sense Motive:+2 | Bluff:+19 (+2 sexy bonus) | Diplomacy:+12 | Intimidate:+10 | Spellcraft:+14]

Yeah, I think, so far, the fights have been pretty good (but we also haven't hit a spellcaster since the difficulty went up). Though I'm thinking we need to invest a little more in consumables. In a longer dungeon, if it keeps up like this, we're going to burn through those wands in no time.

Male Human Anti-Paladin 4| HP 42/42| AC 21(19no shield)(T10/FF21)|CMB +9; CMD 19| Saves Fort+8 , Ref+4 , Will+9 (*+1 vs all Divine Spells)| Initiative +2, Perception +3, Sense motive +7, Bluff +7

@ Zerik- Sadly, depending on how you read the acrobatics skill you either:

  • Can't use it to avoid an AoO when standing from prone
  • Or you can do so, but it is a full-round action.

This was something that came up in my table-top group a few weeks ago.

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2



Challenging Advanced and Monstrous Races
Because they have powerful racial traits and abilities, advanced and monstrous races require greater challenges, especially at lower levels. The basic guideline for accomplishing this is to treat a group of characters with advanced and monstrous races as a level or more higher for a number of levels based on their total RP spent, using the following chart. Calculate the party's adjusted average party level, and use that number, rather than the actual APL, when creating encounters and adventures for the group. For groups with mixed power levels, average the RP and round the result to the nearest multiple of 10.

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

I'll post their reaction leater, kinda late now. Cya

aka Alina | Female Changeling Witch 7 [HP 43/43 | Bust: 32C | AC:17 | T:15 | FF:16 | CMD:13 | Fort:+4 | Ref:+5 | Will:+8 | Init:+2 | Per:+9 | Sense Motive:+2 | Bluff:+19 (+2 sexy bonus) | Diplomacy:+12 | Intimidate:+10 | Spellcraft:+14]
DM Aku wrote:



Challenging Advanced and Monstrous Races
Because they have powerful racial traits and abilities, advanced and monstrous races require greater challenges, especially at lower levels. The basic guideline for accomplishing this is to treat a group of characters with advanced and monstrous races as a level or more higher for a number of levels based on their total RP spent, using the following chart. Calculate the party's adjusted average party level, and use that number, rather than the actual APL, when creating encounters and adventures for the group. For groups with mixed power levels, average the RP and round the result to the nearest multiple of 10.

Yeah, but according to that chart we would have to average around 25-34 RP to be at ECL +2 (15-24 is ECL +1). You can find the RP points for most of the races in the examples section, which puts us with:

Human: 10 RP
Aasimar: 15 RP
Aasimar: 15 RP
Changeling: ??? (not listed and I didn't bother doing the math).

Ignoring Changeling for a moment, that puts us at at average of 13.3333 (ECL +0). For us to reach an average of 25, would mean that changeling would have to be worth 60 RP.

That said, I think we probably are around ECL +1 right now, despite what the RP chart says.

Female Aasimar (Angel-Blooded) Oracle 6 | HP 46/46 | AC 20 | T 10 | FF 20 | CMB+6 | CMD 16 | Fort +6(+10 vs. Disease) | Ref +3 | Will +5 | Init +0 | Perc +4 | SM +4 | Bluff +10
8/8 1st level; 7/7 2nd level; 4/4 3rd level; 9/9 Death's Touch

Changeling is at most 11 RP (depends on hag trait taken). I agree we're likely ECL + 1, great group synergy and grumble is a beast, but outside of our ogre I don't think the RP for our races necessarily pushes us up an ECL.

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Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

Dun worry!

Imma bad old evil GM and Imma gunna kill all of you!

With lots of love,

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

Actually, you are facing until now the proposed challenges from the AP (with a litttle more hp into then).

Yeah, I was doing a wrong math there. Glad I did not overdoo anything. :D

aka Alina | Female Changeling Witch 7 [HP 43/43 | Bust: 32C | AC:17 | T:15 | FF:16 | CMD:13 | Fort:+4 | Ref:+5 | Will:+8 | Init:+2 | Per:+9 | Sense Motive:+2 | Bluff:+19 (+2 sexy bonus) | Diplomacy:+12 | Intimidate:+10 | Spellcraft:+14]

Eh, it happens to everybody! And you've done nothing (yet) to give me any reason to worry (yet). : )

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

Sometimes, the dice roller is a pain in the neck...

Example wrote:

The zombies walk closer to Eldred and Johan holding the line.

Johan you have an AoO, and Eldred you activate your ready action.

If Eldred or Johan kill one of those bellow, I'll change the outcome of this actions, but not the rolls.

One of the Zombies will attack Eldred the other will attack Johan.

Monster1 attack Eldred.
Atk: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Atk: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21 critc confirm
Dmg: 3d12 + 12 ⇒ (4, 4, 6) + 12 = 26

Do a Con check to stabilize.

Making Eldred fall to a single and vicious attack.

Monster2 attack Johan.

Atk: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Dmg: 1d12 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

He hits Johan for 9 damage. He fails the attack if Johan Resist the Enlarge person from Damien. But in this case, Johan need a will save to negate the effect.

Now that Eldred fell, the way is not blocked anymore, the monster three will enter the room, steping over Eldred body.

And will attack Johan

Atk: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Atk: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23 Critical Confirm
Dmg: 3d12 + 12 ⇒ (1, 8, 1) + 12 = 22

Hitting Johan for another 22 dmg.
Do a Con check to stabilize.

Omg, what is wrong with this dice roller today?

Johan and Eldred are dying, Eldred with -7 and Johan -6.

If for any reason they do not fall, I'll need a fort save DC 12 or you'll be nauseated for one round.

Malgrim action now.

aka Alina | Female Changeling Witch 7 [HP 43/43 | Bust: 32C | AC:17 | T:15 | FF:16 | CMD:13 | Fort:+4 | Ref:+5 | Will:+8 | Init:+2 | Per:+9 | Sense Motive:+2 | Bluff:+19 (+2 sexy bonus) | Diplomacy:+12 | Intimidate:+10 | Spellcraft:+14]

Glad that's not us. :D

Also, yeah, this early in the game we're still kind of playing rocket tag (especially when we're two-handing and they crit with great-axes).

Male Human Anti-Paladin 4| HP 42/42| AC 21(19no shield)(T10/FF21)|CMB +9; CMD 19| Saves Fort+8 , Ref+4 , Will+9 (*+1 vs all Divine Spells)| Initiative +2, Perception +3, Sense motive +7, Bluff +7

Well, the way I see it, these nine trials should be difficult. Gotta make sure we are worthy enough. If you wouldn't have said anything, I would assumed that this was how it was meant to go, lol.

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

I do not know exactly how things turn out in pathfinder about critical and sneak attack. I know we do not have anyone with sneak on the party, but I'll use the rules I'm more familiar in this case.

Not subject to critical hits or flanking. Does not take additional damage from precision-based attacks, such as sneak attack;
2-Swarm Subtype

Not subject to critical hits. Does not take additional damage from precision-based attacks, such as sneak attack;
4-Incorporeal creatures

Not subject to flanking:
2-Creatures with blindsight.

Dragons have blindsight instead of blindsence.

The others about ability score damage/drain I’ll not change.

Edit: Added Swarm Subtype

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

Okay! Ignore the message above!

I'm reading the rules on pathfinder. I may still get some things wrong, tell me in discussion when it happens.

aka Alina | Female Changeling Witch 7 [HP 43/43 | Bust: 32C | AC:17 | T:15 | FF:16 | CMD:13 | Fort:+4 | Ref:+5 | Will:+8 | Init:+2 | Per:+9 | Sense Motive:+2 | Bluff:+19 (+2 sexy bonus) | Diplomacy:+12 | Intimidate:+10 | Spellcraft:+14]

No problems! Nobody's perfect and no one should expect you to be. And at least you want to know when you're off.

Also, where does it say that creatures with blindsight or Dragons are not subject to flanking?

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

It does not say. I just like it that way. xD

aka Alina | Female Changeling Witch 7 [HP 43/43 | Bust: 32C | AC:17 | T:15 | FF:16 | CMD:13 | Fort:+4 | Ref:+5 | Will:+8 | Init:+2 | Per:+9 | Sense Motive:+2 | Bluff:+19 (+2 sexy bonus) | Diplomacy:+12 | Intimidate:+10 | Spellcraft:+14]

Cool, I was just curious, as I hadn't heard that.

And while it isn't implicitly stated, there is some semi-convoluted evidence that blindsight should prevent flanking.

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

I'll give it a time for you to Rp between yourself.

Considering Zerik Background, he may or may not want to torture the child. :D

Male Human Anti-Paladin 4| HP 42/42| AC 21(19no shield)(T10/FF21)|CMB +9; CMD 19| Saves Fort+8 , Ref+4 , Will+9 (*+1 vs all Divine Spells)| Initiative +2, Perception +3, Sense motive +7, Bluff +7

Ya know, we might be able to get out of this without torturing him. I mean, maybe we can just scare him (more) into helping us.

Male Half Orc Ranger/4 (Urban) (HP 41/41 | AC/T/F:14/14/14 | CMB +7 | CMD:21 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+7 | Will:+5 | Init:+3 | Per+11 | Stl+10 | Climb+8 | DD+10| Handle Animal +6 | Heal+8 | Int +10 | K(Dung/Geo/Local)+4 | Ride+7| Surv+11 | Swim+8

Good cop bad cop usually works well on most.

aka Alina | Female Changeling Witch 7 [HP 43/43 | Bust: 32C | AC:17 | T:15 | FF:16 | CMD:13 | Fort:+4 | Ref:+5 | Will:+8 | Init:+2 | Per:+9 | Sense Motive:+2 | Bluff:+19 (+2 sexy bonus) | Diplomacy:+12 | Intimidate:+10 | Spellcraft:+14]

Huh, I always thought a torch to the groin was most effective. : )

Also, I get the impression that Seren always wants to play traumatizing cop.

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

@Seren. About the torture, let's see first what everyone will. Don't worry about descriptions. I don't want then!
If it comes to torture, I'll post something melo-dramatic describing what you got from him.

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2
Nahia wrote:
Also, I get the impression that Seren always wants to play traumatizing cop.

Seren is my idol! if she was a real woman I would run from her with all my strength ask her to marry me!

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

Zerik is at -9. He was not full from the last fight. He had 21hp.
And you need to count the 0hp here. :D

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

Just a curious note:

In the other group, I've been score criticals after criticals.

At the present moment, there's only the monk still fighting, two draugr left standing. One with 14 damage and other undamaged.

The monk as only 5hp and need a fort save to prevent nausea. But I still belive in then.

Here, I got two 20's with Grumbleajack. It's almost unfair.

Female Aasimar (Angel-Blooded) Oracle 6 | HP 46/46 | AC 20 | T 10 | FF 20 | CMB+6 | CMD 16 | Fort +6(+10 vs. Disease) | Ref +3 | Will +5 | Init +0 | Perc +4 | SM +4 | Bluff +10
8/8 1st level; 7/7 2nd level; 4/4 3rd level; 9/9 Death's Touch

Asmodeus is just letting you know who his true favourites are is all. Though we may have to sacrifice a squire or something to get Zerik some of this favour...

aka Alina | Female Changeling Witch 7 [HP 43/43 | Bust: 32C | AC:17 | T:15 | FF:16 | CMD:13 | Fort:+4 | Ref:+5 | Will:+8 | Init:+2 | Per:+9 | Sense Motive:+2 | Bluff:+19 (+2 sexy bonus) | Diplomacy:+12 | Intimidate:+10 | Spellcraft:+14]

Looking at not just the criticals, you've been rolling well in general. Zerik has rolled well too. Eric on the other hand, has been on the losing end of the dice gods will...

But again, these are the rocket tag levels. It should even out a little later on... I hope...

Female Aasimar (Angel-Blooded) Oracle 6 | HP 46/46 | AC 20 | T 10 | FF 20 | CMB+6 | CMD 16 | Fort +6(+10 vs. Disease) | Ref +3 | Will +5 | Init +0 | Perc +4 | SM +4 | Bluff +10
8/8 1st level; 7/7 2nd level; 4/4 3rd level; 9/9 Death's Touch

Definitely a lot of rocket tag going on at the moment. Kinda worried about getting in melee. Sir Balin has the potential to literally one shot me with his regular attack, no crit needed.

Male Human Anti-Paladin 4| HP 42/42| AC 21(19no shield)(T10/FF21)|CMB +9; CMD 19| Saves Fort+8 , Ref+4 , Will+9 (*+1 vs all Divine Spells)| Initiative +2, Perception +3, Sense motive +7, Bluff +7

I tend to have bad luck with dice rolls whenever I'm a PC. In my group's kingmaker game that took us about 3 years to finish (we went passed the normal story and ended with an epic session at level 20), I played a Magus Kensai. I had a scimitar with 15-20 threat range (improved critical). I scored a crit once... I had maybe 3 or 4 threats in the entire adventure path. My confirmation for crits was always a higher bonus than my attack bonus, but I managed to almost always roll 1 or 2 when it was time to confirm. It was very depressing.

On the flip side, at least one player either drops or nears dropping every encounter (even easy ones) because my dice are completely different when I'm DMing. I normally have to fudge dice numbers to prevent TPKs...

aka Alina | Female Changeling Witch 7 [HP 43/43 | Bust: 32C | AC:17 | T:15 | FF:16 | CMD:13 | Fort:+4 | Ref:+5 | Will:+8 | Init:+2 | Per:+9 | Sense Motive:+2 | Bluff:+19 (+2 sexy bonus) | Diplomacy:+12 | Intimidate:+10 | Spellcraft:+14]

Yeah, playing this witch has me rolling the fewest dice I've ever rolled as a player. Not that that is a bad thing, and it lets me prepare more written dialogue, which is nice.

And I know how you feel Seren, Sir Balin Power Attacking only misses me on a 1 and only has to roll a 2 or better to drop me from full to 0 or lower. If things stay like this I'm totally boned once an archer shows up.

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

Don't you worry Nahia!

Your next mission is something everyone, even the master think it's impossible to do! Even some high level players would not be able to pull it off.

And no one believes one's would have the gall to send a low level party for this job, and that, just that, maybe is what will make you successful!

But keep it up! I'm loving they way you write. I tend to have some power focused combats, but just the important ones. Those "random" encouters I do not even roll then. No history gain to justify slowing the game down so you can kill some low level goblins...

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

Game facts: After the lesson, you'll 'sequestered' by the master for almost 5 months.
In this time, he will train you. There are benefits from this training.
First: You get to choose the trait as we discussed.
Second: You gain another level. You can update your sheet for level 3.

In this training, considering the master is teaching you, you can learn anything from any source,even without any roleplay in game. He is teaching you, so anything you want to learn or get, feel free to get it.

You roll for hp. No re-rolls on low dices.

Post up all changes in your crunch, and everything new you get.

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

Also, I was almost forgeting.

What will do you with Grumblejack? If you guys spend time teaching him, I'll allow you to choose a PC class level for him.

This are his stats:

Str 21, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 9

I'll spoil things a little:

Later in the game (when you are about level 7 or 8), there's a small chance that Jack will get news stats, those will be:

Str 26, Dex 10, Con 20, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 13

So It's time to decide the Big G fate!

Male Half Orc Ranger/4 (Urban) (HP 41/41 | AC/T/F:14/14/14 | CMB +7 | CMD:21 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+7 | Will:+5 | Init:+3 | Per+11 | Stl+10 | Climb+8 | DD+10| Handle Animal +6 | Heal+8 | Int +10 | K(Dung/Geo/Local)+4 | Ride+7| Surv+11 | Swim+8

He seems to make a natural barbarian.

I'll post my advancement when I get home from work.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2
Zerik wrote:

He seems to make a natural barbarian.

I'll post my advancement when I get home from work.

Cool, but he is NE, tending to change to LE. He does not meet the requirement to be a Barbarian.

Male Half Orc Ranger/4 (Urban) (HP 41/41 | AC/T/F:14/14/14 | CMB +7 | CMD:21 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+7 | Will:+5 | Init:+3 | Per+11 | Stl+10 | Climb+8 | DD+10| Handle Animal +6 | Heal+8 | Int +10 | K(Dung/Geo/Local)+4 | Ride+7| Surv+11 | Swim+8

He would also make an excellent Fighter, then. Str is his only strong stat, and personality wise he is quite the warrior.

He could slaughter little uns and he would have the advantage of plate armour and a shield/tower shield.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Human Anti-Paladin 4| HP 42/42| AC 21(19no shield)(T10/FF21)|CMB +9; CMD 19| Saves Fort+8 , Ref+4 , Will+9 (*+1 vs all Divine Spells)| Initiative +2, Perception +3, Sense motive +7, Bluff +7

Hmm... well, if he doesn't use armor, he could go monk. I mean, that's an extra +3 AC without having to spend money on him. XD

But I tend to agree with having him go fighter. Get him a better weapon than the great club and let him gain those extra feats.

aka Alina | Female Changeling Witch 7 [HP 43/43 | Bust: 32C | AC:17 | T:15 | FF:16 | CMD:13 | Fort:+4 | Ref:+5 | Will:+8 | Init:+2 | Per:+9 | Sense Motive:+2 | Bluff:+19 (+2 sexy bonus) | Diplomacy:+12 | Intimidate:+10 | Spellcraft:+14]

HP roll: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 for a total of 17.
Fort: +1 (total +2)
Ref: +1 (total +3)

Feat: Enchant Wondrous Item

Skill: added ranks, total ranks, total bonus
Appraise: 1, 3, 9
Bluff: 1, 3, 13
Craft (Cooking):1, 1, 7
Diplomacy: 1, 3, 6
Knowledge (Religion): 1, 1, 7
Linguistics: 1, 2, 5 (Infernal)
Perform (Sing): 1, 1, 4
Spellcraft: 1, 3, 9
Use Magic Device: 1, 1, 7

Spells learned:
Cure Moderate Wounds
Blood Transcription

+1 Natural AC
Int +1
Deliver Touch Spells

aka Alina | Female Changeling Witch 7 [HP 43/43 | Bust: 32C | AC:17 | T:15 | FF:16 | CMD:13 | Fort:+4 | Ref:+5 | Will:+8 | Init:+2 | Per:+9 | Sense Motive:+2 | Bluff:+19 (+2 sexy bonus) | Diplomacy:+12 | Intimidate:+10 | Spellcraft:+14]

I can agree on fighter. But, given those stats, he would also make a good two-hander ranger (now and later) or a great battle cleric (later).

Whatever it is, it needs to be two handed. : )

Also, are we training ourselves? I ask because you said Cardinal Thorn is not always with us.

Male Half Orc Ranger/4 (Urban) (HP 41/41 | AC/T/F:14/14/14 | CMB +7 | CMD:21 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+7 | Will:+5 | Init:+3 | Per+11 | Stl+10 | Climb+8 | DD+10| Handle Animal +6 | Heal+8 | Int +10 | K(Dung/Geo/Local)+4 | Ride+7| Surv+11 | Swim+8

I thought about Ranger, if we need another one. I'm a bit concerned about his survivability. Battle Cleric could he pretty good. He has strength and he will have Wisdom later if he survives so that could work.

I'm fine with either. I'd also like to know what Aku would like to play since he will be controlling Jack. What would you like him be Aku?

-Posted with Wayfinder

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

A ninja! Big G has to be a ninja! jk.

Don't mind me.

This time I'm happy with my npcs. Clerics, paladins, monks, Gold and Silver dragons, Angels and more, lot more. *drooling*

Female Aasimar (Angel-Blooded) Oracle 6 | HP 46/46 | AC 20 | T 10 | FF 20 | CMB+6 | CMD 16 | Fort +6(+10 vs. Disease) | Ref +3 | Will +5 | Init +0 | Perc +4 | SM +4 | Bluff +10
8/8 1st level; 7/7 2nd level; 4/4 3rd level; 9/9 Death's Touch

My vote would be Battle Cleric. It leads into the RP that Seren and Grumblejack have already started. Grumblejack could never have been an oracle as its not exactly something you choose to be. However, with Serens teachings he could learn to harness divine power, and the 10 wisdom till those levels just means he never has a great grasp of the magic (as would be expected of an Ogre whose never been taught anything divine), figure let him be battle cleric and give him a wand so he can heal the 'uns and be all proud of himself, and then smash someone's face in.

aka Alina | Female Changeling Witch 7 [HP 43/43 | Bust: 32C | AC:17 | T:15 | FF:16 | CMD:13 | Fort:+4 | Ref:+5 | Will:+8 | Init:+2 | Per:+9 | Sense Motive:+2 | Bluff:+19 (+2 sexy bonus) | Diplomacy:+12 | Intimidate:+10 | Spellcraft:+14]

Hey DM Aku, anything of note about the training? Individual, team, or both? Will we work with the White Ravens, Grumblejack, or anyone else? Being trained by Cardinal Thorn, Tiadora, both, neither? Intense training schedule or lots of free time? What about equipment purchases (mostly thinking alcohol and books for Nahia)?

Also, mind if I take a bit of creative liberty with NPC's general responses to events during this time? For example, Cardinal Thorn being irritated with Nahia if something she was doing outside of training started to affect her performance during training (and, generally, warning her to stop it or else). If you'd prefer, I can send you NPC response questions via PM and then write them in.

I know, lots of questions, but it is a slow day at work and with 5 months of RP I have a huge wall of text to write. :D

Female Aasimar (Angel-Blooded) Oracle 6 | HP 46/46 | AC 20 | T 10 | FF 20 | CMB+6 | CMD 16 | Fort +6(+10 vs. Disease) | Ref +3 | Will +5 | Init +0 | Perc +4 | SM +4 | Bluff +10
8/8 1st level; 7/7 2nd level; 4/4 3rd level; 9/9 Death's Touch

HP: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 = 22 Why must you fail me dice... Seriously not the time to roll a 1.
BAB +1 = +2
Fort +1 = +4(+8 vs. Disease)
Reflex +1 = +1
+1/2 Level to Undead Servitude Revelation (Now treated as Oracle Lvl.4 for Command Undead Feat)

Feat: Spell Focus (Necromancy)
Revelation: Raise the Dead
New trait: "Let us perfect your favorite spell" (Animate Dead)
DM. Aku, I would like this trait, and preferably attached to said spell. Any objections to RP wise stating that the Cardinal drills me in the use/theory/magic of necromancy, refining my techniques (atm through my revelation). This inital training helps me to understand and attune better to my necromatic spells as I progress, as it doesn't make sense to drill me in the use of a spell I don't get for another 3 levels, but from levels 6-20 animate dead will be far and away a defining spell of Seren.

One additional 1st level Spell/day
One Additional 1st level spell known: Decompose Corpse

4+3(Int)+2(villian) = 9/level
Bluff +1 = +7
Disguise +1 = +7
Intimidate +1 = +11
Knowledge(Arcana) +1 = +9
Knowledge(Religion) +1 = +9
Sense Motive +1 = +3
Stealth +1 = 0
Perception +1 = +1
Spellcraft +1 = +9

Male Half Orc Ranger/4 (Urban) (HP 41/41 | AC/T/F:14/14/14 | CMB +7 | CMD:21 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+7 | Will:+5 | Init:+3 | Per+11 | Stl+10 | Climb+8 | DD+10| Handle Animal +6 | Heal+8 | Int +10 | K(Dung/Geo/Local)+4 | Ride+7| Surv+11 | Swim+8

HP Roll: 1d10 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 3 + 1 = 14 Damn :D

New Trait
“Wear your armor like a second skin.” You have drilled extensively in wearing armor in combat. When you wear armor of any sort, reduce that suit’s armor check penalty by 1 to a minimum check penalty of 0.

Skills - 6 + 2
+2 Acrobatics
+1 Disable Devices
+1 Perception
+2 Ride
+1 Stealth
+1 Survival

Feats - Quickdraw
Trapfinding (Ex)
Favoured Terrain (Ex) - Urban

Female Aasimar (Angel-Blooded) Oracle 6 | HP 46/46 | AC 20 | T 10 | FF 20 | CMB+6 | CMD 16 | Fort +6(+10 vs. Disease) | Ref +3 | Will +5 | Init +0 | Perc +4 | SM +4 | Bluff +10
8/8 1st level; 7/7 2nd level; 4/4 3rd level; 9/9 Death's Touch

Going to wait on decision for Grumblejack before posting my RP for the next 5 months, as if he does get divine powers in some way, I'm sure Seren would be partaking in some of that training.

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

@Nahia. I don't mind, You'll train mostly with your group. You'll still see the white ravens, but not train with then. Usually Grumblecjak is used when the master want to do have a hard time. Usually Grumblejack beats you to almost a pulp,then the master heals you to your full hp and verything began again.

Tiadora is never used. The master says she can only destroy, not help to constroy or build anything.

About the descrptions, you can do it freely.

The master is a patient person, but he do no like failures. And don't let anyone question his power or authority.

Tiadora is the same sarcartic woman as always. Never loses her temper. Always obey the master.

The white raves, Elise wants you, Trak wants you too (for another motive). Trik is a easy going and nice person to chat, the barbarian almost never talks.

Jack is Jack, I think its not hard to get his thinking patterns (hell, I don't even know if there's one.)

If in the end you do something I may think that npc would not do, I'll change it for you.

Human Hero Killer1 / Holy Assassin1 / Deceiver2

@Zerik, you can trade favored community for favored terrain if you want.

Male Half Orc Ranger/4 (Urban) (HP 41/41 | AC/T/F:14/14/14 | CMB +7 | CMD:21 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+7 | Will:+5 | Init:+3 | Per+11 | Stl+10 | Climb+8 | DD+10| Handle Animal +6 | Heal+8 | Int +10 | K(Dung/Geo/Local)+4 | Ride+7| Surv+11 | Swim+8

Okay, cool. Thanks Aku. I'll take favoured terrain urban then.

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