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So after watching a whole bunch of Breakout Kings, and reading a whole bunch of Thunderbolts and Suicide Squad comics, I've got an itch to use a whole bunch of scenerios that won't fit in the planning of my skype campaign that I just started up.
For those unfamiliar with any of the references I made here's a summary: The main characters are criminals of varying degree that are thrown together as a black-ops team for a variety of missions that can't run through regular "heroes". Each successful mission shaves time off their sentences.
This will probably be a very short campaign running only 1-2 "arcs" before ending (preferably Awesomely) and will probably have a more comic book feel to it (obvious considering what inspired me). Also a better name for the campaign is pending (if you have a better name please tell me!).
So here are the guidelines if you are interested:
1.This is a pbp game. I am looking for people who post at least once per day.
2.This world uses the timeline and alternate rules listed in the campaign info. (PLEASE READ those before applying)
3.Your character starts off level 3 (20 pt buy, no traits) with NO gear or gold(you're in prison!) Core races are available, as well as alternate races with DM approval. All classes are available except for the gunslinger and it's archetypes. No third party stuff.
4. Backstories and Personality must be included in application. Backstories must include why you're in jail. A notes about alignments is that you don't necessarily have to be evil, but being good is rare in prison (hey people get framed). And almost always you're not Lawful. But if you can make it work in your backstory, more power to you.
5. Candidates will not be picked based on how brutal their crimes were but on how interesting their character is.
Any questions? Feel free to PM me!
And as always every night I don't get an applicant a very emo and high-pitched song gets made and distributed through Youtube.

motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

Interesting. Do we get bonus points if our characters have awesome pink hair with a white streak (well, at least until Kev Walker gave us horrible haircuts)?
Though sadly I just realized that would only mean I'm a gnome.
And speaking of which, I think I'm coming up with the germ of a gnome alchemist character concept. We'll see what I can brainstorm today.

motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

Having given the background information a closer look, I'm definitely intrigued. Though I think I'm going to shy away from the gnome alchemist, as I'm hoping to pitch something with that class for a S&K campaign.
Not sure what class I'm looking at yet, but I'm thinking basically a political prisoner. Basically, he's a rabble rouser who was thrown in prison for airing his controversial views too publicly (everything that's happened? It's a conspiracy! Tell everyone!). Think Ghost or, for a slightly stronger inspiration, Mozzie from "White Collar." Might go with bard, as that would fit that concept, though I'm also curious to see what other characters might be involved.
Big question: Who's running our black ops squad? That'll have a big effect on exactly what crimes landed him in prison.
Question two (and three): Is Cheliax still following Asmodeus, or did it revert to worship or Aroden? What is the general attitude about Aroden's return? I'm thinking I could easily be Razmiran, and thus tossed in prison for blasphemy about Aroden's Return.
Company name suggestion: The Unredeemed?

LilWilly5 |

this is his back story will get a character sheet ready later
Rem Sachir half-elf ninja

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Hi and thanks for interest. Ok it's answer time! (I think I haven't used that one yet)
BigOm: I'm probably going to say next week. Monday probably
1. Squad is run by the Absalom Government. You are all in their jail. As who precisely runs the organization...that's more of a mystery.
2. Cheliax still follows Asmodeus. The problem with Aroden's return was that he only showed himself to whoever was at the cathedral when it exploded. He left soon after, so there is much debate whether or not that was really Aroden's return or somebody who made the Starstone explode. The main reason that his prophecy/warning hasn't been headed is because no one really knows if it really was the god. Official Absalom response is that the Starstone exploded and it was probably a mass hallucination from the panic. Plenty of room for blasphemy there.
3. Catchy, I like it.

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I'd like to put forth a submission: Panzah Gesh, human ranger (shapeshifter) 3.
Panzah Gesh
N Human Male Ranger (Shapeshifter) 3
Init +2; Senses Perception +7
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+2 dex, +1 dodge)
hp x (11+2d10+2+3FC)
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +2
Spd 30'
Melee 2 claws +7 (1d4+4)
Space 5'; Reach 5'
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 11
BAB +3; CMB +7; CMD 19
Feats (3) Endurance*, Aspect of the Beast (claws)*, Power Attack, Cleave, Dodge
Skills (7 skills) Climb +10, Intimidate +6, Knowledge: Nature +6, Perception +7, Stealth +8,Survival +7 (+8 to track), Swim +10
Special Abilities: Favored Enemy: Humans (+2), wild empathy (+4), Combat Style: natural, shifter's blessing (4 rounds)
Language: Common
Possessions -
Stat Math:
Str 18 (10 points +2 racial)
Dex 14 (5 points)
Con 12 (2 points)
Int 10 (0 points)
Wis 12 (2 points)
Cha 11 (1 point)
Panzah Gesh might have been a hero in another time. He was a minor scout with the Grand Chelaxian Expeditionary Forces until the war with Taldor broke out. He excelled at scouting, finding his prey and leading his colleagues to destroy their positions. But something in the war broke what little self-control he had. He saw things, did things that no man should do. After the ceasefire he devoted himself to hunting down the officers of the 3rd Taldan Mounted Regiment, for reasons that he won't divulge. He was caught in Absalom, killing a Captain from that regiment and sentenced to a 20 year stay in prison. Now he sits, waiting and pacing like a caged beast, waiting for freedom...

Kazekage |

The small creature sat on a corner of one of the beds in the cell, Its dark skin seemed to absorb the light into it's black coloration, a coloration mottled with slightly less dark areas covering the creature's arms in scars. The scars almost seemed to be some iconographic language, but not one easily identified or read.
It was interesting to note that int he crowded cell, this creature enjoyed a wide space around it. Standing outside this space several dregs of society cowered as they watched the creature silently carve another symbol into the back of it's hand. Several recently healing scars revealed this to not be a new activity, nor did the pool of dried blood on the floor under the creature.
Tales of the carnage this slight creature had wreaked over the course of only a few days time had preceded it into prison. Several banks had been robbed, only some of the money had been recovered, and that had been used as a diversion when the creature threw the money into a crowd as it fled before the city patrol. Only hours later several mansions erupted into flames and burned to the ground. Eye witnesses had been plenty to identify the unusual creature as the culprit. With the city guard out in force, the creature continued to elude them until after it had collapsed several city wells, rusted all the swords and armor in one armory, and allegedly released all the dogs from the city pound. Similar activities occurred in various parts of the city over the course of the next week.
Having eluded the patrol for days, with the city recovering from the chaos caused by one elusive creature, it finally stopped as suddenly as it began. One morning, a chief magistrate arrived at court to find the creature sitting calmly in the vacant outer office, wearing only a simple black robe.
During it's 'capture' and trial the creature had remained silent even through the imposition of its sentencing. That was six years earlier. The only reason the sentence had not been death was the surprising realization that no lives had been lost.
Its thoughts kept to itself, it waited for another day to end. It has been too many years since I saw home in Tian Xia. Does the Imperial Emperor still rule? I certainly hope so, or my quest is over before it has even begun. If the prophecy was true, then my time is shortly coming. The creature finished it's carving and looked up at one of the humans, tilting it's head slightly to one side, and gave the human a grim smile and simply nodded. Nobody here knew it, but his name was Kazekage, and he had not spoken anything more than the few incantations that had been needed to establish his alpha status. The human jerked slightly to find those cold eyes focused on him, before turning and dipping a cup of water into the basin in the corner and bringing it to the dark creature, a trembling hand held out to offer the cup. It still surprises me how easily these humans are cowed, this would never happen in Tian Xia, even the criminals there have more backbone!
Kazekage calmly sipped the water before nodding dismissal and reflecting on whether his spellbook was still safely hidden after all these years.
A partial set for interest.
Race: Wayang
Class: Wizard (probably Transmutation:Teleportation)
Alignment: probably neutral evil, if evil isn't liked, then lawful evil (he follows his own code, not that of Absolom)

TheChozyn |

Will build char in a bit, but here's the abbreviated back story.
Dylan Frosier, called Greenblood by his tormentors when he refused to speak his name, is classified as an eco-terrorist. He prefers to think of himself as the avenger of nature's wrath. Tired of habitats being threatened the native population of wildlife due to the expansion of "humanity" Greenhands decided to liberate land by expelling entire towns and causing all sorts of issues at mining camps, logging camps, farming communities and anywhere that "rapes the soil without the common decency of calling on her the next day", as he put in his trial. His admissions of the acts the he was caught and detailing several other attacks done and planned had him incarcerated quickly.
He gets along along with wild things better then his own kind, but the promise of freedom can be tempting to even the most devout zealot.

motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

OK, ended up going with a different pitch than I'd originally thought of.
“And as he journeyed, it came to pass that he drew nigh unto Absalom: and suddenly there shone round about him a light out of heaven: and he fell upon the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saal, Saal, why persecutest thou me? And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And he said, I am Aroden whom thou persecutest: but rise, and enter into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do. And the men that journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing no voice. And Saal arose from the earth; and when his eyes were opened, he saw nothing; and they led him by the hand, and brought him into Absalom. And he was three days without sight, and did neither eat nor drink.”
-- Letter from Caspan Saal, Razmiran Priest of the Third Step (never delivered)
Caspan Saal was merely a minor functionary, though admired for the zeal with which he rooted out heresy in Pilgrimage, when he was sent to Absalom as part of a Razmiran embassy sent to treat with the Inner Sea empires. As he approached the City at the Center of the World, he suddenly collapsed, caught in the throes of a religious vision.
With actual conviction for the first time in his life, Saal took to preaching about the Returned Azlanti at the ruined site of the Starstone Cathedral, and was soon after thrown into prison. Rumors quickly began flying around the cathedral ruins that Caspan Saal was a madman, taken into custody for his own protection; others said he was a public nuisance and better off no longer haranguing passers-by; still others said Absalom should have acted much sooner, sweeping eyesores like him from the streets. Some few people, quickly hushed, though, spoke about a judge retiring to a country estate, thanks to the largess of a large gift from the Razmiran church.
Even in prison, Caspan saw only opportunities though. He set up court, preaching to his fellow inmates of the Returned Azlanti. “By His grace, all true believers shall be set free, the shackles of bondage and oppression shattered, even as he shattered the grip of bony Pharasma.” And his words were made reality, as Aroden's grace finds him out from behind bars, ready to spread his word again to a new group of allies, ones who will be more true than the faithless priests of his hometown.
Caspan Saal is a human bard, though I'm not quite sure what archetype I'll take, if any. After spending his entire life as a charlatan -- taking his part in the con that is the church of Razmir -- he has found true religion and has dedicated his life to spreading that word. If we advance a level in the campaign, I'll likely go priest/inquisitor, but we'll see how he develops.
In terms of combat mechanics, I see him as a support character, buffing allies and enchanting opponents.

Jacinthe Steynval |

Here's Jacinthe, angry summoner who took the law into her own hands (and put a sword into the guts of her employer). It's all in her profile. You need The Chick to complete the team, right? :D
I have crunch for Kiru, her eidolon as well, but in a nutshell he's a big weasel-beast with two extra arms.

Conman |

Well since someone wanted the role of ranger also I'm going to go with a Rogue Sniper with the same story from before.
The crunch will come this afternoon and it will be wonderful!

Conman |

With eyes burning with a fire both metaphorically and literally He sits in the corner, arms crossed surveying everything in the cell. His skin tinted with a charcoal color and hair a blazed red slicked back into a tight knot, he waits.
Feats/Class Abilities: lvl 1 Feat=Point Blank Shot, Class Ability= Accuracy, Rouge Talent= Combat Trick: Rapid Shot, lvl 3 Feat= Precise Shot, Class ability= Deadly Range, Sneak Attack= 2d6
Health= 3d8 + 3 ⇒ (3, 5, 3) + 3 = 14

Big OM |

Aerodus Baradin, LE Cavalier of the Cockatrice
Aerodus Baradin
LE Chelaxian Human Male Cavalier 3
Init +2; Senses Perception +2
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 dex)
hp x (10 + 2d10 + 3 + 3)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4
Spd 30'
Space 5'; Reach 5'
Str 16, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 12
BAB +3; CMB +6; CMD 18
Feats Precise Strike, Dazzling Display, Two-weapon Fighting, Improved Shield Bash, Iron Will
Skills (6 skillspoints/lvl) Bluff (3) +7, Diplomacy (2) +6, Handle Animal (2) +6, Intimidate (3) +7, Knowledge (Nobility) (1) +2, Perception (1) +2, Performance (Dance) (1) +5, Ride (2) +7, Sense Motive (3) +7
Challenge 1/day
Order of the Cockatrice
Precise Strike
Cavalier’s charge
Language: Common, Azlanti
Possessions -
Stat Math:
Str 16 ( 5 points + 2 racial)
Dex 15 ( 7 points)
Con 12 ( 2 points)
Int 12 ( 2 points)
Wis 12 ( 2 points)
Cha 12 ( 2 point)
Raised on stories praising his claimed Azlantic heritage, Aerodus Baradin believes it is his birthright to rise above others and rule, unfortunately the rest of the world seems ignorant of the fact.
He grew up living among the servants in the household of baron Galt, whom his parents served, his father Solangus Baradin a knight in servitude and his mother Noravia Baradina maid to the lady of the house. His mother began telling him stories about the ancient Azlanti. This caused him to envy those of better station, which in turn caused him to become resentful. His mother insisting that he lived up to his ancestry and taught him the ways of court and the Azlantic language. His father in turn taught him the way of the knight, trying to give the boy a chance, when he would come to his senses.
During his work as a squire, he came to know the son Vors Galt of the household, who was also working his way towards knighthood. They were much alike, both striving for glory, both willing to do what ever it took. The knights noticed early on, that they tried to claim undeserved honour and skill. This saddened his father as he saw a son, who becoming increasingly unfit for knighthood. Fortunately not everyone shared that opinion and when time came young Aerodus was accepted into the Order of the Cockatrice.
After being accepted into the order, Aerodus began his servitude to the Galt family. Most of his tasks involved serving Vors Galt, the oldest son and Aerodus worked hard to advance his own station. However his dreams of greatness crumpled one day. Vors had ridiculed Aerodus many times and now it was payback time. Aerodus managed to convince Vors that Kale D’Arsang, the fair daughter of the powerful viscount D’Arsang, was interested in him. So quite drunk and happy Vors went to her chambers after a party at the family estate. Aerodus followed hoping that the revenge would be sweet. When Vors tried to lay with her she fought him in the dark and cried rape. Aerodus responde by rushing in and struggled with the drunk Vors besting him, but when the guards arrived Vors claimed that he had found Aerodus trying to rape the young girl. Kale, unable to remember any details, couldn’t identify her attacker. And in the resulting trial Vors word carried more weight and Aerodus went to jail for a rape he unknowingly setup but didn’t commit.
During his incarceration his hatred to Vors and the Galts grew. He wowed to himself that he would gain glory and power to revenge himself no matter the cost.

Monsanto Buttercup Chaundecy |

If it's not too late, I'd like to throw my hat into the ring.
And of course, my internet destroyed my profile when I went to save it. I knew I should have copied it elsewhere! Details will be refilled tomorrow, if I'm selected.
The gist of the background:
Monsanto is a diplomat from Cheliax and cleric of Asmodeus. He was sent to Absalom to call in a contract on a young lord. The lord attacked him, and was slain by Monsanto in self defense. So Monsanto was not in violation of the law; yet he was sentenced to a prison term on trumped up charges. His faith in the law and Asmodeus gives him patience that a legal escape will be forthcoming.

Rosa Luminass |

Rosa Luminass
Rosa is 7'2" tall very thin with Orange hiar, All black Eyes and light blue skin, two golden horns, no tail. She walks with grace and always seems to have a smale on her face. She is very well spoken and polite at all times. Rosa was sold to to the hells as a child, She has no idea how old she is, but knows she has lived and died in the hells a 1000s times as a mindless slave, fighting poinless battles for which ever master had her for that time, luck got her out when on day she came across a Hell Hounds blade that used her to complete a assassination, for this she was sent to the Prime for 100 years, there she sells her skills as a body guard to who ever can pay most.
Rosa dos not sleep,(but dos rest as per rules for spells, healing etc) she has a heat sheen off her body and he voice has an odd eco.
She is LN But they should be 14-14-13-14-14-11

Rosa Luminass |

Rosa stood in the cell and looks around, Her tall slender frame tall and erect as her eyes looked into the shadows. That heat shimmer that always came off made the stuffiness harsher. She was taking note of where Monsanto was and where danger to him may come from. Her duty is clear, he had been attacked by that buffoon nobleman, who Monsanto himself had killed. She winced to feel that she had come so close to failing in keeping her charge alive. The house guards that had come as the youth fell dead had fallen to her massive blade, five no six down before the watch had stopped the fight, and then they said we where wrong!! how could they even dare to say they where in the wrong!!. They had been guests and as such the rules of hospitality were clear. Just because the chinless morons family had demanded there heads on spikes did not change the fact, they had done what any civilized being demanded and protected themselves from an insane mad man.
She placed a hand on one of her horns, they had even taken her head horn spikes the scum, she let it go, anger would do nothing her, now she had to find a way our for them, from this pit of cell or they would soon be heading to the bone yard again. She looked once more at the lost souls around her, She smiled, now could they be made to help in getting them all out of this bind?
Female Tiefling (Humanoid outsiders, native)
fighter 1 / cleric 2 (Asmodeus)
LN alignment (she just dos not care about good and evil)
Str 14 (5 points)
Dex 14 (2 points +2 racial)
Con 12 (3 points)
Int 14 (2 points +2 racial)
Wis 12 (5 points)
Cha 11 (3 point -2 racial)
20 points
Fort = 6 5+1
REX = 2 1+1
Will = 4 2+2
HP 25 if Av of rolls
BAM=+2 Initi + 2 speed 30f
Feats - Chanel smite + extra channel + power attack
Cleric Domains fire and Trickery
copy cat 5/day + Fireball (1D6+1) 5/day
Channeling 1D3 6/day (Variant Channeling "Fire" Domain
1D6 Fire if will save fails, subject is on fire*)
Tiefling Darkness 1/day
Cleric Domains fire and Trickery
DR Fire/cold/Elec -5
dos not sleep, (will rest as rule state)
*if you need me to take infernal bastard to even party happy to*

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ok so i'm doing a headcount, but it looks like these are all the applicants unless somebody submits within 7 hours.
Rem Schir Half-elf Ninja
Panzah Gesh, human ranger (shapeshifter)
Kazekage Wayang Wizard (interest?)
Dylan Frosier "Greenblood" (Druid?)
Caspan Saal Human Bard (? Archetype)
Jacinthe Steynval Human Summoner
Heeltion McTain Tiefling Rogue (Sniper)
Aerodus Baradin Human Cavalier
Monsanto Buttercup Chaundecy Human Cleric
Rosa Luminass Tiefling Human Fighter/Cleric
If I got anything wrong or missed anybody please Pm me.
Thanks Zachman08

Jaden Mastel |

And here we go. One sadistic druid, at your service. All info and backstory on character page.
But just in case...
Skarii Faldonus has a chip on his shoulder the size of Cheliax and a reliable furry friend who is willing to aid him in any way. Besides, a free meal here and there for Spots never hurt.
Edit- Ok under two hours. Never made a Tengu before...

Monsanto Buttercup Chaundecy |

You STUPID tart! If you had listened to me, and kept out of it, I would have handled the boy and we'd be walking out of here. When they let me out, I'm going to send you back to Hell wearing nothing but a brazier and a skirt made of meat. Monsanto's pudgy face rages through the bars of his cell, spittle flying from his mouth. The overly plump cheeks hang a little more shallowly than they did during his freedom. His fine diplomat's robes definitely hang more loosely, and are filthy from being drug through the filth of the jail.
Monsanto returns to the stone bench and buries his head in prayer. Muttering and sputtering, the prayer is parsed by audible curses and insults.

Axolotl |

ok so i'm doing a headcount, but it looks like these are all the applicants unless somebody submits within 7 hours.
Rem Schir Half-elf Ninja
Panzah Gesh, human ranger (shapeshifter)
Kazekage Wayang Wizard (interest?)
Dylan Frosier "Greenblood" (Druid?)
Caspan Saal Human Bard (? Archetype)
Jacinthe Steynval Human Summoner
Heeltion McTain Tiefling Rogue (Sniper)
Aerodus Baradin Human Cavalier
Monsanto Buttercup Chaundecy Human Cleric
Rosa Luminass Tiefling Human Fighter/ClericIf I got anything wrong or missed anybody please Pm me.
Thanks Zachman08
By the way, Zachman, if a Neutral Good character is going to stick out like a sore thumb, I have no problems switching Jacinthe to Neutral. ...I'm...neutral on the subject. :D (although I did look up Neutral Evil out of curiosity on TVTropes...)

Rosa Luminass |

With all due respect Monsanto, I would say the fact you declined to join the boys orgy and when you at last did the discovery of a half drunk bottle of his priceless ice wine about your person, added to the fact you seem to have relocated the finer parts of his ritualized Dragon Sweet meats entree into your diplomatic bags may have had something to do with it.Also the less said about what you did with the jellied unicorn hooves and the twin slave dancers better don’t you think?. When he said "My home is your home" I do not think he expected your near heroic levels of Gluttony and debauchery as a response. More than you confronting him as a "worthless back sliding oath-breaker and you called him, worth only to be the skinned alive and used as boot leaver in hell". I think the fact that after all this you tried to take most of the 444 dish bequest home with you by asking for cart may have been the last straw for the lad, it was then that he seemed to brake and went for you with that carving knife, I think we can both agree that you have failed in your assignment which has condemned us both in the eyes of the church my dear Monsanto ButterCup.
Rosa Smiles sweetly at the not so fat and disheartened cleric.
Hunger pains aside, I do so hope you have one of your cunning plans to get us out of this mess your high bread greed has placed us in, I know how much you like to pride yourself on your cleverness, your eminence.
Rosa bows at her fellow cleric, and looks around at the others.
Fellow condemned,
she says all that can hear
do any of you have any ideas of how we may gain freedom from here?. My employer is wasting away and that will not do.
Said is sweet voice with an odd eco.

Jacinthe Steynval |

Jacinthe glances up from staring at the filth beneath her fingernails with a steely glint in her eye. Her voice is anything but menacing, but it is firm and clear.
"Easy. Break the wards that prevent all magic. Of course, that requires magic to break them, and a spell none of us have." She chuckles grimly at the impossibility of the situation. "Perhaps Ignis is right. Though I'd rather die quickly than languish without--" She pauses.
"How far do you suppose a ward extends? If I am outside of it for a minute, I can summon my eidolon. Outside the wards. If I were to, say, fall ill, or be stabbed by another prisoner and require a chirurgeon. No doubt one of you wouldn't mind spilling a little blood for freedom. She smiles grimly, patiently returning to the grime on her hands.

motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

"Have faith, my friends! Aroden has come back and will grant us freedom, for all things come to those who believe in the god of humanity!" says a tall, thin man, his face covered with an untrimmed brown beard, his eyes blazing with religious fervor. "Hear me now, I promise you that in less than 24 hours, some of us will no longer be fettered here, but will again smell the sweet, free air and bask in the light of the sun."

Jacinthe Steynval |

Jacinthe stares at the strangely righteous man. "Odd place to say that amongst the Chelaxians and dark-dwellers," she mutters.
"What do you know? Wait--your madness must be contagious. You clearly know nothing." She thinks better of saying more to him and turns to Skarii and Panzah in turn.
"Quite generous of you to offer up your..." she titters a high peal of girlish laughter "...kitty...but...aren't birds usually their chosen prey? Panzah, I trust you to hold back more than dear Spots here."
I guess we'll know soon enough if we're all in the same cell. I would imagine we are split up. Safer that way for guards.

Monsanto Buttercup Chaundecy |

Verbal blows with his friend and companion calm the rotund priest. Ah my jezebel, if you spun your sword as well as you spun your lies, we'd have been away from the guards before reinforcements caught up with us. Luckily, "they who has no sin shall get the first stone" teaches our patron. If all hold that rule true, none here have anything to fear from each other! chortles Monsanto, clutching his belly. He makes a gesture similar to a point with a wavering thumb in the direction of his bodyguard.
Does anyone recall how many levels deep we are? I was rather indisposed when they hauled us in here. Perhaps some of you more accustomed to manual indulgences could attempt to burrow to the surface? he looks hopefully at the nearby set of claws.

motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

"You doubt, fair lady, but you shall see," he intones. "I was a dweller in the dark myself, before I was visited by our god. Legends tell of a time when he was favored above all others in Cheliax, but they lost faith when he did not appear at a time they mistakenly believed he would! They claimed he was dead, but these eyes have seen the truth. The holy fire cleaned me out and, just as Aroden was, I was reborn. And so shall we all be reborn!"
"We can only hope my madness, as you call it, is contagious, because in this madness lies peace for all Golarion."
He seems to pay little attention to the fact that she turned away from him, talking over her attempts to talk to other cellmates.

Rosa Luminass |

Smiles has her employ's seems to regain his composer.
It is good to see you back to your normal self your eminence
She looks over what she can see of the cell blocks. being careful not to get any more filth on her she carry's on, holding up her hand a small flame forms and is just as quickly extinguished by the magical wards, she shakes her head.
limited magic is a problem, but we have things of use here, Beaks that bite, claws that slash and willing diversions looking at Caspan Saal and not Jacinthe.
If only we had someone with skills in the ways of the open hand?
Rosa waits a moment if any response was forthcoming from her fellow inmates, then carry's on.
and as my fine diabolic presbyter asked, did others see more?.
Wile Rose is saying this she moves around her cell trying to see where the gaurds are relative to the group.

Jacinthe Steynval |

"Monsanto...I was blindfolded and gagged, as was every other wretch that was thrown into this abominable donjon. Who knows where we are, exactly. Absalom, but deep enough to be under the ocean."
She kicks a clot of filth on the floor. "Which would explain the perpetual damp." Her hand opens and clenches, as if missing a sword.

Kazekage |

The chatter from the adjacent cell was interesting enough for Kazekage to stop playing with the humans in his own cell. Cocking his head slightly to one side, he listened intently.
I await my own sign to come, but is it now? Hoping down from his perch on the end of the bunk, he walked over to the wall nearest the discussion. The other occupants of the cell parting and moving around him to maintain their own distance from him.
How would a fantasy prison work? It seems that with the widespread availability of magic of some sort, that building entire prison complexes (or dungeons) with antimagic fields would be prohibitively expensive. High level spells to protect against many low level casters? Consider that in any given large city there are going to be hundreds of individuals that have some innate casting ability. And enough of them are going to be criminals, or spend time in jail to make it a real issue. Especially when you think that the royal palace doesn't have an area affect antimagic field. There may be certain rooms that are anchored to eliminate teleportation.
Cheaper, maybe, to cover the walls in lead shielding. While this means getting in and out with magic is harder, use of magic inside is not restricted. Of course, anyone that uses magic in prison might find themselves in solitary confinement, in a small, lead lined compartment. But really, is having magic so much more than having claws, tentacles, or other mundane advantages? How do you keep a Minotaur from just breaking down the door? Or a rogue from picking the lock? It's not as much the immediate protection, but the overall system. And if the prisoners are higher level, then it may be that certain types of prisoners are kept in different areas.
If that mage with teleport keeps leaving, have the local wizard academy lock him up. The Temple of Asmodius will happily incarcerate a cleric that has violated some law...

Jacinthe Steynval |

How about some sort of collar that inhibits magic? Dementors, maybe? :D The thing with magic is that one can summon outside help. E.g. Jacinthe can get her eidolon outside of the cell. He's got Escape Artist (I'd post stats, but I didn't get him posted before the cutoff)--which might assist in an escape.
You're right--a gigantic antimagic ward probably isn't best--it's more vulnerable to defeat, and any magic-using guards or enforcers would be limited as well. I'm putting money on collars. Actually, doesn't even have to be an anti-magic collar--just a collar that explodes if it detects the wearer using magic.
The trick is to make sure a rogue and a magic user aren't in the same cell. ;)

Rosa Luminass |

targeted anti magic may be also be used, I have seen this in other games where a detect magic ward triggers an anti magic ward. means less of a cost and if done right is local to the inside of cell leveling the Staff able to zap any one in the cell. But a collar is even less cost so I think they would go with that JS and the idea is just a detect magic and BOOM is nice