Michael Johnson 66 |

The Antichrist, Enperor Nero, became a lich after his supposed suicide many centuries ago, and disguising himself as such villains as Atilla the Hun, or Constantine, wreaked havoc and mayhem throughout the many kingdoms of Earth throughout the ages, according to his father’s (the Devil) will. Most recently disguised as some Italian nobleman in Rome, Nero called down from the firey planet Mercury a terrible red fire dragon named Wormwood, who now lairs in Mount Vesuvius and demands annual tribute of maidens and treasure from every prince and potentate throughout Europe and North Africa. With this dreadful ally, the Antichrist leads a secret Luciferian cult with branches all over Europe, the British Isles, and parts of North Africa and the Middle East. The Maid of Orleans has been burnt at the stake as a witch, after having been captured by Philip the Good of Burgundy, a high ranking member of the Church of Lucifer, and handed over to the English (the young King Henry VI’s Lancaster uncles were also in league with the Prince of Darkness).
The world is on the brink of Apocalypse! It is in dire need of heroes!

Michael Johnson 66 |

The New Year of Our Lord, 1437, dawns over the Earth. It is the morning of the first day of January, and throughout Europe, Scandinavia, the British Isles, and the Holy Land, church bells ring in the new year, and folk celebrate Yule, Christmas, or Saturnalia, according to various Winter traditions. The snows of the Fimbulwinter (as folk in Germanic and Scandinavian lands call it) or the Little Ice Age (as later sages would term it) linger over much of the northern hemisphere. All the lands north of the Alps are covered in snow, and even the kingdoms of the Mediterranean are colder than usual.

Michael Johnson 66 |

England and France have been at war for territory within France for so long, later sages would call the conflict The Hundred Years War. Young King Henry VI of England has also been crowned the true king of France at Notre Dame Cathedral, in defiance of Dauphin Charles VII, who also claims the title from his palace in Bourges. Lancaster Dukes John of Bedford and Humphrey of Gloucester seem to support their nephew as King of England and France, though whispers persist in the English Court that they secretly belong to the satanic Church of Lucifer, and plot against their young King, seeking to usurp his throne.
In fact, a plot of treasonous witchcraft against young King Henry VI was uncovered recently by the heroic adventurers known as the Lucky Fools, resulting in the arrest and imprisonment of Margery Jourdamayne—“The Witch of Eye Next Westminster”, the astrologer and sorcerer Roger Bolingbroke, Duchess Eleanor Cobham, and several others. (These conspirators have been sentenced to be burnt alive at the stake, but this sentence has not yet been carried out, and they currently languish in the Tower of London.)

Michael Johnson 66 |

In the County of Holland, The Hook and Cod Wars have been raging between the more progressive cities of Holland and the more conservative nobles. Some surmise that the underlying cause of these wars is the dissatisfaction of the peasants with the oppressive rule of the nobility.
Meanwhile, the Holy Roman Empire has grown into a complicated patchwork of German kingdoms, duchies, counties, and baronies, all nominally loyal to the Holy Roman Emperor, currently Sigismund of Luxembourg, King of Germany and Bohemia. Sigismund’s reign has been turbulent at best, including temporary periods of imprisonment by political rivals, and wars to pacify rebellious domains within the empire.

Michael Johnson 66 |

In Italy, The Wars In Lombardy, waged by the Duchy of Milan against the Republic of Venice, and their various allies, each side seeking hegemony over the Italian City-States, have seen an influx of foreign mercenaries and condottieri, who grow wealthy fighting on behalf of the highest bidder.
These conflicts have been temporarily interrupted by a much bigger threat—the ancient red fire dragon Wormwood, believed to be the Dragon of the Apocalypse foretold in the Book of Revelation, has flown down from the fiery planet Mercury to lair in the volcanic Mount Vesuvius near Naples, and demands annual tribute of treasure and maidens from every kingdom and city-state in Europe, destroying by fire the cities, towns, fields, livestock, and people of any prince or potentate that refuses. Four years ago, reacting in rage to the defiant heroics of the famous band of adventurers known as the Lucky Fools (who struck several blows against the dragon’s allies, the Church of Lucifer), Wormwood made an example of Naples in an event now known throughout Europe as the Halloween Holocaust of Naples. The coastal city has slowly begun to rebuild under the leadership of Queen Joanna II, but the Neapolitan people live in constant fear of the dragon’s fiery wrath.

Michael Johnson 66 |

In Portugal, Prince Henry seeks to convince his father, King John, and brothers, to join him in a conquest of Muslim Morocco, having already captured the city of Ceuta several years ago. Ceuta has become little more than a ghost town, inhabited only by a garrison of increasingly restless Portuguese soldiers, and Prince Henry has proposed plans to invade and capture Tangier, Marrakech, Fez, and Rabat, but his ambitions have met with resistance from his father and brothers.
The inquisitive and adventurous Prince Henry is also curious about the unexplored regions of the world, and has been funding voyages to explore the coast of Africa, and even an ill-fated expedition to explore the mysterious Underworld, a vast region of subterranean caverns and tunnels accessed via several cave entrances, including Morocco’s Cave of Hercules, located near Tangiers, and named for the mythic demigod and son of Zeus, Hercules, said to have rested inside the cave during one of his Twelve Labors. The first expedition sent into the Cave of Hercules to explore the Underworld has not returned, and is feared forever lost...

Michael Johnson 66 |

In the snowclad mountains of Norway, within a glacial cavern, lairs the ancient white frost dragon Frostfloyen. This white wyrm is served by a horde of frost giants, ice trolls, winter wolves, bugbears, hobgoblins, goblins, and orcs, which regularly raid the nearby city of Nidaros (Trondheim). The Bishop of Nidaros seeks brave adventurers to strike back against these rapacious monsters.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Over the past six years, the Church of Lucifer has been dealt a series of crippling blows by the valiant band of adventurers known as the Lucky Fools (also the Lusty Fools, in some regions). Quite by chance, the adventurers discovered that the true Dauphin of France, Charles VII, was imprisoned in a secret cell within the catacombs under Paris, replaced on the throne by a monstrous pretender, a doppelgänger in league with the insidious Church of Lucifer. Freeing the real Charles, and revealing the doppelgänger to the French court by slaying the imposter, the Lucky Fools became heroes worthy of song. This was in the summer of 1431.
Following their adventures in France, the Lucky Fools pursued evidence they’d found in the catacombs of treasonous witchcraft against young King Henry VI, then only ten years old. Nearly ending up in the Tower of London or Newgate Prison for daring to accuse such English nobility as the Dukes of Bedford and Gloucester of treason, the Lucky Fools unveiled the plot of witchcraft and sorcery used to sicken the young monarch, saving the life of another sovereign. They were obliged to flee England aboard a folding boat named The Hippocampus, captained by undine water kineticist Frederick, and First Mate Nachtigal, a wood elf huntress from the Black Forest.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Other heroes making names for themselves at this time include Prospero Blue, a Pygmy catfolk wizard from an uncharted island (Bermuda) in the Atlantic, and his companions, Roman Catholic aasimar paladin Tunes Holiday, and Egyptian human cleric of Ra Pamentet. These adventurers made a foray into the Underworld via the Cave of Hercules in Morocco on behalf of Prince Henry of Portugal in 1435, and returned briefly, telling fanciful tales of battling dark elves in a giant spider-shaped fortress and fire giants in a brass castle near a lake of magma. They made a second foray after presenting incomplete maps of the areas they’d explored to Prince Henry in Lisbon, but have never returned.

Michael Johnson 66 |

The lands of Europe are riddled with the ancient ruins of the fallen Roman Empire. The current Holy Roman Empire is Roman in name only, being the invention of Frankish barbarian king Charlemagne in the early 9th century. The ruins of even older civilizations can also be found beneath the streets of modern towns and cities—the ruins of Etruscan and Mycenaean cultures, holding unknown riches and monstrous horrors of the Underworld...

Michael Johnson 66 |

A Timeline of Recent Events
1430: Joan of Arc captured by the Burgundians at Compiegne
Modern English develops from Middle English
In music, beginning of the first Dutch school with Gilles Binchois and Guillaume Dufay
Great cast iron gun Mad Marjorie introduced
1431: Joan of Arc burnt at the stake at Rouen
Henry VI of England crowned King of France in Paris
First German peasant revolt at Worms
Pope Eugene IV (--1447)
Universities of Caen and of Poitiers founded
Lucky Fools expose treasonous witchcraft against Henry VI of England after rescuing Charles VII of France from secret imprisonment in the catacombs under Paris and killing the doppelganger impersonating him
1432: Portuguese sailor Gonzalo Cabral discovers the Azores
Lucky Fools sail the Atlantic along the coasts of Spain, Portugal, and North Africa as Portuguese privateers and engage in a naval skirmish with Japanese bakemono (goblin) pirates led by an oni (ogre mage) captain and a hit squad of Koga ninja sent to assassinate renegade ninja Lucky Fool Hattori Hisao, attracting a plesiosarus which swallowed whole any unfortunate enough to fall overboard
1433: Sigismund crowned Holy Roman Emperor
Donatello "David" sculpture, Florence
The double-eagle becomes the emblem of the Holy Roman Empire
Lucky Fools joined by Merlin the Archmage of Wales and begin questing after legendary artifacts, recovering Excalibur from Loch Ness, the Papplewick Yew Bow from Robin Hood's grave, the Andvaranaut Ring and Tarnhelm helmet from the lair of ancient white dragon Frostfloyen in Norway

Michael Johnson 66 |

1434: Vladislav III crowned King of Poland (--1444)
Taborites defeated at Lipan, their leader Prokops killed
Cosimo de' Medici becomes ruler of Florence (--1464)
Revolt in Rome, Pope Eugene IV flees to Florence
Florence Cathedral completed (begun 1420)
Halloween Holocaust of Naples: Wormwood burns the port to cow mankind, driven off by several mages of House Angevin
1435: Peace of Arras between Charles VII and Philip of Burgundy
Swedish Riksdag meets for the first time
The Lucky Fools convince the ancient white dragon Frostfloyen that Wormwood bought off his minions and plotted to rob his hoard, causing the white wyrm to fly from Norway to Mt Vesuvius, where he was killed by Wormwood in a "hoardduel"

Michael Johnson 66 |

Pope Eugenius IV:
By far the most important feature of Eugene IV's pontificate was the great struggle between the Pope and the Council of Basel (1431–39), the final embodiment of the Conciliar movement. On 23 July 1431, his legate Giuliano Cesarini opened the council, which had been convoked by Martin V. Canon Beaupère of Besançon, who had been sent from Basle to Rome, gave the pope an unfavourable and exaggerated account of the temper of the people of Basle and its environs.
Distrustful of its purposes and emboldened by the small attendance, the Pope issued a bull on 18 December 1431 that dissolved the council and called a new one to meet in eighteen months at Bologna. The council resisted this expression of papal prerogative. Eugene IV's action gave some weight to the contention that the Curia was opposed to any authentic measures of reform. The council refused to dissolve; instead they renewed the resolutions by which the Council of Constance had declared a council superior to the Pope and ordered Eugene IV to appear at Basel. A compromise was arranged by the Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund, who had been crowned emperor at Rome on 31 May 1433. By its terms, the Pope recalled his bull of dissolution, and, reserving all the rights of the Holy See, acknowledged the council as ecumenical on 15 December 1433 except for the initial unapproved sessions that contained canons which exalted conciliar authority above that of the pope.
These concessions also were due to the invasion of the Papal States by the former Papal condottiero Niccolò Fortebraccio and the troops of Filippo Maria Visconti led by Niccolò Piccinino in retaliation for Eugene's support of Florence and Venice against Milan (see also Wars in Lombardy). This situation led also to establishment of an insurrectionary republic at Rome controlled by the Colonna family. In early June 1434, disguised in the robes of a Benedictine monk, Eugene was rowed down the center of the Tiber, pelted by stones from either bank, to a Florentine vessel waiting to pick him up at Ostia. The city was restored to obedience by Giovanni Vitelleschi, the militant Bishop of Recanati, in the following October. In August 1435 a peace treaty was signed at Ferrara by the various belligerents. The Pope moved to Bologna in April 1436. His condottieri Francesco Sforza and Vitelleschi in the meantime reconquered much of the Papal States. Traditional Papal enemies such as the Prefetti di Vico were destroyed, while the Colonna were reduced to obedience after the destruction of their stronghold in Palestrina in August 1436.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Map of Medieval Rome, wherein lies the Vatican, gilded fortress-temple of the Roman Catholic Church...

Michael Johnson 66 |

In the City of Florence, Signeur Cosimo De Medici has returned from exile in Venice to resume his practical lordship of Florence, which he has called a democracy...
The cunning banker rules Florence by means of his great wealth and a ruthlessness that later sages would call "Machiavellian" (after Machiavelli, author of infamous political treatise Il Principe, or The Prince, a thinly veiled criticism of rulers such as the Medicis)...

Pope Eugenius IV |

In the Church of Saint Peter on Vatican Hill in Rome, His Holiness, Pope Eugenius IV, Bishop of Rome, and Shepherd of the Roman Catholic Church, kneels before the altar in fervent prayer...
PATER noster, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.
Making the sign of the cross, Eugenius remains still for a moment, eyes closed... He feels a strange and wondrous sensation, a familiar anticipation of the Divine which he has felt before...
Whispered in Italian:
Speak, Lord... Your faithful servant hearkens...

Saint Michael the Archangel |

The multicolored shaft of light falling through the stained glass rose window of the Church of Saint Peter, where Pope Eugenius IV kneels in prayer, brightens suddenly, briefly blazing with a radiance painful to mortal eyes before dimming as a shining, winged figure of unearthly grace and beauty appears atop the altar, armored in gleaming panoply of Heaven-forged steel, and holding a flaming sword that burns with the brightness of the sun!
The Archangel Michael, Prince of the Heavenly Host, sings with melodic baritone voice of exquisite beauty, in Celestial (known to some mortals as Enochian): Be not afraid, servant of Our Lord! I come in peace, though I bringeth sad tidings... The Antichrist Nero, thought forever destroyed with his phylactery two years ago by those mortal heroes, The Lucky Fools, hath reformed in his vile fane beneath Rome! The Lucky Fools were fooled, it seemeth, by that wicked Nero, with aid of the Archdevil Mephistopheles. The phylactery destroyed was false, as was the apparent Nero torn asunder by Mephistopheles before their eyes in that archfiend's dungeon!

Saint Michael the Archangel |

Fear not, for even now, heroes gather near Rome! The Antichrist shall not go unchallenged! Welcome these new heroes with open arms, faithful servant of I Am! I shall sing to thee of these heroes, that thou wilt know them on sight...
In glorious melody that echoes through the sanctuary of the church, the Archangel Saint Michael sings to the astonished Pope Eugenius IV of these promised heroes...

Michael Johnson 66 |

As the Pope listens, enraptured by the Archangel's melodious singing, a chill winter wind howls across the Seven Hills of Rome, whistling through the labyrinthine streets, alleys, and plazas, and moaning amid the rooftops...
It is a cold New Year Day, January 1st, of the Year of Our Lord, 1437. As the dawn breaks over the east horizon, casting a golden glow over the rooftops of Rome,, a train of applicants are in a long queu outside the main gates, most on foot, or riding a mule, horse, or other steed... Some have carts or wagons laden with goods... Each traveler seeking entrance to Rome is scrutinized, appraised, and shaken down for a gate toll...
At the middle of the great queu stand six adventurers, a rather motley group...

Michael Johnson 66 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Nuper rosarum flores by Franco-Flemish composer Guillaume DuFay
Triste plaisir et douleureuse joye by Dutch composer Gilles Binchois

Quinlan Ifrean |

Amongst the crowd of merchants and travelers Quinlan is hard to miss. He's a head taller than most around him and is covered head to toe in dark tattoos that wrap around him like knotted snakes. The only clothing he wears is a heavy kilt seemingly patched together with leather and bits of armor. His physique is suprisingly slim for someone of his stature, almost uncomfortably so. It seems all he has are the possesions strapped to his waist. A small traveling pack at the base of his spine, a crossbow hanging from a strap at his hip, and a large tome bound in leather and iron. He could pass for a human (albeit quite tall) except for the set of Ram's horns that protrude from his forhead. His hair is a wild mane, only kept out of his face by the large horns. As he meanders toward the gates of Rome he quietly sings to himself. He stops and stands still for a moment. Lacing his fingers behind his head he looks around in wonder and lets out satisfied whistle. "I think I'm gonna like it here." He says to no one in particular.

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"Keep your hood forward, my Son." Cardinal Borgia replies, his voice quiet. "Hooded men are not unusual in this city of ours, men of your heritage however - do not receive the same courtesy that others would. If need be, say nothing and I will pass you off as my servant."
Under his breath Lucius murmurs to himself. "Father God - your ways are inscrutable and mysterious... even so..."
Dressed in fine, sturdy clothes and a red cloak Lucius looks every inch the confident nobleman. He makes no secret of the ring on his finger or of his silver crucifix - not ostentatious by any means, but clearly of good quality.

Arc Perdu le Rouge |

Even in the bustle of pilgrims and supplicants making their way into Rome, the interaction between the two men gives Arc pause. Truly, the divine and the infernal are entwined even in the holiest of places.
Standing within a few feet of the other two is an amicable-looking human fellow, full of youth and promise and dressed in deep shades of crimson. He has little to show for his time on the road - a small bag of provisions hangs from his shoulder, and while his clothing may have once been at the pinnacle of aristocratic fashion, it has seen far better days than this one. He clutches a battered book bound in gray leather as if afraid he'll lose it, and his weapon of choice appears to be a longsword.
"Discretion is the better part of valor, no?" he offers with a hint of a smile, his voice saturated in a pristine French accent.

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The Cardinal apparently has the ability to attract strange companions.
Another hooded, tall man stands near the holy priest. This one is not skinny, but thick with pure muscle. Were one to peer into the shadows of the hood, they would see an extremely ugly man with thick black eyebrows, black eyes, a crooked and smashed nose, and wild black hair.
Having lived his life in the woods, Johann Kaltgeboren has a great deal to learn about conversing in civilized tones.

Zagathoth |

A short way ahead of the Cardinal, a green head with pointed ears and large, tusk-like teeth is clearly visible above the crowd. As unusual as it would be to see a half-orc headed into the holy city, there is no sign of any human heritage in this orc. He stands uncomfortably amidst the sea of people and seems not to truly understand what’s going on around him. He begins to stare when he notices the gaunt stranger whose head also rises above the crowd.
I never seen such a tall human before... never seen one with horns neither...
Although the two stand nearly the same height, the orc’s shoulder’s are far broader, his chest much deeper, and his well-muscled arms are bigger around than the tattooed man’s legs. He wears a simple chainshirt and carries a greataxe and a backpack that appears empty. People seem to be giving him a wide-berth but he’s slowly slipping further back in line as his uncertainty about what he should be doing repeatedly leads to other travelers stepping in front of him.

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Johann has traveled far to get to this place. Growing up in the Black Forest of Germany, his only exposure to civilization was visiting the occasional rural village. A series of misfortune events convinced him it was time to see other parts of the world, and nothing in his experience thus far has been like Rome.

Quinlan Ifrean |

Suprised that someone actually responded to him Quinlan turns to face the Cardinal. A little of the joy drains from his face at Lucious's words and he breathes a soft sigh. "Hm, ain't that just the way of world. Judging a book by its cover seems to be a favored hobby in these parts." The tiefling has a soft voice somewhat in competetion with the heavy Irish accent. He pulls a tattered leather cowl from within his pack and slides it onto his shoulders. With the deep hood up it is hard to notice the horns without looking closer.
"I'd have to agree with ya red.." Quinlan's response to Arc is cut short by Johann's shout. "Course there are folks who think differently, HA! Name's Quinlan, pleasure to meet you all." He extends a long thin hand to each of the strangers in turn. His fingers end in short claws in place of human fingernails.
After introcutions Quinlan takes note of the orc staring at him a ways off in the crowd. He leans down to Lucious. "That fellow there has been eyeing me. Is he with you?"

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"Mother Church looks after many sorts, my Son." Lucius replies. "He is not 'with me' yet, but that might be a sensible idea. My thanks."
Lucius takes a few steps through the crowd, where no-one objects, to reach the orc's side. "Blessings of the Lord upon you, my Son. Do you seek assistance with entering the city. I am a priest, and can offer you aid if you wish it." He speaks quietly, kindness apparent in his voice. If the orc does not respond to Italian he switches to Spanish, and then to Latin - repeating the same speech each time until he receives a response.

Arc Perdu le Rouge |

Arc gingerly shakes the stranger's hand, endeavoring to be polite without opening himself up too much. "I am Arc Perdu. The pleasure is mine, Monsieur Quinlan." The young man makes a bit of a face upon hearing - and subsequently seeing - Johann, but does his best to keep his expression from giving away his initial shock.
Watching Lucius greet the gigantic half-orc in languages he's not entirely familiar with doesn't do much to ease Arc's bafflement. Even knowingly leaving home, I never would have expected to be such a stranger in foreign lands...

Zagathoth |

The orc cocks its head and looks quizzically at the well dressed priest as he speaks. When the human begins again in Spanish its eyes widen and something like a smile forms on its toothy maw.
"Gracias Padre. Mi nombre es Zagathoth. Estoy aquí para ver al Papa, pero no sé cómo entrar o dónde encontrarlo," the orc replies.

Toshio Okumura |

Mr. Toshio Okumura walks the road to Rome with an upright posture and confident stride, but his eyes betray a slight trepidation, dancing about at all the sights of this unfamiliar city. A tight ponytail of sleek black hair, manicured hands, and clean clothing complete his well-kept appearance and make it clear that this man belongs in polite circles.
He has taken quite a risk by leaving behind his position as organist at the Church of Sainte Waudru in Mons, where he was established and secure. But there are opportunities aplenty for a composer in a metropolis like this. And then there are his secret motivations.
Knowing he is to rendezvous with a few others, it is time to change. Toshio moves away from the crowd toward a copse of trees with enough other shrubbery in the area to obscure him...

The Ogon Fox |

Slipping from the quiet spot that had allowed his transformation to occur undisturbed, the Ogon Fox moves quickly back to the road and the throng of people making their way to the main gates. From a distance he spots what he believes to be a full-blooded orc, moving peaceably among the crowd! Approaching closer out of curiosity, Ogon begins to overhear the conversation happening amongst 4 others near the orc. Intrigued, the kitsune advances closer.
"Good morning!" he calls to the group in English. "May I walk beside you?"

Arc Perdu le Rouge |

Arc blinks at the sudden callout from yet another stranger looking to join the group. Well, having more allies for support - and, perhaps, as character witnesses - could be useful. Aloud, he replies, "Follow whichever path you wish, fellow traveler. We are all going the same place, after all." For all his social graces, humor isn't one of Arc's strong suits... as evidenced by the fact that his statement was indeed an attempt at a joke.

Quinlan Ifrean |

Quinlan looks up as the fox-man calls out. He says nothing for a moment then grins. "I don't see why not, join us." He pauses a moment, as if thinking something over. His next words are far more excited and a bit rushed. "Pardon my rudeness but I couldn't help notice that you're a fox. Are you a skinwalker of some sort? Or a real wear-fox? The few shapeshifters I've met, and by few I mean two, have been loathe to walk around in public in their natural form."

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Johann pushes himself right up to The Ogon Fox. "A FOX! STAND BEHIND ME, FATHER, I KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH THESE TRICKSTERS!" The quick motions knock off Johann's hood, and as you see him getting angrier and angrier, his face contorts, his nose elongates and widens, his face grows hairier and his teeth turn into sharp daggers. Johann pulls his hands out of his robes, both of which have long sets of claws coming from the fingertips. He gets in Ogon's face, a claw on either side of his head. "WHERE I COME FROM, I DON'T SUFFER A LIVE FOX. A FOX KILLED MY BROTHER."
It's true, check out Johann's long and tragic backstory. Putting us in the same party, that was just cruel, MJ66. :D

Arc Perdu le Rouge |

"Mon dieu! That's quite enough - this fox-fellow is not the one who took your brother's life, nor has he proven himself to be hostile. Unhand him, monsieur!" Arc seems rather flustered at the sudden outburst and the peril in which the newcomer had suddenly found himself. He tries to strike a balance between level-headedness and firmness in his tone, but given the skinwalker's reaction to the kitsune, he doesn't seem terribly confident in his ability to keep them apart.

Parmesan Paolo |

Seeing an opportunity in the rising hackles and loud, foreign accents disturbing the peace within the queue leading into the ancient city, a lanky, greasy, dark-eyed Italiano slips through the line to Cardinal Lucius D'Borja and kneels reverently, making the sign of the cross.
Pardon, Your Grace... Is this some kind of passion play? A moral or fable played out for our edification and spiritual education?
1d20 + 14 ⇒ (13) + 14 = 27

Arc Perdu le Rouge |

Perception: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (5) - 1 = 4
Let it be known that Arc is too airheaded to do well with Perception.

The Ogon Fox |

"I'm neither a skinwalker, nor a werefox, actua--" he begins to respond to Quinlan, but then this beast of a man demands all of his attention. Ogon's fingers are quickly splayed out wide in a gesture of non-aggression. "Good sir, I assure you--I mean no harm to you or any here, and wish only for friendly companionship."
Should I roll a Diplomacy check? There's not really any DC when the target is a player character, I don't think....Here, in case it's needed:
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

Quinlan Ifrean |

Quinlan jumps back in suprise as Johann rushes the fox. "Oi!" He waves his hand in front of Johann's face to grab his attention. "Seems awfully rude to condemn every fox or fox-resembling creature for the actions of one. He seems a perfectly nice fellow."
Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
Quinlan looks the newcomer over as he approaches. He determines that while the man seems a bit odd he isn't doing anything wrong.
Quinlan is paying lots of attention but is incapable of hitting a 27 anyway.

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Johann does back off, with the urging of those around him. He growls under his breath and his facial features morph back into those of a really ugly human. He takes in the newcomer.
percep: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Zagathoth |

Am I correct in assuming that when you post something in English the person in game is using English?
”Padre, ¿sabes inglés? Él está preguntando algo sobre una obra de teatro,” Zagathoth says to the priest, seemingly unconcerned about the tension growing a few feet away.
perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

Michael Johnson 66 |

Am I correct in assuming that when you post something in English the person in game is using English?
”Padre, ¿sabes inglés? Él está preguntando algo sobre una obra de teatro,” Zagathoth says to the priest, seemingly unconcerned about the tension growing a few feet away.
** spoiler omitted **[dice=perception]1d20+5
Correct. Unless I note otherwise, the language I have an NPC speak in is the actual language used. If not English, I will preface like so: "NPC says in Latin: yadda yadda yadda..."

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"Des afortunadamente yo no. Gracias por tu traducción." Lucius replies to Zagathoth, before turning to the Italian man and making the sign of the cross above his head.
"Ci sono molte meraviglie in questo mondo, figlio mio, tutto ciò che Dio può illuminare ed educare se lo riceviamo con cuore aperto." Contextual assumption that Paolo is speaking Italian...
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24 If the others count as aiding me...
Will respond to Zarathoth's wanting to see the Pope once this calms down. :)
"There are many wonders in this world my son, all God does can enlighten and educate us if we receive it with open heart."

Zagathoth |

Contextual assumption that Paolo is speaking Italian...
Uhh... the GM just said that he was speaking English (this campaign’s equivalent of common, or the ‘lingua franca’ of the game)... that’s why I translated what he said...

Parmesan Paolo |

Granting aid another skill bonuses on that Perception check, Cardinal Lucius D'Borja catches Pickpocket Parmesan Paolo attempting to dip his greasy digits into the cardinal's coin purse as he rises from kneeling...
In Italian-accented English: Ah, si, si... Thank you a-for your kind patience, Your Grace! May Our Lady smile upon a-you!