The Sacred Scions And The Mummy's Mask

Game Master chaiboy

A chance of a lifetime event. Wati is opening its necropolis to adventurers. But something stirs, something that's ready to return. MAP OF TOMB

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Silver Crusade

@Seth86 since he is following anubis the laws should reflect him so the easiest way to figure that out is take a look at anubis on the wiki.

He has several roles

Protector of tombs.
embalmer (may not apply to you, but would to a cleric. they would be undertakers in a sense)
Weighs the soul to see if they are worthy
Guide of souls

So as a follower of him you would protect tombs and the resting of the dead. So undead are a defilement or lost and must be guided. got some range here.

Embalmer... well unless you take a rank in profession undertaker it really doesn't apply.

Weighing of soul. You weigh the actions people take. do you say something or warn them of loosing their way? but some version of this would be in your 7 laws

Guide the soul.. If people go off course you guide them back to the good? try to guide people to the right way of doing things. up to you how this would apply as a law.

so from those you can add or revise your laws.

Are some of those I chose okay though?

Grand Lodge

Hello i am interested also and will post my submission over the weekend.

Silver Crusade

Yes the ones you have are fine. Can use the ones I posted to figure out your 7th

7 Laws:

• Not all of the Undead are evil, there are those who seek it. Destroy the unwilling
• Protect those you travel with.
• Respect the dead, do not talk in anger in front of them (Can’t talk during battle if at a grave/tomb, out of battle can not speak loudly or insult anybody)
• Forgive those that repent their sins. Everyone falls sooner or later it is up to you to pick them up when they fall.
• Give last rights to those who are sent to the underworld
• Honor and protect the last resting place of those that has gone before you
• Give thanks to the dead every evening for they are your future

Silver Crusade

Okay after a request I took a look at the races and added a few more of the safer uncommon races. Check the campaign page.

@seth86 that looks perfect.

Thanks. now just to see if the party i join will want my paladin or my cleric :)


I see that Suli aren't amoong your list. Will you allow them or rather not?

Silver Crusade

Yeah they are fine. Will add them later.

Cool, it seems fun. Could also make him into a bloodrager if people prefer that. So either a Suli slayer switch hitter or bloodrager with arcane path. Any teams want him? :)

Well I think it would be awesome to have an elemental party. This is so full of win.

Interested making a Cleric of Ra, Seth86 and Jolly would you two be interested in teaming up?

Im in :) so im going Paladin in the group? or do you think a NEC cleric? aka devine dps :P but more in the line of, we have lots of bodies to fill up our ranks :P

Now a name... something like elemental fury, elemental fists, the companions of the elements.

I was thinking more of your paladin but its your choice still.

Paladin it is. will work on history

It seems we have no healer though (elemental group), I think the oracle said he won't do healsies :s.

I am fine for both groups. Let me know what you prefer (bloodrager or slayer switchhitter)

I think a Bloodrager would be a good fit for Seth and I.

Well Paladin of Anubis, Cleric of Ra, a Bloodrager, I can be your scout and disable devicer if you want.

Whoohoo Progress on team Us! :P

I say welcome :) mr Mak the kobold

As do I.

I do think we need some sort of divne caster for healing. A suli cleric or oracle would be great. We could also go with any outsider (native) divine in my opinion.

.. or a human, as long as he has a lot of heart. I kid!!!

Scarab Sages

Here is Akina Stone Cleric of Ra full crunch and fluff will be up tonight.

Our Group thus far:
Akina Stone/ Human Cleric of Ra-Del Azast
Anapa/ Aasimar Paladin of Anubis-Seth86
????/ Bloodrager-JollyRoger
Mak'e Ral/ Kobold Swarm Fighter

Team Names?
The Secret Delvers
The Sacred Scion's
The Mighty Four
(The Boomerang Squad!)

If we come up with the other gods for the rest we can have a nice osirian name

Scarab Sages

Thats why I was kind of liking The Sacred Scions.

You laugh now Arie, but we actually had that party in a real life session :P. Damn GM's and their race boons.

Think the group could use some arcane support

Btw Mak'e your archetype is focussed on teamwork feats right? How will that go with the rest of us? I think bloodragers need their feats :P.

Akina Stone wrote:
Thats why I was kind of liking The Sacred Scions.

Sounds good. :) fun times

Need to work on his back story now. Will do tomorrow

Scarab Sages

@Jolly Roger If that is for our group then yeah considering you wouldn't get spells till 4th but we can hold our own for that long if need be.

@Mak'e could you draw up a symbol I'm not really sure what we're wanting it too look like but something to do with Ancient Gods preferably

Sovereign Court

This is Jolly, I actually have this character for PFS and it is ready to go as a tiefling bloodrager. Just needs a background and switch to arcane bloodline.

Possibly going to be rageshaper or bloodrider depending on how those archetypes end up.

For a symbol:

Background : dune(s)
Middleground: Pyramid
Forground: the eye

Scarab Sages

Wait you mean like the Eye of Providence on the back of the U.S. One dollar bill?

I wouldnt know about that. Im thinking its called the eye of horus/ra or something. Thats they eye im thinking of

Scarab Sages

Its the Eye of Horus and what about This

Jolly Roger wrote:
Btw Mak'e your archetype is focussed on teamwork feats right? How will that go with the rest of us? I think bloodragers need their feats :P

Partly, my build uses them but it's not a hinged on them. If you see any teamwork feats you like I'll take them, cause that's what being a team player is all about. :P And some of the feats like Escape Route I don't need my ally to use the feat, though they get some neat benefits if they do. I plan on multiclassing into rogue. (probably knife master) and with S.Fighter's level 9 ability things should be really fun.

Akina Stone wrote:
@Mak'e could you draw up a symbol I'm not really sure what we're wanting it too look like but something to do with Ancient Gods preferably

Not a problem. ~-^ We going with Sacred Scions? Or is that still for discussion cause I have a few suggestions:

Desert Thorns
The 4 Fangs
Silent Howlers
The Whirlwind Stalkers

Edit: Yeah Eye of Ra is not a problem for me. I could make that like Seth's idea.

Scarab Sages

I'm liking Sacred Scions but I do like Silent Howlers as a second vote.

Edit: Possible Team Motto? Though we may be few, we are loud and we are true.

Seriously I don't think any of us have a good stealth modifier, thats why we are loud.

I have a +12 in stealth but that's fine, you be loud, a be sneaky. Plus at a tavern or something being loud and boisterous is part of the fun.

Scarab Sages

It should be +11 you still get -1 from your chainshirt

Fixed, but still good all things considered.

Would anyone like to be accompanied by a martial artist? Archon-blooded aasimar monk at your service. Martial artist archetype.

Scarab Sages

I'm fine with you joining our group, though the others have a say as well. I think you may need to redo your base attributes though I'm counting over 20.

I'm fine with Ryuu joining.

Here is my rough sketch for the symbol:
Symbol of the Sacred Scions

Faffnyr wrote:
Now a name... something like elemental fury, elemental fists, the companions of the elements.

How about Elemental Dysfunction? You can never take yourself too seriously. We still need some sort of divine though.

Scarab Sages

@Mak'e Can't see it sadly

What message are you getting?

Try this one

Scarab Sages

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Second one works though

Well at least the second one works. Thoughts?

Scarab Sages

Very nice liked the attention to the small details.

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