Norrin Axebeard |

I get two majestic words per encounter, put I have a number of other ways of boosting hp temporarily.
EDIT: Also, if your drop an enemy to 0hp or less within 5 squares of me, I'll grant you 23 temporary hp.
Cool! Though 23 temp HP seems quite high; I think Virtue of Valor only grants nine temporary HP as you apply your Con modifier rather that Con score.
Good by me. I still have second wind, just one major opponent, and a pretty high AC against random arrows.
Unlike me. Points to "collection" of arrows. :)

Rev Rosey |

It's extraordinarily easy to miss things, particularly with the wide range of powers available to all of you. Don't worry about it. As long as we all keep a watch out for each other, it will all work out.
... i.e. I make a ton of mistakes and I hope you'll forgive them :)
Samson/DizzyDev - you around?

Norrin Axebeard |

I just assumed encounter heals were supposed to be impressive, or it not helping bloodied lessened it or something.
Yeah, twenty-something hit points from an encounter heal sounds about right. Virtue of Valor gives less, I think, for balance purposes because you could potentially grant nine temp HP to one ally every round.

Bluenose |
If the thing is bloodied, I've got an encounter power that I can use to give +2 to everyone else's attack rolls - Bloody Ending, which isn't limited by range as far as I can see. I've also got a minor action utility that can give a mix of bonuses to attacks or defences. If we're in position to take advantage of it, there's also Lead the Attack, which is +5 to attack rolls for everyone within 5 if it hits. Any combination of these, with or without use of action points, would probably take it down. After which, do we think the necromancers drop? That will stop us being swamped in undead minions and makes the rest a cleaning up phase.

Rev Rosey |

DizzyDev/Samson - could you confirm your continued interest or not? If you're still in, can you make your way over to this thread as soon as possible. Thanks!

Rev Rosey |

Before I hit Gamer Connection, are any of you interested in a slot in my Halls of the Mountain King game?
Level 10 and they're working their way through Open Design's adventure. The group really needs a controller as a priority, so if anyone is keen let me know. They're 10th level and have just started the second section. I can provide a "previously, in Halls of the Mountain King" to get you up to speed.
bmars - you were interested in this when it first went up I know, so if you'd like the slot, you've got first dibs. After that, it's first come/first served.

Rev Rosey |

Ah. That's always interesting when they get mobile. Make sure you crawl around the house yourself. Things that looks safe from standing height are enticeingly yankable at floor level.
Peasant - you're in. Links to the active pcs are in my DM profile and this is the game thread.
Bluenose, if you'd like to take an alternate slot on a just in case basis, you're most welcome. If our cleric fails to return, and you don't mind coming up with another leader type, you'd be in like a shot. I need to nudge him.
The boards seem to be crawling right now, but I'll put together a brief outline of events so far as soon as I can.

Peasant Railgun |
Peasant - you're in. Links to the active pcs are in my DM profile and this is the game thread.
Bluenose, if you'd like to take an alternate slot on a just in case basis, you're most welcome. If our cleric fails to return, and you don't mind coming up with another leader type, you'd be in like a shot. I need to nudge him.
On second thoughts, I'd rather play a shaman or some other leader, so could you please give my spot to Bluenose? I'll get on board if your cleric doesn't show.

Bluenose |
Bluenose - you're in if you'd like to be.
Peasant R - absolutely fine, and I'll try and get the leader situation sorted asap.
One invoker, coming up. How urgent is it? I can't get to my home machine till this evening anyway to build the character, but I've two concepts in mind which I'll post in the existing thread.

Bluenose |
Well, I've put three concepts up in the discussion thread. I suspect the dwarf is easiest to work in, so I'll do a little work on paper for him in my lunch break; I'll try to get all three developed this evening when I get home, and if there's a preference expressed go with whichever seems most popular.

Arishat |

"I'm tanking the main bad guy in the middle of a crowd of undead. This isn't how I wanted my day to go."
I think we're doing okay, considering this is the first encounter we've worked together. When I GM it's my experience that it takes two or three before people start to get synergy between one or two characters, and more before people start deiberately creating situations for others to take advantage of. If there's one thing I'd pinpoint as an error in our tactics, it was getting too spread out. I started that, too, with Arishat being too far from the rest of the group to use several of her powers. A tighter oncentration would work better, with Lead the Attack being a great bonus as long as allies are within 5 - so far, there hasn't been much value to using it.

Samson Gord |

Hopefully, Samson should help out allot when it comes to navigating the battle field. With Skirmishing presence if we end up spread out to much, a few people use there action points and we are all into formation again. Its been a little tough for me to figure out who the heavy hitters are.
I think Norrin is a striker, which means me and him will get along great but other than that I'm still trying to figure each of the characters. I played 4e for about a year after it first came out and haven't played since so I'm not familiar with all the new classes. It looks like Lyan might be a striker as well? and Levana a controller after the move she just pulled?

Bluenose |
What is the dazed condition?
If I remember it correctly, you can only take one action. Does that include free action? Really, I'm wondering if Darion still gets my skirmishers presence if he is dazed. Its allows him to shift as a free action.
You can take free actions while dazed. I checked, as a few of Arishat's powers allow other people to take free actions and one of the people involved was dazed.

vagrant-poet |

Hopefully, Samson should help out allot when it comes to navigating the battle field. With Skirmishing presence if we end up spread out to much, a few people use there action points and we are all into formation again. Its been a little tough for me to figure out who the heavy hitters are.
I think Norrin is a striker, which means me and him will get along great but other than that I'm still trying to figure each of the characters. I played 4e for about a year after it first came out and haven't played since so I'm not familiar with all the new classes. It looks like Lyan might be a striker as well? and Levana a controller after the move she just pulled?
Darwyn=me= Leader Bard
Darion, Lyan= Paladain, Battlemind = DefendersLevana=Primal controller class, forget the name.
Norrin= Ranger striker
Getting us all together is a good idea, but my knowledge skill on the shade kinda hinted towards it being a tough mother, it can keep its allies alive at 0hp. Though that must have a range because one of the necromancers bit the dust.

Levana Poria |

Seeker, Primal Controller with a fair bit of damage output. She's not much of a Area of Effect minion killer, but can spread out a few control effects, like Dazed and Slow. Lyan and Levana should team up to use Lyan's Beguiling Advantage, +4 damage to dazed, slowed, or stunned enemies. Levana's ranged basic attacks are pretty nasty damage-wise(1d10+20) and have control effects, so anyone that can confer extra ranged basic attacks, look her way please.
EDIT:Also, pretty squishy!

Rev Rosey |

Bluenose (Arishat) is right about it taking a bit of time for group synergy to emerge, and that's particularly true in pbp with the time zone issue.
I think you're doing OK. It's a genuinely tough encounter with all sorts of stuff going on. My gut feeling, based on everything I've ever heard about Tomb of Horrors, is that you may well end up fighting groups of monsters with well-meshed powers, so that's what I tried to create for you.
From my perspective, you're pretty balanced in terms of what you've done so far.
Group 1 managed to down a necromancer which has helped them a lot, but they haven't bloodied any of the bigger bads yet (although very nearly so in a couple of cases)
Group 2 still have oncoming minions by the many, but rolled better knowledge checks and have bloodied all bar one of the bigger bads.
I'm highly intrigued to see how it all plays out.
As far as groupings go, feel free to set yourselves up any way you like once this is over. It's your game, after all.

vagrant-poet |

Bluenose (Arishat) is right about it taking a bit of time for group synergy to emerge, and that's particularly true in pbp with the time zone issue.
I think you're doing OK. It's a genuinely tough encounter with all sorts of stuff going on. My gut feeling, based on everything I've ever heard about Tomb of Horrors, is that you may well end up fighting groups of monsters with well-meshed powers, so that's what I tried to create for you.
From my perspective, you're pretty balanced in terms of what you've done so far.
Group 1 managed to down a necromancer which has helped them a lot, but they haven't bloodied any of the bigger bads yet (although very nearly so in a couple of cases)
Group 2 still have oncoming minions by the many, but rolled better knowledge checks and have bloodied all bar one of the bigger bads.
I'm highly intrigued to see how it all plays out.
As far as groupings go, feel free to set yourselves up any way you like once this is over. It's your game, after all.
I'm happy with the group compostion! Group 1 is totally rad!

Arishat |

I will have to keep Levana in mind then.
My direct the strike At-will allows me to give any ally within 5 squares of me a basic on any enemy within 10 squares of me...
Lead the Attack is a feat you might want to consider. It gives an ally +1 to hit any time you grant them an attack. Even silly dragonborn ones can manage it, though obviously not as well as a tiefling.

Barel Dlode |

Next Time in battle we stay in formation and that should help out alot.
Yes, Barel also needs to keep his enthusiasm in check and actually defend his party members instead of running out to attack various baddies all over the place. He is trying to get back there now with the group.
An attack formation would have been helpful, and if I had kept whaling on the Shade, we could have been done with him by now. Oh well, I live and learn.
Does anyone have any input on how to make Barel better? Right now he is leaning more towards striker than controller, but that could be changed pretty easily.

Arishat |

Edit: Oh ****. Just read Rosey's latest post for Group 2. The shade went down, and it's come back up.
And I don't think it's happy.
Tavar oracle of the Raven Queen wrote:Next Time in battle we stay in formation and that should help out alot.Yes, Barel also needs to keep his enthusiasm in check and actually defend his party members instead of running out to attack various baddies all over the place. He is trying to get back there now with the group.
An attack formation would have been helpful, and if I had kept whaling on the Shade, we could have been done with him by now. Oh well, I live and learn.
Does anyone have any input on how to make Barel better? Right now he is leaning more towards striker than controller, but that could be changed pretty easily.
I actually think it's a good thing that he's a defender with a heavy emphasis on striker. With only one striker, we are a little short when it comes to doing heavy damage. With two leaders, we're well equipped to keep people in the fight, so we can afford to have our defenders put a bit mroe emphasis on hitting.
Samson Gord wrote:Lead the Attack is a feat you might want to consider. It gives an ally +1 to hit any time you grant them an attack. Even silly dragonborn ones can manage it, though obviously not as well as a tiefling.I will have to keep Levana in mind then.
My direct the strike At-will allows me to give any ally within 5 squares of me a basic on any enemy within 10 squares of me...
Or even the feat Lend Might. [embarassed][/embarassed]
That was of course a test. Untrained bluff check 1d20+10

Samson Gord |

Or even the feat Lend Might.
I'm glad Rev gave us the opportunity to do a trial run on our characters. I have never been more disappointed with my feat selection. I was a little rusty with 4e so I'm going to blame it on that but for no reason should I have ever spent 3 feats on augmenting a single ability I can do once per encounter.
I think I'm going to swap Inspiring Breath and Empowered Dragon Breath out for Lend Might Impaling spear. I might drop Bolstering Breath as well in favor of some armor proficiency.
Impaling spear sounds cool, but I seem to be doing fine hitting ac. My attack bonus is a +18. I have forgotten whether that is good or not.
Any Ideas on increasing AC other than a armor proficiency feat?

Samson Gord |

Does anyone have any input on how to make Barel better? Right now he is leaning more towards striker than controller, but that could be changed pretty easily.
Looks to me like you have a little of the same issue I have in that multiple of your feats are augmenting an ability that you can only use once per encounter, granted augmenting second wind is probably better than augmenting dragons breath, still. Have you considered the crippling crush sudden roots combo? I didn't study your powers but you seem to have a major focus on hammers so it would probably work well for you. Its been a while since I've played a warder but there is also a feat combo for cold damage and one of the wardens forms is all cold...

Rev Rosey |

Paragon pcs built from scratch are not easy to get right.
If (as I hope) we're all in it for the long haul in Tombs, I'd much rather you had the chance to fiddle around now. I'm in favour of players having a character they can feel invested in and that's hard to do if you don't like the picks you made.

Lynore |

I actually love Hurl Breath on all of my dragons, the ability to blast out a small group of minions once a fight is a beauty. I am not sure if there are any ways to increase your AC without using proficiencies or shields, unless you look at situational stuff. Like OA ac, i think combat reflexes might be that one.
As an aside, really digging this Assassin, it may be my new favorite character ever, from the mechanic standpoint. It just feels good.