About Maelcharracial abilities:
Angel blooded Aasimar +2 str, +2 cha, SLA1x/day Alter Self celestial resistance cold 5, elec 5, acid 5, fire 5 60' darkvision Truespeaker +2 linguistics, +2 sense motive, 2 lang per pt spent in ling. Oracle abilities:
Mystery: Metal Class Skills: An oracle with the metal mystery adds Appraise, Bluff, Disable Device, and Intimidate to her list of class skills. Bonus Spells: lead blades (2nd), heat metal (4th), keen edge (6th), versatile weapon (8th), major creation (metal items only) (10th), wall of iron (12th), statue (metal statue instead of iron) (14th), repel metal or stone (16th), iron body (18th). Oracle's Curse: Haunted orisins Revelation: Iron Weapon (Su): You can create a melee simple or martial weapon that lasts for 1 minute for every oracle level you possess. This weapon is appropriate for your size and entirely made of metal (even if it would normally include non-metal parts, such as a spear’s shaft) but functions as if it were a normal weapon of its type. You are considered proficient with this weapon. The weapon disappears after 1 round if it leaves your grasp. At 3rd level, the blade is made of cold iron. At 7th level, 15th level, and 19th level, the blade gains a +1 enhancement bonus. At 11th level, the blade is made of adamantine. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. (0/7) Revelation: Dance of the Blades (Ex): Your base speed increases by 10 feet. At 7th level, you gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls with a metal weapon in any round in which you move at least 10 feet. This bonus increases by +1 at 11th level, and every four levels thereafter. At 11th level, as a move action, you can maneuver your weapon to create a shield of whirling steel around yourself until the start of your next turn; non-incorporeal melee and ranged attacks against you have a 20% miss chance while the shield is active. You must be wielding a metal weapon to use this ability. Revelation: Skill at Arms (Ex): You gain proficiency in all martial weapons and heavy armor. Mystery Cultist abilities:
Blessed (Ex) Upon a mystery cultist's death, her soul appears in the good Outer Planes. In time, her soul will transform into an agathion, angel, archon, or azata. If the mystery cultist is successfully resurrected, she may immediately gain the answer to any one question as if she had cast contact other plane and reached her empyreal lord patron. The mystery cultist need not succeed at an Intelligence check to avoid a decrease in Intelligence or Charisma. The empyreal lord is treated as an “intermediate deity of the Outer Planes”—treat any “lie” result as “don't know” instead. Obedience (Ex) In order to maintain the abilities granted by this prestige class (including all spellcasting abilities that have been augmented by this prestige class), a mystery cultist must indulge in a daily obedience to her chosen empyreal lord. Glorious Aura (Su) Starting at 2nd level, a mystery cultist can shroud herself in a glorious aura for 1 round per mystery cultist level. These rounds need not be consecutive. Her features radiate with divine beauty, but the force of her presence can be frightening to others. The mystery cultist gains a +4 sacred bonus to her Charisma score and radiates a 10-foot aura of terrible awe. Creatures within the aura must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + the mystery cultist's class level + the mystery cultist's Charisma modifier) or become frightened for 1d4 rounds. Regardless of whether the save is successful, a creature cannot be affected by a mystery cultist's glorious aura more than once in 24 hours. This is a fear effect. base Mythic abilities:
Ability Score: Upon reaching the 2nd mythic tier, an ability score of your choice permanently increases by 2. At 4th, 6th, 8th, and 10th tiers, another ability score of your choice permanently increases by 2; this can be an ability score you've already increased or a different ability score.
Heirophant's Divine Surge:
Inspired Spell (Su): You can expend one use of mythic power to cast any one divine spell, treating your caster level as 2 levels higher. This spell must be on your divine spell list (or your domain or mystery spell list) and must be of a spell level that you can cast using that divine spellcasting class. If you are a spontaneous spellcaster, you don't need to have the spell prepared, nor does it need
Guardian's Call:
Sudden Block (Su): As an immediate action, you can expend one use of mythic power to hinder a melee attack made against you or an adjacent ally. Add your tier to your AC or the ally's AC against this attack. The creature making the attack must make two attack rolls and take the lower result. Once the attack is resolved, you or your ally (your choice) can make one melee attack against the creature. The damage from this attack bypasses all damage reduction. Mythic Paths:
Relentless Healing (Su): You can restore life to the recently dead. If a creature has died within 1 round, as a free action you can expend one use of mythic power to apply healing magic to that creature. This healing can be from a spell or effect you cause or from a magic item you wield. If this healing brings the creature's hit points above the threshold for death, it comes back to life and stabilizes at its new hit point total (similar to the way breath of life functions); otherwise, it remains dead. Alternatively, you can expend two uses of mythic power on a dead creature that would have the ability to magically heal itself if it were alive (such as a dead cleric with a prepared cure light wounds spell) in order to trigger the most powerful healing magic it knows or has prepared. If this brings the creature's hit points above its death threshold, it returns to life. Mythic Sustenance (Su): Your mythic power is enough to sustain you. You no longer need to eat, drink, or breathe to live. You're immune to inhaled poisons and any spell or effect that requires breathing, though you are still affected by any food or drink you intake. Adamantine Mind (Ex): Your mind is as hard as any armor, and is dangerous to engage. You gain a bonus equal to your tier on saving throws against mind-affecting effects. Whenever you succeed at a save against a mind-affecting effect, the creature attacking you with that effect must succeed at a Will save (at the same DC) or be stunned for 1 round. traits:
Eyes and Ears of the City +1 perception and it's a class skill Touched by Divinity: As long as you can remember, you’ve had an unexplainable interest in one deity in particular. One of your parents may have been a priest of this deity, or you may have been an orphan raised by the church, but these alone cannot explain your deep connection to the faith. You’ve always felt calm and at ease in places holy to the deity, and often have dreams about the god or goddess visiting you—most often in the form of a sacred animal or creature. Your faith is strong, even if you don’t happen to be a divine spellcaster—if you are a divine spellcaster, you should be a worshiper of this deity. You begin play with a silver holy symbol of your chosen deity for free. In addition, choose one domain associated with your chosen deity. You gain the use of that domain’s 1st-level domain spell as a spell-like ability usable once per day (CL equals your character level). Associated Mythic Path: Hierophant. spells:
SLA- once per day can cast Protection from Evil 0 - det magic, enhanced diplomacy, stabilize, purify food/drink, spark, create water, mage hand, ghost sound 1 (8/8/day) - CLW, diagnose disease, shield of faith, magic weapon, lead blades, liberating command, Mythic Cure Light Wounds 2 (7/7/day) - CMW, grace, heat metal, levitate, silence, spiritual weapon, weapon of awe, find traps 3 (6/6/day) - CSW, invisibility purge, dispel magic, stone shape, keen edge, channel vigor 4 (4/4/day) - CCW, crusader's edge, dismissal feats:
Angelic Blood +2 saves vs evil spells, +2 to stabilize, bleed causes dmg to evil creatures within 5' Power Attack Benefit: You can choose to take a –1 penalty on all melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +2 bonus on all melee damage rolls. This bonus to damage is increased by half (+50%) if you are making an attack with a two-handed weapon, a one handed weapon using two hands, or a primary natural weapon that adds 1-1/2 times your Strength modifier on damage rolls. This bonus to damage is halved (–50%) if you are making an attack with an off-hand weapon or secondary natural weapon. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every 4 points thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the bonus to damage increases by +2. Furious Focus Benefit: When you are wielding a two-handed weapon or a one-handed weapon with two hands, and using the Power Attack feat, you do not suffer Power Attack’s penalty on melee attack rolls on the first attack you make each turn. You still suffer the penalty on any additional attacks, including attacks of opportunity. Divine Protection Prerequisite(s): Cha 13, Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks, ability to cast 2nd-level divine spells; blessings, domains, or mystery class feature. Benefit: You gain a bonus equal to your Charisma modifier on all saving throws. If your Charisma modifier is already applied as a bonus on all saving throw (such as from the divine grace class feature), you instead gain a +1 bonus on all saving throws. Strike Back (bonus feat per dm, prereq: bab +6) You can strike at foes that attack you using their superior reach, by targeting their limbs or weapons as they come at you. Benefit: You can ready an action to make a melee attack against any foe that attacks you in melee, even if the foe is outside of your reach. Vital Strike When you use the attack action, you can make one attack at your highest base attack bonus that deals additional damage. Roll the weapon’s damage dice for the attack twice and add the results together before adding bonuses from Strength, weapon abilities (such as flaming), precision-based damage, and other damage bonuses. These extra weapon damage dice are not multiplied on a critical hit, but are added to the total. Mythic Feats:
Dual Path Benefit: Select a mythic path other than the path you selected at your moment of ascension. You gain that path's 1st-tier ability (either archmage arcana, champion's strike, divine surge, guardian's call, marshal's order, or trickster attack). Each time you gain a path ability, you can select that path ability from either path's list or the list of universal path abilities. Celestial Obedience Your reverence for an empyreal lord is so great that daily prayer and minor sacrifices grant you special boons. Prerequisites: Knowledge (planes) 3 ranks, must worship an empyreal lord. Benefit: Each empyreal lord requires a different obedience, but all obediences take only 1 hour to perform. Once you've performed the obedience, you gain the benefit of a special ability or resistance as indicated in the “Obedience” entry for the empyreal lord. If you have at least 12 Hit Dice, you also gain the first boon granted by your empyreal lord upon undertaking your obedience. If you have at least 16 Hit Dice, you also gain the empyreal lord's second boon. If you have 20 Hit Dice or more, you also gain the empyreal lord's third boon. Unless a specific duration or number of uses per day is listed, a boon's effects are constant. Mystery cultists gain access to these boons at lower levels as a benefit of their prestige class. If you ever fail to perform a daily obedience, you lose all access to the benefits and boons granted by this feat until you next perform the obedience. attacks:
Braceheart +11/+6 to hit, dmg depends on form glaive 1d10+6, 20/x3 (2h) (2d8+6 w/lead blades) greatsword 2d6+6, 19-20/x2 (2h) (3d6+6 w/ lead blades) bastard sword 1d10+6 19-20/x2 (1 or 2 handed) (2d8+6 w/lead blades) Demonslayer +10/+5 to hit, +12/+7 vs evil outsiders, 1d8+4 (+2d6+2 vs evil outsiders)
Braceheart+ 2 transformative intelligent glaive with the essence of a angel, 1x/day can summon an advanced hound archon Demonslayer +1 Evil Outsider Bane longsword 2x CLW potion CSW potion wand of daylight 24 chgs headband of cha +2 backpack bedroll rope 50' silk flint/steel/tinderbox silver holy symbol of Iomedae belt pouch chain shirt belt of +2 con and tumbling +2 amulet of nat'l armor +2 elven chain AC 6 +2, max dex +4, acp -2, move 40 +2 cloak of resistance dagger +1 morningstar MW light cross, 20 normal bolts, 10 cold iron bolts 3 days of rations lantern, 2 vials of oil Dark Blue Rhomboid cracked ioun stone which gives +1 competence bonus on Perception and Sense Motive checks 400 gp Dusty Rose Prism cracked ioun stone which gives +1 competence bonus on initiative checks 500 gp rop +1 scale of Terendelev: 4) Sacred Weaponry: Three times per day as a standard action, a scale can be used to cast align weapon, but only to make a weapon lawful or good. Unlike a normal align weapon spell, this effect can be cast on an unarmed strike or natural weapon. 4000gp background:
Maelchar was born to Elegia Whitescar. Elegia was a tieflling on the long path to personal redemption. During her personal quest for said redemption, she met Yriel, an angelic being who saw only the good in her. He assisted her on her path and the two fell in love after a time. They married in a small, secret ceremony presided over by a priest of Iomedae. When Yriel was called away to fight a great evil at the Worldwound, Elegia discovered she was pregnant. Yriel returned from his tasks to find Elegia near her birthing time. He stayed with her while Maelchar, their son, was brought into the world. Elegia was fearful that her own tainted blood would stain their child and fretted constantly over him. Still, despite his mother's fears, he grew more like his father daily, for which his mother was ever grateful. When Maelchar was three, Yriel was called away again to fight a great evil, this time on another plane. When months had gone by and Yriel did not return, Elegia feared he had been slain. She wept bitterly for a long time and sought counsel with the priest of Iomedae who had married them secretly. Father Santos could only caution her to be patient and not to worry needlessly, but Elegia was terrified that despite having redeemed her soul in the light of the church, she could not provide enough adequate education or a proper upbringing for her son. With great reluctance, she turned him over to the care of the church when he was four. Maelchar was put with orphan children being raised by the church, but it was obvious he was different, even as a very young child, with his pale skin and his bone-white hair. Still, despite being something of an outsider among the children, he did form some friendships and attachments due to his extremely engaging manner. When he was a bit older, at age 8 he developed some friendships with children outside the church-run orphanage, especially a brother and sister pair from a good family. The three became good friends, with a shared love of the church and the teachings they were being instructed in. Maelchar became an almost permanent feature at their home, so much so that in time, their parents inquired into adopting him into their family. Maelchar never forgot his mother, or his unearthly father, but he soon became an integral part of his new family, and treated them as if he'd always been among them. He had found a home. He began having dreams of Iomedae and Aroden when he was in his mid 30's. Though he still looked like a teenager, he was already a young man of great promise in the church. He told no one of his dreams for the longest time, but he found them troubling and he frequently awoke in a cold sweat with only the vaguest memories of his dreams. At the age of 32, Maelchar's mother Elegia, now frail and older, who had not been treated well by the passage of time, sent for Maelchar so she could bid him farewell. She had become a warrior in the service of the church, having gone on many missions to fight evil on their behalf. She was barely recognizable to the young man, whose memories of her were idealized and without the heavy scars that marred her new visage. Maelchar, delighted to be reunited with his mother after all this time, begged her not to leave him. She passed away in his arms, but heard his pleas... her spirit settled around him invisibly and unbeknownst to him at the time. Maelchar returned to his adopted family saddened, but at the same time somehow comforted by the presence of his mother's spirit. It wasn't long after that he began to notice odd events. Things weren't always where he left them. Sometimes he would see something small and inanimate just move out of the corner of his eye though when he looked directly at them, they never moved. Still, it was disconcerting to always have to fumble to find things he was sure were one place and turned out to be someplace else. He quickly adapted to this new set of perameters, and to the occasional swirl of wind around him that blew in from seemingly nowhere. No one else seemed to really notice and he didn't bring it up, usually sure he was imagining things. appearance/personality:
Maelchar is a pale skinned, white-haired aasimar, though he bears few markers of his exalted birth other than his near-albino appearance. His gazes upon the world from deep violet eyes. He is not an overly serious person, despite being raised so near the Worldwound and its dangers. He smiles frequently and jests with his adopted family often. He tends to wear dark colors to offset his pale appearance, though in truth the blacks and deep blues and greens actually tend to accentuate his pallid skin and hair. Since his oracle abilities manifested, he spends a lot of time in the practice yard, working with heavy, two-handed weapons. This has resulted in him developing his physique to enviable sculpting. He hasn't been blind to the effect this has had on the young women of the household and he seems to thrive on their attention. Though he flirts with them all equally, even his adopted sister, he never forgets their relationship and, in serious moments, respects the boundaries between them. service to Ragathiel, what it means:
What would a Lawful Good Paladin of Vengeance actually be like? Well, the Lawful Good part is a great place to start. Lawful… there would have to be a code involved. Without a doubt. A very strict and rigid one I think. And Good, with a capital G. This isn’t just a vague idea. We arent talking about ends justifying means here. We are talking about True Good. Ragathiel is also carries Chivalry and Duty in his portfolio. Good, Chivalry, Duty, put these together and you come up with terms like service, selflessness, devotion, protection, bravery, honesty, justice. The story of Ragathiel also brings us an interesting bit of information about his struggle against the anger in his heart (a gift, perhaps, from his father Dis) and how its mastery is central to his being. So lets see here; we need a code of conduct that allows Vengeance while upholding the ideals of selflessness, protection of the weak, honesty, and justice. I imagine something like this. A life for a life. One death does not justify a hundred acts of Vengeance. The path of the sword is one of ballance, and every act of Vengeance may beget another. A paladin of Ragathiel seeks to balance the scales, not fill them to overflowing. Torture is not Vengeance. There is more than enough suffering in the world. You shall not add to it in Ragathiels name. A clean death can be an act of just Vengeance, but a torturous one is almost always an act of evil. No Vengeance but Ragathiels. Once a Paladin of Ragathiel has agreed to take vengeance for someone, the matter is finished. The wronged party must move on with their life as soon as the Paladin agrees to enact the Vengeance. They are not to witness the deed itself. They are not to seek further Vengeance against the friends or family of the target. The Silence of the Grave. The matter is never to be spoken of again. You are never to speak of the Vengeance you request with anyone. Ever. You may only make a silent sacrifice to Ragathiel one a year in remembrance. Otherwise you are to act as if your loved one died a natural death. Mourn them, but do so with no anger. No Vengeance for yourself. The paladin may never entreat himself for Vengeance. He takes Vengeance for others, at their request, and only if they are worthy and willing to follow the rules set out for them. Declare judgment: Vengeance is a message. The sinner must know what sin has brought this fate upon him. Do not suffer a Demon to Live. Demons are Anathema. All demons are assumed to be worthy of Vengeance. The paladin is called to destroy Demonkind wherever they find them, or spend their life attempting to do as much damage as possible. This is not an requirement to suicide recklessly. It will likely be that a Paladin may do the most damage by raising an army, or training to become powerful enough to slay the beast. Demons only advance through power accumulated through corruption and sin; in essence, the paladin is seeking vengeance for every soul a demon trod upon to obtain that next rank of existence. I imagine my paladin as a grizzled old wardog. He has seen pain and death meted out by the ton. Long ago he had any fire burned out of him. He sits and listens as people entreat him to enact his god’s Vengeance for them. He asks pointed questions, gauges responses, he judges without heat or anger those who have had their lives torn apart. Most are unworthy; not because they are bad, or because their stories are not terrible, but because they are unwilling to release their hatred and put their Vengeance wholly into the hands of Ragathiel. Occasionally, he finds a case that is right for him, where his actions may serve to heal a person in need, and not just end a life that is deserving of such. On these days he takes up his blade and ends a life so that another may begin again. He walks the way of the sword, knowing that in time he will meet his end that way, and that he will deserve it a thousand times over. Until that day he is the Sin Eater. He is the hand of Vengeance. He is a Paladin of Ragathiel, and you had better pray that you do not deserve his attention. Ragathiel obedience/boon info:
Obedience Slay a proven wrongdoer in Ragathiel’s name. It is not enough for the sacrifice to have an evil heart or evil intentions; the sacrifice must have committed evil or unlawful deeds. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws against spells and effects cast by evil creatures. Boons - Celestial Obedience [PFS Legal] Mystery Cultist
[spoiler=Wardstone's end] An unexpected side effect of the wardstone's destruction occurs. If the holy energies stored in all of the wardstones were the waters of a vast lake formed by a dam, then the fragment just destroyed was the plug in that dam holding the waters back. Rather than simply diffusing the
Irabeth frantically tries to help the individuals recover from the stunned efffect but to no avail. You all feel a connection to the wyrdstones as you sstart to receive visions of events unfolding before you. This event does not go unnoticed. All along the border, other wardstones flash with golden light as well, momentarily supercharging their effects. Thousands of demons are destroyed by the flash of light, and many more are wounded. The attacks along the borders suddenly cease, and the surviving demons flee back into the depths of the Worldwound, thus they do not witness the wardstones fade into total inertness. The heroes, still stunned, receive a vision of the first wardstone being erected in the Kite here in Kenabres in 4639 AR, in a ritual involving the aid of the Hand of the Inheritor-the herald of Iomedae: a golden, winged angel with a halo of small swords around his head. This event happens soon after the Second Crusade begins. The next vision you see while stunned... In the year 4665 AR, the PCs see a vision of a 20-year-old Hulrun leading the burning of dozens of supposed " witches" in the courtyard of the Kite before the wardstone. This event launches the Second Crusade. Continuing on in your trance you fast forward in time. In the year 4692 AR, the PCs see a vision of Khorramzadeh the Storm King leading a brazen attack on Kenabres. The Storm King manages to strike a resounding blow with his sword against the wardstone, which suffers
20 years fly by in the life of the wardstone.In the year 47 1 2 AR, the PCs see a vision of Irabeth chasing a burly dwarven man- Staunton Vhane
The PCs see a vision of Minagho, a beautiful demonic woman with a long thin tail, clawed hands, and curling horns protruding from where her eyes should be, placing the wardstone fragment in this room and of Jeslyn using a wish granted by Minagho to create the cage around it before Minagho teleports away. The next vision you understand is the future that will never be but was a possibility should you all have failed. Areelu Vorlesh using a deep purple Nahyndrian crystal the size of a human's head to corrupt the fragment, causes the entire border to flash with nauseating mauve fire that devastates the border cities and transforms countless crusaders into half-fiend slaves of the Worldwound. You understand that in one deft stroke the war would have been over with the demons released unopposed and no one to stand before them.
Irabeth tries valiantly to charge Areelu but stops in her tracks as a mass suffocation spell decends upon the group. Stunned as you are you feel your bodies breathe in the vapors but they do not seem to have an effect on you. Seething in fury Areelu spits out, The death throes of your wardstone seem to be protecting you from my magic. No matter. They cannot protect you from my slaves! With that a portal opens up and a half-dozen babaus tumble through into
boon from the wardstone: the PCs remain bolstered by the magical effects
current spoiler to put on posts: spells in effect:
diplo bonus with Horgus:
Maelchar: your next favor or request from Horgus you will get a +2 on the diplomacy check for your efforts. See this link for reference. |