Tilly Appledore |

GM: Good luck with the move (even with the pneumonia lingering) and enjoy your adventures during GenCon. :)

Morwenn |

Hi Guys,
Recent events have had me re-evaluating my commitment to the games I'm currently involved with here on these boards.
As you've probably noticed I've had a few noticable absenses this summer, again due to the fact I've become quite
a bit more busy, usually leading to a rushed decision late at night...do I logon and get some posts in?
Ultimately, it began to feel more like a job than a hobby...<< I have to get a post in...don't want to hold the game up >>
It slowly dawned on me that I just wasn't looking forward to posting, even though I enjoy each of the games I'm in immensely.
When something you enjoy becomes something you don't, it's time to re-evaluate.
Though it's a hard decision, I've decided to take a hiatus from the boards.
Apologies to players and GMs leaving you in the lurch, so to say.
Extra thanks to GMs for allowing me in to your games.
Happy gaming and take care, Al.

Tilly Appledore |

Sorry to see you go, Morwenn, but I understand and wish you the best. Take care. :)

Waylon Stanmore |

Hopefully, you start feeling like you want to do the hobby again soon. But there is not much point in a hobby that is a chore. Take care!

GM Tarondor |

Oy vey.
Let me tell you what's going on with me. First, I'm not dead nor fading away. However, after a week of illness and a week of reasonably ill vacationing, I'm now stranded without access to the Internet (I'm writing this from my mother's house, which is definitely not a long-term solution).
Then, the team of electricians who were going to wire my house were in an automobile accident and several were injured. So still no Internet.
Other electricians are coming to wire my house for the Internet and -hope- they can do it by next Friday.
Trying to stay connected by iPad has proved too difficult when I can summon at most 1 or 2 bars at my house. Thus, I'm just going to be offline for a bit. I'm sorry, but now you know why.

Tilly Appledore |

Good luck with getting yourself connected online, GM Tarondor. And hope you're feeling better. We'll be here when you're back up and running. :)

GM Tarondor |

Here is an update on my situation:
At long last my house has been wired for Internet and my service is on.
My computer seems to have suffered total failure in the move, possibly from static discharge. So I now have no computer. If it weren’t for bad luck I’d have had no luck at all lately.
I have ordered a new motherboard and CPU from NewEgg. They should arrive tomorrow. I built the computer myself and so should be able to rebuild it. I hope to be up and running by the Monday the 27th, but see my previous comments on luck...
If this is a game I play in, I’m sorry for my absence. If this is a game I GM, I’m very sorry. If this is a game I’m supposed to be GMing but have not yet begun... it gets better.

GM Tarondor |

Okee-dokee. I think we're ready to roll.
After more than a month, I've finally gotten Internet access again. Seems as though the site's been down most of that time, so not much loss there.
On the other hand, I'm leaving on Monday the 3rd for a week at the beach with my kids and won't have any access out there, either. I'll try to catch up this weekend at the least.

Tilly Appledore |

I'm still here. Just busy and sick. I'll catch up by tomorrow. Sorry for the hold up.

Waylon Stanmore |

I am not sure what to tell you. It does kind of seem like we are down to 2-3 people again.

Tilly Appledore |

We just lost our Ranger of the North (and a vital member of the party). The game's been slow to pick up for various unforeseen reasons the past two months, so I'm not sure recruiting new people will revive it to where it needs to be at this point. So, I say it may be time to pack it in.

GM Tarondor |

Very well.
I still have a great respect for the system, but whether because I'm not just not the right GM for the story or because of the difficulties of getting the group together, it does seem as though fate is telling us to try something else.
I really dislike not finishing something I've started, but dragging it out would be worse. At least we're not just fading away. A definite end is better.
You're each terrific players are welcome in anything I run. I am, for instance, going to start a Traveller game shortly. If you're interested, let me know.
Otherwise, thank you so much for your time.
I will close this game tomorrow.

Tilly Appledore |

It can be put on the backburner for now and possibly revived later on with some new blood to add to the remaining cast? An end isn't always an end.
Thank you for being a great GM and taking this game on. I enjoyed it. :)
Happy gaming on the boards to to my fellow players and of course you, too, GM.

Waylon Stanmore |

I am open to more games if you have room. If you decide to restart this I would be open to that in the future as well.

Tarondor |

Arise, my Creation! Arise!
Or "sub-creation" as Tolkien would have said.
Anyway, WELCOME BACK! We'll use this to chat about how we're going to implement the revised campaign. I'm pleased to say that Ariarh Kane, Malinor and Spazmodeus are all returning. Ariarh and Spazmodeus will be reprising their roles as Tilly Appledore and Morwenn. Malinor's thinking about what he wants to do.
As to your characters, once you have the TOR 2e PDF's, feel free to make/remake them. Don't worry about slavishly recreating the former mechanics. Just pick what seems best.

Morwenn |

Hello all! Happy Holidays!
Glad Tarondor's felt it necessary to revive this campaign!
Look forward to delving into the 2nd edition and see what's changed.

Waylon. |

Hello all, its great to see this game restarting. I repurposed my old alias so I will just be going as Waylon now.
I plan to remake Waylon, although from what I can tell I am not sure they have the Hounds in the new game yet. I will get the book and start looking through it to see how best to remake Waylon.

Tilly Appledore |

GM Tarondor, as soon as you reactivated the game, it appeared on my active campaigns. :)
Hi, everyone. I'm looking forward to delving into this world, again. I've started reworking Tilly to fit the 2e rules.

GM Tarondor |

Let me know if you need any assistance.
Each returning character can have 10 skill points and 10 Adventure Points at the end of character re-creation/update to represent their experience so far. I think what we did would be approximately equal to three sit-down sessions worth. Rules for spending Skill Points and Adventure Points can be found starting on page 119.
It is my understanding that, unlike gaining levels in Pathfinder, gaining a few skill points and adventure points won't put you in a different league than any new players who join up.

Tilly Appledore |

This is a link to a pdf of a cool customised character sheet for TOR 2nd edition game that I found online.

Tilly Appledore |

Originally, I gave Tilly the Scholar calling. However, I'm wondering if Warden would be a better calling for her. Suggested Callings for Men of Bree adventurers are Treasure-Hunter or Warden. I don't see her as the first, but can as the latter (she realises her land is but an island amid a sea of darkness, and will choose to side with anyone willing to do something to preserve the peace most inhabitants of Bree take for granted). What do you guys think of changing her calling to Warden? (I think I'm getting stuck on the description in the book of Warden:
“Travellers scowl at us, and countrymen give us scornful names.”
In this age of the world, when shadows grow deeper with every passing year, you have sworn to defend all who cannot defend themselves. Often, your choice forces you to forsake civilised areas, to better guard their inhabitants from what lurks right outside their fences. This has made you a stranger in the eyes of the common folk, a threatening figure like those you are protecting them from.
Not sure I see Tilly as a threatening figure....I can see her as having strong convictions and seeing them through.)

GM Tarondor |

I think it's a fine idea. Why not think of Warden as the -path- that Tilly is on. She doesn't think of herself as threatening, and I doubt she's filled with resolve to defend all who cannot defend themselves. But when crisis comes, Tilly reacts with decision and action. She's a natural hero who simply hasn't realized it because until now life in Bree hasn't called for it.
It seems to me that she's a strong young woman with strong convictions that could eventually take her down a path that hardens her body as it hardens her resolve. She becomes what she needs to become, rather than what she originally envisions becoming.

GM Tarondor |

This is a link to a pdf of a cool customised character sheet for TOR 2nd edition game that I found online.
Thanks for the link! I'll put it on our "Maps and Images" slides. I hope someone makes a form-fillable version soon!
EDIT: OOh! It is form-fillable!
Everyone, please fill one of these out and I'll post them!

Tilly Appledore |

Alright, I’ll go with the Warden calling for Tilly (I’ll play around with her character sheet).Thanks, GM!
And, yes form-fillable! You’re welcome. :)

Waylon. |

I put Waylon as a Warden. He is largely built.

Tilly Appledore |

It was just a suggestion, Waylon, as you hadn’t made it known you’re going Warden. I can keep Tilly’s calling as is or find one that fits better and hasn’t been taken by someone else. No problem.

Tilly Appledore |

It looks like Messenger has taken the place of Wanderer. Morwenn, will you be taking the Messenger calling?

Waylon. |

I see no reason why there couldn't be multiple people with the same calling. Although I might be missing something.
But if Warden sounds interesting to you, then you should pick it.

Tilly Appledore |

In the original game, there were two wanderers: Morwenn and Primrose. So, I think multiple people with the same calling is allowable. The GM can clarify.
I do like the sound of Warden for Tilly. However, I can be flexible, and could just stick with Scholar.

Tilly Appledore |

GM Tarondor: The 10 skill points to represent experience so far, is that on top of the original 10 pts given to our characters at creation? Just want to clarify. Thanks!

Morwenn |

It looks like Messenger has taken the place of Wanderer. Morwenn, will you be taking the Messenger calling?
Don't know yet...will be getting the rule book tomorrow. Stay tuned! :)

Morwenn |

Morwenn's is both in her profile and her header.
You should be able to view it.
Let me know if you can't

Waylon. |

Here is Waylon's Image. I tried to load it but I wasn't able to.

Legendary Sidekick |

@Tarondor, this is Hotcha’s player. I’m interested in playing a hobbit!
Human’s fine too, but there was a halfling I created around the time I created Hotcha, and at the risk of you only seeing me play short red-haired girls, here’s Miss Tuesday!
@Morwenn, Tilly, Waylon,
Looks like I’m the only new guy!
I am coming into this clueless! Rhubarb Tuesday was designed as farmgirl-turned-cop, and the avatar suggests she’s a bit of a hot mess, so her fun side is likely her way of dealing with a tragedy. If we’re in a currently war torn world, something as simple as “orc raid survivor” works. Surely there’s a calling that matches this concept.