Friendly Fighter

Arrack Stormbringer's page

69 posts. Alias of rorek55.

Full Name

Arrack Azor Stormbringer




barbarian (savage Technologist/savage barbarian)







Special Abilities








Strength 16
Dexterity 18
Constitution 13
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 12
Charisma 7

About Arrack Stormbringer

Mythweavers sheet for Arrack

Image for Arrack


Arrack is, according to Myer-Briggs,
a Virtuoso or ISTP-A, a label/grouping I agree with fairly well.

Arrack is very proud, defiant, and quick to act. He is adaptive and prefers to "improv" rather than plan. This is not to say he isn't a somewhat logical person. While he is easily angered, he is not easily frustrated. He has learned to better direct his anger, to let it focus him and heighten his reflexes. He is a very "in the moment" person as he is highly focused on "real" things, that is to say tangible things he can interact with or experience and tends to avoid/disregard intangible things. He is not fond of philosophical discussion nor terribly fond of morale dilemmas. To him, the proper Morale choice is what allows him and his tribe to both survive and thrive freely. Might makes right and those opinions of those who die have no relevance. Despite this, he does force himself to think back on things, as the past is a great place to learn lessons. Though, like the future, it is not something to sit and dwell on overly long. Lately, he has found himself wondering just how much change the technology he has seen in the land could change life in the future. He values adaptability over tradition, growth and change over stagnation.

personality questionnaire:

-What is your relationship to the gods and religion?

The gods truly care little for this world save for keeping their worshipers and slaves to themselves. My cares are more about the natural world, What is in front of me now. Let those that cannot do, talk and think on other things.

-What is your physical appearance, bearing, mannerisms, and quirks?

-Do you have an easy way with strangers?

Yes and no. If he sees them as useful, or strong. He will give them respect. If he sees them as weak or unable to fend for themselves he gives them contempt.

-Do you play well with others?

Again, yes and no. He is extremely independent, having survived the deserts of Numeira on his own for several years. And he dislikes those that he sees as a burden. As long as those with him provide a use, he will get along. Normally.

-What draws you to the life of an adventurer?
Wanderlust and a search for strength. He left his tribe on a quest to do two things. Rid the desert of the robotic menace as best he could, and to discover himself and his potential. After all, if he hopes to lead one day, he must prove he has the strength and wisdom required to do so. Otherwise, who would follow him?

-Do you identify with a particular animal or element?

Wolf, I see the wolf as a great example of how one should be. One should be able to provide and live in solitude. He should rely on no one but himself to survive. However, he should also accept the company of others, family strengthens and can make feats impossible alone simple together. Bonds of companionship can bring enjoyment to anything.

-What do you find creepy?

Aberrations literally don't sit right with me. Along with robotic creatures. He also dislikes thoughts on "life" and other philosophical topics as he finds such things unsettling. Anything he can't deal with physically or some problem he can't solve unsettles him.

-What specific goals do you have, if any?

His end goal is to take his grand fathers position as leader of the tribe upon his return and prove to them how important it is to adapt. Secondary goals are-
Make the land safer for them by removing robotic menace, outsider threats (technic league), and perhaps glean some small understanding of the strange weapons found in Numeria and how best he and his tribe can make use of them.

-Do the ends justify the means?

Yes, they do. Stand among the ashes of a trillion dead souls, and ask their ghosts if honor matters. Their silence, is your answer.

further personality building-

answer the following as your character would-
Loyalty, or Honesty?:
A: Loyalty. In a pack, you watch out for each other. Thats how you survive. If someone breaks that loyalty, it is a worst breach of trust than to lie.

Compassion, or Justice:
A: Justice can ring hollow. Compassion can save a life, Justice... Justice can't do that. And out here in the Desert, life is a precious thing.

Love, or Fear :
A: Love, Love, I believe, is fundamental in life. Without it, you lose understanding in many things. Love is what allows things to continue. Fear has its place, it can heighten ones awareness, give them a drive for something short term. But it can hinder as much as it helps. Love has its downfalls, but its strengths outweigh those. No Den mother fights as fierce as one with something to protect, after all.

Obedience, or free thinking:
Both have their place, however, if I must choose... Free thinking. One must learn to think for themselves, to make judgements based on their own experiences and knowledge. They should not base their perception on life on the words of others but should discover it for themselves.

Pride, or Greed:
Pride, I am proud of my accomplishments. My pride can be a source of strength. However, greed, can only bring about destruction of oneself. Excess desire of anything, can lead to dark paths.

Group, or Individual:
Individual, the worlds made of individuals, some are more important than others.

What is Right?, What is wrong?
Morality is... difficult to explain. In the natural world, Might makes Right, however there is also a tenderness to be had among the wild critters. I believe, one does what they can to survive, to get by. Its the way of nature. Some harm others to do this, some build each other up. At the end of the day, those who survive decide what is right and wrong. Those who die, get no say.


Arrack was born to a "traditional" tribe of Kellid Barbarian within Numeria. The Tribe has been in decline, with both Arrack's grandfather, and his grandfather's father have been extremely traditionalist. With rites of passage for children to become men involving them besting an enemy with nothing but a knife, any weapons they crafted could be used. The clan has run afoul of beings of moving metal several times, and has lost many warriors because of this. Due to this, the tribe always destroys anything that they come across that holds any resemblance to those horrible metal monsters. Despite any use the items they destroy could hold. It was during Arrack's rite of passage, at the age of 14, that he encountered a mechanical spider creature in the shadows of a cavern. It was here he was almost killed, like so many others on their rites of passage, were it not for happenstance, luck, or fates intervention where he stumbled upon a weapon similar to those that the robotic creatures used. Thanks to it, he managed to not only survive but destroy the horrid metal spider. However, when he returned to his tribe with the weapon, praising its power, it was taken from him. He was later forced to destroy it despite his protests and many in the tribe would claim that it invalidated his rite of passage. However, their voices were quelled and Arrack, after destroying the piece of tech that had saved his life, was allowed to move into "manhood".

Over the next few years, he would find a few more pieces here and their, always making use of them when he could, learning about them and their strengths and weaknesses before taking them to his tribe to be destroyed. It wasn't a lot, but he knew an immeasurable amount more than he had, or would have, had he taken them directly to his tribe. Eventually, he argued with his grandfather about the items he found. Arrack believed they should make use of the weaponry they found. That it could prove useful. His grandfather stated that reliance on the monstrosities weapons would lead to weakness. That nothing good could come from those monstrosities. That it was not tradition. The argument turned heated, and Arrack, fueled by anger imposed himself into self-exile until a time he could prove both his worth as leader and assume that mantle and when he could prove that the weapons of such an enemy could safely be used to protect the tribe and bring it back from the brink of eradication.

Years later, Arrack now stays near Torch. Where the recent uncovering of the deactivated robot both worries and intrigues him.

Rite of passage fight in depth:
After a hard fight, Arrack managed to best it, slamming his dagger into the center of the creature before collapsing to the ground out of breath. Yet, as he lay their catching his breath the monstrosity seemed to return to life, catching him off guard it slammed into Arrack's side, breaking ribs. Tired, wounded, and with no weapon, Arrack fled further into the cavern, where he tripped and stumbled upon a strange looking device. Moving purely on adrenaline and instinct, with no options left he picked the item up and smashed the robot with it. Leaving a small dent in the metal, but doing little else. Again, the mechanical spider slammed into Arrack's chest, sending him backwards. However, the force of the blow caused him to clench his fists involuntarily pulling the pistols trigger. Electricity arced from the item in his hand, hitting the mechanical spider and causing it to jerk around erratically as arcs of energy traveled across it. After a few moments of stunned awe, Arrack pointed the pistol at the creature again before pulling the trigger. Causing another arc of electricity to slam into the mechanical spider. He pulled it again, but nothing happened, he pulled the trigger a fourth time and once again nothing happened. He looked to the creature, which now had scorch marks from the lightning and saw its erratic jerking movements begin to increase. He rushed forward, grabbing the dagger still in-bedded in the robot spider and yanking it free before backing away just moments before the robot exploded, slamming him against the cavern all and knocking him out. He awoke hours later, alive if injured and with more than one lesson to carry with him for the rest of his life.

Any knowledge I see Arrack having about "tech" is more on a practical use basis. He doesn't know or have great care about the inner workings of it nor about how it is made. He knows "I point this, pull this, bullet/laser/whatever comes out this end and hits things. He is curious as to how they work, but is not one to discover that for himself. I will likely take the technologist feat, however I'm unsure as I've never played iron gods and I'm unsure if its needed for how I want to play him.