Variel's WotR

Game Master Neltji

From Level 1 to Level 20. Good luck heroes you might need it.

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combat map

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Sovereign Court

Angelkin Aasimar - (Status: Normal) SS 12/G 5 | HP:30/136 (-1wis drain) | AC: 32(33) [39] | CMD: 31 | F:16/R:13/W:13 MP:8/13 (RadMP:2/2) Aura 20ft DC:19 to Teleport

Let's use the wand

Cleric of Sarenrae 15 [ HP 121/121 (0 NL)| AC 28 T 17 FF 24| F12 R11 W16 +2 vs Death Effects| CMD 29| Init +11| Perc +7, Darkvision 60' | 8/8 Channel 8d6 DC 22 | Restorative Touch 7/7| Hierophant MR7| MP 17/17 Surge +1d10 | Staff of Healing 4 chg | Effect: ]

CLW Wand on Sir Garith: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
CLW Wand on Sir Garith: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

CLW Wand on Maelchar: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
CLW Wand on Maelchar: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
CLW Wand on Maelchar: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
CLW Wand on Maelchar: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
CLW Wand on Maelchar: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

CLW Wand on Narisa: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
CLW Wand on Narisa: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

Nine charges scratched off; down to 11 left.

After healing up from the wand to conserve Nasira's abilities and Garith's LoHs the group retraces their steps with a sense of accomplishment. Not only do they feel that they disbanded the swarms that plagued the path forward but also closed up a rift in the fabric of planar boundaries and prevented more demons from finding egress into the material plane.

Climbing out of the hole in the hole in the ground is easy enough with the use of the levitate ability and the rope from earlier. Looking around you can see that the swarms have indeed left the area and traveled to unknown areas. Traipsing back to the army you see ahead of you signs that some swarms must have passed this way though as some soldiers appear wounded and their horses a bit panic stricken.

1d6 ⇒ 1 damage to the army

The amount of damage those was minimal to what it could have been and the army weathered the swarms quite well. Indeed a good nights sleep would take care of the damage quite easily. However night fall was not for some hours still and there were miles to travel to reach your destination.

relationship with party: indifferent

Upon seeing you return Aron rides forward. You can see him approach you and with a smile on his face he announces, Well done. I don't know what you did or how you did it but the swarms all dispersed about 45 minutes ago. It was quite a sight to see. 1 of the swarms came flying through the army but did not stop long as Aravashinal was able to do some damage to it. It left as quickly as it came.

Even better news is that while you were gone I climbed up the ravine to get a good look at our position and layout. It seems that the landscape had changed since the last map I saw and it is to our advantage. We are closer to Drezen than I thought. We can be there in a few short hours. The river bed should start to rise noticeable in about 2 hours time. That is the sign that we are very near our destination.

Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer)-9 (Mythic Archmage 2)(Current HP 54/62)

"It was not easy, and I'm no tale teller. The army seems surprisingly well considering, they're to be commended for weathering things so well in fact," Pakak greets Aron, "Good scouting. I'd like time to replinish spells if we could get it."

hp 99/101, AC 24 12 23 (21 T12 FF20) , bab +6/+1, melee +9, missile +7, cmb 9, cmd 21, F 12, R 11, W 14 +3 vs mind affect, init +3, MP 8/9 weapon 7/7 angel blooded Aasimar oracle metal 7/mystery cultist 2/mythic 3
Acrobatics -2 bluff 7 craft: weapons 5 diplomacy 16+2 disable 5, heal 5, intimidate 15, know history 6, know planes 9, know religion 11, linguistics 7, perception 13+1 sense motive 9, spellcraft 5, stealth -2, swim 0

"Thank you for the healing, Nasira... We might need to get a new wand soon if this sort of thing keeps up. Like master Pakak, I wouldn't mind resting and regaining abilities, but I fear we might not have time."

Current Status:
AC: 28 (T21/F26) || HP: 37/102 || Mythic left: 6/11 || WW Legendary Power left: 1/2 || Perfect Strike left 3/7 || Ki left: 8/10 || Effects: Mage Armor (w/ Arcane Endurance and Wild Arcana) + Barkskin + Div Favor
Male Garuda-Blooded Aasimar (Plumekith) || HP: 102/102 (Normal: 102) || Init: +13x2 || Ki Pool: 10 || Mythic: 11 || Perfect Strike: 7
Stealth +16 || Per: +21 (+22 vs. Traps / +23 vs. Evil Outsiders) || AC 26, T21, FF 24 || Fort +14, Ref +13, Will +18

"Thank you for bestowing your healing blessings upon us" - the monk bows before Nasira - "We would not have a chance to press on as we did were it not for your divine power"


At Aron's information, the monk moves closer - "Thank you for the intel friend Aron - it is a comforting feeling to know that the army is well in hand whenever we are away, or if we should fall" - he smiles - "Perhaps you could take me to that vantage point while the army prepares to proceed on? Unless it is too far away?"

Cleric of Sarenrae 15 [ HP 121/121 (0 NL)| AC 28 T 17 FF 24| F12 R11 W16 +2 vs Death Effects| CMD 29| Init +11| Perc +7, Darkvision 60' | 8/8 Channel 8d6 DC 22 | Restorative Touch 7/7| Hierophant MR7| MP 17/17 Surge +1d10 | Staff of Healing 4 chg | Effect: ]

Nasira blushes, visible through her dusky skin, and bows in return. "With the swarms, we had so little useful to fight them, I feared it was my last day to share my goddess' blessings. I am glad I served her - and my friends - well."

She gathers up her armor after returning to the camp and puts it back on while the others are learning what happened while they were in the demon swarms' lair.

relationship with party: indifferent

I am sure that once you tell your tale to Nurah that she could spin a glorious yarn about what you accomplished. All she would need is the facts and let her do the embellishment good Pakak. As for rest Maelchar, that is up to you but it is only slightly after noon. Food and fresh horses though are available to you should you want them. The army has been fed and is ready to go. Irabeth has them ready to march out at your command but should you wish to camp here then she can have them start to set up the tents.

Turning to Zeriax, The prominence is just a hundred feet up ahead tht you passed. There was an area among the rubble that I was able to climb. If just the 2 of us go then we could bring extra horses and we won't slow the rest down. If they are camping for the day then we can take our time.

Cleric of Sarenrae 15 [ HP 121/121 (0 NL)| AC 28 T 17 FF 24| F12 R11 W16 +2 vs Death Effects| CMD 29| Init +11| Perc +7, Darkvision 60' | 8/8 Channel 8d6 DC 22 | Restorative Touch 7/7| Hierophant MR7| MP 17/17 Surge +1d10 | Staff of Healing 4 chg | Effect: ]

Now armored once again, Nasira seeks out an armorer with the army and shows them what remains of her crossbow. "I do not know if there is anything salvageable left here, but you are welcome to anything you can use for repairs. Do you have one I might use as a replacement?"

Coming in late, I don't really know much about how the army works, but I think Nasira is similarly naive, so this seems reasonable.

Sovereign Court

Angelkin Aasimar - (Status: Normal) SS 12/G 5 | HP:30/136 (-1wis drain) | AC: 32(33) [39] | CMD: 31 | F:16/R:13/W:13 MP:8/13 (RadMP:2/2) Aura 20ft DC:19 to Teleport

While the battles were . . . harrowing I fear that it may be imprudent to further tempt fate and dally here in the wretched land. I believe that advancing would be the most prudent decision, and that pressing on toward the city to begin out siege on this day would minimize chance for further casualties and sabatoge Garith suggests, ready to move out. But if the others are too spent and we have to camp, then so be it.

hp 99/101, AC 24 12 23 (21 T12 FF20) , bab +6/+1, melee +9, missile +7, cmb 9, cmd 21, F 12, R 11, W 14 +3 vs mind affect, init +3, MP 8/9 weapon 7/7 angel blooded Aasimar oracle metal 7/mystery cultist 2/mythic 3
Acrobatics -2 bluff 7 craft: weapons 5 diplomacy 16+2 disable 5, heal 5, intimidate 15, know history 6, know planes 9, know religion 11, linguistics 7, perception 13+1 sense motive 9, spellcraft 5, stealth -2, swim 0

"I do need rest, but I will manage.. I'm not totally spent. Let's press on then."

Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer)-9 (Mythic Archmage 2)(Current HP 54/62)

"If you wish, Garith," He says.

I have fast learning so I can learn spells in 15 minutes, but I think I still need the rest to use it. Ah well

Current Status:
AC: 28 (T21/F26) || HP: 37/102 || Mythic left: 6/11 || WW Legendary Power left: 1/2 || Perfect Strike left 3/7 || Ki left: 8/10 || Effects: Mage Armor (w/ Arcane Endurance and Wild Arcana) + Barkskin + Div Favor
Male Garuda-Blooded Aasimar (Plumekith) || HP: 102/102 (Normal: 102) || Init: +13x2 || Ki Pool: 10 || Mythic: 11 || Perfect Strike: 7
Stealth +16 || Per: +21 (+22 vs. Traps / +23 vs. Evil Outsiders) || AC 26, T21, FF 24 || Fort +14, Ref +13, Will +18

"I do not require rest myself, but will defer to your decision" - Zeriax comments to his companions - "I will be scouting ahead with Aron" - he turns to the scout.

Guys, I'm just 'kind of' a caster - so I really won't cast a vote on whether to proceed or not.

Cleric of Sarenrae 15 [ HP 121/121 (0 NL)| AC 28 T 17 FF 24| F12 R11 W16 +2 vs Death Effects| CMD 29| Init +11| Perc +7, Darkvision 60' | 8/8 Channel 8d6 DC 22 | Restorative Touch 7/7| Hierophant MR7| MP 17/17 Surge +1d10 | Staff of Healing 4 chg | Effect: ]

"Yes, let's continue. My remaining healing is limited, but that should not stop us."

Drezen overview map. Army is coming from the east in the shallow riverbed.

The riverbed rises at a noticeable slope for the last few miles, rising up out of the Ahari gorge, and a stink of smoke and grime can be detected on the wind—a telltale sign of a city fallen to filth and horror. Even the sight of the location where countless atrocities that must have been committed here can not quell the hopeful spirit of the army as they seek to reclaim what was once a mighty hold by the crusaders.

know history DC 15:

Founded in 4628 ar by the crusaders to establish a
lasting foothold in demon-controlled territory, the warhardened
city of Drezen was engineered by talented
dwarven crusaders. These dwarves carved the central
citadel from a massive, granite plateau, using a style
reminiscent of their ancient Sky Citadels, but the city fell
before many upper stories or lower levels could be added.
As work on Citadel Drezen commenced, greater numbers
of stonemasons and architects toiled on the surrounding
lands, and it didn’t take long before the city could house
tens of thousands of crusaders and the many artisans,
laborers, and other supporters of the war effort. River
traffic and supply lines from Mendev continued to bring
a steady influx of soldiers, even as two massive cemeteries
were established to bury those they replaced.

hp 99/101, AC 24 12 23 (21 T12 FF20) , bab +6/+1, melee +9, missile +7, cmb 9, cmd 21, F 12, R 11, W 14 +3 vs mind affect, init +3, MP 8/9 weapon 7/7 angel blooded Aasimar oracle metal 7/mystery cultist 2/mythic 3
Acrobatics -2 bluff 7 craft: weapons 5 diplomacy 16+2 disable 5, heal 5, intimidate 15, know history 6, know planes 9, know religion 11, linguistics 7, perception 13+1 sense motive 9, spellcraft 5, stealth -2, swim 0

know history: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

Maelchar passes on what he knows to all who will listen (read spoiler).

Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer)-9 (Mythic Archmage 2)(Current HP 54/62)

The mention of the sky citadels inspiring the build has Pakak look wistful, "It must have once been grand, so very grand."

I saw a picture once of it in its prime. It was indeed the pride and hope of the area. So much the worse for us when it fell. I never thought I would see this day when we tried to take it back. Yet how are we to proceed? 1 army against an entire city. None of my spells are strong enough to scry or obtain enough information to help us.

Sovereign Court

Angelkin Aasimar - (Status: Normal) SS 12/G 5 | HP:30/136 (-1wis drain) | AC: 32(33) [39] | CMD: 31 | F:16/R:13/W:13 MP:8/13 (RadMP:2/2) Aura 20ft DC:19 to Teleport

The most difficult area to attack would likely be the fortress itself, but that does not mean that there will not be resistance within the city proper. We may want to take each area within and ensure that there are not enemies waiting to trap us. If we move north and take Paradise Hill it may serve as a good staging ground from which we can take the South Bank. But we shoudl attmept to get some sort of intelligence before we commit our forces, and get the lay of the land here.

Zeriax, would you wish to take a small contingent to attempt to gather some amount of information?

Would the forces within Drezen know of our coming and easily have seen our army approach? I don't know what cover the terrain could give and if there is any element of surprise that we may command?

relationship with party: helpful

If you want, I could accompany him or scout on my own as well. You have seen that I am quite capable and I feel like I haven't done much for the army lately. That way Zeriax and I could either split up the locations to get back sooner or double up to make sure we don't miss anything.

GArith you do not see any armies arrayed out before you in a battle formation. However that is not to say that they do not know you are there. It could be they know and are just waiting behind defenses and don't want to leave them.

Current Status:
AC: 28 (T21/F26) || HP: 37/102 || Mythic left: 6/11 || WW Legendary Power left: 1/2 || Perfect Strike left 3/7 || Ki left: 8/10 || Effects: Mage Armor (w/ Arcane Endurance and Wild Arcana) + Barkskin + Div Favor
Male Garuda-Blooded Aasimar (Plumekith) || HP: 102/102 (Normal: 102) || Init: +13x2 || Ki Pool: 10 || Mythic: 11 || Perfect Strike: 7
Stealth +16 || Per: +21 (+22 vs. Traps / +23 vs. Evil Outsiders) || AC 26, T21, FF 24 || Fort +14, Ref +13, Will +18

"Agreed" - Zeriax nods at Garith's suggestion - "I believe me, Aron and Anevia can scout the area - we will sweep the whole area south of the river, right to left, and try to check both bridges also" - he nods.


Stealth: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27
Perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22

Sovereign Court

Angelkin Aasimar - (Status: Normal) SS 12/G 5 | HP:30/136 (-1wis drain) | AC: 32(33) [39] | CMD: 31 | F:16/R:13/W:13 MP:8/13 (RadMP:2/2) Aura 20ft DC:19 to Teleport

Perhaps North first? They was there is less chance that you get cut off, and we can attempt to fortify our position somewhat, them move down to the South Bank? Unless you want to start in the south when the enemy may not be aware of our presence?

relationship with party: indifferent

I can take Reiko with me to the north while Zeriax and Anevia go to the south.

Current Status:
AC: 28 (T21/F26) || HP: 37/102 || Mythic left: 6/11 || WW Legendary Power left: 1/2 || Perfect Strike left 3/7 || Ki left: 8/10 || Effects: Mage Armor (w/ Arcane Endurance and Wild Arcana) + Barkskin + Div Favor
Male Garuda-Blooded Aasimar (Plumekith) || HP: 102/102 (Normal: 102) || Init: +13x2 || Ki Pool: 10 || Mythic: 11 || Perfect Strike: 7
Stealth +16 || Per: +21 (+22 vs. Traps / +23 vs. Evil Outsiders) || AC 26, T21, FF 24 || Fort +14, Ref +13, Will +18

"Agreed then" - Zeriax acquiesces, getting ready to move off.

Plan is scouting Paradise Hill carefully, then skirting Citadel Drezen by the North side until reaching the Northbank.

Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer)-9 (Mythic Archmage 2)(Current HP 54/62)

Pakak nods, and silently wishes the scouts well

Zeriax and Anevia start off to find out what they can of the city and the forces arrayed against them. The plan was for them to take north of the river bed while Aron and Reiko take the southern half.

1d6 ⇒ 2 hours for Zeriax and Anevia
1d6 ⇒ 1 hours for Aron and Reiko.

Taking their time to use their skills Zeriax and Anevia are able to scout out 3 of the locations with some degree of success. The close proximity of the citadel prevents them from getting to the northbank for close inspection.

Paradise Hill:

Paradise Hill: A large amount of schir demons hold Paradise Hill, once a district of warehouses and food stores that sat atop the high ground east of the citadel. It appears the demons are now using the area as a prison for captured crusaders—rescuing them could provide reinforcements for the army.

Ahari Bridge*:

Ahari Bridge: While the rivers of Drezen are dry, their beds and the steep angled gulches still present a difficulty for mounted paladins to navigate. One bridge is destroyed—securing the remaining bridge will help the army’s mobility when the time comes to attack the citadel.

Watch Towers*:

Drezen Watchtowers: Citadel Drezen is surrounded by a wall and seven watchtowers. Each watchtower seems to be guarded by a few figures, and each is armed with a large catapult. Disabling as many of these catapults as possible will make the siege more effective.

Reiko and Aron move as well out into the city. There are not as many forces in their way and they are able to make it all the way along the southern edge of the city scouting as they go.


Southbank: A large number of tieflings and human cultists alike are camped in Drezen’s southern district, and they’re guarding a large amount of what appears to be captured crusader gear. Not only will defeating these cultists decrease the city’s defenses, but the gear could augment the resources of the PCs’ army.

Drezen Cemetary:

Drezen Cemetery: The scouts report sightings of large numbers of undead lurking in Drezen’s cemetery, particularly ghouls. Until these undead are wiped out, they’ll continue to be a dangerous element.

Haunted Vault*:

Haunted Vault: The largest vault in the cemetery seems to be surrounded by eerie shadows, as if some vile magic were at work within—the vault should be investigated.

It is now late afternoon with about 2-3 hours of light left. It might be possible to stage an assault with the army still but that is still questionable.

* locations are for the PC's to deal with while the army is at another location. This is where Garith will decide if he joins and leads the army or helps the group. Certain areas are increased already with having 5 in the group. I am not changing the encounter level at all depending on his choice. So you may have an encounter built for 5 with only 4 of you. likewise an encounter built for 4 could be done with 5 pcs. The same holds true a bit for the armies. Evil of me I know.

Sovereign Court

Angelkin Aasimar - (Status: Normal) SS 12/G 5 | HP:30/136 (-1wis drain) | AC: 32(33) [39] | CMD: 31 | F:16/R:13/W:13 MP:8/13 (RadMP:2/2) Aura 20ft DC:19 to Teleport

A few questions questions:
Do I decide on a case by case basis wether to not to join the party or the army for each encounter?
- and is there a way to get any further clues as to wether or not the army or party will need my involvement more?
Does the city look like it's save to camp in, if we secure an area?

With the reports from our valiant scouts arriving, Garith's mind is awash with tactical decisions to make. With the party and councilors, Garith discusses tactics, My concern right now is that Paradise Hill is defended by Schir Demons. It seems the most reasonable to assault first, but that attack would likely go far better were we to acquire the resources held in South-Bank. But attacking South Bank with the Schir to the north of us and Ghouls to the west seems foolhardy

As I see it, there are two plans that make sense right now. Either I lead the army and take Paradise hill, while the rest of you claim the Ahari Bridge. Then with, hopefully, fresh fighters, the army can move into the South District while we as a party disable as many watch-towers as possible, Garith suggests, essentially drawing a line from the hill through the city. Or perhaps we could send the army south first so that they can gear up, then charge north and take the Hill. . . I am not certain where I should be for these missions, Garith admits.

I think I'd like to lead the fight against the Schir Demons, that sounds like it'll be particularly nasty and being able to add 2 to the DV or the army should be valuable, but It would also be nice to have a more Gear-ed up group for that fight. Problem with that is that we'd potentially be hitting the bridge and towers in a wonky order, cause it seems like the towers is something I'd like to have Garith there for... unless the bridge will be harder. . . I really don't know =/

Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer)-9 (Mythic Archmage 2)(Current HP 54/62)

Pakak takes the scouting time to rest. Those that know him know this is an attempt to aid in his recovery of spells later with greater ease.
Not sure if that would be time to recover spells, but I do have that feat that lets me do the actual studying in 15 minutes so I'm seeing if I can weasel in those new 4th level spells and such

When the reports arrive hours later and he is woken or stirred from his Study, Pakak considers Garith's comments "Do we know how 'fresh' the prisoners will be? If tortured, they maybe in no condition to fight by your side."

Yes PAkak those that are not part of the scouting expedition can gain the spells for 7th level. They do not gain the spells/abilites that were used earlier today. Then again since it is getting late you may decide to just spend the night and start fresh in the morning.

Cleric of Sarenrae 15 [ HP 121/121 (0 NL)| AC 28 T 17 FF 24| F12 R11 W16 +2 vs Death Effects| CMD 29| Init +11| Perc +7, Darkvision 60' | 8/8 Channel 8d6 DC 22 | Restorative Touch 7/7| Hierophant MR7| MP 17/17 Surge +1d10 | Staff of Healing 4 chg | Effect: ]

"Dangerous to camp so close, but starting a battle with those that see in the dark so close to evening might be worse. We might do better to rest with increased pickets this evening and start refreshed tomorrow. I know that my effectiveness will be limited until I commune with the goddess once more. I feel as though my ties to her grow stronger each day, but I am spent today."

She will spend the time while the scouts are at work working with the healers for any men or mounts that require attention. She will reserve her remaining healing unless there's an individual that truly needs it. She cannot regain spells until the dawn.

Current Status:
AC: 28 (T21/F26) || HP: 37/102 || Mythic left: 6/11 || WW Legendary Power left: 1/2 || Perfect Strike left 3/7 || Ki left: 8/10 || Effects: Mage Armor (w/ Arcane Endurance and Wild Arcana) + Barkskin + Div Favor
Male Garuda-Blooded Aasimar (Plumekith) || HP: 102/102 (Normal: 102) || Init: +13x2 || Ki Pool: 10 || Mythic: 11 || Perfect Strike: 7
Stealth +16 || Per: +21 (+22 vs. Traps / +23 vs. Evil Outsiders) || AC 26, T21, FF 24 || Fort +14, Ref +13, Will +18

"I agree with Nasira - we should spend the night with the lowest possible profile, and guarantee we are not spotted. If we are, those that detect us must be disabled quickly" - Zeriax adds.

"I think attacking Paradise Hill and the Ahari Bridge simultaneously would stretch us too thin to be safe, if a force comes from the Citadel we risk being cutoff" - he adds - "I would focus on PAradise Hill for the added strength it can provide us, and while the army makes sure to defend it, we can launch a covert attack on the watch towers"

Cleric of Sarenrae 15 [ HP 121/121 (0 NL)| AC 28 T 17 FF 24| F12 R11 W16 +2 vs Death Effects| CMD 29| Init +11| Perc +7, Darkvision 60' | 8/8 Channel 8d6 DC 22 | Restorative Touch 7/7| Hierophant MR7| MP 17/17 Surge +1d10 | Staff of Healing 4 chg | Effect: ]

"It would appear that the captured soldiers might be equipped using the gear held on the south side of the river for the assault on the Citadel. I am no tactician, so I don't know the difficulty of accomplishing either victory, but it seems a reasonable goal."

In response to Sir Garith's question, Narisa can now prepare divination once a day for a percentage change of determining weal or woe from an action taken in the next week. Similar to augury, but more powerful. Augury won't help because the action has to be in the next 30 minutes.

Deciding to rest and recoup and keep the army fresh the orders are given to move back slightly and for pickets to be doubled and the rest of the army to camp for the night. The army agrees and follows the orders with alacrity for on the morrow the siege of Drezen was to begin in earnest. Should they succeed they will have accomplished more than the entire 4th Crusade.


You talked about trapping the healing potions with an alarm spell. During the night you are awoken by the mental pinging indicating that the spell has been triggered. Knowing where the crates are located you figure you would have time to gather 1 person with you before you are too late to catch the creature responsible.

Yet as the night passes it is broken up by screams or pain and horror. Some of the paladins seem to be fighting themselves in their sleep as visions of monsters are attacking. You do not see any monsters but the damage the few paladins are doing to themselves and others as they swing their weapons is telling. Suddenly as if waking from a dream they stop and realize what they were doing.

The damage they dealt was equivalent of 2 hp to the army.

strategy: aggressive (+2 OM, -2 DV, +3 damage) 30 stores and 16 goods tactics:: spell breaker (?OM; +4DV) defensive tactics boon paladin lvl 5 army hp:15/16; DV:16; OM:+8 (ranged); morale: +5

Just a status update with the army.

Sovereign Court

Angelkin Aasimar - (Status: Normal) SS 12/G 5 | HP:30/136 (-1wis drain) | AC: 32(33) [39] | CMD: 31 | F:16/R:13/W:13 MP:8/13 (RadMP:2/2) Aura 20ft DC:19 to Teleport

Is there anything I can do to heal the army? Sinc were resting?
Zeriax, L was under the impression that he missions with the asterisk are in s for the party. To do that run concurrently while mass combat is happening
Really hectic week, sorry for being afk...

Current Status:
AC: 28 (T21/F26) || HP: 37/102 || Mythic left: 6/11 || WW Legendary Power left: 1/2 || Perfect Strike left 3/7 || Ki left: 8/10 || Effects: Mage Armor (w/ Arcane Endurance and Wild Arcana) + Barkskin + Div Favor
Male Garuda-Blooded Aasimar (Plumekith) || HP: 102/102 (Normal: 102) || Init: +13x2 || Ki Pool: 10 || Mythic: 11 || Perfect Strike: 7
Stealth +16 || Per: +21 (+22 vs. Traps / +23 vs. Evil Outsiders) || AC 26, T21, FF 24 || Fort +14, Ref +13, Will +18

Sorry for the delay, busy week's end with training at work, and a tooth ache from Hell...


Standing up immediately from the warning alarm, Zeriax rushes through camp, stopping only to rouse Garith - "Someone is tampering with the healing potions - Come!"

I will go for the Commander ;)

Garith and Zeriax:

During the night when the paladins are fighting off the monsters in their sleep Garith is roused by Zeriax with a quick shake. See spoiler above. Moving quickly you reach the crates to find that 1 of them has been pried open in one corner. As you watch from behind one of the tents you see a potion being lifted as if by unseen hands, opened and its contents dumped out on the ground. The empty vial is then returned to the crate and another potion is removed again.

I forgot to mention it but you would have had to use a mythic point to cast the alarm spell so you will be 1 short of max the next day. Well worth it though if you finally figure this out.

Sovereign Court

Angelkin Aasimar - (Status: Normal) SS 12/G 5 | HP:30/136 (-1wis drain) | AC: 32(33) [39] | CMD: 31 | F:16/R:13/W:13 MP:8/13 (RadMP:2/2) Aura 20ft DC:19 to Teleport

Upon being alerted, Garith rises, and then grows, tapping into his Aasimar heritage. He rushes along with Zeriax, taking a moment to grab a bag of flower and passes one to Zeriax. Flowering the floor will reveal the saboteur as he walks to escape Garith says, ripping open his bag, coating the floor behind him as he rushes the tent, covering the threshold.

Seeing the potions being thrown out, Garith glances at Zeriax and rushes the Invisible man saying Take him.
50% miss: 1d100 ⇒ 97
Grapple: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22

Current Status:
AC: 28 (T21/F26) || HP: 37/102 || Mythic left: 6/11 || WW Legendary Power left: 1/2 || Perfect Strike left 3/7 || Ki left: 8/10 || Effects: Mage Armor (w/ Arcane Endurance and Wild Arcana) + Barkskin + Div Favor
Male Garuda-Blooded Aasimar (Plumekith) || HP: 102/102 (Normal: 102) || Init: +13x2 || Ki Pool: 10 || Mythic: 11 || Perfect Strike: 7
Stealth +16 || Per: +21 (+22 vs. Traps / +23 vs. Evil Outsiders) || AC 26, T21, FF 24 || Fort +14, Ref +13, Will +18

Garith and Variel:

See Invisibility is Zeriax's spell like ability, so I will use it now, and describe to Garith what he is seeing.

Deal on the MP Variel ;)

Zeriax invokes his natural born powers, to allow his vision to slide onto a different spectrum and pinpoint the invisible one clearly acting against the army.

The next actions may depend on who exactly is doing this, but:

Interested in capturing the traitor, Zeriax does not use his bow, instead attempting to flank him/her with Garith, and grapple their opponent.

Grapple: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 6 + 2 = 26

In case I need an Acrobatics to move closer without taking an AoO (I don't think I do unless our adversary is armed?)

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26

I may not attempt the grapple if we are fighting a demon or something like that :D

Sovereign Court

Angelkin Aasimar - (Status: Normal) SS 12/G 5 | HP:30/136 (-1wis drain) | AC: 32(33) [39] | CMD: 31 | F:16/R:13/W:13 MP:8/13 (RadMP:2/2) Aura 20ft DC:19 to Teleport

Garith and Zeriax:

I'd like to place a momentary hold on garith's action until Zeriax tells him what the enemy appears to be, then charges in valiantly!

Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer)-9 (Mythic Archmage 2)(Current HP 54/62)

Pakak rushes about after the others, slower to move thanks to his short legs, "Glitterdust, I can cast it, but I need your idea of where so I don't hit allies."

Switching this out of spoilers for now so everyone can enjoy...

Init with Garith and Zeriax having surprise round
Garith 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Zeriax 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

??? 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Zeriax activates his racial heritage to allow him to see the unseen. As he does so his breath catches in his lungs as he recognizes who is at the crates. Pointing to Garith exactly where to go all that escapes his lips is Nurah!?!

Garith wastes no time as he hurries over and lunges at the corner of the crate. He feels the contact of the creature as he wraps his arms around it. It feels like a small creature which dimly registers as corresponding to what Zeriax told him.

Good guys up again since the surprise round is over.

Sovereign Court

Angelkin Aasimar - (Status: Normal) SS 12/G 5 | HP:30/136 (-1wis drain) | AC: 32(33) [39] | CMD: 31 | F:16/R:13/W:13 MP:8/13 (RadMP:2/2) Aura 20ft DC:19 to Teleport

Taking hold of the small female, Garith imediately goes for the Pin, relying partially on his greater size to his advantage.
Grapple: 1d20 + 11 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 11 + 5 = 26
Goes for the Pin to lock her down.

Zeriax, to me Garith says.
Mechanically, to assist with grappling It looks like you can either Aid Another to boost the grappler's CMD as bonuses to AC also apply to CMD...
get up close and ready an action to grapple if she escapes. He also will get an AoO if she flees.

Current Status:
AC: 28 (T21/F26) || HP: 37/102 || Mythic left: 6/11 || WW Legendary Power left: 1/2 || Perfect Strike left 3/7 || Ki left: 8/10 || Effects: Mage Armor (w/ Arcane Endurance and Wild Arcana) + Barkskin + Div Favor
Male Garuda-Blooded Aasimar (Plumekith) || HP: 102/102 (Normal: 102) || Init: +13x2 || Ki Pool: 10 || Mythic: 11 || Perfect Strike: 7
Stealth +16 || Per: +21 (+22 vs. Traps / +23 vs. Evil Outsiders) || AC 26, T21, FF 24 || Fort +14, Ref +13, Will +18

Variel, can I keep my action, or should I roll again?

"Why?" - the monk whispers.

I know why though - we completely neglected her :/

Party relationship: indifferent

Zeriax, since it was surprise round I had you activate your see invisibility ability. If you keep the action you can use it as an aid for Garith effectively meaning that Nurah can not escape with her paltry +3 CMB

Zeriax and grabs Nurah's left hand holding it in place allowing Garith to pin the other one back. Held motionless and unable to break free Nurah just glares at Zeriax first then Garith.

Ad lib a moment...

Zeriax lets go from Nurah and grabs a line nearby. Quickly tying her up she struggles quickly but to no avail. All anyone else could can see is the ropes twitching this way and that. Nurah refuses to answer you while struggling but once she knows she can't escape she hangs her head and quits moving.

Rounds are over and the invisibility spell will soon where off so if you want others to join in that is your prerogative. Plus that way others can hear and question as well. Nice job on the grapple option both of you.

Sovereign Court

Angelkin Aasimar - (Status: Normal) SS 12/G 5 | HP:30/136 (-1wis drain) | AC: 32(33) [39] | CMD: 31 | F:16/R:13/W:13 MP:8/13 (RadMP:2/2) Aura 20ft DC:19 to Teleport

Garith glares at Nurah. Zeriax, watch her. I'll get the others. the paladin says, icy glare not moving from Nurah. Without another word he storms out and gets his party and advisors.

His voice is hard as he explains the situation to them quietly, ordering any that seem to listen to closely to move on.

Helgash should take lessons ;]

hp 99/101, AC 24 12 23 (21 T12 FF20) , bab +6/+1, melee +9, missile +7, cmb 9, cmd 21, F 12, R 11, W 14 +3 vs mind affect, init +3, MP 8/9 weapon 7/7 angel blooded Aasimar oracle metal 7/mystery cultist 2/mythic 3
Acrobatics -2 bluff 7 craft: weapons 5 diplomacy 16+2 disable 5, heal 5, intimidate 15, know history 6, know planes 9, know religion 11, linguistics 7, perception 13+1 sense motive 9, spellcraft 5, stealth -2, swim 0

Maelchar leaps out of bed and hurries to Zeriax's side. Seeing him wrestling with some unseen force, he casts invisibility purge to make sure all can see Nurah, as much as to ensure she was working alone... He doesn't stop to realize he's half naked until after he arrives and the initial adrenaline rush wears off...

Cleric of Sarenrae 15 [ HP 121/121 (0 NL)| AC 28 T 17 FF 24| F12 R11 W16 +2 vs Death Effects| CMD 29| Init +11| Perc +7, Darkvision 60' | 8/8 Channel 8d6 DC 22 | Restorative Touch 7/7| Hierophant MR7| MP 17/17 Surge +1d10 | Staff of Healing 4 chg | Effect: ]

Narisa is much slower than the oracle of metal as she wraps herself in her traditional robes and shows up fully dressed. She offers Maelchar a cloak when he looks down in surprise.

hp 99/101, AC 24 12 23 (21 T12 FF20) , bab +6/+1, melee +9, missile +7, cmb 9, cmd 21, F 12, R 11, W 14 +3 vs mind affect, init +3, MP 8/9 weapon 7/7 angel blooded Aasimar oracle metal 7/mystery cultist 2/mythic 3
Acrobatics -2 bluff 7 craft: weapons 5 diplomacy 16+2 disable 5, heal 5, intimidate 15, know history 6, know planes 9, know religion 11, linguistics 7, perception 13+1 sense motive 9, spellcraft 5, stealth -2, swim 0

With a bit of a chagrined smile, he takes the cloak with a half-bow of thanks and a whispered "My pardon, milady.. thank you."

Wrapping himself in the cloak, he asks Zeriax, "What's going on here? What is Nurah doing among the healing supplies?"

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