Duardlara Frostborn |
Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25
Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25
Using 6th-level bonus; -1 if I was supposed to use the pre-battle skill bonus
I have not had a chance to change D'lara's csheet online yet.
Beck Tavis |
Taking a quick scan around the room you find a MW cleaver (handaxe) and a magical cauldron.
It is a cauldron of brewing.
Beck you see nothing in the hallway but the smoke may have caused you to miss something.The double doors to the north open up to reveal a pantry of sorts. Metal basins rusted from blood sit on the floor as hooks hang from the ceiling to hold 'meat'. Thankfully the hooks are empty right now as you could only imagine what they are designed to hold as small as they are.
Perception: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (4) + 17 = 21
Perception: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (13) + 17 = 30
Venja |
Venja suggests "We've made ourselves targets, let's make sure we aren't followed if we are going to return to the hideout."
perc: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24
perc: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19
DM Variel |
On the way back to the hideout...
A strange sight catches your eye as it seems like small groups in 2's and 3's are staying together keeping watch and moving as a scout group would. You see under the winter gear daggers, swords, and other weapons. Whenever a patrol of Winter Guard passes they step back into the shadows but the passage of the trolls is marked and the groups watch closely to where the trolls are going and coming form.
Had a quick break at work, yay
Venja |
Venja takes note of the smoke and points it out to the others... but notices nothing else of note...
"Something is going on, there's smoke rising from somewhere."
Duardlara Frostborn |
"They don't seem to be concerned with us. Let's take a long route and watch our back trail, but it would seem that maybe we have a good opportunity right now."
Rolling to try to lead the party unobtrusively through town while watching the backtrail, including have them go on ahead while she stops and hides to see if anyone following the party comes past.
Stealth: 1d20 + 13 - 1 ⇒ (16) + 13 - 1 = 28 I believe I am still fatigued
Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18
Beck Tavis |
Basically, are they our enemies of are t these some of the trolls? Or are they stalking the trolls?
Beck Tavis |
local: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
Beck takes note of the folks (are they humanoid at least?)
perception: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (14) + 17 = 31 to see defining details about them.
Look sharp, suspicious folk about... Armed ones he tells the party, making sure the party is not followed
DM Variel |
Yes they are humanoid and mostly humans. You see them all have a blue strap on their right or left elbows but it is hard to make out unless you are looking for it.
You are able to make it back to the hideout in relative good time. A few times you back track or snap a circle to try to avoid or cath someoen following you but there is no one there that you can see.
Beck Tavis |
When the party returns, Belvora safe and sound, beck asks, So there were some folks with blue armbands following us, or fooling the trolls, I'm not sure... Never got a good look at em. Any notion who they are?
Venja |
know local: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
DM Variel |
Sadly those trained in it didn't make the DC and those aren't trained can only hit a DC 10.
The group is oblivious to the nature of the people as they make their way back to base. Fortunately when you arrive you find Solveig talking to a picture on the wall. Solving has the picture facing the rock wall with a black drape covering any view of his surroundings. As you approach you over hear the conversation as Solveig has not realized you are there yet so engrossed is he in his discussion.
from the painting ...death of the dragon Logrovich. One of my men saw it happen and lit the firework in the sky. As prearranged small strikes were then launched at strategic locations around the castle. Nothing damaging or problematic to the populace mind you but effective still. The effect was instantaneous as word went out quickly for the Winter Guard to pull back and regroup for a possible assault on the castle. Of course no such thing is planned as we just want our job back and the Winter Guard removed. Once we are reinstated we don't want to have to worry about fixing what was destroyed or have our defenses broken. A few days of this to show how ineffective the Winter Guard is and the queen will have to bring the Iron Guard back. That is your window of opportunity as once we are hired back on it will be our job to defend the Shack at all costs. I would even go as far to say that should they succeed then we will be reinstated that very day. That is why I have agreed to help you at this time and to make sure that no 'attacks' were done near the Market Square.
Solving seems to be shaking his head you see the curtain moving. Yes that is good for all concerned. You get your job back and the Iron Guard returns removing the Winter Guard. Peace between the people and the Guard is restored making the populace happy. This group gets to rest for a night and then the Shack and the Market Square returns to normal. What I need from you is your word that you get rid of some Mirror Men. See to it that they have some accident while on patrol. Hit them hard and fast so they don't have a chance to report before they are destroyed. That will allow me more of an opportunity to see to it that my followers are safe. Do we have an agreement?
From the painting you here some mumbling and a throat clearing cough before finally, I will do what I can. I won't guarantee you any numbers but I am sure that we can convince everyone that when the Iron Guard returns there will be less need for the Mirror Men.
Beck Tavis |
After the meeting and discussion that we totally weren't eavesdropping on, Beck clops a little to announce their presence, "Hello? We're back. Good news is, dragon's dead, I poked it to death. with my fingers. . . I mean, I was on fire at the time. . . well my hands were that is, so it makes more sense. . . Anyway..." Beck says with a pleased look.
how was your day? Better than successfully going dragonslaying Beck is quite pleased and gives his party a nod, cause they went dragonslaying, which is impressive as all getout!
afer pleasantries are exchanged beck asks So are there any groups that would be sneaking around tracking trolls? Cause there were sole folks stalking around real suspicious-like and under their cloaks they had these blue-armbands and stuff...
Helgash |
"It would seem changes are already in motion" - Helgash adds - "What will the death of Logrovich bring about?"
Duardlara Frostborn |
Rhasadilara ushers Belvora into the chamber, giving Solveig's conversation her full attention.
Venja |
Venja listens to Solveig, one eyebrow raising curiously...
DM Variel |
Solveig finally notices you after Beck clips down. Seeing who your companion is with you Solveig hurridly ends the meeting and places a drape over the picture frame. Unable to maintain decorum he rushes over to Belvorica and falls to one knee. I am so glad that you are now safe. I have been worried sick when I heard the news. What brings you here though of all places? I thought you were going to be traveling with the troupe for the next two years?
Belvorica loks down at Solveig kneeling and her face twists as she struggles with how to react. Love mixed with frustration and pride all rolled into one. Yes I was going to travel but but decided against it at the last moment. I last heard you were hear and for the previous 2 months was looking for you. Now it seems that you knew where I was and yet you did not come for me yourself but sent these to fetch me from the dragon. Is this what I should expect from you?
Give you guys a chance to react before I go on but I will answer your inquiries after this.
Beck Tavis |
Well, as far as people to send go, were like to be the best bunch o'folk for the sendin."beck notes, still a bit puffed up in the ego about the whole thing.
An' if'n you'd expect a fella to face a dragon, pardon my sayin so... But wouldn't ya rather sombody ya care about be smart about it rather than dumd an dead cause they wanted ta be the brave hero as opposed ta succeeding?
Nanna'ways said, 'boy, a coragious buck's a tasty meal for a pack o'wolves" he adds, giving her a "don't be to hard on him", cause it's not his fault if he's not the baddest beast in the woods.
Venja |
Venja watches a moment, and listens, then nods at Beck's assessment. "Aye, my friend here speaks rightly. Solveig was right in letting us come for you, as I fear he himself could not have handled the dragon alone. It took all of us working together to take him down. He was 'wise' in using the 'resources' available to him as he did."
"Speaking of wisdom, Solveig, perhaps it is time to put us wise to what is going on here... the big picture so to speak. Tell us please about the Iron guard, the shack you speak of protecting, and these Mirror Men... what exactly is going on here.. I think we've earned the right to know more than what we've been told so far."
Duardlara Frostborn |
D'lara watches, curious.
"I am curious about the concern with the Mirror Men. Are they worse than the trolls, then? Or do they just tell those in the palace what is happening? Do they have any weakness we can exploit?"
DM Variel |
Go ahead and give a diplomat check Venja or Beck. You get a +2 for your words used. In the meantime...
As the heroes and dragon slayers try to mollify Belvorica Solveig takes the opportunity to answer some questions that you might have. Um yes well, I was straight forward with you before but I can answer a bit more now I guess. The gentleman that I was conversing with was the former leader of the Iron Guard. They were the military power in Whitethrone until they got replaced by the queen with the Winter Guard. The queen has not been seen much lately and the decision of the city have fallen to those that she has put in power in her absence. Those people are being swayed to return the Iron Guard and remove the Winter Guard but only if the Winter Guard has shown its ineptness. You started that by killing the dragon. Should you succeed with the theft of the Hut then that will be enough to show that the Winter Guard is not adept enough to hold the position. The Winter Guard is composed mainly of ice trolls and mirror men. These mirror men are spies used by the witches to ferret out suspect people. They have the ability to mirror their view to la winter witch so she can see what they see. There is also I believe a rudimentary form of telepathy that occurs. That is why I want them removed if possible to prevent our work here from being hindered. As for weaknesses I do not know about any.
Now as to the shack. I am not guarding it as that was the domain of the Winter Guard. Events Iron Guard has not been near it as it was believed to arrive the same time that the Winter Guard took over. As you may have overheard the Hut is located in the Market Square. Strange things have been seen there as a forest has appeared overnight with the arrival of the Hut and no one that I know of knows what is inside of it. The Hut is legendary as belonging to Baba Yaga. Beyond that I know nothing but he legends and fairy tales of it having enormous power. How it is controlled, contained or what to do with it is up to you to determine. Getting you to the Market Square and the Winter Guard pulled away from it was the bargain. I can not help you any more without being there myself.
Looking at Belvorica, I do not plan on leaving and endangering myself so soon until others matters have been attended to. I would suggest that you spend the rest of the day to quickly purchase any items that you may need and then return here for the night's rest. In the morning you should hurry to the Market Square while the Winter Guard is still confused.
I know some of you have gp you want to spend of items to sell. Hellish at least has a belt to purchase and a woman to contact. Anything else you want to do let me know as it is only noon and you have the afternoon ahead you still.
Duardlara Frostborn |
Duardlara places a hand on the woman's arm and whispers, "I do not know your relationship nor do I need to, but before you are too hard on him, remember that a hero is one that makes decisions that benefit others before himself. He has been seeing to the welfare of many people. His needs - and yours - would come secondary to a true hero. When he had an opportunity to have you rescued, he took it. Don't be too hard on him."
Diplomacy aid another (to whoever claims it): 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (11) - 1 = 10 Hope I don't make this worse...
Venja |
diplomacy: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 4 + 2 = 16
Helgash |
I know some of you have gp you want to spend of items to sell. Hellish at least has a belt to purchase and a woman to contact. Anything else you want to do let me know as it is only noon and you have the afternoon ahead you still.
Would Hellish be me? And my belt of Giant Strength? :D
Or do you mean a modified Hat of Alter Self for Greta? Variel, should I start looking for this right away, or maybe perhaps only after checking out the Market Square, and the Shack?
DM Variel |
Yes Hellish got turned into Helgash on my iPad. sorry about that. Yes to both of the items Helgash if you have the funds for it and I would look now for anything you guys may want. hint hint.
With the aid of Duardlara Venja's words do seem to smooth over any ruffles Belvoria may have but does not remove them altogether as she softens her tone a bit. Well thank you for enlightening me as to the why he took the actions he did but it was still horrible and at any minute I could have been eaten. Why did he not search you out sooner when he first realized I was in trouble?
Beck Tavis |
well, we were still in Taldor at the time, right guys? Also I died for a while when we first arrived and my kitty was mighty out of sorts about it, so that needed dealing with. beck days by way of explanation, and then gives Sheelah some vigorously affectionate scratches.
then we had to leave after our first try to get in to make sure the children they were feeding to the trolls were safe before climbing the rest of the way up, didn't we, yes we did, no more snacks for those nasty trolls he adds, as much to Sheelah as Belvora, rubbing noises with his cat.
Helgash |
Hehe, thanks for the info Variel - Looking at my loot, I'm about 2k short to be able to buy both items, so I'll settle on the Alter Self for Greta
Duardlara Frostborn |
In the loot list, where did the short sword +2 come from? And didn't Jetro claim the adamantine warhammer?
It appears that D'lara has some funds - I'm not used to that! Does her claimed gear come out of that total or how do we manage this?
DM Variel |
Taking the night to recover and rest for the following day Solvieg and Belvorica stand together to watch you leave in the morning. While still raw emotions can be seen between them Venja's words the day before did help and Belvorica accepted them once she finally calmed down and realized that she was safe. There was definitely going to be further discussions as Solvieg was the leader of an underground resistance in Whitethrone but that would come soon enough.
Having obtained directions from Solveig on how to reach the market square you leave the bath house to find the streets eerily empty. The upheaval having sent people scurrying home to hide and wait out the ramifications of the minor revolt and death of the dragon. As such you easily make it to he market square where the signs of ice trolls are plenty but none are currently present.
The area surrounding Whitethrone's Market Square is
now overgrown with a thick forest that erupted almost
overnight around the Dancin,g Hut. Every day, the Winter
Guard chops down the forest, only to see it regrow
overnight. The streets around the square are a wreckage of
stumps and fallen trees, and many of the traders residing in
the Merchants' Quarter have been evacuated . The Market
Square itself has almost entirely vanished save for a few
buildings that are now completely out of place in this
sylvan landscape.
The trees, shrubs, and undergrowth created by the
Dancin,g Hut have grown up into a dense maze that fills
the Market Square . Until the Dancin,g Hut leaves the area,
those areas on the map that contain trees function as
a permanent wall of thorns (CL i5th). Because of the First
World energies sustaining it, this wall of thorns is not subject
to spells such as diminish plants. The trees are even thicker
around the clearing containing the Dancing Hut itself(area
Mu). These also function as a permanent wall <if thorns (CL
i5th), but they deal piercing damage each round equal to 35
minus the creature's AC , and creatures attempting to move
through the wall are subject to an entangle effect (DC i8).
This wall of thorns repairs itself almost instantly, so it is
impossible to cut through it, and even magical fire has no
effect on the barrier. The wall even blocks characters with
an ability that would normally allow them to pass through
undergrowth unhindered (such as woodland stride). In
addition, the trees' canopies have grown together to form
a living dome over the hut, blocking flight into or out of
the clearing.
The shops and homes of the Merchant's Quarter stop abruptly as a towering wall of evergreens that burst through the snow covered cobblestones of the city's streets. Ahead, the trees part to form a path winding into the dark forest that has replaced all sights and senses of the city around it.
Venja |
spellcraft: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (15) + 14 = 29
Venja informs those not otherwise aware of the nature of the trees and wall of vegetation around the hut (feel free to read the spoiler everyone)... "Looks like we have no choice but to follow the path through... impossible to pass otherwise."
Helgash |
"Should we perhaps try and scout ahead friends? If we are aware of what is ahead in advance, it will provide us with great advantage" - Helgash pipes in, looking around as if expecting the trolls to come at them right now.
Variel, Helgash would have healed everyone fully on the night before - between LoH, Channel, Life Link and spells, it should be cool?