About Primrose BunceAbout Primrose: Culture, Calling and Background
Endurance- 23
----------------------------- Common Skills
Awe: 0...................... Inspire: 0 ............... Persuade: 2............... PERSONALITY.....OOO
Weapon Skills
Endurance: 18 Starting Endurance: 23 Fatigue from Encumbrance: 13 Fatigue from Travel: 0 Total Fatigue: 13
Armor: Leather Corslet (Lucky Armour) (Encumbrance 8) Armour 2D
Experience 4
Lucky armour (armour)
Small Folk
Primrose is from Over Hill. Her mother's grandmother was a Took, and the blood surfaced in Primrose. She may have been happy to stay in Over Hill, get married and raise the next generation of hobbit lads and lasses. That changed when her mother died in her 15th year. Her mother was able to keep her father from being a layabout. She made sure he was out hunting, trapping and gardening for the family business. The Bunces provided meat, and herbs to the local markets, and inns. After her Mother's death hr father didn't do much but go to the local tavern, and relive the old stories. Here older brother Nob given the opportunity decided to take after her father. Primrose was left to do the hunting and gathering to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads. When Primrose turned 25 the men of the house decided that Primrose should marry one of Nob's lazy friends as soon as she came of age. Then she'd always be available to run the family business, and keep up the house. Being a bit reckless, and having more than a touch of Took in her, Primrose decided that was not going to be her fate. On a festival day in Spring, Primrose traveled with her family to the Party Tree in Hobbiton. She waited for her opportunity to slip away. Her destination was the big person town of Bree. Her mother's Brother Bungo Hayward was supposed to live there. He hasn't written in years, but she's going to find him.
Primrose crossed the Brandwine Bridge right at dusk. Once she was past the gate to Buckland she felt safe enough to travel on the road. That turned out to be a mistake. She found herself surrounded by wild men, and quickly taken captive. One of her captors a grim faced man named Lothac was assigned to guard her through the night. She was so weary and sad that she just had to talk to someone. She broke into tears and told him her story. To her amazement, he cut her bonds and waved for her to follow him. She did, and now they are in Bree only to find Uncle Bungo hasn't lived there in years. Questions:
1) What is your near term goal in life?
Avoid marriage to that no good Nod Hayward. He’s my brother’s friend, and a layabout like all the men in my immediate family. 2) What long-term goal do you envision pursuing if adventure doesn't sweep you away? I plan to meet my uncle in Bree and take up my job of hunter and gardener with him and his family if he has one. 3) What do you think about adventures in general? Adventures are ok things. You won’t see anything new if you aren’t having an adventure. I’m a descendent of a Took. I feel more comfortable with adventure than most. 4) What is most precious to you? My freedom and the opportunity to make choices for myself 5) What would cause you to give that up? Nothing unless a dear companion is about to lose their life. 6) Are you married? Do you want to be? No I’m not married. I’m too young to be married. I wouldn’t mind finding a steady fellow someday and settle down with him. 7) Goblins, wizards and walking trees? Do you think they really exist? Everyone knows goblins exist. Old Bullroarer Took took out a goblin back in the day. I saw a man who people told me was a wizard once. I’m not so sure it wasn’t just an odd big person though. Walking Trees no way. Trees stay put. 8) You carry an item that is precious to you. What is it? I have an amulet that belonged to my mother's mother who was a Took. It has a small flower on it. |