About MorwennMorwenn Culture: Ranger of the North, Dunadan
Common Skills
Awe: 0...................... Inspire: 1 ............... Persuade: 1............... PERSONALITY.....OOO
Weapon Skills
Gear Bow damage: 5 edge: 10 injury: 14 enc: 1
Endurance: 28 Starting Endurance: 28 Fatigue from Encumbrance: 14 Fatigue from Travel: 0 Total Fatigue: 14
Wisdom: 2 Valor: 1
Fellowship: 0 Advancement: 0 Treasure: 0 Standing: 0 Courage: 0 Foresight of their Kindred
Lore of Arnor
Dauntless Guardians
Morwen like many Rangers, can trace her lineage back many hundreds of years. If you believe her father, her ancestor was a cousin to Isildur himself. Morwen does not believe her father. Like all Rangers, she underwent brutal , but effective training for much of her early life, finally passing muster and sent out into Eriador to do her duty. Unlike most of her brethren, who choose to remain isolated from those they protect, Morwenn often seeks out settlements in order to better know those she helps. Often , she will walk out of the wilderness into a community, enter the single tavern and begin to sing and play her flute. With very few exceptions, her presence is welcome , the songs she sings of golden ages and sorrowful loss a balm on the hard lives of many. She does this for two reasons; one, to enhance her own connection to these people, two, to arise in the common people of Eriador a feeling of what has been lost and what could someday be regained. If only one in a hundred is inspired by her music to strive more, to fight against the insidious Shadow...her work/play was well served. When not ghosting in and out of taverns and inns, Morwenn travels Eridor. Seeking hidden paths and forgotten ruins, she travells the unworn path. It after a certain time in these forlorn places that she feels the need for the human connection and makes her way towards more civilized areas. There she's often called upon to serve the Ranger's primary duty; protect. It is in these instances that she may hide her presence or identity...but not always. For it disturbs her, the distrust that many have for the Rangers. Questions:
1) What is your near term goal in life? Continue in her duties as a Ranger of the North. 2) What long-term goal do you envision pursuing if adventure doesn't sweep you away?
3) What do you think about adventures in general?
4) What is most precious to you?
5) What would cause you to give that up?
6) Are you married? Do you want to be?
7) Goblins, wizards and walking trees? Do you think they really exist?
8) You carry an item that is precious to you. What is it?
Online Code:
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