Monsanto Buttercup Chaundecy |

Curious, is Monsanto your name or a title? I wasn't sure...
Monsanto is his name. Buttercup is his unknown middle name, he's a bit touchy about it.
He holds multiple titles (some made up!).
Monsanto is the name of a company that sells genetically modified seed. It fits my character: not sure if Evil.

Caspan Saal |

Just FYI, my folks are in town this weekend, so not sure how much I'll be posting Saturday and Sunday. They do usually head off to bed three or four hours before me, though, so it's possible I'll still get to get something in at least every night.

Caspan Saal |

Just FYI, I'll be on vacation Wednesday night through Monday. I think I'm going to take the break as an opportunity to call this one a wrap for me. Sorry, Zachman, but it's just not moving quickly and I'm losing the thread of my character. Best of luck for the game.

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You know what Caspan is right, I'm going to call the game right now. This has been a lot harder to do than I first envisioned it. I thought I would be able to post multiple times a day but I can barely get in once a week. Life gets in the way of me posting when I want to. I am incredibly sorry that this hasn't gone the way any of us thought it would.
Thanks for the game, Zachman

motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

That's definitely one of the things I learned quickly: It's a lot harder than it looks, unfortunately. It's a shame, since you had a really interesting setup. Thanks for letting us know, though; it's better than people just disappearing.
Would you mind setting the campaign to inactive when you get a chance, so it clears off the current campaigns list? (Maybe give anyone else a day or two to weigh in, though, if they want.)