Variel's WotR

Game Master Neltji

From Level 1 to Level 20. Good luck heroes you might need it.

loot list

combat map

4,401 to 4,450 of 10,565 << first < prev | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | next > last >>

Map update at the top of the round after the vrock's but before everyone else.

Maelchar tries to intercept the attack from the Vrock but finds his opponent is too wily to fall for such tricks. The claw still lands but it does give Garith the moment he needed to land a hit on the demon. Maelchar follows up with another blow from the hammer as it lands squarely on the demon's head. Still not all of the force seemed to connect with the Vrock as some of it slid off its hide.

Garith lands a couple of blows with the demon slayer sword but finds that even with the added abilities from the sword it is not enough to really damage the creature that effectively. Both attacks leave minor wounds that pale in comparison to Maelchar's mighty blow. Bloodied at least but still a ways to go thanks to DR.

Zeriax quickly bends down and retrieves his bow ducking under the outstretched claw of the Vrock. He then steps back away from the creature to give him room to shot next round.

FYI I just noticed I rolled wrong on the AOO. That Vrock had not power attacked yet and should have had a +3 higher to hit. I am not going to change it now but Zeriax got lucky I was doing a copy and paste otherwise it would be 17 damage to him.

Sovereign Court

Angelkin Aasimar - (Status: Normal) SS 12/G 5 | HP:30/136 (-1wis drain) | AC: 32(33) [39] | CMD: 31 | F:16/R:13/W:13 MP:8/13 (RadMP:2/2) Aura 20ft DC:19 to Teleport

Garith cries out as the claws tear into his and spores bury themselves in his flesh.
Ouch. . . Kay, I'm hurtin pretty bad

Current Status:
AC: 28 (T21/F26) || HP: 37/102 || Mythic left: 6/11 || WW Legendary Power left: 1/2 || Perfect Strike left 3/7 || Ki left: 8/10 || Effects: Mage Armor (w/ Arcane Endurance and Wild Arcana) + Barkskin + Div Favor
Male Garuda-Blooded Aasimar (Plumekith) || HP: 102/102 (Normal: 102) || Init: +13x2 || Ki Pool: 10 || Mythic: 11 || Perfect Strike: 7
Stealth +16 || Per: +21 (+22 vs. Traps / +23 vs. Evil Outsiders) || AC 26, T21, FF 24 || Fort +14, Ref +13, Will +18

Wohoooo! Lucky for me :D By the way Variel, could I have used Acrobatics to try and avoid that AoO while picking up the weapon? And shouldn't I be further away from the Vrock? If it is a move action to retrieve the bow, then I would take a second move action to get away from it, probably ending in V:62 or something like that, right?

Jumped the gun?:

Zeriax suddenly realizes the dire situation they are in, and hopes his companions will retreat away from the Vrock - stepping behind he unleashes the strongest assault he can muster at the one right in front of him, taking advantage of the ammunition he has gathered against creatures such as these - "Retaliate friends!"

Move: 5' to X:67
Standard: Flurry of Arrows
Note: Using one ki for an extra attack and Perfect Strike. Using Evil Outsider Bane Arrows

Flurry 1: 1d20 + 10 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 10 + 3 = 22
Damage if it hits: 2d6 + 2d6 + 10 + 3 ⇒ (5, 6) + (6, 3) + 10 + 3 = 33

Perfect Strike: 1d20 + 10 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 10 + 3 = 30<-This
Damage if it hits: 2d6 + 2d6 + 10 + 3 ⇒ (3, 6) + (5, 2) + 10 + 3 = 29

Flurry 2: 1d20 + 10 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 10 + 3 = 23<-This
Damage if it hits: 2d6 + 2d6 + 10 + 3 ⇒ (5, 4) + (4, 6) + 10 + 3 = 32

Flurry 3: 1d20 + 10 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 10 + 3 = 26<-And this
Damage if it hits: 2d6 + 2d6 + 10 + 3 ⇒ (1, 2) + (4, 1) + 10 + 3 = 21

Wait... I wasn't up yet, right...? Variel, I'm gonna spoiler it, but you tell me if I should delete it, and if I can still edit, I will and post again when it is my turn.

Cleric of Sarenrae 15 [ HP 121/121 (0 NL)| AC 28 T 17 FF 24| F12 R11 W16 +2 vs Death Effects| CMD 29| Init +11| Perc +7, Darkvision 60' | 8/8 Channel 8d6 DC 22 | Restorative Touch 7/7| Hierophant MR7| MP 17/17 Surge +1d10 | Staff of Healing 4 chg | Effect: ]

I'm a little lost with regards to whether I need to act or not. Not sure what my best choice is, either, honestly.

Sovereign Court

Angelkin Aasimar - (Status: Normal) SS 12/G 5 | HP:30/136 (-1wis drain) | AC: 32(33) [39] | CMD: 31 | F:16/R:13/W:13 MP:8/13 (RadMP:2/2) Aura 20ft DC:19 to Teleport

Nasira, you are up. Garith would certainly appreciate some healing or an AC buff, but If the Vrock stops rolling straight 18's I might be ok.

Variel, Can Garith step back to X:71? If Pakak steps one closer, he'll be in range of Garith's Bastion, and Garith will get Pakak's AC buff.

Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer)-9 (Mythic Archmage 2)(Current HP 54/62)

I'm a bit lost myself, my fault. Does anyone want a magic weapon spell cast on their weapon o choice?

Cleric of Sarenrae 15 [ HP 121/121 (0 NL)| AC 28 T 17 FF 24| F12 R11 W16 +2 vs Death Effects| CMD 29| Init +11| Perc +7, Darkvision 60' | 8/8 Channel 8d6 DC 22 | Restorative Touch 7/7| Hierophant MR7| MP 17/17 Surge +1d10 | Staff of Healing 4 chg | Effect: ]

Well, I cannot offer any help to your AC from here, so...

Nasira steps a little closer to Maelchar and Garith before calling for her goddess' healing once more.

Move to V69 and channel energy to heal allies, selectively excluding the demons.

Channel energy: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 5) = 14 Healing should reach everyone but Reiko

Zeriax, yes you jumped the gun a bit as we are still on the round before when you picked up the bow. To move things along you can keep your rolls. No you can not use acrobatics to avoid AOO. You can use it to move away from the Vrock though to V:63. V:62 is a 35 ft move.

Garith, yes you can 5ft back if you would like.

If Pakak stepped up to give Garith the ward to AC he would still be attacked by the unbastioned Vrock. It might be better for Pakak to step away and thus not threatened. Pakak I think everyone has a magic weapon but more than magic is needed to fully injure these demons. You also know the SR is at most 20 thanks to Nasira's first attack.

Nasira does indeed hit everyone with the channel removing the damage the spores did but not eliminating the infestation.

Pakak up now and hopefully that answers any questions people had.

Current Status:
AC: 28 (T21/F26) || HP: 37/102 || Mythic left: 6/11 || WW Legendary Power left: 1/2 || Perfect Strike left 3/7 || Ki left: 8/10 || Effects: Mage Armor (w/ Arcane Endurance and Wild Arcana) + Barkskin + Div Favor
Male Garuda-Blooded Aasimar (Plumekith) || HP: 102/102 (Normal: 102) || Init: +13x2 || Ki Pool: 10 || Mythic: 11 || Perfect Strike: 7
Stealth +16 || Per: +21 (+22 vs. Traps / +23 vs. Evil Outsiders) || AC 26, T21, FF 24 || Fort +14, Ref +13, Will +18

Does it matter if Zeriax move is 40'? :D

Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer)-9 (Mythic Archmage 2)(Current HP 54/62)

Pakak steps back 5 step to get a bit more distance between he and a Vrock, and then casts Dispel magic on the summoned Vrock hoping to drive it back to the abyss.

Targeted Dispel to dispel the summon. No bonus for being an abjurer that I notice in the rules beyond the extra spells so Level +1d20
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

Pakak, the Vrock was not summoned. although I did mention something akin to beckoning its partner from the portal and perhaps that is where some confusion lies. As such I will post the round recap when I get home and let you just alter your action during your next post.

Zeriax does indeed make it back to where he wanted to be as he was quicker than he appeared at first. Pakak steps back to avoid being in melee range of the vrock and unleashes a spell at the demon.

Top of Round 3
The injured vrock sees that he can't reach the paladin without being squeezed in the narrow confines of he cavern and teleports next to Maelchar and Nasira.

The second vrock does his best to eliminate the heavy hitter in the group as he saw the force that Maelchar unleashed last time.

power attacks on Maelchar...
claw 1 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20 for 2d6 + 5 + 6 ⇒ (6, 1) + 5 + 6 = 18
claw 2 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19 for 2d6 + 5 + 6 ⇒ (6, 2) + 5 + 6 = 19

bite 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29 for 1d8 + 5 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 5 + 6 = 14

talon 1 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20 for 1d6 + 5 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 5 + 6 = 14
talon 2 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28 for 1d6 + 5 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 5 + 6 = 14

Luckily for Maelchar he had the foresight and wisdom to protect himself with his most potent defensive spell as not 1, not 2, but three of the vrocks attacks are repelled by the shield of faith spell.

good guys up and Pakak from last round as well.

[ooc[Zeriax you rolled already so I will keep them and give the update with everyone else later.[/ooc]

Sovereign Court

Angelkin Aasimar - (Status: Normal) SS 12/G 5 | HP:30/136 (-1wis drain) | AC: 32(33) [39] | CMD: 31 | F:16/R:13/W:13 MP:8/13 (RadMP:2/2) Aura 20ft DC:19 to Teleport

Garith Steps to Y:70, Getting Mael and Pakak in his Bastion, AND benefitting from Pakak's Abjuration as he recovers slightly from his injuries LoH: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 1) = 11

He then attacks with the flank!
1d20 + 10 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 10 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 34
for 1d8 + 7 + 2d6 ⇒ (6) + 7 + (2, 4) = 19
1d20 + 5 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 5 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 28
for 1d8 + 7 + 2d6 ⇒ (2) + 7 + (3, 6) = 18

Just to confirm, When bane is working on a target, the weapon is essentially treated as a +3 weapon, correct? Therefor if the DR were material, then the bane weapon would penetrate it, correct?

If not:

all attacks are at -2 and Garith does a Cold Iron Shileld Bash
1d20 + 10 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 10 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 32
for 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5Cold Iron, to see if that gets through

I also can't find anything that says I cannot have 2 bastions up at the same time, Is that the case?

Garith correct. The bane weapon is a +3 weapon allowing you to bypass material DR. Unfortunately it is not material DR but something else. Also you are correct that you can have multiple bastions up at one time. All of your attacks hit including the shield bash but the shield bah does not penetrate its DR either.

hp 99/101, AC 24 12 23 (21 T12 FF20) , bab +6/+1, melee +9, missile +7, cmb 9, cmd 21, F 12, R 11, W 14 +3 vs mind affect, init +3, MP 8/9 weapon 7/7 angel blooded Aasimar oracle metal 7/mystery cultist 2/mythic 3
Acrobatics -2 bluff 7 craft: weapons 5 diplomacy 16+2 disable 5, heal 5, intimidate 15, know history 6, know planes 9, know religion 11, linguistics 7, perception 13+1 sense motive 9, spellcraft 5, stealth -2, swim 0

Maelchar uses his scale to make his hammer good aligned hoping it might penetrate better when it does hit. If he has to step back to do so to avoid an aoo, he will

Cleric of Sarenrae 15 [ HP 121/121 (0 NL)| AC 28 T 17 FF 24| F12 R11 W16 +2 vs Death Effects| CMD 29| Init +11| Perc +7, Darkvision 60' | 8/8 Channel 8d6 DC 22 | Restorative Touch 7/7| Hierophant MR7| MP 17/17 Surge +1d10 | Staff of Healing 4 chg | Effect: ]

Am I correct in assuming they have 10' reach?

Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer)-9 (Mythic Archmage 2)(Current HP 54/62)

Well, darn it. THere goes my usefulness

Last round Pakak backs away carefully the five step
And casts Magic Circle against chaos, "A fall back position" He tells the others, not sure it will hold.

From what you have seen Nasira they have only attacked people adjacent to them. Yet they are long and lanky...
Maelchar it does not say if activating the scale provokes an AOO but I am going to say no.
Pakak I have you correction from last round but need this rounds action as well.

Cleric of Sarenrae 15 [ HP 121/121 (0 NL)| AC 28 T 17 FF 24| F12 R11 W16 +2 vs Death Effects| CMD 29| Init +11| Perc +7, Darkvision 60' | 8/8 Channel 8d6 DC 22 | Restorative Touch 7/7| Hierophant MR7| MP 17/17 Surge +1d10 | Staff of Healing 4 chg | Effect: ]

Here goes nothing.

Nasira retreats to U67, possibly provoking AoO from both demons. The rest of her action depends on her condition after the attacks are resolved.

Is one of the vrocks looking more injured than the other?

The vrock to the north is the more injure one.

AOO 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20 for 2d6 + 5 + 6 ⇒ (4, 4) + 5 + 6 = 19 hit
AOO 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13 for 2d6 + 5 + 6 ⇒ (5, 1) + 5 + 6 = 17 miss

Cleric of Sarenrae 15 [ HP 121/121 (0 NL)| AC 28 T 17 FF 24| F12 R11 W16 +2 vs Death Effects| CMD 29| Init +11| Perc +7, Darkvision 60' | 8/8 Channel 8d6 DC 22 | Restorative Touch 7/7| Hierophant MR7| MP 17/17 Surge +1d10 | Staff of Healing 4 chg | Effect: ]

Staggered by the claw and well aware of how close the second had come, Nasira grasps her holy symbol and calls on her goddess once again, sending another spear of pure light to strike the northerly vrock.

Recalling spear of purity using an MP. Will DC 15 to avoid blindness and halve the damage

Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

Caster Level Check, better of: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18 and 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

Damage: 6d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 2) = 15

Well. That wasn't worth it, now was it?

Nasira, the ranged touch actually does hit but you did not make it through the SR. If you would like to spend a mythic point to boost it let me know. I am skipping you for the time being in the recap.

GM stuff no peeking:
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

Although it may not seem like much Pakak does what he can against the Vrock's by distracting them with a small orb of ice. He forms it in a hand and releases it firing at the southern vrock hoping to aid Garith's defenses.

1d20 + 3 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (19) + 3 + 1 - 4 = 19 DC 10 for aid success

Maelchar stops attacking and fishes Terendelev's scale out. Holding it up against the haft of the Lucerne hammer he hopes the latent power in the scale can bypass the damage reduction of the vrocks.

Garith steps to the side to protect Maelchar and Pakak while swinging with shield and blade. All 3 of the blows connect but alas the shield was not strong enough to damage the creature and the 2 blade strikes were reduced in potency to below half of what Garith was expecting.

Zeriax starts to unload on the wounded vrock piling on as much damage as he can to bring it down. He selects the choicest arrows from his stash as he tries to maximize every once of effort into the shots. Using training and some of his innate skill he hits 3 times with a large amount of force behind each attack. The vrock takes the 3 arrows tot he chest as bile starts to poor out from one of the wounds and what could only be described as stomach contents out of another wound. Clearly the vrock is on the edge of collapse and only its damage reduction is what kept in on this plane.

Top of Round 4
1d4 ⇒ 4 for all but Garith and Reiko from spores.

The northern vrock hesitates just a second from its wounds before its rage takes over. Abandoning any tactics it launches itself at Maelchar hoping to bring him down.

claw 1 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25 for 2d6 + 5 + 6 ⇒ (2, 5) + 5 + 6 = 18 halved from Bastion
claw 2 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14 for 2d6 + 5 + 6 ⇒ (6, 4) + 5 + 6 = 21 miss

bite 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26 for 1d8 + 5 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 5 + 6 = 18 halved from BAstion

talon 1 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18 for 1d6 + 5 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 5 + 6 = 17 miss from SoF
talon 2 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22 for 1d6 + 5 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 5 + 6 = 17 halved from BAstion

The second vrock goes after Garith as the sheer number of attacks is alarming to it. That and Garith is the only 1 to have hit it thus far.

claw 1 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25 for 2d6 + 5 + 6 ⇒ (4, 6) + 5 + 6 = 21 miss thanks to aid
claw 2 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22 for 2d6 + 5 + 6 ⇒ (5, 1) + 5 + 6 = 17 miss

bite 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24 for 1d8 + 5 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 5 + 6 = 17 hit I believe still unless circle of prot and defensive ward stack

talon 1 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20 for 1d6 + 5 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 5 + 6 = 14 miss
talon 2 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29 for 1d6 + 5 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 5 + 6 = 17 hit

The vrocks connect a few times but over all their attacks were quite weak this time considering what the first did to Garith alone. It didn't help that Garith was able to Bastion the first vrock and that absorbed 1/2 the damage that Maelchar would have received.

good guys up!! Keep it going guys.

Sovereign Court

Angelkin Aasimar - (Status: Normal) SS 12/G 5 | HP:30/136 (-1wis drain) | AC: 32(33) [39] | CMD: 31 | F:16/R:13/W:13 MP:8/13 (RadMP:2/2) Aura 20ft DC:19 to Teleport

Deflection bonuses do stack so it would cause that attack to miss.
Light suffuses he wound the Paladin took and he glows, the talon marks nearly fading
LoH: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 2) = 13

He then takes his chance to attack
1d20 + 10 + 3 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 10 + 3 + 1 + 1 = 29
for 1d8 + 7 + 2d6 ⇒ (1) + 7 + (5, 4) = 17

1d20 + 5 + 3 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 5 + 3 + 1 + 1 = 28
for 1d8 + 7 + 2d6 ⇒ (1) + 7 + (5, 1) = 14

He delivers two accurate slashes, trying to build up enough small wounds on the creature to take it down

hp 99/101, AC 24 12 23 (21 T12 FF20) , bab +6/+1, melee +9, missile +7, cmb 9, cmd 21, F 12, R 11, W 14 +3 vs mind affect, init +3, MP 8/9 weapon 7/7 angel blooded Aasimar oracle metal 7/mystery cultist 2/mythic 3
Acrobatics -2 bluff 7 craft: weapons 5 diplomacy 16+2 disable 5, heal 5, intimidate 15, know history 6, know planes 9, know religion 11, linguistics 7, perception 13+1 sense motive 9, spellcraft 5, stealth -2, swim 0

Maelchar uses his sudden block against the first attack vrock has to roll again and take the lower of the two to-hit rolls, please miss, lol, and Maelchar gets a free attack on the demon

to hit: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
dmg if hits: 3d6 + 3 ⇒ (4, 1, 4) + 3 = 12

oh well, worth a try.. still i hope he misses me with that second roll

Cleric of Sarenrae 15 [ HP 121/121 (0 NL)| AC 28 T 17 FF 24| F12 R11 W16 +2 vs Death Effects| CMD 29| Init +11| Perc +7, Darkvision 60' | 8/8 Channel 8d6 DC 22 | Restorative Touch 7/7| Hierophant MR7| MP 17/17 Surge +1d10 | Staff of Healing 4 chg | Effect: ]

Can she spend more than one MP in a round? If so, she spends one for a surge. Hope it's enough or I just wasted two on nothing.

MP surge: 1d6 ⇒ 2

Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer)-9 (Mythic Archmage 2)(Current HP 54/62)

Pakak steps back once more 5 step and then mutters, "Enough..." He brings his hands to the side of his and his eyes glow white before lowers his hands sending a volley of magic missiles outward.

Forgot I had mythic points left over. So Mythic Magic missiles away again
On weaker target [ooc] 2d4 + 1 ⇒ (1, 1) + 1 = 3
[ooc]to overcome SR
1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23

On healthier Vrok 4d4 + 2 ⇒ (1, 1, 4, 2) + 2 = 10
to overcome SR 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22

Another mythic power point down

This is why mythic pbp gets so complicated...

Nasira boosts her spear of purity to allow her to bypass the enemies defenses. The resulting spear hits teh vrock in a shower of white light. All around can see through the light as it coalescs directly onto the vrock's eyes. Talons and arms flailing around it tries to remove the lihgt but fails horribly as the burning sensation enters into it completely. It does not suffer long though as it soon dissipates into smoke as it returns to its native plane.

Maelchar you do not take any damage fro the vrock's attacks as it would have been destroyed prior to its turn. Likewise you do not need to spend the mythic point on the block as the attack never happened.

Garith hacks and slashes at the demon as the cuts do start to add up eventually. Pakak gets into the mix as he casts a mythic magic missile bypassing the SR for another 13 damage.

Maelchar up for this round and then Zeriax. Come on Maelchar!!!

hp 99/101, AC 24 12 23 (21 T12 FF20) , bab +6/+1, melee +9, missile +7, cmb 9, cmd 21, F 12, R 11, W 14 +3 vs mind affect, init +3, MP 8/9 weapon 7/7 angel blooded Aasimar oracle metal 7/mystery cultist 2/mythic 3
Acrobatics -2 bluff 7 craft: weapons 5 diplomacy 16+2 disable 5, heal 5, intimidate 15, know history 6, know planes 9, know religion 11, linguistics 7, perception 13+1 sense motive 9, spellcraft 5, stealth -2, swim 0

Maelchar strikes at the remaining vrock.

to hit: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
dmg if hits: 3d6 + 3 ⇒ (3, 3, 6) + 3 = 15

dammit, up to you Garith

Maelchar swings with the Lucerne hammer and even with its new enchantment placed upon it he is still struggling to hit the vrock.

Zeriax fires at the vrock with a pair of arrows.

arrow 1 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28 for 2d6 + 9 ⇒ (1, 3) + 9 = 13
arrow 2 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27 for 2d6 + 9 ⇒ (1, 5) + 9 = 15

Both arrows hit easily but only leave scratches for damage.

Top of 5
With only 1 demon remaining the vrock changes tactics as he unleashes a loud screech trying to stun all around him. As he does so the previous spores continue to do their work and damage all but Reiko and Garith for 1d4 ⇒ 2

fort save DC 21 everyone please or stunned for 1 round.

If Garith or Maelchar fail their save then the vrock is going to move next to Zeriax.

Vrock move not done yet. Good guys up. fort saves DC 21.

hp 99/101, AC 24 12 23 (21 T12 FF20) , bab +6/+1, melee +9, missile +7, cmb 9, cmd 21, F 12, R 11, W 14 +3 vs mind affect, init +3, MP 8/9 weapon 7/7 angel blooded Aasimar oracle metal 7/mystery cultist 2/mythic 3
Acrobatics -2 bluff 7 craft: weapons 5 diplomacy 16+2 disable 5, heal 5, intimidate 15, know history 6, know planes 9, know religion 11, linguistics 7, perception 13+1 sense motive 9, spellcraft 5, stealth -2, swim 0

fort save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

Maelchar fights off the effects of the screech easily and strikes at the Vrock with his enhanced weapon.

to hit: 1d20 + 6 + 1d6 ⇒ (13) + 6 + (6) = 25
dmg if hits: 3d6 + 3 ⇒ (5, 5, 4) + 3 = 17

Sovereign Court

Angelkin Aasimar - (Status: Normal) SS 12/G 5 | HP:30/136 (-1wis drain) | AC: 32(33) [39] | CMD: 31 | F:16/R:13/W:13 MP:8/13 (RadMP:2/2) Aura 20ft DC:19 to Teleport

1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25

Garith stands firm against the shrieking Vrock. We refuse to fall to you, Demon!
He then lashes out again
Slash: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (9) + 15 = 24
for 1d8 + 7 + 2d6 ⇒ (1) + 7 + (2, 6) = 16

Itterative: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24
for 1d8 + 7 + 2d6 ⇒ (7) + 7 + (5, 1) = 20

Cleric of Sarenrae 15 [ HP 121/121 (0 NL)| AC 28 T 17 FF 24| F12 R11 W16 +2 vs Death Effects| CMD 29| Init +11| Perc +7, Darkvision 60' | 8/8 Channel 8d6 DC 22 | Restorative Touch 7/7| Hierophant MR7| MP 17/17 Surge +1d10 | Staff of Healing 4 chg | Effect: ]

Fort DC 21: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

The cleric reels from the demon's screech, dropping her holy symbol as she throws both hands to cover her ears.

Current Status:
AC: 28 (T21/F26) || HP: 37/102 || Mythic left: 6/11 || WW Legendary Power left: 1/2 || Perfect Strike left 3/7 || Ki left: 8/10 || Effects: Mage Armor (w/ Arcane Endurance and Wild Arcana) + Barkskin + Div Favor
Male Garuda-Blooded Aasimar (Plumekith) || HP: 102/102 (Normal: 102) || Init: +13x2 || Ki Pool: 10 || Mythic: 11 || Perfect Strike: 7
Stealth +16 || Per: +21 (+22 vs. Traps / +23 vs. Evil Outsiders) || AC 26, T21, FF 24 || Fort +14, Ref +13, Will +18

Fort Save: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26

Again the monstrous shriek pierces Zeriax's ears, but this time he was prepared, ans is not affected by it, maintaining his focus, and unleashing another torrent of arrows at the creature - "On the other hand, you will soon face defeat" - Zeriax adds to his companion's words.

Move: 5' step to V:64
Standard : Flurry of Arrows with Cold Iron Arrows
Note: Using Perfect Strike and a point of Ki for an extra attack

Flurry of Arrows 1: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26<-This one
Damage if it hits: 2d6 + 10 ⇒ (1, 2) + 10 = 13

Flurry of Arrows 1 Perfect Strike: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11
Damage if it hits: 2d6 + 10 ⇒ (2, 5) + 10 = 17

Flurry of Arrows 2: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20<-This one
Damage if it hits: 2d6 + 10 ⇒ (6, 6) + 10 = 22

Flurry of Arrows 3: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28<-And this one
Damage if it hits: 2d6 + 10 ⇒ (5, 3) + 10 = 18

The screech was woefully impotent compared to the last time as only Nasira succumbed to the demonic vocals. The rest of the group decides to then unleash themselves on the vrock with Zeriax hitting only twice and Garith hitting twice. Both of thir attacks were scratche by comparison though to the power that Maelchar wielded. Finally able to connect Maelchar swings with force at the vrock and hits it solidly for the first time. The natural resistances the vrock had to weapons was no match for the power of Terendelev's scale. As the true danger reveals itself, it tries to move away and teleport to safety.

concentration check 1d20 + 12 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 12 + 3 = 25 DC 29 fail

Confounded at the turn of events the vrock can only sit there too stunned to do anything other than to await its fate.

No map update necessary. AC is 22 with DR 10/good. It has 20 hp left so you can have fun with the posts. At least I dropped a bunch of your mythic points down during this fight.

Cleric of Sarenrae 15 [ HP 121/121 (0 NL)| AC 28 T 17 FF 24| F12 R11 W16 +2 vs Death Effects| CMD 29| Init +11| Perc +7, Darkvision 60' | 8/8 Channel 8d6 DC 22 | Restorative Touch 7/7| Hierophant MR7| MP 17/17 Surge +1d10 | Staff of Healing 4 chg | Effect: ]

Nasira recovers her wits, crouching down to pick up her holy symbol as she whispers a prayer requesting forgiveness and wipes the dirt off of it. Delaying to see how the warriors fare.

hp 99/101, AC 24 12 23 (21 T12 FF20) , bab +6/+1, melee +9, missile +7, cmb 9, cmd 21, F 12, R 11, W 14 +3 vs mind affect, init +3, MP 8/9 weapon 7/7 angel blooded Aasimar oracle metal 7/mystery cultist 2/mythic 3
Acrobatics -2 bluff 7 craft: weapons 5 diplomacy 16+2 disable 5, heal 5, intimidate 15, know history 6, know planes 9, know religion 11, linguistics 7, perception 13+1 sense motive 9, spellcraft 5, stealth -2, swim 0

Maelchar takes a step forward and strikes at the creature again...

to hit: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
dmg if hits: 3d6 + 3 ⇒ (1, 1, 6) + 3 = 11

He smiles as his hammer takes it's toll, though disappointed at the weak strike... "Get him guys, he's hurt... we can take him down before he gets away..."

Sovereign Court

Angelkin Aasimar - (Status: Normal) SS 12/G 5 | HP:30/136 (-1wis drain) | AC: 32(33) [39] | CMD: 31 | F:16/R:13/W:13 MP:8/13 (RadMP:2/2) Aura 20ft DC:19 to Teleport

Garith once again strikes out twice at the Vrock.

1d20 + 15 ⇒ (10) + 15 = 25
For 1d8 + 7 + 2d6 ⇒ (5) + 7 + (6, 4) = 22

1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
For 1d8 + 7 + 2d6 ⇒ (3) + 7 + (1, 2) = 13

His blade bites deep, and even as the creature resists the damage of the weapon, the blade's rightious magic hungers for demon blood. The first swing rends the creature open, dealing a fatal blow.

Well met Coz, that magic of yours was a great boon this day. he congratulates, making a note to prepare such magics in the future. Now let us investigate this foul rift afore any else comes through

Cleric of Sarenrae 15 [ HP 121/121 (0 NL)| AC 28 T 17 FF 24| F12 R11 W16 +2 vs Death Effects| CMD 29| Init +11| Perc +7, Darkvision 60' | 8/8 Channel 8d6 DC 22 | Restorative Touch 7/7| Hierophant MR7| MP 17/17 Surge +1d10 | Staff of Healing 4 chg | Effect: ]

"How do we close such a rift?"

Knowledge (Planes): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Sovereign Court

Angelkin Aasimar - (Status: Normal) SS 12/G 5 | HP:30/136 (-1wis drain) | AC: 32(33) [39] | CMD: 31 | F:16/R:13/W:13 MP:8/13 (RadMP:2/2) Aura 20ft DC:19 to Teleport

k planes: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
I know not more than you do, Nasira. . .

hp 99/101, AC 24 12 23 (21 T12 FF20) , bab +6/+1, melee +9, missile +7, cmb 9, cmd 21, F 12, R 11, W 14 +3 vs mind affect, init +3, MP 8/9 weapon 7/7 angel blooded Aasimar oracle metal 7/mystery cultist 2/mythic 3
Acrobatics -2 bluff 7 craft: weapons 5 diplomacy 16+2 disable 5, heal 5, intimidate 15, know history 6, know planes 9, know religion 11, linguistics 7, perception 13+1 sense motive 9, spellcraft 5, stealth -2, swim 0

know planes: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

"Rift? oh the portal! I have no idea... Perhaps master Pakak can enlighten us..."

Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer)-9 (Mythic Archmage 2)(Current HP 54/62)

"Mmmm...." Pakak gestures, casting Detect Magic and his eyes gleam as he studies the arcane energies of the rift, "The resonance is not harmonious by any means, typical of chaotic energies."

Some rolls to help figure out how to close this
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (11) + 13 = 24
Knowledge Planes: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21
Knowledge Arcana 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28

Current Status:
AC: 28 (T21/F26) || HP: 37/102 || Mythic left: 6/11 || WW Legendary Power left: 1/2 || Perfect Strike left 3/7 || Ki left: 8/10 || Effects: Mage Armor (w/ Arcane Endurance and Wild Arcana) + Barkskin + Div Favor
Male Garuda-Blooded Aasimar (Plumekith) || HP: 102/102 (Normal: 102) || Init: +13x2 || Ki Pool: 10 || Mythic: 11 || Perfect Strike: 7
Stealth +16 || Per: +21 (+22 vs. Traps / +23 vs. Evil Outsiders) || AC 26, T21, FF 24 || Fort +14, Ref +13, Will +18

"I have no idea how to close this tear in the fabric of reality friends, but we must think of something fast, as it is unpredictable what other monstrosities may step out of it" - Zeriax states, moving closer to the portal area, and standing watch over it, alert to any possible movement from the 'other side'

Pakak is able to determine the following...

The rift itself is one-way, and can be sealed automatically with a dimensional anchor, dimensional lock, dispel chaos, or dispel evil spell cast upon the rift—Casting a magic circle against evil or magic circle against chaos spell around the rift with the circle’s energies radiating inward won’t close the rift, but it will prevent any other creatures from emerging. Other methods to close the rift, such as sealing it over with stone via wall of stone or stone shape can block entrance, as can simply collapsing the cavern.

It is a DC 20 engineering check to successfully collapse the cavern and not get caught in the cave in. Otherwise it is 6d6 crushing damage and I get to look up the rules for trapped pcs and possible suffocation.

Cleric of Sarenrae 15 [ HP 121/121 (0 NL)| AC 28 T 17 FF 24| F12 R11 W16 +2 vs Death Effects| CMD 29| Init +11| Perc +7, Darkvision 60' | 8/8 Channel 8d6 DC 22 | Restorative Touch 7/7| Hierophant MR7| MP 17/17 Surge +1d10 | Staff of Healing 4 chg | Effect: ]

"In that case, I believe I would be able to temporarily block the rift, but I cannot close it. I have not prepared appropriately. It would at best allow us to exit before another creature came through."

The only applicable spell I have at this time is a magic circle.

Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer)-9 (Mythic Archmage 2)(Current HP 54/62)

Pakak explains all... See good DM's statement

"Definitely block it, if you would Nasira. It will buy us time to consider what to do next," He scowls, "If only dispel magic worked. I have no permanent ways to cover it beyond trying to collapse it by methods known to dwarven engineers. I'll take that risk if the rest of you wish, but there's no need for the rest of you to be nearby and risk the cave in."

hp 99/101, AC 24 12 23 (21 T12 FF20) , bab +6/+1, melee +9, missile +7, cmb 9, cmd 21, F 12, R 11, W 14 +3 vs mind affect, init +3, MP 8/9 weapon 7/7 angel blooded Aasimar oracle metal 7/mystery cultist 2/mythic 3
Acrobatics -2 bluff 7 craft: weapons 5 diplomacy 16+2 disable 5, heal 5, intimidate 15, know history 6, know planes 9, know religion 11, linguistics 7, perception 13+1 sense motive 9, spellcraft 5, stealth -2, swim 0

"With the help of the divine, I can seal the rift... " Maelchar steps forward and begins casting, surrounded by pure white light as the divine surges through him.

spending a mp to use divine surge: inspired spell to cast 3rd lvl 'stone shape' spell off the cleric/oracle list

He shapes the stone of the cavern over the rift so as to prevent it's use by any other creatures.

Once done, his brow shiny with the sweat of the effort, he steps back to view the results of his casting...

"That should take care of it, though a dimensional anchor to permanently close it would have been even better."

"I suppose we need to press on, though I could surely use a rest after that fight and this effort as well."

Cleric of Sarenrae 15 [ HP 121/121 (0 NL)| AC 28 T 17 FF 24| F12 R11 W16 +2 vs Death Effects| CMD 29| Init +11| Perc +7, Darkvision 60' | 8/8 Channel 8d6 DC 22 | Restorative Touch 7/7| Hierophant MR7| MP 17/17 Surge +1d10 | Staff of Healing 4 chg | Effect: ]

It would appear that I need not cast the magic circle. I'll save it for healing.

"Several of us are badly wounded. Do we need to remain down here? And should we heal before we leave?"

It appears that Maelchar is down 26, Nasira is down 25, and Sir Garith is down 16. I can probably top us all off without resorting to the wand at this point if we so choose.

Maelcahr does indeed channel the require energy as he shapes the surrounding stone enough to block off the rift. Once finished with the task the group then considers their next move as they are still underground. With the swarms hopefully taken care of there does not appear to be much else down here for them to worry about or investigate.

Yes Nasira, use all spells and abilities to heal and leave yourself nothing else for the rest of the day. It is still mid morning btw.

Cleric of Sarenrae 15 [ HP 121/121 (0 NL)| AC 28 T 17 FF 24| F12 R11 W16 +2 vs Death Effects| CMD 29| Init +11| Perc +7, Darkvision 60' | 8/8 Channel 8d6 DC 22 | Restorative Touch 7/7| Hierophant MR7| MP 17/17 Surge +1d10 | Staff of Healing 4 chg | Effect: ]


Healing up or not?

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