Tringelda Dame der Greifen |

I am here on behalf of His Imperial Majesty Sigismund, Holy Roman Emperor, who requests a composition from Maestro Toshio Okumura! I understand you are friends with this most remarkable organist and composer, and that he is currently residing here as a guest of His Grace, the Cardinal D’Borja. Is this so?

Michael Johnson 66 |

It is Monday, the 15th of January.
Throughout Rome, the people excitedly exchange rumors that the Devil himself, in the form of the serpent that he took in the Garden of Eden, was seen carrying some sinner through the streets of Rome toward the Palazzo D’Borja! The town criers confirm this rumor loudly in the streets and plazas of the Eternal City.
The criers also tell of a satanic plot of sabotage uncovered and foiled by the holy champions of the Vatican, the Crusaders of the Catacombs! Even as their star rises over Rome, the deeds and identities of the Crusaders are illuminated for all to see... including those who watch with hateful eyes from the shadows...

Antichrist Nero |

In his secret subterranean sanctuary, the lich Nero, former Roman Emperor, Antichrist and anarchist, Herald of the Apocalypse, scowled, unappeased by the torture by Brazen Bull of a captured paladin of Saint Peter’s Basilica. He found no solace in the roasted man’s piteous moans. His evil heart was numb to such atrocities.
In Infernal: Fie! These meddlesome Crusaders are beginning to sour my mood, Lord Mephistopheles! We shall have to prepare ever more perilous bewilderment for them!

The Ogon Fox |

"Is it His Majesty's request that Maestro Okumura work on the composition in residence at the Imperial court, or rather to send the composition from afar? I believe Toshio has intended to stay in Rome for some time," the Fox says to Dame Tringelda. "Although if you strove to persuade him otherwise, my lady, I am sure he would be very sorely pressed to refuse you," he adds with a smile.

Tringelda Dame der Greifen |

"Is it His Majesty's request that Maestro Okumura work on the composition in residence at the Imperial court, or rather to send the composition from afar? I believe Toshio has intended to stay in Rome for some time," the Fox says to Dame Tringelda. "Although if you strove to persuade him otherwise, my lady, I am sure he would be very sorely pressed to refuse you," he adds with a smile.
His Imperial Majesty would likely accept a composition delivered from afar, if gently persuaded... agrees the lovely elf ranger with a dazzling smile... It would be far more appropriate for Maestro Okumura to journey to the Imperial Court... But he is only a transient subject of His Imperial Majesty, being a visitor from Japan, and if he chooses to deliver the finished composition by messenger, rather than attend the Imperial Court in person, it should be of little consequence in the end... His Imperial Majesty would want to reward Maestro Okumura handsomely, of course, so some way of receiving compensation would need to be arranged... I’d be honored to facilitate that, my charming Mister Fox!

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I don't like the way this conversation is going on two fronts! Time to put some patented Kaltgeboren charm on my lovely lady.

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uh oh! Johann does not have a magnetic personality
diplomacy: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (12) - 2 = 10

The Ogon Fox |

Winsomeness: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (11) + 13 = 24
"Fairest lady, how soon does your duty require your return?"

Tringelda Dame der Greifen |

uh oh! Johann does not have a magnetic personality
Giggling and putting her slender fingers over her smiling mouth, she replies, You flatter me, Mister Kaltgeboren! You are very sweet, but... my duties preclude any such adventures in the Black Forest in the near future, as much as I’d love to explore that realm in your company, brave sir!

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Lucius pulls out a pen and a small piece of parchment from a nearby drawer.
Note to self. Get new wing for 'guests' so that flirting can be confined to one area.
"I think that perhaps we are straying a little from the point." He says, drawing the meeting back to order. "We need to decide how soon we return to the Catacombs and attempt the conjuration circle. I don't much like the idea, but better to do it soon and come back before Wormwood strikes, rather than waste time waiting for him."
He steeples his hands. "We have considerable resources gained from the last expedition. We must sell these as soon as possible, make any purchases we need and then return to the catacombs. Quinlan, how much more time will your crafting projects take?"

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Gah! That blasted Fox is so... so... likeable!
Johann leans over and slaps Fox on the back of the head.

Zagathoth |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Zagathoth sits quietly as bear and fox recount the story of the stone monster, and he scowls a bit remembering how useless the fire sword was. It takes a while but eventually he realizes his two companions are competing for the chance to make sex with the elf woman. His face screws up in concentration as he, for the first time, evaluates her form.
hmm... she does have nice features, but she looks so... fragile... are people allowed to make sex with elfs? are orcs? do they have to make sure elfs are not married like with human womans? wait... bear and fox aren't really even human... they serve the human God, so they must follow the rule but maybe they can make sex with things humans can't?
The orc turns to the bearman, seemingly in response to his statement of readiness, and answers "Are you allowed to make sex with bears? And if you make sex with a bear do you have to make sure she is not married, like with a human girl?"

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Bluff: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (14) + 14 = 28
Lucius doesn't look even mildly surprised at the turn the conversation has taken, although he does turn to the Dame.
"Perhaps you could omit this part of the tale, when you recount your travels to the Emperor, my lady?"

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"I.... ERRRRR.... I.... UMMMM..."
Johann's thoughts drift off.
In hindsight, some of those Gummy Bears were more enticing than their sugary-goodness could account for...

Tringelda Dame der Greifen |

Lucius doesn't look even mildly surprised at the turn the conversation has taken, although he does turn to the Dame.
"Perhaps you could omit this part of the tale, when you recount your travels to the Emperor, my lady?"
Of course, Your Grace! Only the details pertaining to the mission against the forces of the Devil shall be included in my report, with your blessing, Your Grace... Tringelda smiles charmingly at Cardinal Lucius, bowing her lovely head.

Zagathoth |

Seeing that his companion hasn’t bothered to learn his rules, Zagathoth turns his attention to their resident expert. ”Padre,” he inquires, ”is the bearman allowed to make sex with bears? And, when he makes sex with a bear does he have to find out if she is married? And what about fox, can he make sex with foxes?”

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Lucius inclines his snow white head in return to the lovely griffin rider before turning to Zagathoth. "That is a question for another time Zagathoth. Find me later and we can discuss it if you wish."
He stands, "Lacking any other reason to remain I propose that we take the rest of this day to purchase any supplies that may be needed and then get a good nights sleep. Tomorrow we return to the Catacombs."
This is without input from Quin on his crafting. If he says he needs 2 more days then Lucius will propose that etc.
Suiting actions to words the Cardinal dismisses everyone, offers Tringelda his hospitality for the night, and departs into the city.
Shopping list to come.

Zagathoth |

Zagathoth accompanies the white-haired priest on his journey to the market, both to serve as protection and to carry his purchases. Along the way he bombards his guide with questions about what mundane and mythical creatures the bear and fox are allowed to make sex with.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Zagathoth accompanies the white-haired priest on his journey to the market, both to serve as protection and to carry his purchases. Along the way he bombards his guide with questions about what mundane and mythical creatures the bear and fox are allowed to make sex with.
If they do it with a werewolf, is it bestiality? If they do it with a vampire chick, is that necrophilia? Lol

Zagathoth |

lol- that’s too complex... more like: is bear on bear or fox on fox ok? what about bear on fox? what about other animals, like a horse? what about a horselady (centaur)? or a cowlady (minotaur)? can they make sex with an elf? can regular people? can regular people do it with a horselady or cowlady? Etc...

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Having no shopping to do, Johann spends the day transforming between a man, bear, and snake, and doing a variety of aerobic exercises. Tis no easy feat to maintain such a conditioned physique in three body shapes!
ready to go

Quinlan Ifrean |

"Two more days would allow me to finish up the belt I am making for Fox. I of course have countless projects to begin as well so As much time as I can be given is excellent."

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Zagathoth accompanies the white-haired priest on his journey to the market, both to serve as protection and to carry his purchases. Along the way he bombards his guide with questions about what mundane and mythical creatures the bear and fox are allowed to make sex with.
The Cardinal, with considerable patience, reiterates to Zagathoth the churches teaching on the sanctity of marriage and how that applies no matter what form the person may be in. As to the question of sleeping with animals he is quietly, but firmly against it.
"No matter what form the man is in, he remains a man Zagathoth, and for a man to lie down with an animal is a most detestable sin. It is unnatural and an affront to God - the bible is quite clear on this."
Lucius eventually purchases another sword, more finely balanced than his previous weapon, before going to the Castel St'Angelo, where he makes a hefty donation to the Paladins of St Michael. He is joined in prayer by the Grandmaster of the Knights of St Michael and when Lucius rises again it is apparent that his cardinal's ring has been transformed. The martyred Christ seems almost ready to leap from the golden band, and the aura around it is practically palpable.
MW Greatsword and Ring of Prot +2 - done as an upgrade to my cardinalate ring.
With his business done Lucius and Zagathoth return to his palazzo, ready to adventure into the depths once more.

Saint Michael the Archangel |

Lucius eventually purchases another sword, more finely balanced than his previous weapon, before going to the Castel St'Angelo, where he makes a hefty donation to the Paladins of St Michael. He is joined in prayer by the Grandmaster of the Knights of St Michael and when Lucius rises again it is apparent that his cardinal's ring has been transformed. The martyred Christ seems almost ready to leap from the golden band, and the aura around it is practically palpable.
MW Greatsword and Ring of Prot +2 - done as an upgrade to my cardinalate ring.
With his business done Lucius and Zagathoth return to his palazzo, ready to adventure into the depths once more.
As Lucius and Zagathoth are returning to the palazzo, they are met in the portico by a handsome youth clad in shepherd’s garb, who bows before Cardinal Lucius and kisses his magic ring, before admiring his new great sword...
Good day, Your Grace! I hope you don’t mind my pausing in the shade of your portico for a moment... I say, that looks a fine sword with which to smite the foes of Mother Church... May I hold it for a moment, Father?

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Lucius, well aware that shepherds never really look that clean or handsome, offers the scabbarded greatsword to the young man. "You are welcome to my shade as long as you need it my Son. We have food if you need refreshment also."

Saint Michael the Archangel |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The “shepherd” smiles fondly at Lucius with a paternal expression uncharacteristic for one so apparently young (14 years or so), takes the masterwork greatsword, forged from Damascus steel by Bavarian dwarf smiths in the papal foundry at Sant’Angelo Castle the year before, and makes a few dazzling flourishes, brandishing the greatsword with all the grace and skill of the finest Italian swordmasters!
As he does so, the blade begins to glow with a pearlescent radiance, like heavenfire dancing along the steel edges!
He returns the blade to Cardinal Lucius with a bow...
Thank you, Your Grace, for your kind offer of hospitality, and for humoring a foolish young shepherd such as I am... He winks at Lucius, then turns and strolls off down the via, vanishing around a corner into an alley...
The greatsword seems to vibrate with sacred energy in Lucius’ hands... and a name has been graven by magic on the blade: “Dies Irae”!
Lucius’ greatsword is a +1 holy greatsword named Dies Irae (Day of Wrath)!

Michael Johnson 66 |

Tuesday the 16th passes uneventfully, Quinlan laboring over the magical belt for Fox...
By dusk on Wednesday the 17th, Quinlan has completed Fox’s belt, and the others have had ample time to make purchases and upgrades to their equipment before the next foray into the Catacombs.
No news of anything significant reaches the heroes’ ears during this time, though they continue to gather lore about the recent rumors of vampires preying on the people of Rome, and Toshio Okumura begins to conceive the beginnings of a regal composition for the Holy Roman Emperor, Orpheus tweeting and nodding approvingly at the melodies he weaves on his magic organetto...

Pope Eugenius IV |

The Holy Father heeds Cardinal Lucius’ warnings of sabotage in the aqueducts by the architect Brunelleschi, and has the paladins of Saint Michael investigate the aqueducts and arrest the villain for interrogation, but Brunelleschi must have somehow known his cover was blown, for he mysteriously disappeared, nowhere to be found...
Damn that Brunelleschi! He has escaped justice. He must have fled Rome upon Johann’s discovery of his plot... Perhaps into the underground stronghold of the Enemy, or back to Florence... I must inform the Duke D’Medici that his architect he sent is a servant of the Devil!... Which begs a more disturbing question... What of D’Medici?... What if...??

Zagathoth |

"You are pretty good with a sword," Zagathoth remarks to the young man in the shabby clothes, "now that I am back from shopping I can go make sex again, but if you come in and eat something maybe afterwards we can train together a little bit?"
The orc finishes with the wide, toothy grin that had become somewhat of a trademark look of his since his release.

Saint Michael the Archangel |

"You are pretty good with a sword," Zagathoth remarks to the young man in the shabby clothes, "now that I am back from shopping I can go make sex again, but if you come in and eat something maybe afterwards we can train together a little bit?"
The orc finishes with the wide, toothy grin that had become somewhat of a trademark look of his since his release.
The youth smiles fondly at Zagathoth over his shoulder as he departs, replying, Thou art a good orc, Zagathoth, and The Almighty smiles upon thee! Hearken unto the wise counsel of Cardinal Lucius, and under his guidance, come to know the Word of God, and we shall spar in the Kingdom of Heaven when thine mortal journey endeth!
In spite of his strangely archaic manner of speeding, Zagathoth fully comprehends the mysterious young shepherd’s every word...

Zagathoth |

Zagathoth’s grin vanishes and his face grows uncharacteristically pensive. ”I was born into violence, and one day I will die in violence... I don’t think I want to fight in heaven...” he answers the young man.

Pope Eugenius IV |

With the newly uncovered plot of sabotage revealed by Johann, the Holy Father employs crews of laborers to search the recently restored aqueducts for deposits of flammable oil placed by the Luciferians, and reviews plans drawn up by Quinlan (when he isn’t busy crafting magic items for his mates) for flame shields that could be erected (perhaps with the magical aid of music from the organetto of building) around important or particularly vulnerable structures and areas around the city.
The regions of the Catacombs that have been pacified by the Crusaders and garrisoned with the knights of St Michael are considered as a possible shelter for citizens to retreat to when the dreadful Saint Valentine’s Day Holocaust falls upon the Eternal City. Fire drills are practiced throughout the city, during which citizens practice rushing down into the Catacombs when the bells of Saint Peter’s are rung in a certain pattern.

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Cardinal Lucius, when his duties allow, continues to follow leads and make contacts with those men in the city that he trusts, with a view to ascertaining the trustworthiness (or lack thereof) of his fellow Cardinals. At a time of such peril a highly placed Luciferan could cause untold harm...

Striga Lucrezia |

Noon, Wednesday the 17th of January, in the foothills of the Atlas Mountains of Morocco:
Lucrezia’s mining operation is under way, with losses from overworking and heat exhaustion remedied by animating the corpses to continue laboring as zombies. The mainly European laborers, essentially reduced to slaves, work fearfully under the whips of gnoll overseers recruited locally by the evil witch.
As her divinations promised, a large ore of diamond is unearthed, and eagerly harvested. The sparkling carts of ore hauled out of the mines are processed at a site on location in the rugged, arid hills.
Good! Soon, I will be able to resurrect my comrades, who will no doubt be in my debt, and far more malleable than they were prior to their time in Hell...

Mirabilistia the Copper Dragon |

Inevitably, one who soars over the Atlas Mountains in frequent hunts for evil, and who has a particular interest in mineral wealth from the mountains, takes notice of the mining operation run by the witch...
Hmmmm... Gnolls and humans mining diamonds in my Mountains? I wonder what this is all about? I smell the stink of evil behind it! Best to have a closer look...
The sleek, reptilian guardian circles back on the thermals, the noon sun glinting off her ruddy copper scales... She dives over the mining camp, sowing fear and panic among the humanoids, much to her amusement!

Striga Lucrezia |

Startled but not panicked by the copper dragon’s sudden flyby, the witch gasps and readies her broom of flying in case she would need to flee or give chase...
She watched as the dragon looped skyward again, while her miners (except the fearless zombies) and gnoll foremen scattered, terrified, seeking cover...
It’s toying with us! Maybe just curious? Perhaps a bribe will send it on it’s way...

Mirabilistia the Copper Dragon |

Circling back and diving to pass over the scattered, panicked mining camp again, the copper dragon spies the sparkling ore in several carts, and naturally feels covetous, as is the nature even of benign dragons regarding treasure...
Greedy bastards! Look at all that beautiful diamond they are stealing from MY Mountains!
She swoops down and seizes a cart laden with twinkling ore!