Fitzmarc Lucifar |
Fitz rushes to the now-standing bed-folk, hoping to cut them down rather get a chance to get their bearings. He strikes a still groggy-guard, the blade going deep and releasing an arterial spray.
Longsword: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23 Threat
Confirm: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15 Seems likely against an unarmoured target.
Damage (Crit): 2d8 + 6 ⇒ (3, 7) + 6 = 16
Yzera Hykeph |
Posting for Nemenia since she has not been on in a few days. Probably on a RL vacation of something.
The tiny gnome with an evil twinkle in her eyes moves to the entrance to the room. Deciding that there is little she can do in this combat, she sees how many light sources there are in the room. Knowing that several of her companions have the ability to see in the dark, she calls upon the powers of hell to extinguish the lights in the room so as to blind the human guards.
Cast Create Water aimed at a torch or lantern. <-- not sure how many there are
She will also stop her Bardic Performance knowing that its effect will continue for a short period.
Free Action - stop Bardic Performance(Inspire Courage) -- Lingering Performance will continue for 2 rounds
Nemenia Faireyes |
Nemenia actually stops her chant, but the effect lingers for two more rounds. She then prepares herself in case a guard attempts to escape, standing in the doorway with a dagger brandished while keeping a lookout.
Readied action to stab an enemy who approaches.
Yzera Hykeph |
Nemenia actually stops her chant, but the effect lingers for two more rounds. She then prepares herself in case a guard attempts to escape, standing in the doorway with a dagger brandished while keeping a lookout.
Readied action to stab an enemy who approaches.
Lol - that was my other option, ready an action to attack. Figured that putting the lights out was just more interesting. At least I got the lingering performance part right.
Breezelee "Breeze" Krolmnite |
Breeze jumps in, trying to finish off the survivor.
Attack 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 4 + 2 = 24
Damage 1d4 ⇒ 3 plus
1d6 ⇒ 4
Assuming I can move to set up a flank.
Yzera Hykeph |
Likewise, Yzera move over and swings her serrated blade at the lone survivor.
I'm sorry. You should have gone home tonight.
Whether it is heartfelt pity or not is hard to tell.
Attack-sawtooth sabre: 1d20 + 4 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 4 + 2 + 1 = 10
Damage: 1d8 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 3 + 1 = 12
Her swing is wide of its mark though.
Lauren Tacita |
Lauren steeled herself against the oppressive field, and attempted to conjure an acidic projectile once more.
concentration: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
fort: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
attack: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0
damage: 1d3 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
divineshadow |
Fitz takes the last kill dispatching the man as most would a fine meal as if the strength from each of his kills lends strength to his emaciated form.
Not home right now so 6 of the normal sets with vials and will post up everything else in a bit. Where are we headed next?
We go kitchen now Thok want cookies...
Breezelee "Breeze" Krolmnite |
Has their been any leather armor laying around, DM? I might have missed it, if there was. Breeze is looking to get armored up, lol.
Yzera Hykeph |
Breeze -- I think that all the armor has been chain shirts. Unless you need non-metal armor, the chain shirts are light and should work better than armor - other than a slightly higher armor check penalty.
Yzera Hykeph |
Yzera rolls her eyes:
The cookies are only for those in charge of the prison. That was not you before.
Lets see what the cooks have prepared. And perhaps, before you all slit their throats, we could get some information from them.
As she is saying this, Yzera carefully wipes off her serrated blade - with her finger, which she then licks off.
Lauren Tacita |
Lauren nodded, and waved for the others to advance once Sus made his report. "No guards it sounds like, so we'll do this. We can find out about our good friend's arm, perhaps." That wasn't normally something you got back, but it had been a strange day all around.
Breezelee "Breeze" Krolmnite |
Breeze moves into the kitchen, swinging her claws at one of the cooks.
Attack 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Damage 1d4 ⇒ 2 plus
1d6 ⇒ 2
Breezelee "Breeze" Krolmnite |
"Go ahead Yzera. Ask the server to tell us what they know about that one's arm. Don't let it be said that we can't be merciful."
Nemenia Faireyes |
Looking to the servant, Nemeria says, "Something you should know of then... Tell us what drugs were put into food for the prisoners, especially him. Is there an antidote?" pointing to Thock.
Yzera Hykeph |
Still attempting to maintain her sanity amongst all the bloodshed, Yzera walks over and takes one of Thok's cookies.
Mmmm, you were right. These are good.
She then turns toward the cook at Nemenia's inquiry.
Yes, what poison was used. The fact that you use such vile means of controlling the prisoner's does make one wonder about the true character of those formerly running this prison.
Oh, and if you know where my cookie eating friend's arm is, he might not have to rip yours off to replace his.
Yzera Hykeph |
Yzera looks over at Ilan:
How do you expect to get the food to the guards without them noticing that there are twenty or so dead guards lying around this building? I like the idea, but in this case it might be a little too much. On the other hand, we could put some poison into food for any dogs or other guard animals. That might simplify things.
Understudy |
Ilan shrugs, "I thought it might be worth delivering some goodies to the guards..." He glances at Thok and says quickly, "...not cookies, clearly... but maybe a nice warm something to take the edge off the night. Though I imagine the guards would know us all by sight, even in uniform."
Yzera Hykeph |
Yzera starts to giggle rather madly.
A nice warm something to take the edge off.
She almost chokes she is laughing so hard.
The . . . the oil barrels should . . . should work good.
Fitzmarc Lucifar |
Fitz stops listening the moment she says no, grabbing the ladel sticking out of the pot of gruel and starts eating, chewing on the not-yet softened grains with relish.
He looks up at Ilan's comment and shrugs, "Well, not all of us... Though, still, I'm not sure they'd take food from someone they don't know." He drops the ladle back in the pot with a grimace as the pastiness finally overcomes his hunger, then winks and smiles at Yzera's comment, "Aye, I imagine it'll warm them all right up.".
Alleria Starfrost |
Alleria casts disguise self to appear as the female cook.
Disguise: 1d20 + 9 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 9 + 10 = 30
I could deliver a poisoned meal if you like but let's be quick about it, we left a trail of bodies and that won't stay hidden long.
edit: forgot concentration check for spellcasting, here:
concentration check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
Yzera Hykeph |
With all the discussion, Yzera once more began to become rather antsy.
Not sure we have time to make more cookies right now. Good idea, but night is waining. If we are to escape, we need to deal with the old warden, he probably has the arm, and then see about the guards in the gatehouse and on the walls.
With this, Yzera moved out of the kitchen, after grabbing a loaf of bread and some cheese, and went to where she could hear the kitchen discussion, but also see the former inmates guarding the main door.
Nemenia Faireyes |
While normally more aligned with subterfuge and manipulation, Nemenia nods as Yzera speaks, "I agree with Yzera. Any long term plans are just too risky as every moment could lead to the discovery of our escape. We should forge ahead to slay the Warden and use the oil we found to burn this place to the ground."
Lauren Tacita |
Lauren follows along, nodding. "Does anybody have any idea where the warden's office is? In general, I would assume it would be high up for a place like this, but that's not really anything to go on."