Variel's Reign of Winter

Game Master Neltji

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Jetro lets the more knowledgeable study the vortex making sure he doesn't touch something that might set off a chain reaction that would destroy all of Golarion.

Venja you do not see any guards around the Hut through the gloom but then realize that you don't know how the guards would get past the vortex in the first place.

Human Fighter14HP97/112 Init+6,Per+14,F13R8W10 AC20T12FF17

Did I mentain that Jetro secretly worships Rovangag?

AC 19/11/18 (12/t11/ff11) ; hp 63/63; saves: F 5 R 4 W 9; bab 4, melee 4, ranged 5; CMB 4, CMD 15; speed 30; init +5; aasimar (peri-blooded) Witch (winter)-5/Winter Witch-4
Acro 2, appr 5, bluff 3, diplo 6, fly 12, heal 5, intim 7, Kn arcane 16(17), know planes 10, know history 10, know nature 10, kn local 9, ling 9, perc 14, sm 3, splcrft 16(17), stealth 1, UMD 11/+2 hut


F 8 R 11 W 9 | hp 103/103 | Init +7 | Perc +20, +1 vs traps | Effects: Endure elements (vs. cold), Fly, Shield, Greater Darkvision Female Elf Rogue 3/Evoker (Admixture) 3/Arcane Trickster 8 | AC 23, T 14, F 20, CMD 19 |

Duardlara studies the effect, but its effect on the area around the clearing distracts her from the actual magic involved.

Knoweldge (Arcana): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (1) + 12 = 13

Knowledge (Planes): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

Maybe aid for Venja?

Roll20 / Male half-orc investigator (empiricist) 1/swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1 // Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7 / AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex, +1 dodge) / hp 22/22 / Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +6

Knowledge (Planes): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

Helgash stares intently at the Vortex, trying to garner any information he can about it - "What do you make of this, friends?"

Helgash recognizes the same information as Venja and likewise is puzzeled at how to end the effect.

The Rovagug worshiping archer in the back secretly hopes that one of the foolish will touch the vortex to release Rovagug into Golarion. Shaking his head from the effects of the Reality Siphon Jetro stops his thinking there and double checks to make sure no one was listening in on his thoughts.

Human Fighter14HP97/112 Init+6,Per+14,F13R8W10 AC20T12FF17

Head east from this swirl thing.

A large chunk of stone (20ft square and 10ft high) juts from the ground like a natural stage. Six boulders float 10ft in the air and slowly orbit the raised platform. The rich scent of loam hangs heavy in the air. On the center stone stands a creature that seems not of Golarion. Eldritch energy burns within the eyes of this humanoid figure. Strangely colored hair crowns her head like a torch, and gleaming white teeth shine from her grin. The creature cradles a pipe in her long, graceful fingers.

know nature DC 15:

Strange and enigmatic creatures from the First World,
dawn pipers are unmistakably humanoid and share some
of the same delicate features of half-elves. But dawn
pipers' otherworldly nature becomes evident when one
looks at the creatures' eyes, which burn with a strange
light. Their skin is smooth, free of blemish or body
hair, and radiant. Their hair moves constantly, like the
flickering flames of a torch in the breeze, and seems to
express a seasonal theme in coloration. Their faces are
portraits of every emotion that passes through their
consciousness; joy, loss, and murder may all dance across
their expressions in a matter of moments. Only when a
dawn piper is asleep or plays a soothing melody on its
pipes does its expression become static and human-and
through such songs, dawn pipers' heartbreaking beauty
becomes truly evident.

CN Medium fey (extraplanar)
lnit +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low- light vision ; Perception +11
Aura terrible beauty (30 ft., DC i6)

Plus 1 thing for every 5 above the DC

Map update

The creature watches your approach with curiosity but once you get to the outer boundary of the rotating stones it holds up its hands for you to stop. Turn back, mortals, you cannot pass. We have come to claim this reality, and we'll take the Crone's hovel with us. Turn away and live your lives in peace and safety, unburdened by the heavy weight
of relevance. I witnessed your actions of the family to the south. In showing your kindness to them I will show you kindness. I grant you this one chance to turn back now.

F 8 R 11 W 9 | hp 103/103 | Init +7 | Perc +20, +1 vs traps | Effects: Endure elements (vs. cold), Fly, Shield, Greater Darkvision Female Elf Rogue 3/Evoker (Admixture) 3/Arcane Trickster 8 | AC 23, T 14, F 20, CMD 19 |

Knowledge (Nature): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

Oh, great. Little help here!

Roll20 / Male half-orc investigator (empiricist) 1/swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1 // Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7 / AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex, +1 dodge) / hp 22/22 / Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +6

No chance for me with Knowledge (Nature) Duardlara :P

"Well met" - Helgash offers without hesitation - "I am Helgash" - the tiefling bows.

"And I thank you for your warning, but if you have indeed been watching us, you surely understand that is not an option for us" - he adds - "Even though all can aim at peace and safety, it is not our chosen path - we walk in danger and fray exactly because we seek to be of relevance to this matter - it is what moves us" - he smiles.

"Please, allow us a moment to parlay, and to understand why is it you will not allow us to pass?" - the paladin speaks calmly - "Perhaps even your name?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (15) + 13 = 28

Human Fighter14HP97/112 Init+6,Per+14,F13R8W10 AC20T12FF17

Jetro is tense!

F 8 R 11 W 9 | hp 103/103 | Init +7 | Perc +20, +1 vs traps | Effects: Endure elements (vs. cold), Fly, Shield, Greater Darkvision Female Elf Rogue 3/Evoker (Admixture) 3/Arcane Trickster 8 | AC 23, T 14, F 20, CMD 19 |

Untrained, a knowledge check can be as high as 10, which is enough for an aid another. So there's always a chance - I only need one ally to get a lucky roll! Or a trained one!

AC 19/11/18 (12/t11/ff11) ; hp 63/63; saves: F 5 R 4 W 9; bab 4, melee 4, ranged 5; CMB 4, CMD 15; speed 30; init +5; aasimar (peri-blooded) Witch (winter)-5/Winter Witch-4
Acro 2, appr 5, bluff 3, diplo 6, fly 12, heal 5, intim 7, Kn arcane 16(17), know planes 10, know history 10, know nature 10, kn local 9, ling 9, perc 14, sm 3, splcrft 16(17), stealth 1, UMD 11/+2 hut

know nature: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

Venja whispers what she knows of these creatures, the dawn pipers, to the others as quickly as she can.

how about sla, variel?


Spell- Like Abilities (CL 7th;
3/day-calm emotions, delusional pride, reckless infatuation, unadulterated loathing, unnatural lust
2/day-grease, spiked pit, stone call
1/day-charm monster, overwhelming grief, rage

The dawn piper looks at you Helgash and sighs, Names are powerful and I will not give mine to you. I will give you a choice as your words have swayed me somewhat. I will not leave here and will not and can not stop what has been started. The choice of yours to make is do you wish to love more or hate more?

sense motive to judge intent on the dawn piper while speaking to act in surprise round DC 15.


Beck 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11 +1/2 level in cold
Helgash 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Jetro 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Duardlara 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Venja 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Greta 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10

1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

Surprise round map for those that make sense motive DC 15.

The dawn piper starts by hindering the terrain even further as a spiked pit opens up in front of the group. Helgash, Greta and Beck need to make DC 18 reflex saves with a +2 bonus or fall into the pit taking 3d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 5) = 13 falling damage and 2d6 ⇒ (4, 2) = 6 damage from the spikes. Climbing the pit is a DC 20 climb check and you take d6 damage each time you attempt a climb check from the spikes. Success on the save moves you to the nearest open space.

Greta reflex save is currently at +7 Helgash. she does not have the level of fighter yet so all attacks in the profile are at -1.

Human Fighter14HP97/112 Init+6,Per+14,F13R8W10 AC20T12FF17

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

Roll20 / Male half-orc investigator (empiricist) 1/swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1 // Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7 / AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex, +1 dodge) / hp 22/22 / Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +6

Sense Motive Helgash: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Sense Motive Greta: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Reflex Helgash: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 7 + 2 = 22
Reflex Greta: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 7 + 2 = 21

"Careful" - Helgash warns as the pit opens up beneath them, both the Paladin and Greta nimble enough to evade the trap and jumping forward.

His first concern is towards his companions however, and he establishes a life link with Greta, Beck and Sheelah, a golden glow enveloping them momentarily as he plods forward.

I assume I am starting on Y:23 after the Reflex? The idea is to move towards Z:24, while still talking to the piper.

"Even though you attempt to cause us harm, we do not wish a combat if it can be avoided!" - the paladin speaks again - "Allow us passage, and name your price, if you have one"

Diplomacy again?: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (9) + 13 = 22

Greta on the other hand, and in spite of being able to evade the pit, is not fast enough to react and move.

Variel, how we gonna handle Greta's actions? :D

Greta's stas are in her profile but no fighter level so need to take a -1 penalty to Attacks. Go ahead and make a profile for her.

The price would be the Hut but I don't think you would agree to that.

F 8 R 11 W 9 | hp 103/103 | Init +7 | Perc +20, +1 vs traps | Effects: Endure elements (vs. cold), Fly, Shield, Greater Darkvision Female Elf Rogue 3/Evoker (Admixture) 3/Arcane Trickster 8 | AC 23, T 14, F 20, CMD 19 |

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

Unsure of what to do and not wanting to jeopardize Helgash's negotiations, Duardlara readies her bow, but keeps it pointed at the ground.

Human Fighter14HP97/112 Init+6,Per+14,F13R8W10 AC20T12FF17

Jetro has his bow ready with cold iron arrows.

Human Fighter14HP97/112 Init+6,Per+14,F13R8W10 AC20T12FF17

Don't make any oaths you can't afford to make, Helgash.

Roll20 / Male half-orc investigator (empiricist) 1/swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1 // Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7 / AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex, +1 dodge) / hp 22/22 / Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +6

Helgash moves forward again - "Not everything can be solved by blade or arrow Jetro" - Helgash answers his companion, taking another step forward, and addressing the piper - "You know we cannot agree to that" - his tone remains calm - "Will you at least tell us why you have take it upon yourselves to 'claim this reality'?" - he finishes, his eyes staring at the creature before him.

Moving to Z:25. Detect Evil.

How can I get up there Variel? Do I need a climb?

Before you move further Helgash I want to wait for the others to see if they can act in the surprise round. To get up ion the rock you will need a climb check yes. Waiting for Venja and Beck.

Duardlara, you are free to act as you want as it seems Helgash is not getting anywhere and the dawn piper did just attack you.

F 8 R 11 W 9 | hp 103/103 | Init +7 | Perc +20, +1 vs traps | Effects: Endure elements (vs. cold), Fly, Shield, Greater Darkvision Female Elf Rogue 3/Evoker (Admixture) 3/Arcane Trickster 8 | AC 23, T 14, F 20, CMD 19 |

Similarly waiting for Venja and Beck, but thanks.

AC 19/11/18 (12/t11/ff11) ; hp 63/63; saves: F 5 R 4 W 9; bab 4, melee 4, ranged 5; CMB 4, CMD 15; speed 30; init +5; aasimar (peri-blooded) Witch (winter)-5/Winter Witch-4
Acro 2, appr 5, bluff 3, diplo 6, fly 12, heal 5, intim 7, Kn arcane 16(17), know planes 10, know history 10, know nature 10, kn local 9, ling 9, perc 14, sm 3, splcrft 16(17), stealth 1, UMD 11/+2 hut

sorry was out all day and computerless

Venja watches silently for now, letting Helgash negotiate with the fey piper.

HP: 41/59 AC: 18 Saves F:7/R:4/W:10 P:+14(17) Hungerseed (Oni-Tiefling) Arctic Druid 8 Sheelah HP: 15/33 AC: 20 (+4) F:6/R:9/W:4 P:+6

Nature: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Reflex: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 4 + 2 = 11

If there is some kind of bane or anathema for this kind of Fey, or something they list after our are compelled by, out the creatures name (True Name?), could I try to get that?
-If not-
Weakness/Vulnerabilities, Resistances, and Special Abilities (in that order)

Beck is caught entirely by surprise and falls down the pit with a yelp and landed badly.

A dawn piper has nothing that is anathema to them; however you know that much of their abilities is tied to the pipes they carry. True names are not gong to come by just a knowledge check: that would require research or other in depth workings. You know like most fey though they resist most weapons except those made by cold iron and they have spell resistance. Also like some fey they can reveal their true beauty causing havoc among mortals. In particular for dawn pipers they can blind or deafen with their beauty or song. This also causes the eyes or ears to bleed giving he affected creature bleed 1.

Beck falls hard taking some serious damage as Helgash tries to continue to negotiate. Its response is straightforward though and not to your liking. The Hut does not belong here nor belong to anyone here. I and my siblings are claiming it as ours.

Round 1
The dawn piper finishes her talk and targets Helgash with a long blast on her pipe. For persisting I curse you to constant loathing. Enjoy!

Helgash you need to make a will save DC 18 or suffer from unadulterated loathing with Great. If you fail you see Greta as the worst thing imaginable and are nauseated by her presence. The only cure is to get farther than 60ft away from her. This last for 1/day per CL. Cruel but you never answer her about dying first or not.

Good guys up

Human Fighter14HP97/112 Init+6,Per+14,F13R8W10 AC20T12FF17

Jetro fires two Cold iron arrows at the fae
Precise Shot: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 131d8 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Precise Shot: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 161d8 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

AC 19/11/18 (12/t11/ff11) ; hp 63/63; saves: F 5 R 4 W 9; bab 4, melee 4, ranged 5; CMB 4, CMD 15; speed 30; init +5; aasimar (peri-blooded) Witch (winter)-5/Winter Witch-4
Acro 2, appr 5, bluff 3, diplo 6, fly 12, heal 5, intim 7, Kn arcane 16(17), know planes 10, know history 10, know nature 10, kn local 9, ling 9, perc 14, sm 3, splcrft 16(17), stealth 1, UMD 11/+2 hut

Venja lowers a rope to Beck, and holds it tightly with her hair, since her own strength isn't enough. When he is within 10' of the surface, she'll lift him the rest of the way out of the pit with a few locks of hair.

that should reduce his necessary climb check

Roll20 / Male half-orc investigator (empiricist) 1/swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1 // Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7 / AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex, +1 dodge) / hp 22/22 / Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +6

Variel, I didn't answer who about what now? You lost me :D

Beck heals 5hp from Life Link - Helgash takes 5.

Will Save: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30

Helgash's resolve is as steel, as he continues forward - "It is not yours to claim either, and you will not be allowed to do so" - his voice now becoming more serious, after the evident magical attack - "You still have time to surrender and abandon this place - else you will pay for attacking us unprovoked"

So I haven't used Detect Evil yet? If not, I will use it now, and move further close to the rock where the piper is standing. Can I begin climbing already? Heading to AA:25

HP: 131/131 || AC: 26 (30 with Mobility)

Greta follows after Helgash with a nod to the Paladin, but she circles around the north side with a growl - "We will end this" - she growls.

Moving towards Y:26, and trying to climb up.

Climb: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

"Damn" - she curses at the slippery surface.

The dawn piper does not detect as evil Helgash. You can start climbing next turn. I will never surrender! I warned you not to approach, to leave this place. You provoked me.

Greta struggles to climb the rock as the dawn piper looks a bit alarmed at how close you 2 are getting.

Jetro remains safely in the back firing arrows but misses both times as teh floating rocks distract him somewhat.

Venja gives Beck a lock of hair to aid in his climb. The hair will help but Beck will still take d3 damage from climbing out instead of d6. will take 2 successful checks at DC 15.

HP: 41/59 AC: 18 Saves F:7/R:4/W:10 P:+14(17) Hungerseed (Oni-Tiefling) Arctic Druid 8 Sheelah HP: 15/33 AC: 20 (+4) F:6/R:9/W:4 P:+6

Can I summon a Cold Iron elemental? edit lol, looks like that's 3pp so nvm
Help Greta out

Beck knows there's no way he's climbing out of this as is, so he sheds his normal form and what climbs out of the pit is a furious furry primate (chimpanzee) do I get the chimp's 10'reach with Wildshape 1, and do I take damage if I am using a climb speed??

F 8 R 11 W 9 | hp 103/103 | Init +7 | Perc +20, +1 vs traps | Effects: Endure elements (vs. cold), Fly, Shield, Greater Darkvision Female Elf Rogue 3/Evoker (Admixture) 3/Arcane Trickster 8 | AC 23, T 14, F 20, CMD 19 |

Duardlara moves forward (straight right, if possible, 30') and fires once.

Attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 4

To get past the pit at all you need to make a reflex save as the edge of the pit extends 5 ft and slopes. The slope grants a +2 on the save though. If you wish to revise your action you can.

Beck tries to come up with a creative solution and realizes that he can change his shape to that of a chimpanzee. He will still take damage from grqbbing onto the spikes but it will get him out of the pit in short order. The new form does have limitations as others can't understand him and he does not have the reach of a normal chimp.

Human Fighter14HP97/112 Init+6,Per+14,F13R8W10 AC20T12FF17

Chimps will tear your poop up

Is that a will save for Beck if he sees any on the ground? He must stop and be fascinated by it? What is the save DC?

Beck takes 1d6 ⇒ 6 from spikes as he climbs up the wall of the pit.

Worried by the presence of Helgash and Greta the piper tries once again to affect Helgash to remove him from the area. Suffer the agony of repulsion and loathing. Flee from this area!

Good guys up round 2. Still need reflex or altered move from Duardlara.

F 8 R 11 W 9 | hp 103/103 | Init +7 | Perc +20, +1 vs traps | Effects: Endure elements (vs. cold), Fly, Shield, Greater Darkvision Female Elf Rogue 3/Evoker (Admixture) 3/Arcane Trickster 8 | AC 23, T 14, F 20, CMD 19 |

Reflex save: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 9 + 2 = 24

I like to think reflexes are something I have...

Human Fighter14HP97/112 Init+6,Per+14,F13R8W10 AC20T12FF17

Jetro tries another 2 cold iron arrows
Arrow,PS: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 301d8 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Arrow,PS: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 191d8 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Confirm Arrow #1: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 212d8 + 12 ⇒ (3, 8) + 12 = 23

Duardlara safely makes it around the pit while Jetro gets sick and tired of the dawn piper's antics. Lining up a longer range shot it is easy to tell that the previous 2 arrows were just to gage wind and distance. These two arrows fly straight and true bypassing the floating rocks and striking the dawn piper. Both arrows slam home but the first is the true shot. It flies directly into the face of the fey knocking it off the rock lying dead at Helgash's feet. It still remains to be seen though if its last act took hold of Helgash though.

Combat over with a total of 2 successful hits. Wow.

Human Fighter14HP97/112 Init+6,Per+14,F13R8W10 AC20T12FF17

Yea that is the ticket! I missed on purpose the first time.

AC 19/11/18 (12/t11/ff11) ; hp 63/63; saves: F 5 R 4 W 9; bab 4, melee 4, ranged 5; CMB 4, CMD 15; speed 30; init +5; aasimar (peri-blooded) Witch (winter)-5/Winter Witch-4
Acro 2, appr 5, bluff 3, diplo 6, fly 12, heal 5, intim 7, Kn arcane 16(17), know planes 10, know history 10, know nature 10, kn local 9, ling 9, perc 14, sm 3, splcrft 16(17), stealth 1, UMD 11/+2 hut

that was impressive, Jetro!

Venja lets slip a little "Oh my!" of surprise and finishes helping the Beck-ape out of the pit with her hair... Once that is done, if Helgash is not acting normally, she moves over to the paladin to see if he's okay.

F 8 R 11 W 9 | hp 103/103 | Init +7 | Perc +20, +1 vs traps | Effects: Endure elements (vs. cold), Fly, Shield, Greater Darkvision Female Elf Rogue 3/Evoker (Admixture) 3/Arcane Trickster 8 | AC 23, T 14, F 20, CMD 19 |

Knowledge (Arcana): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (1) + 12 = 13

Duardlara, seeing the obvious threat nullified, considers what she sees of the creature's magic - floating rocks, portal around the hut, what the dawn piper said - and tries to determine how they might reverse the effect.

F 8 R 11 W 9 | hp 103/103 | Init +7 | Perc +20, +1 vs traps | Effects: Endure elements (vs. cold), Fly, Shield, Greater Darkvision Female Elf Rogue 3/Evoker (Admixture) 3/Arcane Trickster 8 | AC 23, T 14, F 20, CMD 19 |

Oh, jeez.

Human Fighter14HP97/112 Init+6,Per+14,F13R8W10 AC20T12FF17

Duardlara just accidentally the world.

In about 36 seconds the rocks collapse down as the magical force dissolves with the final dying breath of the dawn piper.

Had to wait till negative con for the rocks to fall.

Human Fighter14HP97/112 Init+6,Per+14,F13R8W10 AC20T12FF17

So maybe we're going to just have to drive off these fey to get to the hut? Jetro points to a path in the clearing that appears to head north.That way I guess.

Roll20 / Male half-orc investigator (empiricist) 1/swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1 // Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7 / AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex, +1 dodge) / hp 22/22 / Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +6

Sorry peoples, weekend was family time, and the week is starting crazy... Geez, I need vacations! I'll have an update once I am home, in a few hours.

Will get map update going north after work tonight. In the meantime people can make perception checks. If no check made I will roll for them later.

perception dc 34:

1d20 + 14 ⇒ (20) + 14 = 34 above you in the tree tops a pair of perytons watches waiting to ambush you as you pass underneath.

AC 19/11/18 (12/t11/ff11) ; hp 63/63; saves: F 5 R 4 W 9; bab 4, melee 4, ranged 5; CMB 4, CMD 15; speed 30; init +5; aasimar (peri-blooded) Witch (winter)-5/Winter Witch-4
Acro 2, appr 5, bluff 3, diplo 6, fly 12, heal 5, intim 7, Kn arcane 16(17), know planes 10, know history 10, know nature 10, kn local 9, ling 9, perc 14, sm 3, splcrft 16(17), stealth 1, UMD 11/+2 hut

If i rolled or took 20, i couldn't make it, so here is a wasted roll, lol

perc: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28

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