Variel's Reign of Winter

Game Master Neltji

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F 8 R 11 W 9 | hp 103/103 | Init +7 | Perc +20, +1 vs traps | Effects: Endure elements (vs. cold), Fly, Shield, Greater Darkvision Female Elf Rogue 3/Evoker (Admixture) 3/Arcane Trickster 8 | AC 23, T 14, F 20, CMD 19 |

Was my tumble successful?

Yes barely


Roll20 / Male half-orc investigator (empiricist) 1/swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1 // Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7 / AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex, +1 dodge) / hp 22/22 / Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +6

Who is up?

Venja, Beck, and Sheelah

AC 19/11/18 (12/t11/ff11) ; hp 63/63; saves: F 5 R 4 W 9; bab 4, melee 4, ranged 5; CMB 4, CMD 15; speed 30; init +5; aasimar (peri-blooded) Witch (winter)-5/Winter Witch-4
Acro 2, appr 5, bluff 3, diplo 6, fly 12, heal 5, intim 7, Kn arcane 16(17), know planes 10, know history 10, know nature 10, kn local 9, ling 9, perc 14, sm 3, splcrft 16(17), stealth 1, UMD 11/+2 hut

oops sorry

Venja delays, not having a clear shot at anyone and no real action to take just yet...

HP: 41/59 AC: 18 Saves F:7/R:4/W:10 P:+14(17) Hungerseed (Oni-Tiefling) Arctic Druid 8 Sheelah HP: 15/33 AC: 20 (+4) F:6/R:9/W:4 P:+6

Sheelah, front an' center! Git it

The cat moves to D'lara's previous space to flank
Bite: 1d20 + 5 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 5 - 1 + 1 = 15
for 1d6 + 2 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 2 + 2 + 1 = 9
Claw: 1d20 + 5 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 5 - 1 + 1 = 14
for 1d4 + 2 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 2 + 2 + 1 = 7
Claw: 1d20 + 5 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 5 - 1 + 1 = 8
for 1d4 + 2 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 2 + 2 + 1 = 7

Beck takes her spot and swings areond the door
Cover not factored
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
For 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (3, 4) + 4 = 11

Human Fighter14HP97/112 Init+6,Per+14,F13R8W10 AC20T12FF17

You need a new cat

Beck and Sheelah try to gang up on the attic whisperer but tooth, claw, and cudgel all miss. The cudgel would have hit were it not for the combined effects of attack through the doorway and the protective barrier the creature had up.

Helgash, it looks like Duardlara tumbled all the way into the corner to threaten Granny so no flank right now.

Top of Round 2 Bad Guys
Granny looks at Duardlara contemplating what to do. Quickly weighing her options the venerable witch steps up diagonally to get some breathing room as she casts a spell. Both Sheelah and Duardlara begin to feel like a creeping doom is approaching as their worst nightmares come to fruition. All they want to do is run and hide to protect themselves from the scare.

Will save (nasty I know considering the attic whisperer's ability) DC 17 or suffer from scare and be frightened for 7 rounds. Success means just shaken for 1 round.

The attic whisperer takes the chance of Sheelah possibly being scared to bite at the kitty.

bite attack 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10 for 1d4 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3 damage and will save DC 16 or fatigued for 1 hour

Good Guys up

AC 19/11/18 (12/t11/ff11) ; hp 63/63; saves: F 5 R 4 W 9; bab 4, melee 4, ranged 5; CMB 4, CMD 15; speed 30; init +5; aasimar (peri-blooded) Witch (winter)-5/Winter Witch-4
Acro 2, appr 5, bluff 3, diplo 6, fly 12, heal 5, intim 7, Kn arcane 16(17), know planes 10, know history 10, know nature 10, kn local 9, ling 9, perc 14, sm 3, splcrft 16(17), stealth 1, UMD 11/+2 hut

Venja again waits for an opening, frustrated by the close quarters.

Human Fighter14HP97/112 Init+6,Per+14,F13R8W10 AC20T12FF17

Jetro keeps shooting the doll
Attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 91d8 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 231d8 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

HP: 41/59 AC: 18 Saves F:7/R:4/W:10 P:+14(17) Hungerseed (Oni-Tiefling) Arctic Druid 8 Sheelah HP: 15/33 AC: 20 (+4) F:6/R:9/W:4 P:+6

SHeelah lays ino the creature again
Bite: 1d20 + 5 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 5 - 1 + 1 = 12
for 1d6 + 2 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 2 + 2 + 1 = 7
Claw: 1d20 + 5 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 5 - 1 + 1 = 19
for 1d4 + 2 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 2 + 2 + 1 = 7
Claw: 1d20 + 5 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 5 - 1 + 1 = 6
for 1d4 + 2 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 2 + 2 + 1 = 9

then she steps back out the doorway

Beck Steps in and swings head-on
1d20 + 8 - 1 ⇒ (14) + 8 - 1 = 21
for 2d6 + 7 ⇒ (3, 3) + 7 = 13 with his magic-club

F 8 R 11 W 9 | hp 103/103 | Init +7 | Perc +20, +1 vs traps | Effects: Endure elements (vs. cold), Fly, Shield, Greater Darkvision Female Elf Rogue 3/Evoker (Admixture) 3/Arcane Trickster 8 | AC 23, T 14, F 20, CMD 19 |

Sheelah needs a Will save with the penalty from the attic whisperer's aura factored in.

Will save DC 17: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17 I think I'm out of the aura, so that just makes it! If I'm mistaken, I failed the save.

If D'lara made her save:
She steps into the square where Granny was a moment ago and attacks with the magical longsword.

Shaken for one round: –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks

Longsword: 1d20 + 4 - 1 - 2 ⇒ (12) + 4 - 1 - 2 = 13 Ah, just realized I screwed up my to-hit for the longsword earlier because I just used the to-hit for my finessable rapier. Sorry! OK, -1 from STR penalty, -2 from shaken condition
Damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

If D'lara failed her save:
Duardlara backs as far as she can into the corner, sword unsteadily held between her and the witch. Her eyes disturbingly wide, she shouts, "NO! IT CANNOT BE!"

will wait for recap till after Sheelah rolls her save at -1 from attic whisperer. If she fails then Jetro hits as there is no cover when Sheelah flees.

Correct Duardlara that you are outside the range of the attic whisperer's aura.

HP: 41/59 AC: 18 Saves F:7/R:4/W:10 P:+14(17) Hungerseed (Oni-Tiefling) Arctic Druid 8 Sheelah HP: 15/33 AC: 20 (+4) F:6/R:9/W:4 P:+6

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10

Sheelah is overcome by whatever it is that scares big cats and hightails it out and around the corner in to the hallway. the positive is that her leaving frees Jetro up for a clear shot with which he uses to great advantage. The first is just a tracer lining up the second shot that hits the attic whisperer hard.

Beck moves in to plug the gap and swings but can't get past the invisible force protecting the 'child'.

In the room proper Duardlara overcomes her fear and swings with her longsword at the witch. The blade connects the slow woman but when it does something unforeseen happened. A magical conduit traced its way back along the blade into Duardlara sucking the life from her.

spite spell with vampiric touch added 3d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 2) = 10 damage to Duardlara and Granny gets 10 temps

Part of Duardlara's lifeforce is then drawn out of Duardlara and enters into Granny Nan. Granny Nan just looks at you and smiles evilly. Bet you didn't expect that one child did you.

Helgash still to go

Roll20 / Male half-orc investigator (empiricist) 1/swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1 // Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7 / AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex, +1 dodge) / hp 22/22 / Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +6

As Sheelah bolts out, Helgash repositions himself, taking one step back, and again swinging at the child thing - "We must get to Duardlara" - he roars.

Bardiche: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Damage if it hits: 1d10 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16

F 8 R 11 W 9 | hp 103/103 | Init +7 | Perc +20, +1 vs traps | Effects: Endure elements (vs. cold), Fly, Shield, Greater Darkvision Female Elf Rogue 3/Evoker (Admixture) 3/Arcane Trickster 8 | AC 23, T 14, F 20, CMD 19 |

Duardlara gasps at the chill that reaches to her very marrow.
"Well done, mother crone. You are a formidable foe. Hell will appreciate your arrival as a new recruit, I'm sure."

Did anyone make the Knowledge (Local) roll to identify her? I don't believe I tried it.

F 8 R 11 W 9 | hp 103/103 | Init +7 | Perc +20, +1 vs traps | Effects: Endure elements (vs. cold), Fly, Shield, Greater Darkvision Female Elf Rogue 3/Evoker (Admixture) 3/Arcane Trickster 8 | AC 23, T 14, F 20, CMD 19 |

Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

Helgash swings and misses at the child leaving it the bad guys turn again. Still with many a trick up her sleeve Granny Nan lets the attic whisperer tie up the others while a deep unnerving sensation comes over Duardlara. Clearly she should not have entered the room so quickly and leave her companions behind. The question was what to do about it.

evil eye on Duardlara will save DC 18. Success means -2 to saves for 1 round. Failure means -2 to saves for 7 rounds. (don't forget the -1 for being in range of the attic whisperer.)

The attic whispere for its part continues to try and bite whomever is in front of the doorway. This time it is Beck.

bite attack 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16 for 1d4 - 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 = 2 damage and will save DC 16 or fatigued for 1 hour.

Good guys up round 3

Human Fighter14HP97/112 Init+6,Per+14,F13R8W10 AC20T12FF17

Jetro keeps shooting the doll(echo! echo!)
attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 261d8 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 251d8 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Roll20 / Male half-orc investigator (empiricist) 1/swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1 // Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7 / AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex, +1 dodge) / hp 22/22 / Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +6

Helgash growls, swinging his weapon again at the child - "Push through!" - worried about his roguish companion.

Beck, perhaps you should step aside to leave a clear LoS for Jetro?

Bardiche: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
Damage if it hits: 1d10 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21

Duardlara will heal 5 from Life Link - Helgash takes 5.

Human Fighter14HP97/112 Init+6,Per+14,F13R8W10 AC20T12FF17

Got point blank and precise shot so I'm tickling your ears with my arrow feathers

Roll20 / Male half-orc investigator (empiricist) 1/swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1 // Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7 / AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex, +1 dodge) / hp 22/22 / Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +6

Good catch Jetro - in that case I'm the only one getting -4 to hit. Which means I will most likely never land a strike ;)

Precise shot only ignores shooting into combat not cover penalties so there is still a benefit to having an open shot.

F 8 R 11 W 9 | hp 103/103 | Init +7 | Perc +20, +1 vs traps | Effects: Endure elements (vs. cold), Fly, Shield, Greater Darkvision Female Elf Rogue 3/Evoker (Admixture) 3/Arcane Trickster 8 | AC 23, T 14, F 20, CMD 19 |

Did my knowledge (local) check yield anything interesting/useful?

This is going to be bad...

Will DC 18: 1d20 + 6 - 1 ⇒ (7) + 6 - 1 = 12

Ye gods, -2 to saves for the next 7 rounds. Does this count as the first round, then?

Longsword Attack: 1d20 + 4 - 1 ⇒ (7) + 4 - 1 = 10 -1 from STR penalty
Damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Seeing the futility of using the longsword, Duardlara backs away, taking a 5' step, tossing toward the head of the bed and drawing her bow with its enchantment as she moves.

Duardlara the saves will be for 7 actions from Granny Nan so this round is the start of round 1 but it won't be over till after Granny Nan goes next round. The knowledge on Granny Nan is up higher in a spoiler.

Assuming that Beck is wise enough to move out of the way after he attacks Jetro lands 2 arrows into the attic whisperer who shows signs of cracking but is not destroyed yet.

Helgash swings and still is having a hard time connecting. Perhaps he is waiting to deliver a decisive blow to either Granny Nan or the dragon.

Duardlara falls under the effects of the witch's gaze and tries to hit Granny but is too burdened by the longsword to swing it properly as she misses. Giving up the sword she steps back and draws her bow.

Beck and Venja to go.

F 8 R 11 W 9 | hp 103/103 | Init +7 | Perc +20, +1 vs traps | Effects: Endure elements (vs. cold), Fly, Shield, Greater Darkvision Female Elf Rogue 3/Evoker (Admixture) 3/Arcane Trickster 8 | AC 23, T 14, F 20, CMD 19 |

My bad. Jetro made the roll, so you didn't spoiler it. I didn't remember anyone attempting the roll.

"Oh, you're Granny Nan, aren't you? I've heard about you..."

AC 19/11/18 (12/t11/ff11) ; hp 63/63; saves: F 5 R 4 W 9; bab 4, melee 4, ranged 5; CMB 4, CMD 15; speed 30; init +5; aasimar (peri-blooded) Witch (winter)-5/Winter Witch-4
Acro 2, appr 5, bluff 3, diplo 6, fly 12, heal 5, intim 7, Kn arcane 16(17), know planes 10, know history 10, know nature 10, kn local 9, ling 9, perc 14, sm 3, splcrft 16(17), stealth 1, UMD 11/+2 hut

Venja can still do little against the doll or the witch, so stands ready just in case there is an opening... delayed action

HP: 41/59 AC: 18 Saves F:7/R:4/W:10 P:+14(17) Hungerseed (Oni-Tiefling) Arctic Druid 8 Sheelah HP: 15/33 AC: 20 (+4) F:6/R:9/W:4 P:+6

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
For 2d6 + 5 ⇒ (3, 4) + 5 = 12

Beck swings again! One handed and raises his buckler

Beck even with an open doorway misses the attic whisperer but moves to allow Jetro the free shot.

Bad guys round 4
After successfully targeting Duardlara with her hex Granny strikes out again with a slumber hex.

Duardlara will save at DC 18 or fall into a sleep for 7 rounds.

The attic whisperer with no one in front of it slams the door closed separating the group even further. To make matters worse you can hear the click as the lock activates again.

The door is a wooden door with hardness 5 and 50 hp. It has a break dc of 21. As the door is closed Sheelah is no longer scared of Granny as she can't see Granny thus she can act normally.

Good guys up.

F 8 R 11 W 9 | hp 103/103 | Init +7 | Perc +20, +1 vs traps | Effects: Endure elements (vs. cold), Fly, Shield, Greater Darkvision Female Elf Rogue 3/Evoker (Admixture) 3/Arcane Trickster 8 | AC 23, T 14, F 20, CMD 19 |


Since the others cannot see in...:

Will DC 18: 1d20 + 6 - 1 - 2 ⇒ (6) + 6 - 1 - 2 = 9 -1 attic whisperer's aura, -2 evil eye

Duardlara's eyes roll up in her head as her bow falls from nerveless fingers and she collapses, sound asleep.

So frustrating... I will start thinking about a new character...

F 8 R 11 W 9 | hp 103/103 | Init +7 | Perc +20, +1 vs traps | Effects: Endure elements (vs. cold), Fly, Shield, Greater Darkvision Female Elf Rogue 3/Evoker (Admixture) 3/Arcane Trickster 8 | AC 23, T 14, F 20, CMD 19 |

DM's eyes only:
Question: Does a slumber hex affect an elf with immunity to sleep effects? Not that it includes D'lara, since I traded it for cold resistance, but from an academic standpoint, would it work?

HP: 41/59 AC: 18 Saves F:7/R:4/W:10 P:+14(17) Hungerseed (Oni-Tiefling) Arctic Druid 8 Sheelah HP: 15/33 AC: 20 (+4) F:6/R:9/W:4 P:+6

Helgash, Here, help me get this door! Beck says
Aid Another: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15 Break the door

Beck also calls sheelah back.
Can i get her to help with the door?

Yes beck that will work to have Sheehan aid.


Don't worry, she has something more nefarious in mind...suggestion...protect this old woman from the evil people trying to break down the door...

As to the elf thing with sleep I don't know for sure. I am leaning no as it is a hex and not the spell itself but mimics the spell except for duration and hd.

F 8 R 11 W 9 | hp 103/103 | Init +7 | Perc +20, +1 vs traps | Effects: Endure elements (vs. cold), Fly, Shield, Greater Darkvision Female Elf Rogue 3/Evoker (Admixture) 3/Arcane Trickster 8 | AC 23, T 14, F 20, CMD 19 |

DM Variel:
I have to be honest - I've been on pins and needles all weekend waiting to find out if I needed a new character or not.

Roll20 / Male half-orc investigator (empiricist) 1/swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1 // Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7 / AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex, +1 dodge) / hp 22/22 / Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +6

"Duardlara, no!" - Helgash roars, throwing himself against the door - "We need to stop this mockery of a fight, and PRESS ON!" - he roars.

STR: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10


Sorry Duardlara, I should have pushed forward...

F 8 R 11 W 9 | hp 103/103 | Init +7 | Perc +20, +1 vs traps | Effects: Endure elements (vs. cold), Fly, Shield, Greater Darkvision Female Elf Rogue 3/Evoker (Admixture) 3/Arcane Trickster 8 | AC 23, T 14, F 20, CMD 19 |

No worries. I thought I could get in and disrupt things, distract the old woman. Mission accomplished. D'oh!

The door remains stubbornly closed despite Helgash's efforts.

Inside the room Duardlara I need a will save as mentioned previously please. DC 18 and you will be under the effects of the attic whisperer.

If failed...:
You can hear Granny Nan even through your muddled sleep. There are imposters outside trying to attack me. Wake up and defend me.

Good Guys up!

F 8 R 11 W 9 | hp 103/103 | Init +7 | Perc +20, +1 vs traps | Effects: Endure elements (vs. cold), Fly, Shield, Greater Darkvision Female Elf Rogue 3/Evoker (Admixture) 3/Arcane Trickster 8 | AC 23, T 14, F 20, CMD 19 |

DM Variel:
Will DC 18: 1d20 + 6 - 1 - 2 ⇒ (17) + 6 - 1 - 2 = 20 -1 attic whisperer's aura, -2 evil eye

Wow - I totally didn't expect that to work. Does that mean I don't wake up? Can I try to bluff that I've fallen under her spell or does she know it failed?

Human Fighter14HP97/112 Init+6,Per+14,F13R8W10 AC20T12FF17

Jetro unloads on the door with both hands
Warhammer: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 171d8 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

Roll20 / Male half-orc investigator (empiricist) 1/swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1 // Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7 / AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex, +1 dodge) / hp 22/22 / Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +6

Without hesitation, Helgash throws himself repeatedly at the door, shouldering it as hard as he can - "We're coming Duardlara! Defend yourself!" - he roars.

STR: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

Granny Nan would know if the spell succeeded or not before she said anything to you. As such you are still asleep until awoken physically, the duration runs out or you take any damage at all. By the way, nice will save!! I was hoping to get a reaction from the others when you sneak attacked them the first round as they would not expect it. Oh well there is always next time.

Jetro damages the door as Helgash throws himself bodily forward smashing the door open. Behind it you see the attic whisperer readied to bite whomever is at the door.

Bite attack 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16 for [d4-1[/dice] and a dc 16 will save please Helgash or be fatigued.

As the door opens Sheelah gets a sight of Granny Nan again and runs away around the corner once more.

Venja and Beck still to go this round. Map the same as before except Helgash is in front of the door with Jetro next to him.

AC 19/11/18 (12/t11/ff11) ; hp 63/63; saves: F 5 R 4 W 9; bab 4, melee 4, ranged 5; CMB 4, CMD 15; speed 30; init +5; aasimar (peri-blooded) Witch (winter)-5/Winter Witch-4
Acro 2, appr 5, bluff 3, diplo 6, fly 12, heal 5, intim 7, Kn arcane 16(17), know planes 10, know history 10, know nature 10, kn local 9, ling 9, perc 14, sm 3, splcrft 16(17), stealth 1, UMD 11/+2 hut

Venja casts a quick resistance on Helgash, hoping to help him resist the attic whisperer's affectations.

HP: 41/59 AC: 18 Saves F:7/R:4/W:10 P:+14(17) Hungerseed (Oni-Tiefling) Arctic Druid 8 Sheelah HP: 15/33 AC: 20 (+4) F:6/R:9/W:4 P:+6

Beck and sheelah take either side of Helgash and attach around the corner

Bite: 1d20 + 5 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 5 - 1 + 1 = 6
for 1d6 + 2 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 2 + 2 + 1 = 9
Claw: 1d20 + 5 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 5 - 1 + 1 = 6
for 1d4 + 2 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 2 + 2 + 1 = 9
Claw: 1d20 + 5 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 5 - 1 + 1 = 20
for 1d4 + 2 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 2 + 2 + 1 = 9

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
For 2d6 + 5 ⇒ (4, 5) + 5 = 14

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
For 2d6 + 5 ⇒ (4, 5) + 5 = 14

Sheelah swings with claws and tries to bite but can't seem to get a hold of the elusive attic whisperer. The tactics were sound and helped as Beck timed the whispere's movements to send his enhanced stick through the raven's skull of a head. The path is now clear for those to come in a ?avenge? Duardlara who is curled up in a heap on the floor next to Granny Nan.

Granny Nan turns and looks at Helgash giving him an evil stare as she holds her position over the downed Duardlara.

Will save dc 18 or suffer misfortune hex. Roll twice for all d20 rolls and take the worst.

Looking at you and duradlara she then cackles madly as only a witch can.

Human Fighter14HP97/112 Init+6,Per+14,F13R8W10 AC20T12FF17

Jetro charges in and attacks the witch with his hammer!
Warhammer: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 271d8 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

Jetro you easily move into the room past the destroyed attic whisperer and hit the witch squarely on the chest. No spell effect happens this time as Duardlara took the hit for you already.

I thought you were a ranged fighter, your not suppose to be rushing in and going melee...;p Nice hit.

Roll20 / Male half-orc investigator (empiricist) 1/swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1 // Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7 / AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex, +1 dodge) / hp 22/22 / Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +6

We don't have an updated map, right? But I think Helgash can also shift, and attack the witch?

Also... I had completely forgotten about Life Link... If Duardlara is at maxHP-5, she heals 5, and Helgash takes 5.

"You will regret your foul ways monster!" - Helgash roars, completely ignoring the attic whisperer, and shifting to be able to attack the witch.

Bardiche Attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
Damage if it hits: 1d10 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17

Duardlara took a total of 10 healing from you Helgash up to this point. After that she is not taking any more healing from Lifelink.

Helgash I need a will save at DC 18 first to see if misfortune affects you. If you fail you need to reroll you attack.

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