
Breezelee "Breeze" Krolmnite's page

228 posts. Alias of Gerald.


N Female Catfolk Unchained Rogue 4 | AC 18/15/13 | HP 31/31 | F+3,R+9,W+4 |


Init.+7 | Perc.+8/+10* to traps | Sneak Attack (2d6) | CMD 17 | Low Light vision | Cat's Luck 1/1 day

About Breezelee "Breeze" Krolmnite

Female Unchained Rogue 4
N Medium Humanoid
20 years old
5' 1" tall, 96 lbs.

Init. +7; Perception +8/+10*(to traps)
AC 18 (10 + 4 Dex + 3 Armor + 1 Dodge), 15 touch, 13 flat footed
HP: 31 (4d8 + 4 Con + 4 Favored Class)
Fort: +3 (1 Class + 1 Con + 1 Magic)
Ref: +9 (4 Class + 4 Dex + 1 Magic)
Will: +4 (1 Class + 1 Wis + 1 Trait + 1 Magic)
+8, +1 Cold iron Rapier, 1d6+4, (18-20/x2)
+8, Masterwork Dagger, 1d4 (19-20/x2)
*Sneak attack 2d6

Ranged +7 Ranged Dagger, 1d4 (19-20/x2)
STR10, DEX18, CON13, INT 13, [WIS12,CHA14
BAB: 3; CMB +3, CMD 17

Feats 1. Dodge, 1B. Weapon Finesse, 3. Two weapon fighting

Skills 16 ranks (8 ranks + 1 Intelligence bonus per level= 36)
Acrobatics +11 (4 ranks + 4 Dex + 3 Class)
Bluff +8 (3 ranks + 2 Cha + 3 Class)
Climb +4 (1 rank + 0 Str + 3 Class)
Diplomacy +8 (2 ranks + 2 Cha + 3 Class + 1 Trait)
Disable Device +13/+15* (4 ranks + 4 Dex + 3 Class + 2 Trapfinding + 2 Tools)
*As to traps.
Escape Artist +9 (2 ranks+ 4 Dex +3 Class)
Know. (Local) +9 (4ranks +1 Int + 3 Class +1 Trait)
Perception +10/+12* (4 ranks + 1 Wis +3 Class + 2 Racial + 2 Trapfinding)
*At to traps.
Sense Motive +6 (2 ranks + 1 Wis + 3 Class)
Sleight of Hand +9 (2 ranks + 4 Dex + 3 Class)
Stealth +13 (4 ranks + 4 Dex + 3 Class + 2 Racial)
UMD +9 (4 ranks + 2 Cha + 3 Class)

*Reactionary: +2 to Initiative checks.
*Friends in Every Town: +1 to Know. Local and +1 to Diplomacy.
*Missing Nephew: +1 to Will saves.

Unchained Rogue Class
*Finesse Training: Gain Weapon Finess as a bonus feat at 1st level. At 3rd level, chose rapiers to add Dex bonus to damage.
*Sneak Attack +2d6
*Trapfinding: Add 1/2 level (minimum +1 ) to Perception and Disable Device checks as to traps.
*Rogue Talent:
1. Minor Magic: Acid Splash 1/day.
2. Major Magic: Vanish.
*Danger Sense: +1 on AC vs traps, +1 on Reflex saves to avoid traps, and +1 on Perception to avoid being surprised by a foe.

Racial Characteristics:
*+2 Dex and Cha, -2 Wis
*30' movement
*Cat's Luck: 1/day before rolling a Reflex save, you can roll twice and take the better roll.
*Natural Hunter: +2 on Perception, Stealth and Survival.
*Sprinter: add 10' racial bonus to a charge, run or withdraw action.
*Low Light Vision.

Languages Common, Catfolk, Elven.

Wealth 267.2 gold


+1 Cold Iron Rapier, 2340 gold
Cloak of Resistance +1, 1000 gold
Dusty Rose Prism (cracked) Ioun stone, 500 gold — +1 to Initiative
CLW potions (x3), 150 gold
Masterwork Dagger, 302 gold
Sleeves of Many Garments, 200 gold
Potion of Invisibility, 300 gold
Potion of Cat’s Grace, 300 gold
Potion of Spider Climb, 300 gold
Oil of Bless Weapon, 100 gold
Oil of Magic Weapon, 50 gold
Daggers, (x3), 6 gold.
Silver dagger, 4 gold.
Studded Leather Armor, 25 gold (spell failure chance 15%)

Backpack, 2 gp.
Waterskin, 1 gp.
Belt Pouch, 1 gp.
3 day's rations, 1.5 gp.
Oil flask, 1 sp.
5 tindertwigs, 5 gp.
Flask of Acid, 20 gold
Holy Water, 25 gold
Torch (x5), 5 copper
Sunrods (x2), 4 gold
Masterwork Thieves’ tools, 100 gold

Appearance:[spoiler]Breeze is a small grey and black striped Catfolk. She's a cute little thing, with eyes that are larger than what seems normal for her head. She keeps her fur groomed fastidiously. She has a nervous tic of licking the black of her wrists, and top of her head and ears while seemingly not noticing. When she's happy, she has an audible purr, which of course she keeps to herself when sneaking around. She wears dark blacks and greys, to blend in with her fur and the darkness/shadows.

BackstoryBreeze wasn’t born in Korvosa, but from an early age she always wanted to relocate there. She spent her entire savings and hopped a caravan to the city. Her original plan was to get into the Acadame, as she has a bit of latent magical talent. She was never accepted to the school however, so she did what she needed to survive in the city. Like a lot of the ruffians in the town, she fell in with Lamm and his ‘children.’ She hated the man, but had to admit that he taught her a great deal and developed her other talents, that for thievery.

She eventually went her own way, not being able to take the beatings that accompanied his lessons any longer. The trouble began when she received a missive that one of her relatives was also heading to the city to seek out his fortune. She waited and waited on her nephew but he never arrived , much to her dismay. That happens about three months ago, and she’s searched the city to her best ability with no answers.

During that time, Breeze heard that a group had shut down Lamm’s operations and put him down for good. That certainly didn’t hurt her feelings. Perhaps she could locate this group and get them to help her search for her nephew. She had accumulated a quite a stash of gold to help sweeten the package.