Kazekage CR 3
Wayang Noble Rogue 2/Wizard 3
NG Small humanoid (wayang) 3'1"
Initiative +8; Perception +10, +11 vs traps; See in Darkness
Languages (13) Abyssal, Aklo, Common, Celestial, Draconic, Dwarven, Goblin, Gnome, Infernal, Orc, Sylvan, Undercommon, Wayang
AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11 (Dex +2, size +1)
hp 33 (3d8+1d6+3)
CMD 12 (+1 BAB, +2 DEX, -1 size)
DR 0
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +4
Spell Resistance 14
Evasion (Ex)
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1
Dagger +3 (1d3) 19x2 10ft P/S
Ranged +3/+4 <30’
Lt Crossbow +3/+4 (1d8/+1) 19x2 P
Base Atk +1; CMB +0 (+1 BAB, -1 size)
Special Actions:
Shift (Su) 5' LoS, No AoO, swift action as Dimension Door, 8/day
Shadow Magic SLA: 1/day, CL 3; Ghost sound DC 14, pass without trace DC 15, ventriloquism DC 15
Weapon Proficiency: Rogues are proficient with all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, and short sword.
Armor Proficiency: They are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.
TRAITS: Greater Adept of the Society: +1 0-level spell
Reactionary: +2 Initiative
N Tiny Animal
Init +6
Senses: Low-light vision; scent; Perception +4
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +2 size, +2 natural armor)
HP 3
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +2
Speed 40 ft, swim 20 ft
Melee bite +1 melee (1d3-1 plus poison)
Space 2 ½ ft Reach 0 ft
Special Ability Poison: bite-injury; save Fort DC 12; frequency 1/rd 4 rds; effect 1d2 STR; cure 1 save.
Str 8, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 5
Base Atk +1; CMB +0; CMD 9
Feats: Improved Initiative,
Special: Alertness, Improved Evasion, Share Spells, Empathic Link, Deliver touch spells, Speak with master, Speak with animals of its kind
Skills: Perception +4, Swim +7;
A devoted servant of Count Ranalc, Kazekage has found his time in this place a dismal turn of fate from his rightful place back home. His birthright may be temporarily misplaced, but he found no reason to misplace his goals. It might take decades, and he certainly hoped it would be much less time, but at some point he would regain his birthright and send the usurpers to the shadows in disgrace, to stand before his liege Count Ranalc. The trail had led here, to the city of Chance, and to this pit of destitution, the Warrens. Only just recently having applied to the watch, he hoped that minimal advantage would open the doors he needed to find. It had been four years since the abrupt passing of his parents into the Shadow, and he had sworn vengeance. His dog was dead, his sister forced to marry an usurper, and he hunted and left for dead. It was almost time to let that miscreant throne thief know what havoc was soon to be wrought.
The short being preers to wear a volumnuous cloak pulled close about his body. Colored in patches of dark greys, the cloak gives the appearance that it can blend with the shadows prevalent in the Warrens. His features, when seen, are frequently mistaken for a fey-touched gnome, with his gaunt form and dark skin a rich and deep black with a tinge of purple. Rare amongst his species, no visible scarification was visible on his hands or face. Blood-tinged purple eyes shine with reflected light as if rejecting the light back to its source.
Wayang Noble Race:
Humanoid (Wayang) (0 RP)
Humanoid races have few or no supernatural or spell-like abilities, but most can speak and have well-developed societies. Humanoids are usually Small or Medium, unless they have the giant subtype, in which case they are Large. Every humanoid creature also has a subtype to match its race, such as human, giant, goblinoid,reptilian, or tengu. If you are making a new humanoid race, you should either find an existing subtype to match or make a new one by using the name of the race as the subtype. If you are making a half-breed race, it should have the racial type of both parent races. For example, a half-elf has both the human and the elfsubtypes. Subtypes are often important to qualify for other racial abilities and feats. If a humanoid has a racial subtype, it is considered a member of that race in the case of race prerequisites.
A humanoid race has the following features:
Humanoids breathe, eat, and sleep.
Small (0 RP)
Small races gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty on combat maneuver checks and to theirCMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks. Small races have a space of 5 feet by 5 feet and a reach of 5 feet.
Normal Speed (0 RP)
The race has a base speed of 30 feet.
Advanced (4 RP)
Prerequisites: Advanced or monstrous power level.
Modifiers: Pick either mental or physical ability scores. Members of this race gain a +2 bonus to all of those scores, a +4 bonus to one score of the other type, and a –2 penalty to one other ability score of the other type.
(+2 STR, DEX, CON, +4 INT, -2 WIS)
Standard (0 RP)
Members of this race start with Common plus their racial language (if any). Furthermore, choose up to seven languages (except for Druidic or other secret languages). Members of this race with high Intelligence scores can choose from any of these additional languages.
Defense Racial Traits
Spell Resistance, Greater (3 RP)
Prerequisites: None.
Benefit: Members of this race gain spell resistance equal to 11 + their character level.
Feat and Skill Racial Traits
Gift of Tongues (2 RP)
Prerequisites: Standard or linguist language quality.
Benefit: Members of this race gain a +1 racial bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks, and they learn one additional language every time they put a rank in the Linguistics skill.
Skill Bonus (4 RP)
Prerequisites: None.
Benefits: Pick a single skill. Members of this race gain a +2 racial bonus on skill checks made with this skill. Alternatively, pick two related skills—each member of this race gains a +1 racial bonus on these skills during character creation.
Special: This trait can be taken up to three times. Each time it is taken, choose a different skill (+2 bonus) or two different skills (+1 bonus on one of character's choice).
(Perception and Stealth)
Magical Racial Traits
Shadow Magic (2 RP)
Prerequisites: None.
Benefit: Members of this race add +1 to the DC of any saving throws against spells of the shadow subschool that they cast. Members of this race with a Charisma score of 11 or higher also gain the following spell-like abilities (the caster level is equal to the user's character level):
1/day—ghost sound, pass without trace, ventriloquism
Senses Racial Traits
See in Darkness (4 RP)
Prerequisites: None.
Benefit: Members of this race can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, including that created by spells such as deeper darkness.
Other Racial Traits
Light and Dark (1 RP)
Prerequisites: None.
Benefit: Members of this race gain the following supernatural ability: Once per day as an immediate action, a member of this race can treat positive and negative energies as if it were an undead creature, taking damage from positive energy and healing damage from negative energy. This ability lasts for 1 minute once activated.