Variel's WotR

Game Master Neltji

From Level 1 to Level 20. Good luck heroes you might need it.

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hp 99/101, AC 24 12 23 (21 T12 FF20) , bab +6/+1, melee +9, missile +7, cmb 9, cmd 21, F 12, R 11, W 14 +3 vs mind affect, init +3, MP 8/9 weapon 7/7 angel blooded Aasimar oracle metal 7/mystery cultist 2/mythic 3
Acrobatics -2 bluff 7 craft: weapons 5 diplomacy 16+2 disable 5, heal 5, intimidate 15, know history 6, know planes 9, know religion 11, linguistics 7, perception 13+1 sense motive 9, spellcraft 5, stealth -2, swim 0

Maelchar shrugs as he takes back the broach and examines it, then pins it back to his tunic.

appraise: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

"I can't gauge its worth either, but I'm sure we'll find a use for it somewhere when we return to civilization."

Maelchar wrote:

Maelchar shrugs as he takes back the broach and examines it, then pins it back to his tunic.


"I can't gauge its worth either, but I'm sure we'll find a use for it somewhere when we return to civilization."

Ryu - standing back near their charge, observes Maelchar's rush over to him to take the broach.

He feels the blood still on him and notes it still fresh on his sword while Maelchar's pristine and untouched visage gazes back at him.

He moves close to Maelchar and looks at him in the eyes, forgetting about the arrogant little man who hired them.

"Mal, maybe you ought to ask people before you decide to simply take what you want, neh?" he says quietly.

He stares at Maelchar a moment longer, noting that the broach is now pinned on the lad's shirt and no attempt to study it further is being made.

"It's one thing to study something that may benefit the party so that we can share that information. But keeping something that belongs to everyone is not not very polite; especially when the rest of them haven't even had a chance to look at it carefully as you and I have," he adds a bit dryly, confident at his deft diplomatic skills.

He looks at Maelchar a moment longer than rolls his eyes.

Shikata ga nai...

Then the sweat stings his wounds and he glances over to Garith - noting the man is also bleeding.

"Gods damn it... MEDIC!" he says, trying to at least get the attention of a healer.

hp 99/101, AC 24 12 23 (21 T12 FF20) , bab +6/+1, melee +9, missile +7, cmb 9, cmd 21, F 12, R 11, W 14 +3 vs mind affect, init +3, MP 8/9 weapon 7/7 angel blooded Aasimar oracle metal 7/mystery cultist 2/mythic 3
Acrobatics -2 bluff 7 craft: weapons 5 diplomacy 16+2 disable 5, heal 5, intimidate 15, know history 6, know planes 9, know religion 11, linguistics 7, perception 13+1 sense motive 9, spellcraft 5, stealth -2, swim 0

Recall you unpinned it and took it from his tunic without even asking to begin with

Mael looks over Ryu's wounds and assesses his needs for healing (your hp aren't in your status line, so I didnt know you needed healing.)

heal: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14

Maelchar wrote:

Recall you unpinned it and took it from his tunic without even asking to begin with

Mael looks over Ryu's wounds and assesses his needs for healing (your hp aren't in your status line, so I didnt know you needed healing.)


I'm down 4 HP. I don't remember what Garith is down.

As for the broach? Well, I kind of wanted to get a chance for the party to at least look at it/study it before someone decided to claim it. If you want it, that's okay, too. I just thought we'd at least talk about it in game is all. But it's probably just a copper broach, so it's all good :)

hp 99/101, AC 24 12 23 (21 T12 FF20) , bab +6/+1, melee +9, missile +7, cmb 9, cmd 21, F 12, R 11, W 14 +3 vs mind affect, init +3, MP 8/9 weapon 7/7 angel blooded Aasimar oracle metal 7/mystery cultist 2/mythic 3
Acrobatics -2 bluff 7 craft: weapons 5 diplomacy 16+2 disable 5, heal 5, intimidate 15, know history 6, know planes 9, know religion 11, linguistics 7, perception 13+1 sense motive 9, spellcraft 5, stealth -2, swim 0

Mael finishes examining Ryu's wounds and nods slightly. "You could use a little healing. We don't have time to rest and heal naturally, so this should help. In the name of Iomedae, I call on her power to heal you." He touches Ryu gently, so as not to cause extra pain.

[dice=cure light wounds]1d8+1[dice]

hp 99/101, AC 24 12 23 (21 T12 FF20) , bab +6/+1, melee +9, missile +7, cmb 9, cmd 21, F 12, R 11, W 14 +3 vs mind affect, init +3, MP 8/9 weapon 7/7 angel blooded Aasimar oracle metal 7/mystery cultist 2/mythic 3
Acrobatics -2 bluff 7 craft: weapons 5 diplomacy 16+2 disable 5, heal 5, intimidate 15, know history 6, know planes 9, know religion 11, linguistics 7, perception 13+1 sense motive 9, spellcraft 5, stealth -2, swim 0

Next he moves over to check out Garith as well

heal: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

Sovereign Court

Angelkin Aasimar - (Status: Normal) SS 12/G 5 | HP:30/136 (-1wis drain) | AC: 32(33) [39] | CMD: 31 | F:16/R:13/W:13 MP:8/13 (RadMP:2/2) Aura 20ft DC:19 to Teleport

"Brothers, please. You will stop this foolishness. Now thank you. We are trapped underground and bickering about petty trinkets is foolhardy, and we shall not have it." the soldier states.

"Master Gwyrm, I apologize for any impropriety. We shall continue onward, but please do acknowledge that what we do is for the sake of protecting you from the dangers present in these caverns." Stepping closer to the man he says quietly and calmly, "While it is our duty, your demonstration of nobility and grace would do much for moral in this darkness adn i would appreciate your leadership and strength in this matter. Highborn dignity and poise does much to guide those in a noble's service." attempting to calm any butthurt that would follow Ryu's crassness and pointing out very gently that as a noble, Gwyrm has the poise to not be so aggravating to party-members.
diplomacy with Gwyrm: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Sovereign Court

Angelkin Aasimar - (Status: Normal) SS 12/G 5 | HP:30/136 (-1wis drain) | AC: 32(33) [39] | CMD: 31 | F:16/R:13/W:13 MP:8/13 (RadMP:2/2) Aura 20ft DC:19 to Teleport

"I am slightly injured coz. I was remis and the insect managed to sink it's fang deep. I am still fairly well, but if you can spare healing, it would be appreciated, but i can stand it for a while longer."

Garith took one hit for 4 damage, so I got 9HP god i need a level =P
He does take a moment to look at the Broach to discern if tere is some symbology behind it of some evil entity of diety, or some other religious symbol, His eyes narrowing as he observes all of the gear they have gathered for Evil eminations as well. Detect EVIL cause Pali =P
K planes: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14 if its evil
K religion: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

Garith takes a moment with Ryu

In a quiet whisper after healing has been dispersed, and they continue on, Garith says to the barbarian, "You are not a soldier, I can tell by your style. Whatever Mercenary Company from whence you came, This is the Crusade, and dignity is befitting our task. There is a Hierarchy and while i do not ask you to 'fall in line' as it were, please do not spit in the face of our order."

hp 99/101, AC 24 12 23 (21 T12 FF20) , bab +6/+1, melee +9, missile +7, cmb 9, cmd 21, F 12, R 11, W 14 +3 vs mind affect, init +3, MP 8/9 weapon 7/7 angel blooded Aasimar oracle metal 7/mystery cultist 2/mythic 3
Acrobatics -2 bluff 7 craft: weapons 5 diplomacy 16+2 disable 5, heal 5, intimidate 15, know history 6, know planes 9, know religion 11, linguistics 7, perception 13+1 sense motive 9, spellcraft 5, stealth -2, swim 0

"Glad to be of service in the name of Iomedae."

cure light wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 on Garith

cure light wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6 fixing mis-formatted roll on Ryu

"Friends and relation, please be aware I only have one healing spell left for the day... just so you know."

male human Ranger 4

Horgus looked like he swallowed his tongue when Ryu had the affront to talk back to him like that. May I remind you that I said without damage. Clearly you do not understand what it takes to remain in my service. If that is the attitude you are going to have then I release you from your service and will look to the others for my protection and well being, and that includes protection from you.

Turning to the others that have agreed to his terms, Your pay was just increased thanks to this man here. Hopefully you are up to the task and we can resume this trek to get home.

Sir Garith you manage to prevent Horgus from firing all of you and leaving on his own. The four of you in his employ will now get 375 if he arrives safely.

Mr Shin informs the group that the passageway to the west leads to the cavern that he could not fully see before. Now he does see that there is a rent in the ceiling leading upwards but he can not tell how far. To the east is a haze of silt and sand that continually falls from the ceiling. It looks like there is a path continuing to the east but he is not positive about it.

Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer)-9 (Mythic Archmage 2)(Current HP 54/62)

Pakak has been quite quiet through out most of this, keeping his own counsel, but he gives Garith a nod of respect at his comments.

I've sympathy for everyone here, save perhaps Gwerm, but my feelings on this or that don't matter. My duty as a crusader, and to what is right. THAT matters.

hp 99/101, AC 24 12 23 (21 T12 FF20) , bab +6/+1, melee +9, missile +7, cmb 9, cmd 21, F 12, R 11, W 14 +3 vs mind affect, init +3, MP 8/9 weapon 7/7 angel blooded Aasimar oracle metal 7/mystery cultist 2/mythic 3
Acrobatics -2 bluff 7 craft: weapons 5 diplomacy 16+2 disable 5, heal 5, intimidate 15, know history 6, know planes 9, know religion 11, linguistics 7, perception 13+1 sense motive 9, spellcraft 5, stealth -2, swim 0

"So what shall it be, east or west?" Maelchar asks the group.

Sovereign Court

Angelkin Aasimar - (Status: Normal) SS 12/G 5 | HP:30/136 (-1wis drain) | AC: 32(33) [39] | CMD: 31 | F:16/R:13/W:13 MP:8/13 (RadMP:2/2) Aura 20ft DC:19 to Teleport

"We know not how far these caverns go. Let us investigate this hole in the ceiling as it could be a way out. And if not, we may make for the eastern passageway." Garith Suggests. "Although we do need to remain vigilant in order to ensure nothing from the corridor comes while we are in the cavern."

hp 99/101, AC 24 12 23 (21 T12 FF20) , bab +6/+1, melee +9, missile +7, cmb 9, cmd 21, F 12, R 11, W 14 +3 vs mind affect, init +3, MP 8/9 weapon 7/7 angel blooded Aasimar oracle metal 7/mystery cultist 2/mythic 3
Acrobatics -2 bluff 7 craft: weapons 5 diplomacy 16+2 disable 5, heal 5, intimidate 15, know history 6, know planes 9, know religion 11, linguistics 7, perception 13+1 sense motive 9, spellcraft 5, stealth -2, swim 0

"Agreed. On the surface, west seems the most likely to lead upwards. We can always explore the eastern way if the west proves to be a false lead. The rearguard will be watchful."

Horgus N Gwerm wrote:
Sir Garith you manage to prevent Horgus from firing all of you and leaving on his own. The four of you in his employ will now get 375 if he arrives safely.

Okay, I’m going to switch my personality a bit to be less stoic, grim and cynical and more – not. That said, I’ll happily try playing a bit more ‘upbeat’ bad charisma. Here’s hoping it works :)

Ryu feels the power of the goddess filling him with a holy lust for life.

”Gods damn – that’s good healing,” he says with a hearty laugh, clapping Maelchar on his shoulder warmly.

He turns a quirked eye to Gwern, a sardonic grin on his face.

”Oh, so sorry, kansa yaku – I hadn’t realized you were still jabbering away,” he says lifting his sword up and offering an obvious mock salute to the arrogant noble.

Shrugging, he turns back to the others.

”Right, so what’s the gods damned plan now? Is that crap a bunch of useless garbage on the ground – or maybe it really was part of a ritual? How the hell do I know, you know? But I figure we got enough smarts between us to squeeze out an answer pretty easy.”

”Right, so any of you lads or lasses got the know-how on some good ol’ fashioned “book smarts” – you know, religiosity or some other studying on lore and such? ‘Cause it could be naught but garbage, but it could be also candles for a ritual, or whatever the hell, neh?

Cleaning off the blood from his sword, he sheathes it fairly easily, feeling very relaxed after the healing.

He tosses a glance toward the beauteous Oriana.

”So listen, Angel, you give me the straight word on if that piss-poor excuse for a nobleman is being uppity to you again, eh? I’ll teach the sod a few manners and maybe show him how to respect a lady proper,” he says, holding up his bunched fists in the air and shaking them a bit as if miming boxing. Then he gives So'rien's sister a friendly wink.

Suddenly hearing the others discuss options to search the cave, he brightens a bit.

"Now that's an idea that's got brass! I love it," he says with a grin, walking up to Garith and Maelchar with an easy stride.

Standing next to both of them, he twists his lower lip between his thumb and forefinger meditatively, nodding sagely at their plans, but not bothering to offer much of any constructive ideas at this point - except to occasionally offer a few grunts of friendly encouragement to the two while continuing to nod, so that the untutored eye might assume he was actually giving valuable contributions to the plan instead of simply going along for the ride.

Male Aasimar (Azata-Blooded) sorcerer 9 CG Medium outsider (native, azata-blooded) Init +4, Senses darkvision (60 ft.); Perception +10 AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex, ) hp 63 F +7, R +7, W +7 Resist acid/cold/elect 5, concent +17
HP 63/63 || Mythic 7/7 || Spells: 4th 6/6 3rd 8/8 2nd 7/8 1st 8/8

So'rien comes out of his daze, looking around and saying Sorry must have nodded off...what did I miss?

Sorry for the delay. The tooth pull on friday took a lot out of me.

hp 75/75, AC 21, T11, FF20, bab +6/+1, melee +9, ranged +7, cmb 9, cmd 20, F +8, R +4, W +9, Init +4, Perc +14 Aasimar (Angelkin) Female Inquisitor/9

Oriana had been standing expressionless as the conversation shifted. She had bristled at the accusation levelled at Maelchar regarding the broach, but her eldest brother had sorted it out for himself, as was often his way. Her cousin Garith had stepped in and used his smooth tongue to appease Gwerm. Remember, Gwerm's gruff and arrogant exterior hides a good heart. Iomedae grant me patience and sight to see what is not readily visible.

When the west is given as the most practical direction, Oriana simply nods and replies, "West, it is then", relying on Mr Shin's guidance and her kinsmen's surety.

When she notes Ryu Tadamasa's eyes on her and then his words and conspiratorial wink, Oriana watches him stoically. He, too, had attempted to make his own method of amends with the nobleman, Gwerm, but Oriana believed that it would only muddy the waters further for Gwerm demonstrated a poor developed humour and Ryu did not seem to care.

Oriana moved closer to the very tall human (who stood a few inches taller than herself) and in much lowered voice cautioned him, "I thank you for your offer, Ryu Tadamasa, and your courage, but mind your tongue with the nobleman. Let my kinsmen with their polished speech encourage him to our ways." Before nodding her head and moving back into marching order.

When her twin finally finds his voice, Oriana turns to So'rien and smiles, "It is good you have returned to us, brother. Mister Shin has found a way forward to the west and the others have decided it is the best course. What say you?"

So'rien Zeru wrote:
So'rien comes out of his daze, looking around and saying Sorry must have nodded off...what did I miss?

Ryu cocks a bemused eye at So’rien.

”Hell, Zeru-san, you didn’t miss much – except everything,” he says with a grin.

”We got pinched in the narrow way by some bloody bugs which we smashed bad! Then we got the top-boss back there mouthing off to your sister, so I told him if he can’t keep a civil tongue in his head, I’d just take his tongue out of his head,” he says with a deep laugh.

”But the damn little whore didn’t like that, so he fired me!”

He jerks his head back at Garith and Maelchar, pointing them out with the motion of his head.

”Meantime we got Mal and Garith trying to figure out the best way to get the hell out of here; as for me? Hell’s bells, brother – now that the killing’s done, I got nothing to do but wax philosophical on the woes of being un-employed,” he says with a bright grin.

Ryu is sure that his words might sound somewhat obnoxious and slightly grating to the uncultured ear, but confident that his companions will appreciate his sincerity and honesty.

Oriana Zeru wrote:
"I thank you for your offer, Ryu Tadamasa, and your courage, but mind your tongue with the nobleman. Let my kinsmen with their polished speech encourage him to our ways."

Seeing Oriana move to him, he bends forward a bit and listens to her quiet words.

"Hey, gomen nasai, lil' Angel," he says with a nod to Oriana.

"Didn't mean to piss you off back there, but noble or not - that guy's got no manners to be all high and mighty around a lady like you," he says.

"You're a classy dame, trust me - it's honto! That bugger should have minded his tongue, especially when you were out there bleeding for him while he hung back like some kind of eta, you know?"

After the straight word was given, he decides to be politic and give Oriana "face" in front of the noble.

Ryu knew that if he kept talking that he'd look like more of an ass to the noble. But he suspected that at this point Oriana would now look like more of a hero to a guy like Gwerm, who might even reward her with a little extra coin for sticking her neck out to keep a basterd like himself in line.

With that in mind, Ryu bows before her politely, his mouth grinning a bit.

"Righto, chief!" he says a bit louder, standing before her.

"No worries, from here on out I'll mind my manners like he's a poxing daimyo and my manners'll be top notch," he says sincerely, saluting her with smartly, and gives her another wink.

"So then... westward ho, neh?" he says looking around at the others, curious to see what happens next.

Moving back to the west slightly you all come to a section of the cavern complex that seems to have been rent more then the rest. A stone ledge juts out at a right angle on the south wall of this cavern, twenty feet off the ground. The leather strap of a backpack hangs from the edge of the ledge, while above, a narrow fissure yawns up into the dark.

"Helloooo..." Ryu says, yelling out over the chasm.

He turns to the others.

"Ich-ban! Echo," he says turning to the others with a wide grin.

Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer)-9 (Mythic Archmage 2)(Current HP 54/62)

Pakak moves in his position as the group moves, steady, it seems, as the stone his people are so often associated with. He notices the backpack, "Someone was fully packed before the fall? No doubt that is dark irony that they were prepared for much, just not this."

"Bloody irony..." Ryu echoes grimly, nodding at Pakak's wisdom.

He looks for someone with a bow.

"Say, ojii-san," he says turning to face Pakak directly "Can you cast some magic on an arrow and make it glow with light? If so, we can shoot it up into the chasm and try to gauge the height."

"It may not be that high, just dark... and if they're any little surprises above us, we can see them before we try to get across, neh?"

"So... you want to give it a try?" he says, asking the dwarven wizard.

The fissure goes upwards but you can't tell how far from below the ledge.

DM Variel wrote:
The fissure goes upwards but you can't tell how far from below the ledge.

Edited the post to adjust for height, not depth.

hp 75/75, AC 21, T11, FF20, bab +6/+1, melee +9, ranged +7, cmb 9, cmd 20, F +8, R +4, W +9, Init +4, Perc +14 Aasimar (Angelkin) Female Inquisitor/9

Seeing the dangling pack strap, Oriana considers what may be inside and if it would useful to the group. It was on a ledge 20 feet above them and the ceiling height past the narrow fissure was presently indistinguishable.

Turning to So'rien, "Can Mister Shin make his way higher and see if there is threat from above, brother?"

DM Variel, can we see much of anything up there using our darkvision?

Male Aasimar (Azata-Blooded) sorcerer 9 CG Medium outsider (native, azata-blooded) Init +4, Senses darkvision (60 ft.); Perception +10 AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex, ) hp 63 F +7, R +7, W +7 Resist acid/cold/elect 5, concent +17
HP 63/63 || Mythic 7/7 || Spells: 4th 6/6 3rd 8/8 2nd 7/8 1st 8/8

So'rien smiles and says Not unless we throw him. At Mr. Shin's look of shock and offence, he continues But of course we would never offend your dignity in such a way my friend.

It is not the dark that is obstructing your vision but the angle you are at. You can see the start of the fissure but not how it goes up. You would need to be on the ledge to have the right angle. For those that want to try to climb up I need two climb checks.

So'rien Zeru wrote:
But of course we would never offend your dignity in such a way my friend.

"You got that right, son; you don't mess with the White Rabbit - that's bad all kinds of bad karma," he says with a serious nod, thinking of the year of his birth, how it was dedicated to the Hare, and the meaning of that sign.

Since no one there paid much attention to his suggestions about the arrow, or searching the site for clues, or pretty much anything, he was feeling fairly bored.

Thinking about what Oriana just said, he tosses a glance at her.

Elbowing his way to the front of the group, he looks up at the wall, then turns to look at Oriana.

"Relax, Angel - I got this," he says with a confident nod.

Taking out his dagger he places it between his teeth and grips the side of the wall and begins to climb up.

Climb Check
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

GM - At this time Ryu is able to have Darkvision of 60 feet. He doesn't plan on climbing so high that some crazy bats or spiders or whatever is hiding in the darkness can get him. That said; he'll hold action until he can see a little deeper into the darkness before he continues.

When I know more, I'll continue - but I'm hoping to check for any threats before I go all the way up.

Ryu, you activated the scale then I take it?

The climb is difficult but Ryu manages to find the correct cracks and small bits of rock as handholds to make the ascent. Finally reaching the top Ryu looks up at the fissure. It appears to run at a incline of about 30 degrees . It continues for about 40ft before it narrows down into rock on rock. The rocky ledge itself holds only the body of a man killed by the fall. It must be his pack that is on the edge of the ledge.

Need a climb check for descent as well Ryu.

hp 75/75, AC 21, T11, FF20, bab +6/+1, melee +9, ranged +7, cmb 9, cmd 20, F +8, R +4, W +9, Init +4, Perc +14 Aasimar (Angelkin) Female Inquisitor/9

Of course, she did not want So'rien to throw Mister Shin up into the tight space above. Her twin could be a brat at times. Oriana gave So'rien a hard golden-hued look.

Upon Ryu Tadamasa's next words and actions, Oriana raised an elegant black brow. The man had gotten into the habit of calling her "Angel" instead of by her name. She found it amusing, but she did not show him.

"May Iomedae bestow upon you both graceful hands and feet, Ryu Tadamasa."

She watched the tall human make his way up.

Gm - about the scale - I think I missed something; I thought as long as we held the scale the power was always "on". I didn't know it was an activation thing. I need to go check that because if I used a special ability up that would really suck.

Edit: as I only have darkvision for a little bit -

While up there, Ryu will take the liberty to roll the body onto the ledge below. He figures his friends can search it when it falls.

As he pushes the body of the ledge, he takes a moment to give out a modest warning.

"Get your asses out of the way and... LOOK OUT BELOW!."

Climb down, did you say? Perhaps... how high up am? I may decide to just jump :)

But seriously..

Climb Cbeck
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

Hearing Oriana's prayer, he offers a modest retort.

"Hell, YEAH! You go, goddes!" he yells out in a joyful celebration to the Iomedae, echoing Orina's humble prayer.

Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer)-9 (Mythic Archmage 2)(Current HP 54/62)

"Be careful, Claykin!" the dwarf lets a look of worry slip through his face. Ryu may not be blood, but he was still part of the clan in his way.

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hp 75/75, AC 21, T11, FF20, bab +6/+1, melee +9, ranged +7, cmb 9, cmd 20, F +8, R +4, W +9, Init +4, Perc +14 Aasimar (Angelkin) Female Inquisitor/9

Ryu, This is what it said for your scale: Vision: Three times per day as a standard action, a scale can be used to cast darkvision. Unlike a normal darkvision spell, this effect stacks with normal darkvision to increase the range by another 60ft.

So, yes you would use a standard action to activate it (cast the spell) and can do so three times a day.

Oriana Zeru wrote:

Ryu, This is what it said for your scale: Vision: Three times per day as a standard action, a scale can be used to cast darkvision. Unlike a normal darkvision spell, this effect stacks with normal darkvision to increase the range by another 60ft.

So, yes you would use a standard action to activate it (cast the spell) and can do so three times a day.

Cool. So basically if any of the casters had used a "light" spell on me, I wouldn't have to use the scale?

Oh well - bad luck. Anyhow, now I know for the future :)

hp 75/75, AC 21, T11, FF20, bab +6/+1, melee +9, ranged +7, cmb 9, cmd 20, F +8, R +4, W +9, Init +4, Perc +14 Aasimar (Angelkin) Female Inquisitor/9

Oriana unfortunately doesn't have 'Light' on her spell list, otherwise she would have cast it. I'm not sure which of the others do.

No worries, it's all good :)

hp 99/101, AC 24 12 23 (21 T12 FF20) , bab +6/+1, melee +9, missile +7, cmb 9, cmd 21, F 12, R 11, W 14 +3 vs mind affect, init +3, MP 8/9 weapon 7/7 angel blooded Aasimar oracle metal 7/mystery cultist 2/mythic 3
Acrobatics -2 bluff 7 craft: weapons 5 diplomacy 16+2 disable 5, heal 5, intimidate 15, know history 6, know planes 9, know religion 11, linguistics 7, perception 13+1 sense motive 9, spellcraft 5, stealth -2, swim 0

Maelchar doesn't have light either

No biggie, it's cool.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The scales are three charges per day at caster level 19. Darkvision lasts for an hour per level so you should be fine for now Ryu. Only if it gets dispelled should you need worry.

Ryu manages to climb down easily enough, DC was 20 by the way, after retrieving the pack and the body of the fallen man. The man did have a rapier on his belt that clatters to the ground upon impact. The pack itself is a masterwork backpack that contains 15 days of trail rations, a flint and steel, a whetstone, a set of caltrops, two flasks of oil, a lantern, a bundle of 20 arrows, a potion of cure light wounds, and a potion of lesser restoration.

hp 99/101, AC 24 12 23 (21 T12 FF20) , bab +6/+1, melee +9, missile +7, cmb 9, cmd 21, F 12, R 11, W 14 +3 vs mind affect, init +3, MP 8/9 weapon 7/7 angel blooded Aasimar oracle metal 7/mystery cultist 2/mythic 3
Acrobatics -2 bluff 7 craft: weapons 5 diplomacy 16+2 disable 5, heal 5, intimidate 15, know history 6, know planes 9, know religion 11, linguistics 7, perception 13+1 sense motive 9, spellcraft 5, stealth -2, swim 0

"A fortuitous find... if nothing else, those rations might prove to be what sees us through these caverns. We should divide things up so no one person need shoulder all the weight."

Maelchar wrote:
"A fortuitous find... if nothing else, those rations might prove to be what sees us through these caverns. We should divide things up so no one person need shoulder all the weight."

"Damn straight, Mal - sounds good to me," he says with a nod.

He takes a gander at the rest of their companions.

"I reckon I'll pass out the rations at what? Say - 375 gold pieces a meal?" he says, flashing the gang a grin.

"Nah, I ain't like that poxing kuchikitanai noble; I don't cut out my best yūjin's like you all."

"Hey, any of you all want some potions? They're handy to have, neh?" he says holding up the potions for the gang even as he picks up the rapier, glancing at it for a bit.

"I'm kind of useless with this scimitar, much as I love her; anyone mind if I take the rapier I climbed up into the dark to fetch and bring down?"

Whistling a bit, he slings his scimitar behind his hip and buckles the rapier on, too.

Glancing at the other guys his eyes widen.

"Nan ja? Oh - I mean, yeah - that thing about asking about the rapier? Yeah, that was kind of me being what they call "rhe-tor-ical, as I planned on keeping it anyhow, savvy?" he says with a grin.

Standing up he turns back and forth a bit, modeling the rapier.

"Biching!" he says with a satisfied expression.

"That said, anyone want a snack?" he says holding up the rations.

hp 99/101, AC 24 12 23 (21 T12 FF20) , bab +6/+1, melee +9, missile +7, cmb 9, cmd 21, F 12, R 11, W 14 +3 vs mind affect, init +3, MP 8/9 weapon 7/7 angel blooded Aasimar oracle metal 7/mystery cultist 2/mythic 3
Acrobatics -2 bluff 7 craft: weapons 5 diplomacy 16+2 disable 5, heal 5, intimidate 15, know history 6, know planes 9, know religion 11, linguistics 7, perception 13+1 sense motive 9, spellcraft 5, stealth -2, swim 0

"As for the rapier, if you can use it well, you should of course be the one to claim it. The rations we might need to apportion carefully so they last a while. We have no idea how long we'll b down here. Let's each carry a little of them, and that applies to other found items too."

With that said, he picks up 3 of the packs of rations and tucks them into his own pack. He takes a few other miscellaneous items he doesn't really need but that might come in handy (like the lantern and oil, since he has the strength to spare to carry them).

hp 75/75, AC 21, T11, FF20, bab +6/+1, melee +9, ranged +7, cmb 9, cmd 20, F +8, R +4, W +9, Init +4, Perc +14 Aasimar (Angelkin) Female Inquisitor/9

She found Ryu Tadamasa annoying and amusingly shrewd.

"You made the climb and have earned the rapier, Ryu Tadamasa. I brought five days worth of trail rations and if we are in need, I shall distribute my own food with what we have obtained through the deceased's pack. I would like to claim the healing potion, but for now I shall carry it in my pack until there is use for it. The caltrops will be in my pack as well." Oriana is already carrying 21 arrows for her longbow. So, if someone else would like to claim or carry the 20 new arrows we have, that's fine.

Maelchar wrote:

"As for the rapier, if you can use it well, you should of course be the one to claim it. The rations we might need to apportion carefully so they last a while. We have no idea how long we'll b down here. Let's each carry a little of them, and that applies to other found items too."

With that said, he picks up 3 of the packs of rations and tucks them into his own pack. He takes a few other miscellaneous items he doesn't really need but that might come in handy (like the lantern and oil, since he has the strength to spare to carry them).

"Yeah - well, I reckon I'll be taking the pack - it looks good enough," he says hefting it a bit.

Dumping the bulk of the goods onto the ground, he slings it over his shoulders.

He takes a wafer of food and munches on it happily.

No, not a whole meal; just a bite.

"Damn, that's good stuff," he says.

He glances at the others as he stuffs three days of rations into the pack, as well as the flint and steel and whetstone.

He looks at the others.

"What about it Garith-sama; you game for a potion? Come on pops," he says glancing at Pakak "there's plenty and to spare here, you want a piece or what?" he adds holding up some of the loose rations.

"And let's not forget my main man Sori-san," he adds, turning to So'rien, holding up one of the potions and jiggling it for effect.

"Come on, son, you know you just want it just wrap your lips around this thing and suck it all down," he says, using the slang of urban youth to articulate humor in an otherwise grim situation, pausing to laugh loudly at his own joke.

Leaning back comfortably, he stretches his arms above his head and stretches out his feet, getting comfortable, his eyes flicking over to Oriana.

"What about you little Angel? You want a piece, too?" he says reaching forward suddenly and picking up a packet of twice-baked flat bread; dried fruit and salted meats as well as some nuts pressed together with honey to bind them.

"Enjoy it! It's the good stuff... trust me," he says giving Oriana a friendly wink as he tosses her the packet deftly.

Oriana Zeru wrote:
"You made the climb and have earned the rapier, Ryu Tadamasa."

"Damn straight," he says suddenly swinging himself to a standing position, his limber frame seeming taller in the gloom.

Oriana Zeru wrote:
"I would like to claim the healing potion, but for now I shall carry it in my pack until there is use for it."

"You got it, sister," he says tossing her the healing potion with a casual air of indifference, ready to add something - but before he can, she continues.

Oriana Zeru wrote:
"The caltrops will be in my pack as well."

His eyes widen a bit at her assertion.

"Well Calistria's sweet ass! So, what - you see something you like and you just want to take it, no matter what gets in your way, neh?"

He looks at her for a moment.

"Well hell yeah!" he says smiling widely at her, his eyes glinting with pleasure in the dim light at her bold decisions.

Instead of tossing her the caltrops he moves over to her and takes her wrist in his hand and lifts it up so her palm is open and gently puts the caltrops in them, careful they don't accidentally cut her, or snag on any of the gear.

"Easy there, Angel - they're nasty little whore's in a fight, you don't want to slice yourself on, em," he says carefully, making sure that she has them.

Then he glances at the others.

"Well lads, come on - you going to leave this loot here or are you going to take a piece?" he says looking at the rest with a sweeping gesture at the gear.

hp 75/75, AC 21, T11, FF20, bab +6/+1, melee +9, ranged +7, cmb 9, cmd 20, F +8, R +4, W +9, Init +4, Perc +14 Aasimar (Angelkin) Female Inquisitor/9

Oriana first caught the trail ration and then healing potion in one hand with relative ease, and, pulling her pack off her shoulders, placed the vial inside, ensuring it would not break. The food packet she would offer to the Lady Anevia.

When Ryu came close and deposited the caltrops gently on her open palm, she watched him silently, golden-eyes shining in the dimly-lit cavern. That he was cautious not to harm her with the iron spikes intrigued her. One thing for certain, the man's language was colourful and informal, unlike her kinsmen's.

"My eldest brother spoke of apportioning the items among the group and I simply undertook what was right. Do not worry that I will cut myself; I have been around blades since I was a young child. Thank you, Ryu Tadamasa."

The man certainly liked to smile and wink.

Oriana made her way to Anevia Tirabade. "Lady Anevia, would you care for some food?" handing over the packet Ryu had found/recovered and thrown her way.

Diplomacy: 1d20 ⇒ 20 (Haha. Now I get a natural 20.)

relationship with party: helpful

Why thank you. I would appreciate a meal later. I will place it with the rest of my stuff. As for the arrows, may I have them? If so then I may be able to help you better and not be so worried about wasting one of my four.

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