Nasira Yusra Abujamal |

As the dust settles and Morgrym stomps through the surviving worms, Nasira catches her breath and asks, "My friends, we live once again. Who needs the blessings of my goddess to restore them?" She looks around, "Snow? Are you near? Are you hurt?"

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Ah HA! Garith shouts. well done everyone. We have denied the demons a powerful asset.
I think I need another restoration for my con damage but that's about it.
Can I get that *3 mithral plate?
Garith is impressed with the plate, and looks in shock as the Radiance reacts to it

Snow. |

Snow reappears, floating in midair on a small platform of white mist.
"I am well, thank you Nasira." She says with a smile. "That was a mighty battle. I'm sorry I could not do more to block his magics."
When the worm's spellbooks are located Snow grabs at them with eager attention and sets to studying - seemingly uncaring of the location.

Zeriax |

"It is as it should be - we prevail because we strike together, as a fist" - the monk nods at his companions.

Queen Galfrey |

You return home to Drezen and go about your business there. Some of you look into your organizations that you have started. Others check in on old friends and businesses while orders have been made to obtain more powerful items. In time it seems that life has returned to normal. However that normalcy is interrupted one day when Aravashinal runs into the council chambers during the weekly meeting. Apologizing profusely for interrupting and running late he gets right to the point. I just received a sending from Queen Galfrey. She is on the way here to meet with us. Apparently there has been a discovery of such importance that it might mean the end of the Worldwound! She will be here in 5 minutes.
Indeed it is shortly after he gives the announcement that a group teleports in to the front of the citadel and requests and entrance. It is Queen Galfrey and a few of her entourage. Irabeth rises and bows low to the queen giving up her chair at the head of the table for her. Queen Galfrey nods in acquiescence and looks over the group. Sorry about the sudden arrival. However I am extremely excited to share with you great news. A pathfinder chapter, that will rename nameless for the time being, has recovered an extremely unique, rare and controversial book: The Lexicon of Paradox. This book talks about the origins of The Worldwound and how it came to be! In addition the book contained a pair of metal plates that it claims can close minors rifts! If this is true then we can use this knowledge to reverse engineer the process and possibly close it down forever!

Aravashinal |

Aravashinal hears the proclamation and runs out of the room. a few minutes later, winded and breathing heavily, he holds up the diary from Xanthir Vang. I have been studying this while not working on Morgrym's Earthbreaker. It is extremely complex to decipher but I think I have found coordinates to such a rift west of the Templar's hideout. If my deciphering is correct the location is called the Midnight Fane. there is mention of the Nahyndrian crystal in relation to that location as well but I have not figured out what exactly is going on though.

Arueshalae |

At the mention of Midnight Fane Arushalae pipes up, This may be worse than what you fear Aravashinal. The reference to midnight may have another connotation that I hesitate to bring up. Midnight Fane may refer to a place that is connected to the Midnight Isles, home of the demon lord Nocticula. If this is correct then we might be facing more than just Deskari and Baphomet. Nocticula, the demon lord of assassins, darkness, lust and succubi, is greater than either Deskari or Baphomet. Tread carefully and watch your backs always when dealing with anyone from the Midnight Isle's realm.

Queen Galfrey |

That may be true Arueshalae but that is something that we will have to investigate and prove. I think you are correct though that the Midnight Isles may be involved as what we have learned from the Lexicon is that the ritual must be completed from both sides of the rift. that means that whomever completes the ritual on the far side will be stuck there.
The second reason that we think the Midnight Isles are involved is that the Isles themselves are believed to be formed from the assassinations of those by Nocticula. The more powerful being killed the larger the landmass created. And as we learned previously Nahyndrian Crystals are the crystalized blood of demon lords.
Pause for you to chime in with questions and comments if you like.

Morgrym Ironfist |

Morgrym sits with his arms crossed, listening intently to it all. Shaking his head at the news of this 'demon lord of assassins', "You gotta be kiddin' me. Demon lord of assassins...," he grumbles, drawing a hand down his face. "Okay. I got questions. Midnight Fane? We've no idea what this is? And what in the blazes is the point of these 'crystals' yer talkin' about? Blood of demon lords? Why are they crystallized and for what purpose? And are we suppose ta kill this 'Noctila' or whatever her blasted name is?"

Queen Galfrey |

Nocticula is a demon lord of immense power and skill. Plus you would be on her own home world of which she has deific control over. I would not recommend attacking her at all. Instead I would recommend a more diplomatic approach with her. As a demon lord she is quite patient and takes a long term view of all interactions. She might grant an audience with you if you can get her attention. As for these crystals, we don't know why they came to be or for what purpose but other than that they have the latent ability to bestow mythic power upon those demons that imbibe them and survive. Other uses of these crystals I hope are never discovered. And yes we don't know exactly what resides in the Fane but what ever is there needs to be taken out and the Nahyndrian Crystal refinement destroyed.

Morgrym Ironfist |

Morgrym stares blankly at the queen for several moments. Finally he says, "Is this some kind o' joke? Did ya just say we have ta go ta her home world? Which is probably located in the deepest darkest pit of hell. And when we get there, we should just talk ta her?" he asks rhetorically, having a hard time wrapping this one around his head as he draws his hands down his face in disbelief. Reverting to chewing on the inside of his lip for a moment, "Okay!" he exclaims, throwing his hands up. "I gotta say, that was not was I expectin' ta hear. I did not see that one comin'," he admits, shaking his head while crossing his arms.

Arueshalae |

Arueshalae laughs lightly at Morgryms words. All you mortals and ‘Righteous’ people never truly understand the abyss at all. The midnight Isles are some of the most beautiful places you would ever travel to. Yes there are deep dark places just as there here on Golarion. As we said earlier, each isle is composed of a being that Nocticula assassinated and each Isle retains some of the traits of the slain. The darker the slain the darker the isle. The more beautiful the slain the more beautiful the island. Evil and beauty have no correlation.

Morgrym Ironfist |

The dwarf looks to the succubus with a raised eyebrow. "Beautiful? The abyss? Well now that's a new one on me. Never thought I'd hear those two words in the same sentence. I guess I'm just gonna have ta trust ya, lass. But I've got ta confess, that's a hard one ta believe." And I absolutely don't believe it. There's just no way that's true.

Arueshalae |

Believe it Morgrym. There is nothing so devious as evil in beauty, unless it is evil unknown to oneself. A person who thinks they are doing good but are manipulated into evil acts is willing to convince themselves that no matter what they do they are not wrong. Believe me Morgrym you must be aware at all times of your actions and to make sure that you are not straying from the path you want.

Queen Galfrey |

Your words are truly spoken Arueshalae. Evil has many forms. Yet just as there are many forms of evil there are many paths to redemption. You yourself are an example of that. Your past has given us a unique insight into the machinations of demons. However there is another with a unique history that I would like to introduce you to.
Stepping out she returns to the council chamber with a female elf at her side. May I introduce you to Ansha. I will let her introduce herself to you but I think that with her skill set and history she will be a valued companion in the days ahead. This pairing is 2-fold though as she will undoubtedly help you, I am thinking that you will help her in the coming trials she may face as well. Help her as she helps you and you all will be stronger for it.
Once introductions are in order I will move on to the task she has assigned you at the Midnight Fane

Ansha Saeralyan |

The elf female that enters with Queen Galfrey practically slinks in. Tall and slender, the platinum-blond elf is achingly beautiful--perhaps not as beautiful as the risen succubus, but there does seem to be something otherworldly about her own appearance as well--with delicate frame and features, a small, straight nose and smooth porcelain skin. Her silken hair cascades over her shoulders like a cloak to end just above her buttocks. Attired in a green underbust corset and blouse, and a matching long-slit skirt, her long, elegant fingers are left exposed in a pair of elbow-length black fingerless opera gloves. An intricate choker rests at her throat, silver chains holding in place a gold frame inset with a large emerald; additional silver chains drape across her bare neck; dangling among the chains is a small gold disc etched with the elven rune for the first two letters of her given name, and a slender silver chain dangles from that disc into her cleavage.
A sword rests on her hip and she carries a staff in hand, but her attire, the way her deep emerald eyes twinkle with amusement, and the way her full, slightly pouting lips are quick to part into a disarming smile full of unspoken promises for each person in the room make it obvious that neither are her real weapons.
"Thank you, your Highness," the elf says, sparing a furtive glance at Arueshalae. The especially observant might be forgiven for thinking that there was the briefest flash of fear, desire, and maybe hatred in that brief glance.
"As Queen Galfrey said, my name is Ansha. Ansha Saeralyan. Maybe you you've heard of me?" the briefly sober mood is gone as she flashes an insouciant smile. "Of course, it's probably better if you haven't. It's definitely better if you haven't heard of the Saeralyans. I'm an information broker, and an enchantress...and someone with an interest in Our Lady In Shadow. An interest that goes back to House Saeralyan. My sources have been helping me look into Nocticula's activities, and the trail they've put me on leads me here. I also know that you're all set to begin an expedition into the Midnight Isles, and I've offered my services to accompany you. The reach of the Abyss is too long already, and I want to change that. Besides, outside of a denizen of the Abyss"--she glances again at Arueshalae--"I am the best guide to that realm you are likely to find."

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A towering fortress of a man stands, clad in gleaming Plate armor, shield slung for easy access and a finely wrought hilt of a longsword glows at his right hip. Garith's entire being is suffused with divine energy, and he gives an honest and warm smile, extending his hand to the enchantress. he clearly didn't catch her glance at Arushalae.
Sir Garith Mordrand. It is an honor to meet you. he says by way of introduction. I would as what your interest in the Midnight Isles would be? Our common goal of curtailing the expansion of Abyssal influence makes us Ally's, but a greater understanding of your specific ends will allow us to best ensure mutual success.
Garith seems concerned about what an enchantress's interest in this Demon means for them all

Nasira Yusra Abujamal |

Behind the others listening to the queen's words stands a woman of medium height. The dark brown skin of her face is set off by the pale scarf that frames it and the pale green eyes that peer out of it. Only the skin of her face and her hands, which are clasped before her as she half-bows to the newcomer, is visible. A golden holy symbol of Sarenrae is displayed prominently on her chest.
She says nothing, but it seems that she didn't miss much, either. Her concern is that her friends come back alive. Allies that contribute to that effort are welcome, regardless of their ulterior motives.

Morgrym Ironfist |

A dwarf built a fair more stout and stocky than his typical brethren and with an expression that defines all business, is leaning up against a wall when the elf walks in. Morgrym studies the newcomer through narrowed eyes with his arms crossed. Not really sure what to make of her, "Nope, can't say that I've heard of ya. Name's Morgrym by the way. So long as yer on our side ta destroy these blasted demons then glad ta have ya on the team," he says in such a plain tone that one just might wonder if the dwarf actually knows what the word 'glad' means.

Ansha Saeralyan |

The enchantress gives Sir Garith a coy smile. "A girl has to keep a few secrets, Sir Knight. It's part of our mystique." Truth be told, Ansha wasn't entirely sure what her goal was when it came to Nocticula anyway--just that she wanted to learn more about a being she regarded as her most dire enemy.
She turns to look to Morgrym, though her words are meant just as much for Garith and the others. "Don't worry, I'm no friend of theirs. And glad to be on the team."
The way she said it had decidedly more warmth than the dwarf's.

Queen Galfrey |

Clearing her throat a bit to gloss over Morgrym's social skills Queen Galfrey asks the party, Are you prepared to head out? If so I will have 1 of my people teleport you there? Before yo go though I have a gift for each of you.
She hands you each a brooch to pin onto your cloak but looks at Garith purposely. These were crafted solely for one purpose, Garith. Sometimes a deal must be made with an enemy for the greater good. Not always, but sometimes. By wearing 1 of these and concentrating on it for 6 seconds it will hopefully recognize your heart and allow you to work with evil creatures without corrupting you. Be warned though that some deals are insidious and this will not protect you from all dealings with demons and devils.
Basically by taking a full round to concentrate on the brooch it will tell you if taking a certain course of action will cause you to fall from the ranks of being a paladin. Might come in handy for social interactions, not the best for combat actions though.

Ansha Saeralyan |

Ansha nods to Queen Galfrey. "I am prepared if the rest of the team is."

Zeriax |

"Well met Lady Saeralyan" - the last of the group introduces himself with a polite bow - "I am Zeriax"
Definitely a most unusual looking one for a Plumekith Aasimar, with a shaved head and darkened skin, the only telltale giving away his ascendancy are the eagle like amber eyes and the posture - calm and observant, but clearly ready to take action at the spur of the moment.
As he approaches Ansha, the monk's movements denounce a strict training – he carries himself with sure and decisive steps, his simple travelling attire dotted by many quivers holding varied types of ammunition, neatly stacked and identified by their distinctly coloured feathers.
At his back a wooden bow with veins of silver seems to match somehow the only adornment carried by the archer - an unusually large silver scale of some sort, hanging from a simple cord.
He seems to carry no armor whatsoever, and only one more weapon dangles from his waist - a pair of roughly hewn iron knuckles.
"All allies introduced by Queen Galfrey are welcome to our midst - we are thankful for your offer to join and assist us" - he nods - "We will be surely stronger in our joint efforts if you are with us, and I look forward to learn whatever you may have to teach about the Midnight Isles"
Zeriax will accept the brooch from Queen Galfrey, and he is set to go I believe. We didn't have any further loot considerations, right?

Morgrym Ironfist |

Morgrym accepts the brooch with a bit of reluctance and uncertainty. Ya know, I'd ask what the devil she means by '...a deal must be made with an enemy for the greater good' but I'm afraid I won't like the answer. I'm thinkin' I'm just gonna keep quiet on that one.

Nasira Yusra Abujamal |

Nasira solemnly takes the brooch and studies it before attaching it within the folds of her robes. "Sarenrae teaches that those that seek redemption for their actions deserve the chance to prove their intentions. Even demon lords. After all, we recently found ourselves taking arms alongside a succubus against a common foe."
She looks at their newest member. "Lady Saeralyan, is it? I am Nasira Yusra Abujamal. Please call me Nasira. My role has been to use the gifts of my patron to provide succor to my allies while they answer the violence of the Abyss with righteous violence of our own. She, the Dawnflower, has seen fit to grant me new gifts as we have rested from our exertions. Some of these would appear to be most useful for us if we will be traveling the planes, but I have not done so. Your knowledge and experience in such matters will be invaluable."
Among my new mythic spells is plane shift, which would allow me to return us to the Material Plane to a precise location that I am familiar with. Going to the Midnight Isles would be inaccurate until I was familiar with a destination on that plane. Seemed like a useful trick to have up my sleeve if we are going to be plane-hopping, having a return ticket in hand.

DM Variel |

Make sure you have the required focus Nasira for plane shift. Easy to get one for Golarion and the material plane...not so easy for other planes at this point.
No other loot since we listed it all a month ago.
Seeing that the majority of you are ready to proceed Queen Galfrey calls forward one of her councilors. He hands you a page that seems torn from a book. Take this and use it to complete the ritual of closing on the far side of the rift. Upon completion of the ritual one of you will need to cast dispel evil, dispel chaos, dimensional lock, dimensional, or 1 of the planar binding spells to finalize it. Good luck to all of you. With that he prepares to cast teleport a few times to send you all to the entrance of the hidden Midnight Fane.
When you arrive you are surprised to see that Queen Galfrey and Arueshalae are with you. The queen smiles I wanted to come and see the entrance for myself in case I should ever need to return. Also there were reports that a patrol of demons was in the area. Arueshalae and I will cover your back while you do what needs to be done inside.
Before you, in the side of a mountain similar to the hidden entrance of Xanthir Vang and the Blackfire Adepts lair, is a large set of double doors made of reinforced and magically treated stone. The doors and are closed but Zeriax is able to determine that they do not seem to be trapped to the best of his knowledge. Given some time he knows he can figure out the lock and allow all of you to enter in.
Pausing till tomorrow to let those that wish to take actions before the door opens...

Ansha Saeralyan |

Before the party leaves:
The elf grimaces. "Please, just call me Ansha. Or Lady Ansha- but not Lady Saeralyan. That is my mother, and I want nothing to do with her or her pacts."
Collecting herself, she forces a smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you both, Zeriax, Nasira--and I am at your disposal."
At the Midnight Fane:
Ansha quickly takes stock of their surroundings. Murmuring a cantrip to detect magic, she sweeps their immediate surroundings, then intones a spell to ward off evil influences on herself. Detect Magic, then Protection from Evil.
I assume the Midnight Fane is still on Golarion, and not in the Abyss?

Zeriax |

I will be using the usual Mage Armor + Barkskin Combo :P
Zeriax's sensitive hands run up and down the wall as he looks for the smallest of hints as to whether it may be trapped, and how to open it.
As Ansha uses magic, so does the Monk, invoking a simple detection spell as part of his thorough process.
Using Detect Magic also.
Perception. Are there any sounds from the other side? Take 10?: 10 + 25 = 35
Once he deems the doors to be safe, he steps back and draws Whisperwind, standing at the ready.

Nasira Yusra Abujamal |

Yes, I am terrible about double-checking that stuff. Nasira will obtain a focus for Golarion before they depart.
Hopefully, she was also informed of the need to have dispel evil available before she prepared spells - she has prepared it in place of one of her sixth-level spells.

DM Variel |

That is fine Nasira to prepare it now. Also Ansha I forgot to save your pic so will do that this weekend when I have more time.
Zeriax listens intently at the doors but hears nothing but the silence of tomb. Either there is nothing behind the doors, the doors block all sound, or it is a tunnel leading deeper into a network remains to be discovered. Knowing that waiting is pointless at the moment he opens the door carefully to peer inside.
Within the complex, as clearly you can tell it is a complex by now, a flight of stone stairs leads down to a large octagonal chamber. A second flight of stairs ascends to the south to a large shrine dominated by a fifteen-foot-tall statue of a scythe-wielding insectile demon that looms over a black stone altar, its surface smeared with blood.

Morgrym Ironfist |

Noticing the twisted looking insect demon, "What are the odds they'll be havin' no tea for me?" the dwarf asks facetiously. He then pulls out his earthbreaker and leads the way inside to the end of the steps. "How far we goin' in? Nothin' I like about walkin' into the middle of an empty room ya know. I can just smell the trap," he claims with narrowed eyes.
Will wait to see what the others want to do. If we move forward, I'd say toward the statue first just to check it out. But if not then the double doors to our right is fine. Or Morgrym's left as it were. The closest set of doors I mean.

Ansha Saeralyan |

"We won't find what we're looking for out here, regardless," Ansha says. "Let's check that statue first. That and the altar are both practically begging for a closer look."
As she speaks, she masks the casting of another spell. Stoneskin. Component Freedom mythic path ability means she doesn't have to waste anything on the material components. Also, her Subtle Magic path ability means people have to beat her Bluff roll to notice she cast a spell.
Bluff: 1d20 + 30 ⇒ (14) + 30 = 44

Zeriax |

Variel, is the Detect Magic still up? Is there magic on the statue?

Morgrym Ironfist |

"We won't find what we're looking for out here, regardless," Ansha says. "Let's check that statue first. That and the altar are both practically begging for a closer look."
Nodding, "My thoughts exactly, lass." The dwarf makes his way over to the statue, staring at it for a moment and wondering if it's about to animate and attack.

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Garith attempts to detect evil, examini g the alter and tries to to identify the statue
religion: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
planes: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (5) + 16 = 21

Ansha Saeralyan |

Noticing the door off to the side of the altar, Ansha looks to Zeriax and motions toward it. Best let the trapspringer go first, she thinks, looking over the statue. Where had she seen this type of demon before...?
Knowledge (planes): 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (13) + 25 = 38
Spells active: Detect Magic, Protection from Evil, Stoneskin

Morgrym Ironfist |

Morgrym looks over at the others, giving them a moment to study it before, "Well? Anythin'?"

Zeriax |

Guys, please remember to update your positions on the map - I have updated Morgrym and myself :P
Zeriax moves ahead, first examining the statue, then the door for traps or sounds.
Perception (Statue): 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (1) + 25 = 26
Perception (Door): 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (11) + 25 = 36

DM Variel |

Zeriax inspects the statue and for all intents and purposes it seem like nothing more than a statue. However Zeriax is too familiar with the tricks of his enemies. Even though he doesn't find any traps on the statue or on the door he gets the idea that should he open the door something will happen.
Ansha you recognize this as a tribute to Deskari, demon lord of locusts and plagues. He is 1 of the 2 demon lords that is behind the machinations of the worldwound.

Ansha Saeralyan |

I'm assuming that Ansha doesn't notice anything odd about the statue? Or can she make that Knowledge (arcana) roll as well?
The enchantress ponders, tapping her chin. "Deskari. I understand he's one of the architects of the Worldwound. Is that true?"

Zeriax |

"I cannot fathom what exactly, but I believe there is more to this statue than we may think. I am convinced opening the door will trigger something..." - Zeriax nods at his companions, then turns to Ansha - "I believe so, though Nasira would be the one most versed of us in such matters"

Nasira Yusra Abujamal |

I’m not so sure. Nasira was ambushed before she’d hardly arrived, remember? I’m not sure how much she’s learned about the Worldwound’s origins since her rescue by the rest of the party.
”Perhaps but that’s a better question for the queen. I make no claims of being a scholar. Would this knowledge inform your approach to the challenges ahead?”

DM Variel |

Go ahead Ansha. I would specify otherwise for just individuals but realize rereading it it does sound like just for Zeriax. My bad.
While most of your efforts have been thwarting minions of Baphomet, you have come across a few subtle references to Deskari which leads scholars to believe he is the 1 that is truly behind all of this.

Ansha Saeralyan |

Knowledge (arcana): 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (4) + 25 = 29
Ansha shakes her head in response to Nasira.
"Yes...you are right, Zeriax," she says, taking a closer look at the statue. "That's an iron golem. And if I had to bet, I'd say it's keyed to attack when we open that door. Maybe a bit more powerful than a standard iron golem, too."

Morgrym Ironfist |

Raising an eyebrow, "A golem? Well does that mean I get ta smash it like I was plannin'? Because that's what I was about ta do."

Nasira Yusra Abujamal |

"Golems are formidable opponents, the tales tell. I know not the characteristics of such a foe, however. Does anyone have insight into how one defeats an iron golem?" She looks at Morgrym, "I'm hoping for tactics other than smashing it until it stops moving, my friend."

Morgrym Ironfist |

Losing himself in thought for just a moment, "Fair enough. But for the record, smashin' it 'til it stops movin' is my vote if there are no tactics ta be found." The dwarf then waits, albeit with his earthbreaker at the ready.

Ansha Saeralyan |

Not sure what a 29 knowledge (arcana) roll gets me as far as golem traits, defenses, etc.
"It may come down to smashing it, anyway. Let me think...." Ansha says.